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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1904)
if THE OREGON- fcAIL JOf T t v (J.I Sv 1 OSOCP. it EXFiESS TRAIN ' f i V--; 1 vuunnt m&vov no L . . . ' X - B4 1MM If f JHMLI H ' : if - Vkncfi, 0. C- eb IS Pbdf . aeastrd baa aits belo' up d oel th s . Canadian FulSa wt-bound trnnsconti. Mnlkl mn near Mission Junction, ' about 1 Biles aast of bare, about tilt Cjo'clo Saturday nigb. , , The sobbrra secured about tl.ttt t a geld 4St nd about 11. tot In ourrancr I far thrir work. TM holdup wag to ail appearance well planoed ana not a ,'T httrb ooenrvad from the" gotoent the ana-ieonr kwttM aware of tba preesaon ,. r , tn the cab Of hUl engna of three men. V who had crawled over tha lander, until they left-the engine- aft tha express - "and msn ar had bee rtAed. and took ; , to Un naar bare, . Tha muw aiMur was arts and . refueed ia upon tha Soar, until -' tAreatsaed with destruction bp 4yn mil. After aasnrlng aU tha treasure i. In tba sxpreaa aar th robbers tarned their attention ta tba wall aar, rifted .tha registered aaokagea, carrying. o at , . : the bags away with them. x Their trail waa struck what thar bad . taxes a boat aa tha Praaar tivar aa4 . aabtlM ofiuM ta tha appaalta aMa. ' Taa iaaaar at aaaeribt as balac a ajaall ' , aiaa. Apparently wall along In yaara ana apaaktas ta a aomwbat affaaviaaia ; voloa. Tha tateat a4rloea today Indlaata that tha rabbcra are vakfna aa feat aa paa . aibl anirara ttoa UaHaa Stataa. A t. - port racatvoa here aaya that tha avmntea polloa haaa today atrack tha tfall Iva . ,houra behind tba bandit who ara - eadad 'ftr tka Waahlatfta 1 boundary Una. Tha oountry la balnc aaourad (off mllea ta all direct lana, and It la a i pected they will ba aapturad befor thef , roach tha atataa. From deoortpttoM It la thought ana of tha nea la a au named Minor, who la ; aald to hava been Implicated la tba traia - holdap near fottiaad aboM 4 year ao 7 Mia family Uvaa la aUlmrhaaa, and at 'tba ttaM af tha oragoa rabbary ba waa - . aawcmt far tar aonu uawa at waa aarar ' ' aHarad.' - 1 - . ; - - 1 v COUNTY T& 3 -C3SERYE SUNDAY LAW ' ' fapwMl INepeUb a The Waab( 1 lA Oraada, Or., Bapt. It Tha la 4oatnc aaioana on anda7 and prohlb rtrnf ammbllac la Onion eottnty oaa Into afreet today or toowrrew amya aharlff panntogton. Ntan eHmdar tb aiooM nil bo tightly elodad. There hi na raaiaaanba m tha part of tba bualnaoa aw, aa they wauM rather oathta than to aaa Itfoal aptHm aarrted. ; Ltv 'ftfst Steaaer lite. Aeooant tba Ounaiatgn grand rodga I. a (X F. ht Van rranolaea, Beptabef fb-ta, tha O. K N wttt aaU ratarp trtp tMbat by otaaaaar, SeptaaibT 14tb and I8tk far ft. Pnrtlcaiars of a- W. Unger, olty tlobot agent, Tbtrd and Waealagton itieeta. - ' ' - - - -Tbd Storo Thai 8lk thi Btt New Fall Goods Never before hive vt displayed uch An irfir of Fall Goods o early in the Maton. New Black and Colorad Dreas Goods, TaUorad Suits, Rain Coats, Tourist Coata, Olovea, Coraata, Undarwaar, etc Tha prices here on new goods ara aa low now aa tha ao-called cut prices and special sales roa read about Coma and .verify thi assertion. . Swell Tailored Suits Are Here , AH 'the new atylea, new effecU, new novelties In m tarisls. If yon are hard to please, you'll find selection here easy. Ours must be seen to be appreciated. Prices aa al ways, most reasonable.. j v. ; A" New Rainproof Coats Cravenettes 'Wc have themHti all the latest shades and mannish effects. We dcmaibd from jthe manufacturer tha best -he can produce. Wei