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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1904)
v t GAMBLING " VOL.4 IIL NO, 168. . ' W PORTLAND, - OREGON,1 SATURDAY EVENING,' SEPTEMBER 17, 1904. 1 r ' PRICE FIVE CENTS. Washing on Has Watch Further 1 fies Bremerton and 'Frisco. May Neither Enter Paget Sound Nor Coal With- ' I A W oui uovernmeni s rermission cattle immi nent at Mukden Fight Skirmishes. " . ' ' ToJUo. Sept IT (Ball tin) A Ru: feUn transport front Shanghai foe Vlad ivostok la ashore on the Kuril Islsnd to the northward of Japan. iTh vmmI carries a cargo of arms and ammunition. Her -craw. - which 1 waa of Americana and German, u - " (VuUwtn Inn f tW JoSrnal.) t - r WsshlngtonA Sept. lT,-vrwo - Ruaalan f war vessels are by the navy , department -, a supposed to be .either off the ooast of .-, Oregon or Washington or between those coasts and Honolulu. ,Tht Information waa sent officially to ; the state and nary departments from , a, confidential .Ruaalan source, which " gives other fact not made pa bile Immediately on -receipt of the advices '. word wma sent to Bremerton and Safe . ' Francisco. Orders were also issued that the Wyoming be held constantly in rsad- ;i ines for any emergencies. The l:: have not beam slanted. -ir- This fact waa brought out by nv qulries made by officials who tnvsstl- y gated a report emanating; from the far northwest to the effect that the Korea a had been ass presumdbly approaching ! aSsqurmalt It Is understood that the Instructletw 1 stent to Bremerton are that the Jtus- , , elan vessels rmi be stopped tf they try to enter Puget sound, and that they may , neither opal no have any facilities whatever until the government has been fully advised of their Intention, It ts not believed by official that the r vessels could have any other Intention than that of seeking asylum, as has the Lena, Inasmuch as they would hardly come to an American port to eoal with the Intention of Immediately thereafter V.- commencing a commerce searching cruise close to American shores. It 1 admitted. In view of the latest advices, ' that commerce from the northwest, - which has taken something of -an im- petun recently, stand In some danger of annoyance aa long as the two Rus i Stan vessels ro In the direct Hns of travel. It is probable that neither of -' the vessels referred to have any very definite Instruction aa to what shall constitute contraband of war. . : AUOmi BATTLI IMMlBBBf. .. - -V . Outpesss a " (Jearssl sseelel Serrle.) ' Bt Petersburg. Bept. IT. It Is ta ; ported- here that outpost firing baa be gun south of Mukden and also In the direction of the Mao river. Indicating . that another engagement la Imminent. It Is thought this will take place t - wards the east t ' The movement of Oeneral Kurokl w till carefully veiled. The general staff does not believe Oeneral Kuropatkln-ln-' tends to bold Mukden against the Jap ' anese unlees the course of the coming ; battle la uncxpectadly favorable to Roa lan arms.. ' ' No predictions ar mad on tilo latter score, but la army circle her It la stated that the year has been no worse " than could be reasonably expected. In so far as the land campaign Is oon- eerned. Officers believe that Japan must win before this season ends, or her i'' defeat 1 certain. They do not believe It even remotely possible for the Jap anese to overcome and rout Kuropat ' kin' army. From thin standpoint alone they argue that Japanese successes have ' nearly reached an end. Time alone, they say. will defeat the ; Japanese, eve though Russia might not jut forth her greatest strength. It la f asserted her that Japan's greatest weakness ts In her finances and It is confidently believed that not even her greatest efforts could prolong the war ,, thro years. - Taak More DiffleeJe. ' 1 ' Bhcb mil that the Japanese army ad- - vanee northward renders their task mor difficult and