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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1904)
, ). A. V e of ii:3 Journal ( PORTLAND. OREGON. J WEDNESDAY. .SEPTEMBER .1,190 THE ORRQON- DAI LY JOUlRNAL Small' Change Oregon Sidelights AN INDiriNDINT NIWHAriR Editorial Pag I Awv J v V'- . ft JACKS Fubltshod vwry evening exopt ImUij) nn4 OFFICIAL, THE SCHOOL BOARD RESPONSIBLE. S lmXMSN imt haw kM furntoh the tamber on Umt; - bar kM to stoma la railing promptly and th euprvtlng architect oocnpetsra thnwgh : Ha is credited with btnc Mr bar bad entlrery to little approxtottoa af tit value of Unw, . Eack and arery on - etWae Mcum nW ba offered and accepted In extenua tion of aooompieted school building, hrtsly ao Internet for tba public i -. I'ilcl thane peopl an raspomnbto but the echool board atone bj mpanalM It to tba board that moat b bald aooountabte -for tba fact that, with plenty ef amaey and Urn ' tba day arrtvas for tb aeboobi to opoa la regular term, 4earry MM pupils ara turnod away front tba unr oiiuilslod taUdlnsa and IM or mora of them ara half ration, Tata m imply a pubU laak af aara and attention for tba work which tb public has delegated to tba board, an utter tack of apprvolatlon f tba iponlbttlttaa af tba position, strongly onutoam!. ','-'. . .-v1" , r r tiaia b lime hj th fnrtlnd when ba lightly paeard over. Two thousand children on tba I vaittn roU and M gatttac hatf a dayo tortrwsUanaada V to ooBMraitaaUaa wbteb aannot fatt to aortoaaly affaet tba arMfc af tba wbolo aokool raar.. Tnte a tba taxpayar tat lwit aurably mar to tb cnildran, ry bug proportion of whom cannot afford to waata Una In tba acboah, for tba datla of ovary day Hf ara laamliig upon thorn. At tba vary boat It takaa a tone tlm for a pvpil 'to aat tbreasbTtb aoboola. partkularfr trtttf an ax- traordJnary ntotk grada to Mock tbolr antraaoa to tho-blh noboaL Kvarytatna- that aan taaitimateiy ba dona to ax Vodlto thatr mini am tavoash tba aoboott bhooM ha donr a a matter af oaniaa m a to Uahten tba toad for thoaa ' parent who, wh0 amMttoto for tbalr naildrwi. ar hwat ante to. War tba hoary aaaetlon whleb rah a public , Bihuaf daoatlon an tana eh Wrm famUloa. TkmWttiW mattam mtm what proot a aroo . ( forward- that contractor, tambar daatora ar anpafrfatnt prchactf . havo. hom buna and Impotent to tba dotauj of ttalr warfcv tba paopla can only hold to acooontobUIty tba af tbaacbool board, for tboy thaw, whua tba man aalooted to do tho albl to tba aobaol board. Thar than tba animate ra ' -apenafbtltty anrnt ha aaearalr flnad and H baboovaa tba p hoard to' work night and day and mow baavah and aarth . . to ratrktv fteoK .Vy ottma' tba acbooir raady for oo oopaoor at tba aarlloat patbla mamant and aattna; to It that Boob a damorallrinf oondtttoa k) aavar parmttted atoark . , - -.' What la naadod I a tttthr fotwthovfht board bar hlndslant to throw to tb ; and plana IB axtanwatlon to offar for all Itottona, haft tbay wlB na lonpvr find tba aoorpt tbam aa tthaa baaa to tba part. . ' . maxmaaBaaamaan '. t BUSINESS CONSOLIDATION IN SMALL . , T ABT WTCXT gta baslnam astabllshmenta ' of 1 ' m tomook war merged tot three. Thar wore two ..meat markta neither prospering. So on man '.: gold out to the other and bew his employe. There war " ... tw barnea and aaddle abopa, and,th proprietor got to ev: gather and teased a a oato an a glre or take basla. And - ba preprtetor of two far altar stores, after a conference, agreed on term of eansoltdatioa. AUudtoc to thane tran 1 eaoUooa, th TlUamook Headlight aaya: ; , . . V7 Tot a long time a number of our realised that a number of buslnemai ar aveodooe. Th merchants carry larger and bet ter stock af goods than town with two to tare thnuiiid tababttaata. It hi often said that earn petition 1 tb Itf of trad. So It la to a oartara ex tent, but wkea thar la only limited amount of bust- la a town a multiplication of doea not Increase th trade. aumatanoea It I not urprling to find our buelniM men hava takaa a arra. and with good business and bar agreed to conaoHdata, There to tb city which might ba r and bualaaaa aagadty to double up, for v for a elty to bare a limited number of baataam men , doing a fata amount of business who ar satisfied than to bar a aoora of austnees men who out down their arpenaea to the amaUeat nmtt and ar oontlnually osmyiaming about peer time. r s- These ara nalbto remarks, and wOl apply to many other town aa watt aa Tillamook. It la a free country, and anybody can start any kind of a lawful- business