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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1904)
I r . QockJ Mornlnsr CIRCULATION OP THB it r JOURNAL YESTERDAY 7a, . The Mthv: Pair weather; winds, aMtir northerly, , VOL. MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18,. 1904. FOUR SECTIONS 18 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS.' WORD MAKES RAID ON BIG GAMBLING HOUSES AND PLACES OF PLAYERS UNDER - "... cl ' p-es Jdw ......i. . iSmr fg"V!,y-'fci.--?i' i'aiVn'i l" 'TT L.' "'-I L " 1 1 IUiJ !.- f " 1 L- f '' ' 11 J- n-mL-i- L NO. 87. ' : - " : o ; , . " PORTLAND, OREGON SUNDAY I I II 1 III 8 A A NIGHT Isnta .. , 'X . - f WiCEis Depsties He ; Sweeps Down on the k . r"' , Poker Games. TAKES BGJjDS THIS TIKE But Gives' WarBlit Tbit It Will Be r M tw HIs vVWIms If Tfaey ; Defy Hia Again -Slot ' Machiies Must o. :v - Pokar MMf at thrM lar Kambllng MUUUbumti " and avral amaller houMi wr raMd teat nlcttt my Bhvrtff Went arw) nla daputlaa. In erary in tane tha iibm vara atoppad ud tna apartmaata In which they vara eoti ductad aloaad ao thai plrfyam eould not leava nor outaldara antar. About ffO man war plaead nndar arraat, tnoludlns proprlatora and manacava. Ball waa apeaptad la aaoh tnataaea, Haprjr Oar oa volaa a majority of tba booda aa aurcty. ' Tba larger aaUbllabmaats raldad wara tba Maaa cafa. oonduotad by Shapiro A lke; Atttmat Brlokaon'i eoaoart ball and K4 and Bucana Blaaiara . eotioart halt Tba Maaa cafa waa tba rirat pbusa antarad by tha orflclala. Tha raidla party oanalatad of Shariff Word and Daputtaa' Mareland, Cordaja, Oownay. Graaal and Holllncawartb, Saveral aa eltln aeanaa aooompanlad tha arraata. daalera aodeTonn to deatroy tha avl danea and a aumbar af playera trying to maha thotr aaoapa from tba apartmanta m wbiob thay wra oaptoaad. , - v - malt MmBm A' " IapuUaa Orvaal aad Coiaoa aabnad tha Maaa MLfa aad aacaralnad that pokar munaa wara rnnnlnc. - Thay ra partad to Bheriff Word, who waa wait in utM witK tha othar daputlaa. Tha kiJ hta bm Umb antarad tbo- aatabHahmaat a body. 'Tba pokar nrnao war eondadted m ft aaparata apartmam dtrtdad front fha tdln lull by a partition. Boeh of tha doom waa guardad by daputy when tba gamaa .innnA navaral alavara triad to wmpa. but wara groaapUy aaload and brought back. ' Claranoa BUudar. managa1- of 'tba ganMa, triad to daatray tba orldanoa by mixing tba flbacka oa tha thraa Ublaa. bat waa atoppad by Deputy OruaaL Ona of the dcelera plaead aU the heeka on hla Ubl In a amall eapboard an the wall, but waa ordered by Deputy w .ar o plana- tham back an. iha tabby He oomplld with the order. The telapbone waa net la operation and all the other gambling entablleh ineata wara notified of what waa going oa. Tha aharlff paid no attention to thla and pvobeeded with the aolleetlon of evidence. Tha blghaat mimbar of chtpa held by any ana nan waa tl, wbtcb Joacr Jaokaon, In front of whom thay were. pile, admitted their alua to be 17.10. Tha leaat number .of obecka waa ft. A -.--'.c Pin tag Ban. ' . Tha intention af tha aharlff waa to take all the playera to the county Jell, but-A. Shapiro, ona of tha proprlatora. requeated him not to do thla, eaybig he would be paraonally raaponalble for their Appearance In court Sheriff Word tried to eommonlcat with Deputy Dta trtet Attornaya .aloaar gad Adama by telephone, and alee with Juatloa Raid, ymliing to locate them, be managed to locate Circuit Judge Seam. The bond of tha propnatora waa filed at 1M In MOk oaae by Judge Seera, and of the playera t B aao.i. Henry Oeraon of tha firm of Oeraon Hart agreed to go on tha bonda. After all arrangements had been completed Sheriff Word left tha plane and proceeded to Bd and a gene aiiaaler'B aatabllabmont. -I wish to notify you of ona thing." tha aheriff aald before leaving tha Maaa. "and that la thla: hereafter