The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 10, 1904, Image 1

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Tonight and Sunday. Talr
Sunday; northerly whitu.
VOL. lit NO. 168.
: Russian Trains Continue an Uninter
rupted Course Over the Railway to
the Norths-Rains Have Ceased, v
Season's Campaign Nears a Qose Russians at
Port Arthor Mak?; Valuable Find of Guns
and Ammtsnition
f ".A
' LwidM, SC Bulletin) Tha
CMfoo oorr tidnt of lUvtir'i cnor
Import that Um Japuwa taaaaa at Port
Arthur to Cha paat fw day wimi li.
, toa kin ao4 woandao. , . . .
(IwmI tfMla- avrtoa.) :
C PtraburB; BpC Ordinary
Ufa-baa art la a Mahaaa
. ,hua armr, Ilka aoma apant ataaatar.
" lolls la Jctnarsle atata wblla raoouplna
" from tha tarrlbla fatlua aad Irlala at
' U paat fair -waaka.
' Alona tha antira fraat tatfar thtn a,
. aoooraios tm onolal raparta, aauht but
r aulat aad raat Tbara la aotblnt o
todlcata-tbat anjrwbara ta tha aoatb of
. . Mukdao la tbara avaa aMrmlahlng ar
Tba iapaaaaa avaaea from Mia aoath
aaat, that awapt forward In tha raoa for
v Mulndaa and tbraataaad for a Uma to
, turn Xuropatkln'a arttbdrawal Into a
mra . dlaorsanlaad rout, baa atoppad
abort. -One of tba' raaona aaortbad for
' tha Japanaaa Inaathrltr la tba abaanoa
. af a paaaabla taouAUta road by which
Xhf oould maka an advaaea and attack
- on tha elty without fraat loaa. In poal
" tlon tha Ruaatan amy haa a daolaad ad
' ' vantaaa aa thta frontal and -tha Jap-,
- anaaa will bava to traval -nuuiy waarf
. ,aUaa tMfor thar aaa appraaata tha alty
an anything Uka.vaAjaraaa.
" Teatarday the rain war atlll faDlfMl
:m hm aandr aoll arottnd Mukdaa, but
- ! war aaavr aaoufa a hava pravantad
.tha Japanaaa adaooa vaw had aooh
fbwaa piaanad. Today ta rata aaaaad
i and ' Urn, aaada $r .tmt rrowtnav dry
. ana hard. - J--.. ' '
. ' Krrythiat from th front IndlaatM
; that tbara . will . aa a, Ion MjU la tha
flahtlrut while Ma Japan raplanlah
nhlr mms, atore and annatinllKm. a-
pano oo nor vpwi uih sua iuw
wlU BMka any raal progreaa aafor tha
. roold waatbar ta la for tha loav hard
. aaaaoa. which la llabl to aaU a bait
j aa vrythlnav Th Siberian raimenta
la thai raoMt wlU bv a dacldad ad
vaatasa, wblla tba Japanaaa will wacaa
aarUy aaffar aiora from not balnc aa
aastotaad t tha wind of tba atappaa. -
; raot new over Kuropatkla'a alsnatvr.
tThe meeaetea and report that arb now
. com my to tha war ara afcjnad
vOnra . aakharoff.
It to rtportod bar that 0nral Ku
'ropatklB la at Tin paaa. and that tha
. ' Russian army la tnovlns; northward froak
Mukdaa. Xh vaouatla of Mukdn.
however, la not admitted la offletal Quar
ter, and It la believed therefor that
no auch advteee have been rolvd from
: th front, aa hera would be aotblns;
satnM by a ooaoaalaMMt af aooh news at
tbla tuna. .
Advlcoa from Mukdan thla aaontlna;.
' after telllnf af the aaaaoa af euhrt that
haa fallen on th two armies, says that
Russian baca trains ar prooeeiina;
uninterruptedly, and have alno Wednes
day had no trouble whatever alona; tha
line- of the railway.
Thousand af wounded hav barn aaat
'northward, bat th Red Cross staff la
stlU warklnc nlfht and day at bfukdeu
ta ralleva th moat seriously wounded.
Tba fact that all these messages ar
' (Jearaal gseclal errloe.
