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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1904)
. p JOURNAL'S NEWS OF SPORTING BRO)VNS AND TIGERS TO BATTLE THIS WEEK TEN NIS AT IRVINQTON COURTS M. A. A. C ELEVEN HOLD HARD PRACTICE SPORTING AND BASEBALL, tern ay AA.HOMN THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 14, 1904 mil holds : YIGC2CIIS PRACTICE A ; QATUn DMUIt uT BB rnovti owm,lA V worn ta mrmmxmm mwk "' VOWKXDASUI OUriklDATM AJB- mi fob fiuiMM.. t';': Cantata Dewllng and St members of the Multnomah club's football squad as nanhiad lut evening at the Btobop Scott academy aTmnastum and went through an hour1 hart work aa the In door gridiron. The interest dtaplayed V tba mm eneouiagod the caatala and MMpr, and now both feel thai Mult nomah will have the aaoat formidable avm an the Pacific aoast -tale sea son, in- ths face of tba good ehowlag nude mat atgbt Tha disappotntlna) feature of tha evenWe practice wee tha absence of aavaral of laat year's man. Morohr waa away. Corbatt, too, Roaa Grieve. Keller. Ktrkly end Van Voorhln, Captala Dowllng reallaaa that 1 In order to hava a orach aievea avoir matt must get oat early tn tha Benson for tha first practices and not wait un til tha night before gama, and than coma around looking for a poaltloa. nev- rml of the boya wara busy laat evening while-others wara out af town. Klrhley. who will ba tha flrat choice for ona of tha tacklta on tha team, haa not beea out yet but It U understood that ha will ba around later thla weak Klrkley waa ona of tha strongest and moat consistent mambera oa laat yaar'B team, and tha alnb axpacta greet work from him thla seeeoa.. Ha la quick on hm feat, and, beside being aafa tar de fense, la a powerful factor In advancing the bell. In laat year wiatehea ba eas ily pat It over hla opponents. eapclaily McDonald Of the University of Wasb Inma eleven. ' Mart on DolDh waa on hand laat night. Marlon played half 3ast year with Harry Corbatt, and both made a oowerful pair of backs, it la known that both men arM be la fine condition for the struggle again thla year. Seeley Pleyed right guard laat evening, and showed In hta old-time form, when It waa a simple thing to -tear p aueh Unas aa Cornell, Columbia and other strong teems In the east Dave Jordan also rolled around with hla old pale la the sawdust Dave plays very well at and or quarter, and he will give anybody trying for either .position a hard tussle. Hoi man, captain of laat year's HU1 academy team, is a eaadldata for euarterbaofc. Holmaa la a gritty Voting player, having plenty of speed aad a good knowledge of tha gam a "With mora practice with MuKnomah. Holman will give hla rivals a run for positions Than there are Blanc hard. James. Tut tie, Bandera nansfeldt. Nortbua, Hoffman, Lsckbrldge. Cronln, Bishop, Johnson. "Wtlhelm, Tom Ross and big 0am Stow of tha University of California eleven. tow played left guard on tha blue-and- gold teaai for four years, and -waa. a aide partner, of .Overall the areas. Van Voorhln is -a cnpaMa fellow, If tar sen get tha time to play, and there are a number of other good Candida tee In thla city if they would get out and attand ' .practical. - , - - j From tba character -of - tha games scheduled, MuUnomnii jr ILL not have a game that can be called easy. The hard est gvnea la this elty will be Astoria, University of Oregon,. Albany and O. A. C, whU tha two gamao In California will be hard oonteeta. Both Stanford and Berkeley are hard at work for the season's labors, and If Multnomah wantn any aealpa front the land of sunshine and ornnga bloasoma there will hava to ba noma hard work dona between now and tha time