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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1904)
THE OREGON "DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER It, 1SC4. Um Flit pi om will urpct tiwliMIoe; not tm th9 remote future, fttr thlr 6 ccndADU, but tanntdlAtelr, for Uk MlVM. If th protnlM thtu mlt U not ,tRiieditir fuiniiM thr win rra it as broken, an will not again trust im Aatarlcan faith; and tt would b in4d a wlokad thlnr ta daoafra tbata In aaoh faahlon. Moraover, avail U tn proatlaa wra mada to taka affaot only tn th dlsuurt fulura, tha ruiplnoa would ba thrown Into oonfoaloa tharabr. Inataad of ooattaulna: to andaavor-to M thaa aalvaa far moral and material advanoa maDt in tha prsasat.thtr would abandan all affort at prof rb and banM faotionaJ Intriaiiaa for futuro pa war. . , hi i ii . - . ' r' 1 rSi J'i.. iiUsr.:- . - 2- f; . ' Tha taatlval hall or aadltorhini at lh 19 at fair will not ba aaad for axhlblt purpoaaa but will ba bUt aapactalir for on carta, laoturaa. oonvantluna ant th mmny maatinco and antartalnsnanta that will ba a part of tba fair proaram Tha fculldlni wlU ba TSaSOt in dlmanaloa and will aaat mora than. MM paaala, Tha ustlODj of aafatr. llvhtinc and vantl latkm hava baaa aapoelally oomMdarad DEFENDS BIG STICK (Oantlmad from ran Ona navy haa baea aaada oaaful ta earn-In aut thla boiler. Hra ajrala all that wt aak la that thar truthfully dtata what has baan deaa. and than i Whathar or not thar ebiaot to It; for If onttnuad tn- power wa ahal eoatiaua aur foralmi poller had awr handllnc of tha tutvj on axaour tha aasaa ltnaa u tba futura aa In tha pact. To what phaaa of our foralfn poHoy. and to what naa 'ot tba navy, do our onaonaata bJactT to thay oblact to Um war ba whlell tha Monro doctrlna haa baan atrananb onad and aphsldT Nvar bafora haa thla doatrtna baan acqulaacad In abroad aa tt -to ow; and rat, whlla upbaldlna; tha rtffhta of tha waakar Amartaan rapuhlloa aaalnat foralm aagraaaton. tha adminis tration haa loot no oppartunltr to point out ta thaaa rapublloa that thoaa who , aaak aaulty ahoald oomo-wtth slaau haoda,.and that whoavar elalma liberty as a rlft-M muat aoeapt tha raeponalbui- tlea that an with ma OKarataa of tha riant. . . 0a oar oppanonte objiot to what wad doaa In Mfaranoa to tha notltlon of Ansrlean aitlaena aalnat Um Klahonaflr maaaaeraT or to tha protaat agatnat tha traatmant of tha JTawa hi Ho um an la? or to tha afforta thait have baan mada hi bahalf Of tha Armanlaaa la TarkarT No other administration In our history, no othar ooreramant la tha world, haa mora consistently stood for tha broad oat aplrlt of brotherhood la oar common humanity or haa bald a asora resolute attitude of protaat atratnat every wrong that ootrakad tha clviltaatlen of tha aga. at homo or abroad. Do our opponents object to the faet that tha International tribunal at Tha Ha sua wa raoeuad from tmpotaaoa, and turned Into a potent In- . . . t.A natkMB si runini hit iiwj Thla Marnmant had uaed that tribunal. and advocated ita use by others, la BHirsnano of Ita policy to nromoto tha aauao of international peaoa ana gvoo will hv all-honorabla methods, in oar tying aut thla poller, ft haa Battled dla- . nuta after dlsaata br arnitsauoai or -ay frlendlr asrraemant It haa behaved to ward all nations, strong or weak, with nfMwtaav. die-nttr and luatloe: and tt la jw on oxceUeat tersss with alk "Da our otmonenta obieot to the set tlement ef the Alaska bowndary line? Do they obieot to the not that after freeing- Cuba wa gava. bar reciprocal trade advantages with tha United States, while at tba same. time keeping naval stations tn the island and providing agatoat Ita sinking Into obaoa, or being enno tiered b any to rein power? Do thav anient to the acquisition of Ha waii? One they hauled down our flag thar; we have hoisted It again: do may BBtand anae mora ta haul It down? -De they object to the part we played In China. Do thar not know that the votae of tha United States would now eount for nothing la the far aaat If w bad abandoned the Philippine and re fused aa do what was done in China? Do thar object to tha faet that wis