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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1904)
V, . t': THE OREGON DAILY" JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVEKINO, SEPTEMBER 7, 104. ASaSETO OVn 17 MILel-IO". Talent and Bookies Hare Pn Break Browns Oo Down Another Peg M. A. A. C- Men Meat Thia. Eveninf 6aaehafl and Sporting Wtm. 1 Day's Events in Sporting' ASTGIA CUT F08 FC3TBALL o&vs year nuoi An jiora to un wow ruTiu vo IUT ox UIVU. - -- Iwtal Si - Aatarla, Imt The Commends! stab foetbaU teem 4s Ctt1nc M snaps tor -the cmiu season, and local eothuelaste. as , wsll as CoMhM AewrcromMs and Blair, - declare tb eleven tale 'year wUl be the bMt la ths northwtrt. - Lwt year's (mm, sir of the players on wale are available thm saaaon, olesed the aaaaoa .wlta a etean rawed. The team wow every same, Ineladlng a Imrd-fwostit contest wtth Um crack Indian team that toured the g-wtawest, and was scared ngalast but anee, -ba a fort Stevens baok ran through a arawd aa tha aide lUiaa and enrried tha ball over tba goal , Una. - Aa the paiaa reeiilted la a aoara of 4a ta 4, do protest waa mad against tha touchdown, 1 Blair la the' moat vaJuabla addHloa , to this raar twin. Ha formerly played with tha University of Michigan taam. and ru looked upon aa ona of tha restart enda tn America. Whaa Mieht gan want east to fight K out with Yala, Blair distinguished himself, and never aoca during that memorable match waa a m In mada around him. Tha acquisi tion of Blair, who la now a reeident of thla city, makes It possible to ra-fona tha front ltna la an advantageous man ner. , Anothar aaatara man haa alap bean acquired thla year. Hla name la Heeckel, and ha la a wonderful epeel man of athlete. He " haa ijeveabeen aonnoctad with any of tha really big teams, but baa played ta tba east for several seasons, and haa been well oosohed. Ha la a tadaie and ahowa Bp exceptionally wall In practice- In tba big gamee 'scheduled for tha coming saaaon Aberrrombie wtU play full barm. Ha n coaching tha back, field again thla year. Abercrombla la a pow erful fellow and haa tba benefit of sev eral yeara' experience at Madison, Wta.. where he ptayed with tha University of Wlaconaln team. Hla wort; laat aeaaon 'on tha Commercial taam sained for him tha admiration Jf tha boat football-player la tha northweet. "Crop" Stockton haa aeu chosen aa captain of tha team. . He played quarterback laat saaaon and acquitted - hUnaelf creditably. Ha la heavier thla season, and will probably again mafc the taam. Bay will un doubtedly continue at canter where ha cava eminent satisfaction. There are bIk or savan man available for halvee, but It Is expected Oammal and Ood dard will asain be put In at guard. Sut ton may be awltched from tackle to and.-) Barker, whose senaatlonal rone ware the feature. at laat year'e work of tha Com merclai) teamt Roxy Oraham, tha re markable little halfback, who furnished soma excellent Interference; Will Peln-i tar. Chart ee Halderman. Reamn, Jonea, Nat Tallant and about a doeen otbara are out for place. Painter and Tallant are looked upon as moat likely candi dates, and Xesaa has a sood, obaaos for A place at and. Tha aeaaon will be opened here reek from Sunday with Fort Stevens. Tha following1 Sunday Ilwaco will be