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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1904)
TUTS OfTGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1901 "V- WOIJEi! AID LIEN r HGHMG FLAIilES ty i They '. Battle' With Eszat'M Ttetsns to .Wipe Forests Ablaze in Th weather forecast la not encouraging for tha forest fir titer, u, fair weather for- to day and tomorrow la promised nd Bortb and tut winds are foretold. No, ntln la expected In this territory by th bureau dur. tag to next 14 hours, .. . . , r. 1 : ' evoke tu denser, la Portland today ,than H has been bafora this aaaaoD and r in tha hoart of tha city It was almost Impossible to as clearly tor mora than . 909 feet ahead. Teamster, motormeo - and all .olty Vorkara movad with sau- tlon. ' . ' Though, (ha. amok waa denae .tha forest dree wara not ao aarloua aa they ,'were yesterday and- tha heavy fog that oloudad tha air all day ras raaponslbi for tha opaquen of tha atmosphere, tha fog bringing tha am oka to tha ground and holding It there. Tha thou aandaf aoraa of timber and brush that hava beea burnad raoantly naar tha elty, - and that ara UU. smouldering, fur nished tha smoke. Tha fog .aarved aa a blanket to keep thla praaaad tightly op tha clty'a residents. - - - The' only dlatrlet adjacent to tha elty In which tha Area appear to be burning; ' with any decree of flerceaeea la tha ooun try about Vancouver, and that entire ration la apparently fa dancer. Bo acute was tha altuatton last night that Colonel Huaton af tha poet aeat out a detail of men to Fourth Plain, nut at that time tha Urea had died down and tha nan returned. . Later tha flamee ' again took hold of tha dry timber and today many erawa are'flghtlraj tha flra Hi clouds of dense smok alt orar Clark - oounty. 1 . '. A report - reaohed Vancouver thla morning- that tha area at Orchard had "' burned to , within twa mil of the - Proebatel pootofftc and that tha town waa threatened with destruction. The flrre that had been- burning west af :' Orchard- were thta mornlnf ralaforoad v by new flamea from tha north. . After -' traveling- three miles yesterday after noon they took a new lease of Ufa thla moraine and ara now skirting1 tha Praab- i. atat roaa . Laat night tha northeast port ton or tha Fourth Plain dlatrlet waa one big torchlight procession. Olant trees caught by lbs aaore and tha settlers eouM only look on helplessly. . Ranch 10 yarda from tha timber were saved with dlfn MORPHINE JACK BIDS OFFICER t '.. , ..v i & .- , . " ' aood-bya, my honaV, Tm gon,' ang Jnfh U-'S f tha oantrml ata- , Uon this morning. Hght under tha aye of Pol Iceman Wendorf. and aa ha aanc It he quickened hla paoa. Ha got away; and has not been recaptured. He waa sentenoed yes tsrday to aerv M day to th rtty MJL t. m J' .'- Coma back, yon aooundral, called ; th pollosman to th fleeing prisoner, ' but he kept running until out f algrht .; and bearing. - ' 1 Martin waa brought In for having TREASURER WERIEIN - . AIDED BY HIS WIFE .t -,'.t Olty Traaawtwr X B. Wartaln la hold ' ' log a consultation with the elvtl servtee oommlHlon thla afternoon wvafr tha va cant clerkship In th treaaurer'a fflc amused by tha failure of W, Gould to paaa tha recant civil service examlna-i tlona. Since Mr. Gould waa foroed to leave the office, Treasurer warmln Baa .' been doing without a elrk until pes 1 terday when his wife earn Into th of fice to aaalst him. , Thla arrangement m very unsstts - factory to both Mr. Werleln on aacount of tha fact that no aalary will be allowed hi wife and to th elvtl service ooramls t i ate for tha reason that Mr. Werleln hag been Ignoring th rules of th eommle- . Mr. Werleln atatad thla afternoon that ' he etlli refuse to accept w. n. carter aa an assistant Ha said, however, tnat satisfactory agreement will be reaohed V with tha commission after tha