The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 07, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    CI ('J.C.GY AS
cut i ooracm
In order to calm revenue with wbtoh
1 to replenish ths empty eeffr of tb
. : eltr treasury, tbs ways and mwni oom
' mutes of the eltjr ooundl la ooaMdermg
svry sooeslvsbls mtaod to secure
amaeyV At tb meeting yeaterday -,
' tsraooa K wu decided to gst a rave
, ' sua from tba street eigne,
, At tfaa meeting of the council this
'afternoon an ordinance wllTo presented
prohibiting oil street sign other than
, illuminated signs' end thee wUl ba
, r heevfty tax ad. There ara a large num-
bar of iliu la Portland and It la argued
that they Interfere with tba genral eb
r pearance of the-ctty. If aU board sign
ara taken dowa It la theme bt that mora
' illuminated ence will ba oonatrootad.
; Tba tax oa thaaa sign will ba graduated
' aooordlng to tha stae. Tha amount of
tba lioanaa wlU rang from I to SI
par quart ar. r
If wb of tha- tiata during tha meeting
l tba dlaouaalon waa upoa tha praaaat
flnancloi eondltloB of tba dty treasury.
Tbo flra department will have exhausted
-fta fntt appropriation whoa thta aontH'i
bllla aro paid, and an estimate of tbo
expense for tha ramalndar of tba roar
, baa boon Md which amount to 117.-
- 77. It la aald that tha department can
not get along with laaa money.- How It
to t ratad ta tha question which To
o fronting tba way and mm ng oom
mtttea. -
Tha warn of fl.lM baa baas out from
' tha monthly expense of tbo etty engln-
ear's office, and Councilman Elmmerman
' atatad that no grantor cut la the es
panaao of thta departmant aan ba mad
without lntarfeiing with tha work. Thla
ahortaga In tba flra department eaa ba
partially made up from UM ganaral
- fund, but tbara la not a aufflclent
, ' amount at tha dlopooal of tba oommittM
to moat tha antlro ahortaga.
- No daflnlta plan of actio waa takan,
but tha oommlttaa win eoarlnu to In
vestigate tha nutter to aaa wbara mere
oeonomy may bo pmotload In ordor to
' aaeuro monay enough ta ran tba atty
, : until tha naw yanr. - '
' In order ta aequutnt M aaarita of Tha
Journal want eolumn mora axtanmvaly
Tn Portland houaabolda, Tba Journal baa
v arrantad to aiva aaoh and avary flundny
j Journal eaab want advartlaar a pound of
Clooaat dt IMvara f am oof Co Jam
" faa. Thla coffaa la aold by nil grooara
at Jie par pound and ta guataatoad to
bo uniform la atrongth ' and quality.
' Cojamo eoffaa la aold atrietly an marlt
" and ta guaranteed to giva'aatlafaotlon In
vary lnatanea. Thla axpanalva premium
'la glran abaolutaly free with every paid
"want ad" for ' The Sunday Journal
any lawoe) end ana- ba bad upon pra
aratatlon of the ndvartlaament at the
adrertiaiog- wlodotr : of Tba journal
i bualnaaa offloe. ,
-' Thla liberal offer te made atmply to
mlradjuo jrou to . The Journal'- want
. olumaa -dona baaauae If yea) try wm
2 alaaalUed oolumna, ,oiof you will be-
aome a regular mhuo. ouw
and Journal -want oolumna repreaanta a
aombmatlon hard, indeed, to bent, Tba
eoffea a,woV!b you-iepma. " '
' ' Peacock flour alwaya givM antlafao
Mon. and la . guaranteed by your grocer.
. oxrxo iifuui mm wwx
: Till " r"" MOM MX at)arjg.
'' muw ouniin .-
t , 1 -I
Boys m4s
;rix -V a,Tf 'V'bbbv" " ':t:"::'
We arc going to sell about 150 Boys'
Winter Weight Blouse Suits, ages
3 to 10, of $6, $6.85, $7.00, $7.45 and
$8.00 values, at
Sam'l R
Corner Third and Morrison Sta.
