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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1904)
DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1901 WAXL CAT LCCVH XL CttyV' c Qftty Shop. I SMady ts w V. d M jwu e t w ? f emr r to, yew la t tn. , to ear 0 ft. V 4 X .. o T OjtxwS id OJI free. ' rtki . teal TDerwat Store 'iiLia.PaiiliGlJeflfl X 7 . a ft p"wad ft f kvai 7 i . t J.' Wo kr 9 At, Smart Anpnrel a m imosnATtTi mu non, vobat jls su ihmiiat ajtd .t, miimn n am a. , : War Soy whom ta view the aathorttettve avtwmn MUni.. .IT tn sarty psta ft sals store that paonM lean cm ft they (to nnls to held tto namf gs. TU disk has- apa aad ttba bfttor onto wnvarn llttta, ft faw awn 4ya, and 'twill have sssusa, notntang imifU at tha styles ttif atom wiU torn to mow. Tift not eaangh fax thus sham to 4 welli w wu better awes ahe ton -yoa anpest ft, aad yam ahaU not be disappoints. Wkn tha msvalag af Wsrtasailsj dawns a wftftk a tha r tun look ago a wi nsvs ri valed by v wftstova gfcna. aWatffaaat, giasunn ft-iHiHn damlaya win eompeUed to ahare attantftan with kMiKfil dansiatft to somes ail to Mh iMuu fnuBlMav. oa pfsbs aast wftftk win amipaai la te toaari tow uftiii ft ffvaH at ft i i iMpn !. a H wft wm ik toft m au Mtor piwritti toa mat TWuy w awn pom to aiaattm aaavUfta ar toJt oftftl ar a ftvafttoca. ii laavft'-aiattoM atom la taa bmI takto tkawa aw.' Chirtii wiTftto aft a favftrtto aMtortai, Harty ftHftpt to Oaagaa'a wtotov Uatftto tmw naaaa tar woat aaow mailt ar aaatpaafta. Otntaff ftftft AmtoawhUft Wraaa. V 'I Smart Tdlored Sirits POPULARLY PRICED toa favav tkla aaaaoa. Blaftka aa aval, Btawaa a alaw aat toll' ktatr All aa yarlftlly ao toa aoariay af fan aa wlatom, m atylas alnw yarn, miwim wi ilka, ua aanavHoa M atotwa M. Vaa tka atrtoa aaa wftk feaaai ahoaMftva laac Maaa aaa aatoakfta awa tnm. akaaiaat to akltt a!) TmU, aaC aaa allakT- Vaaaua aff waaaal lnialiynii la af fatar jatoa la ahpaya fcava. amm aalcaa fa af aay asia af taa ataia, : TB Successful Carpet Sale ' f I tra'tto. ftlaraal ; , If ' ,. aolatoly gaiwatu to ctoatt- ' r 4 V- toto aaaay aaMr at rar U! 7 f ' A Aj -' totoitoa; tato aa af taa I ( I Tl X 1 atoyafTftm, h'alaw fag" lffqafl " liato ti iWl' 'aV V.- ( J J. 'an tS gatoaWai af taa m -'fj. I V aattoa, aaA avaay wto kaaaa- ' ;.. aalaav o knatiata wttkla t7;-" jCT -x akopftiag latoaaa af atlaa j&xst -k ' mm T5c InsralM 52c YdH Vv jMroaa tturaiaa. In pnttr wood affaota, Mf afrfftet front baat r Tto arada la offaraa duria this ftftJft. aawad, laid anA Unadr at taa wr low prloft, jrard .......cSa" irOTB Our priea to, always haa baa and wUl to. Mat SO yard, la ravular way, for Identically th aamo oarpU, azoept tkat oura ara Htf no old pattarna la our atoeka; tba dftpartaant la aaw Daby" only apaaaA laat Marob. 411 A A.t-..M CU1 ftW flBIIMIMWW W W WT Boyal AzMtaataTa, ta tb now two-toaa and floral affaoto ftd Orlftntftlft. , ' ry lark vartoty to aelaet from; prloa qaotftd looliMUa atwlac layln ' and llBlas, baat 1.M aaaltty, yard' ..$l.tS3" aTOn Our nraltr prlca for .abaoiatalr taa ama aarpcrta to aad aV waya baa bm fl.60. Wa bavan't laarnftd tba art of JullDa; lavras la tbia way, aad wont so ta aeboot to aohoolaiaatara who toaob U. : '. '. - , to$ 0 Brroefc YoH Tapartry BroaMla, floral aad Ortontal affaota, aarpot of aaaaty and dorm blllty; tba arada aoM avorywhara at-fia tba yard; yon oaa buy hero, aawad, laid aad UnatVat yard . w -..... .TV on Our ravuiar prlo on praolaftly aanto amrpata bi aad al way baa- baan iuat tba avaa 6S ft yard, ... . uw as ' "$1.25 BmaMlt ct $1.15 YoH r Tba eaiabratftd Windsor Bniftftftlft, mostly Ortontal and