in making a raid. I BhaH take everybody that la placed nnder arraat ta the coun ty JaU. They wUI be held there all night. I am going to break In thla town, even If every official who haa anything to do. with tha matter la arrayed against ma." . Befmae toOaate Obeek. A nmnber of thoee who were pUytng In the gamee rafuaed to caah In their eheoka. They were not a treated, aa no avldenoa could be aeeured agilnet them. In aeveral tnataneea tha depntfea aaw nfan cashing In oheeke, - and In, others purchaalng fhem before they stopped the game. The. Wat of those arrested at the Maaa ta aa follower . Albert Shapiro and William Lake, (Continued on Page Sis.) HALF .A CKJCKEN, v V MOT HALF A IZZt Portbind, Sept it. To iha Bd Itor of The JoomaL A poultry dealer sold to A of his stock of ehtckena ant gave tba pur chaser ona half a chicken. To B. he sold one half of what to melncd and also gave htm ona half a ohloken. To C. be eoid ana half of what ha bad left and like- wise gave him ane half a ohtcken. whioh disposed of all tha daaler'a stock. How many had he at fire IT C S. -' Try your mental arithmetic n thla. Trie JouroaJ wUI ptiat yout anawern, Mr. Van Alan, a New York millionaire, tt la reported, will shortly follow the ex ample of William Waldorf Actor and Booome a Biitlab subject. Mr Van Alen'a plana for his expatria tion are pretty weU advanced, and immediately after a trip to the St. Louis exposition, which ha will make with hie daughter, Mlaa May Van Alan, and a brief stay at Hot Springs, Ark.. Mr. Van Alen wilt depart for Bngland and take up hia reeldenoe la Roshton hall, Not STEEL IS GIVEN A LIFE SENTENCE Yotihg Klan'Who Xniefly; Murdered Htt New - Born Babe Passes Out - ; With the Comment i .1 ; mm Hi ftagsidi a TOe TibjmU ' Coeullla, Or., Sept 11. Earl Steal must pass tha reaaiader of bis Ufa be hind prison bara, aoeordiag to sentence Imposed upon him today,- fo the mar der of his new-born infant on the afteis aoon of last June IS. When brought Into- court this after noon be waived all right of appeal and said that he waa ready for sentence. Desplts tha hldeousnees of his crime, there waa something akla to pity for him among the spectators who gased in Intense silence wrten he stood up for sentence. Steel is bar SI years of age and haa a frank, boy lab face, appearing evsn younger than be b Hia conviction' off murder In the see ona gegree haa eoma aa no surprise to those who knew the history of tha case, and probably nothing other than hla youth prevented the passing of a first degree vend let. Steel la tha adopted- boy of Mrs. Mary P. Steel of Coeollle. Hla father la said to be la Portland, Notwithstanding the protest of 'her father, he married Phoebe Simmons, the II -year-old daughter of a prosperous resident of Coqulllv the ceremony taking place April . Ito. The girl's mother died several years ago. ' At 4 o'clock on the afternoon af June WINNING HAND TAKES THE BLUSHING WIDOW (Sssrial PisMtal by Leases Wire a The Jeersel) New York, Sept. 17. Horns day next week a game of pinochle will be played in the parlors of No. tie Hudson avenue. Oatternberg. N. J between- two suitors. for tha hand af a widow, who owns thr hottae. The widow who a to abide by the results sf this game la Mrs. Amelia Arkland, who la reported by her neigh bors as "fair, fat and forty and ad mits to the forty. She has been married three times and wsiahs 149 pounds. She la worth 12 MOO. OneVof the suitors Is Reinbold Van Blessing, a carpenter. St fears old. of No. 41 Bulls Perry road, Oattenberg. He has been court ing the widow for some time, and la a good band at sards. The other maa who has asked the widow to marry him hi Captain John Taylor, 4t years old, who haa eommand of a tramp steamer. He Is also a good card player. Captain Taylor waa well acquainted with the widows last bus band, Arkland, who