' MAW 9.
vsui vaxb vmajrrxo xmmjuiu
-l',J ' I 'l III IWi - t V' ,;
Bven raUroad man are marveling at
the vaat bulk of travel that baa paaaed
through Portland during the leat weak,
and the facility with which all of It
baa been handled. . Kvery road anat la
reoreaented In Portland la getting a
hiM rtf ih at IvmiIji axoaralon bual
naaa, both going and returning, and tbara
la a glad ami la tba whole iangt oc ua
row. - . . -
"W get a aha re of M per eant of tha
mt iMiia hualnMi." aald A. C Sheldon.
enaral axent of tba Burlington. "It
they don't go by the BUUnge Junction
or return that way, they ara pretty euro
ta-take a aide trip up to Ottumwa or
Keokuk to aaa tha old folko at borne,
amTao we ao bit of tha exeuraioa
fund." ' - i
Tba P. and 0; H. NT ticket offlce
waa orowded' yeaterday wlth people
who wanted to go aomewbara. At tba
Uckat office of the Oould Unaa there
waa a row of buy era tha entire length
of the oouater. . .
"Wo are getting a good a hare af Che
bualnaaa.' aald WUllam Hartar, general
agent of 'the Oremt Northern.
-Too buoy to talk about It, almoeV
aald Prank p.,Jobaaoa of the Canadian
Pacifle. .1 -
Taaterdar'a bualneaa baa ended tha
ruah for a few week, and then It wlU
ba on for tbo datea of October a, and ft.
Tha travel aver tba Northern Paclflo
Into Portland, and out over the ftouthem
Paolse, baa been enormoua for a week or
10 daya naat. The aettvlty atarted with
the Mining oongreaa, than came tha
Knlgbta Templara. tha Klngllng alroua,
and laatly the bop pickers' ruah to- the
fields In the Willamette vallgy. During
the week there have bean 19 heavy spec
lal trains sent out of Portland over the
Southern Paolfle. besides en extra aec
im a MMra HniUr traim. In addition
there have been five elrous trains, aggre
gating 17 ears, aaa a apesuu mw w
.ikM I,, toraay hatwam the
boura of a, m. and ! p- m. there
were eight heavy trains asm anw over
the Southern Paelaa,. -
With all thla ruah of epeeiala and ex
tra aeoUona and other train, and many
special ear parties attached to regular
trains, tbara baa not bean a amgle mis
hap, and not a tram baa beam delayed
over Its schedule time, with a single
exception. One af tbo Knights Templar
trains wad bold about, II mlauteo over
time by a circus train. It la a chapter
in Portland passenger truffle that la
extremely creditable to Ha railway oper
ators and passenger men. .
. . . , -
ttopert ' WakefieW waa reatarday
awarded- the contract for building tha
bridge of natlona at tha Lew la and Clark 1
fair grounds, tils estimate of I7.I be
ing she lowest submitted. Tha work oa
thla important structure wlU begin at
onoa and will be advanced far enough by
the time the government bulldlnga.are
alawtad ta allow the uaa of m for tb
transportation of waterlai.
The bridge will span the lake between
tb mala land, where the chief buildings
of the fair will be located, and the
peninsula, where the government ex
hibit wilt be .placed. It will ocnalat
of lo or more short span and many eon
eeseion wll be built oa platforma along
Ita entire length.
'" v i . -' .'!; ',''
'. ,;. .(' V
v- .f x f-.-ii v
These' ganrttnt were carried
over from last &1L They are
of a well kifown. make In
Cheviots, Cassimeres, Tweeds
;V and Fancy Worsteds and differ
very little from this year's style,
V,'"' But as we must have the room
new winter goods, they have
to be sold.: ."V. - r i
tx '.'v ; ., !