any where, but tt hi rayrettabl that In small ptaoes, la which one ma la m making a fair Uvtog to a certain hustinss. poma other man eomea along and starts a business ef the am una, when he ought to know that he aannot euoosss, that there I only room for one auck store r shop la tb placv, and that he not only injures Mmetlf by starting businea that will not pay, but also Injure tba ether man. V la larger place that ar rapidly growing, add whoa arawth I reasonably sure to continue, the case dlffer t ant. In sftch town there I likely to be room for on ' mere, but la amaU and for tb praaant stationary towns, V It I folly tor a man to "butt In" to a bustaom at which be cannot svoeed and by dl riding which ba only checks tba ether tnaWe mederate auceem. The rhral furnitore men. . . aaddlers and butcher of Tillamook bar art a good ax- ampto. - ,, ; - - '.. , sj . . a - V ! ' : .WHAT ABOUT THE WOMAN? ; v TLTX3B UOOtm yesterday sentenced a man who went , : I home drunk and struck hi wife, and knocked their J Infant out ef her arm, t ef day' linprtsonmeat y ' Tb punlshmecrb was none too hoary, ner one baadrsdtb . part braay augh to all prababUltyi but what about tb woman and babyf What ara they going to da while the l eny I feeding bbn to JallT Jt may be assumed that be , did not spend all bla arnlng In buying whisky, that he . used a aorttoa af them to ouppsrt bla dM not always ham drunk and to aa agty moad bad ' strike a wife. s at least had the rent paid aad soen- thlnc tn rbe Itowm to eat, awl during tb - to to prorld food for bar and tba ohlliliwi ambably thar hamhto th baby. PUBUSHED BY JOURNAL PUBUSHXNQ Ca snornteg at The street, Portland, Oregon. PAPBR OK tMB CITY Of at'fault la tailfcuj to th oontimctera may to a tamr won .babtaa. . but they have abeo- ;rr -v ! "r for mora women te tlw oeifooi board. money; bat If tbl t tba peopto end further and disburse tain tba family, at, IU disposal, Jhn tba woman. ' And should be locked put on educational outrage. ,It abow f auch case. . (. N which cannot bo too OT hTANT ' .'" ". amuamnaat.' aw h 4-r-llriMm to be reasonable, music mad by tb togte to at fault -all nn lea not alana manlty to tbto early tramely narrow. time; na la Hrlng tar om play ar most of them present of them furnish to max appear tnereon, occasionally bad oondemnlng the ehurcbea... :,v Badpeopsr g to ticularly young people, must not go (here. Then young and good paopla road-trataa, the steamers, even tbr streets, lest they come la contact with had paopla. Svaa more ao, for bad paopla in a theatre behave tact with them; but injaaponatbM to ways behave, and the Why, we suspect lb real good. -'. .The fact-to that not bad people. They work tremendously bard, and their occupation hvauck ether paopla do. tnetone.- They ara . . ft Ofthem mra In a broad saner Christiana. .Tha brother would have no amuaomente, or none except 'awn as would pato nto enorhln. No dancing, no card playlng, no theatre-going, however Innocent. Why, It Is only a atop backward from tbla to no music, no painting, and no ttteratmw except each rallgtoua work aa a commit tee of preaobem might select. No, brother, yon are behind tb time.' Th wopla, and particularly tba young, demand amusement, need It, It W a natural and -n healthy craving. The Puritan age Is past, and arwybody ought to be thankful ha dldnt live la hi. ' .. ... . Meat play, on the Vbola, presented tn our better clam af theatre, are good. They amuse, and occasionally even hwtract, and do little If any harm. At least th good im mensely overbalance the barm. Card-playing Is turned Into artf purpose, but that hi na proof that card-playing may not b Innocent. Because a man kills another with an ax fct no reason why an axe to a thing never to ba touched. Dancing sometime leads to evil cones nuances, but that I n mr reason for earing- that nobody should over dance than to nay that we moat never tahr a ride In a aaUboat because aome persona bar at time not eon ducted themaetve property therein. Niagara, brother. -The world, especially tba young world, require amuaetnent a well aa work, and It aannot ba confined to Just such amusement aa you from your point of view would prescribe. Why, without these and other amusements, half tba world would ba atark eresy In it year. The deelr for them springs from the blood, the brain, the heart, the eoul of humanity and It must ba and foraalgbC all bird dad tin aoniwrrihla dara- pablle a randy to V. amines ma haw tn Tillamook CHy store and busl- Under those ctr that a number