members r bf that body hav heard of hi ob Uon to th appointment of Carter. GASTON DRUG STORE ; DESTROYED BY FIRE fseertel Mtsatcb M Tee saanwL) ' '- Foreat Orove. Or.. Sept A drug Store and house belonging to Frank 1 r Menefa Vt Oaeton, were burned to th ground by a fir which started about o'clock this morning. Th 1 la ; more than. 14.00, and - tha tasuranoe Tha tntir Interior of th drug store t waa In flsmv when th fir waa first noticed and there la no lw to Its origin but many think It waa th work of an Incendiary. - ; - . LA GRANDE BOY IS - , INSTANTLY KILLED ' (Sserlal Bwsetra U The lereat) La Grand, Or.. Sspt 14. Th four - year-old son of Mrs. Bart Hoi man waa ' accidentally killed laat wvanlng by a ; Jeckscrew from a moving bouse failing on hla head and boulder. Ha. and a little girl were watching th house awing moved when he- fell. Tha girl oiung to tha Jackaoraw to prevent her self falling, whan It gara way. Instantly killing tba boy. . .' Ull Bloode, Mvder. . . ' ' Bark Tonle la the on remedy that will keep rheumatism from killing a person tn old Mood. ' Bsrks Tonic drive rheumatism and all blood Impur ities from th system. It ourea In four to 10 day aadV ourea aonatlpatlo. tor pid liver and ail forma af bowel trouble. Price, lie per bottle, at all drug store. . (tet Their Hoses - Haay Quarters. '.: 111 "I "" , cutty and big foreea of farmera worked through tha nlgtot backflrtng and outtlng burning Umber. Wide furrows were plowed about tha burning woods and tha woman carried water to the. tope of tha farm bouses and kept tha shingle from being lgalted. At one Una yesterday afternoon a Strong wind arose near tha Fourth Plain district and took tha flamea la half a doaen directions. Thla wind nearly caused the death of Taylor Good win,, who waa encircled by tha flamea before he mould escape, and severely burned. Tha high wind lasted only a short time, but while it raed spark were carried two and three mllea and several minor biases wara started near Vanoauvar. - 1 Reports from tha forests naar tha city today are mora encouraging than they hava been for several days. Gen erally tha 8ra fighters report that on account of tha Jack of. wind and tha heavy damp fog they ara aoia to oon trol . tha flams and. restrict them to tha burned areea. At Oreabam tha workers ara atlll struggling with tha fires, but ara mora hopeful af saving tha farms threatened yesterday. Lata yesterday afternoon tha flamea swept over a farm two mllea and a half 'from Ores ham- and burnad tha barn, bat other loss baa been reported. " - - rnmaka aTradere Fig, ' At 4 o'clock thla morplng the smoke waa so dense and stifling at Ores ham that tha residents dosed their doors and windows to escape from tha chok ing fumes. At Hotbrook the dense amoka prevented tha residents learn ing tha nature of tha flre'a progress today, but no reports of now damage had bean brought la by tha farmers af tha region. - - - . ; ' f- j. ? v -. . . ii i ,i i 1 , . Y rxaa ow ujn kotssttaibt. ; Fifty Feed Ab Bkrk - 8eeHal Duvsteh b Tsa Jearaal.) " Roaaburg. Or., Sept. 14. A mnefcar named Llttirell of South Deer creek brought tha news yesterday afternoon of a rira on tha eastern aide of Lane's mountain which has In the hurt Id days burnad between 4.00ft and .M asrea of timber,- totAlly destroying It for com mercial purposes. -Tha place la about M mllea east of hare in a fairly good timber bait - Mr. L.ltterell described thd nra ma wonder ful In appearance, tha blaaa burnlna in a steady flama 0 feet above tha nig forest trees, FOND ADIEU iwarphm tn hla possession.