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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1904)
J TF OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, POUIXAND, WEDNESDAY1 EVENING, " SEPTEMBER 14, 1904. -s -iv- A' .a -J. A' t I F.. i' . I" ) tc;;;i tc:;cs 1 - - yoirrogri awiuuiih . MhnUi "Lsrd aad Laay hakrr "Orlan "FT Iroolr "Mlchaal StrororT (Nwdrav'a "Ob the kUt at Mtdn rtf BIJoa VudTlll Arr v,.VudeltU SU( , .,.VaadvUl tyri , ...... Vudrtll Repeated protests has been mad to V f , pojic headquarters by residents of th east utlnit th condition of A " . berta street Mwta Vancouver " and Wllllama avenue. To eoodltlon of the street at that plaoa. It la claimed, a i . constant menses to pedestrians. Ten daya ago th sidewalk wu torn op for fc t . a distance of it ton for tha purpoaa or V ' putting In an alectrle light pole. Cttl- ; mm of that neighborhood claim that no , ' light have been placad to warn pedee- trlane of tha danger at ntght and no pre- f- i - cautions have" been takan to prevent ao cldents. Thar claim to hnvs mada frs ' quant appeals to tha polios who' hav f-t) - V dona nothing in tha matter. , Through tha leniency of tha authort- v ilea Oeorge Dunn will ba present at tha - ? funeral of hla mother la Seattle today 7 ' . Ha waa fined t tor Circuit Judg : f ; ' Oeorge yesterday for stealing nickels ' 1 , from a nlokal-ln-tha-Mot talaphono at ' ; ,. tha Kingston house, cornar of Third and .;-S ' V Taylor streets. Tha light senteno waa ." . ' dua to tha recommendation of IMputy District Attorney Adams, wbO' agraed , . that tha prlaonar should pload guilty to almpla larceny. For .similar oil am . . r several othara ars now serving tlnw oa tha rookplla and on or two am la too , . penitentiary A almllar aharga against "' . Dunn waa fllamlaand oa Adams raoom . j ..y mandattoa. .... , After emphatic protaatB frotn .Port- BapubHeana against ailegadnag- lact of Oregon by the national ooAralt- ' tee In tha assigning of campaign apeak s - j , era, tba committee haa given then i " v. ' apeoch by Senator Fairbanks, eandldata . for ' Tlce-president, on tha availing of Octobar 1. The sonator'a four of. tha Paetnc coast will begin at North Yak-.-Vltnn. Ha will apeak on September S k '-' at that point- and also at Ellens burg. '-.'- ftoslya and Tacotna. msJclng brief stops (i during Uf da at aaoh point. .. . ' The mountsJa psaka, wonderful water falls, canyons, gorges and beautiful landscapes that have made Columbia river scenery famous throughout tba world may beat ba seen from the decks of tba , elegant Sateamer Char lea SL - Bp near, tha boat that easily pa aa any thing and everything on tha riven - Da parts for The Dalles and way landings from foot of Washington street at T m. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, of each week, returning oa alternate day. TeL Main 1411. ,; . r Oround required far approaeheo to the Alblna ferry landing has -now been se cured by tha etty and tha prospect la favorable for pushing .the work to ao pletloa and starting tha ferry this fall. Tha olty bought lot t, Alblna, a sl-oot atrip, for ll.l; II feat of lot II. river block, Doescher's addition, on the want side, from the Union Stockyards com pany, for ILlStl and U feet of lot 11. and t feat of lot IS, rtvar block, Doeach-ar-a addition, from lie and Mrs. John A. , -. . 