tumbte to them- bora sen they are other bust grattftod. good bora eenea It Is far better the story of destruction, It Is probable that public action would be tardy, for Backfires aad clearing property made would assur private property reasonable safety. But Oregon lose In each great fir much more than I In dicated In contemporaneooa aaw reports. Forest bar to tbla ago of aaammeto lumber operation a present, pos itive value. Because the public domain hi denuded, in flicting no lea upon an individual, doe not mean that the people at larga suffer leas, for every acre of forest land lost In fir deplete Oregon of the present and future ao much, - (? ,'v;vr - v From the old pioneer, who .waa in close touch with In dian customs prior to white settlement, baa com an Interesting- ugujestlea. . This class af men advocate annual or t meet biennial fir, spread purposely and mad to consume dealduoue atalka and leave, thin aut tangled underbrush and destroy all dead and decaying timber. In dian, through desire to keep mare open bunting; grounds or bn prove growth of grass, were wont to burn the eountry at frequent interval. That the state had magnificent forests under the Indian regime needs n iteration. Their custom, whether premeditated or casual, bad tba virtue af simplicity when studied. Good forester maintain that when a light fir, such aa would ba kindled on biennial growth and decays, run through a forest tba heat doe not affect tree growth. Bostnou foliage of fir aad pine doe not Ignite until the heat below 1 Intense; or moa aooumulate among the beugb. If leave, twlga. grass and underbrush ar permitted to accumulate for a decade, mtogllng with fallen trees and bough when fir does reach the matted pile, human means cannot quench tt. Chance wtn aome time brine; the blase to such aa Inviting Under box area though the penalty af death la prescribed for Betting fire, and tba longer the tow and forestry reg ulation eberlefc oombuatlbto, th fiercer will be th eon ftogratloa. t . a .... , Tbougbtful atudy ef tba situation I urged by tb annual I guatalaodi family, and that ha next to day who and. par. the rrntr JNO. P. CAJtftOU. Journal Building. Fifth u TmhlU M POllTLAND Tba law, society, on a abort-auThted vtow af tba a, whll vary Juatly punlahlna tb brat f a baaband. to doing ao poatlbly panbib tb wlf mora, Sba baa don aoUlnff to ba punlahod for, -and yt aoclaty, tooktog no tarthor tban tb and of tba no, punlha tb buaband and taka no bead of th raiult aa It affacte tb wlf and , . . - . Tht la only ana of many casai that lussoat a. radical ebanga In tba treatment of tbem. By om ayatem, tba mn aboald be allowed to work, and moat of hi wage takaa by tba aatborltlea, for -a time, and turned over to hi wife. Tbla would not work to perfection In all eaaea. married to auck man ara poor, weak ar turaa who on .coaxing or com pule ton -woald gtra up tba happened, tba authorities, should go tba money, or enough of It to main instead af feeding tba man and atarrlng If ba would not work on those term he up on abort ration till he would. , Vnooaetltutlonalf Vary likely. But at any rate society ts making a vary poor showing In Its regulation treatment - . A VOICE PROM THE REAR TWOPhM .wfll tab aarioualy Ret. Mr. BoUlnxmhead's strictures against certain forma of apaclally theatre-got na or consider tbett worthy Of much notloe, lcaus they ara to extreme and are entirely out -of tun with the march of progres of tbl age. HI through, and his -conception of hu part of th twentieth century hi xi Soma men hare Nred ahead of their behind bJa proper time. bad, or contain bad ausgaitions, but only mnoosnt amusement and many the penetrating observer Instruction that may ba valuable aa well.' Thar -are had actor and for oondemnlng tba'staga and everybody and arerythlng Tnere are ven poor praacaera and on, too. But tbl b) ao reason for theatres, therefore other people, par must keep off the streetcar, tba ran- themselves; there Is to fact na coo In tkeah other place tboy do not al danger of barmfat contact W greater. that pot verybodx wba ' , a groat many actor and actiw are that they aannot live quite aa moat Tbay cannot go to bed at 1 o'clock, for usually aharltable, hberal, and many PREVENTING FOREST FIRES. " ; tb occasional pile of oord wood or farm bouse were tba measure of damage dona by the fore at fire. If mill, track, flume, fence, haystack or gralnfUid totd AU aboard tor the state fair. BoBietlmes crooked straight ticket . peopia vota a Kuropatkta won't stand an tke.penut- uiwu ox aia name. -. ,: .. Maine to not quite so eorporatien- rMden as Vermont. . 