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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1904)
r j Ui'il.vJ had Or I ic BIG STATE FAIR i Program for Day and Evc3rcf Hoaday Given in FulHBJsssst Exhibit in ,v. Oregon's History. ; i l-v - 4 - - J Salem. Or.. -Sept. It. Tfhe Iwiat and beat agricultural. borUcuatMrel asm ttm Block enow la tha htatary of thi North ) nt and the PeclAo earns wUl open t t tha fair grounds within m stone's i throw of the bound ass a f Orwtw ' Salem on Monday monatng, and It wilt 1 be a uo -that will go dowi In blatory as th opening of a neu era Is the Ufa of th a lata of Orr; fair that tha poopla of Oregon may oe Justly psoud of Oregon's Blu Ribbon Btato Pair. Cold print can give Ibut a faint oon- beption f th greatnbss of tha State y'atr to thoee whoa. standard la CM ordinary mgiieultura fair aa sn In other etatee, ' end any ft waai awan In ( Oregon up to a raw Tears ego. out m ' this year of grace. JIM, the Oregon : BUte Pair has become- a greater Institu I tion than It moat enittuslaatle support- ere ovar no pad to .and better e it. and greater by Car Usui th most sn I f ulna oen ooncetve. ' - Prom ever. Quarter exhibits ara ba ins received, not by 'wifon load -aa In paat years, but br-etQeda and train- loodaiara thay rolling Uh and too vast Bald Is ona moving ntaaa of. man, noraes, settle, llvoatoek of sal descriptions, and exhibits of oil kindto. front tha latast i wiMmmt eo us pim mm nip w ' easa head. Tba- terra pavilion, ttaually fall of emnUaeea, hd yet simraya tbo wondar of tha Eastern visitor aunnr in past raJre'ls betflg' raplflly filled to Over sowlng with, swrteu-ltural and norttoul- I curat exhibits, . and tha eight aounty , exhibits alraady betas plaosd la posl f Uon thoaa of DougaM. Lena, Unn, Ma i Hon. Polk. ITnlon. 'wauhmatOB and Tam- -1 pill oounUaa ara ft raveU41on and a l surpnao aa 10 tno iwuiauas poaswuiuap i ar taia siortous arma, ana atui ocnara I ara aomlng. In adkUtloa to thaaa ox- hlaKa. tao aplandld -eollaotlon from tha I axpartmant atation af tbo Corvallla A- tioultural eollaco a pans now avonusa Of apoeulatlon and axoltaa, tha wondar f too baboldar. ' Tka Prtaa so Oaaaalia, Tba faot that to asaocaOloa haa afferod ll.SM In prasaa for tha bast rloultural axhlblt arora any ono ooun aa eraatad qulta Bf rivalry aatwaan tha avaral ootfntlao fear tao honor of oap- AT tbo first prlaa. and th whoa aaouradt will ba traaaarad far mora by th ooqnty aaearlnc It than ' will tha substantial, money prima (otnr -. -arith it. 8oriary-l. D. wisdom, in pioooaalBaT tbo a-sbul tural display test . pvanlnc said: x Tha rasult of ,thla aplandld ooUae .ttoh . of acrlooltuiml produeta will ba that avian and raprssatatlv xhlbft '4 Orocon'a boat lirodueta, but aiso tha -ftneat and boat ovilr aont, oat to ny ax f or tha St. Ixmls xpositlon. and It will b an axhlblt tha will find no 'rivals . and will bo th wondar of tha antlro . - x- -Baatar Vffl BmsL ' -'Tha taanw-Baw.rsaj praparad ahowa that ailanalaaa lauaa aaa ba rtvan on ' if day of tha waak; and this proyram wlU far axoal anythlaa; avar bofor at tampiad In Orastoa, Tharo ara num barvof sood aoraea on tbo track, and tms snabtas th association to ftivs such axoallont programs avary day. Wavor bafora kes thavo baan aueh hlh class matartal to elaaa up on Uuem Oak track, oomlna; aa thay do from Orap-on, Vaah InrMo. Idaho. British Columbia, Mon tana. Colorado and California. It oertaln that thora will ba at laaat loo ood horses to plok from, and th woak'o port oa tha rao track will ba worthy of tha afforta of any aaaoelatlon.M Anonf tha ahow eattla alraady on th round ara soma aplandld hards, and many mora ara constantly arriving. Car load altar carload of blood ad eattla hav already baan unloaded and made com fortable In the stalle, and ao areas m the prsoaur for room that, althouah the Stat boasd baa erected hUBdrada of new stalle this atJknmer and repaired sift of the old stables, they axe now 100 stalls abort of the demand, and mors room h eonaaaaUy eatac provided. On Monday afternoon the drat rae- ina- vrocTmnt will be si van. and at 7:10 P- m. of that day tha formal openlns proa-ram will be had In th tern audi torlum openlna from th pavilion. Hare a moat Interesting galaxy of apeakera wUl bo provided, ail of them man of hlaH a tending, and address will ba delivered that should be beard by- alL The evenlng'a program follows: . - - Music, band,' - Opening address President W. B. Wahrunav - , Address of waleoma Mayor C P. Bishop. t -V Vocal bom Mrs. Hal 11a Parrtah ningea. Address Governor Ooraa -M. Cham- artels.