want our 'money's worth. Wa admit your rieht to demand the- same. Special $8.50, $10.40, $11.60, $L.00, tlSJO, fllftA $20.00 nd IM.00. Beat our prices if you can. t v ,-'v rt Black and Colored Dress Goods ' ..' Our new Fall Dress Goods are here and are on exhibi tion. Nowhere on the coast can be found such an array of nernove!tief and' effect! as youll find here. Every weave and make known to-the foreign and American man ufacturers are here. We ara the recognized authority, on Dress Goods. We are 25 to. 30 pet cent cheaper than any house in Oregon on high grade Dress Goods. We handle no other kind. Everything marked in plain figure . . Swell Raincoats anil Tourist Coats ;J, Swell Tourist Coats, with belt or loose back, In plain cloth colors and mixed effects. Special for tomorrow, $4.79, $7.46, $9.50, $11J0, $1150, $1160, $16.00 and upward. ; All new fall and up-to-date garments.. ,v These garments can not be purchased elsewhere at the prices quoted, ' Make the rounds, if you please; buy where style, material and price arc right We are certain yon will buy here, , THIRU AND MORRISON BTft. MANlf STREERS :i 'ill DEB MY on or stoma nit ie,aa imt m fob ButzarawAuauui obxt 1 t,itt am tuvam bubb flint apetnit larebml 1 , "cbleaga, ept Jt- About 4 tot atrtk, an ware gtren work bt tba packing houaaa thlo morning, but Kara than t,O0e of thoae who applied Were turned away. Tha disappointed man thronged back to -thatr bemoa or to headquarter In ah angry gaod, Tha naokora, how rer, aaemed ta ba doing all they eauld ta find placed far tha strtkera, bat atlll had I, to nonHinloa workera wham (hev bad Bromlaad to prttVlda for. Only 3&e ant of TN -book today.- tWeal ipanal ertka.l Oiaaba, dept. II. About t,ffto man mUed Tar work at tba peeking plants appUad thla morning taken bank. It conditions ara ba reinstated. Only about 1M wera la reported that when nearly all win f Jearad SaeW entae-l " Fltleburg. Pa-, Sept. lt.-rolldwlnt tba brbHrattan af tha waga ashsduia tha 91 mills and furnaces af the Repub lic iron ft tee! eompenr resumed oper ation in full blast this Baerniag bftaf an Idlaneaa at a week. . DR. A. C SMITH IS , DIRECTOR OF 1EAGUE r Dr. Andrew C mWTaf Oils dty had been blsetsd a dlreotor on tha national hoard of tha United Irish League of America. This board, whloh wad lastsd at tba lata aaavsntloa Ml tha alty af Maw York, oomprteee boms of tba mat MMMinent and Influantlal Irish Amertenna la tha eottntry. Including Cot John . rinsrlty of Chicago, Patrick Bran, axtnlnlatar to Chill, now-of New York; Bourko Cook ran of rtW Torn. Petrieh Pord. editor of the Irish World. Maw York City; Oen. Jsmaa O'Bslrno af New York. Hut. Charles McCreadyy D. n of lfew York. Itlrht Rev. Mgr. Dermis O-Callaghaa of Boatort, M. J. Kyan of Philadelphia. Jsmaa a Phtlaa of taa rranclaoa and many other wall known men, repreaentlng It different stated. tlin Dfy it SUti Filr Silea .Thuradav. Ssntambar ll,wpelal tnlb leaves Union depot I a. m. Isavto fair grouBdB returning a p. as. ihwdb rp tickets, maludlng admlasloa to ground and prand stand for raeea, oniy ilss. A little Ufa may ba aaartdoafl' td b mMan ttenk df roun If VOU don t navO m. Thomee' Kclectrlc Oil on band for the" emergency. - Oooclfl thd lowwrt Prkto taamatara ware laxan BonBgdanaga- " ' til nnmtoto ato Wbam OondJttobd AiMtohtfaa of Waga ganadshi Igiln MRS. WALTON CJJ-G i r; OV YOUTHFUL BANDIT Prdtaulng bar son, Chaflaa W. Wal ton, that ba aheuid ba anqutttad ad tha ebarga of holding ap a atreet oar nd aboottng Pollaamaa Ola