I,- V : I. -k. ' - i - Cl 'r.i 1 ' '. i. " - fv. - ;. J ; f - -THE - OREGON ' DAILY JOUpNAti 1ORTLANI, WEDNESDAY BVEN1NO, SEPTEMBER 14, STILL THE QUESTION IS: "WHAT ! DID THE WOGGLE-BUG 5AY2". 'Til WmMiai, wise ma of the party, uadertak 1 umr all sue.' tloas Ibr hi somrad from Oa. He ha to answer one each week. MM mifftr to not printed. The reader Is loft to dteoovcr It. The pktur knd dorlptlv out(r make this oMiportllr y to tb active mlad. Both the pecturee .an the- etory ar gukle to tho solution of tho problem, end too qe.ee Ion adroit of but ono oorroet answer. Tho pusxle requir only ordinary sklfc and knowledge of faot meluded to hlotory, olotTaphr, bot aay mnd Btural bUtorr. or on cquolntanoo with plocoo, bulldlnss or n btvmn oteat which Information la aasllr obtaioabia. It to sot a gTiaaln oostaot, taut ft trial of skill, , . , , . , To stlBMiau fntoroat ia th Tialt of tho voooio frcaa tho Loni of Os. Tho Journal wUi gin 9M.M la h oaoh siotrtk to thoss of Ha roadors who aa&d in oorroet or JMarlr oorroot answor to tho questions put to tho WuMlobuc by his oopaalons, KOTICTE: AU eovpons from sptmbor 11 to SoptoBbor tT, Ineluslvo, tshoaM oary iruoaaoa on th Woa-elo-Buff's nnawor t tbs ouoitloa ask ad la th Issus ot sundajr. Wtonbor 11 , - r. -, . - 1 I flt. 14. - 'PoothlkOouixWi only. NO. 11 I tho WOOOLBBUO BDITOR: -' ; TBS tTWOAY OTTIUCAI4 , POBTXJLMDb ptUMOV 1 v "THs snswor to th quostlon aakod of tbs Woyslobns; la tho afsga Mtn BooUoa qf tbo pspor of UNDaT, ftBPTEMBBR 11, is ' -V,. : - V 1 - f Mssj..,....w,.....t...M...............M..vw.... ...... . Tow or City...., v. 1 Btsto); ..' . . 9. . . Wot ' nLL OUT TUB ABOVB COUPON. Also th ooopos to bo roant oaoh day In Tbo Joornsi until Saturday, September 17.. This sirqs you sevan ohancas to anawor tbo question surrostod In noxt Vundays ps-.- Do tbo em me aoxt Bonday, and tho next, sod tho noxt, also on oaoh woes way, until tb ond of th saontk. IAV1 TOUR COUPONS, and on tbo last day of tho ntontk sond tbsnt all to THB WOOOLRBtma BBITOR, Tb Jour, aal. Portland. Tbta will ond tbo oontost for Sptwibor, and tho prtaea-wUl b kwardod vary oarly to tbo aaontb of Ootobor. - v TITTY DOXXAM tK CASH PKIZBB WILL BB OtVIK AS FOIXOWS: L "For tno croatast numbor of oorroot answra, tiO.OO. ............ l.o S. For th nxt taraost nantbor of oorroet anowors, ft. o. .......... , I.M I. For th third largost numbor of oorroot answers, IM6. ( S.I A For tb foutb4arsos aiHBbop of oorroot answers, IS.W a. For tho ton neat la rarest numbers of oorroot answers, II. I aaeh. . 11.0 C For tbo ton neat largest numbers of oorroet anawora. 11.00 oaoh. . 10. M f. For th eleven aeatt larsost aambara of oorroet aaowors 10. each v S.H -w- f-, 'ii '' ' - ; v;.' y z; H'.-.lWJUBl OF TOT COWTBST. t. ;: . r , ...r- ". Tbo taraoet numbor of oorroot a newer wtea. ' L' -1 V All eoupons for any on , month will bo consecutively numbered una ,atat bo placed In one onralop and arransod la order of thalr Bubtloa. .Only ono eoupon.of tho same Sato eaa be pUeod-la the m onop of anawra for the month. -" -: If mor than one Individual should have every oeupon eorreotly marked and pmperlf erranced. tb first prta would be divided between th winner. Other prlaee will be similarly divided la -case airy