C Ban Francisco, Sept. lfc Th protect
ed orutser Milwaukee wa launched to
. day m .th presenoe of thousand of
apeotatorm, Inoludlng a - distinguished
- delegation from tb city la whoa honor
the vssssl wa named and a large num
ber of Kalgats TeeapUr from Wlaoonaln
and ether taxa who have bean la dan
Francisco tbla week for th triennial
Long befor tha hour appetatsd for
tb Isunchlng tb visitor crowded th
yards of th Union Iron work. h ad
Joining housetops and th hills.. Many
took plaoaa of vantage hour before th
. veaao) slid from the ways, and they pa-
' tlently waited until the ship entered the
brine. Kvaa then they were loath to
depart, many remaining for hours to
watch the giant hull aa It floated at an
chor la the bay. , (
Tha launching party wa gtvea a
plso upon ho large platform which had
bee built around th prow of th ves
sel. Ml Jeaet Mitchell of Milwaukee
to Whom had been given th honor of
christening th oruleer. and Ml Uly
Jeffrey xtt thla dty. who had been chosen
to iowoh the button that started th ves
sel on th ways, took posltloae wltala a
fW feet of th ship' prow. V
Brief addressee appropriate to the ao
caslon wrre delivered In behalf of tha
city of Milwaukee, thewlty of flan Fran
ctoo, th United States aavy and th
Union Iran work. Hardly bad tha last
of th been concluded than Mia Jef
frey, at the bidding of her father, who
. I vice-president of th Union Iron
work, touched the button that freed the
big ship. The massive structure ro
ot - 4 to the touch of th buttoa Ilka
u. of lua, and without th alight-
; wif w
Left by Chinese : : i i
1 1
Stvan with aaaaa datail. but that aotb
lnT whataror la mantlanad of fnrtbr
raar-guard action,' loads to th ballaf
that tha atory which baa an alrculated
hra that a onatderabla body of asoa
whtoar as auppoaad to aa to tba aouth
ward ara atUl andanarad. la without
ImlMd. lt la not blavad In th cao-
... s . w
i" y n..i7 .1, i 'in y ' 1 ' i
boUta.tha-tb loaa of na has bn-a
trat a rcportad, or that th ratraat
b ban anytbtnc lut a rmarkabl auo-
If there I ny hope for a favorable
dose of thla rear' eampalffa no on
mantlona It. but much talk la devoted
to tha operations- of neat year. .. Tha
eompletloa or tba Clroum-Balkaa ' rail
way, which I near at hand, put Russia
ta a much batter position to hurry for
ward troop and manlttoajs-of war.
Ruaala, therefore, will undoubtedly
be In a position to assume th offensive
la th spring;, and WU1 doubtless have
derived much profit front -the expert
enoea. of tba aaaaoa Just elosms. Tba
taJk of tha. London and Berlin paper
of peaer excites only dsrlalon hre, and J
It la oartala that Huesia wouia aooepx
so overturn. Possibly there miaht
va be no aoceptano If th overture
ware mad by Japan, whloh. sccordlna;
to a member af the ataO. la -drunk wittt
; , Mearael Bpcvtol, aarrtot. : .
M. I-aterabura. -wept. IB Workmen
who hav returned from Port Arthur,
report that tb defne hav been
largely aumentd by tha dtoovry.of
Chinese tor of artlllary ' 1! miles
from the fertreaa, whlcb consisted of
SO Krupp ffune of larga vallbre. with
from 100 to t.taa rounds of ammunition
for each ptaee, and all la part act aondl
ttoa. : r " - - '- J f -
(Jearaat BpeeUI geevlee.) -
Chefoo. Sept. 1. According ta Japan
ess information from DaJny. tba grand
aaaault upon Port Arthar ha bean poat
poned until Tuesday next, aad atlU
further postponement I poaelbl.
China men who left Pert Arthur Sep
tember say th Runs lane ara preparing
ta vigorously resist the next aaaault, for
which their sples aay tha Jap en see ara
making elaborate preparation. a -.-
- V
(fearatl awmlal arvlB.
Paria, Bepf. It. A prominent Japan
aaa her la authority for tb assertion
that Field Marshal Oyama haa planned
for one mar general engagement with
General Kwropatkia before tha winter
start In. -
(Continued on Page Two.)
eat Jar started down the way
Aa - It trembled oa tha nrov Ml
Mitchell broke the bottl of win upon
th prow, and m a clear, full veloa aatd:
T christen the Milwaukee."
-Onlnlng speed every moment, the
great hull glided rapidly down tba waya
Into th water. H aimultanwwaiy the
crowd gave vent to a great cheer, which
waa aooa drowned la th din created by
tha booming of oannon and tha blowing
of whteUe upon tha oountless craft la
tha bay. .