the team leavee for the aouth. The team will meet again this aveaHig at ?! far practice. - -r--rn SAYS HE IS ONLY MAN WHO CAN WHIP JEFF -l 'ifesmal i ,1,1 gerrtM.) -!; Chicago, Sept, 14. Ralph Rosa tha Itotad California athlete, now student ft th University of Michigan, after breaking tha world's record at putting tha shot and throwing weight, fct not aattefte end wants to light James J. JaCTris. la a letter r a Chleaan -friend be Is credited with saying; "I believe I am. the only au iQ tha world who omn lick affrtea, I hava a stronger nrht arm tbaa J-ffrioe, eaa hit a harder rnra, and if I aver hit him on tba neck wlH klU him, t have no reason to beHeea I eould not whip Jeffrtaa. I am a swifter anaa on my feet, I hava a harder punch, langor reach, aa much nerve and -endurance and enough ex perience la tha boxing game to win." Rosa II yaara old, foot 1 laohee tn height and is deiered to be tha fastest maa oa hla feet for his eiae in tha country- He will be U years -eld whan he graduatee from sol lege. . ,r , . t SATIOBAB UUBVB. r Win Lost. 14 PC '.741 rtsw Torfc ,,....., .n Chioago . ,,.74 11 .691 nttaburg , ..,.,.;, .7 ...7 j S4 i. , J174 Bt Iule e J .4 Brook lya .w 41 .1)14 .161 PliiUddphfca t ..... . .S .7 First nma Jfew York . . 41 Boston . . t.t. ....... ...'.i a Battertes McOlnnlty.aad Warner; Wllhelm and Need hem. . . Second game - R. H. B. gew York a i Boston . . , ,.,.1 t t Batterlea Ames and Warner; Plttlng grr and Needham. Umplraa - Gmall4 and Carpenter. , , jaa mj m Brooklyn .;f.i,jr.. a' Fhiiadirhut .1 i i rraiLt-nee 1 rrmin ana twrgani and rooln. Umpire Moraa. , - . Flrat guma t ' ' B, H. B. Flttaburg . ,- , t f Hntlrlea WaUar and troet; Lynch and Phelpe. rVoong gnmn ' 4 '. ' A. R. B. gbclnruitl j,.,,.......,,. ..4 J ,t Plttuburr f - Battrlea Ilnrpar and SchUt; Rob art end Arrhr. ITmpIrr Zlmmer. DLOODPfl werat eWMSe eh n mim WHEN furj WHAT .TO have r- r --a, F m 4J efee, es um 1 lm, am la tb UM tba Jmr- :., Ham. iauin e afoo r"- " tl., P . f 1 la. raa.. for BMoWH'g I eat ar ffmak Baa. AFRIKANDER WINS . . ; CUP PRELIMINARY ' (Jearaal aasewl aarrtoe.) ' Aftiksnder captured tha oup prelim mary at Brighton Beech yesterday after noon la a hard riding finish from Me Cbeoney and Bugenia Burch. The Ploket. at T to i, the heaviest played horse tn tba raoe. did not show, Summary: flrc furlonga Memahia won; time. lilt. , Mile and a sixteenth Flrat Maaon Von: time, list la furioags Betle BtrtaM www time. Tha cup preliminary, ailla and a half Afrikander won, McCheaney aaoond. Ba ron la Buroa third; time. :S. Mils and a alxtaanth, aeUinaWMok Bernard won;, time, 1:41 ft. Five furlonga - Fancy Draaa woa thaa, 10 S-e, - 1 Bt. Loan. Beat. 14. Delmar summary Fiva furlonga, ' sailing - Piatt won; time. 1:01. 0lx and a half furlonga, nailing -Ba- aenla B. woni tlma. l:t. . la furnaga, aeUlng- Fie tarn Hat wonc tlma, VMM. MUe and 7 yardaNevar Booh waa; time. lrftlVj. " Seven furlonga, parse AUam Avon -won; tlma, I 11. Mile and an etghta,' aslllnf DsngaJ waa; 'tlma, t:M. 4 Chioago, Bapt. 14. ttawtharaa wa- Five tortonga ' Ona Brake- won time. lie. . . - - Ftva and owe-half farlenga Janata won: time, I:l. Mils and ana-alghth Baa Caanoa woa; time, 1:7. . - MUe and ft yards Fslipa Lugo waa; time. 1:47. Five and one-half furlonga Dai Car- laa won; time, 1:1 1-4. Mile wee tie won; tlma, 1:41 t-d. t ' '''At Baadrtlla, Masa, BepL li-Oraad elr- oalt trotting aummaxy: 1:17 paoa. nurse 1.004, threa in fl Nancy H. won tha fourth, fifth aad sixth heats la f:M. Ml. I:1IH- 1:14 naoa, puree 11.000, three In five. unfinished Bonata won tha flrat and second heats in 1;14H. :llVj. 1:U trot, purse II. 004. three la frva Mainland woa the aaoond. fourth aad fifth heats la 1:11. 