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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1904)
TH OEK505C AttT JOTTHlfAI, PC ! CU KRISATia , J -v.i- - It ST VMS SSSISB OPBSBSSS m wiibi or houuhm oss- & , " ' - " '11 .i -mi WSS af tw llljllll fW Ul aw aa ana niNk fee wm nr Wee M a VaaalB aa ftMH I IM IB MasV . . Aaftsrta, On, Seat. IK 4favu Ml ass ta ynpin article, but, la brief, a Oregoa delegation la tha na aal Irrlgacloa eaturreaa at Ogdea -ouM aeeuru, hf iiaalsli. tha adae oa af a reaotaUoa oalllna en tha trar Seaarrawat ta enter eo valr ttaa work of raelalmlae; wM aa Oregon at his r C W. raiant. la at by Taa Journal for an article aet- r forth what ha believed would ba iaa course to ba pursued at Ogdea tha repreoeatatlve a thla atata, tor Fulton a ropijr. aHbouca briar. la a asntenoe tha whole free tar Oraaaaj at thta (tensive Inquiry taont tha dsle- froai Oregon, who ara ta leave aa tar evening;, devetope tha follow oonseaaua of opinloa aa fa what . will probably to aftar arrlvta In a. It la not expected tha Bnstern oa deaagaaea wtu faB a nruaaaM, urge aaaa tha lrrtaattoa at Ogdea aba adoptloa af a a fuvorln amlrlnc ta Oraaoa Ita Kara af nnUoani , fondn for reeia- n of arid landa. emphasise tha nscsaaltr at avr- T raw aha nie runts n of d la for aorrawlac from tha or- aant sooner ta ba repaid by set a oa raclaiawd landa duxln a. tana yoant , r - i a i iiar ii. at aaaaisas. tha aatlonal atlaa aMttlaa-'far Portiaad ta XMe; ot la tfaar-tbaa lta a araaa tha national continue viaoraaalr tha search, for rrotr altaa a arid aaaaaw aaOro- a eagugu heartily la all i movements that bafora wlUl 4aUfattaan from OUrfe Sa nson atada for .3 baatt tta'Lawl and -iwiMi hava Vwrtlaad detegatae ta leave on tba Bandar areolae train thaaa Jfroai aara batair K Dovara. prmtdalit t tha atata ttoa eaaoctaUoa; W. A. LaMiaw a OahMBMa oathara tirtaat ei fa tha Daacbutoa; A. Klac Wll- lataraatod alao la Irrtcatloa aaUr- A. B. Ham mono. Irrlfation an Philh a naatwlefc. an axpart anamr. fanaarly attaahad ta i awi aii nm m warn amvr -aiaari- r - - t Tha DaUaa, Malaatai A. Moody. a irwa, wUl aa alokad aa; at Hood r. N. Blytha af Tba Qiao lor, -di Oarawpart and A. 1L Wrnana, at-vArllnctoa J. hi. Johaa and IX B. ma wlB aa added at tha party; r. h. Hotbraab at atofcaai It B. ta and a F. Thampaan at aVna will rd tha train ' Monday awralaa. at iadlaton Oeiaur Juda O. A. HarV maa. Mayor T. O. Hal ley. Btata Bena tor W. M. Plaroa. aa-Ctata awaatar W. V. Mailt ah. m F. Boaw, aaatatanff aaa ratary af tha atata aaaoelattoa, and adV af th Trlpuna: B. W. Jfttftmam. 4 utor of tha JBaat Oraconlaa; Judaa W. H. El lta; at La Oraada, J. ht. Charoh rd B. . GarWna; at Baker City, Sam bite, E. A. McDaaM and 3. W. Pat- aon, and At Ontarla, n. Kin of ta Oataria Nawa. ' v Tha dalegataa will aaaeua an tha wala and arsanlaa ta anoint tha tnter aata of tha alaAa aad tha fair, belac raady at enaa ta i it aad ta war a aoon aa thay arrtaa. Tba talianciia ta iaaarlK aa aav avoaily atroa and aapaala af ear to far Oiagoa vbrilaatly and aaTopt- vaUr. Includa raarinn auacepttble of racUnwtlaa raaardleaa of bouadartea betwaan ooaa- bmd weal tha. Tba Oraaoa - delaantaa ayatpaUlaa with thla view, bat bellava that aha hkUraata of Oregon ahoaia a ba loat ataht of la tba propoundl of taa alKtertaa aanaralltlaa. We atuat arataet aw rtabta. and not alt tdlr by wblla aapron table pblUnthroay aa oar part aaablaa atnar eta tee to coma la aad aaoara the fraltaaa of all tha a oaaa aciutloa aad