TKt OROOM DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, . SEPTEMBER 13, 1901 HASS r,IEETING ON; BRIDGE QUESTION Residents Living Near Scffivan's '. Gulch Will Gather to Piscuss Means of Relief Pebplc Undecided Between Wood and Iron Bridges..1. f Spanning Sullivan's gulch, that ;. -t onu ft dividing ravin through Um trwttr' part of tb east old, are two ,,r .dilapidated bridges, en of which la y oloeed la all but street oar trsfao and lbs other vivo pronlM also of aoon being too dangerous for use, A third ' brldg. which crossed tha gulch at -TJrand avenue, toppled over - aavaral . months ago and baa never bean, te ' built Aa raault of tha delay of tha council, " ' eauaad parti? by th dlaaanaiana of tha residents of that section, oonotant i protests aro mad by business nw ' and othar residents who ar sfleoted by tha want of bridges. On Union avaau there la a brldg that la closed to ail f traAo xept atraat oars' and peassa , grm in crossing fall to ahow ao ab ' snos af apprehension. At Twalfth atraat thers la another bridge. It la ' atlll opn to both pedestrians and ve . hleles. It 1 only matter of ft vary short time, thoaa who llva near tha "v '-ridge declare, until it la closed. Popl txeBsweadftd. V Paopl who llva la th vicinity are - eauaad ail 'kinds of hwenvsnince and ,' annoyance. Thoaa living- north of East ' onsen atraat who daalr to coma down ' town, may do ao'by going only a faw . block out of tha way. But taama and rigs of any kind that ar ant Into that district muat go round by tha steel ' brldr. Baking ft circuit of ft mil and - half. k . j.. - ; Half srmlls may be ssveerff the trip V awd across th Twalfth atrt t bridge, taama taking that rout being ". " t oroed to go only ft mil out of tb way. Consequently . grocsrymen and -.. ''bus! sea Arms In aU part of th olty ..who deliver goods In that. nelghbor hood' ara making vigorous pretests. . Though -only two- short- block Intar ven It la a. grant daal ehaipw ta llva on Baat Union avenue or Evaratt atroat '-than It la o Baat Oliaan. Booauaa of - th extra mil or ao that ta required to i roach th -place .wood dsalara oharg It canta par load mora for delivering wood to on locality than to th othar. - Othar business firms ar falling la Una t on tha tearaawd price proposition. ' Beeauaa of Its thoroughly Ilapl- " dated and rotten condition th Grand avenue bridge fall aavaral montha ago. It baa not bean rebuilt Th City dt Suburban Railway compear haa ft frsn ohlaa acroa th bridge while th Port land Hallway company haa ft franehtee acroa tha Union avenue bridge. The Union avenue bridge atlll stands and oara run over It. but It haa bean closed to othar traffic. In ws the Twelfth street bridge fall. thoaa who llva in that neighborhood declare It muat. resi dent of the want aide of that etreet will be forced by ft circuitous rout to th eteel brldg la ardor to .reach th olty. In order to dtecuee th situation and adopt aom plana whereby a bridge may be built acroea tn gulch , on Union or Orand avenue, or both, a may nat big of tha eltlsena will be held Friday night at Burkhard halL Bflorta will be mad t have a large attendano and. learn juat what tha majority of tha tax payera want. Thoaa who want: the brldg have bean unabl bp decide whether it will be ft eteel or wooden structure and tha council consequently baa deollnad to take any action In th matter. There ar f.t lota In th district that will be taxed In order ta build th bridge. Thoaa who favored tha amo tion of ft steal structure, estimated th ooat at Of that amount tha treat ear company would pay tIt.M and toe Oregon Rallrea Mavlgatmn eomnaar. -that opratea tiftohn beneath the brldaa. would be a sa eased In th sum of tU.Mg. Deducting th IH.vM nald by- th two railroad eompanlea thoaa advocating th steel bridge prop osition argue that property owners would be corn palled to pay only M.tM for th bridge. Aeaeaemente would made on tfto owner of th e,Mt lota In