The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1904, Image 5

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" Y TO r T 0, MONDAY
7 nvit
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Cwiifftrt.., tto sxtoge at atld
's f' a,,. VnUn Iff
r El '
Arcade iltXSC"!""!!!!!!!""
rlv, Henry lferootte and Iter. Andrew
MontgOBMry, who with their famlllo
have been breathing vaoetton air at ad
.' altitude of f,o feet tho side of ML
, Adame for the last four weeks, hav roJ
lurne 10 i no our and resumed their
church work, much invigorated by the
outing. Jut before their ascent a mat
all occurred on th aouthweet aide of
V th Mountain, ooverlng an extent of
, about four mile long by two miles wide.
TheyJrvlcd ovor tbl slid. It was
. th greatest avalanche that haa occurred
, in man? year oa Ml. fcdams. Mr. slont-
' gomery talla of th danger of to re-
' - turn trip, whan a companion named
, . atenenel. aitdlng down a mow drift, nar
rowly escaped dub Ins his braina out.
Hla descent waa seen by Mr. Ferguson
in IIbm for that gentleman to braoe4ilm-
aelf and atop tha fall of Banana! ut
aecor a reached a alia of rook.
At tha Methodist eontarene to ba held
" at Roecburg September St. tba quaatlon
u of a paator for tha Centenary hfetbodtet
ehurea will ba nettled. Dr. UoUtngs
- heed, who ha work ad hard In this
,' church tha last raar, haa expressed aim-
aalf aa unwilling to go back, owlngr to
tha OppoaiUon of a few mambara upon
JUS return a year ago. At that tlma tha
uhlinh nwaA - 4H 1 AAA mnA
through th afforta of' hlmsslfand
Blahop Cranston tha debt waa reduced
to 110,404 and that amount wn eub-
scribed, although i not rat all paid In,
.to alaar tha debt off. Th. member af
divided aa to what thy ought to do.
aomo being -opposed to any abanga af
paatera at tblg tlma. :
Officers of tha Rnsatan tranaport
Lana, now In San Franelaeo. ara beraby
Invltad At vlalt FortUnd and tba Union
laundry, whara thar amy hava tho plaaa
ara of taapaotlng thlnga' that aro up to
data - Ruaala baa loot bar praatlga and
landing by being bahlnd tha tlmaa, th
aam aa many laundrta of tba praaant
day In Portland. A laundry without A
ataam-haatad polisher la qulta ooapara
bla to th Kuaalaa army -anting m tha
aat that la farthaat back from tha
hoc of tha laat aaat, back. Tha Union
naa tba only gtaam-haatad polish era
opaVatad In tha atata. Bacon and Co
lumbia, TaL Main ti. . , 4 .
Wttllam H. Webb of Got, On ra
calvod th offloa of deaoon yoatarday
Homing at St. Davld'a KplaoopaJ church,
eomar . Saat Balaaont and Twalfth
atraata. Tha officiating lrgymaa waa
Blanop W la tar Morris, ass la tad by Rav.
Oaorg B. Van Watars, Dl D.. and othor
olargymon. Tha oarocaony of laying oa
of hands waa followed by add rasas by
N th dtvtnsa. Bar. Mr. Van Water spoka
vpog 'To -Dutla of a Deacon." saying
. he Is ahtaaalatant of tha prlaat. Hla
duties are both charitable and oara
' anonlat. Including ha oar f th aldt
v . and tha baptlam of tofaata.
! '' Taatarday tho Woman's Auxiliary to
.' Multnomah Typographical Union gave
another of Ita aueoaaaful outings
. (ha prlntara and abalr frlanda. A large
' t launon and bargs war nartarad - and
tha plenlckara want down th rlrer,
Tammalng naor th mouth of th Wll-
lamatt. wher lunen waa aptwad.-1 Th
Prta! MandaMai alub and a eborwa
eompooed of the vocal lata pros ant ren
4 dered musical aelaetlon la a aradltaMa
nxanner, and ch day was voted aa on
of tha moat enjoyable of tba yartoua out
Inga glvan thia yar .
Tba nwuntaln pa ha, wonderful wator
falls, oanyona, gorgaa and baautlful
. Undanapaa that have aaad Columbia
rtvsr aoanary famou throughout tha
- world may best b an from tha dock
of th elegant ataamor Charla B.
r Bpsaear. th boat that ally pa a any
a, . r thing and everything on tha rlvr. ' Ds
parts for Th DaJlae and way landing
from foot of Washington atroat at t a
-TW -Moudaya. Wodnaadaya-and Fridays
of each waak returning n altornata
daya. Tat Mam Mil. f ;;-v r .
r-t., - Whtl eroastng tha star af a at amor
; ln a aowboat yoatarday afternoon Jultua.