1 Oregoa win match Its fair (women) against any oa earth. a i But you will need an umbrella ef good material before very long. , 4 For soldiers who reeelvik only 41 eeats a month, the Jape d very well The more farming to diversified in western Oregon, the better It will pay... If the president la a great maa to all respects, be doesn't need anybody U tell htm so. , . Well, young maa or mlsadld you auks a good begiaalng by already learn ing something? Oenerals BTuropatkto and Btsckleburg have established a new sort of military ! Press maker are hddtng a ooaventloa In New York, out of seeeoe for aotnm atiag a candidate for president But If Roosevelt ts going to have a walkover, why are they worrying about Dave Hill becoming secretary of state? Dowl has promoted' himself, without asking the aid or consent of anybody on poweraf . . . . The Japs cannot And In their lexicon the exact equivalent of the BngMeh word fall. Or perhepa they have not bees loo king for it. aattut rebuking eta isn't a etreum- atanee to old King Leopold, probably the vlleet monarch on earth, protesting against waror anything els bad, I between Grandpa Davis' relatives and prospective heirs, and the Demo cratic committee, the to adept-th adag that blood-to thicker than water. The La Orande Observer states that "the eyes of the nation were anxiously awaiting the result of th Vermont elec tion.'' Do a few In teres ted poiltieiaas comprise tb aat ion 7 Th Ho Hoc ar coming to Portland , next year also, and will form an Inter esting acquisition to the hordes of visitors. They know how to combine pleasure and busiaesa. It hi said 0t Louis restauranter bar learned to carve a chicken Into 10 Dor- Uona. If yoa are coins; to gt. Louis aad have a tooth for chicken you bad better If' a Democratic president should be elected, how quickly about 40 Oregon 1 aewspaprs published to towns In locali ties where lands ar being, token up would enanga their politic. The 'Weyerhaaeer lumber eyndloete holdings in the Pacln northwest, ees- sbout .000,000, are said to be worth aow lie.oeo.eoo, with a prospective mlue of MO.000.090u How much taxes do they pert . Th Russians have been praying some more, end harder end more pointedly then ever, calling the Lord's special at- i tentlon to th factjthat they ar Chris tiana, while the Japanese are 'torual heathen. But Kuropatkia keep bmv- I Ing northward just th same Treasury experts predict a treasury deficit of $10.000. 000 by the end of the year. But no matter; the president says there's nothing wrong, not the least tie thtna After election more bonds can Issued, or more taxes Imposed. A grand old party and a great young I presldeat Come high. From the Now York gun. , ' 1 www wow soora voaur. . ' The old-time top boot la fast dlsap-lell peering from the face of the earth. I Even the miners of the weet, among j whom a pair of ordinary shoe used to I b rare a sombreros on Broadway, I ar abandoning them. I Eight or ten years ago the young mln- j Ing experts, fresh from th eastern oor leg, used to com Into camp with hob nailed laced boots. This strle of foot wear was at first scorned aa the stark of I the tenderfoot and dude. Then a few miner tried laeed boot just for rua, and found tb fashion a senslbls one. Lb cod boot braes the an kles for climbing, and can be taken off without a boeUeck. They fit more snug ly all round, and ara loss likely to chafe. Bo the miners begaa to take them op. Now th old-time boot is rare to tb aus lng regions. Bven th few cowboy Mft tn th weet are taking to laced boota. There was a tlm in th heyday of th cow Country when special grade of fine, high-heeled, thln-eoied, boot wa manufactured eolely for th cowboy trad, since cowboys 1 wsre always very vein about their foot wear But with the decadence of their trade th cattlemen have loot their email vanities nd a full holf of them ride In the more eomfortabl meed boota- go Is the old top boot, once worn by most ott men, vanquished la Its last stronghold. From the Cornelius Ttmea - A town dog was given an Introduction to a telephone th other dari- When a voice in the phone called him by name and, spoks kindly he wagged his tall, but looked mystified. He looked sharply , at the phone and th wall where It hung, and then turned te the onlooker oppar-i sntly for an explanation, keeping one eye suspiciously In the direction of tbe voice. He barked finally when hi nam cam Mver and over again from the