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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1904)
' fcy s f-PTFMBER f, 19L - 0 I. i0 ( Who V:: j sum i.:ilc:tic7 RATE J m0 ,a W ft. ( r ' t 4 A t i aw jtt o es L4 After drifting aboat 100 feat f th point wnn tne bg Cwm' flnt eroaMut, ,- - r W.. W. a- Is making another bv -'t to f-e-lu rmim the wwuh of tue ' jr bg eastern Oreeo pi-.-'-- . received two days ao'a r-" t ' 'imiM foreman that the ev--d a "jta a ienih of io rt, ad t it 1 further ste of th ' v.n hd n rn ' )- " reaonad. Th srada of ere driv through In the work from tha drltt waa Ctd to be about the earn o to at t struck by th main ero-wut and tha iso raat of arirt ran eug eouroe of tha vela. V-Uh a cfuarta gangu of remarket) e beauty and tba generous presence of popper pvrliee. this ore attracts attention. -Wersver aHUaa . Th iHiunmiMit et-va that tha itavarmg top par content la ail work dbne ' ' -Un tba win since It wa openod on tha ' IT 6-foot level reaches about I per cent. J This intrude tha crosscut whsr tba t. main drlrt entered tba or bofly, -proving a -width of fart, about 100 fart of drifting and tba teat 1 feet of croaa , outline dona at tha faoa of tba drift '.Am tha or, la vary uniform and persiet i ! ant In tha big ahoot. -tha management ; ellevg thai tba furtbar and la not yat , reached la the drift. -, Nothing d annua baa yat been da . termlned upon by tha oaaagamant aa to treatment Secretary U. A. Butler of tha Oregtqi Philadelphia Securities oom ' pany, which manages tha Coooeropoli, aald today that a targs smount af de velopment would ha carried an daring the winter month, aa tha management desired to hava tha or thoroughly blocked and extensively axplorod before , ' eommenctrtg to mlU. A tha season la : far advanced, and ooatpleUoa of a con centrator of buo4 dlmanatona aa tba ora ody of tha Coppetopolia warraaU would ba tmpoaatbla bafor winter. It la probabla that tha entire eoargiae of the company will ba devoted to develop- ment unUl nett year, when It la ba lleved that tha ora reaerve will ba of aueh kMurnltuda aa to Juatlfy (ha largaat , concentrator erected- in aaatarn Oregon. - r next year elao raUway facUltlea will ' i' be great hnprovad, for K la generally , ballavad that tha lurfipter Valley will - be hauling freight from tha pain fork of the John Pay. . j t KEADY Fa aL ? : ? Ifanager W. B, wtawntt of tha 06n- - tlnental old Ulntng company. Which V operateadia the eouth Myrtle creek, near Roeeburg, la la tha alty aonfarrlng with Judge Swaek and othwra tatereated m the Srork. Development haa baah proaeouted ' . ia extanatvelr that tha management will . erect a MUltng plant ttf or 44 toe eapaelty dally. The ora la ft fteantrat- ting propoeltlon, and W. kt not probable " that any effort whatever will be nwda to aave on tha ptetaa. t Three tnimabj hava beam driven an tha main vain, all of which abow- good , .ore bodlaa. - Tba width of tba vela range from three to t feet, greater Width being maintained aa work la proeecuted on lower lavala. Tunnel Ka. J hag been driven S0 feet and there tha wain la from to II faet wide. No. t - tunnel haa been driven 0 faat on tha vein, and tha laat t99 faat of thle drift - waa kt ft rein averaging ft width o I 'r feet. 'A third tunnel haa bean driven below No. 1 loa faat. proving ft further .axtenelon of the main ora body. Only ft abort haul la required to reach - the railway. Judge 0week aaya the engineere reporting on tha property eatl- . state that the wagon haul will not ex . eeed It ft ton. Railway fralghi to tha ; gound ar ftaa, riftsolaoo la It. and amei v. ar ehargea M. Owing to the very favorable location af tha mine. It ig be Uevad that mining and milling may ba ' 1 dona for II -ft ton. and tba ora will oon- centra ta Ave or alx into ana. With thla baala of operating ebergee. a neat profit la toft tn handling tha ora. aa value ara reported