'A aawtooth eollart WHat, oh, what - oold ba mora dteagraeable? They grind and chare tha aeck and auooaad In Biak ng Ufa miserable ganarsJly. Fact, Isn't r ' Itt Fact a urn bar 1 is that rf you en trust your laundry work te us yoa wont - buffer tba agonies of a buassaw collar. ' '' Our steam heated pollahara tha only ' oni In Oregon dotit break tha fiber. -T" , v Let as have your work. Columbia Laun dry, Second and Columbia street Phono Two of tba saw steel spans are now hi plaoa In the Morrison street bridge -,. and tha falsa work .for that portion Is being removed. This has mada It nao-eesaj-y tq take bp tha track of tha street oar eompany at that point, and passen ger are obliged to transfer on the .bridge. Walks have been laid for ttila purpose and the people go afoot from ona oar to the ether with entire safety. ' Work on the saw oarrlags drive tn Ow city park from tha lower reservoir around to and along the bores of tha uppva- reservoir Is being rushed by Messrs. Oelblsoh and . Jopln. Aa im mense amount of earth haa ta. be re moved. This f loaded Into ears by .means of a long obute and Is used1 to fill In a vacant lot at Madison and Jefferson streets. .. , .. - . . - - Tha aew steal bridge on First street. spanning the Marquam gulch. Is fla- la had, and tha oontraotoro are ready to turn tha structure over to the dty. city . Xngineor Elliott has Inspected tha bridge and found that M has been built ; aooordlng to spaclOcatlona. At tha next meeting of the executive board ba - will recommend that tba structure ba ' accepted. U For Rale -Best paying and bast ad - vartled mercantile bualneas la Portland, In oenfer of retail dlstrloti I1S.0M. Ap ply McOarry Rlchsxdaon. AUy'S, oo Oragonlnfc fv - '-.j, Oregon will ba tepraaentsd by W, D. Fenton and C J. Schnabel of Portland at th eonvontlon of state boards of law examiners, to ba held at St. Louis Sep O ii " W t i; -. fe. S Not a pleasant happening as applied to tba ordinary walks of lite, condition for V Bolt Heads and Tress Rods ,BSSSBSSSSSBSSBa j. is - rW.j- ,. , . . v :'V Our 2-tech "AJAX Bolt Heading and ' , Forging Machine" with its Fuel Oa Pum- . -ace is the most modern and powerful tool .; in Oregoa and is now ready for business. 1 ' - v . -a i' Contractors Will Also Bo Interested " ; to knoU thst w csrry In stock a Urfs ssfM3rtmsaC of v , - The Celebrated St. Louis - -1 - " tember N to If. Tha appointments ware mada yesterday by Governor Chamber' lain? who also named William Scott of Athena to attend tha National Farmers' convention, at St, Louis September II to 41.., - 1 ' '( ' A valuable horse belonging ta Mrs. M. Barker. 4l Union avenue, was klllsd last night by ft Brooklyn oar near Di vision street an Grand afenue.' The boras broke away while being Jed to water and was struck before the motor man could stop . tha oar, , , and a quantity of hay oa tha wants farm last night, an the Oregon City 11ns two miles south of Mtlwaukla. Tba or igin of lbs flra Is unknown. Opening tomorrow. Mrs. Ussta Doane will have her opening of One fall and winter millinery at Hi Grand ave- Bvsrybody invited. Wa-Hoo Tonic. The great blood purt fler, nerve tonic and liver regulator, just what you need these days. For sale by au druggists. - k An elegant and exclusive Itns of French pattern bats are now being shown at Hellers, ate Washington. St ' Medical students will find a' full Una of text books et The J. K. GUI Co. Third and Aider str ta..: t Chew Den-Tal-Oum, hava pearly teeth and prevent decay. . For- sals every where, V; s;vi ' - . .i ; New tailored hate at Heuers. laclu- alva styles, at tha oorreot srlos. lis