was also a ssptafa of a tramp steamship. Mrs. Arkland thinks a good deal of both men and waa sndeetded which to take. Van Blessing had, If anything, tha best of the contest, as ha waa at home Bearer tha widow all the rime, - t : , BOLD THIEF NEARLY ; BSCAPES WITH 520.C00 floor Spsrtal Service.) a V-mmIsco. Rent. IT. Throne the Clever work of Clerk Charles Mclntoah, tha theft of SSO.oot tn gold from the Pint National bank waa fmet rated at noon today. Aa express wagon bearing bout IS eacha, each containing 130,004 In f oia. bag anven to tae rear entrance nt tha Kan- ethCH an mi known Mian boldly, entered, the win saga separating tinghamshire, which ha has leased for a long term, with an aptfam for its- pur ehase at tha expiration of tha lease.. After that Mr. Van Alan will never again return to Ametioa axospt aa a visitor. At the proper time ha will make application for dtlssnshlp In Bngr land aa a subject of King Edward. - . Not long ago Mr. Van Alen was re ported aa being engaged to Mrs," m. S. Cbaunoay of London, and there are many In Newport who belters that she is playing an Important role la tbo re- of the Court Room I "For Het Sike." St. aa told by first and exclusive publi cation la The Journal, Steal sailed Dr. Ruasell to bis horns on the ground that his wife waa Buffering from stomach complaint. Tha doctor, discovering that she was about to become a smother, totd Steal there waa no occasion for attempt ing secrecy and was asked to assist In oonooaling tba birth. Dr. Russell refused and was- told by Steel that tba child should not lira. Mrs. Steel besought bun to give bar poison. After the birth of the child the doctor told officers of tha throats made by Steel and, accompanied by the aheriff, returned to the house. Tha Infant waa mlestnm bat search disclosed Its body, wrapped ta gunny sacks and laid away la a el oast. Its bead had been crushed. A oaroaera Jury waa empaneled that night and doctors testified that tha babe had lived o mine tea after blrtk before being murdered. . Tha Jury charged Steal with infanticide. Public Indignation ran so high that a mob formed, determined- to lynch him. and was dlesuaded from doing ao only by the appeals af tba aharlff and oounty judge. ' Throughout hla .ImpTlsonmsnt Steal refused to admit hla guilt and whan son neted made ao soma eat axospt to say "For bor sake." the bank proper from the alley and aa soon aa tha last bag waa brought to, seised one and hurried ap the street. Mcintosh witnessed the act. and rush ing out of tha building followed tha thief aad forced him to sask refuge In the Brooklyn, hotel. Finding himself at bay tbo man boMry declared that the money belonged to him. Mcintosh grabbed the hag and the thief rushed out of the dodr and escaped, leaving tha tree suns in Mclntoeh'e bands. . ODD FELLOWS AT GOLDEN GATE ' 4 '. - (axeefal OtssawhAy Ltasot Wwe b Tto Ji nasi) San PTanelscex Sept 11. Tba spsolal train bearing most of the officers of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows reached San Franrlsoo this evening. - Special com mittees from tale city and Basramaoto mat the train at Reno, Nov., and es corted tha distinguished visitors to tha city. Tha following Vra tho stnoors af tag sovereign grand lodge: John a Goodwin of Atlanta. Oew. grand airs; R K. Wright of Allentowm. Pa., deputy grand sirs; J. Prank Orant of Baltimore, kjd-. grand eeeretsry; El via J. Curry of Baltimore, Md., aaalstaat grand secretary; J. W. Veneble of Hop klnsvllls, IneV, grand mars nail; Kdwln L. Plllsbury of Cbarleatown, Maaa,, grand guardian, and Louis p. Hart of Taoossa, Waah, grand msseenger. ATI tho sessions of tho grand lodge will be held at Native Sons hall, which wUI be beautifully decorated la a way that will abaw the natural ro Roareea of California, Each day fresh flowers and fruits will be sent