twa-tonad offaoto i earpftt vuftrantoftd fast oolor and oaa b washed wltb aoap and wator; In- aludsa aswlng, layin. llaln tc.,.......... ..v .rvH' kTOVB Rtgbtl A fair prtot; aama aa aura for axmetty asms earpftt. Bowftvftr, ours Is a mulw prloa; tna,olavar (T mlcbt o prtoa arttota ad, vartlsft It srf a "spftclml ona. . . , - Utounii Wa haa only m, psrfaH floor aavarlnca, No daaacat Lteolauma bars at aay prloa. t ...... , , .IIMMMMI M M Tto Panama Canal vajtaxa was tm Bnrjmry or vab or la ymaaxsavT- .... uma o? AOOKnuai., ' Vi sansot dton as party poimoa, bat orsry Amartoi taa laiportaaaa of th fiuni Oaaal roato. sot only to oar own sou- Qbattbft antlrft etTlllsftd world. Ztl aa aawtiu anftot to Unit youaatar allka, Thsro's notUny Uks an oajftctlftason ni stadyiaf maMsr, mmA the abloot laaaon ftVordad by tba Vanaaia Oaaal bfdl to bo rlvan by tbla aiora to a Portland ftobool m of lnaatlmftftta tonyor-tra-rt to a Btodant. Tba pnalls will sstoot taa sekoel to wboat ft wUl no yrraa. A oto wttb mry tto pnnbftsa. Totts sloaoa Wftsnaoaay, Vornabar tS. at d n, m. Vba tom stood m fauawa a a'aloak p m. yaatoidayi t, . Clinton Kftllr ...... t..... 4.. Ttff I Booth Portland ......... A fltKMaad . . .......... 491 Perk . . 43 Barrtson Alblna Csntral S&l Chapman . w. ...... lt Couch , . 3 Atkinson . . ....... ......t.. 1 Futlfnf . ,.. 83 Portland Academy .... SO Thompson IK Wllliems - Aranuft II Hollftday . . . H ful ton .' 4 11 ulton Park ............... I Prnwood , 1 4 d Snntb Portland j. 8tsphns . , .. ,i, . Woodlswn .' .,... : A In worth 4 ...... Bronklra . ..' ' Midway . . Ptmlnsular . . .............. . Buonrsldo At. btary'a Aoadsmy ......... I Hlh ,. I Murauam . . 2 Mt. Tdbor . BftUwood - "I'lllt".".'. Total TOtftS , M ....1.141 4 t I Clis, Vcrfcnan Oltfc's Fcrmal Opening of Ft!l$ I Feshicn Shows Next Vcck, Sept. 21-22 Go and sea tba curtain ratters today and tomorrow, they'll be a sort of relish that will t make you hunger for the feast of beauty and style that will spread out before you here NEXT f WEEK at the FORMAL FALL OPENINGS AT PORTLAND'S FOREMOST STORE 1 i SPECIAL TOMORROW An immense showing of the handsome new Oh W. aV K." Tailored Hata, In all the new est shspes and latest colorings, at a special price each of. ..M..... .......... .,....$3.49 X 1 . An Unmatch&bls 3-Day Sale of New Handsome Novelty Silks for the Autumn Gowns and Shirtwaist SldtS Starts HereTomorrow Morning THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NEW NOVELTY SUIT SILKSW yards, . 65c valim for H'vii- t (1.00 tti4 1.25 yaJiie;.l69c;'V - These are the balance of one of the largest manufacturer's stocks in the country, and vou will find every color in alL neat, pretty designs-;. 19 and B7 inches wide. Silks that have good wear ing qualities and that will make up a swell suit for a fraction of the regular price. . , , . - r.' NeV Autiimn Dress Goods THURSDAY FRIDAY AND 8ATURDAY NEW- FRENCH -ALL-WOOL-VOILES Splendid $1.00 values. Special for three days............................. ..82a Colors included in this assortment are champagne, Reseda, lilac, cardinal, sage, tans, modes, browns, crays, royal and navy. . . . S r NEW NOVELTY TAILOR SUITINGS 50 to 06 inches wide; splendid $140 values. Special for three days.M. f 1.13 All: wanted street colors in this lotJ Not a- few pieces left over from last season, but a large, handsome collection of the newest down-to-date Fall Tailor Fsbrics kar h Blai ftt Days Oily! BLACK DRESS GOODS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. A grand car nival of special prices on new, -this season's down-to-date Black Dress Goods. Splendid ' unmatchable $1.50 values. Special, for three day only..............,.... ....f 1.19 The following weaves are in the assortment Pebble, cheviots, Panama cloths, granite weaves, plain and Bouttone zibeline, blind pebble cheviots, herring bone cheviots, Panama etamincs, etc Special only for THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY., ; ,- 7 A Triplet of Beauty Bargains FIRST FLOOR . A , '.. Dainty Laces and ' Inner- ' tlons. Ra diant Rib bons and . Dressy ilstocks.. 