gBlformly. ooinmarokd 1ft -tha mai ahoot. .. . - t-. :j MINE'S EOUrSARY -- CAUSE OF DISPUTE r v, :- r - ;- ' ' " Judgment ta the boundary aae be ; 'twtn the Keyatona and tha Bqutty oom paAtoa, Quftrtaburg dUtrtctr aaatarn Ora con. haa not bean rendered. J. frank ' Wataon and Bdward N. Deady, who apent aeveral day In tha county beat pt arant county attending tha hearing. KaVe returned homo and any that the oaaa had not bean decided wOeo they left. , Thla litigation erotted general atten ' Uod when lnatltuted. ft one reautt im mediately felt waa tha atopplng of tha mill ope rat lone at tha Equity. Judge . . Clifford leaned ft tempo rmry reatralnlag order, which checked work in the lower tunnel, whar ft high grade ora wee i. - being mined. After further bearing. . thla Injunction waa qhaahed, and alace ':' operating ateadUy, milling and ahlpplng better rook. ' i Many of the oldeat minora of Quarta - burg hava been called upon to testify in the oaaa, Equity people allege tnat I half of their Oregnn claim la being bodily taken, by altering location atakea of tha old Keyatona claim, while tha - Keyatone owners aseert that they orlg lnally located thla grand and hava , . ainoo dona .the neoaaaary wftrtJ at tha other and of tha olalm Which did not forfeit their right ta tha entire traet ' The Keyatona has no been developing much since the injunction was dis solved. All of the guartaburg oaoip Is aetlr over the lasuo, which will doubt ' leaa ba dooloed at aa aarly data, . ' ft BWrVKS VaTBWI WMAin W. B. Baiiy and Andrew Oreon, own ere of k e Twcomft grmip, near ajumpter, h obma to a lower a'Muie for tho Winter and will be at Kaiema , until spring. 1ie year ti-y drove their , ailt ta feet furiner on t e vein, bring ing It under the od low sbart, wnera they hftve a verttnwi 4h'1i of 1x0 faet. Tne ore bndy oi-..-d in ma ibft was not cut b- "w, Y .. evr. ss the ei'ot pxcheo tf'o t l i at a ver fH a le. N't a " s e. 't will a .ntihli7 a e f v"-ean a - -e 0 li oi J ' in i il be h.i. In u r ""if' eft t d a l'h oi i;e f . . t i- r from I " 1 ' In t w i . le n f't wue. , , -J T ft if 1 J is Ito ssATT Sat X 9V rtftean ftmmpti ara dropping on tho Irfina, Jtk mine, Mount Baker district. uxi. Tne Lone Jsak w owned t t-i4JOd matv ana of whom la Henry -n of vuuuama Co. Mr Hahs re- ttirued froMs tho mine this weak, and amid that be found everything mowing; emoothly. The Ave Stamps added to tha mill tnis aoaaoti ara In oomnlaalon, giv ing tha mill ft M-atamp eapaelty. .! velopment la being continued to the pjnwi manner, v The Loao Jack Is equipped for amal gamation and ooneentration. There la no i.. plant, bot tola raeidna Is being impounded with tha proapeot of a laaoh lr pt; belr-g erected on thejroperty uicte ohv. Vainea carried by ten in- ara not very high, tut tho managemeut feela that they should be impounoa. The Mount Bsaer mine la ao far from the railroad that concentrates from tha mill are- not being hauled out for tho smelters, but'srs being held for futftra treatment on tha spot, flom type of leachine? nlaht will probaoiy be em ployed; to reduce oonCentratora. but tho management baft not formulates, puma in thla remeet. Freight from, tha mind 3 tha railway la approximately 6 ft n, which, while not prom naive for hlrh-grado product, la too much of ft waste for .the Lone Jack management. The processes for handling- oonoentratoa are being watched with Interest, and whan ft final aonolusion haa been reached ao to tho beat type for that aaotloo, ft plant la expected to be Installed. Development of the mine haa been proaeouted In ft thorough manner, sev eral thousand feet or work having Dean done. There are five na tented claims In tha group. Water power la need for the milling plant, with steam aa auxiliary power, and for tho eawmilL The prop erty la owned by the Mount Baker Min ing obmoany. the stock In which Is held nearly entirely by Portland1 men. There are