ta from tbo countryside to ad rem tha meeting places and refresh the vie I tore. The uee of wine at meetings ta the name of Odd Fellowship Is expressly forbidden by the rules of ths order, and thoee prodneay at ta stats will aot be la faaata SI Oregon Land Fraud Cases May Drag In PromJ- nent People. GRAND JURY TO ACT GovOTnent Cvnfldeit f CoiYlettoDS . Ib IkKliley-Piter-Wtre Cues-- Meldran Gats U-TrW This F.II.K v: V- Developments which may prove lansa tlonat are expected ta tha Oregon land fraud oases within the next three months. Not only will pending amass be brought to trial, but evidence Is to be submitted to the -federal grand jury which will undoubtedly be the basts of new Indlotmsnts and may result la a complete exposure of the glgantw con spiracy which robbed tha government of hundreds of thousands of acres of timber lands. Rumor haa long connected with this eoneptracy aea who have played a prominent part la tha affairs of tbo stats. Business men and professional men are equally -Involved, and tba Inves tigations of the grand Jury am expected yaBM"eW4Mtog disclosures. "V . The ntmost seoresy Is observed by the government officials who are engaged In tha prosecution of tha frauds, but there are many Indloadona that tba' depart ment of Justice Is determined to leave ao stone unturned la the effort to oonviot those Implicated. tTnlted States District Attorney John Hall la to be assisted la the trial of the land fraud cases by Pranote J. Heney af San Pranolaoa, who hi reputed to be one of the keenest and most successful criminal lawyers on the PaelfM ooast. Government agenta have been engaged for many months In gath ering evidence and in following up all tha ramifications of tha far-reaching oon- pu-bcy. m "' "" . , Feegery gam O seats fare oy. The eases against Horace MoKinley, A. D. Puter, Maria Wara and Emma Watson are likely ta be among the first to eoma to trial. These defendants are accused of both forgery and conspiracy and tba Indictments charge a series of frauds whereby large tracts of pubtte land wara antarad In the names of fic titious persons and by meana of forged applications. While McKlnley and Pater are regard ad as rna leading spirits la these operations, tha ooneequenoea are likely to be especially serious for Marls Wars, for the reason that aha waa a United States commissioner at the time the frauds were committed. That a federal official should bare been an ae Ure party to the frauds si considered especially heinous and tha crime to ag gravated by this breach of trust. Several of the fraudulent . entries ehsrged against McKlnley and his con federates were la tsmnahlp M south, range 1 east. According to the Informa tion obtained by tbo government, tha plan pursued by thw eonsptratsrs was to make entries hi the names of flotltloas persons, the papers being verified by per jured notarial certificates. Applications for patents were then forwarded to Washington and through tbo connivance of officiate la the land department patents were kerned Immediately. - In some eases patents were Issued within IS days after tha receipt of the applica tions at Washington, although tha usual time la from M months to two years. (Continued oa Pago Two.) ' At Meeeanfoa' aavflloa aa especial ef fort has bean made by tha aeeoratmg committee. Here the hugsst three links ever mads by tha order for decorative purposes have been erected. They are of red, white and purple tights, and awasars Id feet acroae. When the anrrent to turned aa they will ahow up brfllieasly. Tho grang ban at ths Meehanlog pe vtSloa aewt Prtday atgbt. wUI be a full dress affair. This has been desired by tho oommlttee oa entertainment which beltovea that tha nsual motley mtxturs of oontumes Is to be avoided. It ta felt that this ruling will result la a function much mora la keeping with tha dignity