taken an. Cbemawa will' play here, and Com mercial will meat tha Indiana at Salem, wblle arransamenta nave bean mada for a punt at Portland, with Multnomah. The ant varsity taam haa written for a data, but wants 160a. Tha proposition . la atUl under consideration. - Tha Commercial taam n out for tha aorthweat championship thm year, and will strive hard to sat It. wrteaaaHB.BaP"wjeuwj Lea A A9R oi im Ml .boo mum Baa Frssehai SO .60 in .a OaKIlna sVaUasd .4m .43B M si Lett waa Was Basy fes snwaahaa. Saattla, Waahu. Sept. T. Tba hag da rn red hatting- rally of tha atwaahaa ammo sC yesterday and they secured taa hits In tha nrat two mnlnaa off Thomas and scored elfht runs. Charlie Hail waa la fine form and held Taooma safe throughout tha gams. Mike lyneh suc ceeded Thomas la tha third and held Seattle to three kite thereafter. n Tha sore; - ,v - Saattla . . 8 0 1 H Taooma . . .....0llt 1 f i Bstteriea C Hall and Blankenshlp; inuoiaav jjmm man. noaais, insi Browa, . ...... San Fra net aco, Sept. T. Jimmy Wha lon was tha atumbllna; block to tha on ward proaresa of tha Commutera, and almost ahut them out. Bart Jonas waa away for hla former taam-mates and tha Seals had no trouble jrtontac Score: Ban rraa 7.7. 7.1 1 1 8 t 1 1 a5" 5" Oakland. 0lt-1 7 t batterleaw.wnalen and Qorton; Jonea and Byrnes. - Jeataal SpMset flmiee.t Aatorta. Sept. -7-S rang lei - BmiTn. the wrestler, haa "been matched to fig-ht Fred Uullar St rounds hero If tha au thorities will permit tha so. . Tha man recently foucht 29 rounda. Smith haa also bean matched ta wrestle Chrle Pear son of Taooma, tha heavyweight cham pion of tha ooaet. Tha match will be pulled off hare Saturday nlsjhL The Centralis branah of tha Sovth- reatarn Laacua has played tts laat Same for this aeaaon. Manager Ruff says tha tha organ last loe, as far as Centralla M concerned went behind about $tt. Tha Southwest lesgne will In all prowahlllty be n-onranlaed nest year with mora towns represented than thla year. RLOOD Si a swat arts, yet tfa easiest te nre WRSM toV KMOW WHAT TO Da. Manr ssts stai " s, spots ea the 1T ' st la. soret n tke . avath, ajBsrs. fslMag 1 - A Bir, boss astaa, es- ViVWd Unt ,M aom t know It si RLA rnfltnN. SV 4 te ft BROWN, a krrt at- PsitB vM. Peas-, rer' PBOWHl n0 Crg l, g a ser settlej taats ess t-ih. sou Is rnrtuaa asly ay freak Mas. ai IMal Peer stacy. . HONORS rrtf .naa W- al (( mtmlssUM WHERE IS THE PUG JEFF CANNOT BEAT Tha kins Uvea Ions. Ions live tha kins. Mo new-born champ walks v JaftTs shoes; fi tim () la monarch of the nna Tba beat atunroe aould do waa Idea, Anothar chance? Oh. what's tha use? That dub asaln would meat defeat. ' Oo hunt a man Jim can't abuse. . . Where la tba pu Jeff oaanot haitt Old Fits, with eolar-pleauB punch.. aaat Hi. rank ta aiaauh mas Tlnn . -.' Could aoarcaiy JoaUa laffrlaa' lunch. They both served amy w isiw Wrtto einrthr foeman OOuM be flndT Li fleroer nahter aould ha meetf - . Thla man of brass, wun iron hwi Where la tha pus Jaff cannot beatt Wlaard of wallops, divers mow. f-x Miintara. croaaed. slashes, whqao Chief acuons centered oa Jaclf'e noaa. And be dadbad his jaoa m saa WhybiwThave furnished some accuse? Have h low. or used your feett HU Wokew than mlsht still anthusaf wnara Is tha 9 Jfl oanaot baatT .( .... t L'BNVOL' .