,- , .v , -j. ..,.i..,..-C- . -'V
' ' BeXBUeBBUnWaaBBBB : - 1
Rosenblatt & Co,
ttlglfLTBl WO ffMII-
(Indianapoll Corrsspoadeaoa of Brook
lyn Kale, ryaii guanine.)
i Like tha Demewraey. the Republican
party ta making It first elaboration of
th iseuee of the presidential campaign
la Indiana. Unlike the Democracy.
which la atlckmg elosely to tba llnae of
reasoning laid dowa In It platform, tha
Republican party la distributing it at
tention over wide, aaag of ubecta
not all of which appear to be german
to the campaign. Of the literature al
ready distributed and the speeches mad
by the Republican In Indiana the
achievements of Rcpablleana from Lin
coln to McKintey oonatltuttbree-
f mirth af the subject-matter. The
rest la ta defense af President Roose
velt and in criticism of Democrat who
are aupportlng Judge Parker. By oora
Bson consent the RepubUoaa leader are
leaving; Judge Parker aloae, tb extrem
ity of their concern eeemlng to be to
snow that be voted twloe for Mr. Bryan
before be seat the uld telegram to St
In tba defense af President Roosevelt
aaal make p for lack of words. The
Republican epeakera deny, that ha ha
violated tba constitution or Infringe
upoa the prerogatives of oongreaa or the
Judiciary, or that be baa oonoetved a
vaat scheme of military and naval de
velonment which la the execution must
alter the character of tha United States
government- They then pass an to af
firmations that ha stands lor the sama
policies tot which McK Inlay stood, of
fering the Republican platform and not
th record ad tha president ta evidence
to prove It. There have been speeches
by the local orators which have added to
these characteristic comparisons of Mr.
Roosevelt with Abraham Lincoln, ahd
forced tba race Issue aouarely -to, the
front. ' "i, ; 'i,
' renin ek or Rmeoln.
One of thee apeecbeex waa made last
Friday by J. Frank Haaly, th Repub
Uoaa candidate for governor. Mr. Haa
ly. after declaring that Mr. Roosevelt
Is being assailed as Mr. Lincoln waa at
tha time of the olvU war, buret Into thla
panegyric: -
"Remembarrtny countrymen, they, aald
tba aame things of Abraham Lincoln.
Abrama Lincoln! Child of poverty!
Freedom'a advocate! Pre Id ant of the
republic I Defender of the union! Eman
cipator of a raoel Savior of a nation!
Prioeleaa heritage of a great people!
Kindliest nature and gentlest memory In
the ebb and flowof alljth centuries!
Ha did not aava the union alone; there
war otbera who wept and sacrificed and
died. Rut bo wag Its savior, none the
lea. He waa tha soul and embodiment
jt sacrifice and patriotism. He kept
tb people's face toward tba dawn un
til the east grow rosy with th aomlng
morning. Under the inspiration of what
ha aald and did, the stooping maises
stood erect. They rose fvbm the level
of tha commonplace and became sublime.
They climbed from the abadawy valleys
to aha purple helgbta, and for four
years dwelt amid tba glory1 jof aeu
nrem moral saltation.'' '
Mr. Hanly followed big eomperlsoa by
wholesale upon southern Demo
crat, including John Sharp Williams
and Governor Vardamaa of Mississippi
and Champ Clark of .Missouri, after
which be turned hie attention to north
ern Democrats, declaring:
"la ' thla campaign tba Democratic
party has ao hope of .success, and espe
cially none In Indiana, except through
the corrupting power of a vast campaign
fund. Those In oontrol of It prooatd as
though the franchise of tba people were
a thing to be purchased la tha open mar
ket. To obtain suoh a fund they ais
frenehlesd th rank and file of tba party
la Indiana and la other states; betrayed
tha party organisation Into tba hands of
David B. Hill; surrendered every prin
ciple which In th mat eight years they
have laid down as vital; nominated
Henry Oasaaway Davis for vice-presi
dent; elected Thomas Taggart chairman
of tba national committee; bar gained for
la advance and obtained the appointment
of William Shoe hen. Colonel. Quffey.
John R- McLean and August Belmont a
mam be re of the executive committee and
put' them In oontrol of the campaign.
Th nomination of Mr. Davis oaa be ax
plained only upoa the theory that an old
man and hi money are soon parted. It
la painfully evident that they did not
nave la mind the constitutional pro
vision by which the duties of the presi
dent. In ease of bis Inability or deaaa.
ar devolved upon the vice-president."
An to Thomas Taggart. said Mr.