Um district. There ar many resident wha f' the arectlon of brldgea on both Union and Orand svwnuee. Still other wont a brlda .on Baat Third street. - It la L-the purpose of th ' maes meeting Frt- day night to attempt Co bring tn van oua factions together- and decide upon th erection of one substantial bridge at one. It m generally believed that in case only on bridge ta built It will spaa th gulch-on Union nvemia. - JASraLQRETAD nuisa ship's TEi? ; : : OAJUVABTOaT BAT &AT WW MOVTS or ooxntBXA mxrmu rem kobi TXAst WafsTT.iT DMAB VOB T bats ma rauun nugpt- ABOVJT9 BOaUI. MISS COUNTISS SAYS ' n DOCTOR IS MISTAKEN Members of th thsfttricnT professloB now In Portland resent th remarks of r. W. B. Holllnnhsad. poster of th Centenary Methodist Episcopal church, fn his sermon Sunday. His topic wa .'.'Popular Amusements and th Method- lit huroh," and h strongly condemned i svarything psrUlnlng to tha stag, spar f Xng sons of those who partltPte in '.'suck amusement. JCvea autrlerrap wr torn to plooes by th minister. , "Batting aM vtha eharavter -or, th ' norformrs,M be said. th playhouse Is . not a at place "for boy and girls,, and . th mother who lata her daughter go there permits bar to associate with th vil and the shameless. The woman of bad repute Is' there. Th association Is bad and blighting to th moral. All " the teachings and suggestions of1 th player tend M deaden th flnr feeling. i Th ptaxboua teaches that marriage 1 J not th sacred thing w hav boon J taught to believe." All of this baa nettled theatrical yao pl beyond description. They d not reply -vlndloUvely, but they do offer a etrong- defens of th stag and stage . folk. The general opinion la wall x- pressed by Miss Cathrlne qpuntlsa of the Columbia theatre stock company, who said to Th Journal: 1 have fOnly to remind Dr. Holllagaboftd that ! prof Btonal people ar aa charitable .and liberal-minded aa any class on earth, land much mora ao than ft majority of tha class; A toy" hand fa always In his pocket. They ar th first to r Bnond In case of. a national calamity, and thsy do aa much privately. They have eetablished soma of the greatest chftri tie th th land, and ara aa ft rule poor because at their sacrifice for others. do not understsnd why thsy should be ao criticised. . "Immoral? Whr. Jth stags Was never ri A Its history so near th church as -ht preeent There- is th Actors' Church alliance, growing day by day and accomplishing wonders In that direction. And today there la scarcely a single play to b seen in ft first-class theatre that does not teach a moral. Of course, making heroes of satis we and all that sort of thing has an evil tendency, but tn the Mg plays the plays w as ta th larger houses the tend ency is always toward good. "I do not believe that any young girl or boy Aa corrupted or Injured in any way by th drama. I hav heard the staxe defended In th pulpit many tlma "In th astern states all churches ar affiliated' In aom way with th stag. Tn tendency nowadays la to elevate, in no way to degrade. This foot is gener ally recognised. "And ther ar ft many good Chris tians on th stag as in any other cir cle of th mum population. I do not un derstand why Dr. Holllngshead should have spoken aa hs did." BEATS WIFE AND GETS J FORTY DAYS N JAIL "t want ft wife who does aa t tell her to. Sometimes she doe etherwiee. " and I get mad. That's why f atruok - her and knocked th baby out of her hand.- - - . v : Such was the etdtsment' of tYllllam Nagis thto mornfng when Municipal ' Judge Hogus asked him whf he he aaulted bis wife, and why hs knocked th little infant from Us mother's arms. ha child fell to the floor, struck on , Ms forehead, where it Is now badly marked. . "Well. I will Just grvs yon it days fn th city jail tor th sseault." aajd Judge Hogu. Thr la ft charge of drunkenness against you, which will be held sver you, and ht vow- sver mle behavo -in this manner again you'll get a wore punishment." I have ft Job and can go to work tomorrow," spoke up th( prisoner. "I know it," retorted Jadge Hogus. "Ton hav- ft job that' will keep you buey for 10 daya, and you will begin today." 