taa-iaaukta." Mayor yV 111 bona today appointed MaJ. P. K Caatwleh ta rapraaant Portland aa a delasata ta tha Irrigation oona-raaa, which coarenea la Oadaa eptamber M. Tbara wDl ba aararat other deleaataa from tha differ eat trade araanlaatlona. Ml EeetwJcb; la a anuaaally oom pa tent ana la the Una of aeiontlna anv Beerlna an4 water warka eyatema. Ma waa employed by tha atata In Ita riant auit acainat tha Oregoa Water Power ooasaanp, and taa deelaloa of tha aaurta waa baaed to a great extant nnoa daft aad gaaeral Information pa hta report. Tba heard ad trade yeeterday aanolnted W. A. J aldlaw and A. KJaal WUaoa dahv aetee from thla- alty ta attand t national Irrigation oonvantlon. Tha chamber of oommirce appolatad X Thoav Itaaa aa tbetr delagwta. - Balthaora, dept. 11 Oreat plana are beeac mada far tba antertaimaent af tha aatkmai bHMttns and, aaoamininat af tha United Boya Brigade, which la ta ha herd ta tale elty early hi the com ing month. Tha United Boya Brigade la ana of the largeat organlsaflona ha the world. . XJka tha Salvation Army, ,fet M a faralca organ Imt Ion. hartng beam founded In Olaagow. Scotland, by W. A. Smith. Since then It baa growa to avah an aatant that da lta? Mr Smith ra llnqatahed hw huatnaaa to haaoasa baV gade eoretary at beedfl.ttartre ofllea, a poeltlon ba haa held ever alaoa. Wltbla tha Uaftod Kingdom there ara 41. Oat boya In tba brlsada. and If tha United Statca, Canada. AoetraJla. New Bealand, Sooth Afrtaa, the Weat laatoa, India and Certon ara laaladad. fhara ara wot leaa than MM ootapanlea. .I0 odSeera aad 7 ft. tea boya aet nelly enreUed. Llantoa aat Saairal M. P, Bap a. who- la vloa prealdent af tha, Caraegla eompany, M iwmmaiidar m iiiiaf af tha brigada la thla aoubtry. - Tha national truateea In clude aoBM of tha beet-knowa men ta Amirlaa. War' fail board milaaie Chartee M. Behwah, Jaiaa A. Ituataa) ad Plttaburg. Oeaeral P, A. Bridgnam af Boaton, Colonel B. A. Beekman af Waaa kagten. General O, At Barrhje of New Haven and BVofaaaor O. C wrduar af Chlapgo. . ' tfusi so a s i a s f t I - Fram tha Tha mt Jeaa Meroory. -w eteotlen af Jamea . Tyler la wlae ana. Mr. Tyler waa for many year oa tha editorial ataff of tba Bulle tin. Oa tha death of "Jake Oreealer io". He reelawed tola aeoftlea about a year ao to. aeaept tba poeltlon of mana:lng editor of tha Portland Journal, within tha paat t aw weeka Mr. Tyler haa retomeeL ta San Prao Hla popolarlty amongat tha hw ere ft ta eaempttned by hta aeleetloa for tha pooitloa of preel- dent af tha Freak alas. Mr. Tyler haa away frleada In thla alty who congratu late hta aw tha honor oawfarrad upon mmenclng Monday, September 14, aad aontlnalns daring tha week. Matt- nomab oounty will aell at pablio auotwa at tha aaurt Souae dear any lot hi which they hava aa interact In Alblna, Albino daitlaa, AlMaw helghta, ...fclblna haaaa- tead. Albion addition. Arbor Lodge, Auburn nark and Avalon tract Owner of araaerty m tbeaa aaemona had better aaa f thehr property la ta in i a ran. - No hid reaetred foavleaw anbonnt Chan eouatya feateraat. - . - Ftrat tirif to'gla Creek. Sunday at 9 a'elaah & aa, Botmdtrtp Ti oenta. FAVCIS 12 JAIL A Kl FiiSCoERS tThTXBW OF tOUOl BJwMV SAYS fffAf FaaBBBaTe? WtTB BSMlSLB SOi BV Mna ev sasowabt; bom ajtb . Ki v - Th Tigtrta of Oreaan wlH aa v1 arwualy preaewted." eaid W. A. Latdlaw, ana of tha deiagaiaa "W will proaa My go Into tha convention me pa red to net la unbwa, and will attempt ta aa nara dnerved reoagaltkaa of tha atata at tha haada af tha coagriea. Wa