- "- -T-. ... Hacltattea -Trick va. Trlok." Mhw Vasts C Townaend. Portland. Address 'Portland and TjowIs and Clark Fair," H. W. Good, director gen eral iwis and -Clark JCxpoaltkm. Addroas "Oriental Pairs.- H. m. Doaoh. Address "Uveatoch Indostrv Jsmaa vrfthyoombe, director 'experiment sta- Uon Corvallls Agrlaultural oollega. Address- "National Livestock Con ventions," W. B. Beach, president Port land board or trade. Address "Commercial Organisations. R. Livingston, president Portland chamber of oommeroa. Address "Marlon County." ' H. ' B. Thlelaen, president Oreater Salem Com- aarotel dub. , . , . .. n-.-, Monologue, " Recitation "Old Ttme Ranolnaaa." Miaa Vesta IL Townaend. , . Address "Pairs and Vxsoaitlona.M Kg-Oovarnor T. T. Oeer. Address -The OrafigvM B. Q. Tweedy. master of the state grange. Address "The State Pair," BxOov ecytor K. P. Moody. , Address "Ltvestoek Shows. Oov- srnor John Sparks of Nevada. -Address "Our Foreign ' . Relations, gac-uovernor wm. r. Lorn. 'BIGCOPPEK DEAL 'rr: W FAILS TQ BE MADE Tm ! Swt,1 .1 - 7axaoavUle, C., gept. 4a. TWS Op ,4fea held by the Mountain Copper-Com-, ' bany of Keawlck, Cel.. upon tbo Blue - Ledge eopper properties situated hi the - Slaklyous, SO mllea somth of this plaoa, ' expired oa j Wertneaday of this week without any deal being enaummated ami tha Ksawlfik eomnaav has with drawn trbm fwrtaer: negotlatkma, It is ' hnderstood -that thla .Mnour anant aver i.Oot within the paat month In salaries to axnarta. wha have examined tha properties under their direct torn, and rlos wag agraad upon, but a dlaagree aient tn terms with the owners, who - are principally Crescent City capitalists, is responsible fbr the failure to - sum mate a aala. Dr. J. P. Roddy of Bpoaane wua, woo noma e oonor ' the DTOoertr. left Thursday for Si kana la response aa tste grams from sev- : siaes wno win to open nsgotmiams , tec king to a purohass. of these claims. . some ivb in, number. x , Oraat oatcltement was aroused last Monday at the plant of th Condor Light Si Power Company, near Tolo, ?aakae county, when Alex Orme, aup srlntendent fas the company, saade a rteh dlaoovery of gold within 100 yards below tbo Uf 4am being erected across Rogue river, Tha eompany had lust completed a large race through which Co turn the current of Rogue river labile work oa the dam was tn progress, and ins i morning turned me water into it. When the river channel had run dry. Mr. prma not load Oiet the sand la the. river t bed looked favorable and taking a gold - nan, wunra oun tiov oi rtmii in an nour. Ask'Your Neighbor 5 V-.? V Hundrcdf of Portland J Citizens Can Tell Vou rAu About w.:-'i BolO Ura. Hall la Parrtah mM sCurto-Band. There -la a ' txmslderabls ' ejuantlty of gravel of atmtter natur along the river bed and steps wlU be taken Iraroedi aaely to mine It Thai company re- oelvod thla week two. large, dynamos o l.MO-boree-power each. with wate whrela. and tha work of teetamiM h In the bit power houss Is now la pro- m .Hi, ill ii i i .'' JAPANESE START . r- BUREAU IN CRESBAM (Journal Special Brv4e.) "X Oreoham, Or Sept. II.