Hanly. there la absolutely nothing In
his record, attainments or purpose that
appeal to the bettor nature of any man.
He la atrong only In corrupting tha bal
lot and m election-day trickery. His
appeal will ba mad to the worat a lo
rn en t to be found in th politic af the
country, and his triumph In Indiana, be
cause of his methods and .things for
which ha tande. would abame tbn-sHats
for years to coma
Obar ef Oevrawtlon.
"But Mr. heehaa, Mr. Belmont and
Mr. Tafgert will fall. Th election In
Indiana cannot be purchased. .We have
too much el vie pride and virtu for that.
Tha issue involves a, question of elvia
honesty, and that tasu we may safely
confide to to first voter of Indiana.
Preah from the study of tb country'
history In school and la oollege, they can
be trusted. They will not weaken. Nor
will they fall to keep Inviolate the flrat
t trust confided to their ear. I
know tbem. I know their love of coun
try, their deal re for honorable dlatlno-
tlon, their resolute purpose to keep un
tarnished tba feme and glory of this
greet commonwealth. I know them
yes. I snow themi Hign above tnepot
luting grasp of bribery they hold the
honor of the stats and the Institutions
1 '
. Call tip Mala 2287
aaaa fat a a
Half Gallons ....,L8Se
amJmcra end V, en
Thla ta under price, but we are
overstocked and don't, want to
carry them over.
.New York Grocery
I - - v , ' . ' . ..
;lvV fbjsl V-'Xr
I ' f I I - ! . .L
! m
. t
of tb fro: They cannot be pure based,
Tbey cannot be bargained for."
All appearances Indicate that Mr. Han
ly example win be followed by the
Republican orator In Indiana, but It la
to be aald that a great many Republi
cans' of tb stats do not approve appeals
to old and balf-eabsusted northern pre
judices against tb south, nor vitupera
tion against Democratic madam. So far
as Mr. Taggart is concerned, his popular
ity la Indiana m so great that abuse a
likely to maure victorious defense. ' Mr.
Davis, the vice-presidential aomlnee, la
likely also to tbrlv under that sort of
treatment. As to Messrs. Belmont. Wo
ol L 8 he ban. McLean. Hill and Duf
fer, the great mass of Republican voters
la this stat 1 willing- to accord to tbem
motive a creditable In their support f
Judge Parker a may be the motives
which actuate Mr. Lodge and tha rest
of tbo manager of Mr. Roosevelt's aam-
- Abu
bar and
Another and by no means unimpor
tant effect of fbe "Republican oourss In
Indiana Is that It ta clearly driving the
Independent non-deliverable vote Into tb
Democratic party. So many voters In
this group In IndianapoUs have bean of
fended by It. and correspondingly pleased
by the dignity of Judge Parker and his
managers In their campaign, that It Is
believed Marlon county wllk. go Demo
cratic. Reports received at the head
quarters of th Democratic atato com
mittee go to show that tba same feeling
prevails' In other 'Xndlana-cHtss where
Independent voters, reasonable grounds
given, throw the loom) and atate elections
from one side to the other In sptt of all
th politician may do to restrain them.
Whatever disorganisation existed In
the regular Democratic party in Indiana
la dlsappeglng for th sama causes.
Delapcrata, Ilka Rspubllcans. resent at
taobs mads 9a man solsly because of
their political allegiance. It la assumsd,
for Instance, that President Roosevelt
Would not reject the aid of August Bel
mont If It were offered him. President
Lincoln aeosptsd the aid of Mr. Bel
mont's father, n Democrat. President
MoKtaley welcomed the support of the
whole gold-standard contingent of Demo
crats. It Is' the opinion of tba Indi
ana Democrats that tha abuse heaped
upon the men-bars of tha Democratic
committees, which ba no relevancy to
the lssuss, wUl result In a complete sol
idification of all the Dmoratle forces.
It will be Impossible, In their Judg
ment, to defeat Judge Parker by assail
ing bla friends, whether tha friends be
Bryan and bla follower In tb west or
the Oold Democrats la the oast, beaded
by O rover Cleveland
. (Xasrael tperUI tervM.)