John, Amy and Anna Iirfadan, tit
nandara atraat, war thrown In 'th
y: river by th oa poising of tha boat and
. Iran finally rescued, by Ollvor Gallup
. . ' and a party of frland whs war aboard
- n Oallup'a aallboat Bgo LHy. Tho on
Lt th aallbabt wltnaaaad th aootdont and
s-' want a, one to th raacua Th wnfor
. .tunata war- ellnging to th bottom of
if; m boat and nasi, was Injured. :
Tha an eating that waa to aava boon
held at tha ohambar of oomntaroo rooma
thta morning of thoaa Intaraatad In th
whipping bualnaaa of thla city and Ban'
a tor Fostar of Waahlngtoa, waa poat
. ' ponod baoaua af th Inability f Bemator
I Fotr to ba praaant, . Ha la now on a
1 trip of Inspection f th llglithowM ta
, ' tlona and othsr point on- Fugat
4 sound. No data bag boon sot Cor th
- moating. - t
.' " .- ' - In all wrobabllltr tba alavatoA road-
v-- ' way on Orand avanu between Kaat
h Btark and Baat Oak atraat will ba
lod owing to th deplorably bad oon
dltkm of this sactloa of tha thorough
fare - Tha roadbed has bean patched
snany time, but la now In geh oondl
ttan thai It must ba rebuilt. - .
kaaM-SBam - 1
Blahos Bpallmeyar of th Method let
efcnrch, wh wtu pre Id ovor tho Or
gon oonfarafie wttle oonvanas at Roa
bnrg September 1ft, will b tendered a
Tacaptlon by th Mathodtet th elty
aa h cassia thronch PorUand on Sep-
fmbr xt. ataborata arrangaanantg ar
being mad for th yant, . ,t- f,
C', - Voters of th Oak Orov school dls-
ll ' . trtat will mast Beptambar i ror in
I - purpoa f voting on th lvy of A 1ft-
, mill m o Pr in"" "
: aud IweanUy for oonatnietlng tha nw
achool building, to provide for a sink-
Ins fund and ts pay, currant expanse.
I John A. nachar of Baat Forty-ftravl
J. . and Btark atraat die Mat Bacuroay
of baart fallura. Ha waa a p ten ear of
Iftil, coming to thta oanntrf from Oar
' 1 ' v many whon about M yaars of ag. For
..j- many year be was a promlnant bwalnaas
man of Portland. " . ,
4 jua Balardo, a horaa antorad to
1 numbar of racoa at tha Irvlngton Park
r , WBforrnathabon
' wAVBAma mjr max
Fountain Pen
j.r. iwm
a-lt t 4 In ta c'-ult ort by
C ajti'it J. T. T"r'taom. f
a tltat ii' bora b - .n-s to her.
ba tnat on Jun It Loiiia. - n wrong
fully nk r-Toaei.ton of him ai d rsfuawa
to o u 'T 1 n bwca, tottr a a irmal d-
maKd bt . n maua it Is assarted
that th r .-Mo vaiu of th animal
la ftv . 4 to v r pom- ti.-n of
th h-ra. 1 - -t aas ta court
to d-M tbwi I - oaon an pay bar
that amount, a.1 ao fit oauaa,a.
B 'ee of' th-t unusual forta" aot
rui ty tha city Ucanss collaoiora, th
Uc ta c-'ctd so far thjsj quarter
" ai by 190 thoaav collected
4 i:um aJl 01 quarter, and thar ara
si at loan I . to coma in. am. a.