Meanwhile tba Milwaukee glided slow
ly out Into th bay, raising a heavy swell
befor her. A few yard from the waya
the big hull swung slowly around and
stood motionless with her broadside to
ward the crowd Th workmen who had
been stationed on board quickly dropped
a hawser and mad fast to a buoy. Then
tha spectators, realising; what a graceful
vassal and formidable fighter tha Mil
waukee will be. broke forth la another
mighty cheer
Th Milwaukee Is a p rotor tad cruiser
of I.TM ton displacement, and la a ale
sr ship of the Charleston and the St
Loels, which were authorised by tha
aaroe not of eon grass. Her principal
data la aa follow: Length, 43 feet;
strain breadth. If feet; total djsplsce
meat. t.7o. ten;- moan draught at nor
mal dlptaomnt 21 feet I inches; en
girt, twlo-serew. 11 .0-horsepower;
peed, II knsts: norms coal supply, Md
tons; aoal-bunkar epeotty, .$ tons.
Th hip' armament I to be aa fol
low; Fourteen 1-Inch rapid-fire guns.
II 14-pounder .rapid-fir guns, IS
l-pminder rapid-fire guns, 4 1 -pounder
au tom s tie guns, a l-lnoh mptd-flr field
gun. I machln guns, tt caliber, and t
au I email fuss. It oallber.
' BmmfeBmBWaaBWM--BmJ .. 1 -"L
'V Y) AaaaaVVm VOB AATAUJk -
Heal riiiiiiMii' Bern aiad Mf fay-
A on fOMIMlasn,
: a'laauBaMf
- assMg grrea
-in Hp Jit A,
. v '-v -- -'. 'fc'''.';-t'-v . . ,) a-j j.y.i- '-, ' '' rrnm t vw rri wan.), -.
r. i ' - " v"- ' 1 ' ' "" ;; u
" i " tfsnrmi tparJal- aerrtce.) ' V. -
Waw Tork. dept. . Rear Admiral
ahl will shortly pnbllah hi aatoM
ocrapny awdar th title of Twrty-f!v
Teara Under tha PuMr." It WW b about
tha. third book,dvoted ta to panlah
.war, 1
Rererrln; to hi operation against
Carver' Spanish fleet, the preface
aeya: "Svanta will be reoorded from tb
writer awn viewpoint and criticised In
a tfplrlt of faimesa. but without malic."
This I not the admiral' drat attempt
at literature, nod should It prove aa
interesting and meritorious aa did his
book oa the "Rescue of Oreely," Issued
to IMC, It will ha raad for Its own worth
rather teas from mar euiioalty to
' '(Jearnll Sptelal Bsrvlm.
London, flap. 10. Tb flnal heat in
tha tw-kiloraetsr eyellng'rao for th
world championship t th Crystal
oalaoa today , waa won by Hurley, tb
American amateur ehampHm.
Th flnal kllomater profeaslonal ehsm'
ptonahtp wa won by Ivor IAwsob, also
aa American.
Tb final of tha 1M kflomtr ama
teur championship raoa waa woa by
Meredith of England la I hour, II ml
utea and - oond. t
' ' fJoarasl SpaeM asrvlea.) -)
Santa Crus. Cal.. Sept. It. Word wa
received thla- - mornlaa that Semper
V Irene -park and Governor eaaap . st
Big Basin wr avd, but that every
bridge aa tha road hi burned.
From Big Creek oomes word that tha
fir 1 under control, practically all th
structure la tha Una of tha Ore wr
destroyed. . , ,
Maurice Maeterlinck ' -
. Th famoua playwright and au
thor, write af "Th tragical la ,
dally Ufa" , . ,
Bhhop James B. Fvnston " '
.Of Idaho, write of- IDarth th
, Battlsground." , , s t
Dcv Albert. IL George -'; ;
Plctiaa thw quest toq of rovis-
Ion of eanonV which will com
befor tb triennial Kplaoonal'
eonventlo nxt month.
Van arm tad
t th
glean hi views on tha wpuish naval
battle which ereated uob. an unfortun
ate oontrovsray with th lata Admiral
ampson. . .'
Aau te- tbar tlUe of the' book, bat few
men. It 1 admitted, ar batter qualified
a aire 'a pleasing history of the United
4tetea aavy In tha paat rara
than ha.
chley official reoord stand aa fol
lows: Appointed a cadet at the United
State Naval academy at Atma nolle.