Instrument but he continued to keep at a safe dls- ost la the proceedings. At tost tb vole gave an unearthly growL which the IMj I t rumen t magnified Into something In- deecribably Inhuman, when a spasm of fear seised th dog and be dropped his ear back and Jumped through ths apsa owor xor a ears spot From the Atlanta Constitution. The tree stand up so beeotlfullv, exclaimed th young poet, just borne, trom college. "Tee," replied the old man, "th' some lau timber round here.' "They seem t laugh In th wind, and bow "Good morning to you," oan ttmisd the poet. ! ' "Look here, Johnr aatd the old maa "'For yoa go plus erasy, take tale nor ex en" shop me dowa a dosen trees and' run 'em through tba aaw- a p 1-1 m geptember 14. At two miles we ached a round island ea th northern side; at about fire, ru oa the south; two amUee further, a small erect; end it Bin l aUkiT camped near the mouth the same side. The sand bars are very numerous, aad render the river wide and shallow; this obliged the crew to get late the water and draa- the boat' over the bars several times. Dur ing the whole day we searched along the southern shore, and at bobm distano into the interior, to find an ancient vol cano whleh we heard at gt. Charles was somewhere in tbla neUfhborhood; but we could not discern the slightest ap pearance of any thin vol can to. In the eouree of their search the party shot a buck goat aad a bare, '. i ' . ' ' STRANGE CONTRAST IN EATING , From the Xew York Americas. . ' 9. Fisrsie saorgea. Breakfast, t a nv One whole canta loupe, if large; two. If email; two or four raw or very soft eggs; frlsaled ba- soa or ham; creamed smoked beef on toast; dropped smelts; plenty ef dry toast ana pot of coffee. Lunch, 1 p. m. Iced tomatoes, celery. young on I en, vffld potato aslad, emoksd sturgeon, Rooue- fort sbeeee, water crackers, Rhine wine rrora bis own cellars. "Post Nibble." i p, m.- Tongue or eer- veiot sandwiches; light wine. Dinner, I p. at- Dosn blue point Oh th half shell, clear soup, son rare fish, prefers bl v half dosen Rocky moun tain trout or sea tood from Bermuda, sautemes, woodcock, pheasant er brased breast of capon. Bt Jut ten or Uedoe. roast meat often venisonloin ef moose or bear, lobexcr a to Newbera. HUo sherry, then th nuts, coffee. and dellesctes and a elsmr. which cost htm M.a aaeh to hare made -to Havana. He never takes champagne with dinner, but undented rumors eay he drinks several - quarts without doing him harmbefore retiring. Mr. Morgan pay his chef 11 . a year and employs a Boor of assistants. ' Montreal. J. Flerpont Morgan, who sj here with the Archbishop of Canter bury, baa oauaed great surprise by bla appetite. Me first caused comment by demanding a whole bmIob for breakfast Than he wa watched and It was found that h had brought a most wuadeiful appetite from the' states' with him. Ths story of his demand for a whom melon has been pabUehedi and now when be and the archbishop and the receptloa committee appear In public be Is aa much observed as tb Rngllsh primate. Mrs. Davldsoa, chairmen of the re eeption committee, was astonished when the welter told, her Mr. Morgan desired a whole melon, and when shs asked him about it the American millionaire toughed and said: Tea, I eat a whole melon- everything except the outside.- . . . , .- . i.i i. t--'r" Breakfast, f a. m -Half an orange. PROGRESS Bishop Warren A Chandler to the Inde pendent! For tba eaventh tlm I nave visited Cuba, Tba Ohang'. meat of them for the better slnoe my vUlt to the autumn of iltt are- marvelous, The street of Havana ara clean, and the eanltary conditions of the olty are no good aa in any city of th same stse vi wnicn t nave any xnowieoge. la lt the city was ens of the foulest fn the world and yellow fever victims died oa the street. Th order I good end life and prop erty ara a occur here as anywhere. The administration of President Tomas R trade Palme I commended oa skies. The impression gathered from tmiting with men of all eiaases here. "di"bh ubnB rtean. riww. m w a erii- " M wora es, out a wise, Pmdent and honest man. The people T woic in nn awrw qiwiuee. He ha used th rate power with wls- dom and Ann nee. In one Instance be vetoed what we known aa the "Corona tow." a statute exempting members of congress from Ith ordinary processes of trial by the courts, and making them a sm sable to th suprem court only. It grew out of a homicide by CongTeasman Corona of Santiago. Th president vetoed the bill aa a pleds of elas legislation entirely Incompatible with