'Nsgi 1 ft maehlntst H hi smM to be heavy drinker, and to both charges against htm this morning h pleaded guilty. Th family reekle at 14 Northrup street ' A -. GEE. D1S VS GREAT! WE S HIGH ROLLERS ' Ther la a new hand of Roller In the city, Alblna la their tryatlng plao. Volllmi bj their pofttlm and diver art th things that hav happened slsoe th sjew band organised. Som daring youth discovered ft row Weeks ago that by getting inside of a barrel, curling up and stsrtlsg th bar- HEADACHE k fetter bed been tsterer fMm risk fr th Imi tweetytve rears aad sever tmni ear alter SsUJ he btpi tafttaf rear Oeacents. glse be has becaa kvklsc Oasaarets aa hat sever beg be bsedaebe. Tbey save eatlrelv eared aiaw Cuurtu eo whet yee reeeewee tsesi t 4a. Will clve re the rrtrlle of sales sis seaM." aVaL Dieasss, UM nealaer sa.. W Js4imeeeU,iad, &atfcr Trm6oavwfc , Tarts ft pAftMC. " Peletaala. PMe.Ti ITxvar Sl'-ke, wki or 1r1p. la. SW.PH.S-tW Sf Id ts bnlft. The r"nn-t"blt Uaafea 00 C. weararte Mr ev rear atosar bask. gaerusg Kamsdy C.. Chiaage or W.T. fst ;v 1 1 - ,. . . raldown ft sharp tnolhm b eould hav mors vol Id enjoyment and reoelv greater number of thrills- to th second, haa by any other boyish pastime ha had ever noountered. Th Columbus of th barrel promul gated his discovery sad tha ether ven turou caas of th ejsighborbood joined tn, with th result that th Rollsr club beoame a flourishing Instltottoa. Now that school daya hav begun every boy In taernarty oanieo with him go school his nrlvnt upholstered barral, which b hides tn th brush and sees when ther la opportunity. One small hill haa been preempted by the dsn and nny evening passersby may a animated barrels of various dsgrssa of rotundity bounding down th hill, whll from within tn barrels come shouts of mirth and sometimes th wall of anguish as ft bidden rook do business. All has not been essy rolling- for the Rollers for only Bunday night near sighted old gantleman who was sedately limping along oo his way to eburcb. tried tn rescue n boy who wnf bounding by. yelling from wlthsn his humping cage. The deliverer did not ostoh that boy. but hs did oatclk four snore swiftly moving barrsle that descended on him before he wa awars of their approach. Bsttsred boys and an agttt4 old men emerged about the sams tlm and desplto his g and bruise th church-goer managed ts aunt g f" spots from off. two o lbs -'tff trousers. . for eight days th British ship Car narvon Bay, which arrived In port yes terday afternoon, lav off the mouth of the Columbia river in a deed calm. Sh was about 209 mile out, and aa thr waa not a breexe stirring, sbo waa un able to move. Th latter part of the eighth dsy a alight Wind cam up and tha vessel finally succeeded In reaching th bar. . Captain Orifflta reports that ha en countered a number of other calms on the passsgs from Newcaatls-on-Tyna, andlthat hs was bothered with but very little rough weather. Hs state that he was caught in ft It day calm be tween th Falkland and fltatsn Islands. Whll rounding the Horn there wss no wind to apeak of. but th aeaa were far from smooth. But nothing' of Incident occurred. Coming up the Pacific coast th nsosl'-toonhwost blows bad to be contended with and the passsgs was noo asaiilyalow. Tbsequstoroa this side waa crossed. 10 days out, and a month later Point Conception was sighted. Port Los Angslss was reached after ft pas sags ob Hi days, where 1,00 tons of tha vessel's cargo waa discharged. 