Wasbtngtoa straaO . If you want a flrvt-elass bard wheat flour, try gesaock, Tsur grocer sella It Dr. I Thornton, dentist. Marquam. JAPS ARE IN RIGHT, SAYS BISHOP HARRIS ,1 V. ', - . mm mm m f Bishop M. C. Harris of tha Methodist Episcopal clergy, bishop of Japan and Korea, address ad tha First Prebbyte rtan Missionary society of Portland yes terday on oriental questions. Tha bishop -labored for t years In Japan. and then oame boms to occupy the pul pit of tin church of tha Japanese at San Francisco. At tha last conference be waa appointed to tha oriental bishop ric During bis stay hers the bishop Is being entertained by Mm a R. Tem ple ton. - In his address yesterday. Bishop Har ris said that although ho fought In our civil war and bad always felt a friend linens toward Russia, tor her stand at that time, but any ona would be Indig nant, he said, after seeing Russia, in justice ta Japan. "Tba present outgoing of sympathy to Japan," no said. "Is not beeauae aha is . tittle, but because she Is right, and all these things ara .working together for good and for tha, coming of God's kingdom In Japan. . Roy. A. If. Flshetv for aoany Tears editor of the Paolfir. Christian advo cate, has been appointed secretary of tha olty wrangellstto work among tha Jap anese or the eosst, ftj tba Japanese Methodist Episcopal oonferenee. Mr. Flshey will malm blS' headquarters .at Portland. a, U Daaatgeo of Boston. Masa. ana of the foremost designers of tha coun try, arrived la Portland yesterday. He will take charge of the art department ui m suivenieMi eompany. , Henry V- Adair, a Jnno avaduaaa nf West Point, who has been spending the summer wits ais relatives on tha coast, left Monday to join tba Tenth onvalry at sort Hootnson, Hen where 'ho will re port tomorrow. Mr. Adair Is tha grand son of Bishop and Mrs. B. Wlatar Morris of Portland and tha eon of Mr. and Mrm. r. D. Adair -ef Astorw. . Joseph Whits of Nebraskm. a visitor in tha elty this weak, expressed great ad miration Tor the state of Onaa. uui rvruaoa especially. M. DBwlft of Castte Bosk si raals. wrea at tae Belvedere. C W, HenMne Is ft Ihigena ottlssn stopptng at tba Belvedere. Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Ashlar of Sno- gsns ra guests or the Portland today. Rom D, Drain of Drain. Or Is toaio. srea at tne Belvedere. W. W. Baker Is a Walla Walla dtiaen registered at tha Portland. C B. Sparry and Boy Connor are Ions men registered at tua Belvedere. Mr. and Mrs. J.' N. Bahr ara Pendle ton guests of the Imperial. L & Booaett of Athena la raaia tared ai me impenai. ' H. R Day of Dayton. Wash., ts stoo ping at the Imperial. ' ' Mrs. Max Lueddermann of Antaleoe te tha guest sf the Perkins. Dr. W. H. Darby of Salem IS stoppbw at ins imperial. Ous Scboeabalcber of Astcria la rea mtered at the Parkins. - - Mrs Nelson Miller and Rarol Millar of Athena are guests of the parkins. Dr. Aug. Hofer and Robert Marburg or FTankfort-a-Malu. Germany, ara tourists ' registered - at tha ImperhU. w. & Stewart ox Aibany lb rsgistarad at the Imperial Mr, and Mrs. K. - R Armstronr of Cathlamet. Wash., are registered at the Perkins. 