no other Portland operators ox. mo ment In that eeotion. m AKD KILLS V AT EUFFALO Elir,:R SftaWsIn Uilmlk has fttat M flVO active nropartleo this fall, aaya Will Q. Brown, managert or tne voneora grvup Aka aiatriAC M. Brawn la tn 'the city at peasant to buy ft power drill and mining supplies, wnicn na secured irvm the Hammond oompany. Following the MMltWM n Kla ImiliMU. ha Will SO' tO southern Oregon for a short- tlmeanrbera he will Via It hlk former homo, and then return to the mine, where aevaiopmenc of ft prospecting nature 1ft being pressed with energy. Tho present equipment in clude three dower drill and the addi tion being made ta to enlarge tho boos of worm. Prom ft abaft sunk reef. Manager Amvm d dnmmiiI nrovlna Io feet of quarts, which he regards a fair aver ago of the vela. All of the 10 feet waa not pay, but high-graao atraans ran itiMinvh H Drtfta ara belns run on aome of Iheoe to determine If they do not converge onto a large enoov. wwe of the atreako assayed a Big na ffew. wlnu Kin ImJ. Conner and sold. Thla or la very promising, and aa drifts are maae tne menageineiu win amaacui. tkM eork la nr eased for ft abort time, alnking will be resumed. At tha Jumbo, Manager rrang Brown haa 14 stamp In commission, and good mrm veeorted monthly. The Big Buffalo management to driving ft long orosaont, wnion win owe we vera at ft depth of SOft to TM feet. About l.OOd feet of thla adtt hag been oom .14 ivtn t one tn t.Kod mora to be driven before the vein la opened. Tho r.kM l,lb Ca mn lMiaL Outside Of these propertle only little ta being done ta the Mump amnn uw nu ALAMEDA ELECTS NEW DIRECTORATE 1 . 'i- i in i r - ... wMitnwln the ataetlon of ft hoard f directors yesterday aftamoon by otoen- boldera of the Alameda Mining oompany, the old ofttoera of tha oompany were MMt nr K nauiner vear. u. m. rHuh im mfmUml nr. Immel Drake. vlce-preeloent. and ft. C. Kinney, eeore- tmrir mnA tMalUKf HanaJCOT JOna W. Wtckham waft aleo retained. The board of directors constate of the following: a u emmh. John P. Wlckham. K. C. Kinney and Dr. Btake of Portland, and J. P. Boddeker of Iowa. wniMi Wlckham waa ftuthortaeg to l. mhiImIi for the, eonatructlen of tha wagon road between the mine and Leland. ft- distance of snout ii miiea. Blda will be aaked. immediately for thla work. Surveys have, been made, which will enable tho management to proceed with dftpatctw It was the genera eenee n tha muiim that the oontract Bhoutd bo divided into two-mile dlvielone, that saany men might bo employed at onoe. a AiHiiMtnn eaeardlna the treatment niii not -result In anything def inite. Tha management It' carefully watching ft number of experlmenta with plants seemingly adapted to Alameda ores, and expects to set In the light of this experience whenever the teeta are satisfactory. T' . " . m ST. LOUtS SEKVICL : Bw O. Sk ft fcew Pt. Louie fatr visitors wiu be totor eeted In knowing; thst the O. B. N. has InaUgnrated ft daily through gtand ard sleeping oar service to that city, pasaengera arriving there In the morn ing. October I, 4, . the O. K, N. win pall 10-day return-trip ticket to St. Louis for t7.0; to Chicago, I71.H. jPartksulars of C. W. gtlnser. elt ticket agent. Tairu ana wanington. A (teeelel IHepeteh te The Soars!. hfnnow, I-i., awpt T. The University of "O W"l oun S - er l. The o e rr a suo i year are muait savour e-liv Last' yt there was s ! rrM tn tne number Of atu i a. 1 a year te n"nfvr of new ne wal be eonsiOwnMy larger than year, ' T" 3 -Jraaj 0 a r t d if ar I k V. OAS IllHtf t . --S SgsTBAT. Ftni have to fc'd their hats on r- in an oven ti -jay oar over the Oro. n w ter k w company's Una out to ieoa, it M ftllveiy trip, and ao atir -uve thai huivireds take the ride every week. Tue burry begins at tne roruana station, at tne oorner oi .rat and Aldar a treats, when the Bs- tacada, 'tra'o, come to. After ft brief stop to o eoharge pasaengera ax tne