the genius of a re publican form ef government Congress man Corona has begun a four year term la th penitentiary for hi crime. Would the administration of Justice la the case of aa American snnsTsssinse charged with a homicide have been mors win ana uaiaitonng m our own ooun- yr Again, President Pal ma vetoed tb lottery bill. This was an act of oven greater courage. Th Spanish traditions concerning lotterle, th habits and spirit of most Cuban men a to gambling by lottery and otherwise, were com bined against him; yet bi withstood them all and forbad by veto th eree tlon of lottery ander Cuba law. ( wAhTBXXWg) AXOV gBWaV I. From ths -Hebrew Standard. ' As a habit It need hardly be eaid, tbe pastimes provided- for the enmootoT and port are of a aat ore calculated te lower the standard of morality and to ahake th foundation upon which th struc ture of family life ha been reared, to any nothing of the utter disregard of One's own Interests In staking ofttlmes more than one can afford. We moot therefore deprecate the ettom- W . occaelonally must feel alarmed im .nnur pruai una hmii dh made aad the terrible Inroads upon th former Ideal family life which are chargeable to It Wo hops that this very dubious mark af advancement in th forward direction may soon disap pear from our mldet and leave tbe Jew ish household as pur aa one tt wa ac cording to our boaat. AI From tb Cincinnati Commercial TH - bun. . , Th evening wore on," continued tbe man who wa telling the story. "Exeua me," Interrupted th would be wit "But can you tell ue what the evening wore on that oocaalonr' "I don't know that It is Important" replied the story teller. "But If you must know, I b i lave it wa tba ale of a summers day.' The hills, particularly on the south, continue high, but th tanber la fined to the teland and bank of th river, W had ocoasloa here to observe the rapid undermining ef these by the Missouri. The first attacks asesa to oa the bills which overhang the river a soon a the violence of tb current destroys the araa at th foot ef them, the whole texture appears loosened, and the ground dissolves an mixes with tb water t the muddy mixture Is 'then forced ever th law grounds, which cover sometime to th depth .of three lnobea, and gradually destroy the herb age, arter wnicn it can oner ao resist anoe to the water, and become at teat oovered with sand. . . - oatmeal, cracker ene pan ef dry toast. cup of cocoa, -.- LuBohi a p. m. Qlesa of plain soda water tn at s ait . Dinner, 1:10 p. m. Soup, portion of fish not larger than a half-dollar, small oul ef roast meat with pan gravy, let tuce or tomato salad without oil, one starchy vegetable, euch as corn or po tato, niilk from the earn cow all the time. No cake er sugary substance. Ola as ef milk before retiring. Mm. Walker pay her cook lie Bwatb. - ; Philadelphia. Instead of gettlag her Business" into such shape that sh could spar th time to eat sustaining areals, Mrs. Anna M. Wsightmaa Walker la be coming busier in the management of the I . ooe.oo business her father raoently It la a alow day with her when she can ga out to take a bite df Tench. god water baa to be -enough for her, al though h hasenough to buy a Dot al on wo or a Sherry. Mr. Weight man maintained a bureau through which be disbursed Immense sums In charity, and none but hi o fldeatlal egenta knew the emounte or the benefloiartea of his ahllanthrooy. Mrs. Walker has ordered that the bu reau be continued, but it to thought she will direct that much of- th outlay be oevocea t cauuuio charities. Mr. Walker became a convert to th Roman Catholic eh u rob five rears ago. Bhs had previously been a high church Episcopalian.' Her father at first oa- poeed her change of faith, but IMer waa reconciled, but he resisted her efforts to bring him lata, the ebureb. He also on- eelved tb Idea that some , of th churches wore after him In order to get a share of hi wealth, and far some tlm previous to his death hi bounty went CO aon-sectarian charities. Because of this animosity of tba slder wvisntman ihar is much surmise whether he left bis million to hla daughter to do with them aa aha willed. or whether she ie merely the eastodtsn of them and is restrained from the free bestowal of them toward faUgwua pu'r- posee. f OF CUBA Tb conduct of the Cuba president bj m snrp contrast with th act of Oen eral Wood In granting a 10-year con cession to taat ahameless institution of gambling, the Jai Alal aomnanv. This oaossslee General Wood a ranted Just, throe days -before turning