1 It required M days to make th voy ago from tha California city to th mouth of th Columbia river, but a good portion of this tints th ship waa bald In th calm. Had ah been favored with wind, th captain states that th- trip would hav ba osmplsUd In very arnd ttabl Una Whll at Los Angolas 19 of th aatl ora dasertsd, and their plaoee were filed With sow gn b make th run to Port land. Many of thorn wr inexperienced seamen, and It la auppoaed that thsy will walk aahoro ss soon as the vessel docks. Sh la now anchored out In tha stream below th ' Alblna ferry, waiting for a berth to be provided for. her at th Greenwich dock, where-the rem Binder dY her cargo will be discharged. It Is oon lgned to Olrvln A Byr. and com prises 1,1s tons of plg-lron, firebrick and coke. The ship was not obarisrsd fur tha out ward passes. - aVsftft S Bftss- Ioaded with th first cargo ah ever earrled. th steamer Northland will aall tonight for San Francisco. Sh has oa board 106, Oe feet of. lumbar, which was supplied by the Inman-Poulsen mllL If II go wall, th steamer will be 1b Portland harbor for a similar oargov In about IT daya That ta tha Um which th owaora believe It will v require- for ber to reach th California metropolis, dlsdharg her cargo and make tha re turn trip. Olrvln at Byre hav been ap pointed aa tha - local agents for th steamer and will look after her interacts In th future at this end of th line. Sh la fitted up with passenger accom modations nod. ft number of. travelers will go out on her tonight Tbs pas senger rats are' 111 and Se, lees by II than the fare on th San Francisco and Portland liners. H. K. Dodge, son of th managing owner of th Northland, will take pasaaga an th staasoer tonight for hla bom in San Franolaco. Askeg If th company la likely: to add another vassal to the line, he stated that the matter depended altogether upon tbs suooes that is met with in this venture. I BBBk OKAWnjSTS. Bfsu XB VTppes wmiemn a SaCe Ooarsev After having cut oat ft good boat channel at Candiaal bar, th govsrn- ent dipper dredge No, S, moved res- terday to the bar at Five Islands, where shs will be similarly employed for the next week. That haa long been regarded ss on of th moat difficult stretches of water to navigate along the upper WU liamett river. More boats have gone aground there than at all the othar point combined. . Th bar la about ! miles above Port land. It was formed from tbs sediment from ft number of Islands In thst vi cinity. During the low water season th at earners got stuck on the sands almost every trip. If It was Impossible for them to plough their way through the sand and gravel by means of their own steam, the mmbrof the crew were forced to adopt what waa looked upon aa th last resort that of lining. With th bar at jTiv islands suf ficiently removed aa to permit of the easy psasag of boat It la aald that th channel of th upper Wllliamett river will be in better shana than it baa ever sine th stream was first nsvl- When the dredge gets through there shs will be moved to other shoal. points which hav caused more or less aanoraac during th past fsw ssontba. BXSSOl J. Blshott representing E. C. Schramm COv, the shipowners of Bremen, Ger many, arrived In the city yesterday, it la understood i that hs Is bars to look after th Interests of the company, which operates th Km 11 1 and Blfried. Th former 1 now In port and the lat ter sailed a short time ago for South Africa with ft cargo of iSmber. k .. IB FOB. Basting round off th bar for It hours. In the vicinity of the lightship, Is sn experience through which the steamer Oeorge W. Elder went on Sunday and portion of yesterday eh account of th heavy fog and amok which overhung th sea. Th steamer finally reached port last night at t o'clock, lust Si hours lets of her regular schedule tlma Th officers state that ths fog was sn thick at times that It was almost Im possible to see a hand before them, and th only way that ft person oat on th Can't Do It Heart affection will not get well or themselves; neither do they remain In active. If the cause is not removed, they continue to grow in number and severity. They ar ths outgrowth of exhausted nerve force, and the heart cannot stop to rest, aa do other organs, but must