-" ' wits, Sharkey, coroeii. near - - jLnA you, aaca, to;w awa aweex Oo after Jamas J. two by two-si - - There's no, ona man e yj mr- ,:::;r - 3 .. i aw Tors ...-....... ; Ss t i . i - ClnclnnaU .!. ......... i f St. Louis i ' II Brooklyn . . 44 . I I Boston . . 49 w I i . PhlladalphiA.. ........I ' S3 . The uppr picture shows tha habitual raelns axpressloa on tha faeo of Barney Oldhetd. whoso auto, runalos at tns rats ox a mua a minuis, ran m Arn.a nf anaMatoraat the St. Lauu track, fatally Injuring . two man and Miuintf nwiaaU ta ha thrown from his aHrart iniuri which mar and hla career as sa auto raoex. Below Is aboWa a platurs of OrdAald daahlos alons k fcls.raoar,- -' ' . , ' sw'A aav'aajw ea m M M t S t-JUI C3ML.I fL-ryJ CZ TO TO ELECT- CAPTAIN ,' Tha lfultnoniah Amateur Atnietic alub'a football waniora will hold their first maettas of tha aeaaon tnvs evening at tha club for tha purpose of electing a captain for tha eleven. After tha elec tion Manaswr Watklna will dlatrlbuta suits to ths different candidal ee for po- altlona. and anhounoa tha practtos nights and schadula for tha aeaaon of 1M4. It Is quits certain that Edward, Dowuns. a of Multnomah's xatnnrui youna- playera. will be chosen to captain tha taam. There was considerable talk about Harry Corbett taking tha position, but Harry today announced that ha did hot nave the time to properly look after tha imatortant duties or a captain, ao consequently ha oould not be a candi date for election. Cheater Murphy waa looked upon aa a food man to lead tha taam. but Cheater says wax na ia ioo busy to attend to football thla year. Dowllns has piayea inreo yean tha . taam and la a Merer piayer ana performed as a star at and laat season. Thai outlook for, a successful - season at M. A. A. C ta full of promise. There RED BIRD WINS - $1,200 RACING PURSE (Josreal SeesUI Servtes. , Hartford, Conn., Sept. t .Summary: elaas, paelnc, puree $!. Ml Bird won three atralM boats Jk 1:111a. Caoltal City stakes. trottlna. purse f l,fc0Q--Alexartder,wOB tha second. third and fonrts neata in a:aa 1:1 1H :et elaaa, pacing, purse tl.lOa Oal- lachor woo two suaisbt Mats, aaon in ' Chfeaco. wpt. T.-Harlem aummary: Five furlongs Eckereail won; Urns, 1:001-1. Six furlotss-Tha Oadfly wonj time, 1:114-1. v Mile and 10-yardsTonnaat WoA; time 1:44. Six furlongs Bad Sam won: time, i:Ui-e. " -"" Sis and one half furteogeOne Way won; time, 1:10. Mils- Proof Reader want tltna, 1:41 1-a. Mile and aa Mghth Alma Dufour won; tlma, .1:11 4-4. , r ' Bt. Lenta. BapL 1- Del mar aummary: Five and a half furlongs Antta, Balls .won: time. Iris, - . r Mils and IS . yards Amouroos won; time, 1:41. six furlongs, puraa Tha Cook von; time, - - , . , Bis furlonga. handicap-- Ed Ball won; time. 1:14. . MIleLady Strath mora won; tlma, iUiti. - Mils and a g txteeutb-Buccleath won; thwa, 1:41. - New TorfcvJktpt. 