Saginaw, Mich., Sept T. Th Repub
lican state Judicial convention was called
to order hare this morning by the tern'
porary chairman Moses Taggart, of
Grand Rapids. The eooventloa will
name three oandldatee for Judge of tha
supreme court. It lsea open race, with
no fewer than a dosea aspirants la tha
Held, and th result cannot be fore
casted with any degree of certainty, aa
none of those mentioned appears to
havs a dsclslve lead.
.t roa
L' aeema! geeefal aervwe.)
Billings, Mont, Sept 7. Republicans
of Montana assembled ta state conven
tion here today and ware called to order
by Chairman Lindsay of the state com
mittee. Th convention will nam can
didates for the state offloe to be filled
at the November election and adopt res
olution Indorsing tha ticket and plat
form of th Chicago national conven
tion. William Lindsay of Olendlv
probably will be nominated for gov-
. . . ' . . . -
1 (JearMl gpiMel srvke.) ' 1
' Concord, N. H., Sept T. The Deme
eratle state convention to nominate a
stat ticket was called to order bore
shortly before noon today. The senti
ment of tha majority of th delegat
appear to favor the aomhiation of
Henry F. Hollla of thla elty for gov
' flearasl asocial BervteO
Wheeling, W. Ta, nept 7. A rowsing
reoepUon was gtvea to Bon, Henry U.
Davis nt the West Virginia state fslr
b4.. . T Man Vanue 4. B flu tmtm
and Mr. Davis waa th chief speaker.
WO politic ngureu m we aernxmetrmiivn
u lit rtevie devoted hi brief address
sntlrely to tb subject f agrloultur.
frearatl peoal sent.)
New York, Sept T. In response to
the invitation of Chairman Taggart, th
edttera of a considerable number of
Democratic paper throughout th coun
try gathered in Mew York today for a
conference oa tbelr part la tha wHt of
the national campaign. Arrangement
have been mods for tha editors to go to
Bsopua tomorrow to vlsK Judge Parker.
Terrible plagues, those Itching, pester
ing dtseeess of tb skin. Put an and
to misery. Doaa's Olnuaent eurea. - A4
any drug atoru.
,4 - 1 I - 1 V r
jf. m.. ...... . j t t
Is Your Boy Ready For School r
1 Outfittincr the vov
.vVv: nomically and most satisfactorily
r Thin la 1 "MOTHER'S 8TdREH-4-tJut U. ao tar u renrdl
''-. - - .
Af the needs of tne Doy in
M rlah tri at forth the edvanUces of OUR BOYS DEPARTMENT the Urgent end best
. ........ .
. '.V'V , Another feature of this deoertment is
. , v v - ary School Suit U stri
' - c i rinoroe)d aeainei io withnrtmiut aie hmrdcerfe - f ' v -, J' 4
war nn matter what the rrricn 1 t . ' V,1'- -
as. rilx tCL rm MZitttm - rj.u.l
' Single nd lmble-bressted
i Alsses Coats and
t . urease -:At -
(Jearsal Special Bervlee.) '
Sesttls. Sapt f-rtfty-four years ago
Oeorgs Cannon of Washington, Pa., on
ths death of bla wife placed bis children
In charge af a Mend and atarted to Cal
ifornia to make a fortune. Ill luck fol
lowed bla footsteps for years and lrreg
Biar mall added to a oondltkm which
separated him from ma lltU ones. Time
rolled on and all trace of them was loot
Then fortune knocked at ths door of
th gold hunter. Thta waa w years ago
and at one he began a search for his
babe. Through all tb intervening years
be tried' to locate abenv Out eg cams
on until Cannon, but year, on reaching
the age af 17, decided he would aava ta
dls without seeing but loved ones agulnc
im a Minrt Ka advertised in a
Seattle paper. The notice attracted th
attention X Jars. M. ai. niurgeon, re
siding hers, and shs replied. As sus
pected, tt turned out t be bar long lost
father and ta oid gentleman arrived
MataMiv fa find him danshter.
who for more than half a otmtury ha
pees ton to aim.