September-larlSM; graduated and war
ranted, a midshipman. Junev IK life;
lieutenant July 1. 181; - Ileutenant
oom mender, JUy tt. ll(f; commander,
June .10, 1174! oaptain. March ll, lilt;
commodore. February , lM; rear ad
raaral. March t, MM. "
i -
A Wrong rumor 1a durrant today that
all dice-shaking for money and trade
will be stopped by District Attorney
Manning and Sheriff Word. Hearing uf
the latest phase of th gambling cru
d. T. R. Carson, manar of th Or
pheuaa,.thla afteraooa threw away tola
"I heard that a mov I oa foot to
top all dice-shaking, and Immediately
threw away my dloa," said Carson.
do not want t eiolat ny law, so rather
than stand th ehanoaa of a raid t took
Immediate aotwa."- -
Th Orpheum people caused th cru
sade 'that ha, ended In the ' eloaing of
every gambling devloa.- They wanted
to apen a gaming-house, Chief Hunt re
fused them tba light and- thy atarted
th Sght.
mi ,m . 'm iii ,i ; 'ft'
' ' (fhwewJ Dlsyatck Is The JearaaL) '
Oarflero. Waalu Sept. It. Adam Car
rloo, aa aded miner, waa aogldentally
not laat night oa Oold creek. He bad
been hunting and was standing oa a log
when he slipped and his gun went off.
On sys waa destroyed aad his fore
head and skull Injured. H will pro bo
My die. - . . -
WW magaalne can boast a
rnich th Sunday journal
addition to th special
" with his story
T?ycsi Dictionary. :
: Somereet, Ella Wheel
amuees In
toeler Wllcos.
gory, give The Journal reader the latest and nest or tneir spsciai
articles. Sloe Oeorge Ado's fables there ha been nothing funnier la
lang than Bell Blfts's "Feminine Fairy Tale." Ton may read to
morrow "How th lever boy won, th swell doll and lived oa Standard
Half Portland fa trying already
with most of Oregon befor th
contest for :
a anther of Mr. Prank Beam's
Oa eppear In tomorrow' Journal. Illustrated with the funny picture
of the Tin Woodman, Jack Pumpkin head, th Scarecrow and all the
of tha quaint little people
will keep on laughing
color page of Th Journal magasTn, for Swtnnerlon and Opper,
Mager and "Caw." with their pictorial- accounts of Happy Hooll
the Katienjammer Kldo, Mia Monk's lov affairs and the Handy i
from Tlmbuctoo are all doing their
For th more auostanttai
best news ervloe in. the nort
For th more substantial part
i went.
Not h In that happen In the gk
Pacific northwest, whether It ba
wa v li.nrhni-U in th Hnlfili af BurniM In thai Mtilara af
the United Statea or right her at horn In Oregon, you will And It
- Srst I Th Journal, end sow here ' elss. Besides being complete and
- well-edited. It la attractively printed on the biggest press In Oregon
v . .11... 7 tZ. TA-.I- K - rnM
the Brst metropolitan press In Portland or ths elate.
Fifth and lamhlll
streets and take
bny pre. It I gt
tent. There
Th jouraai asms to
read .
, v - " . '. ,' ... -.. '
'J ' .' " " ' ':V'.-. -' -v , .
'I " .1
In an this tlaes h waa never tb a
ieot for anr aotloa by aoiutr other
thaa la tha onrtrmrrla af bis various
promotions ta tb aaaal ooars. -
' Frtend of tha admiral aay that alnea
th ddatb of SampMm. tba book, which
was-even tba' under eours of prepana
tlon. baa been completely rewritten hi
the greater part. Inasmuch aa at that
am Schisy need It aa a means for an
Welinc Sampson' statsmsnts - direct
and expaotad that tba latter would reply
ta kind, . - . - -
Th death of Sampson oompellod him
tb temper th book to the clrcumstsnce
and Uma. It 1 alawd to b aa addition
to urrnt htatery.
' r Jesml SsseUI lervfee.)
. Huntington, W. V Sept. 10-A feud
between, employ af , rival railways'
const ructloa oampa smpioyin: Italian
ramlted la sis daatha. Several pltchsd
battle hav taken plaoa.
-Tha dead: John Petrada, Antone
Romanl, Philippe Oaatoniot Louts Laro
and two unldsntlflsd men.
A number of the leader are under
arrest charged with murder. A deputy
sheriff la guarding th ampa, and also
the Jail to prevent th releaee of tb
prisoners, "' '
' ' ' 4JerMl epsstel tarvfe.
Topaka, Kan., SepC It. Colorado ffl
otala hav not yet asked Oovarnor Bailey
for a requisition for Romatae, wh v
eral day ago ooofsesed to sompMclty fes
the Crippls Creek dynamite ootrage.