1. Sheepshead Bay summary: Mile Dick Barnard won; time, l'.ftr Tha Oekdale cup, ataapleehaaa, full osurae Headmaatar won; time, 6.111-6. Tha utamnt alt fartongs- Waterside Won; tlma, 1:111-4. Handicap, mtla and m quarter Puhrue won; time. l:0d. Ptv and a half furfonsUnlsa Oordoa won; Uma, 1:011 4, . A . SAT X X - 'i- I Seat with such violence that h ra- f ' J a ... . - - -j - f- - - j- are many sx-cotlega men In town and a number have sign l nod their Intention to set out and try for tha team. Besides most of last year's team, there will be several new faces present When tha first whistle Bounds. Walter WUhelm and Sam Holbrook, who havs played several yeara ago with the M. A. A, C. taam. will be out this year. - Multnomah's first gams will be played on Ootober 4 with tha Commercial olub eleven of Astoria. On October 11 Mult nomah will play Stanford University at Palo Alto, and will moat California varsity on October 14. This ta tha plan as arranged at present. Oo November 11 Albany will play In thla city, and on Thanksgiving afternoon tha University of Oregon men will endeavor to wipe up mother earth with dear old Multno mah. Willamette university will do stunts here on December 10. Tha sched ule, complete, will contain soma strong games, and If Multnomah wishes to hold her own on tha gridiron thla year her men win have to do soma bard practic ing and faithful training. ' '"I ' 1 1 11 ' K OLYMPIC SWIMMING . . . RECORD i BROKEN ' i ' -i . ' ' (Jearaal Spsttal Barrtea) ,-H'-t-' St Louis, Sept. t. C Mt, Daniels tot tha New York Atbletlo olub broke tha world's Olympic swimming record to lit yards yesterday, whan bo lowered tha focords of David Bllllngton of Eng land (1:44 flat) aSid R. C. Sohaefer pf America 'l:64 4-6 to 1:44 1-4. - SeotwLeary of San Francisco and Bol ts Holomay of Budapaat tied In lower ing tha M-yard record of 4:11 held by PavM Oaul of tha Pennsylvania Swim ming dub, making tha distance la 4:31 3-4. In swimming off tba tie Hole may won and lowered tha mark to 4:11 flat. Tha results were as follows: 60-yard championship Won by Zottaa Holomay, Budapaat, Hungary: second, Scott Laary, Olympic club, San Fraif-1 claco; third, C. M. Daniels, N.w.Tork Athletto alub. Tlnre, 4:34., - Swlmmrng on -back. ItKr yarfls-Wi?TeT Brock. Oermany, first? George- Hoffman, Germany, eecond; Qeorge Beach rla. Oar- many, third.-1 Tlma. in 4-6. Ona mile, handicap B, JS. Bach, Chl- oago A. A. 0:6:44k first: B B. Warren, N. T. A- C. Helham Manor. N. T. :), second. Tints, 11 :46 1-6. 440-yard handicap Won by R H. Adams 10 seconds). N. T. A. C; sec ond. Kiss (scratch), Budapest, Hungary. Time, 4:44 1-4. - 110-yard championship Won by C M. Daniels. K T. A, C: second. Francis aallley. Olympic alub. San Francisco; third, B. Rawacn,, Oermany. , Tlma, J:44 1-4. Water polo-NeW York team defeated Chloago. 4 te 0. The Wick ha ma- baaehall ' team de feated tha All-Stars Sunday by tha score of 6 to 4, and on Monday (Labor day) they met and defeated tha strong Marshall-Wells taam ta aa exciting game by tha close score af 4 to 4. The feature of both games was the pitching of Ttbbetta of tba winners, who officiated on the slab on each occasion. The Wtckhame are open for a game with any amateur team In tha city, and challenges may be sent tn cars of .tha sporting editor- of Tba Journal. J Won.- Lost. PC. y .7 4 . .110 IS V .67 61 ' .hit 41 .804 1 .160 77 .S0 SI . .: JB1 PittBburs . . I 10 S -Crnrtnnall V. . 1 I 4 Batteries Robertallls and .Phelpa; Walker and Schlal. - , ... Second gins . - '- J ft. H. E. Pittsburg" ... v. .,..... ;..i.S 1 1 Cincinnati . .7 IS t Batteries Ph 111 I opt and Archer; Kal lum and SohlaL Umpire Johnstone. , At at banis. lCK.1t 8t Louis 6 17 PhlrnfD . 