--A eommnv f Japan aaa oontsmslata the aatahitah. nant of a labor bureau at thia. ateoa The sstenOlble purpoaa la to secure con tracts for anotr count rymen to etear up the tUabar lande f eenturaooa terri tory. They have rented the old ehease factory for hendquartere, . David Brooha, ' atoaBaBVeTrt trf- 1 i i i,a Civ - 4 " I VI ' MxJ V V a v OOSnjujsjMf . SMWmXsl MAM AM IMAIITI OS AfTHH . Kra nuufi jLgsiuaiymB nr V, V I Portland, Sept It. T fbs Kdltor of Tna Journal FoUowins Is tha eloshi- mwagrapn or a dispatch from Salem la an evening yDsper Wadnasdayi "Coroner Clough waa called ami 'made acquainted with th artlou lara, and decided that an Inquest waa not necessary, as no- person was found to ba to blame, and tha v accident was aa unavoidable In cident of asylum Ufa" iTha body of the dispatch recited tha ism out an aged patient at the stats insane asylum had been beaten to death by another patient Who waa to be gentle and who bad been placed m enarge or the old man. Tha nen- enaiant manner In which tha matter disposed bf as "an unavoidable incident of asylum Ufa' Is mhaa at- wuwu mar Kiuuuua f My memory reminded me that a few months ago whan a patient of the same institution was allowed to ourtoln a box or matches from the attendant's room. aaoure herself in th linen room and burn herself to death, the oaea was dis pose of la the same cheerful manner; "no person was found to- be to blame and tha accident wee an unavoidable ln- euent of asylum Ufa," And several months before that when patient was allowed to remain tn bathtub bite- which boiling hot water poured until the poor unfortunate w cooked to death, while the attendant la said to have been employed at fancy wont ut nor room, thg same kind of a hltewesbing report waa made -no person to blame: an om voidable Inci dent of asylum life." These -una voidable Incidents of asv- lum life am becoming of such little oonseqaenee, - too. tnt the latest oc currence - Is kept - from the public for over two weeks, lest the people of the state, who pay about llM.eoO a year for th proper ear of that Insti tution, might feel like criticising and calling for. aa Investigation. - , As ft matter of fact, the Oregon state sane asylum Is under weak rmmaga- ment and poor discipline, and th Ma of personal responsibility and loyalty Is lacking among the employes by rea son of the weakness and unoertala 41a- position of the head.. . .- Thai institution should be presided over by a man who is a good Judge of human nature! whs Is fearlessly Arm In bis ruling); who Is conscientiously honest and fair tn his treatment of employed and in handling matters which com up for decision; who will toler ate BO pets or privileged elsssts and who will lie ten to-no anonymous . tales and permit no class distinctions 'through favoritism mi members of his family. t - . mow Time fat Change. :, The Oregon stele Insane asylum has not such a man at lis bead and the tats board of asylum commissioners know It. Ths time for a change, even by the courtesy which sometimes al lows Incompetents to servo out term, bad passed, and there as no excuse for tn soara continuing tn present regime. There ought to be a new superintendent. The Journal knows that this writer baa never bean employed tn saw capacity around the asylum or any other state Institution and la, therefore, not WAre" at anybody, but If anybody wishes to deny the premises herein laid down shall ba pleased to discuss them mors elaborately. Being a private, eltlsen and making no persona attack oa any one. .but simply oalllng attention to matters of public notortety, I aw not feel nailed upon to disclose myself sa lt nasomsa necessary. t jucpuBiacAjr crrrtuDC. aalvi ara". i'SQY ( MHMH-M fnMig eteam ft Ooma a gdam Sub teat f Swul awl is est Swiss ' . Pat ami wunsr tlli Ii H (Journal Special Service) Pendleton. Sept. It The chief topic of interest to a. great many people of this part of the state Just at this time W th National Irrigalon Convention which meats In the near future In Oa den. v Bine the time that th members of the Reclamation Bureau ware in thla city and apofce on the eubject of rrrt- geuon. at th ' reception , given , these. there has been h revival of Interst In the subieet among th people who were at on time the champions of tba cause and they are doing all In their power to have a live delegation sent from this part of Oregon to represent to the eon ventlon the neers of the semi-arid dle trlet of Oregon and gain from that body If possible some suggestions, as tp what Wi aeip tna causa, In harmony with