- He baa been tn many trmes before, being one of Ih unfortunato claas who ara addlotad to tha drug-. . In tha olty prison ho "dope" ean be aacurad, exoept by pre scription of tha elty physician, and th 'fiends'' would do anything to keep from within Its walla. . There la no tor ture ao great to them aa to hav their allowance of tha drug eut off. That Ik why Jack Martin took to hla keels thla morning; and mad hla ea eap from Policeman Wendorf. at pres ent an station duty.. -. -, i CHICAGO BUTCHERS THREATEN TO STRIKE ''Jearsal abeelel lervtoe.) ' Chicago. Sept. 14. Out of nearly 16. oM -union butchera and laborers still unemployed at tha stock yarda here, too were reinstated today. Tha members of th cattle butchera' local union ara threatening to go oa a strike again un less more of their number la put bank to work speedily. Approximately lLOM former strikers ara at work. A few nonunion men ara left in th yarda, tha packers atlll pro viding their lodging and board. Th packer are opening; up all depenh meats and a few day more will see all establishments ab, thaif normal oa- paoity. ' . ' GERMAN NEW GUINEA S IS IN REBELLION t ixeareat abeetal ervtae.l Berlin, Sept 14. A great Sensation ha been caused here by the receipt of news that th natives of German New Guinea ara tn rebellion. Th natives at tacked two mission ataitlona la Santa Paula and Racharunop and killed all th prieate and a number of Slater of Mercy after . torturing them rully. A squad of German soldiers aapturad th whole rebel for. If of whom war hang PEABODY FOLLOWERS T ; CONTROL CONVENTION (foaraal kpsefal Servlc.) ' ' tkffiVr, CoL, Sept 14. Th Bepub llcan stata convention met thla morning to anmUiate a atata ticket and presi dential elector. Th followers of body ara tn complete eontroi. Th gov ernor will be renominated on the flrat ballot this afternoon ar tomorrow, Jeaaa F. McDonald m alated for lieutenant-governor, and Jamas Cowls for Moratory of stata. PARKER TO MAKE A TRIP TO NEW YORK K Usereal aWUI avna.l' . Ksopus. Sept. 14. N farther Infor mation la forthcoming regarding the visit of Parker tomorrow to New Torn He will leave Bsopu In th morning and return Friday. - He will atop at a hotel, where h Will hold conferences with tha leaders. It la doubtful if b-ven visit tha national headquarters. ' " ' llesreal fpwiei terrl. t "r Portland, Ma.. Sept 14. Returns from ton more small towns were received to day Increasing th Republican plurality fCHLD DTEL 1 ; TO E KtiKED VF-TO-AT AJTsm OF Uw OOaTSXF oo nnr to fazb A'n anlarsamant af tha Portland hotel la among tha probabllltloa ior Lewis and Clark fair year if tha reeommeodatlons made by sfanagar R C Bowers ara car- rld out. Mr. Bowera. reoognlalng tha vital need for mora hotel aooemmoda tlona for tha regular travel through Portland, has recommended to the board of directors of I be Portland Hotel com pany that aa annex of tha f ineat modern type, containing l&o rooms, be built. Ma has submitted plana and estimates, and while tt la designed strictly for the pur- pose of masting tha saeda of tha regular volume of business, he urgee that tha annex should be completed, if possible. in time to take care of a share of the ex position bualneea. Speaking of Port land's glaring lack of hotel facilities for tha fair year, Mr. Bowera said: "It doaa not seem poaalbla to ma that some of our men of oapltal will not take up thla question at oaoe. 1 recommend ed aa Inside Inn to tha fair management. and I think they are oonaldarlng tt eubmltted to them plana and est 1 ma tea, and am aura that tba bulldera of suoh a hotel would oome out even and make a fair profit on the Investment From my experience here I think that .tha first i.ooa people who oome oan be absorbed by tha present hotels, .rooming-houses and boarding-bouses. An, Inside Inn at tha ground a. having 1 08 rooms, seuld take ears af 1.3 to 1.IM mere people. But If tha average crowd of visitors m tha elty doaa not reach lO.ddt, tha fair will not be a aueeeea. - What la to be dona with th other thousand T 1 hava already applications from medical eon- vantlona and other that X am unable to grant