1 j. C. R Glass and A. D. Sheldon ara ugene eltlasns registered at tha Im perial. but a most healthy - uo OEiiTi::;s- prsM v1'r fiaasBflt nufitsi Tw r. botrxa wzu sor 9MAwom to mmonn statxovaxi Hi. , OO0bUMM AM9 m or .isaxiunwsii r4 P NAMstmiOA. v P. A. McPhersos, supremo president of the Order of Lions, and J. U Mitchell, supremo secretary of the Order of Wash ington, will leava tonight for It. Louis to lead the contest of Portland advocates la an attempt te secure the ItM session of tha fraternal congresses. ' Tba National Fraternal congress and the gathering of delegates of tha Asso ciated Fraternities of America number practically all of tha fraternal orders of the country, -especially those that hava Insurance as a part of their plan. Tha meeting .of the two songresses is ona of the most Important conventions held In the country. Preauently ,00d persons attend and the information con cerning the meeting raaohea ll.OOO.MS, the estimated number of members la the various orders and their beneflolaiiea. Should Portland saouro the meetlnga next year It would mean that ft third of tbo people In the United States would hear of tbo meeting, would ba directly Interested and Incidentally would learn of the Lewis and Clark fair and the great north wee t. ' Last year Portland pros anted ' her claim to this honor and this year stands as the one flrat la the. rial d. but Dos Moines, being near tha scene of action. Is making a strong effort to secure the l0t meeting of the two bodies. The delegates from the Orflar of Lions and tha Order of Washington from this elty, the Order of Pen do at Saa Frsnolsoo bad ft Los Angeles Society will repre sent tba entire country west of Denver. They wilt hava ft strong forco from the east to eon tend with. One great aid will be that givea by tba Woodman of tba World, with headquarters at Den ver. Many of tha eastern orders desire to pay a vlelt to the coast. 1 Mr. MaoPhereoa and Mr. Mitchell will leers backed by tha Lewis 'and Clark fair management, tha Chamber of Com merce, tha Commercial club, tha board fit traddi the mayor and (governor Cham- berlala. . SEQUEL TO ROMANCE IS PRETTY WEDDING In tba psrlors of tha Parkins hotel at 11 o'clock this morning the marriage of miss josepnin ennatenaen ana ur. Bdgar Brown was solemnised. Rev. C. A. Rexford Of the Methodist church th at Harrtsburg atfftelatad. Tha bride and groom met yoara ago la Bllen- wood, Kan. Dr. Brown want to tha In dian Territory ta search of ft praotlos that would enable him to establish a homo of his own. with Miss Chrlstensen as Its presiding deity, and later still bo HasttO-w Oregon. Urn secured a practice at Harrtsburg that soon enabled bin to send tba glad.nswa te Kansea The girt left her home and parents without a moment's hesitation and Jour neying half way across the continent met Dr. Brown and Rev. Rexford, who oame with the groom from Harrlsburg. Only ft few Intimate friends wltneeeed the ceremony. Tha ooupla will remain In tba elty until tomorrow, when they wlU isftva 4or thoir sow boss oa Harrts- AGED BAILIFF IS; STILL VERY ACTIVE Just II years ago Monday Abraham Waldman was appointed a bailiff of the circuit court. - He has reigned as one of the autocrats of tba mallet ever since. Though Mr. Waldman WlU be sight milestones on 'too Journey of life1 past tba three-sco re-and-ten aHoted to snaa nsxt November 1, ha Is alive to tba dig nity of his position today so ha waa H years ago. Woe be unto the man who whispers too loudly during tha progress of a hearing before Judge Clelandl Originally appointed as bailiff by Judge L B. Stearns, In whose court ba officiated formora than eight years, Mr. Waldman baa el nee then been an attache ef Judge Cleland'a departmsnL There wars onlT two deoartmenta ef tha cir cuit oours IS years ago; now here are four.' i Bailiff