THr? OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, 'SEPTEMBER It, 1&04. 10 The Journal -Want Columns RATESl Om tlnin. to ft Hon. On weak (7 Insertions, tool to- Sunday lssuo). i6o a Una. On -month (Including; Auaiay Imum), 76c ft Ltn. CUaalSed advprtiawSDonts at Ntyabt in dvaufr minimum e.nrg 15a "Help WsiJtod" and "Situations Wanted" advert monta are pubUabad OM tlm trad Of chart AdvortlaamoittS SMlst b tn bp II o'clock noon for tha dally la sno. and It o'olock Saturday nvanlnp for tha Sunday Issiios. .; Brancfc Offices- aamWMftMM ' wtn - bp received at rrajulnr main ofBc rata at tha following plaoaa and mt to Tha Journal la tlm for pubHoatlon In tha nest toauftt R A. FrvmtoA StoSsTW. U4 awl Thurman striata. Woo Hill Pharmacy;. $ Oil atiwet roraar list A. W. Allan, pharmaola. IStft- ftod Marshall strata. JL B. Jack. oonfe)mary. Waaalna-ton aret. eomar If th. B. -Fv Jonas ft Cot. dratdaU, Front and Glbbs struct. Cottal Druf Co, First and Orftftk straata, r BA0nD& v'-'.:' ii- , Tattle's Pharmacy, SKI Mlanta ' slppl nv., corner Sharer at Mlchois Thompson, US Russu stroet. eomar Alblna arena.. -Janck Imr Co., cor. Hawthorns and Grand avanuaa, l.A. Pick. tphaoMa. CroSby (vast eiii! atonl tirldm). .- . F. Folton,o oofootloaarr. ST4 E. Buraaldo. oor. Union ars, Ingram ft Buab, tooaooonlata. lfl . Grand svonu. - '. IDIIIIUWi ' brth, si strwaC moot ' Brooklyn Pharmacy, oor. ftnd MUwrnukto street. Powntl NOTICX. WTICt OT STOCEHOLDERr MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholder! at tha MounUla Una Gold Mining company. Air tb electloc of i baud of directors to serve lor th ensuing year, end for the tranaactloa of each other bu elate na may aaa before th - meeting, win o neia at tea ornee or us . company, (mm toe to 810 Mobawk swfldlag. Portia oA, Oregon, oe nVptanbar la, ISO, at tha hour at U o'clock a, m. - vnn str- vBiiftifii Secretary Moaatani Lion OoM Mining OA BIDS wDI be received nndl laptambf II. IBM, by the dtoaetor of work a. of Lawla and Clark gaonltlon for Ifi.OOO trt No. 1 B. ami L 0. waterproof w(r; ft.OOO fret No. 40 . aad ft O. D. watarproof wire; 0,000 fMt No. 8 B. and 8. 0. D. waterproof wtra; 10.000 tereaUIn fenoba. No. U; 10,000 acrvwa; 10 pound blark tap': 1 Mow torch ; 10 ponn4n aoldrr; t bosm aohlMinir naata. A carttdoa cnack fat -tb anwant will Do raanlral i NAHB f thn arrow ataantar "ftatla ft. orflelal nun bar it.AC, Ja harahy ananaad t 'Oaaraa W. moenm? . .. I. L. PATTRftHON. CoOorto at (I. I. Ptartland. Orecoa, Sept. ItOA. Xa tka faretot Cnart af Om Btata a Oragaa, ,Bar tha County of Mnltnoawa. , ' Jftary H. P. ftraaa. Plaintiff, - ' - . f . ft. PI." Boeart Plaid. Tboaana I. Ooadla. I. ft, Ooullo and Uaa Held la. Drfaadanta. To r. ft. Field, Robert Pteld and Tnomaa A. Google, datandmnta kt tha aftor anUtM eauac: In Uw nam af tha State af Oreava, ma are bnehy rrqalred to appoar and aaawer the com plaint alt-4 ajralnat too in tha abor aotltW - Court and eult within ati t worka froai tba date af tbb drat ynbllentJon of tfala aamntona, and if yoa fall oo to appear or anawer Mid complaint, the plaintiff borela will apply to the Court tor tha n-Uaf prorod for In tha utcpUlat. to-wJt: The pllnUff will take a oVrraa ayalnat yoa forecloelDC a certain laort yare. eaerntad by defoodanta J. ft. Ooadla ,and Tboaua A. Ooadle. on lot tea (101 block all (), la Alblna Hoeneatead. la tba City ar Pnrtlaad. fat Haltnomati Contr, itate of Ornsoo, to Mary H. P. : Erana, . ua plaintiff titeln, pooard an ; iT to .book 135r Reoord af Hortyacoo for aald eonnty, and Barrlm and forecloelna yoa of all rlybt. title .nod totereat. or lien npon aald Bremleee or any part theraof. excapt the atatntorr rich of redemptloa, and tot plaintiff a aoato and - fcbnrinenta. ' Thta aommoBB la pnbTtahed la tha Oroaon Dally loornal. oar a week for alx aaoeeaalro weoka by order of ' Hon. Jndf of aald Coart by order aoada, and dated aa tha Uth day af Aaynat. UOA, . , ' - hnuLftB uriLftit. v , ' ' " Attomoya for Plalattft . Plrat patMeaMoej, Amrnit IB, U04. La at pobllrtlon. fteptenber M, 1004. ' BEX WAITTTt) htiTP Oft PftntAXS. VAN and wife for hotel: mi to cpok, wife l. to wait toble: aalarT. iflS.uo. Weitera Em- Caaas Baraaa, XM Tbtrd at. Phoaa ht4 WANTED A ylrt or boy to work for board - and yo to ortjooj. call at 1SS Blercath aC HOBS balf-aoVd for 1 lot at nnUabaayh'a. Tarlor bet Third and Ponrth. BT0,nN& prlilWee o ftaario'a toteadT rant. T. Dlrkeon, Baarle'a laland. WANTTCB TO UPI. WANTftD T lot yoa know that adeertUtnc yanr rarant roonw to Joomal want eotaaina M tha ea alert and aatokeat way to tad de rf atrahle oorapants; IS eonta oar for SI worde. TEACHERS SCARCE IN WHITMAN COUNTY ' 'MohU Mapatoh to Tna Jeamat '. ' - Colfax. Waah ttopt It. Mora than 4t Oountry acnoola ta Whitman oounty mn vrntbia to commonoa school om account of lack oY taarhara. - Kavar waa this aactlon In sncti d!ra fttralta In tha matte of taachars. Tba aiaj-ie ararana about 960 par month, Woodmei Day at State Fair Salem. , Tuewdny, Boptambar It, Woodmem unl yortnwd drill taama from alt pmrtn of tha