luiilM.r.uvin train nina on to Stark street to Bwcen to tho other track for una ror-'vn trip. Th peopi woo nave . B.irl m. tha lUtloa lA to Id jt.kaoaoft i ft wild break for tho cars and. U them down the street. tuirirujf out lka ft bunch of youths aiu... the-nallione at tha end of ft elr mm pMraoe. Alter every one ha been u-Jten aooard there is nauauy not a vhoimI mmt ramalnlnar In the train of three ears that makes tola run at regu lar intervals on ftunony, im we amy teinaea la not ao heavy, but it la like iiiiiw SliielnS" Leauie M. Boaw, aaorataKy of the United bHatee trOSeury, wad taken by a W. P. enolels for ft pleasure rid to BWtaoada. last weak. Tne secretary had three ys'ftSl e th oar pa tkwMiArh im teaaful aubnrha and erl - thla mm at lenta the senile motion and oooliag breeae lulled him Into somnolence two or mroo unseat after Lento was pasoea and tho motor man got that high algn, th secretary tha trumrr - reanhins for his hat, and from that time on ha sat up nA iiMk nation all th war out vo um Clackamas. Th scenery was quite dif ferent from that to wnion no na ummm accustomed going from Dee Moines out across th Raccoon river, .by Valley t a. Uim kmu at TtSilll lailll Important enterprises are afoot at p-ntivrtt Tne oieetno pvwsr piu lighting tho town la completed and elec tric lights have been plaoed In the ho tel and the dancing pavilion e the beak Construction work la now under way for lighting the streets wito eiaoiwr. a iuriM numnlne atatlon has been it M tha Plukinu and ft OOnOrte reservoir with ft oapaouy or ions to being built on anign mu wjoin . fn, a mviiy water sys- tem. The nialna have already been lad and water wiu on wraei "' ... u 4... Tha atraat . are equipped with nr hydrant) t uMh wiA kirMilr nearly all line.. oc mercantile wuw.' -y" Manu Caeturing sniarpriava mj ,,! Ifostatl fthd ft numoer oc uawm win wu ihm ' Imonf .the first Will be a. large plant for the manufacture of pressed brie, giasea ine nnu J".r Th town is mile from Portland by the present line via Lenta. Tba new line, which will bo tho Canada ro Una proper; vis ftellwood and the golf Mnks, writ be openea ror www an th. flmfe time the ftunday eurslon will be carried that -- mkm tha omcance will be II nu fh. MfliUr chedule time will be on hour and W minute. raiD hav mad the trip of l mlloa over the proseni Una Io one hour aod toto- ut aiinw rhe line of tho 6. W. P. oompany are being Moodily pushed. More sidetrack are peing win tn th terminal yaroa on -La TV l.M alatM will be OUllt thOTO, A nW, depot to being erected at Ander son BUtlon. TOO ireign nvuww . Orosham will be enlarged t once. At -.-.m'm -.MhAttA. lfl KaSt POft" land, they or turning out freight care to handle the crops this fall. Two new box car were turned out Saturday and .-. mam are under oonstrttotloo- Re ports along the lino Indicate tMt there ZJ... rT .kMi ana n of notatoOB to move to Portland. The road, wlU handle about W cars or wneei " ather nroduoe will be brought into this city. Chute for loading livestock ara news - - jT?r...lnR. .m raaatn along the Una. A steady enlargement of all the facUltlea for freight nannim- - road will no inaae. ana many V""T -h. a mnarasslve policy will prevail that Wl to few years make th O. W. P. Unas and territory on of Portland' moat important nwi. LAKE CREEK FIRES CADS1NS DAMAGE QTttOM WXTtK - - - at na Jew eel. fm.M nr sent. fA big harn owned hr Isaiah Slaytor et Blaohley MatAMna. en Take areok. It mllns west wa. hurned last Prlday. a forest fir which hae been rafting In hat vicinity having spreafl to a noaroy meadow, thence to th barn. More than four ten of hay and other oontents or th barn were destroyed. Mrs, Slaytor was alone at the time of th fir and she worked for hour trying to prevent fcta spread, but tn vain: Tha loss la aeveral hundred do Haas with no Insurance. Tha nrut f IrM alan Lak erevk Br nraedtna inln after having no been ahanha h hnrd rain and they are now reported to be worse man cney nave been at any time aunng tne eummer. The Blaohley store and pdetoffloa and tha Muh bulldlnss are threatened and the settlers are constantly fighting the.flamae to keep them from pTeadlog to and wiping out tneir nomeav . sad Poaah to. Mopyard.