will atrlva to aouara epedfla raodguHloa tn ana reeolatlona that ara ta ha adapted. aad hopa that whan wa ratara wa wUU ba ante ta report aoneai reemtn ec- iptlahad. Oregon haa ' oaatiibotad rly It.aM.aOt towarda tha tlv.Mav at national Irrigation fund which la applicable to recta ma tloa of arid landa. Aa 1 anderatand It. tha englnoera hava donna eoroe eltea ta Malheur and Har way count lea, but hava not found them ta Umatilla, where waa propoaed tha nwtter creek achema. Wa hope ta aa an aotloa that will forward tba work to thla atata that la being dona by tba federal government and to obtain aub- uttal lacognltloa of tha uat elauna U thla atata abould laalat aaa aa Ma tht to eriaa. & - -The Idea of Oeorpn VL Maxwell, tha 1 rat lea expert, who was raaaatly to w that lrriaatlon pro)ecu ta not -we deteiwilnt'd mei1y by C. OEE.WO Tws Ofwst Chlfbass Deccsr . wad. y DR. JOHN L. KELLETT ' W r 7 II III J -Xv 1 II .thWJ - . BHeawaMemm a bow 1 " IS -m .nm atf aweM et'ta f Beai , Braat, Divlna KnowWdn. - aare tbara kbtrtowa etond and oaa poawr. lax and opaa tba poraa of tha akin with C-d af Bdcw. Pwraff tba btooi and aoaortbaa tba norvta with Swaat SpirHi af ftvlca. A awrs aar Blie aaaa ibis and r bar Wtraeaa Ailaaaata m oartaia. Only 4 haat drnniaU kaap thaaa, A Ihtat rea. fuo para tor alL They ara nan- -tctarad by California Co-oorrativa MaaV -4lC. Thia Company haa a mat inert ao membarahlp at one taoaaamd, aad talaf fi.TeoatA BAaraa Jjj.oa each atoada tar it aaowtha, wadinf July 1, acaUra, hat of S Par I. Warhwowiala, artdrcas IX. J aha a, Aeuett. Qaa Unless Yoa Are Positlrcly Cured We Win Not Ash Yoa for a DoUsr. Wedsira to Be 8trictly Reliable SPECIALISTS ' r. b fium, at sit , . Special attention given to Tart eocele, Strlctara, Buntara, Pllea, Hydrocele. Contogloua Blood Dla aaeea and acute and Chronic Ure thral and Proatatla Inflammation. Colored chart af tha organ aent aaeuraiy . aealed frea as apalloa tlaa, asO ALDCR eSTRBGT la eallod great be cauae bM woadarful curea ara ao well and beeauee ao many rple are thankful him for eavlag thetr Uvea fram OPERATIONS He treata any end all dleeaaaa with owerful Chlneae erba, roota, buda, arks and veretablea that are entirely ua- aaowu to meaicai ecioneo m taw leaa rem ad lea the aotloa of aver 10a different ramedlea try, and through the nee of theea barra- Tn famous doctor knows that he has aoecoaafully uaed In different disease He auaranteea ta cure catarrh, asthma.' tvng troublea, rheamattsm, oer voueneea, stomach, liver, kidneys, fe- Eala treuhii and all nrivata tfseasaa, undreda af teetlmoalala. Caargea aaodarat Call and aaa hlia. for PmtletTts out af alarm aad Irauatr. the elty write anoloaa atosaga ' THE C GEE WOO CHINESE : MEDICINE CO. . tM Alder atraat, Portland, Or Maa- Chief af Polios Hunt farars tha won af new, ateaa and aaaltary toU wbera ana i luted aowaty and atty prte- onere near ha kept. la addtttoa to thla aodel prtaoa tha chief bellevea tba alty should hava houaa of detention wbera thoee aoeaaad of minor aitenssa aaald be held awaiting' trial and where tha attlaeaj "that aata drank whetr th la a saloon on every corner." as tba otalaf of poUoo aaym aevld he oared for. Mr, Huan atoa to vara tha erection of a eaaergeaer haaaltal aad would b It aparated hi conneettoa with tha hoade af detention with a laeumr meeUcai nraatiuooer la aoaataat attendadee. Ha believes that some substitute abould b aeaa adopted for tha present "bullpen. which la gencsai knowa to ha ta nasaal- tory