WaMmaa has during the In cumbency beard It or ie murder trials. He is sn animated reoonfl or oourt nro- oedurs for -tha past IS years, and: re members tha dramatic Incidents In every oasa bo has, listened to during that pa WILL INVEST IN ; , REAL ESTATE HERE 5' . Aaron r the visitors In tha elty is Clara Qreacen,i chief clerk In the office of tba oomptroller at Washington. Mlad Oreaoen la the only woman la the de partments at Washington, who has ever attained such a position. This was ac complished purely by merit and not through polHldal Influence. She Is the daughter of Jamas Qrsacen of Kal kaska, Mlon,, and has worked her way up -from an ornos stenographer. Miss Oreaeea, In recent years,' has taken ft great Interest tn the Pacific eaast and has sspresaed suite a flatter ing opinion of the city of Portland and Its wonderful opportunities for the fu ture. , She has expressed ft deciro to Invest in Portland property. During the week aha was a oaller at the Dunn-La company. - - - I FURNITURE MAN IS 4 v BEATEN IN COURT It was decided by ft jury tn Judge Cle land'a department of tha circuit oourt yesterday, that Mrs. Minnie Ramsay does not owe A. B. Smith, a Sa Fran cisco furniture . dealer, IS09, as ba claimed. Bmtta alleged that Mrs. Ram sey bought the furniture In nan Fran cisco and shipped It to Portland, with out paying him ISOO dua. She awore that aha paid 7Jt la full for the furni ture. Mrs. Ramsay has had a great deal of trouble recently. A assail boy in bar charge ran away from Hill's Military academy but was found and brought Lback. Than ft Mexlaan servant girt. who hi unable to apeak Bngllsh, tsft the house suddenly and caused Mrs. Ramsey good deal af anxiety until aha was In duced to return. In - her oourt affair she was represented by Attornay Charles Lord. Don't delay a minute. Cholera Infan tum, dysentery, diarrhoea come auddcnlr. Only safe plan Is to hava Dr. Fowler s Extract of Wild Strawberry always oa rmATVsuri pjcecj cc;:?ANn - FLANT A EIG C5E PAOCrXO OOAM SHAM OOI OAPX. RSo RMUJLTfJ. Armour. Swift and other big parsing oonoarns of the mlddlewest ara to hav strong com petition In Paclns asset terri tory from ft new Portland packing house, to, bo known as tbo Pactflo states Packing eompany. Tha new corporation has been organ ised with ample capital bask of It. and with the following officers : President, J, H. Cook, Portland; rioe-presldent, J. M. Neal formerly with Armour Co.: secretary and treasurer, T. W. Blggar of Allegheny City. Pa. t assistant secre tary and treasurer, John Vesteb, Port land; directors, tha foregoing oAoers and A. W. Cook of BrookvUle. Pa, and Edward Cunningham of Portland. The eompany has purchased tha plant of the Northwest Packing Co., on the Macadam road, formerly owned by Louis Zimmerman and the Morthwest Packing Co and has also taken over the entire property of tha Portland Packing eoea- panyi consisting of a. plant and market H at tha corner of First and Salmon streets, and flvo other markets located la various parte of tha olty, . The Investment thus far amounts to nearly 10,90 and tha company will have spent lloO.ooa by tha time the present plans for Improvement and en largement ara earned out. It will dis pose of all tbo retail stores as soon as possible and confine Itself to a packing and wholesale business. Besides the Portland headquarters tt will establish a branch an the sound, either at Tooom or Seattle. The, plant on tbo M"4f rt road win be enlarge. - Additional