number of ortoetadts have tho earn .ajumhor of sjwwors that r equally oorroot. but not absolutely so. Oontostanta need not write tbo earn answer on all ooupons Issusel for any ono week. A different answer oan bo written for each day; but tf you are sure you are richt, you wilL of aouraa, writs tho nam aaswor on all ooupons Issued for any. one. Sunday. lUnembor. tho laryoat auaa harof oorroot anewers wins. . AH ooupons for any one month mast tie pUood ta tho aasae awvoloaaj and be In the offloe of Tbo our aal by H:MA'.bs, of tbo M day of tho followlas moatk.-. - ' fs i r f..- -' SaSStnSMBS AT. THE THsCATlUDS It Is true Mr. Baumo and Hiss Coua tins ar wlnnlns new laurels at tb Co lumbia Oil Week for their brilliant act ing la "Lord and Lady Aly. This ls to bs expected. Portlandero know the winsome charm of Mies Counties, and theatre-yo r have only to see Mr. Beume to weloome the finished actor. Mr. Dills has a reputation as a moat do llchtful character comedian, altbousb seldom bas be bad eurh a ntarrymafclny part as Bimbasoa Tod way. . Mr. Ber nard's polished aetlneT baa won him count ewe admirers. Mlos Brtlaao'e name has Ions been synonymous with food acttn. It was with pleasure that tb oritlcal public rocelved Into favor ouch talented members of tbo company . as Mr. BarretL who acts th part of the venerable daks with areat ability; Soott Seatoa, who surrounds tbs part of Bwepsoa, Lord Altrrs valet, with clever acUna; Donald Bowie, who Is ono of tho moot fascinating Juveniles Portland haa soon, and Oeora Blootnoueot. whose taciturn portrayal of Jockey Mawley la really one of tbo features of this brll llant production - of plnoro'o dasblna play. Miss Bdltb Ancus, "th alrl with tbS En si lab voice," has not only pood looks, but bs la a tlivtd actf,whoee sweet, low voice It ia a pleasure to boar. Miss Barhyle Is Miss Barrymore'a dou bt, appaarina for hardly more than a swoop across tha stac. but this fixe her at tb memory. Miss Brandt Is a dltlnnilahed-looklng alrl, whose work as aa Ingenue Is decidedly fotehlng. - sons. ?tt Society," wnleh baa Won ra troduoed this ssason Into the popular musical oomedy, Tho, gowns are made of chiffon, with lace trimmings, and are of various oolora. the handsomest being worn by Miss Ma Franklin, A oaUv of Salem, Or. . - 1 0. W. HOLD THE BOARDS AT FA12 roirun fist Mf won rmn wmmm ajtb uomww moom mwovm WTMBaT OV wOODOmATT STam.am kobto SEPTEMBER sale op Sideboards :f A VBXAJT AW W v "A Texaa Steer" wlU doubUeas b greeted by big bouses when It ooraes to ," " the Marquam Orand theatre next Friday and Saturday ntgtita, September 14 and --- IT. with a bar am m price tnatlnee Satur day. It would b singular If th theroe . bit npoa by Hoyt did not furnleh roua tnf eatertalnment. "Maverick Brander" - U a. -rugged, honest Texas ranchman. ' Daring a brief gbsenos from bis ranch v V. Ae la elected to empress. The yeoman, - confronted with the fact on fats return, Indignantly refuaea to fill th ofdoC. "If , you think you or too good to repre- seat -us m eongreea. you jest any so," greets Brander' refusal. Racked by " hundred of berrela of slSHrttooters, the , .. plainsman throws ap his banda and hies to Washington with bis wife and daugh- - tec. The mlaadvontores that ensue