k JCAAharn and Jo Hutchinson, th two
eoliactera, ar now -busily ngagd InJ
obaoKlng up, and they state tnat in po
pi have paid up axoaadlngly welL On
October I th au torn oa lie taga will aava
arrived and than th a Quarter I loans
on autoo will b coDsoted. ateaiaaa tma
vry chaffaur Id th city will, hav to
rgtatr and pay th J w
olty traurw. . ' v ,
Warrant OfBcr John Oolts waa not
praaant thla apornlng when th roll waa
called at th oenirsJ poiios wtiioo r
Captain Orltsmachar. but ha Will not ba
aa muab aa raprimandad. much lea aus
pendad or glaohargad. Ha fatlad to put
la an appaaranc In tha municipal ooun,
whara he la atatlonad aa bailiff during
th sessions hsid by Judg Hogu. until
11 o'clock. tm nothlnjT waa aald ahout
i ThB fa of tha matter la that a
KfumoiM babv ' BTtrL walghlng H
pound, arrived at th Oolta rldno
at 'olocK toaay. t
' At Baa Twalfth and A4dr atraata
there la a nst of waapa that ar kept In
a atata of constant nrpuon oy. nwt
boys of tha neighborhood. Th young
atsra. however, , hav auooaaafully
avoided their fury ' by belting stones
.( nthar aiteslle from a aacur ats-
tnM. nniv th lnnooant naasra-by
who do not know of th axlatano of tho
dangar hay suffarad. - ' ,
A movacnent has boon atarted for tba
pardon of w. T. Harrla. who waa san-
iai to aim a vaar in th onunty sau
hv Judara Hosru for stealing ft bicycle
laat November. Tha prisoner' a- mother
annaarad In th municipal- COUrt thl
morning, rqutlnswa Mdga to glv
hi permission. TM sa wiuw mr
veatlgated by th urt. x
Bidding farewell to Portland th
Royal Italian band, that haa becom ao
popular In thla olty during the summer,
left last night for Aatoxla, where It wilt
play at theatre for a week. Tha band
will gb from ther to Beattl, but baa
arrangad to raturw t uu eity as awe.
Wn-Haa Tonlo. Th gramt blood part.
fler. nerve teale and liver regulator. Just
what vou need the dfty,- For sal by
all dniggtou, ' ' " -y-'
or mil Beat pavtng and newt seV
vartlaad ma roan til buertnaaa la Portland.
In oantar of retell dtstrlet; $11, 00. Ap
ply Mcearrr A Blchardaoa. Attr
Oragronlaa. - - -. a
Vaffrtf Hot Borlnsm: board and room
11.11 and 11.1 day; (Lad and t-
weak. Baths cents each. Good eook-
Addrsa T, Moffatt, CsAead. waan.
Chw Den-Tal-Oam, hav pearly tewth
and prevent aoay. For aate- vry-
wbr '. - " ' .
. Behoof books oouarht. sold and
ehansed, Jonas' Book Btor. Ml Aldar
It yon want a fsrst-olass hard wheat
flouvf try reaeook. Tour grocer sU It.
4- t. WC Bhearer has rwtarnad. ' MT
and Dekum baiUdlng. Tst. Mala NTs.
Portland Art Otaas works ramovod to
11T. Taylor upataire. .-v u. ...
Dr. I M. Thornten. dentlal MarquAm.
Randall Hit f Adams la rerlatard t
th Belvader. 1
J. N. Brown was an arrival from
Salem registered at th Belvedere to-
Mr. and Mr. J. O. Nelson ara ajajan
people stopping at tha Belvader.
J. Ac TMttar of Sublimity, Oft, is rs
tetered at th Betvadar.
Mrs. Jennie and Mm Naomi BeMtt Of
Rainier .are tba gnssta of th Imperial.
J. R. Mills af Kugane to rearls tared at
the Imperial. . '
J. B. Daamond of Balam Ik stopping at
tha Imperial, .t .
a. BL Barton and A. w. Barnar.wr-
flelala In tha government geological sur
vey from Washington D. ar reg
Istsrod at th Imperial.
H. M. Rltner Is a Pendletoa ettlaan
resistered at tha- Perklnau
Mr. and Mrs, T. B. Bwaartngc Of Fon
dle ton are gueeta of the Perkins today. -
B, Mitchell of Baker City to top-
plng at tha Perk las. ; .--;
Mr. and Mra. A.- Linn or ivorta rowoer
ar registered at tha Pvrfclna.
Mtas Anderson f Pandtotos) to th
guest of th Parkins today.
Oaorg A. Orutaa. a teadtna; Boterman
of 'Fondreton, arrived ln tha city on a
bustae trip yeeterday. He la accom
panied by bla wife. .They will leave for
Pendleton this eve-nine
City Auditor Thomas o Davttn left
Portland yeeterday -for fit. Louis and
other eastern cltl. H will take to the
world'a fair. While In Bt. Loula b will
attend th national aranletpalltla' con
vention, which eon vena during th lat
ter sort of thla month. Mr. uernn wiu
b absent three or four weak. Deputy
Auditor B. Orutaa will have Charg of
th odtoe during his sbtrsoa -
- Bcsutlfnt Trip vofcci false
f Columns PO ooronrns hav been
written upon th grandeur of Columbia
river aoanary, but th subject furnishes
unending food for column mar. - This
trip be evoked lntdhee admiration from
tourists wh hav traveled from conti
nent to continent and whoa word la .A
criterion. Recent traveler from th
t, and moat notably many Knights
Templar during their recent visit ta
Portland, ar moat- wnthualaaU and
apeak .In moat glowing term of this trip
and th magnmoant scenery along its
bank. It la a fact that many hav
stopped over for a day, la rder to take
thla rid. '. . "
Excursionist are particularly fortun
ate In having a palatial ataamer the
Regulator Lin Bailey Oataert on
which to enjoy this Deautmal rid. Thm
handsome atenmer la aa Ideal araft aa
aa xeuratoa steamer in every roe poet.