refrigerator oapaclty la being installed at tbo oorner of First and Salmon streets for to dressed cattle and- 10ft sheep and at No. Ill and lit First street a poultry department Is. being put la with ft dally capacity for dressing l,0e pounds of poultry. At tba refrigerator plant the machinery will bo driven by an oil burn ing steam plant, and will run day and night. About ISO man wlU be employed at tba startj H. Matson of Denver, manager of the Anaour company's business in Colorado, will arrive hers next week to take tha position of assllCaat to Manager Neal. and will have charge of the wholesale department, V Mr. Nee, who Is responsible for the organisation of the new eompany. Is ft Chicago man.( Hs was sight years with the Swift. Packing company, and later with tha Armour eompany If years, opening up branch houses tn the-middle-west. He oame to Portland for tha Ar mour company 18 months ago, and this city, hs says, "looked good' to him, tho result of which was that bo estab lished the Portland Packing eompany, and recently Interested local capitalists In th plan Out Is now being consum mated. - It will manufacture a full Una of the canned goods dealt la by tha east ern, oompanlea. ' -ft, CHILDREN ESCAPE; ; WAN IS INJURED Wbfls driving wHb a number of little children yesterday afternoon tho horse, becoming frightened, ran away and Mrs. H. C, Hutchinson. ITS Bast Madison street, was thrown from tho rig. sus taining Injuries that sent her to Good Samaritan hospital. Sh Is suffering from sprain d ankle, though tt is feared that tha bono may hava bi fractured. X The accident occurred at feast Twenty-third and Madison atreeta. Mrs. tfutoninsoa was onving a pony and ft number of children wars riding with bar. The pony became frightened and th jroman was unable to control it. Tho animal finally ran into aa embank ment, . throwing the occupants of the rig to the ground. None of the children was Injured. NEW-ORCHESTRA TOR PORTLAND HOTEL Tomorrow rvenlng tho Royal Hun garian orchestra will begin an angago- ment at the Portland hotel. This orches tra has a wide reputation in th musical Held and has Just arrived from New Tork City, whore It played during tba summsr at tho Edsn Muse, On, seoount of the many rainy even ings during the fttU, winter and spring seasons in Portland, Mr. Bowers hss mad arrangements for tho entertaining of his guests and the goopls of this olty. During dinner music will be rendered In th main corridor of th hotel, and from t until 11:1 o'clock tho orchestra will play la tbo lately furnished down stairs caf. Allen and bawls' Best Brand. AT COST AND LESS Elegant Stock of Fine Pianos Being Slaughtered OsSf PUwS Ho wrst CasaVtsiw- . hi Mm Esds Toiorrow , EvwsmSSJ Thar may have been number of .oo- oaslons In the past for the sale of pi anos at cut pries, but never heretofore bare brand-new, highest - grade pianos been offered at eoet and for oven leaa than boot as In this BUen oaab-ralslng sal. The cash tied hp In theee expenalv Instruments Is mors to us now than th profit which slower sales would bring to ua If we have It at all, we muat have the money now, and at theas mercilessly cut prices w ara going to get It very Use TbM Act Ml rsctsry Csst ' Toa'v never seen a roelty flns. brand new, hlgheet-grade piano sold for what we are eelllng Chlckertng and Weber uprights, jrranas ana nany granas, also Kimball Colonial uprights, Tetfst stria Our agency oontracts prahlblt our quoting an open cut-price oft