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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1904)
THE OREGON i DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 14, 1901 tlTCCIEN ICSES VEMSS Cf TEE 'iom SERVICE '. ,t ' l RAILWAY STATU CIS LIIEL Slill SCHOOL SUITS ----- or AV momoa or S. . ' At pselal masting of the North Fn gifts Terminal oompany, held yesterday, H waa decided t make -Important lm , arovement and enlarge tba facUttiee , at the Grand Central station. Tha plana i and estimate wlU la drawn up at onoa. and work will ba oommenoed within 10 days and completed this fall. ' All of the stock was represented at tha me t Jag, is tba following propor tions: Nortbarn Pacific, 40 par aent; Oregon Railroad A Navigation oompany. 4 par cant; Southern- Pacific to par sent. Tha opinion of tha atoekholdoro was naaninoua that praparatlona must ba commenced at onoa to taka earo of - tha heavy traffic that Is expected next. paar. , Tha Improvements ara not bow ever, dua entirely to tha needs of tha ' fair.' ror soma tims It has baaa ra ' carded a advisable to Increase tha fa r ailltlaaj for handling tha passenger traffic beoausa of tha teady increase f travel. . - : - Tha action by yesterday's meeting will t result la doubling tha oapaclty of tha - trackage, and tha build Ins; of rows of Modern train ohada ovar all tha track. "Th plana ara not yat bearun," aald. ' Manager Edward Lyons, ""but our an , glneera will taka up tha work Immed iately, Tha traeka will bo ax tended at 's both anda of tha yards, sufficiently to glvs 'doubla tha present wwa for Sanger trains. L4ns of ataal shads will a erected ovar tha tracks. All of tha board platforms now between the traeka In front of tba passenger station will ha taken uo and brick substituted." , Tba North Pacifia tnUreats tn tha Terminal eompany ware reprsaentad at ma meeting by c M. Lever, who baa charge of that company affaire fa tha Fmolfle northwest Thla road favored tha expenditure and will furnish 40 par oent of th money, whlah la Ukanaa an Indication that tha rumored disposition on tha part of that oompany to withdraw from tba Terminal company, and build Its own paaaangar station oa tha WeMler i tract. a without foundation. ' Mr. Levey, whan seared ooneemtng tha aompanya lntantlena toward tha Waldler tract declined to say anything oa tha subject at thla time. The oompany re gards it aa a good Investment, sod has bad offers to sail tha property at a profit, or t laaae tha ground. It ta not ' likely that any further develop men ta will occur la relation, ta thla property an til afteaHhe courts render a final de aialon ta tha Hill-Harrlman salt for pos session of Northern Paolflo railway . stock, PortJand Diy t State Fair. ; I Special trahf leaves fJnlon depot f.9V a. m., Thursday. Round trip tickets $1.S Including admission. . Buy at up - town office, Thtrd and Washington, to ds y, and avoid tha rush. Special St Loots Car, 7;. Mondaa;, Oetobar .8, tha a It A N. will . run a special tourist oar, Portland to St Los la. Particulars of a W. Sanger, city Uokak agal Thid. as4 Waahlggto treats. rmr patom wxxost SUIT AMAXm A&OsT XmjUisTT LTWXT. . ' "Wt the Jury bt the abova-entlUed ca aa, and for tha defendant, . Richard Nixon.-. Thla waa tha verdict of tha Jury in Circuit Judge Fraser's court which heard the suit of Attorney John Ditch- burn to recover damages from Attorney Riehard Nixon, for alleged libelous charges preferred before the grievance oommltta of the Oregon State Bar association. The' verdict was brought la last night under seal, nod waa read in open oourt thla atoraiog by Clerk Marion IL Johnson, No other verdict waa ' expected, - tn vlaw of tha Inatruetlona given tha jury by Judge Fraser. Ma stated that the Oregon State Bar association la a quasi Judicial body, and that tha complaint died against Dltchburn waa af a quali fied privileged abaraeter. , Ma added that Attorney Nixon waa not responsible for Its publication hi a newspaper unless it were proved that ha supplied tha com plaint to that paper with malicious In tent. V, ... ; . - ;. Attorney