It to swift, staunch and the aom of
comfort and envnlanco. Tho Oataert
la eeseetallr well adapted for tourists.
Slaving u no bat rqc ted observation deoks.
which llmlnatee the "kinky seek.
Bvery conveniens) condnclv to 00m
fortaH traveling to pre-eminent aboard
this haadaome ataamer, and Its man
Inducements held forth t tourists and
excursion late make It th most popular
ataamer parting th waters of th Co
lumbia. On Sunday of anon weak .th
boat runs an excursion to Caaoade Lock
and return, and th fact of Ita. heavy
patronage attests ta Its etrama popu
larity. Th trip to mad possible to all
classes of people by a nominal charge
of 11.01 for th round trip.
' . 1 1 ...... 1 v
Bcrateh, scratch, scratch; unabl to
attend to bus) naa during; th day or
sleep during th ntghL Itching prle.
horrible placu. Doan's Ointment cures.
Never faua. - At any drug- star, 10
cents, . , f
1 XOKD ATI sVAirff iUT. : '
'Flnero ha donated great- thlnga to tha
at, but notbn mora charming, mora
refraahlng, than tna Incomparable com
edy of Rngllah sporting life, "Lord And
Lady Algy." Th parlor actors up at
th Columbia theatre, while the down
town house as thai! ars In melo
drama, ar thia week giving what to, as
a whole, perhaps the most finished pre-,
sent! Ion of the play pet witnessed by
local theatre-goer. And tha latter. It
may ba added, are-showing their appre
ciation by filling ta bouse at each par
forma nee.
Who but Finer could rid himself f
such bright flashes aa occur In thla
"Almr" show Th wlf flnda a photo
graph of a pretty woman In her hus
band's apart naente (they ar living on
the separate - maintenance plan) and
acanolng It carefully, she remark:
"Rather a good looking woman, Algy."
"Ah. but my dear," he lOpllee. slightly
embarrassed, "bellwv m. I don't know
her from vs.'
-Well, no. , Toil wouldn't to that
dress!" '
And again, whan the duke, th father
of Alg-y. th Irascible old gentleman ao
Ideally played by George Berrell. to vis
iting his eon's apartments and discovers
him holding bands with this' saana
woman: . '
glr. I am mortified -hocked. Where
to your truth, wher is yur eelf-reapeot
where la my hatr
Taka with the attuatlon, what tig
oud b funntort
Plnerv'a works hav a charm thar to
scarcely surpaaanbto, la thta one ha
portrays a genuine aaa of "tncompat
abllsty of cemperament"- resulting la a
swparatton af man and wlf without an
angry word and without heart -ache.
Bh 1 fond of Turkish cigarette, while
he dotes on the Bgyptlan brand.
Therefore they asperate! This Is tha
first tlma that aa author has dramatised
a cigarette.
In "Captain ttterbUrr." Margrt
Harrington dramatised a doer-knob. In
"LA Tone," Bardow dramatised a fas.
la "On th Bridge at Midnight." sotna
body dramatised a draw-brldga, In
"Michael Btrogoff,' a he ting-Iron. But
a cigarette! Never before. Tst R to
natural. This lord and lady . simply
oouldnt soa.aaek cdlwr and tt waa past
for them to aeparat. 1
Then sea how artfully Plnero bringa
together agate this chanamg pair. He
goes to a fancy dree ball, hopelessly In
toxicated. Through th misunderstand
ing f his motive in appearing there the
host expels him from th nous, it th
th osrtous seen of th play. Lady
Algy. realising his sredaoamanf, take)
poor, diiaptaateo ananana Dy in arm
and says: tJom on, oldpehap.-I'll get
yon a ah." - Next day, a curtain call or
two intervening, b 'satis on him. - A
frrendliBeae that to mutual seem to
hav ripened wver night. Bh aak for a
d curette. T haven't any Turklaa." he
answer. .WalL old chap, ril smoke
Egyptian. Curtate- as they ar llsTbllag
their elgareMes. - -,.;--.
Th honors of th sSsht wer' bdrn
by Mr. BerreH. Th polished old man
could not hav been batter played. Mr.