are ' always absorbing, now wildly hllarloua.. ' auietly sailrical. agala touohlngly pa . thetlc Th play wlU be gives a, mag niflcent prodoctlen. an rTb Burgomaster," tbs eomlo op era which will be seen at the Marquam Orand tbo latter" half of next week, there Is a e of gowns whlnh show what oan be done by a modist who Is en gaged to create dree for stag us. Titer ar work by sight of tho members of the eiiruo to illustrate the rtew CASTOR I A fsr IittmAsi saA CWlojrsm. .' rj KM Yn Ran Alrt Brt eyf$GS Commencing Sunday matins, the Wle flamann stock 00m pan y will present at tb Empire thoatro "At th Old Llm Kiln.' by Chariay Daaey. author of -in Old Kentucky." Tbo now play la saM to bo superior to th latter, which has record of running longer la Hew York than any play since "A Trip to China town." The production of "At the Old Llm atlln" at tho Empire neat week will . b tbs most sumptuous yet at tempted by Manager Wiedemann, and each member of the oompany . will bei sea la a oovgoalal role. SYmOgrOFF' BaUWxsTiV ' Tb groat Russian military drama. "Michael Btrogorf," now running for a wuik at Tom Wiedemann' Emplr thea tre, la drawing- capacity audiences. The Wiedemann oompany has mads a hit this week, and tho play haa been received with tbo greatest ontbualaam. Many people who are deeply interested la the Rueeo-Japanae war have taken this op portunity to learn something about Russian pel Idea Portia nders ar gut ting tb "Bmplre habit V Songs Ilk Gliding Down th Bay" and "Bpbasafa Dill," and "Meet Me In St. Louis. Louis," ar. always popular. These and a lot more oatchy airs sre sung by th great pony ballet 'at the Bijou this week, 'A Trip to St. Louis" Is tbo operatw burlesque of th Zinc company. For pure fun that Is Inter persed with now songs and pretty dances fey graMfu girls, tb Btjoa Is th place. . 7 For btbx. TrxaxatA- th fourth week of tho Sardou at tb Baker theatre Mel bourne MaeDowctl will preeenl "Fedora." Thlif 1 one of Sardou's best dramas, et rt is oa which is practically unknown, to Portland, as only on a few occasion haa It nen given here' This will be th firm time that "Fedora has boon shown at popular prices. "Fedora' Is filled; wiiR cease tc aicuon and vigorous sit na tion for which tbs veteran author is fa-, naeua. ' rsal OB9A" BTaAwrjrS wwu. Theatre-goers are beginning to roallac that "Olsmcnda," as presented by Mel bourn MacDowtHl and tho . excellent company that I supporting him at th Baker theatre this week is a great play Bneiaeas 1 getting better each perform ance, and there la no doubt that eewwddd' houses win reward Mr. MacDoweU a earnest efforts during th remainder of tb week, .- - - -a Tb startling melodrama, Os the Bridge at Midnight," la still attracting large crowds at Cordray. It haa proven a big money-maker. Oa Batur- day, the laat day of tbo ngaamnt. there ' will b ft ladle and children (SatMtol TJlSMtek Ta Serml. Salem. Sept. 14. The receipt of tb stat fai yesterday were ll.tt. and ln- orease of about' I0 over tb receipts of Tuesday of last year. Tb attend ance was very Isrg. Constant attend ant at tbs fair say that the exhibition -of farm and agricultural products In general Is far ahead of former years, The Woodmen of th World held tbo boards at th stats fair