atate, will oempata for special prtass offarad try tha fair.' - Woodman and thntr famUles will all ba thara. Corns and anjoy n day's rAcraatlon. Tha outbarn Pncins will ran apodal Wood man train. Leave Union da pot I a. aa, raturna aftor tha raoea. . . , f" Special SL Ms Car. ; : - Handny. OetoBhw t. tha O. PL ft-rt wfTl run ft spsciai doanst car, Portland ta t Louis. Particulars of. C. W. Btlngwr. Itp 4fakst atmnt Third and Wssbinstos StffwStS. - ;- XteAaeas. ITss ft doabto barral srua and go after It rlftht Don't stop at ona catunnts: fcaap aftar It Thara ars Ave thousand prlneer and yws should land to tha food. ft tha soeU preidsntlal oontaot run nc la Tha Journal. Now Is tba tlnis to send hi pour awttanata. , ft PyaeT STat By swndlns la sstlmates In plantp. Baa tha p roe Mont la. 1 sua a Ins oontoit ru Tilng Id Ths Journal, then flguro. Yon an ay land ons of tha laadinp prlsaft. Why SmmT Av-ks sn aaUms-U teds. . - - , alp wanted mits WANTED Par V. ft. AnnrAble-hoald an. nwrrind Btoa, between ayea. of tl and W rlttneoa of united Stntaa, of yoad character and temperate babiu, who ran apeak, read and write Knyllah. Poi lnfornatl.n. appl to llefYtiltrng Utfleot, Third and Oak ata.. Portland, fir. BtT.nT experienced aawtntll handa. fl.TB to U 1 flunkey, aawmtll. $M.itu and board: ' il.uo hoapital fee. 3 elynal hoy a. IWQO and board. Weetnrn EmBWima Boreas. . SM Third Bt Pheaw1 Mala Ulft BARBEft trad taayht by oor saw' method, which aaablea atudent to earn wayee while . biFilH. Pall or aditoaaa tot free ootatea-ua. AUBUK'AN BABBBB COULBUK 00. Va. fd norm aura at. . SKILLED AND CNSKtLUtD LA BOB of oVxrlprkMa. nroeaptly aapptted. Pra ' Shara to eaipk)era. HaWPE.Vg CMPLOThTiNT OTP1CB IS North Beoeod atroot. sear Bwaalda, TIN te loara barber trade In atybt week and oerara profitable aoaltkim. Sportal Ipanre- ajenta rhla stouth. Cataloeoe mailed free. Holer lyntea. Collet. aaj Praaclaea. Oattf. rOf'ft rock aioa, S 3S ay; 4 aiaatea. 1X90 np oai ciir ta nuiea. i Weatorn Rtaploynwat Bnreon. , SM Third at Phono Main in IS. tofw roRDft wood to catt Ms contract : so rent coca; aooa noaao to n m. werara Enployinont ftsraaa, AM Third at, fhone aaaie aotai. htSN wonted, to road tha Mala Bala Wanted" admrttaaBMnta; roa'u aiwara ana ft saaaaa? Of good jpeninga anwas tseak WANTED Onod ntMrt boT te drlee dellrery JoarnaL wanon: aalanr. tw aeanth. .- 4. ow, in warrrRn ftneelmeoS oMiltrr nu te c for poultry yard and Bui saw. ai. im JoamaL WANTED HaetUns aaaot for popatar aaedB. fuqmln Baodry dpartaaent wooomra-ctarao a. WANTED flood, atost hoy to drlee Uafk) wasoa; Hlary. ISO. in. too joarnai. CA ItPENTBB wanted at 80th at and Beltaoat XXX WAirnS-PftntAU. attii,Tfmin nnanAC Oooka. wait chanjoemaida and aeaarai bitm wanieo; ro Uble help fnrniabad, XTQl. Wtsolnartoa at Clay ISll. Aiaiai - i .m mm hmu areaie niL amnaf what yoa waat n very unary aaver- euafally. ,.' rnnna nko. US aaonth no: t epambornaatrli, walweoaoa, 4 Bouee ririe. ewmi a.ui ployBMntt Baraas, XM TWrd at Pbuaa htols ,uus... WANTED Ooaipatont reapoeUble flrt for ton- era! Boaaework; norwcainn or oweeeow wr (erred. UaU ay nam w T ANTOD Yamna irtrl to taka earaof eblldtra; cood bom. ilT at at ftaat Twaaty-Caartb at., or pboaa cott ITt. - WANT KDOtr I to cara for baby I yaara aid. Call SMlt -Morrlaoa aU. car. ftacaad at., rooai . GIRL to do homework, from f: to S ft. ak; wataa. Ill, Wl Koaraay. WANTED Ironan, TMaa laaadry, saaaad aaa Catambta ata. OIEL to wbrt earajif baby, aft! at Aak at. fttrvmnoM wajtttd witi W a XT-En Mfnntton to n aboo: BnUt t or A boon a Say: ay aioeny nmn. wiua boat roferencaa. Addroee P. U. care JomrnaL 8TB0NQ yonnt wan waato to ft ofrkj H7 or would aaalat another Janitor. 0 20, Joar&aL POSITION ta etore or whoUaale re are" expertonee la ayaeary The JgarnaL . t C B, PBINTBB deairoa poaltloa .on aiaatry paper. T. nv me joeirnaj. A XOHNO man wants aaaplaynMnt. Addroaa TrvATxom wAjrTKP rrw st.b, WANTftD By elderly wntoan, aewlna by the day: abirt waiata, Kiria ar cnuarevo caen tng; prico. 11.00 a day, Addroaa W..17, cara af Journal. " ' TOTJNO KADT deairoa poaltloa aa atnnoarafaer br October l; hwc aapartonoa Asaraw v m, JoaraaL i ... - WANTED By experienced dmaauker. aewtny in timuiaa. CaU BP areaus. raone aaain 4A41. XafFLOTHXJTT AftZVCIXft. HELP of all daattiptlona fnrnlahed aawanllla. loajrint carapo, factoriea, tree to anipioTera. Alpine Knnlayatent Ateney. new Morriaua. 153 Pint at Phono Hals ltll. af Mia hols fnraliiai on afaort setloa free to employer. ,, WILLI Ail ft BOTTSBL BH Nerth leooRd at Phono Bad in. AMERICAN Employsaent Asoaey-BTeto af all kinaa nraiabes on abort notice; nun aroera aramptlr attended to. 9 ft. Sd at Mais SI LA MOUNT HOOD EMPLOYMENT A0BNCT, fftr- nlsh trot to roe RELIABLE HELP. Massac ft (Milan, STO Barnalda. Hoot 4T. HOTRL koto af all ktada faralahed froa te empkorere. weatera Employment lauroax, 128 Third at Phoaa Mala IS IB. POK'tADIBB ONLT. PORTLAND Wonwn'a Emptor neat Oompaay. US AUaky, res. td and UorrlaoB. Bat boot. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT (X). Labor cootroe- tera; help fro te eaoployera, SIS htorruoa. BRLP wanteS and Bap piled, mele or feswlo. K. a. DEAKE, SH Waahina-tos at oay 44B WORK for aen. ntoa for work. HANSEN'S OPTO!, Sfl North Bacand St KENT BOUltAAJPLSB X0OKB. POB ftKNT-rTwe lara nnfarnlaned rooma with alcove for light hoaaekeeplng. la now private realdeftoe, with ana of bath, gaa and laundry: roaaonapto to nyni party; nno tociaaai aa Children- TBS Bant San itnon, near SBd. ti n PER . WEEK Large, clean, fnreiabed bonne beeping room, with no of laundry, bath, phone; aloe cheap faralahed cottagea. J. Landisan, 1S4 ShorpMn. Phoaa Clay SOB. VERY deelranie aolte af roorne for hotne keeplnf oa grennd Soot, furnlahed or partly fur ale bed. an fifth -at ear Una. 414 Plftb. BSB SIXTH ST. Nicely furnlahed hooaekeeptng apartaMnia; ngnt rroat partera oa srat soar. 0. Hoaly. Proprietor. POB BENT HonofbeeplBg rootna ta aU aarto oi ma eny. sa mw aaaaaiaonnon u yas R S furnlahed hcoaekeenina rooma: aa cbll- dran; pboaa ant Uth. 51 Sixth. Mate 4S3S. POB RENT faralahed front rooma, for tight hooaekeeptng. 4B0 North Union a to. BINT Two nice booaefceeplat E. Batt. ITS Eleventh at. SOT MARKET S un fnreiabed roeeaa sat hght booaekeftplng, no chUdrea, POB BENT PtrSJUBftED BOOhtft. XICELT farnlahed front room; no of hath and pbono; eui table for two. with or without hnard; one bVk front IPOS fair srouada. MB Tharnas at PTRKLBHED room ade to Journal want cet amna bring reeulta; SI worda for U oaata tba rata. Have yos any roooaaf THE CBCItk fnrnlahed roonw and board, p at Bag oent or treneleot; term roaanaMa. M ( North Park at Pbona Mala 440. BICBLT farnlahod roosv bath adjolnlnt; pri vate ramiir; a or s gentlemen. IB ftorta Eldbtaenth St., ww r wa lahlngtos. PI.RASANT front room 1b prlvato Tatafly. SM , Beat Morteoa at Baltabla tor om ar two fntlrmea. 4TS Bnrnatdo at., one amall. coca fnr table fm "flat """ ""tUbM or arklagman; sppar PLEASANT fsndahed front aaa. hath and telephona. prlrato famJlr. 4S Darhi at fURNISHED front raota for on ar two aea- t lemon. 1b anvato family. SffT Sbeman at. NEWT furateheS anlet teanaloat Poartk at. Phone Bed Bit PI.RASANT MmlNhed roeaMi lanahsahlB rant SH Tlllaaaooh atreot NEWLY rnrntabed bright, ehoortal rooma, 4SS rUadats St. . - 1 1 Joiiraal Want Columns 1 1 Twehty-onei Words for 15 Gents WAJfTftT BrrsOXT.l.ShTEOTJB. AN ADTERTIBKMBItT ' Uha thU to Jonraal wnnt eolaeaaa ONtt I oenta a rlne each lnaertlon. It Is attractive and roacaba tha PopW pas sraat to roach. Try oaal .. nraiprKn.ninln boeawa. hooaea to rent . reataie at all klnde; boaae coctalnlog from S to 10 rooma, with modern Improvenlenta: meat be op tha waat aid; call and aa sb ar addreae the UaUEXA RKAL BftTATB ft BVftlNBBB ClIANC'B AQENCY, )- S3 Waahlngtoa at THE MONTEREY be Ooffoa Hoao. S4 N, Sec ond at.yla Juat Uk rfcnng rrom monuvriui . to St. iuhna for Oc; everything ftrat-oeo. Trr C. X. Andomon, vrop, pob ftBBT jrorjftftft, BINT AX aoney of I. L. WelM oompaay. M Grand ava., make a Bpocialty In renting fcooaeg aa aaat aide and-looking after pros ertr : eharsaa raaaonabla. Pboua Beat ai. A OOOD hoaa ta el warn a Boorea of aleaaure: Suay alee faoaaaa that wlU make good hoaaee are cooatantiy aavertieeo in journu - oolnmae. Are von looking far eoeT a Ktv KJim Aeonea hooaea an tha aat aid. Is a good location. 20, SU. .Inqulr of Hartman. TlMunproa ft Power, Chaniiar of Cwmmeree. BVtB rmmt tm aal 1M1 Will la AO inaN. SrOOSJ bona, all mmtn eoorenirocea. Apply John Bate, SM Stork at Tot Main tss. A S BOOH HOURS for rent with bath. SSu Boat Everett at, 1A Key Soxt door. COTTAGB an Portland hakfhta: cblchoa kpasa and gnrdoni cheap rant Mam oaa. FURNISHED bona tar rent. SOS Bth, Bt, sat, Madleon; go, bath, tolepbon. ' BOOSTS AND BOARD. TH1 UNnilA. Aa anrlraly new family hotel, attractively facatod for pcrmaneBt and tranateat gooata. Market at, bet. Third and Pourtb. All ont miiM pnnma. with handaomo modern furnub toga and all qp to-date convenlenceo: ewctrlc light, gaa, aanftary plumbing, porcelain came, heated tbroughoat by ateam. ' Bacetlent cul alna and aervlc. It will b a pleaanra to show rooma and oaot exceed! ay tr tow rata to Blnn-le atoaUama sad tamllwa. . Phoaa Main (Ml. GOOD room end board, prlvato fatallr, moo- erate nee of bath and )Ikb. Jia nv mtv .nth at. corner famhtlL BOARD with rootna well furnlahed; modern eonventoncea: UbU board. S21 Thlrtoenth at. PTRNIRHKD room and board. tP3 Hood. POB nJPTT--STORXA, PINS ator room as Yamhill month. Apply her of Commerce. P. Sharkey. Telephone Mi TWl. ma ata ISO. TO LJBABB S-atory- brick boil ding. 108 Trojt at Portland Treat on. ff uregon, iw niro. FOB t"T XSTATX. . BAKBB REAL BSTATB CO., f Boom s. Chamber of Oommerra. " Vfom Bona on Orant at, between ft' car llnee: hath, and toilet; walkiat dto tosoaj CXtoo . - . , ; . v 11 Booth weet eoroor Elfhteenfh and Be-, wlgh, 100x100 ft., with old caorck sad naraonagat s snap at 0S. . 10-room and 4-room fcoaaai tot feWlot ' toad lncMropartyi rant SeO; a vac ftt.ftM Onod aZroom' bouoe, wall tot. Conch addition; good Income property: jl.MO caah. balance ,on ar before ft yearn at 4 ner oent. : 8-room hrrtoe.