that ' spirit. the county oourt has appointed P. B. Hoi- brook, s man nromlnent in the matter of irrigation. Bnd R. B. Sanllld of xtcno, aa the two delegates allowed. T O. Hailey, mayor of ths city, has ap pointed Senator Walter M. Pierce and Bert Huffman, the tetter editor of the Bast Oregonten, to represent the city in th convention. O. a. Hart man. as tha president of th Columbia River Irrigation Association, has designated W. P. Matlock as the representative at that body, while the Commercial Asso ciation will be represented bv XL p. Dodd. the editor of the Tribuna and W. R. Bills, the circuit judge of this district. Whether or not all of these-men will be able to attend the meeting le not aa yet known, though at thla time It is thought that they will all make the trip. The council has given eltisens per mission t hold street fair or Mer chants' carnival, and the matter Is now being pushed by the buslneee men of th city. They have fat ths contract to W. J. Arnold, who will bring his shows to th city and take eherge of uie rair and ran tt on his own reaoon- SlbilitT. Th man of the eltv wlir sive aim a bonus of fits, after which thay wiu nave no part In the manaxetnent of tha affair. The date of the oarnlval has been sat frost the th to the loth of October. - It Is th Intention of tha men of th eity to have a stock exhibit and to In fact lay the foundation thla rear for an annual eounty fair; throughout the county to tell th ua- pl of ths coming attractions and to inauoe them to bring their stock here for exhibition, Hendsora nrlses and cups will ba given to those having the best stock oa ths ground, it is ex pected that a good start will be made this year and that in the future a suo- . w mut tin ' tim eountyaiMl become one of the annual vents of the eastern part af the state. Borne time aero Dr.- J. ft Ran--, ehn Is now t Baker City with the Quaker Doctors, was la the city and asked the council for tha privilege of brlnaln- hia shows bore. The council at th time willing for the aggregation -to vlaii provided that It paid Into the cltr treas ury the license fee of tlOO for each day ua ii Kara m tn orty. This lloens waa provided for several raara ago and was intended t he a prohibitive) measure, but the doctor In tnia ease refuses to nee, tt that way and wrote a letter to the oouncll aavine thai H waa hfs Intention to no me to the etty and "wortf tt. and that he would some license ev no -license. The oouncll st the Urns ths letter waa resolved1 took no action on it hut u that there was- some : thought given the mat tar. for last evening a epeclal meeting of the body was called ana passed a resolution rnntin. th. doctors permission to earns If they would pay lis a day for to priritesm Alderman Somiuervut Is averse to toe granting of the lloens and threat to atop the doctors from their practice weew they some Into the city. " d B. Wade of this city has shipped from ha farm near Hot Lake two car loads of blooded cattle to th stats fair. Mr. Wad la aa extensive raiser of Shorthorn, end Hereford eattla and has some of the Onset la tha- West. The shipment of today Is la charge of M. C Morris and are as follows: Short borasCrlmson Pearl, x-year-old heifer, weight M00 pounds; Blgiths, sow hold ing th Northwest, ohamplonsblp for the last two years: Bngllah Lady, aow: Hi Merest Mere, bull, weight t,leO; Lilly of Athetstane. yearling heifer, and Sen Sea, i-yeer-old heifer. Herefords Bright Hope, yearling heifer; Pendle ton las. yearling bull: Jim Henry, bull calf; Maid of Ptxle. heifer calf: Song ira, yearling heifer, gad Weetover. a yearling bull. Thee cattle are ' prise winners and have taken the ribbons a th fair ba fora There la ao batter stock la the Northwest, and as they are in prime condition Mr. Wads has high hope of taking the sweepstakes not only at th stats fair, but at th Washington state fair and the Spokane fair as well. Bright Hope and Song Btrd took the Brat and second prises teat year, and Blgitha, the Shorthorn oow, has held the Northwest ohamplonshlp for the test two yeara. f At ths request of