removes them that MMIMMMIMHMMMMf i f IT'S JTHE PAPER; 'FOR; YOU; Toukmtow Mornlnft Issue of Th Sands Journsl WU1 Have TBWS by the only special leased tlon t all parts of th glob. , . X two OO&CflS BtTPPiVBMRSTB, printed rain dow press, uie nm m SFBOXAx FBaVTDMBS. contributed by Jul la Ward How, author of "Th Buttle Hymn of the Republic;" Lady Henry Snmetset; Rev. Franklin ' - Raker of Bureka, CaL, whose company of church cadets will mnrch to Portland to sec the Lewis and Clark exposition; Prederio Raskin. K i South American traveler, who tens of troublesome Venesueia; a local writer's story f Capt, Robert Gray, who discovered the. Columbia, rellos of whose voyage may he seen at the city, hall museum. The Wogele-Bug, Happy Hooligan, the Katsen Jammer Kids, Lnhi and . Leander, Mies Monk's love affairs, and McDougall' fairy tale, aU vfMssv new and attractiv wUl amnss the ehlidreo. .. ,v ,r, AU of the good thing you can Sod .THE SUNDAY JOORNAI, I MMMMH MUST NOT Official Advices to Entrances Noti ""1 ii much farther from the point from which their men and munitions must com.' While Mukden la In no sense a mili tary stronghold, it is certain that If the retrear la continued to Harbin, that point will not bo relinquished. It t the Russian base of supplies In the far east. The Japanese, should they attempt to go that far,: would find themselves crippled aa the - winter . season, which begins about tb fjrst of Qcfbber, draw on. . . Ambassador lfcCopsaiek. as the cus todian of Japanese Interests, ha made Inquiries regarding two suspected Jap anese Spleev Constantino gator and Macher Tokakl, recently arrested here. He has ascertained that the authorities only contemplated deporting them. SO MB, . j. (Jeamal Bpeelal srrlee. ' v ' Tokio. Sept. ,17. The Japanese front is. oonfronting the Russian outpost southeast of Mukden. Qenerml Kuro patkln la -re ported as having moved his headquarters to Harbin, but Is still on ha. soen personally. By tha-Japsnese this is constsued to mean that the Rus sian retreat will be mad to the north ers bass of supplies. I- -The ' French amoassador her baa re quested the Japanese advance posts to ask the Rueslan at Port Arthur If they have any news at the port of Attach Deeuvervllle, who waa reported to have left Port Arthur about the tins of the Russian sortie on 'August le. He ha not been heard from alnoe. Marshal Oyama report that Rueslan cavalry outpost, with base at Pan chlagao, Hanllnpao and Taaanchato. ar dally scouting southward in the vicinity of Walltaltsu and-Monf ulutlo, over a li mits. territory, from and to Jintang, and but three milea from Tatangabanpao. The Russian cavalrymen are chang ing their clothing to gray and black, which 1 their winter. uniform.,. . . . . nsilM at Fee Arthns. V Jeereal pedsl Berrtae.) : Xjondon. Best. 17. The Rom epondent of the Exchange Telegraph says that a dispatch ha been received there that tb Japanese outside of Port Arthur hav again demanded that the garrison surrender. . B to easel refused, saying the bearer of sueh messages In the future will be hanged. He Is reported aa saying: "We will- resist tb captur of Port Arthur UU dth.", ( -, ' -BBBBBfeBamBSBsBSSaBBBBWB - ' ' 'yl""4 '. firn FOB IBTsTVS, '" Oeereal Ipedel servtee.) - Chefoo, Bept. 17. Japanese who ar rived today from Dainy report that tb bombardment' of Port Arthur with heav ier guns was resumed 0eptembr It and If and that before It ended nearly all pieces at Japans oommaad war brought to bear. ("" 1 The bombardment ts said to haw been terrific and apparently damaging. The Russian .gun answered a beat thsy could, but only mad more manifest that their ammunition la eearce and of v an Inferior quality., No attempts were made to assault the fort, aooordlng to the reports, ths bombardment alone be ing eonstdered sufficient for th une being. ; Through the same Informant some a report that the Japane captured 100 Russian wno attempted to drive them irom raiCDwang. 