-lot lOOrlOO ft; good to-1 farton; can bulMJ t more cottagea; auaat ' improraauato all done; At, 000. BUST BIDS, tl.Ooa l-roem eottaga. fin ondlttBt lot SnxllO; atreot Improved oa block from .ar ilnn: Cppar Aibloa; half caabi, salaac to aalt 160x100 feat corner Sharer and TTatos ave ; SLioo; SdOO oaah: baiaac SIS par f I act tract. Oak Orov addition. SOB fact from Oresoa city ear Una; SSOO- - eVroom Oftttage. Upper AlMaa, tot tOr 100; 1 block from UnloB are.; high and atgbUyi baarlng frolt; dMaO, ... ft-raom bae, bnaemeat, en Kugen St., between Willie me and Union aveni raato tor tla. Prloe. flOO. WB WILL MAKB TKftMS ON ABC VP PLACBB. BAKSB REAL BSTATB CO., Boom B, Chamber of ComnWei, POB BAJ-8 Klght-roooi v realdenc. - flSBO. nearly new, Noith Alblna, 400 feet from car line; four more lota can be had oa Pat ton boulevard, pboa today, Scott S711, After today, snat tub. . S4.000d hoanea. fnraltur and ground: eo 10 ml du tee walk from coart hoaee renta win pay for property la d year. Landlgan, ls4 Bbermaa. POB BALE Small, neat, partly fnrnlahed home, good locality, frolt, flowera and graea. Sloo. 1-S eaah. aaonth ly hnJaaca, Owaar, care 1M4 rront at POB SALE A new S rooi bona, Twentr-elith Uday Park addition; and Multnomah ata.. HolUdar price. 11. too. Inquire of owner at realdenee. POB SALSTWO l-room heeamentT yard; good eondirlon; rentl aaay terma; i,uo aacft. f-ROOM oottaye. No. SM Corbet! at, with In rcnara: Kit noxiuo reet; rent gio par laanlr Prank Hmmenay. Bed Corbet! 100100 CORN BR, ''trvtargtoa Park addition. block rvm end of Yeroor car line; pi change for timber or farm land. . Q XL Joarnal, HOMRS bom a Inetallmento: eereral new hooaea a boat complete; 1.800 to M.0O0. O, U. Smith, T14 Chamber at Commerce. . SMALL heaae lot, SO by 100; aew bark; choice cherry treea, o pranea; nice locatlos; S block of cara; $1,000. tag Rodney ave. U told within the Swath; a anap; ade bonne ana Bn lot, nnoniide, improved abwrt fruit, eear parmenla, Scott 8830. POB SALft Bono will bar 0i33B-foo tot and aew bouoe oa Willamette tmoMTara. In qolre 11M Willamette boulevard. 4,500 A- SNAP Nte boom and Baa lot. puaroeiaej unprovoa arreet, rruit. may pay. meet, z ST, car Journal. FOR SALfl Oft TRADE A tot la Kettlo Pnlla, Waeblngton. Iaoalr 40t Davto at., Portland. POB WALE Ho nee and tot, No. tit Twelfth at Applr to . F. Bronangh, 14 roartb at TOR SALS JIOfttES AND OAXftlASES. BTTY, eall. rant or eichanaa boreee, Wagooa. bnggfea. rubber-tire runahouta, harneen. camp ing outfit; livery fa eoaaecttoa, Pboaa Mala 1196. Mod Freed. Stable, ltta, teat U Waah- tagton. . FOB SALE A. pair of bar boreee. T and t year old. root traveler and worker. SlJft Pbona Monday, Beat TOS. TOP CAN mil yea asvar. flair it ta Joarnal Waat Oat i St warts tor U mats. ARE SKILLED ' MARKSMEN ' w WH1?N YOU WANT TO LA1NTC) A SHOT ALWAYS USE THEM 1 BU lift law- CaLANOXB. ' BOOMTNO-HOUSS BBADQVABTBBB. TATT ft CO. IBM Ahtagtan Bldg Pboaa Mais las. SS fttfMHS-flnntrol Aoeattoa. ctearlns SSOO abova aU expenaea; rant. SlTLOu; two years 'toaaa, Prto. SOOO.00. . 4t SWOMft Modern brick building ba Wak tiigton eL, beat location la the city for ' ' .- flnt-claae hoteli tatnltsr gou; for , pmttoalara aat ... Bt ftOOMS Ooed location. wU furolabed. rear toaaa, rent (AS. bow clearing var . . - fiw par masts, fries, bb,ww, SB BOOMS Ob Alder at near Betel Portland ' ': , kouee clears above all expenaea 1110 -vf Btootaly. Thai I a .paod hay for tXeKW. ni EOOldU-Oe Plftb at. ana af the boat to the Sty; modern In every way; thla ptoa right In every war; rent Tft; ha . sot eeaa rfered for seat saior. U BOOMS Boarding boa, good toe Hon. eftoap rent and muaey maker. Thl place must be aeca to bo aparacuuo; in ; houae la atrlctty modern end sp data. rooe, 41.1- . H BOOMS la tha awell part of tows, and tb . BMtet eieaant furoltare- and carnets yon . : aver aaw; houat etrtotly nwdurn. with .j" long lea ana aheap rent, a or i ;4 -.. ttctttom aaiL . IX BOOMaV-Moetly hoaaekeeplng ftont aS: ts com $100 a month; Aatb, gaa, and nlfj anoaarn convenience, ma, ai.goa. IB BOOMnWHr Thirteenth atif farnltBra an i pood: room all rented; good tooattos; k. - real owy ao. met, snw, - a-BOOM haw, very central oa Fifth at.r well - rurniasas; roaaoninet rpM pnee, uniy S-ftOOM HOtTSft ftlght dews town, wall fay nianeo. lew rent! tbl la tb boat bo , syn engine .liat uniy gsss. ; , f ' WB CAN MAKft TERMS OH ANY OP THE . ABO V ft. ALL TTTLftft QUARANTRXD. " - BDTBBS PBOTBCTBD AS WBLLlAS SEIJJftn. ' ' BftRTAU RA.NT. ' BJaTTACftANT Uood, fir at -clean, sp-to-data roaunrant, wen located on an af the principal a tree, doing a good and 'V profitable bnalnaaa; boat of reaeooe why offered tar ale; pood etos and Ptloa ar ww ".'"OTICft, ' . . aiao amaUat place to U r IS rma. TATT ft CO., ' IBVt Ahlayton hat I ftiMtiwee nbane Hee ' BAKER REAL BSTATB CO.. , Boom S, Cbamber of Ouni moron. IB BOOMR Tlo to. Went Park. Very daawabto location; rent goo; price BoOO, On net - mua tbi opportunity. . , , , t BOOM FLATMonnrn. all ' location. Sixteenth at., tea. Beat $82.00; SainV BOOMS on Servant Bear Harrison: keeping; all rented. Bant $00. fa s toot hargnla. tdTd. - Thla. M ROOMB AD aew farndtara. la to heart at rfty, four yearn' to. Beat $40. Prloa $1100. Poa't fail to so thla boa. BOOMgTwo-year hraaa, Kent Sits: AH . furnltare good, foar btocka from P ''. faad hotoC Howanoping. $3000. BOOMS One of the beat loeatVma ta eity lor the rair. sent very reeaonabte and , . 