Nalaon. hid mother requested bum to bold himself alaaf rroai tha ether prtsonsm at tba eounty JeU and aat rink eoa lamination. Mra. Walton oalled at tha Jail tow morning and permitted by Jailer Oraftoa to sea her soOkJn the raoeptlon raom. Deputy Sheriff Pwaey being nresent bee aanvarsad with him for beat II minatsa. There waa no anhlp hit Ion of effeotlon When they asst. Mra Walton merely extending bar band sad giving that at bar bait a slight praeeure. "Yon need not worry aaavt aatag JUSTIOE DEPARTMENT I miS WITHOUT AHEAD Washington, dept. ni.-rha depart- u m. twat net eT aarellnt floating about wit bout b brad, sad with no eoeot in view eaaept to naas nwap tha Un piaaaaatly till after election. The department beeam almoat aom pleteiy peraiysed soon aftar tha stepping out at Attornay-Oanaral Knox and' tba appotnunani as nuvw aa CITY CF TCFEKA 5 SKiS AT SEATTLE (Bpeetel' fHapstto t taa Timsil) ' Seattle, Wash., Sept. 11 U tha pre. enoe of aeveral hundred man, Who war noabl to do th allghtast thins to avert tba Impending oleaster, and .while moored securely to .pier A at th foot of Main street, tba PaolOa Coast Steam ehlp eompaay'a Atoabaa User City af Topeka want down In M feat f wntor yeeterday evening. - instead of oarrylng St pessangars for akagway and other oonthoastsrn Alas baa points thla morning, tha ! will II Mly an th bottom of tho bay with bat th top f bar emokeataok and bar masts visible. Ma sos koawa tha aausa of tha aooidenL Wall stevedores war loading on tho lnst of tba eargo in th midst af tba usual scans of bustle and excitement In cident to tba apnrnaahlng departure of a steamship for a distant port, tha big shin suddenly listed to tar hoard. Th man bo board scrambled to the deck, fearing they knew not what Soared J had tha last of them reached a place of safety 'When tha vassal began to set tle and sank almoat unperoeptlbly nntll tt waa ant af sight. Soon tha tity was Hating with the err. Tba -paopU) did not knew that every man - was - safe ashore. They only thought of tba pos sibility that tba boat had goo down with all an boardi . . 1 - tud... "". Tu lilil STIgTl Not only tha United Stales marina In spector, but the Inspectors and survey ore renresenttng the marina nndarwrlt- ara, regarded tha Topeka aa seaworthy j vessel as oomra wau oe mem. wm rated high by aiL Laat fall tba vassal went put of eonmlpaion nnd anaerweoi antsnalv renal r and bettertnenta, In cluding new Dollera, and lavolvlnf A total coot off iv.m. ba was inspected axter tha oompie- tloo of thla work and given aa ai ratios by tha toon! marina board and is raoomDUBbtonoa dtuy ax wis Having MOt two ranw aiyna vmu tha Tonaka, on September . took th bualnaoa men of thla city on aa oxour ton to Bverett, Balllnghaam, Vanoouvet and Vivterta, returaiag to ibis pact eptambor f. for 11 yaara tha Topahn baa bean tha soother Alaska run, in uu ume aha has handled many innmw pas Bngra and mny thousands of tons of freight. Sh was regarded aa a fortun ate nd must successful vessel, ta all that time having but on Borland mis hap That waa shoot two peers ago whan she ran on tha reeks to southeast. All v..H. tM earlier veers of tha Klon dike, tha Topeka earned something af a reputation as b tree sure snip, mrim brought many heavy gold oonslgnmsnts from thd north, and. nt to tha Ai-Ki, aha has possibly carried nor fralght north than any or tne vaseew nnm wm- cina Coast Steamship company tw sala running to aauthaaatern Alaska. at. B. Whitney, tooai um tlMVnswW 0 hRs'JwaPwVtsV Inspector of hulls and boilers, ssysi "SIS -.