1:11. 1:11. 1:04 trot, auras II. 00, two m three Caspian won the flrat and,- fourth heats la t:1tt4 1:81. ... . f HARD SCHEDULE FOR THE STATE VARSITY (Jeemel asartal twilw.) Bagana, Or... Sept. J4.Ma.nager Dave Ore ham of tha. University of Oregon football team, -haa- arrived la Jfiugena and la already arranging' for practice work Which -will begin next Monday under the direction of Joe Templeton. who will hava charge-tdha work until ttlck Smith, arrives on Aaaw 144a, Inst. Fallowing la the acbadalg or gaasea for tha university team thla season: October U. O. va. ,alumiuV at Sa- gena. October Is U. a va. 0. a Xedlcs, at Vugene ; . . October M U. O va. Unlvarafty of California, at Baa Franclaco, Ootober la U. O. - vs. Itaafard. at Palo Alto. ' Norember TJ. O. vs. Uhtvarslty of Washington, at Bagana, November 11 Not deflalta rt whether game will ba with Pacific, Willie soette or tha Astoria Commercial stub. Novambar 1 V. O. va, O, A. C at Corvalluw ; :. "Z ? C k r Thanksgiving day V. Q. TB. U A, A. C at PortUnd. - " While tha flrat team la tn California the aaoond team will play'tha Bogene sobool taajaa. .- -. , v- - u Jos Humphreys haa takea charge of Hughey MoOovarn. and la looking for acrapa at onoa. "1 -stand willing and ready," aaya Humphreys, -no make bona Ada majch with Tommy Murphy for tha bantam obamplonahlp of the aaat." 1 - - " Nell haa positively rafnaed ta meet Hughey la any eta-round bout, stating that tha distant la too abort. Aa the November data ta opea la Ban FranclaoO It might ba a good idea o hava tha win ner of tha Murphy'McGovern bout meet Kerf for tha bantam weight title, Marvta Hart, through hla manager Jack MoCormlck, has accepted the ehal lenga thrown down by Oeorgo Gardner and to willing to poet a substantial for feit at any time. - Hart aaya Gardner's challenge to light Munroe la not to be taken seriously, as Munroe Is practically matched to nght Ruhlln. The only dif ficulty la tha way of a Hart-Oardner match will be that of weight - . . Ooorga Memele of Cincinnati has been matched to meet Mike Ward of Sarnla, Ont.. hefora tha Port Huron A. C tor 19 rounds. Thla will ba tha ftrst flght that Ward haa had alnea hla laat en countar with Jimmy Gardiner of Iaowsll, wtiich he luet. - It la announced that Princeton ant varsity will unite with Harvard in all branches of sports for Ave yaara. Their old quarrels hava bean forgotten, and the alliance now being Conned will prob ably andura, . .. Bowling for tba coming season. Which will open la tha course of a weak or two. blda fair ta be the greateet see eon ta the history of tha gams. Never before hava there been each a high claaa of people who bowl aa there la now. Bankers, brokers, lawyers, doctors,, mualq dana and no an all go on tha alleys for a little sport and exercise. Charles I. Ollddea af Boston haa In troduced a now kink m auto travel. Ha has had hta touring maohtne fitted with flanged steel wheels, standard railroad gauge, and It followa expriaa trains around tba continent. , .. ...... . .. ii e i I,- t ttovar tuanrB fob nAirs. ' " -' faaeeiti imaateh to The Jsarnat.) Baker rOlty. Or., sept. 14 Two hun dred poqpla visited the aew race track Sunday afternoon ta North Baker and a, regular matinee ooenrred. A large num ber of fancy driving horse wara on tha track and their owners bad many spurts agalaat each other and against tlma Tha committee reports mat most of the money haa bran raised for the com pletion of the track and buildings which will be ready for tha- races October 11-14. State Fair Commtaoioner Kb 1 1 statea that there will be a large number of agricultural