1 a nwaary-suker.- Bitana all reated. $1?W. IT BOOMS aa Morrlaoa at1 Beat rnaeoaable. on block of Portland hotoL Farnt- mki m, a Oiwv. 1S BOOM HOTEL aa on of tM main etreetJ of Portland, ynrnlahlngn all aped. Call , la sad gat particular. SI BOOMS Thioo-fnar toaaa, an sow fa ml tar. ' aowa town, neat sun. rrwa ssauih ' ' W hava anythlna? td -. chance Una yon waat a da not fall ts e ar oaU a np. Main , oSSS, WU1 maka terms on sB thS S ahova. 4 1 BAKBB SEAL BSTATB CO.. . . ftoom s, csnmear of ' . tTNTON LAND CO. - ' C. O. DeVere and ft H. Abbyrea, B4W Morrlaoa Bt, oar. Second, room . ROOMING hooae It noma. tAOO, - ROOM I NO booee 10 room. 11000. BOOMING boaee 10 rooma. SHftQ, and tote mora m rrom two a ssos aowa, aausoa HALF IHTERFJSr fa good aaloon ts . team ass wagon; ana piaoa. BBSTAritANTS fa say bMatfanV faP PAKMB and kwaeea and lata fe rant sal ar trade, far caah or UM, a BCBftKA BBAL BSTATB ft BUS1NI r . CHANCB AOSNCY. Oft SALft. A thraa-cftahT barber ahop; Rne kvattosi dotag a rtn bamnaop; muet s aova at once; s bargain tor s He barbery cheap rant , ft good t-room saaii, aew, oa four tote, fenced sn improve; ssaet aa ants si one. A good aVtoom honen to Bt John; sew. Is complete or oor; locates en snir acre oc ground; meat k rrolt treea and borne on ta pmca: Boot at one. , $100. i -'i-- - - A good home with plraty moimd far Sn ; call and pat orcbaro; una ai -a one partculnr. , , .. Da yea waat a good fruit farm at Hood fttverf li yo oo. can ana oee aa; price ana acreage ta Beit parcbaaera. SSI WaaMnates atv- ' HERE'S A BARGAIN! Ice ctmbl candy and cigar etore, wen lo cated on Waibltigton at.; afas orade, cheap rent toaaa; price. $800. . TAET A CO.. , , lBSw Ablngtos bib. POR SALaV-eKeck of hardware, etrree, tlnwnr. Emu and oil, la on of the beat town la Wlllametu Teller; atoek will Invoice b twea $.1,000 and $4 000: roaeoa for oelueg. ether buelnaaB. H. 1A Joarnal. 'BI'SINRIIS CHANrES" advertlaemento to Joarnal Want Column bring big re tar: If yoa want to buy or aell a huatooea, try them; St. words for It coat. POB tALB Tb factory that manafaetare a commercial neceeelty; ha n romp tit It fat the atate, Addrem L 17. ear f JaraL $800 CIOAB and confectionery. wtthMee eream and living room. 484 FnTSt at, ftpath roriiano; rent an. lOTKIINO booee. long leeee on Si room. Pnoss Ular S1A between IS n6 1 o'clock dally. B KPT At' R A NTontSt for eato cheap; I Mock rrom Union depot, IM North Stath Bt. FOB SALft Sman millinery. E SB. JoaraaL CLArBTOTANT AND PALMIST. MADAMS JOH.MRTOp rinbTvoyant. palm let. cara reaaer: i give rarta reliant ami im- nortant on m affairs f ral St. Baadlnga Oa. ltd PonrU at nWS KsfAta CftVHCQ nPMtT WaanmUsaf- BCaaa- .1", FOB BBLftFdBMB. POB S A LAV FA RMS Improved farms for ami to all parte af Ora f and Waahlngtoa: permeate mad to aolt purcnaaera, mr ran parucujara aa to van on propertle apply to, Wm. MacMastar, $11 n wnmur eras- FOB SALB SO-acr fruit and dairy farm; good 6-room boo: 400 fruit treea. 00 bee ring. BOO amau tree; barn and outbuilding; 18 - miiea to rortiano, on mam road; price IA000. wnw e. rww, minwi, we. 144 AC BBS soar CnUoada; win mil either to full or la acreage A 10 ar SO acre; no Un br stamp Mod; good land and la good Vo ce i ton; au at Biasa, . th a. vionun. atoucaoa. $4,000 will bay ISO acrdi containing tfi.000 . worth of timber, SS.0O0 In pro re me ata. two and a half sums from Ooble. O. Papaw, imom, wegoo.-. FOB SALB SO acre good valley toad i . Junction dry. Or.; price $2,000. Addroaa ownrr, tt- r. My, Jopctlon city. Or. WOULD yoa Uk fa Bv aa a tarmt Tali to wnere many exceuent torms sa aftaa sa vertteeA Look lor them. FOB B tMXnetLLMMMOV. Df yoar ator roam yoa arobablv have m thing of aa aaa to yoa, bat ' good, ant you ma pun as wii pat oaaa roe n i advertlalng la Joarnal wast aammanl worda for It aanto. CN DEE WOOD TTPEWBITSB. ' writlns. ' Tabulator. . BaU bearing. Light mala, Aaney tB Front at. Pnena Bed lSlL BILLIARD AND PoW toAle far Vant or tor aeb on eear fM ,m.nM tUM BBDNSWirK BALKB COLLXNDSB 0Bm as Tntrg at. reruand, POK SALB CHEAP Good 4-year-old Durham eow, giving mm ; aaw goes s-yey-t BS5 hnaner at. Mo ta villa. , WANT to exchange Sn meadola with leather caae tor high grade Waahbars eg Marti guitar, sho ream at . FOB SALB A amaD dairy and roato: ahw Pboaa Scott ant. Scotch collie papa for sale. SPLENDID aprtgkt ptoao far aato at a bargals If taken at one, tit stoat Second at north. FttESH eow for onto, $8; good tM UgVt wagjaa, fjw. eat tong a., moina, near terry. FOB SALB at a bargato New Wheeler ft Wtt- aoa aewing machine, van hi suta at. . I OB SALB Beautiful toaed