-t-nt inaoastad tha City bf Topeka'a hull about a month ago and reported to m nm " ftraV-clae aondltion. It to my opinion tha sinking waa tha result af aoma one nllSou.1? toavlng a alight or port hole 'open and tba water rashe in "Eyvwaasl had baan Sd rrttsn that she was read to mu aha would never, have sunk In th har bor as she did, ooosiderlng tha stats of water. . l' -aM- The Topeka nan aoou i I aralght aooaro. ina row htak perhapa ".. booked It paaaengsrs. Thesa will aa taken to their declination by tha eonv Mnr'f atoamar City of Seattle, which Win probably nail far eoutoeestern Alaska tomorrow. - r - THIEF WORKS WITH PEOPLE ALL AROUND 'J While ftv people were HUng In th kltcbea nnd one man taking a bath. burglar entered the resident of Philip Oevurta. t Seventh street laat night about a'clock and stole ltd. The burglar is thought ta hard entered he heaee throush the upatalrb window. although he may heya used a pees ksy and walked In th front door downstairs, Th 111 he took from th pur of Mrs. J. Ooldatone, and the , 4l ,Srom th pockets Of Mr. Ooldston a trousars. which war bung an a hlr bob Ida th door leading ta th bathroom. took Mr. ooldston about i minaua vo bath, awd It wad whll h waa In th bathroom that th robbery occurred. It waa discovered ImmedUttly and Pi pertA to th central poll station. Special Train fir State Fair SaW Darin fair weak. September II td IT, laoluslv. to Southern Paoiitc will run apeclal fair t reins, leaving Portland a.; returning, leave teir graunos i J ors am9 or as aaa Taaann avav wmmvf aira sxowsi aarr rmaw to Boavoat ot bat tar as .-tUV OV Yittb freed.- ska aafci "Wd wtll do thing for ywa that ana ba dons and I am antlaned yon wUl ba aeaultted. But 1 do not want yon to associate with the ethv prisoBsro; I am bfrald they might talk bad things to you."' Tba youthful arlseaeb wad oompll mantad on bla pereoael appearanca by bis mat her. She brought him ssraral anangan af sloth lag and whan she bin tha Jail took, with her1 his violin, aa hS feared tha dampness might lnjnrn It. Par several evenings ha has been play ing on tba Instrument, to tha gretlnoa. Uoa of other prisoners. wh wetoom anything that tend to break tba monot ony of their asistenca. Walton StlU had hie mandolin with him. About that time at wad aa arranged that CoL W. A. Dnr. asoUtaM attarney. Vnaerafc Who baa bean a grant foros In tha departmeat bgaiiiBt tba trusts, ba given a vaaailoa and praatioaliy exiled to Alaska. Ha to there yet. Than So-Uoltar-Oeneral H. M. Hoyt took a vaoa Uon. He Is on of tha most powerful among tba anti-trust msn. . Moody falav self has gona an a naoaUoa. DELEGATES KEET s AT TOW'S TAB fbjaraal- as i dsl bWvtee.1 4 t ioulA Sept it. Th Srst baastoa of tha- IntrParllamntarr union for tha promotion of international arbltra Hnti waa bald thla morning la th hall of festivals at tha fair. Oangreaamaa Klohard Bsrtholdt waa elected president, u. ha aaontna addrssa. dwell ing upon th tm porta noe of tha war KaUfwtorv at atata Loom la welcomed th digata la babair of tha ri ntatea aovsramsnt. President rrancis spoke for tha exposition, after which tba rpraNtativ frant aaob country mada A short address. A re oapttoa by tha board af lady nagere !S - K.Mnet tendered by praaldant rrsjsola Is tha prowram for today. , SI0.000 DOLLAR BED NOT YET OCCUPIED ' (Coatlnnad from Pag Cm.) St., Regto mar b abiained front laat night's menu, wnion ruosk . aa.. Kusaard Bar a PaTweve M -WttlS Neck It skuffad olrve. il MlStsiratoss II Astrakhan caviar ' "rrondanta