ZHtehtrani expected the ver dict, so slating before It waa read. After leaving the oourt room ha signified his Intention of filing n suit against Nixon for damages on tba charge of furnishing a copy of tha complaint to A newspaper 1th malicious intent. wtah- to draw "attention $a- tha fact that we Justified our action." . aald At torney Nixon. "I mean by thla that we proved tha charges as made before the grievance oommlttea of the association. Mr. Dltchburn did not taka the stand nor deny tha charges aa a witness." PAT BOYLE GETS ' ONE MORE CHANCE "Pat Boyle wag before Manielpal Judge Bogus; charged with drunkenness. Pat waa arrested by tba chief of po- Hca of flail wood last weak. ' "Are yon ready for sentenoa thla morning f asked Judge Bogus. k "1 tn," Pat replied. "Are yen Inclined to let thla man have aa opportunity ta reform r asked Judge Hogua of city Attorney Fitsgerald. ' ."Let every ana Who wUL reform." aald Mr. Fltsrarald. "Thla la tha third time yon have faced thla oourt," aald Judge Hogua ta Pat. Tf I let you go, will you keep awajr from herer" j "I'll try to," aaM Pat. "Than I'll releaee you." aald Judge Hogua. "But keep thla In mind: If you eoma back here youVl gat A full grown, sentence. "Soma of the oltisans of Seltwood haws missed chickens .of less said Deputy City Attorney Fitsgerald. "Don't be-. oome entangled la any fowl sera pea." "Tbat'a a hot ana." aald Boyta. T resent that Insinuation i I never stole n chicken," . "Don't begin' now."' aald Mr. Pltagar- aid, an Pa ayla walked, front fhn oour room. ii m ii ii i iiiiii ) xa - iw. e- ' 4 c X' S ' 1 T I T 1 t wSa- 1 ' 1 a mm J :: MV ?3 . 1 I J I h I"' rtBs'J Ml Jl I y:Xlrer SI XW OOBA, POSTO SaTa) Oaamal Speelal Berrto) Pittsburg, Sept. 14.-0evaral thoa aan4 ettldlere who aaw aervtoa andar tha stars and stripes In Cuba, Porto, Rico or tha PhUipptnea began a reunion la Pittsburg today. Tba occasion la tba second annual gathering of tha American Veterans of Foreign Servloe. Many states are rapraaentad at tha reunion, which will continue through the remain der of tha wash, coming to a elose next Saturday with aham battle at Scben- ley park. Today waa devoted largely to tha re- oeptloa of the visitors. Tba opening session waa held la the Alleghany Car negie muelo hall, where addresses of Welcome wera delivered by Mayor Hays of Pittsburg and Mayor Wyman of Alleghany,- The reunion parade takes place to morrow and promisee to ba n notable affair; Between 1,000 and 10,000 veterans ara - expected to ba la Una, CwMPnWnmAVnW BJJUslIOnTa na lm wlaaa, ' " (Joaraal gyaeiei servlea.) Lynchburg. Vs.. Sept. 14-Tha Orand Camp f Confedarato Veterans of Vir ginia began Its 17th annual reunion hero toasy. Toe convention was called to or der In Confederate hall thla morning by Judge George L. Christian of Rich mond, grand commander. Chaplain John P. Hyde of Winchester delivered tba In- mtlon. Hon. N. C Hanson. Jr., wel comed the veterans to Lynchburg and Oen. Thomas T. . Munford extended greeting In behalf of Oarland-Rhooaa oamp. - ' Tha response waa by CoL William H. Stewart of Porta mouth. A the eonelualon of these formali- tlas adjournment waa taken antll 4 o'clock this afternoon. Tha United Sons of Confederate Veterans begin their annual reunion thla evening. Both bodies will continue In aeaalon through tomorrow and Friday. - . , . mmvwxom or aomaUA ,t ' I. - taaarsai apitiai ernes.) I Rome, Oa., Sept. 14. The annual re union of tha -Georgia division of the United -Confederate Vetera na Is being held here. Rom gave- m hearty wel come to tha several hundred visitor and veterans. Tba reunion opened thla af ternoon with an address of weloome by Congressman John W. Maddox and a Vesponae by Gen. P. A. S. MoGlaahan, major-general commanding. The annual parade will ba held tomorrow. r. , BISHOP MORRISON WILL PREACH HERE Btahop H. C Morrlaoa af Maw Orleans arrived In thla city yesterday from Spo kane, where ba bald thn annuel-conference of the M. B. church. South. The bishop reports tha work In flourlahbig ooadltlon In that part of. tha northwest. He holds tha Columbia ooafersncs Sep tember iff to October at Harrlsburg. He ta In Portland la tha Interact af the work of thla city, which waa established nine ami tha ago. - . . The M. JC. church. South, bar had n vigorous growth-' since the work here was established and tha church now has a membership of St, with wall at tended Sunday school and. JEpworth league. ' While ware Bishop Morrison will Inaugurats a movement to build church building.