continue to struggle until completely disabled, and thafa the end. On the very first Indication of heart troubls you can stop all progress and effect ft sura by the us of , - Dr. Miles Heart Cm th most effective heart remedy known. It butlda up, feed and atrengthen the nerves and muscles of .the heart and re stores It tn perfect health. "I had serious heart troublat for two month my life seemed td bang rW a thread, when my attention wss oalled to Dr. Miles Hesrt Cure. 1 commenced taking the Heart Cure, and Nervine, and In two months tney reatorea motooont- Ekmtlve good health" RKV. W. A. OB INS, Port Xlgln. Ont. if first hotu. fails to BMiflt, saooey SIIANAIIAN'S SI lANAHAN'S SHAN ARAN'S EIATJAIL'... , rJoiv Ready For Inspection NEW TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND COATS - S Tho gremdest and most imposing showing of new Fall and Winter Merchandise fa daily arriving and being toad ready lor your inspection and criticism. Wa have gathered for this autumnal event what is undoubtedly tha most comprehensive and attractive- variety of Kiperior Tailored Suits Ctoaks, Skirts, Waists, Dress Goods, Cornets, Gloves, Furnishing Goods, Notions, etc., ever seen in any store in tha city of Portland. Tha entire store is devoted to this very representative collection, and tha prices quoted will in each instance add materially to tha fascination of the occasion. We ara exceedingly anxious to hav our goods. inspected by economical buyers who are good judges of values and highest quality, . . , . . ,r - HcCall Patterns Ws as aeremW fa the Bales tad ItaOan pall as b a til pas i raa bW seam a ftsft baatlag gad sewtng uae. U am lbs saosw McCalTm Buaar free sa raskkm free. 1 tab Mess f MeOaU's ntagaalns ao1 ft sen.. , OUR CORSET SPECIALS Our Corset Stock for fall and winter in- cludea all th new models, and is on dis- plsv in the corset department. -. The best makes of corsets are found in our stock. Come in and be fitted to a corset that will fit you and be comfortabto and stiQ x. 1 inexpensive., :,;j,J . Armorside aJcsoHa Tnx mTniii do wv : oa m giDxg. .... made of coutille, three-bone sateen-' covered strips, full bone bust, medium length, cluster hook for hose supporters, trimmed with rich Valenciennes lace, satin bow and draw ing -ribbon, Venua baclcThia model cavers a wide range of figures; colors, white, drab and black; sizes, 18 to - Mr Price.,T.. .fl.OO Corset I -.nratii - TU0E Made of best qua!- : ity Alexandria ; cloth, medium four- . hook model, deep ; hip stitched -yerti-r 1 ...J cally at bottom, MSfPSIST reducing feature. Valenciennes Jace, trimmed at top with satin drawing ribbon and bow; aires -18 to SO; colors 'white and drab.- Price, per pair. Also-made in batiste. : The R. & G. Corset The best double bust' gore, straight front, extra long waist, trimmed; colon, drab, and black; worth $1.50. Our ' price . ........................ 00 Never Rust Corset : Lace trimmVd, fine coutille, steel botie, warranted not to rust ; colors white and gray ; worth $1.60. Our price fl.OO - Extra Good Corset 'i'-k Straight front made of steel bone, short and medium lengths, lace trimmed ; col ors gray, white and black; worth' 76c - -and $1.00. . Our price..............50d With Hose Supporters A good straight front, in gray and white with horse supporters; worth 75c and $1.00. Our price ....50 Boys9 School FOR ROUGH AND READY WEAR. . The kind . that please the parents and make the boys look neat and manly Suits from 4 to 7 years.-. 91.85 A better grade, 4 to 7 years. f 2J&6 Mixed Tweed Suit, sizes up to 14 years . -- v $2.50 DRESSES For School Children The public schools are open. If you have school children now ia the tinaa . . . ... and this is the place to buy . , ... . School Dreases. K We have a lot that we are cleaning up. Lot 1 Worth 75c to $1.00 ; ages 6 to - ' 8. . Choice .......... ...........46d Lot 8-Worth 76c- to $1.00 rages ttr 6, Choice ........:..46d Lot 8 Worth $1.00 to $1.75 ; agea 8 to J4. Choice....; 68 Lot 4 -Worth $1.75 to $4.60fages 6 to 14. Choice........ ........ f 18 Ladies9 Sblrtwdsts - SLAUGHTERED t Every Waist in the House Greatly Re duced and Placed on Sale for . , Your Inspection. - Odd lot percale, calico, batiste and dimi ties Shirtwaists; worth 76c to $1.25. Choice .................. . ...... .48d Another, better quality ; worth $1.25 to $3.50, Choice ,.69 BARGAINS IN NEEDFUL THINGS AT RIGHT TIME - SALE OF LACE CURTAINS Son ara soiled, at half regular price. Continuous handling onuses them to be mors or less soiled. Ther are M different styles, one pair, or In soma Instances one of ft kind. Bvery on will be sold at exactly half srioe. ISO Curtain for. eaoh.. Tte Curtain for, eaoh ItuM Curtain for, sftesr.., fl. Curtains, gens, pair S5 .9S4 T5e) t8 Pin Nottingham Laos Curtains. SH yards long. 44 In. arid, stitched edges, latest patterns, regular U qualltr, this week, pair... S S. CurUlns ........... . 93.39 Arabian Laos Curtains, lit yards long. In, wide, fln patterns, ovsrlocked stitched edges, extra line Quality lace, regular SS.Se quality; special .., ..$3.30- TAPESTRY COVERS Tspeetrr Covers. 4S, niw TapMtry Table covers, targe asson menu never aold less than 7sc, for 4e . Covers In tapestry and snwiine. Sn patterns. U " vald. for...8 CURTAIN RODS' Curtals Rods, wUl extend M law aeu ally sold for ito... 5 Sea Brae Curtain Rods, with silver ends, complet with mouotlng. tor 101 BEDSPREADS Croetwt Bed Spreads, BOd. Vine noneyoomb spread, large bed Blse, hemmed, regular l.M, now 69g M M npreads. 1.8B. These are full double bed sisa, purs white Marseilles patterns, also, crochet, beautiful designs, good weight and - good value at $S.0fl; ear Pie fl.85 Colored and white Spreads, with fringe, full stse. blue, pink, red and pur whit, extra good weight S1.S0 spreads for ............... .31.33 COMFORTS TO KEEP YOU WARM Comforts. $ Blight colors In gilkollns knotted and tied, filled with pure sanitary cotton, different de signs covers; special for 31.13 ll.ftv Comforts. 31.35.. Bxtra gual Ity sllkollns and satin eoverlng, pr both sides alike, stltehed; our price ... .91.35 BLANKETS , TOR COOL NIGHTS $. Blanketsi 31.83. Ton eas have your choice of tan. gray or pure white, good heavy fleecy blanket. In full sis U-4, your choice for two days only al ....31.33 W carry th largest and best assort ed stock of Wool Blankets, s-lb. gray wool SS.M Blanket for. .453.35 Blankets t.e, a pur whit Oregon wool Blsnket. full sis, all pure wool, never sold less than $.; our pries for starter this season, i. . -38.35 SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES SS Shssts, 45. tlx Ibitn finish Sheet, bleached, ready for use, hemmed and Ironed, bow.. 45e See Sheets. 68. Slxte, made of el lent quality bleached sheeting, all In one place, no seams, torn ready for us, wide been, for....... 65e Pillow Cases, lie qvsllty. 3, 1M doa, 41US PUlow Cases, good fttuslln. or 4 94 Pillow Cases, eSxSS, a good, soft mus lin, frss from dressing, SO -quality ....... ................. lid- UNDERWEAR Boys heavy ribbed Blurts and draw ers; special 9J54 Boys gray half weal Shirts and Draw ers; special 35d Child rear's sorft ribbed Vesta; sps 1 ..-15a) Child rea gray ribbed Union Sslta; special f .. .j5e Ladles ribbed Tests and Pants, ecru sad gray; special ig) Children's ribbed Blptna; Osjmsnts; peelaj ...S5) T HOSIERY FOR ALL THE FAMILY Boys heavy Iron sins) Hose; ape- elal (. . .13 Misses' and Children 1 and 1 aad I and 1 black ribbed Ho; PeW -13V atlases and Children' Sn ribbed lisle On l abed Hose, regular S4oi spe cial ,.15d Ladles' fln black lisle finished Hose, double sols; special ISMd Ladle fine black Isee and drop-etltcb Hose; special t4 Boys' llrht and dark eolored peroal Shirt Walata, made wMa "Mother's Friend Belt"; special 35a) Boys' laundered percale Shirt Waists, light and dark oolors, - regular 7ee; Peclsl 434 deck otmld