- Carl Heely, aged five years, who was anr in the Anderson hoovard With hi pa rente who are camped there, be came Suddenly m yesteraay xorvnoo. and died aeon afterward. Out of respect for the parent, picking was e topped for the day. eraa Knnni eoan factorv wee veeter- Alnaaa down bv Sheriff Llsk ba at tachraent by Its creditor. The pro prietor. O. I B owner, no pea oon as dear away his debt and Vesum opera- ti Chir li Tiae Cird. The Astoria Columbia River rail "mad haa adorned tt fall schedule, effec tive Sent wiser . aa followe: Train leaving Portland t'Ot a ra. runs through to Seaside without ehsnge. Train leave Beaelde fill a. na, and iito p. m. A-teria, Portland and Intermediate wwr-ft a v ABTmmmmx,r om Amioc ftxKAjrAxM poa (ill i lilt hOMaem m-She eraaLk J" alaa. rtr tt -nt f..Th tata hard of trustee of tu S'te Reform school acted dverly Dn- tne appltoarlon' of Family Mai er o. L Stahl.fgr ft raise of aalary ft - a ! to &. In his rettort for the month ox -August. Superintendent Looney of th Stat Beform bohool, ftmoag gtbef things, naya: ' -a haa ha huflt near the numn- hou to fyrnl-a a uniform aupply of water during the dry season, mis nam ia muu of Iam nut tan-ether to form a crib, and than Ailed with gravel and nurse rook, lie loan or. tn uuivr owing used. Th dam Is 10 feet long. I feet wia anit haa a tt-foM Overflow Bta Three thoueand feet of rough lumber wa aa4 to uno U apper aiue en we dam. '' ' . . 'Tha aaotifl tank' to orosTesslns' rao- Idjy and wUl soon bo ready for use. The rnaniiR waa nmoau w umniin i in ha proven- hard task, in worn so- far ha been ooompuanea witn very Uttle ontsld help. It 1 Id by SI feet in the clear and WlU b a, ftoum waa "On AugueA L bcyd werV ln th anhnoL two nommltted ourms to Mnih- Kai J arret L. ' from Wasco mrA Arthur HalL from' Jose .1.1.. MimiTi tam Mvi returneA Wal ter Krlee, from Marion oounty, ana vuy Hajujaltle, from Douglas. . Two VT uMMil a a4 who, la In th OOUOty )il 'at ftceeburg and will Boon b re turnedt two boys away on leare of ab sence; remaining to aohooi awpiesse VVvlna4Ha Ml the BUM 1W ftf fhO state seema to be ft popular spon in ww state If reports that are coming dally from nil over the vauey are oone Thai awsme to be tho oaaa, aapaotoUy la regard to the Chines pheasant. It is aald that they are being- killed tn miwM 1 tha vtraJrla and ftdla- oent hill country to th east of this city. Tho law to atrtngont anougn. oug its onr torosmoat to hat a easy . taea. , ftimarlntendent Calbreath'g report far the month of Anaust shown that on July 11 there were 1.S71 patients In the asy lum and tnat curing n nipio e mh gust there were rooslved ST; discharged. died and disappeared, if, making; a net mir a mm la number of Inmate. Th t M4.1 nav.roll fa AuSUSt WS It. 144. OS. The expeitditsre f th lnstltutton wer br Pe, L. fl. fvanaarh and a nalntsr WSffclng for him teU from th platform of ft now hop kiln on the Cavanagh plaoo between thla city and Turner yesxeroay uternoou anfl amp haitlv hurt. Th OlatfOrm OOl- lapood and let them down a dtotonoo of Id feet. Th painter euftmd a iraotur nr the arm. and aevere bruises. Cav anagh was badly bruised, bat awtjar- ami.!., - ' ..; . - Motauiny. ., ' All th Salem aaioon-keeoer that war arraated her on Monday of last week tor keeping tneir piaoas or os- mmh mi Itufiilav 1nw "aurnoeee of labor aad dmd" appeared before iustloe of th pesos Turner . yeanraay ano n leaded not gnlltr and their oaseo were set fr hearing on aaiuroay at it oroiooa. Tho Rook Point grain poo. of mock Point, near- Sublimity, thm oounty, which ha been holding Its oats for