- Ha will ba tha guest of tha resident pastor. Rev. WL H. Mon roe. No. Union avenue. North, and will preach next Sunday at both morn ing and evening services tn the hall now occupied by tha congregation at No. 171 Second street. FIRST "SPECIAL" FOR PORTLAND'S BIG FAIR Tha first announcement af a Person alty conducted" excursion ta the Lewis and Clark fair grounds has reached thla city. Tha trip la being organised by G. A. A. Deane, Jr- traveling passenger agent of tba Missouri Pacific railway. located at Indlanapolia. He atatea that there will be a special train of Pullman care, and tha party will go from Indian apolis vis St, Louis, Kansas City, Colo rado Springs, Denver and Salt Lake, to Portland, spend three daya at tha Lewie and Clark fair and return via Baa Fraa- clsoo and Los Angeles, The rata la not yat announced. T Over Onf .lliovsiuid JLnee Pants Suits at . , ' ( . $2.15 to $7.50 and the qualities, patterns and styles arc Just what are needed lor ' - SCHOOL WEAR v Sailor, Norfolk, Buster Brown, Single and Double Breasted Models Purest Wool Mixtures. .. :- t BOYS LONG PANTS SUTTS . . . $535 to $1250 ' New lines of Boys Haberdashery, Hats and Caps prices Right. "' ' I i n ' ' , ' vA Svceessful Specialty, Misses' Coats and Dresses ; ' -' ' r- - .. EAGLES PARADE A GREAT PAGEANT BOTBJSQVsl ruLuvx, wm sajtss. axoAn .T A VXaaTfh. A WORK OF AST. ay Ahheat ' Nw CreatJowt Modern Stylo, trchfstve Pattemt. Prices the Very Lowest, QnaBty Cwtfidered ? V : Little FeBo Suits, 3 to It years, in - . ; y: : Sailors, Norfblks, Etona, Russians :.: and Double Breasted; all the newest J, : f, designs. Prices, 1 : $3.50 to $7.45 7 Extra Special, the choice of any Blouse t 1 Suit in the house that Ci ff ; old at $6 to $8, fcfi;..vTyU . Girls and Boys' Coats for Fall, ages " 3 to 10, extra good CT EZA values at ,iiitiMfiMit a- tn " ' saaaaBaaBBsaBn) " t - y Samuel Rosenblatt & Co. Comer Third and Morrison Streets ' Many favorable' oommenta hare bean made on tba larsa nioture displayed br Samuel RoeenbUtt Co. In their Third atreet window. Tha picture' la by Mr. Abbott and ta need as a oarer to thla rear's atrls book Issued through Samuel Rosenblatt A Oo., by tha famous tailors, Hart, Bcbaffner A Marx. Tha period la about 1110. Tha hand some, thorouan-bred roans; fellow, In his blue broadcloth oat, tila Ions, strapped trousers, scarlet stock, ruffled shirt, and him bellorownad hat, pre sents an accurate picture, af the yo ana man of fashion Of almost a century a-o. In these daya. when tha deetsners of women's attire ara ahowlna; a strong; In clination to reylre the faahtons of the early third af tha nineteenth century It seems quite fitting to abow how tha ten of that period dressed. ' "All tha world loves a lorer," said Bmeraon; and everybody wno aea this picture af one will smile at tha neat sod clever ruse by which ho communi catee with his lady. Hla aourtasy to tha elder 'lady In ssstatlns; her so gal lantly, ts find tha hymn, or It may be tha page ta Bible or prayer-book, la made a over for tha slipping at a dainty sots to "her." He la obeying In revet se order tha scriptural injunction) "Let not thy left Mnd know what thy right hand doeth." It la not difficult to Imagine by looking at tha stern, uncompromising coun tenance of tha elder woman that the young sjMUi nay have bad many diffi culties put In the way of communicat ing with tha younger one, who la dearly the daughter. Bat one look at the girl's face la enough to me he any young man willing to take whatever ehanoee he mar need to take to make love to her. Aa for the young man, ho Isn't bad ta look at himself; and tha girl seems willing to