exhibits made thla year and many valuable prises distributed. The faJr aasooiatlon committee are ad- vlaed that there will he at the races many horses from abroad 4n compete for tha pursed snog up by tha society. NASSAU - WILL MISS .HER OLD WARRIC3S TBABV TXAJK DB WITT, BATia, Brcuma, OUB.. ' (Jesroel tract Sttvka.) ) v Princeton, N. J., Sept. 14. But 1 .1. . r week remains before tha untverelty will opea, and tha many vend Ida tea far foot ball places will be hustled out on tha gridiron and go through all porta of training stunts and tackling tha dummy, ate,, until a thorough Una haa bean drawn on each applicant, and hla ability ta i na poaiuon allotted ta htm. Princeton will hava no "might Da witt-' thla fall, nor will there ba an- ocner to equal nun oa old Naseau'a grid iron for many yaara to come. Da Witt waa aa all around man and waa la every play at tha tight tlma. and there will oarer be another who ona All hla plaea at ths kicking game. Princeton lost six star maa by gradu ation laat June, and there la now a aa- rtoua proposition to overcome la filling tha places vacated by at of tha beat men oa laat fall's team. Tha proepecta, therefore, ere not in tha toast encourag ing, and there will have to ba soma great hustling to maka aa aggressive team this falL . Tha Jose by graduation ' took both ends, filled by Howard Henry at right and Ralph Davis at laft; and with theab two men out of tha game. It appears but a small task for aa opposing teexa to circle Princeton's ends at will and for repeated and eonalstont galna. Right guard, which waa rilled by John Do Witt. Is another place that will ahow a weak spot, and right next to -him waa Read at right tackle. He, too, waa ona of tha beat men In hla poaltloa on tha Held, and It will causa much uneasiness to tba coaches and trainer to get a man who will do the same worn that Reed did. Full back la a very Important po sition and must ba filled by a man Who knowa the game from beginning ta and. Rosa MoClava bald thla poaltloa down. and what will Princeton do without the hurdllna full bach? Roy Votterleln. tba quarter back, who generated tha testa to perfection, is out of college. Right guard wlirhava to oc filled with a new -man from tha enter ing elaae. Bo will right-tackle, but full back will be looked after by Dana Kafer, and while ha- la conaldered a bang-up full back, hla work Is not quite up to that of McClava, but ha will no doubt look after that poaltloa creditably. Ba ton Miller, with hla experience In tha Yale gama laat fail. Should be nrat-omaa material. " " x Right and left anda, will no doubt. ba filled with now man, but they are not expected ta equal the two veterans who played laat fall. Quarterback will fall to Tom rale Burke, and while Burke is lust aa good an Votterleln, and In run- nine back la far better, ha aeetna to run into a streak of hard lack la nearly everv as anon. Jim Coo nay brill, of coarse, look after loft atckia. and ha will look after It well, too. It will be remembered that ha played a brilliant gama against 'Ma gna of Tola laat fall, and this alone will purely secure him hit old position oa tha team. Codney M i bull Inrtoaltd, and haa mors nerve and artt than any ona an the team. Harold Short will', of course, hold tha pivotal poaltloa. Short Is aa aggressive man. and ha put It all over Rorabaofc of Yale laat fall, when Princeton woa tha championship from tha blue. . Herbert &owell Dillon will look after loft guard. Dillon la a heavy awn and Is anally kept ta good shape. Capt Walter Foul ha la without ex ception tha fsntast'Tight hatniack on tha gridiron and ho IB always good for five or tea yard It la Foulke'a