yesterday end had a big turnout of their uniform rank. They gar drills and bad all klada of ports during th day, took a good part la the program of the evening and gav a ball at night. There were several special traina required to bring all tb Woodmen and their ladles. Tb drat premium la th drill contest Was won by Portland oamp 107, and Mount Hood Circle of Portland was first in tb contest of Women of Woodcraft. The woodcbopplng prise was won by F. S. Jones of Dalles and Mrs. C. H. Ticket of Eugne, woa (bo woodsawlng contest. ' ' Today Is Salem day and' tomorrow to Portland day. These w4U be tb turn larger days of the fair. ; j ' ; Tb grand stand waa oowfortably flllad yesterday by eager attSndanU at th sace. Tb events were very Inter- eat I ng. and ode record for the etate waa broken In the six furlong daab, wbiob Nonle won Im lillU. The beet former record waa mad by (Boalcetv September 21, 1KI, la 1:1. Oeorge W. Wcetgal of Albany yes terday resigned as assoclal racing iudg and President W. H. Downing appointed Frank Fraxter of Pendleton In his : atead. Mr.' WestgaU's rigna- tion was accepted fdr the reaaon , that bs bad been criticising tb management of tb fair In a vary free manner also his resignation from the board. Kiaers wuKinsr sno n. wmitn up on Rsdan and My Surprls. re poo lively, yesterday were set down for jockayfhg. PacUig. S:U mass, puree flOO Byron Lae. Lsvelaoe-Walton t 1 Dekbertha. eb. nv. Cbarlea Derby- Bertha , I Oar v in WUkas. U a, Beaant-Red . WUk .1. V ......I t HAlenea, b. a. Hsltaaa-C. fcLClay, Jr. t Major DeL, Del Norte-SUvr.....S Tim, tilt, J:lt trot, puree I Rita H., br. sx. McKlnney-Fromptert Helen- Kort, b, m, Dl Norte- Lau- re 11 .... g H. D. B-, br. g.. Arthur Holt-Jennie. I Tim. I: it. $:U. :. Selling, on mil. 1 189 Crosby Tul- totth went Allaeout ateuart). second: Pensanoe (Knt). third Baronato, Mis Vera and Marry Tbatober also ran. Time. 1:414a. . Woodman stake, six furlongs, Mont (Kelly). . won; Cerrd Santo (Clark), second; My Surprls (H. Smith), third; Bed an, St. Philippine and Suburban Queen sis ma. Time 1:111 ' AerrlawWasal Sustoej' Maa. Th Oregon Agricultural socley bek Its annual meeting la the pavilion at the state fair ground yesterday and elected John O. Wright- rsldsnt Rlob ard Seott. vto-prsidnt) W. li. Savage. secretary; A. Bush, treasurer. J. F. Miller, Oovernor Z. F. Moody and Rich ard Soott were appointed to draft suit able resolutions on tb death of Bon. M. Wllklns and Mrs. J. M4nto.s Th ftee- retary was Instructed to request Hon. John Mlnto and J. T. Apperson to draft a history of the society and of tb slat fair and Ita early develop men t. The old society was pledged to the Unad support of the stats fair. If vou ars think ins of buviiia s Sicktbosrd now is the tinis. Our Seotatnbsr sals U fat full blast, and nersr in ths history of Gevurts business career has high ffiads iHirnitisrs been aol4 so cheap. Speaking of high grade furniture, this store wants to -fwouraga the buying of a better class of goods. You can make your own terras here, and fat that cass what matters the difference if you pay a few more dollars and get a piece el furniture that will give you bdte satisfaction? Ws are quite sure it gives us more pleasure to sell a better