meet his advance tmlf way. That'B the story which Mr. AVbfrtfs picture telle, aa we rand It. It a a pratty etery and a. good pactum, v . , . (Jeuraal special larva. r Baltimore, ML. Sept. la. Tba apeo- taoular feature of tba Eagles' convention la aeaalon bars waa tha great parade to day. - Thousands of members of tha or der ware in Una and SO- bands provided no and of muslo. Tha pageant embodied many new and aoval faaturea. Including groteaoua oostumee, floats and tableaux emblemntle of tha various states' and far dlataat territory of tha oountry. The atates with tha ktrgaat numerloai repre sentation ware Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, Pen nay 1 van ta and Wast Virginia. Tha Florida Eagles had a choice oot- iectton of sJllgssora oa a float, and tha delegation from Dakota, Minnesota and Colorado also displayed birds and beasts of various kinds. A Kentucky aerie ap peared la line aa pioneers, .wUs rifles and axes, andc tha Texas aeries, aa I symbol of the Lone Star state, wore all ver stars oa tha aids of their white felt hata. Tha members of tha Cheyenne, Wyon aerie, of which President Rooaa velt Is a member, wera attired aa oow boys. Tba Denver aerie also appeared In typical wild wast costume and car ried with them several bald eaglea. The Una formed at ! o'olook and tra versed the principal thoroughfaree of the city. Thousands of spectators lined tha routs and cheered tha marchers. Mayor Tlmanus and a large party of guests re viewed tha procession from a stand In front of the city hall. Thla afternoon the visitors were entertained at a big crab feast and outing at Rlvsrview park. OLD TIMER RETURNS; MARVELS AT PROGRESS S. A. Clark, librarian of the law de partment in tba general land offloe at Washington, D. Cm la la thla etty visit ing friends. Tar many years ha resided In Portland, being one of '.the earliest pioneer settlers. He was engaged In newspaper work In thn early daya In Oregon. I Mr. Clark la tba man who drafted tha original petition la ltto asking the state legislature to Incorporate the city of Portland, Thla petition waa started by tha 144 citizens of tha town and waa presented to the I eats la tu re by CoL Wil liam M. Kins', who represented Washlns- toa county, which at that ilssa Included, muiinoroan avumy. The visitor la greatly surprised at the progress which tha city of Portland la malting In commercial lines and la still more surprised at the elaborate prepara tions' whloh are being . mads for tha Law Is and Clark exposition. He says tha landscape effeota of the fair grounds are very beautiful and far superior tn thla respect to tha grounds In St. Louia. "L" OPPONENTS WIN - FIRST SKIRMISH AMERICAN BANKERS A CHEN TOJUt MOsTaTT RsTVATSQaT IsUI OnT Attorney PL R Dvnlway had won tha first skirmish In tha legal contest in stituted by tiltn, on behalf of property owners who object ta tba assessment for building an elevated roadway on mast Tamhtll atreet. City Attorney McNary, representing the etty of Portland, waived argument thla aternlng on tha demurrer to the ooaaplelnt which ha had Interposed, be fore Presiding Judge George In tha cir cuit court. Tha demurrer waa acooraV lngly overruled and tha city given IS daya tn which ta answer. Three other similar suits ara now under advisement by the court on de murrers or motions to strike out. The total amount at Issue la almost It, to , WATSOsT AT YATCTOsT. (Jeersal Ssertal tarries.) .' Yankton, S. D.. Sept 14. The Popu list state convention la In session here today for tha purpose of naming can didates for tha state offices to ba filled at the Novemher election. There ap pears to be little disposition on the part af tha convention to Indorse tha nominee of tha Demoeratle atate con vention. Thomas Wataoa, candidate tor president on the Populist ticket, delivers sn address here thla afternoon. i-KfV I "grm sUCWCiar-rli--l ron ruu a uh 4 Jearsa! Spadsl Per Hat.) New Tork, Sept. li.