A letter baa beert sent to Mrs. Burb
hart another daughter, living at West
Brownsville, Pa., and a son living at
Lincoln, Neb., asking them to tome an
aad see their fatber before be die, y-'
iff-,. . .
, . :( " ' '
' JmraBt apaatal nwv.)' '
Wilbur. Waah.. Sept f-Joe Enoa. bet
ter known as "Portuguese Jos." one of
the earliest pioneers of the Big Bend
section and known by every en from
Yakima to Spokane and from Snake
river to the boundary line, has disposed
of ata extensive Interests In this local
ity, and te use fats own words, will "Go
to California and drink wine," and itvs
a life of ease and luxury. Teara ago
he oould have bought all of th land
adjoining htm for a aong, but he con
sidered It worthless except for grastng.
Now as be sees other people coming In
and settling' op ths land and narrowing
down hi possessions he baa become die
satisfied and last fall ha traded hie lands
for business property la Spokane valued
at tM.009. Recently be disposed of more
than LOW head of cattle as aa average
price of ga per head, and be now pro
poses to spend the rest of hts life in
luxury. He does not know when be left
bis native land, neither does a know
bow old h ta. Although be ta a bache
lor bis ranch la known to every stock
man, farmer and hunter in thla section,
aa It has alwaya been a place of refuge
te every belated weary traveler "without
money and without price.' He was an
Ideal type of tb hospitable rang
(gpeetel Dweeb ta Tba Jew ml.
Hood Riven, Or., Sept 7. The public
school of Hood River opened thla morn
ing with an enrollment of Ml puptle.
Thta la a large mcrcas over the open
ing day last year. Th schools are al
isady overcrowded, and the school bosrd
ta making arrangements ta rent addi
tional room Th teaching force of nine
tastruetora will also be hwsaeed.
' fBpaetel Woiaw te Tb Jearsal. ) -Pendleton,
Sept 7. Five union carpen
ters, employed on the Matlock and the
Monterastetlt CGara buildings,
walked out today because th contractor
refused to discharge Fred Marsh, a non
union man. Tb contractors ar -hiring
non-union men to finish the work. They
sssert tb union ta treating them un
fairly.' .
1 (Bperk! tMesawb ta Th JearssLl "
Spoken, WaeK, Sept f Ths oa reen
ters' anion, which at present to not
nfflltated wltb either of the" two central
tabor bodice, may aoon aend delegate
to tb trad assembly. Th Charter
whtah th carpenters bold la liberal
and doe not force them to affiliate
with any central body.
Allen and Lwla' Best Brand.
' -
I iv- hwri P..
-mnm i a- V-! ' d? .' II
tor school can
. . ... . . .... .
ecnooi wiu receive unuauu ttenaon up umu ocptcxnDgr
.4 ... . .... j' -x.-i -'
Norfolk end - 1 ;v Cost end two
i ; -. FOR $500 FEE
V "Vrt " ., i it,
' la his final scocunt as guardian of
John R. Foster, filed In the county court
yeaterday R. a. Whilehouee asked
Uiac ho be permitted to pay to himself
itne mf Cm tar hia services and StOC
ata i- w. rj. Fenceek He atatad
that en account of tba "onerou nd un-
ueual Out lea" he wan caiiea on 10 per
form. the fee asked aa auardtan Is mod
erate. The fee asked by Attorney ron
ton ba thought vary reasonable
Judge Webster recently vacated th
ordw declarlns- Foster an Inoomoetent
and appointing Whttehoua his guardian.
calling on the tatter at tnat time ror nia
final enrttMinft. Tha n tent Ian sav that
a balance of tl,ll-S remains on the
phyalolan'a aooounc and for board antr
lodging have left a deficit la soother ;
account of II17-04. which baa been tem
porarily diet by turning over money
frm. the marrilan'a uomist Tha . aa
tata has bern appraised at 111, WO. .
ZMphtherts, sort threat, aroup,- n
atant relief, permanent euro. lr.
Thomag' Bctactrie OIL At any drug
tore. .
Cares Kldnoy and Clad
- dor Disaasos In Every
Form Many People
Have Kidney Treable
and Do Mot Know It
It la the fanctioa of tb kidneys to flltat
dad wortfy tba blood which ta constantly
passlne; through thm. A.