Banna to a satisfactory Algy. barring
on fault. He play his drunken scan
too, too drunksnly. Modifying U to
nvera ttpeyneee would greatly Improve
the scene. Mis Count Is we all that
oould be daalrad. - Mr. Bernard ta a cap
ital Quamby and Mr. Dills scored an-
other btg aomady 'suoaaaa- ms Tudway.
th eupposedly eutragad 'husband. Th-rr
ton't part- to th ptoeef that to be
Bdlth Angus mad her first ap-
ta th company as Mra. Tud
way. Bh was well received. R By-
Unga to th nam perfect grandHtam.
Mtas Brandt was -a wlnsom Ottllln
and Marlon Barhyte was praiseworthy
to her Bo-Peep character.
Tha wtaaina of tha aay to beatatirul.
Thl time tha main setting Is don In
yellow. Inattad of flaring red. for which
thar Is a novel reason. Miss Count las
wanted to wear an elegant purple eos-
tume. This oelor would not do with a
red back-ground. The sewnlo artist, Mr.
King, held out for red untU th leading
lady put her food down with an em
phatlo "No!" Than, gallantly, h de
cided to do it te-yellow:
Following "Lord and Lady Algy tha
company will do "Under Two Flaga.
Mis Connttas will play the stellar rote
of Cigarette, . - 1
j aWdBBaU AV
Thrills! thrills! thriller - r
They ar doing things right arp at
Cord ray's thla week. "On tha Bridge at
Midnight." drama Of such startling
capacity as to causa an audleno bp get
up to th chairs and pall, to th attrac
Thar to not amd never win
Subject of very serious discussion In
melodrama -of thla character, but If
anybody who went to Cord ray's yeeter
day or teat night arid failed to experi
nc at least on Joyous ssnsatlotvat th
dfat of vUtotoy, that person at not
quit, human,
If R war not go much a matter of
Individual opinio. H would be said here
that "On th Bride at Midnight Is a
great ehow. It eonoorn a lost child
kidnaped and ther wer about It vd
falns In th piece, and twloe that num
ber of hero and herolnee. Th central
character la on Roddy, a newsboy.
gracefully played by a glrL Katharin
Crego. Roddy to forever at hand when
Kate, th leading heroine, la In trouble.
Kate, by th way, to related to this sto
ton chin and the latter stand obsti
nately and Individually between th not
lahed villain and a fort vine. ' '
It was really a pleasure to stand np
every seat In tha houe was occupied
on both occasion o and to watch for
th titles of th play. At last! A drop
waa hauled up and a truly realist! scene
disc loved, leprae anting th tock-knlfs
brldg over th Chioago river. . Th
bridge -ft ratoed and a tugboat paesas
through tha gap. Enter leading vil
lain .and hi first aeelstant .with th
body of Kate, bound and gagged. They
throw her over tba bridge. . Don't know
what Miss Lewie, who plays this part.
alights on. but aba falls nearly M feet
and It looks real.
"Now die!" exclaim th drat vftlala.
"Tee, diet" add th other. They ar
lboth vary earnest la this deelr. appar
ently, xney aiaappear ror tne moment.
teal as Roddy appears. . Rddy tot the
oat out of th bag.
"Ha said ha would ba her." say
Raddy. "He will meta oa th bridge
And sure enough la oome Dutch, first
asele teat hero, to meet Roddy. By thai
time noor Kate haa been fknmderlne-
a round ta th rivar for several anxious
minutes. Her cries ar heard. "Save
me, aav met" "Buret" replies Dutch.
shaking hla Coat and vest. H leap
In and grab tha glrL Raddy throws
out ft lit line and attach th near end
of K to a section of th draw bridge.
He then make arrangemente with th
n to hav him pull up th bridge
and ss th surtaln descend a, Kate and
Dutch are seen suspended In the air.
safe snough, but freealng tttdeath.
It's a grant show, though. rnrery
time a . hero appeared . yesterday the
house went wild with delight, and with
equal vehemence they expressed their
disapproval of th villains. It's, worth
seeing and there ton't 1 th slightest
probability that throughout th week
Cord ray a will do lee than capacity
buslnasa, -
' ' WlgatOaiaA" Ag VMM BAsntts.
On who has directed the stag for
Sardou productions during th past 11
years one went to the trouble of count
ing th "applaud" lines of thoas great
drama. He discovered that la "Qls
monda'' thr war exactly fl more such
than ta any sther of th great French
man's work. Thla interesting fact re
sults from another faoC-tha "OU
monda" unquestionably . to 1 tha moat
melodrscnatlc play of tha group, which
explain why U arouee th greatest en
thusiasm. Mel bourn MoDowU and
Charlotte Dn reodved four curtain
oslls per act st the Baker during; tha
performances yesterday 'and, to quote
that irrepressible Arkansas school boy.