-Prominant bank ers from Maine and Flo rids, from Cal ifornia and-Washington and from all tba commonwealths between. Oiled tos as sembly room of tha Waldo rf-Aatorla at 19 o'clock thla aaorntng when President SSS a?n a a Rati B ssi - - a 9 1 SXUM TJS M31WjWtJ SB epT smTXWBVKaSfj OSuavQ to order tha 11th aanunl oonventioa of tha Amarloan Bankers' assooiaUon. The nttondanea has never been surpassed to the history of tha assooatkm'a oonvan- tlona. - After prayer by Bishop Potter' tna visiting banker listened to addresses of weloome by Mayor MoClallan and James Bt 111 man. president of tha New Tork clearing bouse. Response to the greetings waa em bodied in tha annual address of Presi dent Blgelow. which waa tha prlnolpaJ feature of tha opening aeaalon. Presl dent Blgalow reviewed the genera con dition ox tna banking business of the past year and touched upon tha prob lems at present of most interest to the world af nnanoe. , Ha waa listened to with eloaeat attention by the large as sembly end hla remarks were frequently Interrupted by n ripple of applause. Following Mr Blgelowa address re ports were presented by Secretary Jama R. snanoh. Treasurer Ocorgs F, Ore and by tha several committees -of tha association. Tha proceedings of the day oonoiuded with an Interesting ad dress by President A, B., Hepburn of Man people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping; "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright'. Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of Us worst forms. t mm KI s Kan tha Chaaa National bank of this city, who took an hla subject. The Money Situation. An Interesting vote taken arsons mem bers of the association shows that ITT voted for McKlnley tn ISO, and IS for Bryan. . Thaaa atan now stand. Roosevelt US, Parker e change of 4t votaa to Parker MAYOR INVITES THE RURAL CARRIERS Portland m seeking tha next annual ooavantkm of tha Rural Mall Carriers' association af tha United States. Thla organisation meets la Syracuse, K. Y.. the latter part of thla month and Mayor Williams has written a communication ta tha secretary, at tha raqueot of tha local oarriera, asking tha organisation to hold ita ISOa convention la Portland. In hla Invitation Mayor Williams sets forth tha many advantages offered by Portland aaxt year for such a gnthsrtng. Ha not only recites tha attractions of tha Lewie and Clark exposition but ha atatea that a Journey serosa tha conti nent and an opportunity of visiting tha vast territory of the Pad no soaet and tha beautiful and resourceful state of Oregon la aa attraction la itself. He has also sent Invitations to tha American Society t Civil engineers and tha Amarloan Veterinary Medical asso ciation to hold their 1101 gatherings in this elty. SOUTHERNER WANTS TO FIND "DRY TOWN" i -' ..; H I MCermlck af Monroe, La., la quite particular about the kind of com munity In which ha resides. Before coming ta Portland ta make thla elty hla home ho dealree to know whether or not thla la a. "whisky or -a prohibition town. Mr. MoCormlok wants nothing but a cold waterelty. Mayor William received the letter of Inquiry from Mr. iMoCormlck and has tened to reply. Ho stated that thla waa not a prohibition town at present.' but there were ehanoea of Its being suck after the November election. Tha mayor explained to tha Inquirer that a local option law prevkllad In thla state and each eounty votes separately whether or not aaloona ara ta be alia wed to run. OPEN DEAD LIGHT SUNK THE TOPEKA (Special majaM ts The JtarvaM Seattle. Wash., Sept. 14. The contract for raising the City of Topekn will proo- bly be let In a few daya. The local ma rina underwriters and representatives of tha aomnany ara aaniarrlns ta this ana. stops ifregtiUrhies, stremTtheni the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kia neyi so they will perform their function! properly. Healthy kid neys strain out the impurities from, the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is CArried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing; dixsiness, bckscher stomach trouble, sluggish Jiver,' irregular heart action, etc. , If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will core a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. . Nrw