100 son is cams as a surprise but waa met by aa over whelming foroe. - (Continued on Pag Seven.) MMHNMMIMMI wlr la Oregon with eabt cenneo- - ' , ,. on Th Journal' treat five-tory nowher hut 14 1 'v.- XsYl OOsTTZsTOsl MTklAf, .moved cartas srtsrs AND WILL, r: PU I IttLo iLALYIH UAd U I ' If TUB JAPANB8S ARB TJBINO THIS VARIATION OF THB FRBNCH AND ENQLIBH 8QUARH IN REPRLLTNO' CAVALRY -CHARGES. BT THIS FORMATION THB RUSSIAN COSSOCKS HAVB BKEN RfiiNDSRKD PRACTICAIT UBKUESS. -t - - DEMOCRATS ' . Jeeraal SsecUl rrlet. New York. Sept. H. Th Democrats are figuring over the results of Vermont and Maine and estimate that If the per centage gain of the Democratic party In the two states Ir maintained through out the country Judge Parker' will re ceive a popular plurality. The vote of Vermont In 104' was 14.- S8, m 18 00 It was U,4i, a gain of If par cent The gain of each party were: - Demo cratic, per cent; Republican, It per oenL If th percentage gain . as ' shown ht Vermont 1 applied to the popular vote of th United States, there would bo shown a majority for Parker of ft 1(9 In th United 8Utes In 1904. ' Ths eggregat vote In Main In 1104 waa 12M71: In 10 It was 11S.US. Hera 1 a gain of 11.1 per oent, while the gain of each ' party waa: Democratic, 16.4 per cent; Republican,'' 4.T per .oent. Applying these percentages of gain to me popular vois oi ins uniwa stuues, we would have a Democratic plurality In th United Sjtate of 48,06. HEINZE, VICTORIOUS; 'h DROPS NEW PARTY fflveetsl Dsjpatm e The' JeersatV- " ' Helena, MonC Sept 17. Because of ths recognition given his faction in the Democratic state convention, F. August Helnss has called off the oonventlon of his anti-trust party which 'waa sched uled to meet here September M. The executive committee, however,' ht re quested to meat here on that date and confer with tb PopuHat and Labor con ventions. . It 1 believed that Helnse will try and hav th Democratic - state committee declare two or thro vacancies and give thess to Populists and Laborl tes a a basis for a fusion of all those parties. - IROQUOIS, DESPITE. PR0TE5T, WILL REOPEN ' V (Jeereal Issefal tervk. "' .- Chicago, Sept 17. Despite ths pro test of th Iroquois Memorial associa tion, numerous ministers and nearly event newspaper in the slty, th build ing inspector today approved the plan for th remodeled Iroquois theatre. The building ha been entirely re modeled sine th lire which wiped out so many lives and will be operated a a vaudeville house by Hyde and Behman. . (Sreelal ntsmteh te The Joereel.) Colfax, Wash.. Sept 17. A number of "wheat kings' of thl county, who hav thl year alone mad snug fortune out-of their erope, hav mad ap a party which will leava In a few days for SL Louis anL. other eastern; points. The excursion will be known as the "Whit man county wheat king party. . , riAMT mvmm. (fs-Mlal ntsssteh t The Jesrnsl.) " "! O en esse. Idaho, Sept IT. The' baby daughter-of fid prather was accidentally knocked on th head a. boxtmr and wlU die,. .. . OAR . (Jenratl sptelei Servtee.) Worcester, Sept IT. Senator " Hoar had a restless night but waa ofort- ahl thl - gaoiniiig. Hg - fail to gain atnngihi NOT BE PERMITTED TO SEE SUCCESS VERMONT ELECTION That tb result of Judge Parker's visit to this ol ty was conducive of th elossr cementing of th harmonious tie that prevail among the Democ ratio lead er, la evidenced by ths statement mad by Mr, Bheehan the head of th Demo cratic national committee. . ,. Mr. 