rooms for." . - PANAMA COMMISSION ARRIVES IN iSEW YORK Xw York, Sept. 14 Rear-Admiral Walker, head of tha Panama commis si oa. arrived from Colon today I th steamer Ftaane. Ha aald tba govern- jnent Intomtod to hasp pn porta hi tha canal son, despite any protests of th Panama government, and that he did not antlclpat any difficulty la making Aa- oon, on th Panama aid, and Cristobal. near Colon, free port of entry. Th work of excavations la now pro ceeding twice as feat and at half tha oost of tha work dona under- th French company. Health conditions ara excel lent, and eonatruotlon work la being rap idly systamatlaad. Commissioners Heck er, Burr, Grunskp and Harrod. who hava bean on th Isthmus, aooorapanled Wik er ow hi return. CANADIANS COMING -TO LOOK OYER GROUND Prominent ' official of th : Canadian Paclflo railway will com to Portland on Friday of this week to took over th situation In connection with the Lewie and Clark fair. Tha party 'will Include Robert Kerr, pmasenge tram manager, of Montreal; C. B. McPher son, general passenger agent of west ern lines, of Winnipeg, and M. X Coyle, aaslstant general . passenger agent, of Vancouver. They will be met her by other passenger and freight agent of th road, and will visit the exposition grounds and confer with officials of tha fair. TrafBo Manager Kerr has - ax pr eased himself aa being heartily In sympathy with th object of th Lewta and Clark fair, and reedy to co-operate wltir American: roada in rry way to mak tha fair a suoossa. BACHELDOR AND HIS . ' WIFE ARE )N PRISON -' Jearaal tpMlal Ssrvtoe.) " Heading. Pa.. Sept 14. Mr. Mary Bacheldor nee Caasldy, who raoantly be came the bride of the famous Tale foot ball guard, pleaded guilty today to the embeaalement of 1 1,4 00 from Berg Broa.. proprietor of tha department store f whk'b ab was oaanter. Sentence was euspended, nut aha will probably we sent to the penitentiary. Her husband waa yesterday sentenced to serve elx months In iail for dusting gambling houaa. HAYS AND HIS PARTY LEAVE FOR THE EAST (atrial Impaem w The Jearaal. Vanoouver, B. C, Sept 14. President Hay and party of th Grand Trunk Paclflo returned thla moral eg from an Inspection af tha Northern coast for terminus. They were non-oommlttai. and th director will decide tn Mon- trL . - Th party left m spaeml train for tn cast at noon. PIONEER RAILROAD -; MAN DIES OF DROPSY (special Maeatrii 4 The svaraaL) ' Helena, Mont, Sspt 14. -Alfred D Bdaar, who cam- to Helena with tha building tof the Northern Pacific, and who bad aarved that road aver etnoe In tha capacity of general agent, dted today of dropsy. Ha bad also filled many Masonic office. , oosv (serial Dtaeaua td the leer sal. Colvllle. Waalu. Sept. 14. The Vody of an unldentided man badly decom posed, wh had evidently been dead sev eral wt-eka, was found near her by In dian .yeaterday. , Offloera will tnveatl- gat. To man waa evidently lit and crawled to th roadside for shade, and expired. : l V (amemi Punctrii is the lea real, t Wallace, Ida., Sept 14. The body f d Short who died from ahoklng on a pln of bread to a mialng earap naar her yesterday, arrived her today. A small morsel shut off bt wmd and he expired In n few minutes. Relatives In Washington hav been communicated with.. , : . - - Bad blood and rndlgastlon ara deadly J nam It to good helth Aurdopk JsUood litters destroy a Uwn, , LADD SCCCL CPENS EUT RARELY READY The Ladd aohool opened thla mom tug with an at tends nee of 444 pupil agalnefl a total enrollment for last year of 17a. Tha children met tn a few af th room In th main building, while the greater number assembled In tha portables Very little work will be done thla week, but Monday the aohool will start la earnest. It 1 hoped by th principal to hava most of the classes located In the) mala building within two weeka. AoeordlDg to Superintendent