25o Vsi Uoss mi totwT tlons 10c ; j A lot of Valftncntnsfts Laooa, la r- tlon to match, Just tba tbtnc with . whlob to trim ondarwaan will wssa ntcftlr, I to I tnohfts la width,, worth from lfo to Sto yvrdi opaolal. yard ....104 t Ths nawsat and moat novel thtnaa tn Uimmlnirs nftw braids, now ohlf- ton appltquoa, nw all-ovr laosa, aw not-top sdarsa, now alack eroehftt Iftcas avftrr Quailtr . aad at . varr ttaasr Srtoam. . - r . - ,5-.-,t -,4- a, .., , , r- - 30c and 75c Silk R&bosvs ' : 'tor 37Kc . -. . t Wo aavft on aatft a Hna of baantlfal . Slik Rtbbom, polka dot and Draadaa affftota, ovsry rarS of thorns rib bons la worth 10c to ISo a yard; apsclal for wotk, rard. . 8TH UmIW 50c aM 63c Stocks 33c A Una ST -baavtiful Stoek Collara, so raft aaada wltb lac madalllona, athftra with bias fold and all af than trimmad with silt or turqwolas bftftdaj too .and tto valusa; special, saoh -SSd Off to School! School v Supplies acama Book aaek s9 toa, ise, soe aaa ase StanoaTapbftrs Not Books, oach.. Saad4 Unlrftrsity Kota Bookabavr backs, i tadanta Noto. Books, anoa.v.Sd Slata PsooUa, t doaan Sd Soft Stoao SlaU Pftoatla, doaan. -M Wood-Oovarad Sbtt Panella. an,, t4 ItePlBta.aaaaH...SwftadlO Blackboftrd Braaar, aaatiaaa folt, sen... ft .Inkstanda. saoh . . . iae, is. ss so Ponkot BtntTas, sack i ie, now. sSs Bsit-Bannd Slataa. Tall. aftu,. Cnalk, 144 atloka ta son, bax. -lOw ss ink WrtUns Tablatai apaciai, aaob . . . . M Ink TaMota. aaob TA, oe, 184 mdl BSV Jonrnai Xnlad TaUow TaMota, aaob . f,.10d Oompeanion Booka, vaiaa So: apa- otai, aaob. ......ftA Oonpealtlon Booka, saoh. .'. ..10d Drawlnc Ssta, vaL liai apaelal lBd Drawlnc Sets, raL Ise; apaelai S5A Drawtns Sftta, val. Oo; apaelal SO Drawln Sots, vaL' $1 apaolal OOs . Klndraartan Sdaaera, pair. ISA Coin Paraas. aaob- ................ ... . .lo, ISA, IS and 3S BorT Inrftf-soll Watohas, aaob b Sl.OO, Sl.tO and fl.TS Laataar Watob Chains, aacb - -' ..Sw iu io enool Spongaa f) fas BA AS aad BA aaah RvM PanaU Tablets, larss sis. Sd oar Lars Library Pancll Tablets. KA China Tablets, aaob . . . ,Bd and Be Whits Blot Una- Paper, laraa slas sbesU tea BA Automarlo Oomnaaa, vmlna Uo; sps- alal ..i,,('ti.(T.-,.,.s Bamboo It ultra, aaob ... .S . Braas-Bdaa Batata, value Te; ape- olei, aaoh . .. ., 5A Colored Pftficpar box 6A and b2 Colored Crayit Jsoaes Bs Ink and PencTwnraasra 1A, S fat ew. S MS Sd aaeb XounS Pftncll Boxan, aaoh ...... BA Laathar Sobool Straps. 'eaoh....S A Olda, Wortman A Bine's Pauntala Pna, euaranteed, LN value: spa lal. aaoh TBA Watannan I desk Fountain Pens. eh SS.BO SS.OO Penotl Holdara S Mm BA ana Sd aaah Chanola Penwiper aad Dank Wolant, . .1BA Boys WtJiU, WonMnvs Kidtwwsr and Hosiery at Special Sale Prices Thursdsy Only BOYS;50c V WAISTS, a. 3 Porosis Waists, aalavndarad. axadtaai and dark bias, llabt sToaad wltt fanor tripes and naures, dark and light cardinal, Mooa and abtrt atrlsa, rasolar too euaiitlaa; apaolal, nek , BBS Weaaea 50s Ce4aa VaaSt, Swe Wonsea'a Sna ribbed, ereem-tlnted. madlnat welaltt ootton Vests, kona; aleevea, anaped waist, sllahtly lm aerfeot tn weave but aot deroeaed tn the laat for woar, regular f tea los; ipocial, aannent