of tbe order. The musical entertainments provided for sovereign grand lodge work bra very elaborate. Eminent Director Charles Sawvelt has taken the matter In hand and organised a grand'' chorus number ing more than I00 voices which will give concerts' on Monday and Tuesday evenings, September X and Id. Careful rehearsals- have brought ths chorus to a high standard of excellence. la this work Sawvell baa been assisted by Past Grand Master W, W. Watesn, ohalrman of the music oommlttee. An executive committee waa selected yesterday to represent the Oitlsens' oom mlw waloh sTgaalMd to further the NVOLVED DISCOURSE; ONJRUSTS Democratic National Com mittee Will Issue a New Text Boot WILL' EDUCATE VOTERS lIlDSfiettt the Difference ' Between .BuylD Trust Goods li America ;, (m. Abroad Tariff' VHI : :;V Bive Foil flearltilU (ay Hal Mspab by In I Win hi The Jesraef) New Tork. Sept 17 Proea tha proofs of tha oampalgn textbook of tha Demo cratic national oommlttee. It Is evident that the Democratic party leaders In tha present oampalgn Intend to enter upon a general education of the public with re gard to the .doss and Indissoluble uaioa of trust and tariff. A portion of tha oampalgn text bock comprised nnder the head of "The Tariff and the Trusts' contains a maaa of in formation which contains long lists sf export .prtoeg of almost ovary article manufactured la thla country, showing that foreign aouatrtes purchase our man ufactured products at prices ranging fronrM to to per cent tower than they are son here, and that too. after freight haa been paid aoross the Atlaatlo by tha manufaoturera. it andertakee to ahow that by the maintenance of tba present tariff oitlsens of the United States are forced to pay enormously inflated prloes tn order that tha trusts may find a mar ket for their goods abroad at a rate far below that charged there for mairafao- turers ta those eooatrlea. - v ' . To the man who- la unable to find a good typewriter In tha market that la not a product of tha Typewriter Trust, with an unbreakable prloe of 110s, It Is pleasknt to learn that tba same ma chines are sent abroad la great Quan tities, freight paid oa them and sold for MANY SPECTATORS AT ; CAT FIGHT INJURED (Ossyrlsht, Been tesa tarries, to Lessee Ware a Ike JaaraaL J Farts, sept. IT Wlldoat aad Bis lights are tbo httost la the way of sport, and these encounters are usually wlt- by huadreda of apectatora of both aetx. n..tam-1h wnlofcw y! .LZ T-r. . r Zl 1 people. Those who were not wounded by the broken timbers were badly sat by the glass of ths broken windows in the cellar Into which they wars re elpltatodV Tha saga containing tha animals waa overturned and the oat springing apon several of the panic stricken spectators, scratched and bit them unmercifully. Several of ths Injured have slnoe died. A (special Dlesetsb te The JesrsaL) -Baker City, Or.. Sept. 17. A few mln- ntee after o'clock this evening a firs broke out la the smoke house of atoddes At Pollman'a moat market, burning the elevator In tha roar of the building, but causing little damage. Tha salesroom and the offloag above asoaned Injury. Xxms, fl.ioa. tatorasts of tha city and state staring the Knights Templar conclave, and It waa decided to continue Its work during the meeting of the sovereign grand lodga. Tno following are too members of tho aaw saoeuUva oommlttee: Mayor Schauta, chairman; Andrea Sbarborov vice chairman; W. Da BL Paal-Seltn, secretory; p. W. Dohrmann, a El Moras, Oca. C A. Coolldge. Judge a H, Bears, C. Bennett, Dr. A. O. Dev eadorh. Rufua P. Jennings, Chaunosy M. St John, Cot P. E Beck, Julius Kahn, William Oreer Harrison, p. N. Lllllenthal, Captain O. W. Wit man. WU llam McMurray, W. Prank Pieroe, Oea. T. H, Good man. CoL Oeorgs H, Plppy aad Admiral Whiting, U. S, N. An Informal reception will be ax tended to the