amvaniment secured a Deacafnl Battle ment of tha troubles In Veneauela two year ago? Do thay object to the proa one of a ahlp-of-war off Colon when the revolution broke out in Panama, ana when onlr tba preaenoe of this ship saved tha Mvea of American elUsena, and aravmted Insult to the flag? Da thov obieot t the fact that Amar- leaa warships appeared promptly at tha port af Beirut whea an effort had wean made t aasassmsis an American w iai, and hi the nort of Tangier when an American eltlsen had been nbduetod? mi LtaL in aaoh case the wrong oom plained of was righted and expiated? ad the within the isst law days tba visit of an Amsrioaa squadron to Smyrna waa followed by tha long-oetayoo oon ossalon of their Just Tights to those Americans eonoarned in aducatlonal work In TdrkayT " HDo they object to tha trad treaty with China, ao full of advantage for the Americas people la the future? so titer object to tba fact that the shir car rying the national flag now have a hlehr standard than ever before In ECZEMA uftwrwra, ra4 whaj and JL LTCOXOWB tmw aeaa tor m mi tcernsluf la art week. Iba V.- Om eth'it rlfr4a fVaa trial bstttoj af Hydresma ami ClyeeaeeM sent as rarript of c te say epreaata TaewpripefstUBiare harai lem.rMpowarfalgTawtdas, seed by kao lag phiaicwaa. Jaaj M 4gxtlu Hydrozone daJI thjlnia S. Hew Task. 4 ' .u-1 A i 4 FESTIVAL HALL la drawlag tha plana for Ala alrnetvro and nine htrga exits are planned which will empty tha big building In a few mlnutea though tt ba packed to tha doors. - Tha waltb hava nvmeroaa win dows lot In at frequent Intervals and all of these are no arranged1 that they an ba opened. Stationary windows': that give light but no relief from the heal win not " be used. - I .. I I! .. . marksmanship and la aaaaMnshta. aa Individual nnito and as aomponeat parts of squadrons and fleeta? If thay obeet to any or all of thaaa things, wa tola laau with thaaa. aravy a asratoa df tur foreign policy haa baea not only hi ah Iv advantaaaoua to tha United States.' but hardly leaa advaatagaoua to tha -world as) h whola Peas and good will hava followed la Ita foot s(epa. Tba averruaeat haa shown It self no lees ansloua to rdspeet the rights of other than tnststent that the rights of Americans ba respected in return. Aa for tha navy, It has bean and la now the moat potent guarantee of peace; and n la chiefly because It to formidable, and ready for use. "When our pponnta apeak of an aroaoh meats' by tha executive upon the authority of aotigress or tha Judiciary, apparently tha act thay ordinarily bav In new M pension order No. Tt, Issued under aothorlty of existing law. Thla order directed that hereafter any vet eran of the elvll war who had reached the aare e l ahonld ba presumptively entitled to tba pension of M a month. given under the dependent psnaloa tow to thoaa Whose capacity to earn their livelihood by manual labor has been de creased H per cent, and that by lb time, the age of ? wa reached the presumption should ba that tha physical disability waa complete: the aga being treated a an evidential fast 1 each ease. This order waa mad ta tha per formance -of a duty imposed upon the president .by aa act of congress, whloh raaulroa the executive to make regula- tlona to govern the eubordlnaiea of the ponelm office - hi determining Wb an entitled to pensions. "In aartaln great oantora and with eav- taia great interests our opponents make ovary effort ta enow that the settlement ef tha anthracite ooel atrika by the indi vidual act of tha president, and tb so oeasful salt against tha Northern Secu rities company tha merger suit un dertaken by tha department of Justtoe. war acts beeauaa af which tha present administration should ba thrown from power. Tha DerhoeratH stats osavsntio tn Maw York dealt with tha anthracite coal atrika by domandlng ta Sellbarato and formal fashion that tha national gov ernment should tab poanehalen of I coal Soldo vet ahem plena of that con vention's cauee now oonderan tha fact that there wa any action br tbo nreel- lent at ail though thay must know that tt wa only this action, by tb president which prevented the movement for na