bA Waawaa Me Caeto Hoaa, lw Womaa'a blank oottoa trtne, f ok, an axBunt q 11117 h -k r lax too; apeoMU. pw... N IVIillinotnr'e AISUIUIVI J v X I An Eastern Novelty Par ticularly Adapted for Oregon Wear Hare's a hat that, tbaaali eonoalvad for woar of dressy Now Yorkers, win wove boon to Portland women whan the food old Oregon rains we're all oaaine for shall haw fairly started. Boats folk may feel a bit discouraged at tba laganrdnsss of Jupiter Pluvlas ta arriving, but bo's aura th oom and a giad welooraa he'll restive tn Oregon. These new Hata ara absolute ly waterproof, although from their appearaaoa you'd never suspect them of being other than a Jaunty tailored areatlon of allh. Ia two sty lee. vary dressy for street wear Ua black, bias, green, east or and rod. They shad wa ter Ilka a duck's beck Isi pervious to tba moat driving rain storm or to a long-oontlauod. aohklng drlssle, bat with all ths atyla and beauty af tha sweU ast tailored creations. In shapes Ilka .. out and smart turban affects, popular ' i . g g j gaw a $6.00 to $7.5C , SHOES In the September Sale ! Womcns $5 and $6 Street Shoes Woman's Dressy Street Shoes, In patent kid, patent leather, viol kid. Blocker or ' ball, madlum round ties, good height military or Cuban bssla. plan or tipped toss, regular U Ss and 14. OS; special, pair . . . ............. .BS.da WomenV $350 and $4.00 Shoes Thesa Shoak ara lust right, for gvneral wear, mnde af dull calf, viol kid. pa t ant eolt, Bruoher or boll, welts or turns, new lasts and patterns, sight choice saw a umbers, rsgular tft.M and special, pair SS.ST A New Line of Boys Shoes kfads of baat valour calf, nsai round ton, good heavy sola, fine soft uppers, vary neat and dressy and will waar wall . Staea 11 ta It. Uttle gsnts. rftgular 11.0 ; apaelal ................... .B1.8S Slaes 11 to t, youths', regutar WW; apaelai ..91.B Sines t ta lit, boys', regular fas; apaolal . ... B&.Bft Misses9 Winter Shoes Mtases Box Calf Winter hoes, medium heavy sola, round aa aprtng basl. mec tk to . ragwlar 11.7a; apaolal ...vU8 U to 1, rsgular ll.W; opeolal... ....... . ...........1.AB Petticoats: Interested? - tf aa. hers's wonderful value. An aaa Ssoond Floor. ' voKxn sue buck fattojoats. ......k. $ OnTTiiBBBnTw SSa AAWV AVBOsTB. .......... A. ..... . . .S7 SlAg B&AwaX PATH WATS, B1.1B Tad lee Black Sllk-Plnlahed Petttcoata, deep Spanish flounce, with two clusters of tares atrapa sack and two ruf- flea, regular prloa II. Is; special prloa, each IB S0e AJTB aaa WSOTB BAWSI ArBOH, STw-ChlldrMt's White Lawn A prone la a large variety of atylea. slaes 4 ta 11 years, regular prtosa 40s ta ttot aaaclal, aaeb S7d ! Our Paris Fashion Letter t .: Wa at fast hi reoetpt af tha feOawtaa tssta from a 1 ideat swnaalng tba asvM assent of tha latea ttrka at eapimii AASaat SS, 1SS4. "After a general tsar among tha simmers. I Sad that tha grawna waieh ware shown at the hegweiwg of the stasia bwr b' mora msaerata and the madlam-alaed oto wee seem to be tts m, -4 anaa. tastead af totaea, mUUaera aeam ts favor taa small lu a e. fseta and ths tares cornered hats In the Seais in styte. . a 1 eutleok, however, la wutl for largo ham. asms turaed ap an n r I Bids aad faiuag- down ta tha baak. On tha mtga hata tha "Velvet, sHa, felt aad far ara tha mam matiiiets nad ad a aftan aomblaea tsa-etber. aaah aa velvet wtth fan. on temu ba A brim, .tha owa tle raws. A nrtowesa a -a a t ts a greet extant, and I may maattej as a t A stroriftg aw i I i hugs rtwa, w a la mada ht aU a-a of iwy A aba. . Vx. t 1' age oe- uWIol A - .rtrioii r atsvws are s. r m t t Man, wia aa- - - . esTSe-, as hae a it i as wu aa is a -