Intention to maka Princeton a speedy team and with apoad and weight together tha op posing teams this fall will find . that they have a hard problem to solva Left halfback will no doubt ba filled with a new man. - Tha entering claaa of freshmen will ba targe, but their ability ta football players la aa unknown quantity; never theless there will be two or three good men In tba Incoming claaa, and not only will they maka a hit In football, but they are also creak track and baseball aten, . Trainer Robmson haa been on tha football field all summer and haa Rot the gridiron In food condition. Ha also has com pi at el y renovated the fteldbouee and training quartere. It la Robinson's intent loa to try each candidate out separately, and If he shows any ability at all tha trainer will put him through a course of work and send him to the training table. After a Una haa been bad oa all tha players they will all bo sent to tha training table.' after which a weeding prooeae will take place and tha regular 'varsity picked. it Is possible that the Veterans who were graduated last Jane Will some back and play on tha scrub, and tn this war nut the men la fine ship and give them Instruction la the technical points of the game. The Una will no doubt be ona of brawn and beef, and there will ba aotne hard work required to penetrate the Tigers' line or maka any kind of gala through this department. But there wm no doubt bo ronslBtent axine around tha ends, as these positions, filled with aew men, will ba somewhat easy tor tha opposing) Una, " ' The achedule thla year oontaina ten games, three of which, wtth tha United Statea military aad naval aoademlea and Cornell, will . ba played away from Princeton. The seven other games win be niayed ofi the home grounds and will be of much Importance, especially thar with Lafayette. This team waa again takea un after being dropped last fall. Sev eral other teama have been dropped this year, and on the whole the achedule is a good one. roiiowtng ta tne acneauie: September it, Dickinson at rrinoeton; October 1, Georgetown at Princeton; October t, Wesleyan at Princeton; Oo tober I, Washtngtoa and Jeffereoa ' at Piinortoat October It, Lafayette at Princeton; October 14, united State naval academy at Annapolla; October 11. Lehigh at Princeton: Ootober II, Cornell at Ithaca; November 4. United Statea military academy at West Point; November la, Tale at Princeton. - , FAOZFXe 4fOAar SdsAdnm. 0 01 iMl .,., UiXM17(a)il BTZ VL4TBM OF TXB FaUBUBTOB BBBTBJV WZU BOW BB Mf WaTJS WM.U ! ilSf.,t.t J -t L.. . Um Anselea W II 4, in 4 41 Ttwoa ..h 0.. M w Ohtll JV.-wj teattle l... f 0 . . SjllelM Hn rrftneUce 1 iL . 0 01 11 .4ST (HkUnit iii-.v... 5 ir Am n' .44e tUo ........ .... 1 m Of . . I .444 Uii'oMi7ia) uri BROWNS AND TIGERS "A-: i'- - MEET THIS WEEK The Browne are home, aad In tha laav i Buags of tha team, "U feels so good to : be In Portland again." Dusty and weary : after tha loog journey from Lea Angeles, tha dejected per forme ra who represent this city oa the glistening felt, arrived laat evening after dark, - It was too late to atrlke aa open barber shop, an the Brownies went ahavelees to bed. The Taooma Tigers arrived this morn ing and are aa active and lively aa a lot of , youngstera ; ready for a day's aport. Tba Browne "Watchman, what of the night T- Are the Portland pets going to gat la now and play the kind of base ball that the town requires, or are they going to reanua In tha underground po- sltiont It la well enough to compare the standing of the club, by oompartsoa. but the tana are proud of poaltloa, and dislike being tall-boards to the band wagon. ' Laat place la laat place, whether