a oommttte from the Clerks' union, which called oa the buslneee men of the city this morning, tt has been decided to eloae the stores of the city at o'clock In ths evening. eommenelng the tret of Oatober. There are several of the merchants who are not la favor of the ohange, as thay amy that the nature of th trade ia Pendle ton la such that they will loss a great deal of trade If thay follow ut the early eiosing pian. . There are a count of th sssrenants who have held out, and It la thought that when th time come that th other merohante . will . refuse . to cloae aniens all follow suit, and la that case there will likely be trouble, for the anion here are making a hard fight for proa- m os ana power. ALL IS QUIET NOW AT CRIPPLE CREEK (Journal Special Service.) . Cripple Creek, CokK, Sept. U.Qutet prevails hi ths mining samps of tnhvdla triet this morning. Last trigbt hereto e reeortsd to by the militia la forcing the La Bells Power Si Light eompany to turn on Its light cur rents. The districts lighted by the eom pany were la darknaes and sHlesne ap pealed to the military iieadquarters, with the result that orders were sent to th company that no longer would de- denti are reported by persona who fall Into open prospects to the darknaes. Three oncers of the militia did not ee- oape la the drkdlatriets. . ( . SHOOTS WIFE IN ; 12, j 'hXjaxaaaxgsBsmsnausa PARLOR TADI L6 ' Wets you thinking ol buying a Uble far your Psrlor? Or ons for your Kbrary? In our Lata Arrtrals srs mRny Medium-priced Tables. You will sunirtcists their mcnta. ' High Onde, Hsaidomg Iigna, New Patbsrns, Low Cost r . . We haws the Lsrcest Unm orvwr siown k Portktnd. Parlor Tables, straight or French Legs, Solars, Round or Oval Tops, in Solid MsJiogany, - $15.00 to $20.00 DRUNKEN QUARREL -" 7 (Journal Spedsr Service.) Denver. Colo.. Sept. If. Lest night H. M. Haydon, well-known resident of this city, shot his wife three times m thel body, and afterward killed him self by firing a bullet through his brain. Two daya ago Mr. and Mrs, Hardee agreed to separate. Ths husband left ,the-house after making oertaln prepare Hons for his wife's care. Last night he returned Intoxicated and entered Into a quarrel, which ended In the crime. Baefa was about a years of age sad as Uvea of Pennsylvania. Our quarter-sawed Ooldsn Oak Parlor Tabtesbeautiful finish a Big assortment ,.;v. ,r . Y: f v,v $2.50 to $15 00 AsfaisJlouWriiTirhiraL Tables is unexcelled. Greatest Variety. ' Latest Patter us Ubrary Tables in floUd Mnijogany, MarnSgstriBisi Birch, OoldoiOaWcatheiOrUa. v . WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT J TULL & GIDDS .... v.. : ....... . SUCCESSORS TO H. C. BsUUCDEN CO. - r.. - fAMJLY ROOMS CMNTLUOH'S KXSCST LOUIS DAMMASCH COOIWOUGH BUILDINC 166-170 plTTrl STUCT. CoM V - SdaBU toil lrt eounty, has purchased UwseaMance nmn. arty of Daniel Metager. and will make wis bis noma, His eon, Jamas Brooks. nsa oougnt a zarm in th vicinity uevia Krooas ia a brother-in-law of Joan coni-tha veteran road builder who superintended ths building of many miles a tba Baa Line road and mile of th ftaest roads In the eounty In the iramenuro aigaasrbood of thla tows, - Oreahsm is the widowe' mhu. wiitx, ut earner, ears there are St wiaowers ana bachelora wanted to area up.- . p Rev. 81 Ctalr. pastor af ths lirethnsie Bpiaoopai ohuroh at this place, has pur chased an acre of ground end a small nouse in tha northeastern portion of town, ana win make thla bla hen at us ana er tne oonferenoa. SOUTHERN PACIFIC HAS CQSTLY FIRE r i'-v Mom endorsement the pshllc vldenoe beyond dtspu resslon of Portland people, should he to for every Port- nd reader. I Surely ths experience of utterannas of strangers Itnds and neighbors cheerfully given in carry more weignt id JBmm. A. L. MnrvVirrlpman On the PortbSud iv thera w the far-away carry more weight than f strangers resldlns nee uw roi lowing tfelghts osbw line, residing at ifit Kim treat, sars:- "Doan's KIdnev Pills dia. Loeed of an' aeuts attack of backache k a very short time. Last fall I was tpcreUng on one of the electric