'Sheshan announces that .from this time, forward Senator Gorman, of Maryland . will . actively direct th na tional campaign.' Senator Gorman has' heed -the snoceseful director of two na tional campaigns and ft la considered that the experience he gained in these will prove -of Invaluable-assistance to the party In the present race. This de cision arrived at, It is frnakly stated, will In no manner Interfere with Chair man Taggart. Oormas will not sup plant the Indiana man, ' but wilt devote his anergic to winning over and keep ing In lino the. eastern, and AtlaaUo states. No move, however, will be mad by either Oorman or Sheshan In the eastern state until Taggart has been consulted. FLAMES JEOPARDIZE m 6,000 MtN'S WORK (JearasThpsiisi Wvlet.) " Anaconda, Mont, Sept- IT. Forest fire threaten to destroy the flume which supplies water for th big Washoe smelter. If th flume goes 4,000 men will be thrown out of work. A larg force' of men la. fighting th flames, - . '. ' DBATM O (Jesrsal Sssdsl Berri.)' Buffalo, Sept 17. James Byron, aged ft, the driver of one of the reservation wagons at Niagara Fall this morning jumped Into the rapid at Terrapin point', acid was swept over Horseaho fall. ' PREDICTS CHICAGO . WILL BE SUBMERGED ' J' (Jeemal Bpeelat herrMS.7 Niagara Falls. N. Y . Sept. 17.-That th land otf which now stands Chicago will be sub merged by the tipping of the land which la now steadily going on. Is th prediction made by no less an authority than Prof, Qrove JC Gilbert of the United States geological survey. Th e prediction earn In his address before the International See- e graphical congress here. . - " Ollbert told of the time when - thl section of country waa cov- red by a vast toe field, and e showed how, when It receded It e left th present formation of lakes and rivers. Tipplngcf land, , aa th los passed away, led to the present oondttloa, , He then told e how the tipping of land 1 still going on, and stated that th e time would asms when ths- e water of Lk Krie would flew . toward Detroit th flow of th other tehee betng changed and .0 the present site of Chicago be submerged. The falls of Niagara will then be destroyed. Indies- Mens, h said, are that these .ohaage wlU take MOO years. 4 Taggart will devote his Urn to winning the pivotal state in the west. Those conferring with Judge Parker were: Charle F. Murphy, the ex-Tammany leader; ex-Senator David B. Hilt Senator Arthur P. Oorman, Representa tive William ftulser, John B. McDonald of New York and W. Bourke Cochran, - Judge Parker , expressed himself a feeling extremely Jubilant and . very hopeful Of the outlook as It appear at present. , He ts especially gratified at ihe--many-i evidences - of harmony that prevail on every hand. Nothing definite a to governorship end other state ofBoe candidate. It Is understood, -will be de termined until the Saratoga oonventlon, which moat next week. - -.,-, . v , 1ST KXarCMTOnT. . . (J rnal soedal Serrlee.) Esepus, N. Y.. Sept. 17. Judge Parker drove to Kingston today, where - he transacted' personal business and acted as a pall bearer at the funeral of Dr. Jacob Chamber this afternoon. LOST ON DESERT, AN AGED WOMAN GOES MAD (Jearsal Special ferries.) '4. Reno. Nev., Sept 17. C rased with thirst weak, hungry and exhausted from a long tramp over th hot desert of southern Nevada, an aged woman whose name Is thought- to be Mrs. Jans Wil liams of Hawthorne, was found wander ing about b passengers of th out bound Carson- Colorado, train last evening. , , , When an attempt was mad to oateh we tunrortunate woman, she tried to hid beneath a pile of lumber, but waa too weak to get away. , She was taken to Hawthorne and given In charge of the semeralda county officer. Last night shs assaulted-two children of th sec ond foreman at the county farm and would have undoubtedly killed them had not their mother rescued them. ITALIAN LEGATION TROOPS CAUSE A ROW ''tfsara! spaetal erviee.1 " i '' Faking. Sept' 17. Troops at th Ital ian legation attacked two Chinese sol diers who were watching their drill Thursday and beat them severely. The Italian ohaaed them Into th residence of their commander-in-chief and fired several shots into the house, after which the disturbance was quelled. Representations hav been