10 11 Batteries McParland and McLean; Weimar, Oaoths and -Kllng- Umpire Simmer ? .. , ; ik a saw TawkT'"' 1 '' a ... R H.E. New York r UY.:...'.. .1.4 t4 1 Boston . . .7 14 Rattarlae McOfnnltv and Bowerman: Ftsher and Needham. . Umpire- Moras. to nix omiozvT SATURDAY ' Tha Portland cricket club haa f ar ranged for a match gams with tba com bined Seattle-Taooma club, which will be slaved on Multnomah field next Satur day. Tha game will commence promptly at 10:14 o'clock Saturday morning, in order to nermlt tha contest being Xin- tahad br 4 o. m. ' Luncheon will be served on the giwanda.. No admission wlB b4ycharged. ' . '. . Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. k i- GUARANTEED ALL-WOOL S". That's what 4m peer lass Tailora-to-Younf -Americans hava produced for Fall from selected woolens made ' by our own ani tha beat East A;- ern mills. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Russian Blouae. ' Buster -' ' Brown, Eton Norfolk and Double - breasted : 8uita. . Eton, ' Buster v Brown": and Belted 1 Orercoata i . - $2.50 to $7 t OUR WINDOW DISPLAY IS WORTH SEKINO 63-a7 Third TALENT Af3E.::(S HAVE EVEN, tm An on PUBXtXO, svaur it vm. - Throe favorites came In first yester day, and tha other favorttea wars de tained aa route. It waa a good day for tha bookmakers and tha layers of prices cleared a fair sum for their days troubles. It waa a good betting .crowds considering the past holiday attend ance and a largo suss of money was handled, ' Tha talent ' got right sftsr Aurora R the favorite la the first rose, and although bar price opened 'it 1 to I and closed at 11 to 10, tha wlss ones got la tba band wagoa and carried off soma coin. Herbert got Aurora B. off In front and after a laad of flvs langtha to tha stretch waa compelled to give bar a hard ride at the finish to keep - a length and a half in front of Tullett on Batldor. Aurora B. had: the nacesaa apeed left, however, and won-out. Rag marok. at 10 to U oams In for show money, afteyva very good rids by Miller Jck, J In the second raot Hotnage at oven gaoney was looked upon as the goods, especially as Herbert bad tha mount, but tha start waa not satisfactory and Ho mage wag crowded to last position at tha first turn, making her Journey a difficult one. War Times at 1 to L wrth Pitapat rick up, got off safely and maintained tha laad all tha way around. and won out despite Herbert 'a great ride on Homage. Herbert'a boras had too much ground to make up, but had tha dlstanoa been a few stride mors Ho mage would have cashed. . Ladv Nlnors. onening at S and going to tha Dost at 14. gavs Swift Queen and 4 David Bolaad a severe jar la the third raeeNtar beat tha barrier; leaving awtft Queen fifth and David Boland la iast position. Tullett pulled hla mount to task, however, and went arter tne. flying bunch m great order, taking tha lead at tha stretch by a aeok, but not being able to hold It, as Boland- tired quickly, allowing Nlnora to reach tha mils first. The 'Queen's race was bad, thou ah It waa not Herbert's fault t - Bell Read made good tn ths fourth and his backers ware happy, Teeterday morning, while exerclalng oa tha toad. Bell Bead stumbled and threw Frawley, tha exercise boy, and It sot noised about that tha boras would be stiff