"I guana that's going some!",
Olamonda'a fight against th. vr
powering lore of a hireling and her final
submission wa a them that only th
genius of Sardoa oould properly execute.
Upon a mother's leva and a slave de
votion th play was founded. A baron
covet th'th rose of th regent Duchess
of Athena. The on ebecacla in hi way
to th son of th duchess. By conspir
acy h manage ta 1 hav thla child
thrown Into a tiger's pit Alnaerlo. th
hireling, an tars the pit and after a f teres
struggle slays th tiger. Otsntonda, tha
duo baas, with noblemen at her feat ob
vtouaiy dnslr do escape the vow. Ha
Insists upon the vow. Bo doe tha pope
And after a while she learn to tov Al
merlo. first killing th Utter a rival
and th vow to fulfilled.
How to that for -melo-dramaT It Is
ao wonder that great audtonoag ar
promtoad th Baker this week.
The first appearance of Mr. lfae
DowelL fresh from the tiger's pig. his
arm bora, apparently into shreds, la su
perb. But his greatest Individual ef
fort to his appeal to QlsmondA to re
enact her oath. Her is a part of th
beautiful passage:
"Being what I am. you ar right. I
know that between your highness and
myself char to m distant barrier. In
deed, so great that during the days and
months I followed your shadow, your
gtono never one fell upon me. How
could you bare noticed this beggar of
love, who, seated on the' steps of the
Propyl sea, or wandering beneath th
black oyprus shades of th Acropolis,
watched the fugitive splendor of your
passing the flash of your brief appaar
a nee who never though hla day leet.
If, after long hours af waiting, he could
carry la the heart that ray of sunlight
fallen on his miserable Ufa, and which
illuminated It but for th moment to
leev it greyer and oolder than before?
Atglght when th stars shone forth and
you stood at your window breathing the
aaa-atr and th perfume of the attic
flowers, how oould you know that In
that ruined cottage a man addressed to
your adored shadow words of passion
ate appeal 7 And when your lamp was
extinguished, thla man still sought you.
felt your prtsanos in che night saw
you through th darkness, where his
ardent desire grew .bolder with your
alp.- . - ' '
Bardow knew - tovs-maklng whan he
wrote that Melbourne MacDowaU knew
acting when he read It For three mint
Ute the, applause continued yeeterday
after hla rendition bf thl speeeh.
Mlas Dean was suffering front a
slight noareansaa. as all tha Bardou act
resses have done, bug her acting in th
rote of OJaanonda wa no toss favorably,
received than hi the other plays.
Mr. Griffith played Zarrarta. tha re
jected suitor, convincingly. The' com
panion part that of Orgoraa, eras wall
doa by Mr. s melton. - Tho bishop f
Mr. Inal was a finished ptoo of work
and John, North (in reality Ray Irwin,
th local eartooBiat), was mor than ao
oeptabl as th gap- - young nephew.
Mia Fuller and hr delightful reading
made th nurse an enjoyable bit, Mr.
Hynas got tba mot out of two brief
parte and Mr, Carlton was aa Internet lag
Fanny Pavenpart expended fH.Md on
th production of "Olamoada" and th
Imitation which Portland to nabld to
a at each low price to s marvel,
very atHteh of thlg ooetmry to beautiful,
and th eostum as well excited admira
tloa, .'V- - ,t.t -u ..,r r j
Tears ago, rt may hav bean a aeore
or mora before fare comedy bene ma
in vogus or com 10 opera had such a
hold on th theatre going public, melo
drama was tt Hundreds of Stirring
playe. could bo enumerated hot among
tno greatest -or these was "Mtohaal Btro-
gofr, th Courier of th Csar." At'th
Btnptr yesterday the Waldemann Btock
oompany. revived th tal of Russian
cruelty and th Old-Urn favorite lost
nons of its thrills r atlra niliaiiaai In
th talllngi -
During th tw wnfci af th WM
mann Stock octnpanr'a engagement th
aggregation has made a successful bid
for public patron. - Their vehicles
hav been- strong plays and they hav
been well staged and acted. In this
week's offering of "Michael sHrogofZ,"
much attention haa been paid to detail
and a a result yesterday's perfor
mance war scenic success as aa wall
aa triumphs from th artistic stand
point Tha battlefield scan to of oours
th leader In the scenic line and th red
Ar burned called out tumults of. ap
plause from th packed house.