aondltlaa. - - - Oa tha averaare- there ara frois to M prlaonets aerrma: time at tha alty JaU tha year round. Several of t! ara awed ah out -thd dirty aid bu tiding In dally attempt to kaap It Tba mora vtoteua nrtaaaara hav worked mm tha atraata aad thd iwokyUe to thb) ptaca, any far Sd dajra. - Ma sleepa aa a hard hoard at night. Ha la fad two aasala a day. He la tarowwta with aaaa of vile character. Ha haa na opportunity to tahe a hath, beoauee tba needed aonvaSlsnaaa hava not aeaa provided.' Tbara M raanlng ta tha Mil and ha aan waah hla bands and face, hut oa dthar luxury la afforded. Tha place la so old and ao dirty that ta spile af -aha efforta af tha Jailer and hla helpers to kaen It clean. It la tawaaalMs to aattan&lnaU TbT'ehuef holda that tha aty should hava work houaa wbera Prteoaere eould ha glvsa needed amployroenU and ba fed food at leaat not , unbeaithfuL Be haa a acbsms which ha believes would ha A sanctsa, baalnc hta opinion aw hla yea re of aKparleaca la nolloe work St Rhode Island, whore for a, lone time ha waa state auparutaodant of all penal inatltutlona. - Hla Maa la thjbt tha ootmry toll oooM ha enlarged ao aa to aooommodate both alty and souaty prlaonera. Thla should ba under one management, and by tha same arotem both acta of 'prlaoMrs should ba fed and eared for. la this way, ha bellevea, all could ,ba properly acpommodated. Some time ago Chief Hunt waa aeked to draw up plana for a new city Jail ta take tba plana of tha present make shift. Thla he did, nlrlne- upon hla ex perience ta Rhode Island. According- to hla plaa tbara woaM ba atmply a houaa of detention at tha police headquarters. Ware hla ideas carried hot aa reararda tha oounty jail,' Chief Hunt believes that alty prisoners eould b waU token care of. Then delirium tremens cases could ha properly treated, attempts at suicide would ba frustrated and la thla event an amsrgancy hospital eould ha added, aad with a rugrnlar physician on tba staff, tha health of tha prisoners eould be attended to. while cifisens picked up on the atraata sick or In lured eould h temporarily ' oared for. By thla schema tha ctty and county would each' bear Ita proportionate ehare of tha axpenaa, and under one manaaw roant, It ta tha police chteTa opinion, that tha total coat would be materially re duced, or at moot would not aacasd tha praasat coet. By a houaa of detention tha chief tana a pmall prison In connection with tha office of the chief where thoea accused af arime eould be held for tha lower eovrto. Prlaonera held for out side attlaa would alao ba kept at tha bouse of detention, because tbara would be so commitment to admit them to tha oounty jail. Chief Hunt aaya that tha plan pro poaed by him la that now in vogue in all tha larger cltlee wbera modern BMthoda ara to ana. Br adding- to tha , eounty JaU nnd systematlslng It t'nor- food tha ooghly tbero wowld be m oarliig for all tba teaentoa, Tha would ha edible and there would ht aaadad sanitary atfaaaraeftdailena. "I apeak from a knowledge af matter," aald Chief Hunt, "for I many years af experience la handling tha criminal claasaa la tha Mast. In fact all tha atata buildings far hew ing prmonara la Bnodev 1 aland were built under my direction. Of oouree, to small cltlee where there a aa county JaU, tha plaa would wot ba feasible, for in those casce a city JaU la Tbara ara no faelrltlea la our alty JaU for aoaoouaodatlaa; that class of offen ders wha violate tha city and ara sentenced to Imprisonment. They abould ha ta a aronar Dtooa. Lat