a team ta there by a polat or a 1,400. The rana were promised a big brace some tlma ago and are awaiting tha im provement with the patlenoo of the Biblical waiter.. Manager ' Dugdaie points with pride to the recent trip juat closed, and feels happy that his team won alx gamea out of 14 la California. Drennen, whoao ankle, was Injured by Hurley throwing hie bat at him, will be able to gat la the gama today. Steel- man le pretty well used up and may not be able to go In behind the bat. Ths team, aa a whole, does not appear so strong as when It left here two weeks ago,- but this series with Taooma should giro the locate an opportunity to ahow what they can do. The raoe for pennant honors t very interesting and decidedly close, the lead ing elub having won but fiva mora tbaa Portland and Hosing aeveo leas The chance of Portland la at the pres ent time, not later tn the season. The leading teams, on account of position, can afford to take more chances than a loeing team, and ft ta that very trick that oouata considerably la base ball. Tha faaa kopa for vlotoiiaa. GOOD SCORES MADE AT PORTLAND ALLEYS A large' crowd at people witnessed tha tan Din doubles on ths Portland three games of a series of six yrere played botweea the claaa era. A aaS-B bowl- The eon teat waa vary eloea, there be ing only 44 pins difference between top and bottom scores. Boulangsr had tha hi ah eat single soore, lot, Wllklna cap tured tba high total, wtth t4.- The acore br games followa: Han eon . . ........181 14 17a 4t Hyamitk . .174 - lit" 117 444 Total .- . .. 1,015 144 , 171 48 Rowe . . ..,..144 Wat kins . , ...f , . lt lit , 14 114 Total Kneyse , , ... ...tOl Axmltagw . , .,U.77 in lit 4ft W tl Total . . ............ t&r 167 111 171 41 McMeaomy . . 141 in in Capaa ....117 Total . . v. . . i . . . . . : . -?.007 Oalllard . . ..4 104. 161 14- (41 Bouianger . wtw 1M 101 111 4 Total kV i i 4i v .......... . . .1,021 Wflklna ....100 111 111 154 Lamond ...Ill . 141 110 414 Total . . ... ..... ...i.., ....i-. til The laat three games will be played Thursday alght tha teem having the highest totai of pine wlnnlnj the prise. IH'l-LrBISJ III 1.41 i'' . IMMENSE SALARY (Jeamal pertel-tervtoO Kew Tork. Sept 14. The OUnts are already beginning; to reap the rewarda that are sure to go with winning the champ ton eh !p. Manager MoOraw la re ported, on good authority, to have had hla aalary raised to 111.100, which fabulous figure will ge into effect next season. There Is said to be alee tlO.tot hi glit tering gold stowed away In the over flowing coffers of the New Tork club which will be distributed equally among the II players of the .team on tha day the championship hi assured seyena toe shadow of a doubt New Tork hats will also be given the boya when they win 100 gamea, and In- about two weeks tba latest style lids ill be theirs. ' Then, again, arrangements are al ready being made at a local theatre after tha seaeon closes - and a grand benefit will also ba held at the Polo grounds soon after the laat game ta played, at which It ta proponed the play ers appear la freak costumes and vari ous sports end positions will bg en Joyed, including a greased pig race and other oomto features. . .,;',' DIAMOND GLISTEN1NGS Before Itartffig Dfl ttti nrrtherrl trip I Manager Harris of the Ban Francisco earn released Rabbi tt Miller, the little i Inflelder who waa the ladled' delight tiler's hitting, was too light and any way Uncle Henry expected to alga Cas-, tro while In this elty. Mike Fisher and his Tigers arrived this morning from a victorious two ! ark's seselon with Seattle. Mike is well pleaaed to return to Portland, and sayB-the Dugs will