la' th allotment of part tb stag
manager has used geod yadgment and
aa a result th performance to well baJ.
anoad. Frank B. Fanning, in tha title
rot eerriee with him the honor of th
pteoe naturally and make an aooeptabls
hero. Tom Loftu la clever as th im
perious csar, while th lesser male parts
fall Into competent band. Russell
Reed .and Jam F. Fulton, as th
naval war correspondent supply th
comedy and do It well. They sandwich
In sons up-to-date sallies that oaua
wig to believe that th play to not ao
old after alL
Mr. Nellie Wetdemann as ffadla FeoJ
dor play th leading female rote but
Mra. 0org1a Francis as Mars, Btrogoff,
Michael's mother, has th strongest
part Mrs. Meta Marsky and Miss
Violet Rosa ail acceptably th roles of
ftongarss and . Madam Oogal raapsst
lvely. .'., , -.
Th trial to? th oner's sourier, bla
denial of his mother, th blinding of
his sight and Its restoration later on.
hi flnal delivery sf his mesag to tha
grand duk and complete undoing of tho
villain gd to make up a powerful play
that wilt undoubtedly draw well dur
ing Its relga at th pretty Bmplr the
atre, . . RACK WH1TNBT.
Th 'management of th Arcade the
atre has arranged a great program for
thl week's effcrinaT. It opened this
afternoon. Any bill which contain such
acta as Mamie Neswlck Norrla, th dash
ing srio-oomle; Oarl and Hampton, two
light comedians whoeft gulbs and song
make them favorite everywhere, and
Bunaon, th Joker, to bound to make a
hit with any audience. Th fagtur act
to that of Oeorg Campbell, a coeaedy
Jugglsr sf unusual ability.
advance sale of seats for Hoyt'e
famnus comedy. "A Ten Bter," which
eofftea to th Marauam Orand theatre'
neat Friday and Saturday nig to. Bap.
tember 11 and IT, with a bersain saat
Inae Betarday, will open neat Wednesday
morning at 11 'oloek. Texas Btoar"
At tod tarn af tb yvas. whan ta god ilsjKau ttm, wttb all Ms B-ti.
dago asm vassWans to ova, xaaaty man's sasnd dweUs wpm h gwasnai
Wha aaglanuihlBaT hi wojSjuss sanntoas fee ttA faB SajA wtoto
arvey ag bto stotbes alas at sja bto abssxvaatoa sf bow f ma
fsean th dlitotii g tb new faabtow gilarmtoa bto to gtoaasd
eematea to to assay seams has ay Waasi
naa wttb a season's savtaga al an
1 wtos to dawto his bemk book few gatob
to liglaia M si Ik Si a a amount,
saw apt to loss th seal f awring altogaabss.
ag vttol
Our Clothing
stask f
and sigh
P'aaaa os nebby O
ra aam St any farm
yen wteh asm
Am getag to b off
will appeal to aU
WarH dtviSg Fasf
3 l'
w .'-''''vyLvV1'- 'y,J,'"";i ' w-
was first produced IB years ago and
ha been on ch road eoatlnnoueiy and
each year haa mad money for Its man
agers. There are many reason for
this, first, tt to probably tb greatest
Amerioaa comedy vr produced, but the
real reason to tbs excellent oast that haa
always been provided for It. The oom
pany ha always bean hept op to th
riginal Standard. , ,
BweO song, smart eamady. and sen
sational trapes acta are some of tb
feature of tho new program at th Star
theatre which opened thl afternoon.
Th matinee performances at this hand
some theatre ar still growing la pop
ular favor and afford a hoppers and the
crowd that throng th down-town
street all day an excellent place to
which' reet and be amuesdTh turn
at the head of th MU thla week to the
sera bail turn, of th aVAimoa, sv apan
and a woman who scknowledg an su
perior ta their lln of work,, ... : .,
To tho world's fair, vta th Bijou rout
to most plsasaat. "A Trip to BL Lonto."
ch burtosqu of Blnn's oompany, 1 tb
leader oa tha BUou bill which begins
this afternoon. All th lively music
and song, startling dances, sosnlc ef
fects, and th genuine, wholesome fun
that atoaaes. to ther. Th pony ballet
la a marvel. Th three Barneys and
Baby Barnay ara high elans specialty ar
tist;.. .
Tb baat and saost tntereetln bill of
ths season opens today at th Lyrto. A
list of strong attraction, auoh as Tad
HcKenna and hto-eduoeted dogs. Gard
ner A Stoddard, th mimics; William El
ton, th monologtst. th Cox family,
mualctons; T. Bay, th Illustrated siager,
and tb vttosoops, ar n tb bUL
; "ottcc
I bars been oradraly to formed that th
report to current In Portland that rat
st Cloud Cap Inn hav been raised to la
pe day. That I had don a preparing
for th fair next year.