St Hubart LbS rrtoasfl;M. . Ttottto a 1'Auror I V' J - Bortech of ducking l-ll ' - Consomm Beatrice to puUto Marmit 1.0t Pan Xbaus t Cream orn a i insjenoe ww Ohickan rlssolea. VUlordt M ' Mfoaburaton Pbndra IH . Marrow tarUsto Moasselraa at nnalta. Washington 1.M Pllst off rompano, meeraieei i v Lobatar. viadlmtr Kingfish. Duglere 1 .to rllst Of trash mackerel. VaniUanaw BlueXlah. jjnnaa ss - , '-iohan, Bersvre k.d . . V Piths of lsmb, Parmentier l ed ; ' . Mnieatta of mutton. Chartros Ltd Swaatbraad, lloumaolaa aie OHOUinaa SlWilwiier w.ww - . tapdrlal bquab , dlUlM IU"I Roaat ehlokas I. to tM ttonat rna tnrksy M . , , Brolieo owioaeai .w ' ' Ponssto l.M i , ; Toamg Oalnra hen OoHton duokUh Ml Ml ' Brot)ed turhy4to I. to f 'l 1 ' wjaanral II , Cbioorr dbal ta ,V ;. y . ;" Artlbfife, tdronnales Ltd " " . , Cauliflower. MUanaiaa fl .' 4 atrtng baana It , w ':. 0lry, Awpagnols to. ' b spinach in eresm -Cap, Provencal Tt -Muahiwoma. Bordalal t-tt - Llasb beana, maitre d hotel Tt s T Almond pudding aonffla Ma , Savarla an rhum ' - . Chocointa profltarol 11 . -r tuoo, cmoi It Bbwvaroff oaks 4t Klrsoh sherbet Mousse iMme-otoaene Boyal Bombs Tt ,v - Ooupa Hobwwnu Canadian malon Ltd . Cantaloupe W Paachas 10 Orapto X,U j Mectanaa t PI dsns W Paar Applet H '""i Koaaefort St Ooravnasla 1 rH fct I tpsclal toff II Turkish ooffea ' "" evgaoaa rwswisbtag-- An appreciation of th furnishings of th hotel throughout eouM ba had from th sight of ana of th ebaxpest room, la each of which I a dainty little French clock worth ITI and magnifi cently carved shalr worth a much. In ths better rooms and in th oomaor are rare statuary, fabric of tremendous value bnd work of art, including two Sevres vaeee purchased by ths proprietor from ft also of Queen Maria Christina. Th general furnishings of tha hotat Include a library af over l.tot nook. smoking-rooms, tearooms, bill lard -rooms. marbis walla and painted panels oy m. V. V. Sswsll In tha corridor loading to th Bngiish room, done In Ungiish ask. StlarSt UiU Car. " Monday, October I. tha O. It- a N. Wfll apaolal tourist or. PorUsi Portland to St. Loula. Particulars K a w. It Ingar. otty itokat agt Third and WMhlngtea gtrU .. , ymaiaoTxosf msmaAtiava Wases m AfiibmiiS b? Mi am . wtl . Vw'-i bt. X "31 tail-L - - j maJuc ajtbta van aaiacAj' our--m aara Aam vsaa awanr aus a ssaa a i vaosm roos) was vanrar ra ma. In tba neighborhood of II or lb sailor from tha German bark Anna appeared before. German Consul bo has this mam lhg and eomplalnsd bllterly of tba man ner In which they warn Brsatsd by the officer of tha vessel on tha pasaaga front Hamburg. They deeUred that the food with which they were supplied waa wholly Insufficient and that It was of a vary poor quality. aeoond ornoer Hoffman was hold to ba raspsnslbla for tha asset af thatr ills. The man fted ta have their wagee paid them, la fuU and to be given their discharge from tha vessel. Tha aokdul baa tha oes nnoar adviasmsBb - Tba msn snaking tha aompmtnt atato that thar were kept in a half starved condition during tba greater part of tba voyage. whUe the ofaoer lived In lua ury. When thar toad a request to ba pravMed with mar food, they alalm they war groaaly Insulted by th of ftaera. and Hoffman In nartlaalar. At one lima thar declare that ha thraataned to attaok them with a knitn. Tba sailors have about Sva months' wagaa due them, and If thar fall to aol- lest what to eomlag to thorn they threaten to desert: Many of them can talk good Bngllsk and explain that they would rather