Bigtar, the old part of the Clinton Kelly school will be ready for occupancy Monday and Ilthln two weeka tha whol building IU be finished. At the Portsmouth school th pupU will mesT for work Monday morning, at which time th old portion of th building will be ready for occupancy. The re porta whleh have beea received today from tha aohool show slight tn orsaee In attendance over tha first day RECEIVES TELEGRAM Ci CONCERNING LENA ;-t (Jearaal apeelal asrvtae.) an Franslsoo, Sept 14. Moon ex citement waa caused In the downtown section thla afternoon by th clrculatloa of report that another Russian war ship had bees sighted off th entmnoe to the Ooldeu Gate and that two Jap ana vessels were off tha Farallona. Tha report 1 absolutely without foun dation. This afternoon Ootleetor Stratton re ceived a telegram from Washington aald to oontatn Instructions so go aboard tha Lena, presumably in aompany with Ad miral Ooodrleb, to serve notion oa Cap tain Berllnsky that ha will be allowed tlm to make neceeaary rasalrs. . BRUSSELS GETS THE NEXT PEACE MEETING ii r y: : s ,. , f,. r ' (Ssaraal taeetal Ssrvlot.) ' ' 1 St Louis, Sept. 14. Tha Intorparlla mantary union adjourned today to meet next year In Brussels. - A resolution waa adopted expressing; th gratification of the eonfereaoe at tha conclusion of ar bitration treaties during tha year be tween several European countries and hoping .that ether sweramntl would take the same course. Tha delegates will room their tour of th United State, proceeding to Kansa City a tha first stopping plane. EXPLOSION IN MINE CAUSES MANY DEATHS (Joaraal SjiiUl-aarvtae.) -' Bluedeld. w. Vs.. Sept. 14 Tba news of n mine explosion nans Omtto ha tost reached here. . - Several man ar reported to hav beea Mown to atoma and several fatally hurt. Th Injured are being brought her, but th name and dataila are at this hour unobtainable. . . , PRESIDENT REMOVES CONSUL AT CANTON ; v: - T-'. : '' f'taTeI ab I list Servk)''.'''' Oystsr Bay, N. T., Sept 14, Th president has removed Robert McWede. oonSul at Canton, China. - Charge of various kinds hav been pending against McWade before th Stat department tor som time. . NICARAGUA AND : - HONDURAS END ROW (Jearaal Ssettat anrrlet.) a Mobile, Atow Sent 14. News has reached her that the dispute between Nicaragua and Spanish Honduras has been amicably eat tied. Th Honduras troops- war withdrawn f,rom Nloaragus territory without a conflict . . m I, - I'm,,' fl i' riearaal SperUI fsrvaia.) Charleaton. g. C. Sept 14. In n sunaH on? shore today tha schooner Pride was wrecked and three men loot The schooner Gray Eagle Dora la missing and 1L tosn ar thought to bv beea - V - (Jearaal apertal serrlea.1 St Paul, Mian., Sept 14. Count Osl sbl. a Japanese noblenutn an rout to Se attle, in an interview here la quoted as having aald that two Japanese oruisers ara patrolling th Paclflo a abort die tanoa west of tha Fa ration Islands, wait Ins tor th Lena to som out - SKOOTS A SpMtel Danrntm te tae Qral.) ' ' ; Tneoma, Wash.. Sept 14. W. A. Mil ler, n gambler, waa arrested this morn ing charged with I ring a revolver at hla wife while ha waa Intoxicated. The bullet missed her. Ha la said to have bean put under peace boada In Portland reeeatly after a ntmltar attaek. ... . Til ant BIIM M MraeiV Wilbur, Wash, Sept. 14 John Rankin, an eccentrio old bachelor. -aged 44 years. wag found dead tn hla oabln near 1m yeaterday. H was known all over th Big Bend as "Johnny. Ha suffered from dropsy and heart troubl for many yar. v .