Bailey refuaee to discuss kla action
until Colorado make a move.
liner Hat of contributor than that
present every wee to it reaaers.
article mentioned, . Amoro wierce.
of Thrletmas on Poker Die Island." nd hi
his own aatlrloal way. and Lady Henry
Eleanor Amae. Rev. Thomas B. Qre-
WOtiGLE - BUG SAVf ' !
to gutae, and the othsr half, along
ith l out win a engegea in u
briaht tor1a of th visitors from
who make the children laugn. The
when they turn to the otuer three-
h Journal magasln, for Swtnnsrlon and Opper, Qua,
best la
of th paper, Th Journal offer th
It la first
It la first la war, first la peace,
of Interest to the people of the
the ereues
In eama and on battlefield
Come anrund to X
a look at
tha his- flva-atnrv raln-
never wee one like
It In Oregon an til X
you want to naep acreaat c to una
Old Employes of Packing
t - Houses Apply at
' Stock Yards. " - ?;
Few SkllN Hei Takei Sick Today
OwIdU Small Stack Arrivals
. ; Strikekeakeri Are :
leavfn Yards. . ) -.
(Jearasl Spedel aarvkaV
Chleaco, Sept. Thousand f th
old employee af the packing bouses to-
day applied at th atookyard far work.
Great effort waa emisssry to ms In-4
tala order jnona - th thousands of
tha returning unionists were Jeered by
the strike breakers, but no eonfllots took
place. At various plica th man ar
being Uken back alowly.
Th member of th ebop butcher
union, numbering f,tO men. assert that
all must be taken be ok at one, and th
teamaters bava asguaaaa tha asm atti
tude. But few skilled man wer give work
thl momtng oa account of the small
amount of Uvea took, but It hi expected
that many will be employed Monday
morning.- The laborer faxed better,
fully ,tt being employed. About S,t0t
strike breakam th yard on th
early train, and It la estimated that
Monday morning will And not more than
40 per cent of th strlk breaks ra loalde
tha yards.
(fears. Spatial Sarvkw.) '
Omaha. Sept. Id About tot tHkar
wer given ptaee ta th packing plants
thl morning. Mora will be taken back
when the stock receipts Increase. The
strike breaker ar leavlns'i. la large
number. . .
IJeareal aaerlal arvkw.) '
New Tork, Sept. It. Lilrlan Boaatll
daughter, Dorothy, and her husband, Ab
bott Klnatetn, whom she married a year
ago. have been dispossessed of thslr
apartment la thl city They failed to
pay the rent, aad si though Lillian Bus
sell Is wealthy, bahaa not aolpod bar
daughter. - -..-
It la reported her that th act res
was opposed ta her daughter1 marriage,
and although keeping upon apparently
friendly term a. haa never felt kindly to
ward bar son-in-law. This Is said to be
one reason for her refusal ta saMat bar
daughter la a financial way.
1 ' ' 1
(tpeeUI Dteaatc to Th IiwatL)
Tacoma, Wash., Sept. It. Dr. Otto
A. Martlny has been arrested at Xagle
Pasa, Tsxae, after a chase since last
January, charged with th forgery of
school warranta and uttering worthleea
obecka, embeaalemeat of fund aad
other trregulsrIU at X ton villa, St
mil from bsra. .
He 1 an educated man and S graduate
of Heidelberg university.
, i, m m i in i in I
v aareal Special ervt.'
Toulon, Sept. 10 One of th fletllm
of It French torpedo-boats which atarted
thl morning for th extreme orient later
returned to the offing oa sooount of th
death of ah engineer who wa eau-ht. m
tha machinery and killed,
- (Jsaraal apeelsl twvk4 '
Paris, Sept. 10. Prlno Loaiar of
Cobarg, daughter of Kins lawpald. who
recently caped from aa asylum, haa
written aa extraordinary letter, whiob
aaya: .
"We prince and princesses are merely
oreaturee .tf flesh and blood. Ilk tb
t of mankind; and, although you
mak every endeavor to thwart nature,
th tlm come when nature, avenged,
trip us of all etiquette."
In describing- her childhood, eh says:
"My father wa seldom home, but
usually with th youngeet and prettiest
"During the first fortnight of my
marriage to my husband. om I had
found to be a drunkard, ft r- -i. lute my
bedroom, accomnaod g - ,e aoblc-
men, all a drur.n as be.
ma I -a s 'V
lOi r, . Sa .