the past few weeks, ha finally nude a aale thereof. The pool held 40.004 buahela af oats and had refused vartous offers at ft lower ftoure, but fthey finally accepted th offer of 40 osntt mad by Balfour, Outhrie O., toss on coot for ware- houseag, leaving ft net Pi 11 oenta Co th owner. , . - - iima- i - FEDERAL JUDGE IS V IWVENTIYE GENIUS ftaerit Dtmahs t The JOarssL - Spokane, Wash., Sept TJudg K. L Ranferd of th federal eourt hag found Urns to devote to other things beetdes th study of Blackstone. After itoiea mr to th evidence In numerous oases ever th ownership of Ash oaanlng pat ents he evolved an Idea of hi 'own, which baa resulted In ft patented ' de vice, which bids fair to com Into vernal uee. Th Inventtonr aonslstn of ft eombtrav tlon of peculiar appliances and mechan ism connected together to eonstltuts Complete machine for putting eovor upon can after they hav been Ailed. and crimping th Sang of the overs to At the eaog snugly In an operation. Tha patent aa waned proteota 41 claim of th Inventor, 41 of whloh are technical ? POLICE FORCE OF ,? v4 SEATTLE INCREASED leaeetal mepetok t The JbansLI ' Seattle. Waah.. Sept. T Th elty eouncll to apeclal seeeion toot night do elded tft Increase the polio force by 0 patrolmen. ' Th addition la peraianeut and 1 mad neeessery by th number of burglaries, holdup and petty cranes bemin three weeks ago, and wnton era becoming ao numerous that the polio cannot cop with tho criminals. L Par mere than a year proprtyown- r have been calling for police protec tion for. the residence dlatrlcta Th council ha persistant! y rerusea to grant it until after a hard fight th cllqu headed by President QUI wa broken op in the ngtslativ body and popular de mand respited in aetton. OREGON LEAGUE IS V ; DOING GREAT. WORK Score of tetters hav neon received aat tha afflaara O th OrOOOtt DOvelOD- meat loagu wlihln th past week asking for Information concerning tho re sou rose of thla tt snd th . Other section of th greet northwest Th letter earn from alt parte of th United State, chiefly, however. Treat mm. In tha Middle western stats. naa(MBii .mt trade and mm irfeeetna t represented by tAeuthors of th uii.M , ravMie. alectrlelana oentlata. farmers and ethers desire to knew tho resource of the etate and tn ohaacee for money making. Thaaa la hafH of the DublleltV WOrk of the Development league feet highly gratified with ta receipt ok tne wnera and believe that IneeUraeble result will b aacdsnpltolMd oyiu organimuea. ttsfwlsssin i u mm oovwimw ftvus at nr. ovw r . 1 "I. rina ft ha atil( ahetaale that aa hindered the securing of St Loul'x- hlhlta tnr tha I aaila an I ITlarK ISir WB removed this morning when the corpora tion was notified that tn eaatern xretgm associations had decided to extend the special ahlpplng rutoe mad Cor thft sl Lniila fair tn th ISO 5- axuoaltlon. Th word wa received ny uenvrai H(.ht a.i Ulllaa- rtt tha O. R. A N. Co. and wa then given to Prealdent H. W rinnrfa nt tha fair.' AoOBrdln tO Mr. Millers notloe, th weetern irun mmmlMlm. th tran-M Issourl fthft transooatlnntl freight bureau, th Central Prelght aseoclatlon and the Trunk Line aseoclatlon hav agrees to nft tn ashlhltnra Jferhn send dlSDlSys to the 1001 fair th same apeclal return rate a that given nt. &oui -inwiuinv Thla MnuiaMlnn waa sousht earlT ltt th year, but without result, and when Mr. Ooode fas la th east in 4uno ne iwk im the matter with the bureau im china an. SMnallv tha renrssentations mads by Mr. Ooode wer given a bear- i. an wmIIt a s-aMMl aCriMUlU aulai amnna araotlr.allv all of hS railroad or th country, giving u i aajaf wertd'e fair the earn nrnin Bton b hav seen granted nt. iouia. iMnint to the fair officials, th question of shipping oharga baa up to this time Stood in tna way ox scouring many of tho St. Louia exhibit, th por- ha via a thaaa In eharaw not wish ing to take apace bar until it wn aitalw annminnan