grade and give entire sstisfactiort even though the terms given are longer and the profit less. This week affords greet opportunities in buying Sideboards here. Come and aee. VV ; - This Week's I Extra f Special ;1 v ' Wc;SelJ; f ori the,v C Payment ' ; ( . of I ) $1.00 ':per-::;- J We Ksve 100 Styles of Desut;fid 'Sideboards v; tsUsXs, Ringing In Prices fom $15 to $200 SIDEBOARD Fast Mk smi aaad af a atosg, paa Sassa, wr ik i as am bw, .. $29.00 Spimil trasas w Be R-aa AT. Tomorrow will be Portland day at the state fair, - Assistant Oaaeral Passenger Agent Coman of tb Southern Pacific said today that he believed th S.Oeo at tendance record mad on Portland day last year would be exceeded, and that the company bad prepared to handle as many special trains a would be aeooseary. Th first special will leave at t o'clock tomorrow morning, and th second, which will carry the Woman' alub oar; will leave ahortiy afterward. Thoss securing reservations for th business men's special excursion to ths Walla Walla and North Taklma fairs are convinced that Portland wiH b well represented. A letter was received from the Walla Walla County Fair association this morning, fixing Portland day as Oc tober II. On this day tbo Walla WaFla Derby will be run, and purs aggregat ing tX.10 will be bung up. In th evening a M'g Mardl Ores festival wlir be held. Tb letter stated that Seattle and Taooma expected to nd 1,00 peo ple on tho day following, aad expressed th hop that Portland would not fail below this'' number, Word haa not yet been received from tb North Taklma a: oelatloa. j ' - Th hit of th week at th Lyric to ths act of Ted McKenna and his wonder ful aog Ted. Ted does everything but talk. The entire bill Is a good one and wrrth srelng. Friday night 111 In gold will be given Awy, f at each aerferav' "MAN BEHIND NET" ;;S00N WILL BE READY ; v- '- 1 . - ' Bewark of )b' dog-cat oher. ' He wfll tart out with kls wagon Thursday morning, and svry stray canine found upon tbs street without bis lloense tag will b given a free ride t the dty pound. -It wlH make no diiterenoe whether tb dog Is tb net of some sri to ratio family or whetbaf be Is only a poor, hungry mongrel. All doge will look alike to tb "man behind tb net." . Pojindman Fred Reed bas been fixing bis dog pens during th past week and getting hi wagon la order. R has also secured the services of a skillful larlat tbrower to arrest th dogs. - Up to this afternoon licenses had wot been taken out for mor than one-third of tb dogs of this city. License bad been Issued for M male and II fe males, while It Is estimated that there are over 1.11 dogs roaming th streets of Portland. ' I p ' - ; - - - ! ' Portland Day it State Fair. Special trala leaves Union depot l:0 m.. Thursday. , Round trip tickets 1.S Including admission. Buy at np- tows offloa. Third end Washington, to day, and avoid th rush. . r. (. wis nu WLmrnMAmOM. . " On till Dtaaatek t Ta JeerasL) Seattle, Sept. 14. Advloe from Mom ar to th effect that the llttl steamer Reeearoh, CapL Peter Beyne, Is not through wltb her trials and tribulations. She is now tied up at the St Mloheel dock waiting to be sold by tb govern ment to pay g number of fines assessed sgainst her fr violations of tbs marine' If TOUR CKCDir5 GOOD ANYWHCftC iT$ GOOD AT CCVUttTZ I HI TV raPDFTCi ' W sew sb using ev ' SOS new tan ptias ha Ajnndnmnaw. Tstitsj, Bissiito - O V a LAKrJb 1 9 seat larmawj that w are selling- at a third off sewula prlee. We will arpt - ii ' : , " ' '" I era is CASH OR I; Gevurtz&Sons CORNER YAMHILL ANDIRST GWtt ttLXB It ro LESS " Tttt JrmJt-A?