tional ownership of tha coal aside from gaining what might well have been an irresistible Impetus. Such mutual I r de structive criticisms furnish aa adequate meaaura of the chance for coherent ac tion or oonntrootlvs legislation if a opponento ahould ba given power. "Our opponento, unable to agree among themselves as ta whether the gold standard I a ours or a blessing. and -mm to whether we ought or aught not to have free and unlimited coinage of silver, thay have apparently thought It expedient to avoid any committal an thaaa subjects, and Individually each to follow his particular bent. Their near est apyroach to a nwjorlty Judgment na to be that it la now Inexpedient to assert thalr convictions one way or the other, and that tbo establishment oi ins goia sianaara ay ine nepuoii- n party should not bo disturbed on es there la an alteration in tha rela tive quantity of production . of g liver and gold. , "It Is difficult ta respect an attitude of mind such aa ha baan fairly de scribed abovei and where thara to np respect there can be no trust. The iiar Qaaatlan. "Wa, on tha contrary, believe In tha gold standard a flxsd by the usage ana verdict of the business world, and la sound monetary system, a matters of principle! matter not of monetary political expediency, but of permanent organic policy. ThS record af the last seven years proves that tha party now In power oan be trusted to take tha ad ditional action noceesarr to Improve and strengthen our monetary ay stem, and that our opponents cannot be ao trusted, Tba fundamental fact ta that la a popu lar government such aa ours no poller la Irrevocably settled by law nnleas the people keep In control of the government men who believe In that poller a a mat tar of deep-rooted conviction. It la Idle to say that the monetary standard of the nation to Irrevocably fixed so long aa the party which at the last election east approximately 44 per cent ef tha total vote refuses to pot In its platform any statement that the Question Is settled. As for what aur opponents any in ref erence te capital and labor. Individual or corporate, here again all wa need by way of answer la t point to what we hava actually dona, and to day that If oantinued In power wa shell continue to carry out tha poller w hava been pur suing, and ta execute the laws aa reso lutely and fearlessly lq tha futura as wa hava executed them In the past. "The action or tha attcvney-general In enforcing tha aatMrncf and Interstate nmerco tows, and the action of the mat congress in enlarging the scops of tha Interstate commeroe law and In cre ating tha department f commerce and labor, with a bureau , of corporations, have for tbo first time opened a chance for the natHmal government to deal In telligently and . adequately with Ue OR AUpiTOfOUM ' The stage will ba lOxM feat In di mension and Will ba elevated three and a half faet abora tha main floor. A large gallery will ba built around three sides of tha hall and In the gallery the seats will rwa tier on tier. The lower floor la level aa oa aoomint of tha height of the stage It waa not believed neoea nary to raise tha rear seats. Festival hall WlU ba built near the Quest ton affecting aoewty, whathar for good or evil, because af tha aooumula- tloa of aapltol In great corporation, and bocnuoa of tb nw relations caused thereby. Thaaa law are now -being ad' mlalstered with entire efficiency: and aa ta their working need la shown for amendment or addition to them wheth er batter to aecure tba proper publicity or batter to guarantee tb rights of strippers, or in any ether dlrectl this need wlU be mat "It to now asserted that th common law, aa developed, afforde a complete legal ssmedy against monopolies.' But there la no common law of the United State. Ita rules eaa only be enforced bp th atato courts and offlosm Mo federal court er officer could take any action whatever under them. It thla fact, coupled with tba Inability of tba states to control treats and monoDO- llea, which lad to th passage of tha federal statute know as the Sherman anti-trust act and . tha interstate com meroe aeti and to s anlp through tha exerclae