hU Ul eOSt U wAaid he. Now that -the question haa bu ao xavoraeiy iii iMtAP a Wvhihita iioacn win ne noti fied and It la believed that many vslu hiM. that hava been sou eh t but not yet promise win no aooa swour. WALLOWA COUNTY " WILL BOLD FAIR vha' haaioe af tha atat aommldalonera of the 1IM fair were gladdened yeeter day by ft letter reoeiveu iru Wmlr ...UIlM Th ft- soelatfon stated thst on Ostobor the first fair ever held In the county wouiu - a ha tha ml i aaann the enUrpiie had been started was to In sure a deelrable exnioit or inceouncr n- uwt vaar at the Lewla and Clark axpoatUoa;- The fair era alerted solely as a puoue wrp"" - getting Into the work and enlarging th . m tha fat- aa MMkM demanded. the promoters found that dhore was a liability that they would have more debt than even puoiio aptmea u.m aall aWnr tn MV. Bo in ft d- slrs to discover whst aid the etate oom- mlsslon oould rrnioer tnoy wrote, nw. atata anvnvnlaalan Will Mb ftblO TO pay half tho ooat of th Wallow oounty exhibit If the total cost m nwt a. aaa la xMltlon WlU BUrofaa such exhibits aa th oounty may desire Included in the general atai exmim anw .k-. --- to the eom mission. Tho Wallowa exhibit at the J-o fair will be one Of the now complete am a in af the Ahuntv col lect! cms and the entire oounty haa for month neon aeeawg ui "" . i. a ha anuhtv fair. Such. a rare spirit of enterprtee and loyalty to etate Interests has toueneu tne oonwwwiiwn and the needed money, up to tho, I0 limit, WaU OO iqnww"' CATCHES GLIMPSE " OF NERVY BURGLAR natetd whUe trying to break Into ft hmiaa at th oornor of Stork ftnd Tenth streets Monday night, ft thief made. his eanan. Hia aaserlotton wa eotatnea and map prove valaabU to th nolle. They believe thla man on of tne -iao dor" thieved that ha been giving thm so muoh trouble of lata , -Wbll sitting on tho porch of hi rial deaoe. en Stark at rest, near th orner of Tenth, William Hanford new- mad ...Mitkia. mm Sha aemoeire ide of the thoroughfare, who action were pe- eullar. 'Tba man reached tne maewaia ..a .in.i.1- aftaa lanatlaet oarofnllv around to aee tf anybody war tn sight. and evidently brving nooooy, n stepped off the alawwalk onto a grass lawn where he could walk nolseleasly. Carefully approaching ft window of the oorner house, the thief again looked Muni -rhla time he Paw Hanford. Jumping from th lawn to lh aldewalk he ran np Tenth. Hsnroro Toiioweo, bud wmen he reaohed Tenth and Oak streets th burglar brad disappeared. Tho man ' em about nv root, oigni tnohe tall, with ft very pallid faeo and sandy muataohe. Ha wore a dark suit of Clothes and ft ftoft black hat. . , LABOR SUBJECT OF CHILDREN'S LECTURES Mia Harriott Hassler of ' tho City library gv a talk to a large number of children yesterday afternoon on the prodttcta of labor. It waa aimpiy aa Introductory talk to a aenea wnicn sne will give every Ptlday afternoon, be- alnnlng. wl'h September t, en the earn subject. She will apeaK next rnoay on agriculturs. th following pnoay on th milling of grain and the third Fri day on the history of the wheat - Yesterday she went over much of tha ground which she will cover In her other talks, but did not go toto detail, only giving tho children an tdea of her sub ject. Her talks will be Illustrated with picture and with gram and tha meal during the different proooassa of milling. In October she will give ssrles ef lecture to the children on the Norse legenda, taking "up the Nlebetunganlled and Wgnrla atortoa. ,,-.. Brown aer nd wtll pley at th North park, Bear tba.ctfBtom hone to night. Th program will begin at 1:lt o'oloofe and la aa follows: , -March "Legion of Mooor, , . .Bugllone Walts "Kstudlantlna" .... . Waldteufel Overt re-"htornlng. Koon god Kight' sapa IdyV-Th MU In tho Poresf . ...;....... ailenherg Medley of Popular Airs...' DeWltt Caprtoo Klegant "Sweet Tows' ,, Laurenden Oem from "Robin Hood" DeKoven Two-Btep