-. nsptrial Dwsatrb 4 Tae fiaraal. Moeeow. Ida Sept 14, A sensation waa sreated over lb wired dlsmlesal from Boise yesterday, of Deputy Clerk Coaler of. the United States oourt of th northern laano aistnct. M. c Shaver, editor of tha North Idaho Stor wag an- potntod. SeoethlDf Rev Ii SomBlrs. y" A lata and fetching novelty and an which th public la more than Interested In in th pretty Ilttl burnt leather sou venir postal cards whleh thousands of tourists ar buying at the present time. Tha artists at Messrs. Woods rd, Clark dt Co Is busily engaged from morning till night tn turning out these xuielt pieces of art leather. Rack card bear a different design In landscape r city and is furnished with the address of tha buyer when so do sired, e -- i. faprrial Dwaetrk TW JeeraaL) Avon, Idaho. Sspt 14. The myst rtoua dlsappearanea f S. S. Neablt laat Sunday la oauelng much eomment He has a wife and Children, H oame her from Dakota about a year a so. No causa I known for hla dleappaaranoa, GA.'.::ii:j A5A13; no rura inrwaV 4xf MMMmmmm Almost sU th big monr-paylnc slat maohlnea In tha elty were In operation last night Poker games are ' also saw to hava been played for stake at va rious resorts in the north and. wary thing Is la readiness for a raid at th her Iff s omoe, and on to antlelpated this afternoon. Sheriff Word learned las night that th moa-nevln devices were In ooer- 1 j a ilea and la said to have sees mm f them played. Thla morning ha w closeted for eorne time with on of the circuit ludgea, presumably In referee to raiding th place where maehla ar la use. His entire foro of deputies waa on hand thla afternoon, ready for any action thalr chief might ahoos to Shortly before th expeoted rdr earn from th sherlfTs private omoe piatrlet Attorney Manning arrived ea th soene. He was eloaetod with th sheriff for som time. Th nature of their oonfer- nos oannot be learned. ... Dlstriot Attorney Manntnp denies that th slot machines war eet In eperatlon laat night with his knowledge or an- sent Ue assarts that he haa not ha a talk with men hm reeled in money paying Ssvlsss f such, a kind for sis montaa. . 'Sheriff Word ' and I ar not tohar moaioua,'' said Mr. Mannlngv Th only point on which we dlsaar at all la on the email alot maehlnas operated on cigar stor and saloon oouatera Tbara In nothing aerioua about our Slfferenee there, and it . oan hardly be called a diamcraamant'4 , Th dlatrlet attorney will leav tha olty tomorrow night for Orleana, Kan., In reeponae to 4 telegram etatlng that hi mother, who la axed U yeara, la vary ill. On oonrplalnt of Mike Solomon, form erly In charge of th keno gam at th Portland dubx Deputy City Attorney Fltagerald laat night Issued a warrant for tba arrest of J. at Stophans, of th Warwick, 111 Fourth street charging him with being th awnar, proprietor, manager and employ of that establish ment and selling pools to th omnlaia ant Septembsr IS on horse raoas. Warrant Officer Oolts mad th arrest at IS o'clock today. Th defendant waa not arraigned, but Upon application af hi attorney, Mr. Bee it man, tha ease waa oontlnued to tomorrow. In th mean ttrae habeas sorpiig sroonsdlnga will a Instituted. Just what line af action they wlU take, tha managers of th Warwlok de cline to .say at this Ume. "but It Is sup- poasd they will try to aet ap the right to run their establ lament elalmlns It to he th nam kind of n ommlsslon sou as aa any of the dealing tn grain r stocks. On tha other hand, tha tty will eoa- tond that tha Institution m a gambling houaa, forbidden by ardtnanpe. and not operate. Municipal Jadg Hogue was wllltng that Stephana should b released oa his own rcogniannoa but for legal pro cedure, hla attorney desired him 40 be ant to jaU. and he was looked up. .a - Ftoytoay Fsan That a ramn gem Is running la tail blast at 41 Seooad street I th its te rn eat sand by Policeman Bndtoott of th flrst night relief, in a report made to Chief Hunt laat night. Tha establish ment where th game la aatd to ha run ning Is just one block north of th Cen tral police station, la La Mee Oln place of buelness. Merchandise alot - maohlnea ar tn operation In all tha cigar stores and sa loons today. Thay