over tba government to President Palma. With in ths sam brief period h wa offered and received a M.m present which all parties In Havana, with whom I have talked assert wa purchased by th men of the Jal Alal company. The plena made In abatement by the friends of Oeneral Wood In the United States are laughed to scorn hers, and with Jus tice, as It seems to ma. The Jal Alal Inatlutlon la one. of the meanest forms of gamblfngi end would net be tolerated to any city ef the United Statee for one hour. MoT would It be tolerated by the Cuba congress and Presldeat Palma it they could help themeelvea. But whoa they have Indicated a purpose to undo the nefarious concession the Piatt amendment baa. been shaken In, their faces, and they bsvs been told It w an act of the 'Intervening government" which Is oovered and protected by that famous amendment. Could anything reflect more discredit ably upon our government than that It should be placed la auch a position of sponsorship for a gambling concern which th Cuban government would de stroy if it had a free handt Wa the Piatt amendment designed to be per verted to such baa endsr Cannot the congress ef the United States by some act of mod til cation or statute of con struction of tbs Piatt amendment gtrs the Cuban government enough freedom of action to extirpate this abomination T Shall our government be disgraced and the Cuba people damaged for 1 long year by the continuance af' tola de testable franchise and the maintenance of tbla den of blacklegs? r - - A oengresslonal committee eusht to as sent to -Havana-to 'InVastigats this whole transaction and report a remedy. Our country cannot afford te occupy any such poeition as It, now occupies te tnis matter, ' XtnmATAABTCB ajto wxFicrv. From th Now York World. ' The government deficit of S4,0O0.0 for July and Auguot, against l,oe,oM toes last year, ta due la part to a de crease to revenue ef $T,o,o. la part to an lBoreaa ia expenditure ef Ht, 00.0. - . Decrease In revenue 1 not regrettable. It I an evidence of thrift W r no longer buying foreign good la execs of our needo end so owelllng th cus toms, as we did daring tb ssnssls "boom." We srs spending a million a month less upon Internal revenue toxa tie. These economies ere wise, pru dent Inevitable, likely te continue, Greater expenditure 1 due In the mole fe sn Increase from , 1901 in only two months of nearly ,0 0.000 for th war department and 7,0,oe for tb navy. Tet even last year w were spending for thee warlike aurpoee tllt,0,000 ator than ws did In 1817. ' Th only possibls means of restoring casta to th depleted treasury the treas ury so recently overflowing is te sell new bond or to Increase taxation, or to cut down expenditure, and especially our mounting military coats. Ths last named Is the method of busi ness common sense. It le Idle to ex pect Ito application by the present ad nimletrntlon, mllltary-mad. erased by tb obsession ef th Big gMk r , Bend people are thinking ef Incorporate ' . ' , , :- ' - Houltoa I to have lorle UghU; also twetew houses. - j Tb Sret carload of Rogue River pear brought a box to Chicago. Mitchell, that was swept' away by a waterspout 1 building up again, , Several famUles want'4 houses la Brownsville, but cannot obtain them. Sever! local good road club have been organised la Tillamook county, , , Merchante up the vailer are dolna .. a larger busmeee thaa they dltt tost year. ; A Benton eoynty team of horse ' weigh over two tone. One, only three . , yvars oto, weigna i.ioe pounds. . It la believed that Uncle Oasaaway did not require a special ear te carry aia campaign contribution to New York, A Dayton man baa a one-stalk sun- aowsr, seven feet high, that bai flower In' bloom and II bud about ready to bloom.. - Th Houlton Register announce that lta family I now Bottled there, end wil) be glad to receive provender of any kind oa subscription. Bom MeMtntrvllle women are bua driving ddwn nalla to th Idewalk. Are the men too busy or too lasvT And oaa tbe women hit the uallst r Ashland new high school building eoetlng tU.toe, baa 14 room and I aid to be the beet echool bylldlnbe tweea Portland and San Franciaoo. A number of bachelor ta More Bounty are worrying because leap year Is so far spent sad they have had no proposals. aad tbay fear tboy will b ever looked. - .i.i. ( . While digging a well sear MokfinnvHle man unearthed soma bones at a depth of at feet which are- thought te have belonged to a mammoth aa of . former time. . .. .