of tha powers conferred br these acta, and br th statutes of tha last congress supplementing them, that tha actional government aoqutrea any Jurisdiction over the subject. To that actloa against trust and monopo lise ahould be limited to th application af the common law to equivalent to saying' that tha national government should tah be notion whatever to reg ulate them. .. "Undoubtedly th maltJplleatlon oft trusts and then tnereaee in power haa ooan isrgeiy sus ta tn Taiiur or of ficials charged with the. duty of enforc ing tha law to taka tn neoaaaary pro cedure.' Sueh stricture upon th failure of tb officials of the national govern ment to do their duty tn this matter to certainly not wholly undeserved aa far as tha administration , preceding Presi dent MflXlnler'B to Concerned; but tt ha no application at all to Republican ad ministration. It to atoo undoubtedly true that what la most needed to 'officials having both th disposition and the courage to enforce existing law.' Thla Is precisely tha need that ha been mot bp tha consistent and steadily continued action of th department of Justioe under the present administration. "So far aa the rights of the Individual wage worker and the Individual capital ist ar concerned, both aa regard one another, aa regards tha public, and aa regard organised capital and labor, th position of tba administration ho been ao olear that there to no excuse for m la- representing It. and n ground for oppos ing tt unless misrepresented. Within th limits defined by the national oonstlto tlon th administration ha nought to secure to each man tha full enjoyment of his right to live his Ufa and dispose of hla property and his labor aa ha deems beat, ao long a ha wrongs no on also. It haa shown tn effective faahlon that la endeavoring to make good thin guarantee. It treats all men. rich or poor. whatever thalr creed, their color, or their birthplace, a standing alike before the tow. Under our form of government tha sphere In which th nation aa dis tinguished from tha state oan act to nar rowly, circumscribed; but within that sphere aU that could ba don haa baan done. 'It ta a atrlaing aeldenoe of our oppo nent's insincerity, that with thalr de mand for radical action by the state de partment to protect our aitlaena abroad they couple a demand for a reduction In our email military aatabllshmsat. Tot thay must know that the heed paid to our protests against ill treatment of aur altlaen will be exactly proportionate to the belief tn our ability to make thoaa protests effective should th need ansa. '"Our epponenta hav now declared thameelvee In favor of tba elvll service law. the repeal of which they demanded to ltM and la lit. "When wq take up tb great quae- tlon of th tariff wo are at once con fronted by the doubt aa to whether our opponents de er do not mean what they say. They amy that "protection to rob bery,' and, promise ta carry themselves accordingly If . they are given power. Tot prominent persons among them aa aert that thar do not really mean thla and that If thay oeme Into power they will adopt our policy aa regards the tariff; while others seem anxious to prove that It to aafe to give them partial power, because the power would be only partial, and therefore' thep would not ba able to do mischief. ' The tost Is certainly curious plea to ad vance on behalf of party seeking to obtain wonfrel of- the government. "Undoubtedly tt would be possible at the present time to prevent any of th trusts from remaining prosperous by the straps) expedient of making nah sweeping shange in the tart a to paralyse the Industries of Ah country. Tha trust weald' cease to prosper; but their smaller competitors would be ruined, and the .wag workers would starve, while tt would not pay th farmer to haul hla prodae to nurhet, The evlla oonneeted with the trusts oan be roaahad only by rational sffert, step by atop, along the lines taken by cob frees and th exeaullve daring the pant these rear. , - , - "It la a matter ef regret that the pro tective tarrff poller, which, during the last forty odd years, ha become part of the vary fiber af the country, is