lines ind It wad 'then that I first felt the tymptome or Kidney complaint. At flret a thamni was eaueed ov the ran. it art iarrlng bf the car, and perhaps ft was, but I knnw that ons box of Ooaa's Kidney phis ( effectually, cured tie of my backache in a moat radical itanner. Mr advice to all who suffer from backaens or rrrtney trouble la to Iroeure Doan's Kidney PIMe from fhe Lauo-DavU Drug Cft'i store, corner of fambiU and Third streeta, and give fiiam a fair trial." . Fm Ml. by all 'dealers. P Price 10 lent a Fnttter-stllburn Co.. Bufralo. K t. sole ag-ants for the United Htstes. BememtHtr ths name Doan's and jBJw n sthsa, - r.',.'i I'. v '.,.'--. i'. , ' ' .: V. .' "' '.' " - ' " (Journal Special Barries,! San Pranctseo. Sept. UWA dlaaatMua flrs which started la the freight, avueoa at Sixth and Townaend this morning anout n:m cloak, deetreyed mors .than WIS worth f skratoerai Pacin rail- road property. t , . No emus for the Bra can he m nr tne rapra spread Of ths names after the blase was flret disenMa r. mouoncnit in night watchman, had narrow escape from death. ii - locked mala th building, and only by qiuces Mum ox roiioemon Mammond and Dverett and by the uas of axes la toew Bsnda, .was be Mborated. . PORTLAND HARVARD i. KEN ARE INDICTED Journal Special Berries.) Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 11 Ouy L. Hunt and Barry C Baatham of Port land; Or and Floy L. fuch of Wln tbrop, Mass., the Harvard students, will have to stand trial for burglary of the .Harvard so-operative store of goods valued at about ftM. Hunt was the ft rat man airested. In July guilt waa directed ' to htnw The ether arresta fol lowed although th ertmes ware" com mitted during March. True Mils were round sgalnst th young a yotrda by taw grand wy alt ting at laa alaoa. Besinslng Monday. September 14, the Asrla Columbia Rlvar Ballroad Company will discontinue the special Saturday afteraooa seaalds service and resume regular schedule of trains leav ing union depst dally at a. ex. and T p. m. . Old;- Soldiers - Subject to 4 Acheti and Pains). I Hare My dhat-o-( Find RoUof Dr. MUbb Ants-PmlA FUU i ... j . 1 caa cMtrfaUi rsrnmaMnd Dr. sfOar1 Anti-ram PUIS asnrst-claM m every russet, They bars dons wonders tor ma. I was souatr m has lets war and am subject ts ami have my share of the aches and perns from the hardship that ssually faUa b lb lot of the soldiers who saw Barrios. Anti-ram Plus ever tall as relieve the tk ssasasa, baadathe er other pahu. Aaumaer efeid comrades kt this vicinity whe bars ssas Dr. Mimr Keatorattvs Tpale, Nerrlns and Nerve aadUvar PUls spatiTalcUr eTtaew virams m every respect. Mr aeahb sreatlv lav proved, taaaks ts roar Itostorstivs Ksiibjav with gat as caption af aa eld woaad wakk troubles me somewnat" Tnatmry J, i.rnciL sib hsst. si aii lass vei. last- Tk. DaJles. Oregoa. , Rhssmslk twmeea. ' and fa pams of a dumrderad stomach era fmomsst remmuen oc tas stasia and hmarniin st aa erwT raamaura In aB sack tke mmrmmt arc enacted too seriously to right aammeives. aad prompt treotmeei to si ri wary. The bast treejxeent rnsilils af Dr. MlW Baas-uH Mtrviaa, which i set ii is vtaitvr as the and helps them to throw of vartoxs die' 1 which briar about nam m aotaieotryepoaaVeaervm of tbs aigtoais orfaaa, sseeeily restorisf aVsm to sins si acnviiy, , , , All dWrlani mD and rusraams mm h. fw Dr. Miles' RemedMS. lead mr wee beoh oa Nervous sad Heart Diasases. Adores- Lv. Miim aleaicaJ Co, Eikaarl, In4 . i .... ... BEERS j I FamavuB tha World Orer Fully MmtiirtL I mmmmmmm9rmmmmmmmmmmm narer Ossapnmr H J ; Our Factory it the Greatest Vehicle Maxnifiuirir Efrtabliihrrrertt in the World. v- our Kqcfiitory in This City is the Largest and Finest iri the Northwest r. v r Our Goods Excel AH Others in Every Desirable Point of Quality, Style, Comfort and Workmanshia nr. v nr. w t . . . m . . . we iuww wc uu runuu xo wnn jux wn xou warn. .. . ; Can Upon llfi and Inspect our Stock. Write for Our Catalogs. : I .'.; CARRIAGES, WAGONS, HARNESS V ROBES, ; WHIPS i SitDEBMERl BROS 330-336 East Morrison Street . . f -9 r