-A-VMTXX ttWajM Wtthia CASH Ok CRXWT , CROSS & SHAW rASsasTowoxf leading real avtaU dealers. CUclaamag County Farm, ; Prult jand flop Land SIS PER ACRE. 1 It seres, ft open land, one out oe?i U , levoTand beet of SOU; ieo,0( ft yel- low Ar Umber, H34 PiR ACRE M aerea. 41 la aultlvation: td 'acres ' i seeded lo clover: ftn spri&s; . Sod terms; I per oeot Intarast. S34 PER ACRE.'-- f T1 aeree, levelj 41 fenced; IS la dfva- non; running water; applea, pegr. merriee owl of. rune and oherrlee; dwel barn, out- e bulldlnxS: near school, store and nost office; stock and terming UnplamaoCs go ', with sale, y 15 PER ACRE. -v IT acres. If to cultivation: I mor -' nearly ready td plow; living water: flna-' ol) for appls and other tree fruit. . - fl PER ACRE J sore. II In vultivatma; 4 acres fir timber, valuable; on mil to sawmill; ' house, barn; near. school and P. O. ft 950 PER-ACRE, terms I acres. I In caltlratioa, on Clackamag tlon. on S. P. R. R.; 7 miles from Port- land; 4 acres slashed and cot Into cord , Y soM : V- wood; good onion and strawberry soli; I awauings. Darn, cnioasa-nousa, 995 PER ACRE. " ' f II la cultivation; T slashed. I burned and seeded; spplas, pears, ' peaches, phi ma, enerrfe, tjulnees, grapes, etc.: e-reoni nouae; one water; all under fenoe; It mile to Orejroa City: IM yard tp ohool; Jto litUe Real At Ut Then t 1" Yoer Own Price MEDICAL-BOOKS Text Books and Reference Books T& J- K GILL CO. AsTO ixjns NORTH PACIFIC DENTAL COLLEGE On of th best quippcd Instltuttoas at ita kind. The annual session begins October . Students maf graduate after attending three fun courses. For further information and gaeatogw address. , . . 141 STTT.T,sTn, Fertiaad, MAST. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KlgMeentb nwwal Seostoa bejgfgg Sept 1ft, 1104. Address S. W. jomcpm H. IX, Dean, II UekumTudg, Portland. 1VAW BBFAR OF University of Ore&rotr mseteestfe Baaal teestoa begin liwon I la Verilaad at ID,. 104. Lertarp seUvere 1:1 ta ta evening. AMrem 0. I' OaoMSbria. U D.. Deas, TH et OoMeree Baildlag, irtlaasV -Obaawer PORTLAND ACADCriY Pits beve eed strbi fer Wertere aad lawn muegea. rrlaMUT aal ar mi grades lae hi eed Portland jfcadssay Hall for Girt Ii 1ti a ksrtted aabe and elves rseei the eeBfort and ar ei s redaed some. nsa Tsui wnx off ttt. m, isot, Cm eatlge sdeMsj Portlaad Amlssw, tert ed. Or. iHiill OPENS SEPTEMBER 15,1904 5 A Girls School of the Highest Class 1 V . Corps of tacber locstn, building, equipeneot the . , best Send for cstslogue. 4tM44 5 tyMIMMIMMMIMM M IWMMII M INDISPENSABLE A: A buaocss sdacattorl In this scs ot toco rxxrrpstjtioa Is abso hitely iodiserisabls to aucosss in lbs. Wa bars ths latest and bsss methods In all dspsjtinsats. If you ar thinking of artandtng bus Tnea coUeg you cannot afford to Ignor th, beet on la town, 9 AT Asfl) sTTSbTT. f, ; ),'- go oaiogw v i -a-1. 3 " v.