In tha race. but Jackson put him to ths toot arter getting a bad start and won out easily. Almoner at I to a was ptoses aa a pretty sura thing for eecond money, and McClaea brought aim m la that position. Kant gavs Eatado a good ride and sopped tha show money at 1 to 1. - Borne will tall you that Moor was out to win, while others will toll you that Moor waa sent out to protect Klrby, who waa well laden with tha gilt, but at any rate. Moor marched home a winner, while tha talenfs coin want a glimmer ing on Klrby. Kelly gave -Klrby a Sard drive In tha laat quarter, but It waa too lata, aa ths Moor was slowing up at tha wire. The. a tart waa tha poor est of ths day. Mountebank being given a big advantage, while ths favorite horsea wars bunched up badly, and ware laterferad with by tha barrier. - Tha Stewardess, with Herbert up, rah tba bunch off their fast In the laat race, after getting a bad start, sad won in a driving finish from Alloa Carey, Mlmo oomlng third. Mlmo got away In ths laad and kept It to tha stretch, but stoDosd miserably, ta. tba laat strides. Summary, r . First aae, four and one-hal furlonga, aelllng Aurora B, 104 (Herbert), 11 to 10, won; Batldor, 101 (Tullett), 1 to 1, second; Ragnarok II, 104 (MUlerick), U to 1. third. Time. 0:6614. Second race, savan and one-half fur- That cost less and wear better than' any - ' nayc ever y m gCHOOC . rJ 'III w A -vri I IITVI 4 1 i 4 a ' Street. Ona Door North o Chamber cf Write te msarmattes i sirtlng ear eemslaetk aaastl sad dsfarmd rieaad astlay. PERFByriON IN MPB I1N3URAINC13 RIAXR T. SOOR, R, at, XAREW fj, SOOTT, A, R, 4wU-U4tg CKaJniKB OF OOxOnCkOk BLDa.. s : FOkTLAFD, OX. longs, sellings War Ttmas, M (Flrspat-J rick), to 1, won; Homage, 104 (Her bert), 6 to 4, eecond; Phya, 104 (O. Oru well), I to I, third. Timerltti. Third race, four and one-half furlonga. handicap Lady Nlnors. 100 (J. Hughes). 14 to L won: David Bolaad, 10 (Tul lett). 6 to I. second: Malar, 104 (Fltg patrtck), 11 to 4. third. Tlma, 4:66 Fourth raoe, five furlonga, selling Bell Reed, 107 (L. A. Jackson), T to 14. 6 seconds Kstado. 101 third. Time. !:. ' ' Fifth raoe, ona mils; selling Moor, 114 (Alarie), T to 1, won; J. V. Klrby, 114 F. KellW. 11 to 14 ooooad; Rally aoodwlo, 104 (Herbert), 4 to i. third. Time, 1:41. Sixth raot, six and one-half furlonga, sailing The atewardeee, 101 (Herbert), A to 1, won;. Alloe Carey. 107 (Alarie). 4 to 6. second; Mlmo. 101 (Kent). XI to S. third. TUnay 1:11H' ' , , ' ... - AMRmiQAM MtAdHTR. - ' -' " -". " ' , ..Wok Lost i P.C. New Tor ........... .71 44 .431 Boston . 7 ' if 1 Chicago , -- ; ?! 'Jl? Cleveland ; . . -' ? Philadelphia . . a , si :, .so St. Louis , . . 47 . .417 Detroit . . ...:.,.....i4 " 4 ,.414 WaahlntftoB . 14 , 61 Mt RtsTawroxk, ' : m m First gams . R. H. R. Philadelphia. T BatteriesWaddall ana Schreck; Orth and McQutra. Second gsnts , ; , '- R. B.R. Philadelphia . ' ............... 4 4 Mew York , 4 Batteries Henley and Bchreok; Qfif- flth and Mouuirs. "Witt"ss-- ,v T Boston . ; .'.......... .4 7 4 Washington , i .:.. Batterlea Tan ne hi 11 and Criger; Tewnsend and Clark, ' ; -'' Second gams N -? !L R. H. Washington j ... - 11 Boston . 1 a 1 Batteries Patten and Kittredge; Or naaa and Farrall. - , ( , ; -' v1' sAavaMuaA.''" . v . , R. H.R. Cleveland . . ............. A.. 1 14 0 St Loula . i --4 1 1 Batterlea Rhoadag and Buelow; How ell and O'Connor..