thess In struments In print. But the cut prices are cheerfully furnished to eaah. buy- GoSwif wWa ttf CM)dM A few good used pianos St I1M and tltS for cash. If purchased befor Thursday nlsht. Among them ft Wes- a Wellington, A. B. rhass, Howard: a Kingsbury, not ons of them hut what la worth twice what ts asked. Evsrr Inetrument In the eate guaran teed or no aale. Remember, snle closas tomorrow evening, E-lere Pno U use, l&l -.WsshlnsEon strast. eornor rmrL TAR Ajm BXPBO r Uilts' Cotters Fourth and Morrison i INCJUR : Suit; Salon ; . ., -. . . ....... , You will find some of the smart est tailored effects- for women s wear ever shown , on the coast v - Woman's Suite forstroat wow. hi bins, brown or black, doubta-breaated, strap bask, bog coat, satin lined throughout, 1 trimmed te aoatachs braid, nine-gored roi?. Women's Walking Suits of pane shoo lot, velvet collar and cuffs, eoat lined throughout with satin, aino-gor skis-, plaited skirt,, wall tailored, 22JSB i garmoBt.. ., Woman's Street Suite, of tho now mas nlsh cloth. Se-nv aoable-breestsd box . eoat. Inlaid velvet oollar and cuffs, trimmed with Imported bartons, opau- - lette shoulders nine-gore skirt with t-laoh straps down front and j25.00 ; , , i i i 1 I It wr n urn west la n. We are t . . ., t7 4 T irH . Columbia Theatre ' 14th and Wsgsoftoa Paoos Mala 110 "Lord and An This t,.. . ITnoto-a lrilltent 1 i Tk sail fill sUum, ss , Miss BsrlqrM, the ftoubls af Bthsl sterrrmors, s Mlsft Aiifun, tts (M wiik tb Engllah Voka. t.. , rnss , .. - - latkm to nmlttoa tba tho book of Rovolstkm u , doss to Ugkm-ww mp j, :: s! lt w ,. r'.;': ,c.4, V 1 r i loss He. lec, s few at Tto; entire ganery, lto. . ' Matinee lec and lec; entire gallery, lee. v ; Box oasa at Row Martin g Drug Stern, t ',: . - r Aaimsui BASEBALL V Tacoma VS. Portland 1 RBCRBATION PARK Sept. 13, 16,17.15. 19 days, Vbnrsday as salted Si sHuaday, Sftk p. Hoi sbildroa, lie. HiMfitM CnnA Thaetvo V.T. Pasgta, phu taw si wims ineu sue. mft. PrMay m and IT. lWH gaterday Nlskts. nptaintr M Barfaia Prloa slatlMs tetsrsay. BOTTS FAMOUS OOMSDT, A TEXAS 8TBBR BvttdlM rvltaa Ijwi Sonr. r Sons, ri no sad TBet gallary, ftte aad Me; eaieoar, tsc "an poe: bcica and toste, arrala MaUSs trl Baker Thotrc ' 1 A ilium mm i . AU THIS WTIk. MATIITEI kATTTkPAT. htilbrse MacDomlt, aasparlc br aaMUsst easweny, bi mreoa'a MtsttipUoa, r- QI8MONDAN , i teoi f Ite. SK Me, lea atteM ....v....-, .Us. Us, Ms Cordray! Theatre Parnasd's Most repsteV PasUlr Theatre." ejbt ssd All Weak. tartar HiIIbii. kagBtftsest rvesmwilis f "On the Bridge at Midnight' Vsssraaaaat stasia aulas ish ? . t Tale afwsas brtanst, f rnad mt riak kamav. I Prlias. Ion. w. bv, afrfal mirvit asats Ma Mattnaa wUmmT 10 and Me. Empire Theatre Oat. Vwatm ssd Mar Maaagr. lit. All Thai Weak. Witt srsrdar sUtuws, "MICHAEL STROOOPF" PrlMs tveehue. 10c its. Ite and lie. nuceptloe Bittern satsrea.. asks aarrad trim. lea snom aad Oregon State Fair t aauauwosT At Salem. Sept H 13. 