remain In this, country and run tha risk of getting work than ta atav an board tba Anna. Tba officer of tha ship declare that tba nan kav no griavano and only want ta gat an opportunity m ga ashore. A ciroalar announelng tha appoint meat of Jam H. Dewaon aa local agent of tha San Franslaoa Portland Steamship company waa received by him thla morning, tt was understood that ha would bo tendered tba position, but a official notice ta thin effect sad been given. Several waekd age bt was appointed an local agent of the Portland A Asiatic Steamship company, but af ter Oo letter 1 be wiU took after tha interests of both oorporatlooa at thla end of the line. Heretofore th business bandied bp tba eoestars waa attended to by tha Oregon Hall road g Navigation people. Mr. MUIer of th freight department being th leading factor. But in ac cord an o with ths announaad policy of 0nral Manager Bchwerin tba rail road and steamship traffic la to ba kept entirely separata from thla time for ward. They wlU ba under two distinct and separate head a. and tt la expected that bettor results wlU follow, in speaking of tha matter thla morning Mr. Dswson naidt . ' "I do not anttotpato fhera trill be any radical ebangea made when 1 enter upan my now duties. The mala work laid out to do la to make tha water Berries down tho aoaat entirely ade quata and efficient to answer all re qulremeat. It bad baan stated fcafart that we intend to add another atbsascr to tba Una hut aa od aa arranga tnents rf that kind onn be fully eom pletad. I am gradually famillaring my eeif with th ooaat trad, but It will reauira asms Uttle time to become thor- oushiy aoguslatad with. aU th various details." - -. j . i i .i -- no mm bad Mis atamn- . ,- ban) Mnxto nTlmtaf Badar. AA A result of rough and tumble fight on th BtHbh ahip Damfrlaablra yestrdy morning tho oook a tha ves sel la aural na a broken arm. Th bona Waa fractured feat above tha albewnd It will be several weeks before ha W able to again resuaee bis duUes In tha galley. A. Brav one or tn aaiiors, waa hla aasaUant This morning Bravo lost tha third finger of hi left hand bp getting It taught In n chain ponneetod with th hoisting machinery, , ; Bad Mood la aald to have arisen be tweea tba men ahortly after tho ship bet sail from Swansea. The declaration 1 mada that they repeatedly mada threats against on another during tba voyage- In eemoanr with companion they went ashore Saturday night and got to drink ing. It wad about I Wolook yesterday momins when they returned to th veesel when it was agreed to fight out their differences. At I o'clock yeeter day morning they appealed apoa tha deck pad tha Sght waa renewed. Tha oook armed hlmeclf with a belaying pin. Just as h was preparing to atrlk hla antagonist Mow over th head ha tost hla balance and ML H struck upon tha deck With such fore as to break his right arm. and tha bail wad Imme diately called off- . Hi antagonist report a ror amy tnts morning aa usual, and ba began to ad just a ehatn connecting with th hoist ing Bxachlnerp. In bom manser hi finger becama caught. Both participants in the fight ara no badly injured that they will b obT duty for Soma Urn to ooma. ., , i. vt) BmsosTBO. Tbi' morning tha American bchoonbr Crescent was chartered by the Columbia River Tt a Lumber assootatton to load railroad tie and lumber at Portland for Bedondo. She la noW bt th Ban field dock discharging her ballast and wlU begin receiving cargo as soon ss thla work ta completed. Th Creoosnt 1 tha largest aohoonar on th ooaat' and