be easy picking for: hla lads. Bobby Keefe will pitch for Ta-I coma while Jake Thlelman will prob- Sbty twirl for ths locals. Fred Weed, who was picked Bp in Los Angeles on the defection of Lally, to well pleaaed to return to Portland. Weed has many friends hers who remember hla brilliant work while a member af tba 1001 ehamps. Iugdale has dug up another bush sr. i Ha haa Hlgned Dick Boetteger, who has i beea tried out by Seattle. San Fran cisco and Oakland, and was not fast enough for the managers of those clubs. Ha will jotu the Browne today, , anew.' - (Jeeraal Bpertal Barries. ' ' Mlnnea nolle. Mian, Sept 14. An ad mirable display of horse flesh and a great outpouring of society sre expected to be the features of the horse show opening st ths state fair grounds this evening. The exhibition will be the first affair of the hind in which St Paul and Minneapolis have eo-o Derated aad it promises to be the most notable ever seen In the northwest It will mark the opening of the horse show circuit of the year, and will be followed by exhlbl tlona at Omaha, Louisville, at. Louis, Kaases City, Chisago and New Tork, USE AND RALEY WINEARLYMATCKES t While old Sol waa still obscured by tha amok and fog of early day, and while ths neighbors were enjoying the alum bars of tha Juat, tha taanla contest ants were out and busy oa tba Irvlngton t emits courts thla morning. Tha tourna ment Is progressing favorably, and at C o'eioch this marnlna. In the cold arar (dawn, Raley receive 4-ft, defeated Scott scratch, 4-4 and 4-L At o'clock Mora defeated Fox, t-a, a., both play ing from the scratch. The other gamea to be played today are aa follows: 1 p. m. Mr. Morse and Miss Carstens vs. Mr. aad Mra, Lookwood. 1 p. m. Mrs. Burke vs Mrs Cook ' 4 p. px Cook va Durham, 4 p. m. Mtee Sohaefler va. Mlaa Fox. I p. ax Ooee and Iurham va. Brown and Moraa, P- sol Mr. McAlpta aad Mrs, Scott va. Mr. aad Mia, Raley. The Interest la yesterday afternoon'a matches waa keen, aad a largo orowd wltnesed tha play. As tha preliminary matchee progreea tha play baoomea fas ter. Tba results of yesterday's giinvrg were: Mea'S elngtee ktnAlpfn, owe II, boat Oosa, owe 40, 4-1, 4-1; Dr. Northrup, re ceive It 1-4, heat W. F. Waodard. re ceive 10, t-l.: t-t. "' Ladtee' single Mlaa Lambaraon beat Mlaa Cox. a-g, g-e, both playing from scratch: Mrs. Cook, owe It 1-4. beat Mra. McLaughlin, aerateh. 4-L 4-H Miss Sutherland, receive 14. seat Mra. Raley, receive 1-4, 4-1, 4-1. Ladtee doubles Mlaa Caratena and Mra; Burke beat Miss Pox and Mra. Meare, 1-1. t-a, t-t, both teama playing I from scratch. Men's doubles Browa and Wallace Morse, receive 4-4. beat Scott and Thin ly- Moree, ecratoa, b-t, 7-s. A consolation tournament for lad lea singles and men's elnglea will be given, with tha same handlcape for all beaten la their first match af actual play, do- faults not counting. - The finals wlU be arahahlr Blared on Saturday of this week. y, AF 0BB4MUT OITT. iBymlal rasaawa to Ths toaraaL) Oregon City, Sept. 14. Posters were placed around town yesterday announc ing a boxing contest at Krebs' hall on tha sight of September It. Krebe' ball ta located la a hopyard a short distance this stdo of Salem. Mike Kinney of Aiblna and Kid Sullrraa of Portland will m JP,''"!"''" - T i XL.-.-? -1 r 7J !?; Kid Swansoa of Portland, aad Kid Kelly of Butte. Mont., will try conclusions with Young Ward af Portland. (Jeerasl laeclal tarnaa.) . Spokane, Wash., Sept 14. The S. A. A. C If trying hard to get a flrst-dasa match for tha opening entertatnment of the elub. t Oeorge Oardner baa been try ing hard ho be oae of the carda at tha opening, and his manager la still try ing to find some man to aaeet tba light heavyweight - Gardner has teued a cbwleiurs to Mun roe to -meet aim anywhere for a aub etaattal puree and a good aimed bet Tha Lowell' man ta willing to have tha r- know ss .A X ,- V Ay - -t :-1 - - . ' x 'it-' I ' ' ' f,' '- l--. v ' ' " 4 " aaaafi '"-'' -V i".,0 '?''