be reeogniseo was py bis voice. It was only at In terra is that th flickering rays from ths lightship eould be discerned, sn hough tb big besooo was lying doss by. Astorls. SeoL IS. Arrived at last night, steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. - Hambors. Sept. . Arrived, British bark TblsU. from PortUnd. San Francisco, aVpi. 1 1. Balled at 4:e p. m. steamer Ueorge boomis, isr Portland. . Arrived, steamer cues, rrom roruano. via Bandon. Astorls. Sept. 11. up ai J p. m. ateamer Rsdondo. Arrived at I 4s p. bl, Bteamer arena from Puget ssund. Astoria, Sept. 1. Condition of the bar at S s. m, smooth; wind east, light, weather clear. aoT3 tss wa1 Because of the frequent stops ah had t snake at ths way landings, ths stssnt sr Lurlln. of th Kisn lln of river boats, did not reach her dock from As toria, until almost 11 o'clock this morn ing; Shs wss due to arrive at I o'clock. Th steamer Vanguesd, Belonging to th Blmpaoa Lomher company, arrived In Port from Astoria .this morning and proceeded to th Supple shipyard, where ah will undergo ra pairs, foe vessel at used principally In ths towing trade.' In tow of the Harvest s. the Amerlosn ship C P. Sergeant left up from Astoria this morning. Ths Ser geant arrived at the mouth of th river a few days ago from Nushagsk. Alaska, with ft oargo of salmon. . - Three steamers arrived In port yester day evening from Baa Francisco. Tbey ere the Elder, the Redondd and the Whit- tier. The Redondo brought lb tons of rye and a quantity of asphalt which are being discharged nt th Oceanic dock. On the return trip sh will take out n shipment of lumber, which will be re ceived t th Eastern ft Western mill. The Whit tier brought ft oargo of ell, which shs Is discharging lata tb tank at Portsmouth. AY. After being supplied with small dribs of wheat st a time for the past month. It Is announced that the British ship Bea con Rock's cargo will be In her bold by Thursday evening. It Is probable that she will sell ths latter part of the week, hsr destination being the Halted King dom. She will hav in th neighbor hood of . ton of th oereal aboard, - sr. C Hftrrlaoa 4 Co. report that war rets have not been affected tn th least by the arrival of th Russian Warship st Sen Francisco. Ths general lmpre- slon among shippers seems te be thst the vessel will not be permitted to depart from there until the war Is at an and. As there are no steamers now loading nt any of the Pacific coast ports for th orient, no Insurance rates have ouotsd of late. PROTEST AGAINST i COMPANY'S METHODS A Joint meeting was held yesterday afternoon by th street committee of the executive board and Manager Puller and etAr of the Portland Railway com pany regarding ths construction of the Portland Heights track en Ford street. The praawrty-ownere claim that the company la' not doing the work na It should be done, and claim that the f on rv dstions for th track will not support tbs heavy t raffle which a ass ever It. O. P. Pax ton stated that ths properly-, owners had misconstrued the specifica tions, and thst they ware doing thsas escorting to the contract. ' v it waa agreed thai further tf roa'ioed Oft with eon- f "-any will put a i tKmr t strators an the snattar and a whether , or ant thaw mill e mII.IUiI With tKIa ojiangft " Oretoi Mite Fair. ; The Oregon state fair will he held at the fair grounds, near Saleaa. September 13th te 17th. Specially reduced rates will be placed la effect by the Souther Pacific oompany from all points ! en Oregon lines. A special train will be run from Portland during the fair, leav ing Portland at S:M a. m.. and retara log. leave SaJm mt : P. m. Don t forget Portland day, sa Thurs day, September IS. Allen sad Lewi' Beat Brand. -Bugene, Or., Sept. It. Mrs, R. st1r, sgsd T4 years, motner sf W. O. and i. U Beisisr, two prominent Bugene desta wblle gathering berrx a t home la this olty. fvll sxd riant leg below th "a. of her old a . ue I