Is oaDsM of carrying almost 1.0 00, cot feat of lumber. Sh waa, Just taken. oft the grydock Saturday. Tha Columbia river bar tag Walloto waa taken on tho dock thla morning to be given a general overhauling. Sh la owned by the Oregon Railroad nav igation company and la used for tow ing vessels In and out over th bar Aald from being eleaned and paintca som minor repair " win oe maae xe th vessel. Anderson A. Crowd hav been awarded tha sonlraot tor doing-lb work, . r . Axova WA tn a few day th VMtoft Itatos on- ginoer announce that a contract will he let for revetting th shore Una en Coo Isle ad facing th Columbia river Ida. Th object 1 to prevent th bank from waahtng away. The cost of mea- dd tVlIl Curw Arr C ' Bsflri! Wim, - T-y w ar-a 1 1 i I v 1 I t . Umt Urond tAm ixmc3k, r Foe Sala hi VOODAJID. CLARKX A CO. and Id your own tub Is a luxury Which everyone tan enjoy by adding a large cupful of our ; N , ; , Pacific Sea Salt ... - . V - - ..,. -. V' - to the bath.' We guarantee tt to ba the pure evaporated 'salt from the waters of the Pacific ocean---thes-fs nothing more refreshing or delightful than a bath in aea water k s a curs for sleeplessness nervousness and many obscure ail ments. 5ea that you get tna Smalt Macks I Set 8lb. boxes 25c Large boxes 40c V 'r Specials for the School Children , THS QUICK SERVICE ITORK. NO LONG WAIT- v y,(.rtirtQ FO CHANGE OR GOODS, i . ; -' Composition Book , . V -i .. 4t 'and Sd StudenU Note Booka...Ueee...lw.e...4a) and Sd Woodlark pencil Tablets, Urgn siza..;.. ...... '..4t 5 Four-Star Pencil TableU.-....t.....v..........3d Ink Ruled Tablet. e.a. .3 and 7aV Bon4 SUtat,- mi.MVtete..M,;.,uVMM..v.8Tt White Chalk, par box... ...v;;... ...... ........ .10 School Sponge. ...... .a., w ..1 and 4a Rubber Tip Lead Pencil, doaen..B...'.....h.10d and 9f 1 E. Faber Rubber Tip Pencils . SUte- Pencil! 10 for..... ................ A3a Wood Covered Slate Pencil. V..V.1 Pan Holdara ...... ,;.e.v...,..,o v...4s...;.3a ; Pencil SharDeners....."'..,"'.,.-.fc......fc4.....4d nnd Sat' Two-ounce bottle Mucilagt.. s-.-ae.Jpt Two-ounce bottle' Ink ....' u .:.. .v. .-.'....'.4d Tricolor Erasers; . . a .... . ... . . . la 2d snd 4f - . (k Pencil and liik Eraser. ... 4. ...w'.....3a 10c Ink Erasers... ...........w......7t , Iaughlin Fountain Pens............,;............ 98d Self-Filling Fountain Pens.f ........ t Waterman Ideal...,,... ....................... 93.50 up Colored Crayona..V...a..b.s.Me-st-k?4Tl wd 8t 10c Ruler, 15-inch.,..aMvv......t...A....Bd 6c Rulers, luch..,.,,......a.......ea....,......3d) Pencil Boxesywith keys............... .3 and 8t - PORTLAND'S POPULAR DRUO STORK. :5r wAriyaai )totf Takes at Par.' xM DaOivary to AH Parts in tho lmprvano to tlmststj at about 1 - Her new angia having beep tnataltao. tha Pteem.r Bspwblto WlU a press. into rvloe ahortly. towtn aaowa af labwood front tba aJftoraaft aawmiUs to tha rards of tba Alton rwsi eom panr. Later It to announced that ah mar ba pieced an tha Linnte ran. 1 On day lata of bar oohoduto time th steamer sudor to n rout ap th rrror from aa rranatoaa. With A seaeral aargo from W onstle-oa-Tyn the BriUsh ship Carnar voa Bay arrived m th harbor this morning. She cam bp war of Io Angelas, at which port a portion of bet freight waa discharged. Her Portland cargo it ooaslgned to Olrvin Brre. Tho veeeel to not ohartsrad for ta outward trip. . . H. .... 'Aatorto. Sept. II. Arrived St lt:ll a. a., steamer Oeorg W. Kldar, from San F ran 1 eco ' ' . r aB St. Helena. Sept lt.