., ' .. i . - iii ii hi t ii r a i . ar t ' k -';:.' ..... a i i i 3 ii .1 uijw r ..'.- ;:'...-;.. ir, . c 'AmSee WhatThey Nef-j' v w-n-m-- - 4 -- STYLISH "ft V. school; YOUNG MEN'S L0NQ PANTS SUITS "WHEN v - . s t::i: u WrMe aw lanamatloa mmirbag ear easihuntlis aaaatl aad tararret Sri dead veaay, . PERPBCTIO IN L4PB lrSSUHLANCB , ' , BLUB S. BOOT, a. M. HUT B SOOTf. A. B. ' f ' sv-is-ii-u-ii eunn or eomtoi Btow., - pobtlabv, ob. -BUY BAR FIXTURES - rrom um, ana iuuk I YOU PLEASE, if you want to saVe money nd stay in -business. - . .:';.j ;v..-,;.v The Bruhswick-BIXc CoHendcr Cov flgbt six or tt roundsi and guarajitees to prove Munroe his Inferior la tha nghttns game, no matter at what die- tanoe. Gardner's asanasTer baa rooalved a let ter from Chioago stating that Jack OKeefe, the wall known fighter, wants a go In Spokane. Me ta willing to let tha elub make tta owa terms aad will Mat any of them at 144 pounds. w . xvosb wka-vmm.'. C-- ' 'r eearaal Bpeetal flerrlaa.) ' Spokane. Waah.. Sept 14. W. It Lu OBB, president of tba P. H. I. may not be la thla district next year. He haa been offered tba poaltloa of president secretary and treasurer In ona of the strongest miner leagues ta the country. He aaya, however, that be baa not do- elded to accept tha offer. The otter was flattering, but the president of the league still haa liking lor-this section of tha country aad may bo induced to stay.... . ' ABTSBXOAjr XiBABTB. '", ' V" -V t Won. Lost. 4 41 New Tork . 77 Cleveland . . .....u. .ft . , II Chicago 7 , 17 Philadelphia Ii 61 Detroit . -r .. . a Bt Louis . ;..,........&! Waahlngtoh , 11 B. Boartoa . ... .0 Philadelphia ..A 0 Batterlea Tannahlll aad fMsar: irr and Powers. p.e .417 . .Ill .170 : .167 . .161 - ,430 u .410 t H.B. Hen- Then, whsttrw It may bs, bring them WB know that you will always ISFACTION GUARANTEED CLOTHING at saving of fully one-fourth, WELL .MADE HARD-WEARING $2.50 to WE SAY ITS WOOL, ITS aV Vvv . .y'ui.. r - c ir': :iuc" YOUR., ' . : w ...;;: . BILLIARD TABLES uuuio WHtius' L WANTS NO F v COR&ETT AROUND ' " '., 1 . Z: tlearaal gaidal tardea.) -St Loula, Sept 14. John U Sullivan. . hta star not yet completely sat sat ba- ' hind a rope In a salooa all day and grasped the hands of handreds of big admirers. Sullivan . had" oome to 'Bt Louie to engage la the saloon business, having purchased aa Interest In tba "Champion's Roost" the thirst parlor formerly oondueted by Champion Tom" Allen: but now run by J. W. Gillespie. , formerly of Buffalo.- A llfa-atae picture of Corbatt caught hta eye whoa ha came down to business this morning and the lithograph waa removed, after be had made tha remark that he "never could make soy money with . that fallow around. - " - t ; "Sully"- now weighs 10 Bounds, but declares himself to be la good trial and If appearancea are not , deoeitful ha to tell tug the truth. ,. . i ABwaxs (Jeereel fiaaHal errlea.t - flan yrancieoa, Sopt 14- Baa m ra oalved better support than waa aecorded Graham yeatorday and the Angels woq tho first gama of tba two woe ka' as rtaa. Soore: .- . , , ' a. h. a Lea Agelaa ....1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 f 0 Oakland. ..... .40014409 1 Batterlea Batira and Bager; Qra Imnandltarkl here, snd "i7- -pv- S ret SAT- ft. ".' r AAA'A suits i-y'-'A A-' 57 -.yA vv '" 'i r' WOOL." .'V v. w bV J W xt?c: : 1 i .- M i t - ,.