atohosaar BB- ngac pea no, at tun ruxa ar. FOB SALft On freak mllck, cow sad aalt STB Deknm ., Woodlawn. lntRftONAL. I. d. Hirahoeiraer. saaaton attornar. con: ' at -law. naoatlona: Vir nt tha Bhlll, Im dlaa war. Act of Jane ST 1R0, order No. Ts. . widow, children and dependent relative. pountie, arrears, commutation and agalnet tb U. I. SSI Waahlngtoa at MANLY vigor reetored by Dr. BobdrbV Nerve mouth. $8; cent eecurh aealed by mall. Agent, wnoonro, ara OP,, rwtlint, Or P. U. B. afflicted wHh vtoatoat SMllsnaat dtoeaiN, gonorrhoea, gleet, toat amnhood. prune ipz eiiiiee. eee Dr. Ycoa 18LH Plrat Pt THS BOOK OP NATTJBB. Of NATTJBB. ' ''Book f life," ." "Story of s Slave," Nan'' a. A Schmato, S Plrat t "Mabel ftray." atalogne fre. TOt.'ft preecrlpttona ar aeor accurately and reaaonaDiy. nueo at nyaaeu s rnarmacy, SX7 mernooB n., neiween rirat aaa seeons ate, -JL. PERSONAL Yonr buaineea or profeeaieoal' eerd in journal want ajoiamn wui bring jou ON b Stow Ttala ttowogh Arkanaaa,'' hy wacnaoa; rnn oi mo ana joae; g ' lone' 'TtoOkator, S91 Aldaf at. MM ft. B. a Bly, dctmatolosiat, scalp traatawat anampoo, eiecrrie maaaaga. sii teoodnougk. 10 BXCHANftB. LAND of mUk and honey; 44 aerea good; oll; no rock; partly improved; creek, anting: milk rout and B0 atanda of bee; t mile aaat of Oregon City court booee; trad for houar and tot la Portland. Oregon flty. Or. A. N. JBsaa. WHAT yoa hava and dost want fa tent waat Bomeoao to bawd and can't Sng. if you'll navernne it in joaraai want wiunum yoa ma auk a goad tend. Try thaak; ilwatds fa ta ems. LOST AND FOfBTA 'I LOST Oa tb right aide ofMoatswmary Bt. S gold breaatpln, decorated With forget -me nu t; tuium aa acepaaa! rwr,;-, Mala 4S48, r SOT Front ot, - FO'-ND On ntoefc bora, about l.too sooadB. Owner can at TBS Waeo at. pay esawgea nnu n nwny, rum waat lie. IOST Many good oppoctanltlea evtry day yea nu m roan aeBraai waaa inraa aw mtoa ftbem. ' MARIA BIIXINO KB Ca B at The Joarnal oneiaee orare tor your Mat sictatloa book. 'FOUR KXSXftTB ftOXTP, POR BUT BKSERTB SCRIP FOR SALB An- mrt.vmA anrlrUt4. Hail, fe IhuL). fcweat prfeee. R. P. ft F, B. BUy. SOS vnamoar oi uomnerea. FOREST reaerva, approved. Santa' Fa, oa hand. raaay ror .location; alee aoidlera national land ry'"" and sioaa amp. Magma ft ft S3T Pnltlng bldg. ' ABCHITXCTS. Ooodrleh ft Goodrich, architect!; Wm. W. Oood- rich, conaaltlng engineer. Tl 4th. ASPHALT PAYTB. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Oa. Offlc 46T Worceeter blk. of PortlAaA ABCBJTEC1S. Ooodrleh ft Ooodrleh, architects: Wm. W, OooeV yicn, eonaumng etiginoer, Tl nuts. ATTOBJrETS. PACIFIC Ooaat Law ft Collection Agency-- rortian eince, tub fjaamoer or commerce. SHEPHERD, ANDERSON CELLARS, Attorney. aiB-aau-wi marimam ciog. OAT BTILDTBS. JOHN HYDR RoaU bultt to ordef and tor aale. Cor. Eaat Yamhill and Water at. BAftSnrO AND IMHTXRINft. OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO., 1S1 Btirnalda oi, rooDO ufiai jit. OAPES. THE OFPICB. SSS Waahlngtoa at Pbaao A Ham in. ricaen a vigneavx. CAPB KB ATA, its sum at boor. A Sn tooeh aerved at all OSOOXXXY AND OLASSWABB. W HOLES ALB erorkery and glaaewar. Prael, H"vie Co.. too ta ins rirta, cor. stark at. 0ABPKT OXAABINS. Wa clean yoar aarpett on the taor aitboat ra- noviag mreiture rrom room: we rale a dmt-' Pnoae city Ul fte a fraa aamasatra- tlnn. COMMISSION MEROXANTA BTERDINO ft abbRRELU aeodnm and commto- alnn nwrchanta, 140 rrant at, PerttonaV Or. l-heo Mais ITS. MONET TO LOAN. M-w- ' PRSO H. ST RUN Q, FINANCIAL AOSNT. blnaee In lun. No runiulaalo. I am ta a puiltaoa to maka Immadut faaa en improva real eatate or Mr ounoing pi'l"'" any antonnt; muderat la Ureal. We ap stSve loava' from plana aud advance oney aa aulldlng prugrtaee, Upttos IS ,rapay Stoat after one year. P RAD it ST BON 0. PlnancUl Agent 10S Seeond ot, snar Stark Till BTAB MllN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earae. SSft taOa hla Bote, without mortgag Month. Uj-Month. Week, tn.nrt Repay to ss tlt.xt y.o ar $3. $2s.ooRepay te a i Is or is at ar $103 Bopay te as I AW or $8 00 or il-O" klUIT 1liMI Vm Lm aanir from a on yoar aalary or laeama tor an to alx Con tha, la any amount from $8 te $100; wast rat of tntcreatt no wait, an de lay : an ne go tla no na are rtrwiiy pnms confidential: payment awpended to caae . etcknese. The Creaoeat Loan C., SIT ( gonla bldg. of Ore- BALARY LOANS Any salaried poraon bavins a steady position with responsible firm can L obtain money oa the easy payaent plan, with out publicity or delay; all bualocsa treated Strictly ccnddentlaL NORTHWEST LOAM IU SSI Ablngtos bMg. elty., , ..LOANS ON 1HB BABY PAYMXNT PLAN . T Salaj-lsd People. Strictly C'ontldentUL ' Of He hoars, t a. m, to 0 a. an. . t . . EMPLUVKkM' LOIN no.. Pkon S3A Room Tit. The Dftkam UdS ft W. oar. Third and Waahlngtoa ata. MONEY TO LOAN oa eeal neraoaal and col lateral security; apodal attention to chattel mortgagee; notes bought O. W. Pallet, lit lummerciai bis, pnaaa Main lano. PROM $100 to $1,000, rates T, S and 10 par cebt; end from 11,000 to 880,000 at t per