-ePssd kt till a. nv, British ship Carnavoa Bap. , Talntau. Sept. II. Arrived prior to September I. British siiimir Tot ton ham, front Port land. Astoria. Sept. It. Arrived dow at t and aalled at lt:lt a. m., teamer Al Uaao, far Sea Praaciso and ooaat Loft vp 4 iv pa Brlrtah skip Oar- navon Bap. , - Arrlvad down at 1:4 p. sa, at amir Wlai rrancisoo. Bept. It-aaUeglant night, steamer Aureus, for Portland. Arrived thla morning, eteemer Colum bar at I . pa, obscured; wind, nortb. light; weather, foggy, sn . Astoria, tept 11 ateamer WJiltttor arriVed 7rwT Ba Pranclaoo at "Astoria, Up, tltoaator Itoaondo arrived at ul a. i. " . Astoria. Sept. 1. at earner Bdlth norvan passed at 11:11 p. at. Astoria. Sept. 1 1 .Left dp St 1:11 p. avSteamer Wblttlsr. - . ; - BRAZILIAN VISITS t THE FAIR GROUNDS T: ft Sawyer of Bio 4 ?ait4ro M In th city and before hi departure h will determine whthrHh land of th aoffeo bean shall be rprwtsd at tba 1MI fair or not. - Tha government and onier cltlsene of.BrasIl have sent Mr. Sawyer to tha city to investigate thd Hot fair. Director of Works Oskar Muner a- oorted Mr. Sawyer about the grounds today and th visitor waa surprised at ths work already dona and tha preepeot of a great fair sato held her nant year. of niOWBT or BtADDER DISaCASC genuine Mi RUSSIAN WARSHIP r -: MAY HAVE TO GO V (ContVndad rroai Pago Oae-V mine whether or not aha beeds repair Strutted will make knows his dselsloev It to reported thai tha Lena intends to weigh anchor thla aftsrnooa, but for what purpos is unknown. ' - ? instructions bAv baan sent or th navy department to Resx-Adnrlral Ood- rich to kaep tba Paclfio fleet close to- San Pranclaoo to watch tha Busslan orulasr Lena. After making repairs tha Lena wiU b allowed It hours to leave tho port or dlsmantlA In the bitter event ah will b held until tha oloa o tha war. - vb)'V N0 HARMONY" LIE NAILED BY SHEEHAft : j ' rPmrasi tserktV TndlanapoiiA Ind.. Bapt lt Chatrmsn , OBrle of ths ototo psooraU com mittee received letter today front , WUl bun Bheehan of New York, empbaU . toaUy denying tha report that tha exec utive committee, of which ha la chair- maa,nd rfationai Cbairntaa Tsgaaft. ara not in harmony. -Ths executive aomnHtt snd tba . national cbalrma ara In perfect ac cord.'' aaya Mr. Bhaohan. "..othlng ' could ooour to dlaturb th harmony of, the If labors." - . - CARRIES COIN FOR -&l . TWO SCORE .YEARS Dr. J, t, Plhr, who oondwatg o dra stor on Twnty-drt and Oils treeta, ha a half dollar pieoe that has not baan out of his possession since lets. In that year union soldier unearthed in Maoon, V O,, tot of seer.ted sirver aoln, and A w ralaUv of Dr. Fisher' aecured som. and presented this ana to him. He baa ' carried It in hla pookat donatoaUr ovor inoa, panr. j m Special Trains for State Fair Salem. 1 During fair week. September It to IT, Inclusive, th Southern Paelflo will run epeclai fair trains, leaving Portland I ' a. ta.; returning, leava fair grouadA p. pa, Reduoed round trip rat. ; Bad blood and Indigestion are deadly t, Semles to good health. Burdook Blood ttor destroy thm. ' , . ' suantsB pob wm mubbbb. Uesrasl apertal Serrlea. , ? mreatvUle. K. B. Bept It. William B ' Boblnson. who formerly lrved la Bo ton. waa hanged today for tba murder - of hla wifa MoMnaop kiUad hla wtf la thatr home here lant July, death hav ing bean oaueed by blown from aa an. Aftar committing th rim Bab I neon, fired tba house and burned th body. oicinw LAUK - DAVI3 DRUG -r -'V t: . r ' K" CO. ii 4, p. m. madneaa rouan vip nuea, , ':.v- .. . '. i - .... v. '