1 I I., , i
Of .4, a .
Mrs. Anne : L Doscher
Says Portlanders De
franded Her.
i .4
Claims , Tbey Grew Wciltliy Ftaai ler
haitorty Seearlo It by ftiodoknt
. Iw Estate Was Okcj
-V-' Wortk twOO.OOCv h "
I arge of a aaasmtlona abametar are
f embodied la a formidable legal document
filed today in tha offloe of tha aterk of
1 tha cirouit eourt. Consplraey la allegea, -
and aunag Uiuss aajasd aa dafwisisnis
are aoma of th beat known buslnsa and
chargea are mad by Mrs. Ann X
Doscher, well knows to all old resident
of Portland, and at one time the .owner
of large holdings of raal estate la thl
elty and elsewhere, but bow reduced ta
poverty, tt I declared la the petition,
through ths machinations of those who
she say conspired ta secure her prop
arty. Fraud, forgery and svea arson
ar among the meann alleged to have
been employed ta accomplish their ada.
These remarkable accusation are aet
forth at length In the cross complaint ,
Aled la behalf of Mrs. Doscher by her 1
attorneya, MoOarry A Rkshardsoo, la tha
suit of tha Portland Union Stockyard '
va Multnomah ' county, Mrs. Doecha.
having become party t the ypcoeed J
Ing by intervening petition. She 1 said
to have been the owner 10 year ago
of-raal estate worth over !,Mt, Which
wa encumbered at that- time for ls
than 91t,ttt. Tha story af the manner
ta which ah, aay ah- waa defrauded -of ;
her property la summarised a follow la 1
th fipelns page f her era
' That at tha time aforesaid lt4) A
combination of men existed hi th city
of Portland. Oregon, for the purpoee of .
extortion and otherwise swlsdllng sad
defrauding tha property holders of said
city; that said combination consisted. In
part af ena J. W. Blaln, - Conrad C
Capteat M A M. Ashley, C K Ramellav
Guy O. Willis, W. H. Oiindataff. Louts
Burks and ether; that they and each of
them were allied secretly with others, la
the execution of their various scheme,
and that tbey and each of then, the
and there, entered hit a conspiracy ta
croat flctltlou. unnecessary and un
reasonable aa lees moots and tax, to
tin pos upon her unequal and oppraaalva
public burden, ta Involve her ta debt
depreee th value of br property, under
mine her credit, entrap her lnta litiga
tion, prevent her from borrowing money,
absorb her property and divide th pro
ceeds thereof among' themselves and
other confederating with them. That
at tha time aforesaid ah wa oomprs
tlvely wealthy, while aaM Blah, Willis.
Rumetln. Ashley, Cap!. Burke and
Grind ataff wore ra Impecunious arrenia
sta nee; but that ha tb result f their
said conspiracy, tbla intervenor waa. In
th epaoe ef four year, despoiled of sH
her property, while th said Blaln.
Willis, Caplee and Grind staff and their
associates became by tha criminal and
Illegal means herataafter awl forth, an
furtherance of said ooturplracy,
posesseed of ths Whole thereof."
The list of tb property of which Mr.
Doscher say shs wa despoiled I a
long one. It Include land at tha
corner . of Front and Sixteenth
streets, 91 lots adjoining th Lewi and
Clark fair around, a larg tract be
tween Wilson. North Nineteenth and
North Twnty-rst etreet. a? I feet ef
water frontage and several minor hold
ing In the western- part of th dty.
Mrs. Doehra story of th various
transactions aceupls nearly st typo
written page, and deals with a multi
tude of transactions extending vr sav
er! year. Blaln, Burke aad therr as
sociates ar aatd t have trteksd her
into Incumbering her property with
needless loans; to hav oauaed special
assess men ta to be levied for th asm
purpose of compelling hr to abandon
(Continued on Pag Two.)
t ' I '
Princes tonlw despised bar husbsnd,
Philip of Baxe-Coburg, from th Srst,
that the prlno told her so her betrothal
that be loved her mother.
"I waa beautiful. 1 know It, aatd th
princess, "and adorer wer not Inch
ing. " J - .
. Among these h dealer- wa her
brother-la-law. Prince Ferdinand ef
Bulgaria, who sought t win her la
very wy.
-The princes has told me" aay M-V
tachten. "that oa one o-eaalon ha
her a potnsrd with w - to rid set- f
of her husbend. He w . f r
seek to boy her favor
1 we," aya Lo"--with
life and grv.
la little pie--"'"
torted and
oua t
no o