cent nr (HAUL kh hikbtel. sh Tntrs at. room A opp, cbamber f Commerce. HIGHLY raspectabto ptoc whitv to die and panto can borrow money on dUmeoda and Jewelry. Collateral loan Bank, sap wass- lagtoa at Telephone Black Tl. ' tnanclal asnta; money to lean en mortgage securities at low rates to asms from $800 to 10. WW. lSw fvtl at WB HATB Money to to $000. ess bp Srlvsto asrtyi BW fa Stt Mohawk L ' MORTQAQR LOANS oa Improved and farm property at lowest currant rates; Building loans. Installment toana. Wat smMaator, til Worcester bldg. WON BY haaaa Biaane. rnrnltaw and other chattel necuritlea: all bnainee strictly prl vato. nURTHWajBT AAAM Hi ADang- ton Mg.. city. MONBT TO LOAN to large or small amount on good security; toweet rale. Wiuum U Beckf si SOT P ailing bldg. MONRY ADVANCED sntortod oeoole. to tara. .etc.. wiinoen hcwiit: eeer t ian t -boaiDeeo in s. pnsctoai ctua. Xaumas, zza AOingtoa Mop. CHATTEL toaaa IB amounts ranging from $SS to $0,000; rooming hoaare a pec laity. Hw EmTSn ft Trust O., SOS AWngton bins'- MONBT TO LOAN an Improved or uelmt city pnperty, la ram to anu. rnrrtok, wat klna ft Co., SSS Alder at . LOANS at lowest rates oa fnraltr. ntanaa any aenriay notes pnrraaaig. aaater bean oinoa, 4is Mcnay biag:. MONBT TO LOAN oa Clackamas onontr toada At. sad F, B. ftUey, sot Cluuftbar af Com- CTKABO0AA. O ST -Aardwood - chnrcoal made expreealy for charcoal and-iron at tse American Btmiee, Front and Jetfre evsry aacft strtotly nrat-cuas. CXOABS AATD TwSAOOO, BSBERO-ODNST OIOAB CO- Dtotilbators of , FIMB CIOAftA 5- V" i PorttoaA -Oreawa. K OOAL AXD WOOD. OB BAT WSSTBBft COAL CO.. 441 BoTt OT llth; waabed lump sootlaas coal, ss.oo par ton; nut, $A00; agent for Cnmbsrtond Bang. tT 00: Caatl Qate, $AB0; wholcssl prices; free ocUveryi fall Weights; mttale noa gaaraaiasn. rnona saans, pee. STEEL bridge woody arA Be aore and See a aeroro yoa nay wooa nna coei; tuu moaenra uaraateeA OfHce. tit Holla day av. Phoaa seat as, m iameriae, manager. . WESTS RN PEED ft PUBL CO., ltd North nits ar,, eeaiere m oobmsti un oieem cosL black ami th oasL absroosi , sad . soks. Phoaa Mala UU. , ALBINA FUEL CO., Railroad at and AJMna are., scar terry; man ana dwcs wooa, sry and gree. iwob snat sr. HOOVER ft CONWAY, Alt Water at, th plac for goad Afaet, Br Br avswooa. Pboa PIONEER FUEL CO., rumored from foot Mor- rtooa to toot Mam at, fnona main ion. 0. B..VBLIN, Srat -clam wood and coal; office SB Alblna av., near tarry, nwa nat tans. OBBOON PtTEL 00. ; aU kinds of ossi and wA OHXROPODT ANP aLUaOtTBTJIft. WM. DSIYENY and EflTXLLB DBTBNY- th only .sdcntlfte ebiropodiata, par lor room Bos Drew bldg., 10S Second at. rboa main 131) 1. Tbto to the toag-hsircd gesttomas. He S the man yoa are looking ror. . CAAFEPTSftS ANT BTflLDERS. . J. AITTHORS and H. ft.' WOOD, carpenter and builder: repairing and Jobbing: store and office dxtnrea huyt. Shop SUB CoinmbU. PANNING ft ARMSTRON0 Carpenters and ball dors; repairing and Jobbing; reason hi rate. Shop oar. Fenrtb and Coras!. Front ,- ; , i. S. W. GORDON, ooBBtara, shelving, hoaasa built andrpaird. bps ronrtn. cmy 174. OS M EST O0NTAATJTOXA HAWKINS ft CO Residence. SOB Fourth St.. phone front ian; cement worn r an oe-, acripnons; step wars apamaityt worn pnar anteeA CHAS. H. CARTER ft CO., (formerly Carte ft XII) cement contractor. 074 Taggsrt. ioa Eaat 1K70, All work gnaraateoo. DOS) fthTB BORAX KOSPTTAL. DA A J. CARNBT Tstorlnary enrgedn. lot Rom Sixth at. raosa Mai iS4 risttiaci pnoos nam awT . DIOOIATOIA BBNRT BEROER ISO Plrat St: walhrnbar. ingrain, tapeeuie. appuoa pian latar loroecor a tl ng. arrBTBw Awa ouAjmrd, PORTLAND STEAM CLE A NINO AND DTBINO Works; practical hatter Is connection; feather boas and plum eleTnVd and curled by an ax- t pert. Bll Fourth. Pboaa Clay TO. CEOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED gl per month. . uauona iausrtng us.. S47 Waah lag ton at. B. W. TV RNE R, prsfeaslonal dyer and ctoaant. pno jenerson it. I'tMO Mala Sals, LADIES' and children's garments, silk skirts. waiaie anu wrappers maoe w twaee M sievrnis at. Teiepnon Mala sizt 27 MRS. McKIRBEN,' artlatlc making, bfil Morrlaoa at FXATXBNAL XNtTTRANOS. -r ORDER OP WASHINGTON Foremost frater nal society of northwest; protects th liv ing. J. L. Mitchell. niprepM secretary, tit and tit Marqnam Mdg., Portland, Or. Tto phone Main iti. XTJIOTXIOAX. WO ARA NORTHWEST BLBCTRICAL BN0INEBRING Stark at.. Portland: O. K. for Company, everything la tba electrical una. Main lftHA PTBNTTTBX FACTORIXA Pl-BNITURB ataaafacturlm sad eneHal order. U Rnvenesy'e ruraiture factory . 3T0 rront at.. OREGON Furnltare Mannfactnrtng Oompaay Mannfactaran C laraltsr to tba trass. Aft Plrat at, ,j , .... - R0CXAA lato a root aun. Fowtb tartar re and onmmttolea msrejast nna ua sts. ALLEN ft LAW I A commission and produce mer chant, frost and Devta "ta-. Portland, Or. LANO ft CO., Plrat nd Ankcay eta. OTXXA HOTEL Portia nA America a plaa; $t, td pet day. B8LYBDERB; Europesn plaa; 4th and Alder ts. BATS OUABXD. BASTE RM Hat Maaufactnrlns company 82S Plrat near Clay; hat dyed, cleaned, blocked, mad vr la latest styles ear apaclalty; , Panama hat. 