were started up Im mediately after Sheriff Word announced that he would not Interfere with tbem and would serve warranto only In asset where speeiSc persona war named. -. IT Mow Laltoif . Deputy Sheriff Orusei was sent oat thla afternoon with mstructlan from Sheriff Word to notify erery agent of tha Louie lane lottery In Portland that h must go out sf business at enee, and to further serve notice that hereafter th aherlfro office will oauss tha as Mat of vary agent found doing- business and also every person having . a lottery ticket In hla possession. fcrtn" h McKIifcy't tkitsv 4 Thi years ago Prealdeot McKmtey bullet At th tlm of hi assassination bull. At th tlm af his aaeleelnatton Frits A bend roth of Abendrotb Broa.. tha Washington street jewelers, was traveling In Germany and was In Ber lin on th day of tha preeldent's death. All daring ib president's illness th "Berlin Local Aanounoar.' a -Berlin newspaper, Issued hourly bulletins and at the time of President MeKlnleys da- mm issued a alfuvle eheet extra, a copy of which A bend roth scoured and brought home as a souvenir. Th ex tras war spread throughout tha dty from th "Announcer's" branch offloes and by man, women and children hired for that particular purpoa. Mr. Aben- droth speaks Interestingly of tha grant interact manifested by th Oar mans In President McKtnloya condition and of a groat demand for Information. X copy of th extra- la shown to Abn- droth Bros.' window. ' IsperUl Dlspatek a Tat JesreaU ' Baker City, Or, Sept, 14. A spark from th engine of a freight train started ft fire In tha wheat Said of Thomason Bros.; two mils from Haines , yesterday afternoon. Ninety acres of standing; grata was destroyed by th flame and evn stacks of wheat ready to threeh were also burned. Th wheat wnt 40 bushels to the acre and tha loss to tha standtn whaat m esti mated at IS.!. ' asueiiuw sio ' (Saerlal Imyetm Th JearaaLl Pendleton, Or., Sept 14. Jeaaa Salmc oharged with gambling, will be ar ralgnsd to plead nasi Sararder, Th arrest f Sating haa not ehseked anr of th gamin heuee and oven his Is rnnnlag. MFirsuodjre Hartford, Cenfl. Sept. 14Th Re- BUblloan stata ooaventton nominated Hanrr Roberts, th areeent lieutenant- governor, for - governor, and . Roll in Woodward of Slew Haven for Uuto- nnt-govemor. wmw Bdjrs a ' riaeftal BwawbJfc the learsal.y ' OoM Hill, Or.. Sept. 14. The Oeld Hill bank will b apen for bnatneaa by October If. It te backed br Portland and afedford capita (lata and will be n mnoh.aieded lnatltutlen hsr Th Of- noara ara not ret naman , BsnESAVXOBS Who Well G IT MIQHT BE YOU ( The next special prlrc to be si warded for the est correct cetimete received before September Jt,5th will be a $375 upright piano, v SEND IN YOUR ESTIMATE TODAY ! IS A SUMMARY 0T THE PRIZES I Tssfmsj Cs 24 . I Cosortf abioet Graad Uprirht Fisno.(M,a. MO0 - 10 Kingsbury Uprigbt Pisnos.,... M00 ; M Apollo Hsmo Ptts.. 0,000 )0 ChiCSfO CbttnFt Olsls.......ieeae..; ' B40 00 Gfmnd Rspids Sections! Book Csdd.. 1,000 j 00 RorsJ Sewtof Mschiods.. .........h... ...... ' MOO 10 KsJamasoo Stores sad lUnfas. ...........,,, . 1,000 00 Violins, GtNtmxt, MsnkHns sad Bsnjos. V00 00 SoUd Gold, Gold Filled, Eiiameled and Jwwsstd i ? Men's end Women's WHofaes. 1,500 .100 CotttmUa GrepbophoQes 1,000 TO AWVletm IHisorsinic CaUshTrns. 000 900 ft0 Cdrop SitTrwmre..., U0 100 Gees Setetr nssofs. ... ( 000 ' 100 Moore's Kora-Brtmbble Fovatsia Pent , 000 1,000 Vrjluates Theodore feeeeltM. - M0 1.000 Vohtraes niodfeoa. Amerkea Hofoetr" 1,000 tOOO Votuiaee "Stephen a Foster's Sons; Album,. . 000 1,000 Song sskd Kosk. 000 VO00 ToeU. ee e CONDrTIOfiS Of THIS GREAT CONTEST HOW TO-MAstt TKtJOUlUtAi; SUBSCRIPTION RATE rTaS:gai:":.