visiting members of ths sovereign grand lodge at tba Lyceum theatre Monday at t o'clock Following thla cession of ths sovereign grand lodge will begin at national sessions held. .Intf the evening a formal reception will be given the grand airs and members of tha sovereign grand lodge at Mechanics' pavilion by members of the California encampment The bueiness meetings of thd latter organisation wUI not begin gntll Tues day. Ths big psrsde will fake plana Friday. The start wm ba made at, li. s'otook tn ths morning, t r' ' . ' r . v -, ij i .i i en... v i,, s ii. t)wr. . .t. - , VCOUNT HERBERT BISMARCK. (Ossyriakt, Searst Mews Sarviea, by , Wire te the JasraaL) fsbadV Sept 17. Count. Herbert Bismarck Is rapidly Bearing the and; He is atlU alive, but alnklng fast. In spits of the statement of his physicians that ha waa at ths point of death last night bis amaslng vitality has sus alnad him throughout another dayv It la hardly expected toat ha wlU thre another it hours. 4 MTANA JWE 1 SCORES MINISTERS . a- ii' I . Willlan CUncy. Eafoeat Jorfst f District Cosrt Delivers Blmselt " of Sensational HemirU fp. Butte, Moat. Sept ITWodft Wiaiaza Clancy of the dlstrtat court gava vent to a tirade against ministers of the gos- pel today to the effect that hs would trust none of the clergy, having bad ex perience before with people of tba copies mstloal sailings Tbo Court delivered Mmself of thsso sensational remarks at the oaaa of tha sstato of James Twoay, wherein Father Cyril Pauwery, admin istrator, of tba sstato for ssveral years, sought aa order to sell the rent sstato left by tha deosassd, - Daring the srgumento ft was broaght oat that one of ths bonds men of the adV munstrator had died and tha other waa out af tha stats. ? have sssn thess ministers of the gospel before,1 gaU Judge Oaaey, and I will not grva aa order for tbo sale nmess tno minnner m unoer bond.'" ' Ths eminent jurist than expressed hla personal opinioo of minlstere hi geoeral. Tea days ago Clancy caused much com ment by branding all attorneys woo took advantage of the' "fair trial" law, which measure was framed by tha Amal gamated Interests, aa being "Jim Crows. it waa Clancy who gave ths aware! to Helnss la bis famous litigation with ths I Amalgamated Copper company over tha Minnig Healy soppsr mlaa. DOG'S SKIN GRAFTED m A WOMAN'S HEAD (peebtl Dteaetm ey Leased Wire te The JMraal) New Tork. Sept. IT. Forty lnebss of skin fana a New Found I and dog wars today grafted on tho head of a young woman whoae scalp waa tora completely off by machinery thla morning. Tbe operation, which to tho most ambitious of Ita kind, la believed to have been successful. Surgeons are displaying profound Interest In ths experiment. Laura Stewart It years old, la the subject. Her pompadour ' became en tangled tn machinery of which oho had charge. She waa whirled violently to the celling, her scarp was ripped fro sa ber head and aha fall to tha floor an- AFTER 28 HOURS THE . JURY CANNOT AGREE (special Maps ten to The JneremU Seattle. Wash,. Sept. 17. After Sf "hours in ths jury room the Jury la tba case of ths stats against Mrs. Suaa Rambeaus, charged with the murder of her husband by shooting him In the abdomen last August is as far from a verdict aa ever. Every hour a ballot has been taken and la unchanged, stand ing for acquittal and three for con viction on the charge of manslaughter. Sounds from tbo Jury room Indicate that tha feelings of the Jurymen are running hlgtw and there fa little llkll hood of an agreement being reached soon. Raoibeaua when dying made a Suement that tho shooting was aoel ntal. but five witnesses testified to tt being tha result of a guar rei and deliberate. DWaBt POS ilHII SSEWJSJaVS. (Cbsyttsat Hearst Hews aVrvtoe, by tossed Wire to The IneraeL) London, Sept 17. It has been - " secret for some time that K" favored breechea and Stock In evening drees but tho b m n -been generally adopted, t b- r conflnnd to the- coi"t o to !