16, 17 Orsatsst exposition and livestock ahoy on tha ooast. BAT. Reduced Rates on Railroads, OOMOkMT BALL- SLejasa THB NEW SHIRT WAIST SFwaTot Vw9wiiv0wL t 4fwflwS saw sssWl of rresek Plassel Waists, alala. nusv and pUU . lies ef the papaler taffeta waUts la Unfa, srowss, sUeka. whftvs. reds ass foMaa- est eleaa, kleest " mttrf slaltod ssaMS. tx-krd wits ferMMb ksota. a very fit 0D BNtty ereatlaa ,.. w Teer evsrr want eas ba sib m oer Walat Dspenawet, fram the sheets puis Shirt Waist to the SMS BMsslAcest eraarioa that easts aa I0ak as ' IfJO. -, ' "l , Lady Algy a s ' an. --i Week eooaty . ... .,u -'.i , Ii Stneb CamaiBV Ua "Lent Algr" ttttla Salter. AKUIksnnrM. d SIS HOW DXKAVBDfO T0VS VAXBOV AS ST MXBIt. Lyric Theatre OdsfwaSB? MXmtmf SMwal' 4WVVwltsSn ' niih-Qass BeTIned Vaodevfllc 1:W f 4:M: T;M ta :M; Saaday. t te a. m. Thla a. an4 lOe will admit twe aaipsi ts aay swtinet except sosoayt ana Son ears. ru owns wo axana. SSB THS IVaaJfOa Msst ts vaadrrlUs. At tbs STAR THEATRE , POSTLAWD'g rABHIOVABLS, - TAtTDSVTIXX YLATHOVU, Saasrsl admtsaloa, lOe; r tes smw PerfonBaacaa, t 4: SO; T:W h 10:M a. m. Sss lean OaatyaQ. the Saisswbi Taayler. a bill or, ixarornxg au. tkaooos. Arcade Theatre Ssveatb aad W i . Refined Vaudeville S;U ta 440. f:lS s 104a, Sssdsr. essUsstm Creai t w 10 as. Per ladlM, tsUMs ssd eklldren, A1 ml ins 10 eanbi b any aaat. f seme vaeaavllla OsathMoas wibaMietee tro B Is 4:M a, SL gnndara eaattesoss 1 ts 10 S a, aw StaC 1st sarfOtSMBwa boa f te iOJB a. m. As settle ts teaana, M eaaSk JUST OUT! Via&zaTS) Fountain Pen J. R. EWING If tOUMSM KCNRYWEINHARD ' rravilster of tb J City Crcwery mmwm r " r m i Fourth rod Morrisv TUB NEW Rain Coat 1. A try popular garment for (mil and winter is the new Raincoat; there is not a nicer assortment in the city than we sre showing;. Tho now Overt Ctoth Raincoat, latest , stylo sleeve, bos - piatsad down back. separate belt, raglan pockets, teller- - stitched oollar, yoke satla lined, for tbo smart dresser. Tourist Coats, ef gray mannish mtetore, , belted back, yoke and sleeves satla Used, Inches long ft new style b Fall and Winter garmsatg that mi C AA will bo worn sKtestfvaiy.r.Iw Oovert eieth Toorlst Osabi dewblo brsastsd, shaped back and bolt yoho and aleevea aatln lined. fenohes long In tourist ooats some prefer th ssvert elotk. to th ssasnlah mate- : Sffl4?T.rl;..-;;e..iw Fiirs la nisi u ins in Bassn Pom as watt as tn tae iluheet and rarest gnrstsnte, wa snow aasortmsnts of soeh breadth ao to tesura tho aatrnfaeUon of every taste. Selaetton of ysu furs at this ttmo ban many advan tage and no laeocrveoienca. W will store yoor pnr shas nntU snob time as you require tt.- Kern amber, wa will soon withdraw sr reduoed rates. snsslTwrtaaf'assV Sag llnidw" imassahH. I ; atao yom ristsed eaa aHovs nipmsminll - A. Parallel T the baallty aad variety ' of this hardware showing at ltttte - to -pay prices would mare Interesting Inopso Uoa at alas range. Bat ryosS bav te look long and soarohtngly and than probably -without nasulta. snr tho limit of y onallty and tha minimum of price are smo parxnors norm, AVERY & CO. -82 Third Si. Diamond Lump, ton..,.. J8.50 Newcastle Lcunap, ton...S6.50. Wsshed Nut, ton......f 5.50 fail wotgfct and s)bsbv eNUrrasy. KIINQ COAL CO. Rocksprings Coal Is best for house use. Other ' good Coals from tt.50 up, 9 ' Get our prices on Steam aT Coal In ear lota. t,f j. Vulcan Cod Co. 339 BURN8IDB ST. N0M KIN Chinese Restaurant Dellclou Chinese noodle soup. Su perb chop suay. Delicately flavored viands 01 au aescriptions. uieacesi ana cheapest plsoe In Chinatown. Private boxes for parties. Tables Inlaid with sheila and flowera Handsomely carved chairs all Imported. Portland Marble Works stwawkw a mm. lfanufaetnrers of and dealers la all kinds of Marble, Granite and StooeWort BwUmates Hvei aa AppUoatkm. 268 FUST ITCH Bet, Madleon aa . Jefferson Streets, pojtTUorrx o. MMWVW -O V COAL. freaa reek eat sulpha. - We sin J w band. Htor opsa evenings. v-