to n-mi Oart. : Yon can aasflr datanaina It Totnr H fl awy ara out of order by sotting aside lur M boura A bottla of too urine passed npon nrnring. If npon axamination H Is cloody or mlllry or has a brick-dast ssdiment or smail psrticla Bost a boat hi ft. roar kidney are diaaaaad, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURS should ba tnkao. at onco . aV m Taadtflaa Afm : . s, awAnsi af Osraas Cestw.f Vsrttsn "About four rear see I wrote you ttailaf that I bad besa entirely sored of a eevere kldaeff trouble by taknut lees than two bottlaa ot Polay'l Kldaey Cur. It entirely stopped the briek duat sediment and pain and symptom of kidney dlaeaee disappeared. I am llad lo say that I hare sever bad a retar of any of thoa eyms- durlsg the four years that have elapsed, and I am arisen tlr sored to iuy cured, ana leartlly rsoommend Foley's Kraaer rare ta ssj an suasnsg rrem kkmey or Msaosr uoante,-' , Taw) SI sua. BOa nssl IsVSa SOU UO IEC0HMEIDE0 li t Wsodard. marks m Oov, and Asus-Pavf Drug Oo. Dr. W. Norton DavU. IN A WEEK We tPMt - - an ertMM mmk aarasis Jiaaw et lea, alee Meod. tnsmta, hurt,, prt, kldaay and threat troablea. Wa eared foreTer, I Nil THlcrunaV nltham afwitwa at asm, fct l We seas males. Cas NnH eatf esaaa. hnsMdlately, Wa eaa naura the eexaal visas asy mi asset so sr bmsb weal eaa bmi aeeaJlar fee -eatseivasi We Core (rarvorThoea to a Week " The SMSara ef an teatltee ene eS i aaia gradaatea, bare bad suar rears eaperieace. save aaaa kun ta Pnrflant ttm it vmm. aas rtpetattoo ta awlatatm, aad sin asder take se sam salsm eartals sat eaa as a setts. We emanate a mm ta mmrv eeaa ww aadaa hike er ebr. aa fie. CSBaaltatlne free. let ters eesfldaaUaL ' laatractlTe nOOK VOk Mil BUM nree ta anila wrapper. It res easaot esU at offlee. wa bftasn. Moan area ot m t m A sad f ta A bottdara, M a U, Imang anaetanata Is the WnmsaiA Dr.W. Norton Davis & Co. Tat sTar Saasl, W. TUSCAN Mineral Springs Much of tha freight will ba takan nut be fore this la attempted. The divers havs asoertalned for a ear talnty that an open deadHght m tha caua of the sinking, and an Invest 1 ra tios win oetermin bow It oama to be left sax The mdnner of raising tha vessel win be settled this morning. It la vary like ly that tha sides will be built qd abova the high-water mark. Pumpa will than used to remove the water. O0XOJeAJO aUsVtmuOAJTS. t I (Jeentel speriel Servles.) ' ' i Denver. Colo,. Sept. 14. Tha Rentih- Hoan state oonvsntlon wan ealled to or der ehortly before noon today. The oortventlnn will name oaodldates for gov1. amor and other state officers to be voted for at the aaxt election. The antl- Woleott faction appears to hare ,tho upper hand and win probatory dlotat tha nuka-np af tha ticket To Whom tt May Coocr team to tha abor springs an Ane taka traatmant for my eras. 1 aaA a vary sever attaok of eatarrk af the eyes, was almost blind after treating with the beat specialist that souM be found, and suffering tor nine yaarn t hav at last found a cure bera at tna BFK1WUB. I 4 FAMOUS TUSCAN BP R IN OA aot praise them too highly. 1 bona that others that are affllatad wlU glv thaan a UML BaapeotftTfly, . Mnom Ml. rnmw.rn1a hiist!?of ManC Oregon. Mr. I. a Farmer, af fataMr, Or, wag aured of rnaumatlam. If yon ara sick writ to as; wa win grve yon tha and address of soma sen sauwa similar aomnlalal TnacAji Mbtoral Spritga Corp' af so ioa iottui or OACAJUUg SAAfA TEETH SPECIALS IXTWBVHT, OCT. I Boston Painless Dentists Will make special low aebool rataa In order that all school children may com and have their teeth eared for during vacation. These ara tha Only dentists fa Part. land havmg the lata botanical discovery to apply to the gum for Painless ex tracting. Pining and Crowning Teeth and guaranteed foe tan yearn. Special Tralos for State Fair Salem During fair week, September If ta IT, Inclusive, tha Southern pwctno will run special fair trains, leaving Portland S an.; returning, leave fair grounue S. m. Hhmmi ro- 4 trip rataa. tSti"d ,rt II f'sw" ,-iakMPr" IHw r U r ran 1st f 4 1 . -wtmi a rwe a. I U.a Mr