- , , . , " , 'Jr .V - R, H.R. Detroit ....... I ? Chicago , , 4 a I Batterieal-Knitaa and DrlU; Pattaraon and McFartand. ." BsruT aaa irmxrw bum. (sperlal napatab te the Joaraal , Spokane. Wash., Sept. 7. Chief Rejlly of the IndUna. has at last fAund and signed a sow utility man. who ia to be gla work today ta tha opening game with Butte. This man is Frank Sueae of Albany. Or where ha hag been playing with tha Oregon Stats league. Be played for a tlma In tba Coast league with ths Portland taam. and It Is said henade tha longest bits ovar mada on tha Portland grounds. . ; Suess is said to be a good hHter and a fair player In tba out or Infield. seen ociorce en Deforced V'u ) f .'. aaxaJ . t tKanu, ia i i - - 1 1 J LC3 LPS TRICE ; CAPT.fillEl'Sffl ''" '' (learaal Special Barvtes,y - ' ' Los Angelas. Sept. 1. Ia che open ma gams here yesterday, Dolly Gray was oa) J tha firing hill for' the Angela, aad that steady young t wirier made Captala Hut- -ley and his 'Uuggere look Ilka a lot off bush leaguers before many Minutes of ' play. ' Gray was In good form, while tha . Browns played the beat bell of which) . they are capable. Tha Meaoharo gavw Hurley ths ha ha In the flrat Inning for . the stupid manner In which ha triad to field bunts. Tha Angels simply dumped alow ones to tba bulkey first baseman) ' And had no difficulty tn beating them to first. -Three of tha home team's rung " oama on bunts to Hurley. All this tlma ' Butler was pitching gilt edgs ball, bug ' hla eupport could not rally a playing; r streak. Captain Flood- and Bernard ax : celled for tha looals, whlis Book, Butler , and Nadaau did ths fcagt work for the) vlaltora, acoret . - V LOB ANOBLBa. f ' ' v ' AB. R.H.PO. A. Bernard, .' f ..... I . Flood, lb. 4 Smith, lb. ..I,,, a era vain. j. x. Chase. IB. ........... Toman, a. g, . ........ Ross. L .... Spies, ...... Gray, p. ....... ...... Totals .so 17 ii a . s , PORTLAND. -" '' :.. - AR.KR.PO. A. t3 Spencer, lb. ...j.-.. 4 14 1 Hurler, lh. .... 4 .4. I 14 Nadeau. & ........ 4 I I I I Steelman, & .i....... f f 1- 1 t Beck. in. i t a VO aiU 4MMaS-S)TORT OF CRM . BAT.. . 1.; V' ;,.;v 41 i-- ck, in. i t s a . "rVi L a 4 4 J 1 I , ormond, a. a. a..., 11 II 1 Uer, p. .v. t, t 1 ,aVl Ciynai Lally. BuLt Totals.. '.it 9 I 14 ItiV BUNS AND HITS BT' INNINGS, - 1114 4 4714 Los Angel' Hits . Portland Hits . 8VMMART, Stolen basse Bernard. Spies. Three- haa hit Roaa. Two-baae hit Flood. Sacrifice bits Smith, Chess 1 Flrat base on errors Loa Angeles. 1; Port- .iV land, 1. Left on bases Lob Angeles. 4; Portland, 4. Bases on balls Off. Gray, -v-1; ott Butler, . Struck out ByGray. ; 6. Double plays Back to .Hurley to -Raymond; Steelman to Raymond: Flood -to Chase: Toman to Chase. Hit .by pitcher Ross. Tlma of gams, On hour and 16 minutes. Umpire MeDoo sld. i SCHOOL SUITS , yoy -fffy , .;,v 'r -,,.;. ; , TVgnlaw emttsJria smtv 'v' Display contain araty correct and wanted atria hi Youtna'i . Boya and Children. Bafts and Overcoats in an amaaing 1 ' YOUNG MEN'S ". 1C Single and Dc-able-breast- r ad Sack Suit, Belted bvercoats, CrTanv tttea and Toppera V -' . $7.50 to $20 BOYS' CLOTrtES TO ' MOTHERS' UKINGv 0 Commerc R. --' 4 - . 4