not now accepted as definitely establish. ' "In eloeing what I have to say about alto of tba atate'a bvltdlng and will hava aa lmmdla0 neighbors tha min ing gnd wjaohlnsnr halls. Plana ware submitted for the atructure by tha eor- poratloa Saturday and were approved by the state commission. Bids are to ba called for daring the week and at the meeting of tba commission on Septem ber I tha ooatraet will ba awarded and work will begin noon afterwards. th eyatera ef promoting American In dustry 1st ate add n weed ef cordial agreement with the poller of In some way Including within Its heneflto, br appropriate legislation! the Aawrloan merchant marine. It Is not creditable to u as a nation that our great export anil Import trade should be well nigh exclusively in the hand of foreigners "It to difficult te know if our eppo newts are really sincere la their demand for the reduction ef the army out ai ef fv.ooe men whloh to taking care of the Interests ef over I e, CO 0.009 people. The army to now relatively smaller than tt wee in th days of Washington, when on the peace establish asent there were 1,10 eeldlsrai while there were a little less than i.OOs.Oo af populatioa amaller than it was ta the peaceful day ef Jef ferson, whea there were t.lto soldiers to a.aoo.frO population. There to now one soldier to every 1,49 people In this country Isaa than " one-tenth of 1 per cent. We cannot be asked seriously to argue as te the amount of possible tyranny oontaJned In tha flgurea. Tha army aa It to now to as small as tt ana possibly be and serve Ita purpose as aa effective nucleus for tb organisation. equipment and supply of a volunteer army In ttm of need. It to, new used. aa never before, for aiding in she up- bwlldtng of the organised militia ef the oouutry. The war department la an sa' a in a .systematic enort - to strengthen and develop -tb Jtattonal Guard is th several states. - cdeH a IwigtairyV ' ' "Oa opponents oontend that tha gov ernment Is bow administered extrava gantly, and that where there waa .w surplus of llu.tee.MS M 100 there te deficit of more than 0,oat9M' la the rear that has last closed, - , This deficit to inaaginary. ana M on- talned bp including in the ordinary cur rent exponas the sum of BaO.aM.eee, whloh was paid for the right of way of the Panama canal out Of tha accumu lated eurplna In the treasury. Compar ing the current or ordinary expenditure for th two years, there was a surprus of nearly 110,009, for the year 109, and of only n little mere than .090,000 for the year that haa Just cloaca. But this diminution of the annual surplus was brought about designedly by the abolition of tha war taxes la the Inter val between tb two dates. The reduc tion of taxation haa been eonaiderably greater than the reduction tn the annual surplus. Since the close ef .the war with Spain there ha been no substantial change In the rate of annual expendi tures.' A compared with the fiscal year ending in Jane, 1991; for example, the Decal year that has Just closed sbowea relatively a mall increase In expendi ture (excluding the canal payment al ready referred to), while the year previ ous showed a relatively small deerea. "Once more out opponents bav 1 prom ised what they cannot or should not per form. The prime reason why the ex pense of the government have -increased of recent years ta to bo found In the faet that the people, after , mature thought, have deemed It wise to have certain new forma of work for the pub He undertaken by the public. Do our opponent grudge the I SO, 090.0 00 paid for the Panama canal? Do they Intend to out down on the , pensions to the veterans of the civil war? De they In tend te put a atop to th irrigation policy? or to the permanent eenaua bu reau? er U Immigration Inspection? Do thay intend te abolish rural free, de livery? Do thay Intend to out down the navy? or th Alaskan telegraph system? Do they intend to dismantle our ooast fortifications? If there to te be a real and substantial cutting down 1 t tional expenditure It most be In such matter as these. The department of sgrtculrure has done- aervlc of in calculable value te the farmers of