-t,;, , " . A Hood River man and a PrtneviU man played poker at Bead sod it we reported that the sums of VLKO end St.- i4M were tost and won: Dae pot raa up a high a flto . . , An extra targe oyster' dredg at Ne- tarts this year hi probable, as a targe new bed of oyster haa been found. The Netarts oyater 1 of very fine flavor and quality and th demand' has grown to auch proportion that th supply here tofore has not been ufSclent ... Charles Cunningham, ths ' Umatilla county sheep king, who owns about half tbr taxabls property tn the Pilot Rock echool district, is fighting a new school- house because of the tax on him. . That Is often the way the more maa haa the meaner be to, Build tbe school- houeal ' . ' . , Some thieve are among th bop-' pickers. ' Aacordmg to the Aarera Bo realle houses ara being searched, pota-. toea and other vegetable dlseppaar dur ing the night cowa are being milked, ' eta, From on man two stands ef bee , were stolen- which M think "caps the . climax.'' f . -f' . Houlton Register:' The Ash traps ar ' all running and supplying tb cold stor age houee and on or more caeneries with naiM Th ask warden paya ao at-, tentlon to the law. The trap, and wheel .should be drive off tb river -and In a few rear there would be good employment for the glllnet ashera. It Is th wheel aad trap that rate tbo nab busissss. The trout are coming up Rogue river from the sea, aa usual at this tlm of year.. Angler ar meeting -With good success. Th flah ar gamey and aver age from a half-pound to five pounds. - They are known farther north aa asa trout but In aouthara Oregon tbay called steel haads. Some of thlo variety okught In Fraser river weigh from to to I Dounda. They are variously known aa atoelhood sal moa end bullhead trout. SAVAXni IdMAOT. ' From Tit Bite. " t 1 There hi only one spot ea the earth' , surface that ha actually been willed, . djeeded and bequeathed to his eatanle majesty. This spot lie four mile and a half eouth of Holalngfore, Finland. A few years ago Lara Hullertene died tn the little town of Pierlieiarvl, in tbe . above named country, leaving considera ble property la the hap of landed at. How he bad .come Into posses sion of a much land no on seemed to know, but as he ws a very bad dtlsen it waa generally admitted that he waa to league with WlnUhausu (eatan). and that tboy had many business deal with each other. This somewhat star tling opinion waa verified when among ' old HuUariene'a papers a certified war ranty deed was found which deeded M . aataa aU hie earthly possessions. The wiU wa te the same effect The fam- 11 v hava reoeatedlr tried to break the- ' will, but so far hava beea unsuccessful; , thus the records plainly show that hla sulphurs majesty haa a legal light and title to some exselleat ground n the ,. Bear vicinity of Helslngfora. The aim- - pi people of the neighborhood, have changed th course ef the road whloh -formerly eklrted the , Hullertene home- -stead and declare that they .would not , enter the pesseesions of Satan dt Co. f or .-4 all the money that the thro estate vwould bring. ,- ' gATAsrxuta cwtraAg-m. 2 - r. From the Wsafaingtoa ator. ' Why deecrlbe the Japanese courage aa ; fanatical? It appear to be anything but that There has been nothing tenet- leal ta the movement against Port Ar thur either by land or sea. Every otep ,: has been calculated, and Well calculated. Fanaticism would have attempted te rush thing regardless of oonequenees.v In carrying out a carefully considered - plan an army when In touch with the -enemy le expected to throw Itself upon him with a full heart for the work. That le whet the Japanese are doing. But they have done It before. They did 1 It conspicuously 1ft year ago in the . war with China. What cause om -people to marvel aow I that th earn , spirit should be shown against Russia. Urk. 'Ph. MinavlM ahmhw luit imJ yokes ths ' nghter te greater deeda'M Lucky would Russia be If ehe ware con fronting a nation of fanatics. Th Jap anese belong to no buoh oiaaa. - . v pvuLmo BOWS' ' ' From UpplBcott' Magasln. At the unveiling ceremony of the fa mou RarthoMI statu the clergymen who offered th opening prayer Was IB- ellned te opto out bis petition. Oeneral i , Sherman; wao sitting beolde him, and at length, quietly putting out a band, he 7 pulled the reverend- gentleman by the. r coat tails gently back into his Beat " Whoa asked about th Incident th pen oral coolly replied: - . ... "I thought he'd told Ood a bent kit He wanted to know for one time, end bthera i were t.alttng their turn at tb pubiio." . it r