--. nal -csalons vHerg the fc has b 4 p aui. mm Goodrich Goes in Search of Russian Auxiliary VCroifAT.KflrfAv-v- TWO GUNBOATS REMAIN After TtoMfj Searck af Caast Waters . Will JHywes If SlMeg the ; lore Will Be Detaloed : ' " ' Z. Peadlil laqalry. f, ' . - X ' (ssslal Pbiaaah by tosses wUmTteJeeae Saa Pranclsoo, Sen. lT-Admlral Ooodrloh reoelved ardors last night to put to sea with his squadron af white warships. Today at 1 a, m. tho New Torn, Boston and Bennington, asoom nan led by tbo destroyer Paul Jones and ooUler Nero, weighed anchor and start ed oa their cruise. Ths gunboat Msrblehead will remain to patrol the ooast until ths mystery of the Rssalaa oonunores-destroyes Korea has been solved. As Admiral Goodrich expressed It In a Jocular way, "Now that tha tana Incident haa been ecu led. a maa of leas exalted rank will ba able to deal with tha altuattoa.- --,, The Marblehead, however, Will not ba lan "atone, for the gunboat Bennington la under orders to return to this port. Ths intention Is for ths fleet to orulse outside In open order for a time la search of the Korea, If she la found the Bennington will escort her to port If no Russian to seen off tho Paral lonee ths Bennington will return and report to tha Maxblehead and to Admiral MoCalla. A naval student from tha Lena said this morning that while tho story of Japanese ships In thess waters was 'a myth, hs and tho officers on the Lena were anxious for news of tho Korea. Hs added that aha waa a transport son- verted Into aa auxiliary oruleer after, tba same plaa aa the Lena. Evidently tha United States govern ment does not intend to take any chances with this strange craft from the far-away waters of ths esar, and tba naval authorities will not be satisfied until they hear that the Engtlsh have her aafely In a Canadian port or until aha la anchored at the, Mara Island navy, yard alongside tho Lens Ons thing Is certain. If Admiral Ooodrloh finds ths Russian at see, that will be the end of her orulse menacing American com me roe. An unusual soopa of authority has been given the admiral by tha president who baa full confi dence In hia ability to handle tha case with firmness and dispatch. , t. , wnlrlah to Toamg. With the exception of Fighting Bob Evens, Admiral Goodrich to tho young est admiral In tha servloa. He gradu ated from Annapolis first ha a class of l&s, and waa ths youngest member of bib class. As ha will not bo retired un til Iftot, tho admiral haa a good ohanoo of attaining tbe highest rank la tha navy, and to aot likely to let an oppor tunity pass to prove that ho can out a clean path through International oom- pllcatlona - After a thorough search of the wa ters outalde tbo veeeels of tbe fleet will proceed to tbelr several dectlnev tloas. Tha Paul Jones goes to Saa Dt- (Continued oa Pago Eleven.) ROBBED OF ALL ON - I ..'. .HIS WEDDING EVE www At o'clock jut night Louis Soger walked along Twenty- fourth street He whistled as hs e walked and smiled. He had rea- ! :soa to whistle end also to sraito. for la his pocket wes 3& la g gold colas aad a license to marry tba girl he had spent years in winning. Tbe wedding was set for today. 1 J e Ho reached Roosevelt street d Two men suddenly, sprang from d tho shadow af the treea and threw, pepper In his eyea. . At e the asm tlian thay covered him S with revolvers. One continued to bold a' weapon at his head while tha other made g careful search f his pockets. Sager protested that he waa A to ba married todav and the e Slrrhwayman Insisted he wea d joking. Tha victim's eppeeie d; were In Vain. : Barer lives at Twenty fourth' street. He Is imiin'tn q the Columbian M a g, drew all the sint f , b the bnk yeete- . to l-ve fffr a.uS t to n"' 4