this I country -in many different line. Do our "opponents wish to cut down the Money for this servloe? They sen do It only by destroying the usefulness of tha aer vice Itself. . , t Bag nTanfdin ef Pax a. v : - The publla work ef the United State has never bean conducted with a higher degree of honesty and efflcleney than at the present time; and a special meed ef praise belongs to those sfflciais respon sible for the Philippines and Porte Rleo, where the administrations have been modela of thalr kind. "Of course wrong has occasionally oc curred, but It haa bone relent) eeely tamped out; We have known no party In dealing with offenders, and - hava hunted - down without mercy every wrong-doer In the service of thp nation whom It waa possible by the utmost vigilance to detect; for the public ser vant who betrays hie trust and the pri vate Individual who debauches htm stand as tha worst of criminals, beoaoaa thalr crimes sre crime against the satire community, and not only against thla generation but against the ganeraUons that are yet to be. "Our opponent pramla Independence to the Ptilllpptne Islands Here again w are confronted by the fact that the! irreoonel I labia wdl f f srenoo of opinion among themselves, their proved Inability to areata n constructive potior when la power, and their, readiness, for th anka Of momentary polttloal expediency, to abandon the principles upon which they have Insisted a eeaenttal, sensplr te pussle m n U whether they da'er do not Intend in good faith t carry out this pretn lee If they an given oontrel of la . ' Te abaadoQ the islands oompletely, wtthont even retaining n coaling sta tion, would mean to abandon the pbst Uo In the competition for th trad of ttn orient which we have acquired dur ing the last six pears; and what to far mere important. It would mean irrep arable damage to thoaa who have be come the wards of toe nation. "Alarm , he been nrofeaeed last the Filipinos should net receive all the benefits guaranteed io our peopleat home by the llth amendment to the constitution. A a matter of fact, the muptnoe hav already secured the sub stance of thee benefit. This govern ment has' been true to the spirit of the ltb amendment la the Phillpplnea. Can our opponent .deny that here at home the prlnclplea of the 14th and 16th amendments have bean hi effect uni fied? ,In thla, aa in many ether mature, we at home oan well profit by tb ex ample of thoaa responsible for the actual management of affair In th Philip pine,' In our several commonwealths here In the United States we as a peo ple now face the complex problem of securing fair treatment te each man ra gardlesa of hla race or color. "Our appeal la made to all good ettt sans who hold tha honor and interest ot th nation' close to their hearts. The great Issue which sre at stake, and upon which I hav touched are more than mere partisan teenies, for they, in volve much that coatee home to th In dividual pride and Individual well-being of our people. Under condition na they actually are, good- American should re fuse, few the aak af the welfare of th nation, te ebons the national policy. We, who are responsible for the admin istration and legislation under Which this country daring the last eevea year haa grown aa greatly ta well-being at home and In honorable repute among th nations af th earth, do not stand inertly .noon this record, do not tbia record aa an excuse for failure of effort to meet new eeadlttena. On the contrary, we treat the record af what we have dona In the past a incitement to do even better In the futura, We be Hevs that the progress .that w have made mar be taken as a measure of the nroBTsa we shall continue to make If the people ngaln tn trust, the eyemasant of tha nation our bde Peas few. she Pntorm -''-- "We do net stand still Wa press steadily forward toward the goal of moral and material well-being for our own people, of Just and fearless dealing toward all other pee plea, ta the interest not merely of this oountry. hut of man kind. There to not a policy, foreign or domestle. whfcB wa are now carrying out, which tt would sot be dianelrous to ravers er