Wkaa tba kidnvB ar out of artlag tha
other argnna ara affected tanmedlstaly
ad yna may have gymptoua of await
tronbl atomach and Uvwr troubta, and
othar ailmsat. which are all ourias; to tba
kidneys being wank aad out of ordor.
If you are pick Fdday) Umfntlf
Ourfj will gtraoctbas aad bnOd np tba
worn oat ttaraag of tba lddnoya ao thay
will act properly and tbo symptona of
trouble wffl disappear and yon win ba
fastorad to perfect health.
Yos eaa easily datarataa If your kid
oeya ara oat of order by sotdng ggrds for
M hours a bottle of tba ariae paasad
upoa axlsiag. If upon aaamiaation It ta
doady or milky or baa a brick-dust ad
hsaat or amaJl particles Boat about fa It,
roar kidneya ara dtiaaaad aad Fslsy's
KMrsw Our) ihonld bo takan at onoa.
Fwwrs NMnwy Curw ta plaaaaat to
taka aad acta directly apoa tha parta
aflaeasd aad yon bagta to feel bottag
atoaoa. ; : '
It ooiraota alicht diaordsra la a law
days aad It haa oared many obstiaatd
attar other traatmont had fallad.
, " '. NetanlaMttvaMIMUr. '.
Petor Fray, of Woodruff. Pa., writaa:
"After doctorlnf for two year with th
beat physicians la Waynastmrg. aad still
getting worse, tha doctors advised me if
I had any btulnasa to attend to I bad bet
tor attend to it at onoa. aa I could got
possibly ttv another month, aa tbara wag
ao earn for mo. Foley's kidney Car
wag recommended to ma by a friend, and
I immediately aant my aoa to the atora
tor tt and at-r taking; thro bottle I be
gan to get b"r and eonriaued tas
prowo aatfl I wag antiraly well."
tvjt o tzzz:
Waaaaraj CBasne R o,
, rg Oe.
aone most ceo-
in this store, , l
the clothinf of her boy.'
f . ?1 M . . k '
.l- ,.'..-. ' -T ' ' ':
that rt,.,- .-k j .
psirs of Knee Pants; regtiler . '
Pants 50c
Last Weh
Mfi CJos Sept lOtn
Big cards everyday. Sir or
more races daily. 4 w:' 'v .; t
' Take cars first and Wash
ington Streets '.. -
Fjrst nee calledat 2:90l
Over 500 tboiouebbreda
nowready ' . U'-f'
Dr. We Norton Davis
We wmFseawfany aB attfaW ear-em aad
ehraato alaiMei of awe, alee slood. etiiejj,
start. Urer. kMaey and tkroat troeslea. Wa
cur gTPUTLUa (wtUtoat ssmil ta stay
eend forever, la BO to SO geya. W taateve
TRloruu. wltssm sssmtka sr aaaaj la m
Bdae SMfaa. faa saasM ef emn?
atebr. W aaa faster Om aanwl vtet
et ear an sneer to or
at taaal Wa
We Core GoiKrrrboea ta a Week
Tb eoetan et tata faatltsta am aB iwatal
gradaata. save bed swy year asverteece
Eev ba knowa Is Portlaad far IB 7.
save a Mpetattos satlKtem, asd wlU aeaaf
Uka a sam sale eertala esse eaa ba
We geamata ta sate ta every cam we lie
tJft or ebarv S fee. OSweilUttoa free, tt
tr eeancntlaL laeweetlv BOOK FOS aXaS
sulled tree la stain wrapper.
If res eaaaet mil at ernee. writ far gaa
naa Mask. Bnn trmtSMsa maamrel.
0i a sears t i. aad f bt
seUears, m tt Sa.
tan tiitlmg maelanets ta fas
D.'.W. Norton Davis 4 Co.
Tan mow atotot, sr. S. Oaa.
" l Piupitabta etan : ' '
City Brewery
ftaiysnt aad ana Owsem K
aewasy to Cbe sTen.ea.
Bottled Beer a Specialty
Tel e r
Irvington Race
v Track