- I Behnke-Wailker Business Cblleg-iV I 0 y: ' SIXTH AND MORRISOfi TRBBT.y '.; . v; V i 9 1SS' For aa hn proved acre tot, with a ; ,, small house; about Id block from station. ' , j SIS Fin s , very beeutlful eettago t bom oa East Ninth street: I j rooms; full lot; very choicest Vs - rtoty of beartas frultj : mm f 1 1 a whols block of land Hght . ., In th city, between 14th .end Hjd street. . , a aandaom aer ptaos on no. near the ottr: leotrld car line. Just I blocks station; beautlfuL modern and new rvstdatio, f. :. room) s charming bom a, Jhc Dimn-Lawrcnce ;f Company Two Cheap Homes MlAf vWfsaf, oottwr lc in v on ear Una, near Thompson scbool. ' x' i AJbtsa i-' la Uylaad, Henkle & Baker ' ..'t f ,'. i sir aossv St Johns Park Flna, new cot tares neer Woolen knit a and ear line, for. sal oh p, n sxenal, meat plan. . . On with I b..,...,.......Sl,m i One with 1 J-l lot fioao three with f full lot each.., 9 NO- . Th Weolea BUUs will be lb operation y aeon and 10 to 100 new bom will p la St. Johns, . a CHIPMAN A KINQ m. Fa Rani Estate an4 Timber Land I SS atraas Oocd wheat land ki east- 4 ern Oregon, unimproved, at $1.71 an' acre. . IS Armas Fhwly Improved fruit farm; '7 -room now house, barn .and chicken-house: 1 sails from oar una. ' Price 14,000. SSS AffSa Old growth flr timber; Wtn ' cruls 11.000,000 feet; on th We halem river. Prle II an acre, I PO llrkA good homestead rMn- iuiahment on Sltots river: cruise OO.OOOee ot JPfJ" SIS abtogoa"sUdg!? PtSand.'Ov. ' v-. fpr SmU mt Wdmimrm Terms to suit. Cboto totnv fet Laurel wood. per month. Jak Mt Scott oar. First and Air, GBOPG8 C0. BOtVM St lfUsg SUg. .r T ALLEN PREPAR ATORY SCHOOL -WfflOpen6erembw llHh , rot CatsJofU. afrply 2$ Shttn it, Physical Culture School Portlaad only Instltut of tb kind to opn now for th season. Physical training ror men women and children n an branches. Day and night classes. Phone Mnln ltfil. ' III I I III 41aVdaWl IV a CUTLERY VDIDNT HURT A BIT" 15 WHAT THBY SA, BY QUK MBTilOU eatreet rm 'm. s. k wm We am II teeth ae Sltttag, parlttverr tod sbeolatefar witheat pels er bed ner rreets. rvopw is aeim Abeoht Wt rreets. Peoole Is delloste health seed it s tMr. a eer awtaed ef etraeuof h sosiuTciy an sas ost ely Hlakea. it yoor meet the saeBssit . We bar reeks at wsli . - - aa, w, WISE ' BROS, DBINTIOTS t do srewa ibI brtes work eat sale. Onr If reere' exeecieeee puts emra eseptts as ia m yoor mesa lioniDtr. iae oeei i eae. nTt the rxwa' tod-til FAILXMO BLDO, Opi evening till ft. Cornet THIRD AND )VASHlNOTOM STS. amtoy from t tf. pnoa. Mala nsi. " J11 "iw 'X S-BOOat modern aouee. Is Sntmyald Sravaotl modsrn im-to-dat boua 4a . Holiadar aoo- x,ee. . . t- Vgoolf modern house, stoat Aider, hear ; 12th C 11.000. ' ; s-aoosi new pot tag, Bestv. PoKland Heights v. a4aM new nous, is Sell wood 11, li. HBNKLB A BAtCBR V Sir dbtsg adafa Fwtlaag, e.A I I, . Want to BuJ A a4 bom, wk Sift..- .v ? . HENKLB k BAKER Slf Akaigt sndm, FtiSina, .. FINE LIVERY! Pkaiu Ml I4IS . . - ;. . Phom Mmim 144 German Publishing Co. 'A I. A BmBtnees hi Portland. wlU trad for s HBNKLB A BAKED . .V SIT AMagtea Sldg. .JC 11 tnlls out. J mlto U boat Q acre cultlOated; good I- , IS A landing: r room house, barn, orchard: fronts An sood road . - ,- - HENKLE A SIT Asagw SM 1 : - ' V, t " an ce. ffOt JwSMaf It