shade by the Chinese authorities to the Italian legation, but no answer ha yet been received. . COflVICTS TIRED OF WORK, FIRE FACTORIES (Joereel feVrtal tvlm. ' La Porte, lnd.. Sept IT Fir early thl morning destroyed Ave factory buildings of the state prison at Mich igan cn It M rumored that th eonvfet flred the buildings. The loss is i oo.oo. if the fire was of Incendiary origin it must have been most Ingeniously set by some unknown means, as the names started at a time when no one savs a watchman was supposed to- hav aocea to Mke REOPEN IN STILL RACE Forests Aflame in Many Quarters, But Unde.r Control DAMASCUS MAN'S LOSS Bis DwUhter Has flarrw Escapee fire Fighters Are Coofldeot tf Holdlnt Flames If Winds Hold Off ; Fir Is stlU burning fiercely four mile 'soutnweet of Holbrook, In the Bd Whit timber, and ths falling trees hav practically blockaded' the Cornelius road. This timber has been previously burned over, and tnere la a large amount of old snags and naderorusn which has mad fuel for an extremely ttero fir during th last week. - ' ' At th Davis wood samp the fir ts under control. C R, Davis and hi father returned last night from the tim ber, and they report that unless a strong wind comes up there will be tt further heavy loss. The flume ha. been badly damaged by trees falling across It, but only a small part of It has been. burned. Kirk Hoover, whoa entire oordwood camp and dams and a quantity of, logs were threatened with destruction, Ik now hopeful that the moat of the property 111 be saved. He has returned to the city, -leaving a strong guard of fire fighters at ths camp and throughout the timber. . - ... .,. . - ----- Fanesr Eases Bvesythlng. - - Th fire situation Is more favorable today around Grssham, Boring, Ander son Station and ths Bull Run preserve. The oool weather and absence of winds has aided moat In checking the flames. The fires are smouldering, and the at mosphere has cleared of smoke to some extent since yesterday. - During the last week the fires In these quarter did con siderable damage. A farmer near Da mascus, named Lecheau, lost his resi dence and all Its contents, and bis daughter narrowly escaped with her Ufa Part of her clothing was burned from her body. A barn was burned at Ander son station. There is fir around- Ames postofffoc. east of the Sandy river, but no damage is fearsd unless high winds spring up. - Oasips ta Bnagcg. Firs ar -still horning In th vicinity of Clatskanlev Columbia county. Wash., and should there bo a renewal of dry weather and winds, th plants of the Ttchenor Hill company, the Hughes mill and the Merrill mill, a well as a fine timber tract of th Ben eon Logging com pany, would be ta Imminent danger. All of thess Interests have been In the woods fighting th fir and taking every pos slbls precaution against Its advance. S. Benson evidently regard th situation aa now fairly safe. He left this week for St Louis. ' ' The officer of th Lurlln report that the forest fires ar breaking out afresh down the river, and that a fir back of Clatskanl making .headway. Another new fire was seen at Gray's river, several miles on this slder of As toria. They report that the most of the fires ar en the Oregon side of th- Co lumbia. , ' ,.,, (Special mepeteh te.The Jearnel.) ' Lewlston. Idaho, Sept It. Word ha been received her of th death of Al fred Dougherty, who was 'killed In a saloon row In Victor, Colo. He first put a bullet in his slayer. JRe . was well known throughout th Coeur d'Alenes. (Special Dtapetcfc at The jMraeL ' Tacoma, Sept IT. Masked highway men held up Fred Bohl, a cigar manu facturer, and K. H. Watteraon last even ing! while they were going horn and se cured ao and a gold ring. PRINCE BISMARCK . IS IN HIS DEATH AGONY . y Ueatasl IpeeUI servle.F -Berlin,' Sept 17; Physician In at tendance upon Prince Herbert Bismarck at midnight have declared that the death agony has begun. The latest reports state that the prince Is barely alive. AH the immediate relatives are present and messages have been sent to many friends announcing that the present In dications are that the prince will live but a short time. Not In many - years has there been so Instance df sickness thst attracted sueh universal Interest and sympathy In Germany - aa has this. Prince BIs- mafok, m from hi notam part In PORTLAL THE POWER Officially Appointed Vice- n u.