-Ta :BOStBl . t-ao f be Mn awsjsM smd yarns ii mawis. Tow a -wTswsa vo owe sjcawsj von baox enJit'rFTa eaw-e vavae eei suawksjiissiee Auooeee, wniiii ianmM awd ws aa fas ass ii I. usiSkm, bw S Wo M Inswsd a&: ft nwaam SUBSCRIPTION B LAN 11 ..j . COM Sm gel and , . . . fthdO e. UNIVERSITY OF mm opens V'." ; (Bbeekd Dweatsk m Tae Joaraal.) Bngena, Or, Sept. 14-Tbe University of Oregon began Its at eel one for th lt4l tans today. Tha large number of student on bead for th opening f th Institution had nothlag to do bwt register tkevr ' nasaea, and ragmtratmn and assign meat to smssss will aoowpy a week or morA Th fact that tw aoadomhi wwrk haa bean wt out sf th oUg ourrloulum and-ahat th eredlta far sntrano hava been raised from 7 to Ts would mak It aaem that tbr would not be aa large an attendance as formerly, nut Presi dent Campbell attribute th expected larg attendane te th growth and ad vancement af th high sahvals Uurottgh out tha aUta. . Mrs. William win again hava hnrg of th dormitory, every room of which has been engnced. Fred Oouings, a brakamnn on a Sowth- trn Pacific freight train, waa seriously Injured at th depot here yesterday. Qoi llngs was swtnging ea th ewtaide af a moving bosoar when h struck a wagon which wag standing near tha track, throwing nun u th ground. Ma waa sent to his home nt Junction City. Ea-Caunty Judge K R KtnoaM has mads arrangnmwttg to erect a sawmill on hla 4-ar trust ef llmkas tana mUss aoutheast of Bugana, Vh. MHt but A mt.. n fratn llugan thla aaaaon waa yeaterday eent to New Trh by W. Sander, a local buyer. Tha nrto of th bark la steadily decMnlng. 4H oat a bound now pains tha ruling figure. Ban Wagner of - Aabktnd, ifhn waa graduatod from th Unlverny ef Oregon last June, ban rofvd an tn vita tlon from Barry B. Kuthlaad of Harvard university to aocept th position af pre. I ldmt of th college nooaevelt leaguea 1N uregoo, Washington and Idaho. J. I. Fage af ICugens reports that th roe rets of hk efHee er August. 1404. snaeeded tha receipts for th oorrw- apondlng month In IMS by more than M per omit, and September gives premise of a Ilk Increase. A IHtl SSjrrlAred to 10 t I ... d ,. Ridden tha flebSBapasa E (MM IswdMTonWaUrSOe A sVasPJsS trsawi Fm.MMMTshVm aMv3M .fo,ooo . AN CSTTMATE v a5l m mar 4 was a,.fi zz I its i .i USUI Ts JMSt I I Wll ef 4n SntteS Siwr::::;:::::-::;:::;;::::1' flM ts all 4 BaTS 53 1 P- mm mmmm. MM ' -. -I' 1 V ' " I ,i , . ' ATTEIIPTTO Vim : viwrnvFJ im IfallVVVIaVU VrkaaJ T t . ' rapaekd lamm 4 Tba JaarasLl Vancouret. Waalu Sept. 14. Am b rgtM attompt was mad by th prto- oner hi th Clarw aowaty Jail night to break thalr way to waa effective so far as th Iron aua were oonooraod, but th nwn failed to make an opening large enough m th outer wall to enable them to mnar v Welch on of the prison lb th gu r man tt Is not learned, aa eack Is earn In deolarlag hla innoeenoe. But t fact remains that soma an of th r -oners, prabnbly alL war guilty of... u attempt. - . Th braak, as far an n wag fr ' waa th result of a file mad fr oaee knife. On ef th padlock Sled loose aftor using table tog, b from on of th tobtos. to pry th . bar far enough apart to enable work to be done an th lock, whwn an the outalda of th door. After aoa gaining th outer eon vigorous attempt was shown to bean mad. First ta aa endeavor te cape through on f th barred down. Tha fail ere to looeen a screen between th Iron bar and ' inner easing of tha window reouiiw th abandonment of that atte u attempt waa next mad to -t opening through th brick wall on ! west side of tba JaiL In thla t oner flrst tor away tha Irs v near tha floor, then, wttb h th ease knife, tried to looeen t . for the purpoee of ealarglng tl aTwy ha th wall leading to alda - Their efforM wer Snally p' and this awrnlng th oair the attempt waa the titter corridor, both at th pe-e , proposed salt through te - worked upon, and the aag th look was Sled loo. banal Mamt Fendi-toa, Or.. -nuteatutailon f' n nataiorlam at la p. d to iv , t" V