abandon. Tf aur epponenta should come fa and ahould not reversa our polteiea, than they would be branded with she brand of broken faith, df false promise, af insin cerity in word and deedf and an man oan work-to the advantage ef tec nation with such S brand clinging to him. . If. on tha ether hand fhey ahould some In and ravers any er all ef our poltolea, by just s mock would th 'nation n a whole be ained. Alike as tawmabars and aa administrators of the tow we have endeavored to d our duty la tha interest of the neoole as a whole. We make our appeal to a class and to na section, but ta all good attlsen. ta what ever pan of th land they dwell, and Whatever mar be their ooeuoation or war Ml w aondltlem. "We hav striven both ror- mn righteousness and for national great- mi and we hava faith to believe that cur hands win be upheld by all whe feel love ef country and trust ta the uplift ing of mankind. We stand for en force meat of the law and for obedience to tha law i aur govern saent to a govs ment ef orderly liberty equally alien to tyranny and if anarchy) and Its founda tion stone to th observance er the law. alike by the people and by the pwblte servants. We hold ever before na aa the eJl-unportant end of policy and ad ministration th reign ef peaoa at home and throughout the world) ef which names only by dotes Justice.1 1 SELLWOOD FERRY ; : NOT YET RUNNING Th data fop nyinlag the Sell ferry haa agnM neon aeetpenad. The eonaty eommlesionera refuse ta aoospt the boat until tt la presented to them all ready far work. They complain that the city is trying to place aa much of the burdaa upon the county aa poaalble. and they have bad to purchase p large part of the fixture for the boat already. The first cause for the postponement waa due to the. fact that the govern ment Inapeotora refused to' allow tb boat to start until more life preeervera had been provided. The 811 wood oom- mission porobaaed It at first, but thla was thought to be hn uurufnoient nun ber and they had to buy t9 additional ones. . - Th crew was then appointed and placed on tha boat and last Friday the ferry waa to begin running; When every thing wan thought to be In readiness tor operation It was found that the ap proaches were to high and that tha boat pould not make the proper land ings. The approaches had been con structed several weeks ago and ex tended under the water several feet. Th water has fallen vary rapidly In tha river during the past two weeks and now th approaches have their end aUoklog far out ef the water. A force of men la at work extendlna the approaches out several feet Zt Is difficult work and In all probability will not be completed before Wedneedap and perhape not until tha end ef the weak. The post's crew consists of W. T. Bodges, captain; A. H. Poratner, engi neer; WL I Johnson, assistant engineer; Ed 3. Rankin, wntohmanj : Alatanrtf Hamilton, deckhand. . RAND LODGE F.O.E. KEETS AT BOSTON (lenrrrtl psefal aervtas.) ' " " ' Baltimore, hid.. Sept While ef. fletally Basis week does not begin until tomorrow, 19,09 members of tb order are already here and there was a round eaterta lament today la their honor. The feature of th day's program was an excufsiop is , Annapoiia and down Chesapeake bar for tha awmbera of the Grand Aerie and ladies. Every Ineoss. tag tram today to adding is the number ef visiters, Vhe pre gram for th week embrace the , fear dare' cession of the grand lodge, which opens tomorrow mors Ins tha Maryland theatre, and unlimited entertainment for the members of the eden wna wilt hnvavienr OPENS SEPTECI2 15, i;:4 A Girls' School cf ths VJ:zX Cto -. - - - .Cctfp. of tfjttcbera, location, bufldtag, ulpiirent be V-.:-: V;;;: best; Scad fcr tmlog ' V.