'BTrMAM HAZS BOLLS. J. J- BO BO, maker horoan hair rolto. 4J0 A Sth. Phone East Sill. Store, SM Morrlaoa at. WSvTLAFOBY ISAAC S WBITB. Bra tosmrasvoa. bldg. O0 Dak JAA Mcl. WOOD, employers' Uahlllty and hb dividual accident surety bond of all kind,,. Phone 4T. SOS McKay bldg. B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY. Sre iMuranc. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Pboa Clay ttft- PIRB INBHRANCE J. P. Kennedy ft Co, XU Sherlock bldg. Phone Mala ISM. ARTHUR 'WILSON, flre lasarano. bldg. Phone Mala 100A rlooh tBOaT WORKA PHOftNIX IRON WORKS lneora, mans fartarcra of matin, mining, logging and u mill machinery; prompt attention to repair work. Phone Eaat . Bawthora av., ft B Sd. MBS, ORBwCK. nndsat mjanaaa SM Bavt st. - Union 0O8X BnrsiOAL. ' string and wind inatramenr. nwr. smwui A." 1 -;? Smith. Main 470A P34 Twelfth at , T ' - MR. AND MBA R. A WICKER, benfc. Btandi. . Ua. gulur tnatmctloB. Mala Soss, lfi W. Part. ,y ? ; T. B. LAWSON, S40 Park, cor. Mala, plan tot- sobs: term raaaonabto. r&oas ProBt 111. BftrSIO DXALXBA FfSHBB MCSIO CO.. ISO Third atTtotet tots log BMCulnm; repairing. Bad SOA ! ' PLTTBCSXAA DONNBltBBBO ft BADBMACHXB. phtmbers. Id Fonrth at Both phaam. FOX ft Co,, adultery plamhera, ttl Beceod bet' Main and Sainton. Oregon none Main awn. OTXAALLA BOSS OF THS ROAD OTBAALS and ntocbas- ica clothing; union made, nsaatodtay Brow maaafacturera. Portland. Or. 1 i" v 1 .ir-Brr:.; :! J1. y.:'T;a:,.Si..u ..ii-Utt PATXNT ATTOBjrXTA B. 0. WRIGHT, pateat haslnem a apaetoltyt ronsaitstioa evening, in iwxns nwg. PAXWTTt AJTB PAPXaVBAN InBw. F. ft. SUTTON, painter and paperhwngar. ,180 Haaisoa at., arest pod or or 1 Age. T" ,.i:a-.Tassr3 - : - PAESS OIJJwTftwB. . MAKB MONEY 1 CSR P Rfl CLI pfrnTsT' Black 11 and order a month aervte covert n every town ta any or an ooaat states; dally messenger service; advance ro port se ail 1 contract work, Portland offtos IOB Second at 2 FLATUS. THB OREGON PLATING WORKA 481 Waah lngtoa at Pboa S0ZA Piollahing, ,pl4Ua . A .HHUIU FAINTS. OILS AND SLABS. F. A BEACH ft CO. Pioneer Paint Oo.. msttns me oeet tninga maoe in puinoi anu grnera building materials; wlndow-glaao and glaalng s psdlty. 184 First at Phone Mala ISM. W. P. FULLER ft TO. Mnofctrr pioneer Load, Phoenix Paint Kopauae; a guarantee Bven with evary gsJtoa ot patoA manafas'. BA8MTJSSBN ft 0O Jobber, paint, stt, gfasa, map an aoora. inn nrat st. FBXBTXWftv" Bl'SHONG ft CO. Ftont and StaVh etaM prlnS. tosr. lithographing, busk books and ffle nop lie; work don on time; molt enmptote printing ofSc hi th waat Mala 10A ANDERSON ft DCNIWAT COMPANY, printing. lithographing. bUpk hooka, rboa Mala IT. W Alder at ... - pooptns. - kinds of roof ffaalred and aalotaA J. ParrelL BBS First, Scott MS. BOPX. PORTLAND OORDAGB CO. Comer Pomtoeafk and Northrnp ata.. PortlanA Or. -"Ka'11"'; -"-': 'J' BURBAft BTAJfPA . a STAMP WORKS. B4B Alder St.. psoas Mais T10: rabber stamps, seals, atendla, hap Y pane, ireoe cnnrM . eeuu in- inanw. SPBAYTNO) AND WftilAwASXaBw. SPRATINO and whttewaaaJng, trea. basa- BMbv barns, docks, rto,, M. u. Morgan v Co. Call ap Scott SM, W Will call and ID. Mil BP U .give yon flgnrs s genolin spraying 1 In Multnomah eran figure s yoar wont, tb mrges and whitewashing oaiiit ty. tio Milwaukto at. Port lan A Or. - i - SAFES. LARGEST stock la dty ; Dtobold work; torkoats opned;jrepalra lau work, steel coiling, treo ment and goods meriting yoar patrobagaJ i. m. uevis, an intra mi. - PTOftAftB AND TnANBTTB. SAFES, ptonoa tnd far altar atored, pocked readr for snipping no enippm; mi wo. all work 01 Iff OOI guaranteed; Urge. 8-tory , brick, .warehouse for atorage. Oftee 1SB C M. 0L8&N. Phone MalB 04T. C O. PICK, afsc M Plrat at, heteneo Stark and Oak BIB. ; pnowe Dire: piam mm i in to re moved and packed for ihtpplug; com modtou treproef brick wrboa. Preat and Clay at. . SK0W0ASES AND TLXTtrAEA SHOWCASES of every dewrlpHo; hank, bar ana more niiuree asae m oniw. Manufacturing Co., Portlald ad Seattle. TY PR WAITER A YOST TYPEWRITER HEArHjnARTERS S30 Stark Btreet. a - "W rant repair, sell, etchsnge typwrltra All supplies for sll machine. Standard mactlnea $30 and ap to 10. Do yoa want S tenogrpber or tvpiatt V:,-, We have Hst of good appUcanta. Pbone Black SSTl, - - ALL MAKES of typewrltem fr rent at Under wood Typewriter Agency, en rroat sr. TAANSTEB and KAXTLDIS. tan horn transfer 00. - - 2H3Btara at. none Man iris. Furniture, plan SMClng. fnrnltnre Backed for shipping, svpreoa and naggage; lie dty deliveries give careful tttentloa. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 14 North Btita. Pboaa Main OS. Heavy hauling and atorage. FtnVT SPECIAL DBLIYERY. NA BOSMj Wa uanni m. r Hint aeain bos. An. TOWEL SPPPLT. CT.RAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap. ai par monin. uawrence nm. Towel Supply fVo.t Poarth and Coach, PboM 4JS. ' WAtlaPAFXB. 'f ' MORGAN WALLPAPKB CO.. It4-ld Saenasi sb, swfc isJanlfl sod TaykhT, rmUaV '1 SM . -A' m j " -A rr ' r-r" V .;K