InUrnteoao "Karama" . . Qrey Bbt oerpt from "The Sultan of Sulu" . r - We the 11 CalWaik 'Peeofu2 Henry"... Balnea Alloa Uwlt' Beat Brand. WXaal? OOSOAXMI BaTVXB AMW CTXhASdC OOnUPOBATXOS? : IT MIGHT BE YOU The next special prize to be awarded for the nettr est comet estimate received before September 15th win be a $375 upright piano.;,," ..7 . lU I SEND IN TTOIIK ESTIMATE TOttAY ! HtKZ IS A SUMMARY st frbm .A Wnotdrn TowPntf Csr (rtkK MftM) ..Vssps M0O U rVlw-ei MsM A Hdwhww wTftmej raw..M..Vsa oW.2O0 34 IrtanwA Cisdvsf CrwSdl Plftss w,Vsss $i,000 . vv'" if'1 VsTuw. ; 1 t Conopcr Cabinet Grsod Upright ,anasa-..-f$w)0 . 1 10 Kingsbury Upright PiAnos.. .............- W0 tO Am3io Pimno Plsrers... .0M fO Chicago Cottsgt Orgsns.. --e-Hi.- S400 Gnnd Rspkls SecckmU Book Cases 1,000 - 80 RoTsJ Sewing IdAshiocs. .....w..... 1M SO Kalamssoo Stoves and Ranges .......a XfeOQ 10 Vfofcns, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos 500 4 AO Solid Gold, Gold Filled finameiefl aad eweisa Men. and Women. Watches........ '100 Colombia Grapbophonea . t. ....... .-., ' TO ArVistm PathonxawC Cs-ahhrms..........a--. BOA PJaa- Tya rumA,m P1efe SiWsyararoi . . a. 100 Gem Safety Rasora.. .V... -v- . 100 Moore'a. Non-BresJcabk9 Fonntaia Pens.. ; too ,1,000 Volumes niieodore RooseTelt,. 1,000 Volamss "Hodgson's American Homer". . ... ' 1.000 1,000 Votemea "Stephen G. Foster's Song Album". v WO tfiOQ Soag aad Musio Folios . ..... . ' BOO .---'. - I '"'Y t ft' c 6,000 Total a- ,.... e, . - ..s00 COrOfTrOfiS OF THIS GREAT C0NTCST K0W TO MAKE 0i wnvm roa jjOuni, -TKX JOUMIAL V suESCsurriopi rate sat Busdsy, 1 remr.....A... er I 'B.IIJ wet amy. fl aw-ej. ..... f-i ills sad Smef MT. -.. eelv. reesiy.Tyer.... 1-2! aaaa... so sasa mm VKTbacD " OS! SussSlianjgiiOaT Bear Irfa rz ESE51SS? . 1 rear v ........... L -f v ' aaadrl SUBSCRIPTION. BLANK M3a than st and SM al am ntaSyJ ' famia. AUTOS WILL TAKE PLACE OF TRAINS Tba tract of ItO.oM aores of mad that th Deeehatea Irrigation Power com pany 1 irrigating and open! eg to t tleeaent has no, railway xmaeotloaa and the oompany propose to put in an automobile Hn to eonnet the new coun try with tho outaMe wsrML It I aald that every oonvenlano affordad by steam Unas la offered by ft line of oto otobllea, running ever ft amooth hard road, and should this venture prove a A..ainaa . ' Stylev Ecooofity ; fd spsly ee as-asilylloi IMai TasaaSila-SmalSwy . . ' '"'. '' B)awhOaw)o-rft dwdjawmeaMwwftnhBan mawanawl if a Of TKC 91XXS 1,600 1,600 SOO JL50. AN ESTOWTE tetPMTANT SrajISIXS nt ernaa naJas. te am year was 6.. tea it i wet h'irl m a iitii ef u. a ,w ft m A ot erit ea t tee. ef ft e,4, tea, af a-IT est was 10.0--t i. tee. at W per wm U l, tea ef B JB aw t toet teel -aa -enlliist-a, te I srtttaaiLiB-waa. me Stesa trlct was..,. 1 .....a .. .1- " .M......raja,eed X am got , rseo asavaa to warn da ulsinil l yetee. TtTC dVftSl T. My asawaawJ mt Iwhd warn te as eaatea e7 rMM the eaWTniiliairm ... r; .. f ' ' noose tt may set aft example for other Oregon ommonltl to follow. Archi bald Masoa, railway ontraetr, haa engaged te hulld the road, and la now on th grownd with a foroo of grader. Th lead will be M mile long, over a private right of way. from, which team will be debarred during th winter month. An automobile will -make the trip eaally 1b five hours, and the time now required 1 eight days. The oast of tho road 1 estimated at llft.eoo. Ko need to fear auddaa at tasks of cholera infantum, dysentery, diarrhoea, summer ooanplaJnt of any aort if you have Dr. Fowler a Extract or wua Strawberry In the medicine oheet. rottrth , MorTisogi ; Streets Millinery t tie snow you the new . Fall styles m Millinery. Our display Includes the vivid col ors, smart thapes and. latest demifwv all 4 . reprwaenutive cr c t tion of charming 1- t. The most pc 'ar F r Fall wear are t e J velope. -M b e French Tttrb?'i Dress I 0 point. . .,. k " " - "