-;V' T MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM INDISPENSABLE US A bwslnrsjs sducstioa si tfaeprs lutely todlspsnssbss to accss . Jstast sod aast fnethods in aU dsrwtnbsfrts. , :v, '. . tf yon are thinking f attending buev v f . , , . v,. , , j , fness college you the aaat one tn teem, iiT axb viam-w, Scad for Petal nemo. I Behnke-Walker Business College v -' 4 ' aivvu antra UADOIsnu eVDOOTS ' . , w X W SIdSdiMMMddnp)SSdSSdSMdd NORTH PAOFlt Z DENTAL COLLEGE One af th beat aqalppaa JpeniMtax af its kind. The annual senate begins October t. Students may gradaate after attending ttiraa full imi n I Por further InXormatton east adaraan, 11 Wat Park fJS Portions, Oregon. MOHUL DCPARTMDrr UMVEPSITYOF OREGON eighteenth anneal begins stops. it, seat. 1 Address S. m JCjnPHL K. XX, Dana. ais lMtun nidg rrtMno. , PORTLAND ACAOTHY rtta bays sad ftrb fee Weejsra sad npiWra oiler m. rrlaisry sad sranoaar srsdm bwhilia. i hwJted avmbar and stves faen the aeeimrw sad ear ef a redssd beaw. vsxx TXPJf wnx spnf Bxtt . i, is, Per sWw alfcisi fwJtaWl Aeeeamy, laaa. Or. University of , Oregon main lata, am 0, IWtUni sennea aesiss gectijsr SO, 1904. lectures exUvered la Parusad ft I .is is cxe erasing. . . aaerem c. u. wtmam. u V-. snea. fJaaxteev ef (Ussirn eres nalhBag, rertlaae. It SB, Physical Culture School tone Main lHi. Northwest Gun and Bicycle Co; 2 Great Clearance Sale op ADMIRAL BICYCLES i- c and - ,t Victor BdneSbdUJ Qestnt, Etc W daatre to dear the Beer of every wheel In the house, and to accomplish that result will offer auen bar gal a an terms . ,. WustaeanlthiHouse Without delay. The Admiral ha na sa rMtrior in tne uniica atatsa. ii is i perlor in the tJnlted State fault leas btoyelev and to move It ejilekly fauinee we odter r h Raceni it $25.06 Rssd Khctb at $19.00 W earry a eowtnlet line af Parker. Remington. Smith's, Itheos, LC Perve end Worcester Shotguns. Winchester and Merlin Ftepeetlng Shotgun and S kaow n and nonuiar make of Rifle We also have a very mplate assartmsnt of cutlery, fishing ckla and a port l nx goods of everr char acter, at very lew prices. 113 TOD STREET rtety to aelect froea, bit being free ta those wearing the badge of the order. Outside of tha geand lodge meeting meet Interest attaches to toe parade whloh Is to. take place Wednesday. ' : A Crest Day it (tic State Fair Silt Portland dap, Thursday, September II, all Portland will be them Pare II. fof tha round trip, Including ad mlsalon t the ground and grand stand st rases, Southern Pacific apeotal tram leaves Union depot I a ex.; returning. leaves fair jraiiadn n. a, ? , Portland's only InsUtute of tb kind to open now for tha season. Physical training for nam women and hlldren In all brenenaa. Dear and nlxht alaasea. PI i.1 of gen tomeHtkm is bsr ; T sa Ufa, Ws bars tb waxy , cannot nSterd to toner v.i TEETH SPECIALS EXl'UwWft VNTat OCT. I 1 Boston Painless Dentists WlU Stake special low school rales ta order that all school children may come vacation. . , -5 ' vnvn m rwv a tons havens' the lata Jcai aisoaverr - cr Painless Bx-C . lnar Teeth. A and ajnarnntoed for CaVeaTM .. fttl I busnneSns.ffCE trver rHuss...Mex ii ewe raanyji M 1st ef reetk tJ,M l aesi Cia-aW.te.NT Sbwwws aaeS ataMsm Wer at lr sto inrrosinit . ' . Oeme ta St once and take advantage ef - low rates. AH work done by apeclaUata without pal and gMjnnteed for lr years. , - - .. Boston Palnlesa Dentist I Rfth and 1 Mori A Parallel T th duality and variety- of v this hardware . showing at little to - par prieea would make tatoreattas Jnspeo tlon at atone rang. Put pen's have to took tons and search lngty and then probably without results, tor th limit ef flueltty sad th mlalmam-of prle -ar aide partner here. c 5 AVRPY A CCk - S2 Third Stv ' Portland Marble Works CHAKxTff S PTKU. Manufacturer of end deal la el) hladaef NtrMe, Granite and Stone Worl patlMates Given . . Appttoatlenv m cinrv W IUUI USUI Bet. Madteea Jsffereen Streets. POwTbAMO. Of. NO A KIN Chinee Rcstcarant MwBiiisf Shu it fHiBse am.--. TJalicicn Cbtnee noodle eouB. fin- psrb chop auey. pelloately flavored -. viands ef all descriptions. Cleanest and ' cheapest place In Chinatown. Private ' ' boxes lor rtlea. Tables Inlaid with-: shells and Sowers. Handsomely oarved f chalraU Imparted. r I ant wEhen ersks M snl asek sntk h -j wnwen. iSMsnaeioaNHeiMMtas , tt toissttea. Deaf exect Asm 9msj ef Owpsa. WfMTl TO-OAV. SOOsllT sna - . MAP flU. rssenhilgiutossaPewwCes. . ' , mb enn) m S AS f J ti r n and if V v- , S . il 1 sar,ie-i w aMalUr lefcwwetQrnas, . , v r v i 'i I -V ; m . .i K. I