I beg to Inform th public pries here
ar th same aa they have beeto for acme
tlm past, and wUl be th aam next
rear. If I am fa charg of th Inn. ' ,
'- : ' (MRS.) a LANQ1UA
Manager Cloud Cap last
U wsbbr
lb as 1 hi at an. Msg evwry
baaura) paresis ssi nod evesy saw
parse aaa. knowing bow haad to to
waOo saaay, txureagh
t u n a slay
and the amxrsers wtn
sart any msas e
pay for
am at tks an BLOB s week.
Vhas yen fffl not
the beraaa af tb bill
ad wtn aeakewveae dsmy
for ssadto
to V
to, asav toaa, sesvss h linalem a
Imgirtasii Ttott
psjrss. x B 1
v vw pu vvuw j
Ina erimoat tnexhaiurtibie am " wsh-..
sortmcnt btb on display now,
and should BspwciBily at this
tizDB of tha year b of
to )cofWBTiy-prsKin peuvnts.
Tha prioBB hmwm been kept
down so as to allow only a rery
small margin of profit for us,
but the qualities of materiala,'
tba workmanship and trim
mings ara of tha wry highest
standard. We will allow very
stnall payments on these goods,
ao aa to give all mothers
chance to dress their little ones
- ' In A l fsmhion.
atosy terms, aewly adopt
ed and open to every
person, ' without die-
crimination as to- ocu-
ri'rn. .,
fag atown eat siee Waarth
of aeons, .
m S10 Wartb
No totereet . chi
Cash prices Large ss-lsoUou-Honast
Our Ladies' Cloak and
red right atoag to Portland flanilsilaaltog pubtte. Wtuh a tail nasi aaad Mwsajsanr
to was) to gas. ( - r
Baker Theatrt
A Qesmse Dkmi
Atx rax wrzx. aUTiMxs UTrmodT.
ManwerM McIo wan. eapDert4 br
eosxaaar. la toreas's Maatarpsaea.
. K3Ie9VIOISOAw .-
Cordrayi Tbeatrt
Parilaaara toast Psyslsr PssKltf
Tmsyst sad All Week. Satataay
. atagnlflasailTsamts 1 1 as et
'0n the Bridge) t Midnight'
ef swsmui laaatast.
af vtah aaaaer.
YrtsfsBBl 1W S(t?r S0?J ACaBs aWASTfJafl
lbttnae arteat, lOt a&4 X9c
Empire Theatre
OafbTwainb asd tori Ilia
Mto nt.
All Teal Wee.
Wtaaeaday and Ba tarda,
bsja, 10a. Us, Bto. Urn
tot sad 10
BMvpttoa nwttoaa
A axe saow sntAaTDTvg rova paos
L-yric Theatre
Osnaw AMsr and
Rlih-Class Refined Vaudeville
' t:M as T: W IS SB) Bntu, t
6- Tale ad. sag lOe will sealt two paoi
aax SMttxee rnpt Ron day and aDUdars.
Ta aesie ef aaifto eeaeavUla.
0aerhMea p. n a t aa 441 S.
ft rae I b n a, a
h,.rV"lk s f to lom a. Bh Aay
Mt la the SMaov, M ma,
. SiAgjia" aUbsS.
gusTev I ' , -v I
d'aV "swell 1 v; 1 J (
Si ItS asmwmaUsBsW T"
M 1
inter 5
Suit Section
sn TTTg irAaatog toast
to msdsepJa, At (as
' posxiAwtrs PAgsnnrASLg
aeevrat eaailawlaa. Me:
ftrferxMDMS, t ta 4:; T: a 10:10 a, m.
am nraAomDrjiAaT snx. sotrT n n
Arcade Theatre
Refined Vaudeville
S:1S 4:tt. T:l to tom
Baaoay. sasrannwJ tonB 1 ts 1:M.
Per lanX. aeataBMe sad ckllsraa,
A tat 1 alia 10 easts aay seat.
Diamond Lump ton..f S-f1)
Newcastle Lump, ton.,..f'J.f
Washed Nut, ton.......fiu-J
1 .1
as wan
fntt weayM aaat gaamsd deltoery. baj
' fa beet for house as Otbw
El Coals from 15.4 v .
our prkee oa Stea
to ear lota
I a at .
- na cw
BBhavat Owwaaa
r nj
m rovavs
f1- ' II