-i - f n g t rresweni oi r. Lines , ; ta Oregon ; ; GEO. H. ANDREWS IS OUT General Manager Is haw In Absolute ; Cantror Atteriey W. W. Coital I Is Appointed Secretary for . Oregon and California. . At a meeting of th board of dli tor of the Oregon dt California Rali oad company in other words, th soutnern Pactfio lines in Oregon-neld iast Thursday la this city, further sweeping changes were made ta the ex ecutlve famUy. Julius Kruttschnitt who Is now In Chicago la charge of all the Harrtmaa line, tendered his resignation as first vlce-preeldent and General Manager tt. B. Calvin was elected to succeed him. George H. Andrew resigned the of no of scare tary and acting land agent W. W. Cotton, genera attorney of th Oregon Railway dt Navigation company, was then elected secretary .of the O. a, and Charles Brllno of San Fran cisco wsa sleeted acting land agent - Mr. Andrews wUl be retained in corns other capacity. Although th ahange went Into effect Immediately, no official announcement was made ooneernlng them. In, fact the utmost secrecy 1 still observed by local officials! General Manager Calvin de clined to give out anything and all other officials, except Secretary Cotton, wb was out of ths city, referred the Inquirer TT UU1M m XW lIUkaUWITWCWN WWWW will turn over th official announcement of th change. ' The action regarding Mr. Calvin was aot entirely unexpected. It Is custo mary all ever the Harrlman system to make tb general immiw the first vice-president of his branch of the oompany. This I th case with the Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific, South ern Pacific and the O. R. di N. compa nies. Th segregation of the offices of see re tary and land agent however, wan very much of a surprise-, as was th ap pointment of a Ban Francisco man ta succeed Mr. Andrews. It is believed that th changes mad Thursday will be th last for some time, sa the reorganisation which was sure to follow the consolidation of th Harrlman offices I ebout completed. In having th customary title of vtos-pres- tdent swarded him, Mr. Calvin Is given absolute sway over th company's lines in this state, tnougn it wm not increas "his active authority. The title la re garded in a way as a confirmation from uie mgnesi possioio source nut ap pointment as general manager. ' - REMARKABLE FRENCH : DUEL-ONE MAN HURT '" (Joarasl specie! servle. . Alenon, France, Sept IT. Uetttenant Garnet and Minded m of the French army fought a duel with swords today. Hln del In waa . dangerously wounded to ths groin. The duel 1 said to have been caused by a dispute over a woman, which re suited In Lieutenant Garnet's calling Hlndelln a 'thousand pigs,' for which th challenge promptly followed. (Bpeelal rMsmteh ts The Jearssl.) ' Tacoma, Sept IT. The Jury last night brought in a verdict of aot guilty la ths eass of Fred R Stubba, a private ha Company at, ' Nineteenth Infantry at Vancouver, who waa charged with th murder of F, C Vandlver at Amerloaa Lake enoeanproeht on July t, th political life of th country, has made Innumerable friend. Added to thts la the interest con nected With his name, rendering h n easily one of the most notable flu in the empire. Many telegrams ef pathy. Including numerous ones i prominent men ef aiurope ar being iv oeived, v The prUtoe leed Into sbcoimi- " ness lael eventn and since has never aroueed. He tended by some of t e ? physicians of th o forts have n m prolong Xovs se.. -V.