tha oountv take our prisoners at a stated prlca. That la aha eimpleet dtapoalUoa to make of tha matter." The obleff bellevas that aa tha present aHa af tha elty jail there la sumcient room to erect a aultobia police Quartern and houaa of detention to da eervloe for tha next II years. But there aeema to ha little prospect that thia will ba dona aoon, far tbara M ao atoney available. Take aa aa example a hardworktos; onrpvmer who a uu hiiiiw; aald Chief Hunt, "had seta drunk. That la all ha does. He Injures himself by becoming- intoxicated and hla family by snendina tha money they abould H He la arrested and la ecatonood fb XI days to thla hole of MIL X gat him to work three or four dayeaarouna tha sta tion making reoalrs. whould an aut akMr ha hired It would eoet tl to a day for waaea. Before thla meehaala Sn- labsa hla tlam ha haa earned mere for the city than ha waa Sued. Oa tha other hand some fellow who la Irving off fallen woman la brought la. Via ha ode. unlike the other man's, ara soft white. He gets ball and htree aa at torney. Tha aaaa la maybe dabryba ao eftea that It la finally forgotten and ba goaa free. That la a frequent oc currence, and X say It ta a nroblem. "I hava aaa veara or exaeneuoe rr todalac men and that hi why X artan release nrleoaera. When r SJU vinosd that a man la honest and hard working: X take tha liberty of letting him an. if ha haa committed aa serious offense. X do not believe that such a fellow should be aoafiaed in thia d on e-eon. Juot because be got drunk waea there Ja a aaiooa oa awry comer. - lata Naarlr everrbodr knows that charcoal ta the safeet and most entdent dlslnfea tant and purifier In nature, but few real ise lta value when taken Into tha human ay stem for the asms cleansing: purpose. Charcoal M a remedy that tha more you take of It tha better; It te not a drug- at all, hut simply abaorba tha gases and impurities alwaya present ta the stomach and Intestines aad aarrtca them out of tha system. Charcoal sweetens tba Breath aftar smokina. drinking, or after satlna on ions and other odorous vegetablee. . Charcoal effectually clears and Im proves tha aomplaxtlOB, It whitens the teeth and- further acts as aataral and eminently safe cathartic It abaorba tha inlurloua gases which collect ta tha stomach and bowela; . tkl WAftvat OF SMI BOS IB Few Fssste Know Mew Vaaful M Fiisiiilaa XaaMa aad Xtoaatp throat u from disinfects tha mouth and the Doiaoa of catarrh. All druncista sell oharccal ta ana form or another, but arobablr tba heat charcoal and tha moat for tha money la In Stuart's Absorbent Loaengea; they ara eompoasd of tba finest powdered Willow charcoal, and other harmleeo antiseptics In tablet form, or rather In the form or targe, piaasant taaiing loa- engea, tba cbarooat engt mutea, wtuw honey. f The daily waa or these loaeaaea wiu soon toll In a much ton proved condition of the general health, better complexion, sweater breath and purer blood, and the beauty of It la, that no possible harm can result from their continued aaa. but. on the contrary, arreat benefit. A Buffalo pnyeictan, ta apaaaiaa or ji.hi as .im i ' W' ' ,tm' oRcaors qreat - natural, wqndbr Mmny Acres of Ho4test Spriitf Wat lUi Msfrotisly Caiwtire. s : i mm, im ' ' sV-,--.: t;.7':1'-' --4.. -----"'v-.- . ..-.. ,,,..1 .4- J&Pi ,'' Stomm Arising Frt Hot ie View of SaiiatOThitTj, Hot Iktf; Orf ( v goieJtitude 3,000 Ffjet ?--:r:-v vN ; A !WMfa?ItFOI WATBH AJfD stBsTf CtJBB. A BXtATJTXFVIj XflVaXTll ;.; V.,, JIBSOBT. . COOLt IN BUstMBaWstlLI) IK WINTBB, . f - . ' J ' tb u i th Wm Wkftt Unt SnFbiM ara ta the' KasL. 'X ' U la la tha Grand Honda Valley, aa O. B. Nv raUroad, 201 Uag from Fortlaad. f , . ., . - .. . ' Far ages It haa been known as tha Blg sfedictnaN of tha Indtaav - Flaw v LIOMM gmllons per day, bolllnf hot many acres of tba hottest spring . water m taa worio. , . ... ft. v- 'J- Tha water ta elsar aa crystal. Tha mtnaral la tha water ta tn such men per-ataiMlns fact aoiutloa that na aartloia af precipitate will fall tvea aftar forSAya. . Marvelously curative to dlaaaaea of stomach, bowela. liver, bladder, skin 'and blood; alao la rheumatism, catarrh, aauraigia .and other oarvoua trou- ' hies. " . -. v , . -. - . ,i flVBBT UF-TO-DATB CONVBKXBKCB AMD sUIPlOKT OF A MIOH- -CleaBB, MODERN XIOTBU : . , . .r . ., v. : ..:, .a-- - v 'I ' wrtte fat en fl; ' today, ft win bv if BwA. tiaaS to SXSJS Pea week. Batka, stasia ana waak, fioi Aree waaka. sa.00, Mod, Has pat wee. V. DUCW. TAPE, Gen. Mgr.. 00. W.T. PUT, Niwlcal Supt ? v.;-; HOT LAKEep ORBQOPt ,- ' .1 ; ' V ob mgumxs or amt o. xt k station Aaauva ..-. ; , ttis beneflts of charcoal, says: Xoasngi law of T ad vise Stuart's Absorbent Loaengea ta all patients suffering from gap In stomach ana bowels, and to clear uie complexion and purify tha breath, month and throat; - f also believe the liver Is ereetly benefited by tba dally use of them; they eoet but twenty-five cents a box at drug stores, ana although tn soma sense a nateat preparation, ret X belleva I gat mora and better charcoal In fltuart'a Absorbent looseness than la any af tha ordinary charcoal tablets." ' (Jawrnel Bpaalal Service.) -Madrid. Sept, II. King Alfonso WUl probably vistt Rnaiand oa hla Buropean tour next ntonth. Bpato la uneaay leat England land moral support to a re ported movement af Fortucal to re convert the Spanish peninsula into tha old-time Iberian empire. Officials expect Alfonso's visit will ha aa off est. saKanVai Lewis Best Bra ASABBSIT. - Tba Bishop Scott soademy wlU com mence tta thirty-fourth year aaxt Mow day. Tha opening' serrloea will ba held In tha aohool chapel at l:4S a. as. upon that day. Rev. Philip H. Hammond of Oregon City will sddreee the oadota. DOIVT BUY A 0UaVOL4INB BNOIIVB UNTIL YOU HAW BfiBN ; -CX)R BNOINE5 AffD OOT OUK MtlCBS We give wrtttaw gawrwatad wti awry awatoa tor nam year, awd a ara rarM war to back It a. Patrwi Iaa fcawaa tortwatry my awiwaj Irs I J. GILL & CO. F Or J); (Jill sir ft I o t?ICE ccriTE, rWavuFYrwy.' flrwfTl9Te waaaSTBJat,t OLD EAST, PORTLAND PENCE WIRE WORKS Manufacturer of . .t' WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCOM ' 11 MCrrJSatWaaaW 1 "-,r' ' ' ' ' ' ' v ' l " ' ''''''' ' ' IF SO, AVAIL YOURSELF OF OUR EXPERIENCE 'V' It hat beeh demottratedL bevond 1 Ajertiori, that the HUMPHREY OAS ARC (properly cared fbr and maintained at te highest effedency) is by all odds the most economic method cf lighting of -ftorea and Urge areas. it n a periect anmcaj ugm. We put tn the HUMPHREY OAS ARC either on a cash basis or on the installment plan, and tnvdntain the light Jbrteishing 16 new imntels during the year. V.; sr-1 - " .1. . r ' 1 '4 - 'f DONTT FORGET that yov wxse is entitled to all the. comforts: of hiorne which she cannot, enjoy -without It is a household Mcessity ments with the gas bflL winter and summer. You can purchase one ansf mftat small monthly pay , n. - 7-- 4- a E. , CORNER FIFTH AND YAMHILL STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON - ' ' r. 4.Cak i -