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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1904)
1901 HB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER T. 1 . . I' 'f - ,' -. V ., -si .' : os.' jmesk a '!'Cf BER'ffCDNDS s rwtA iim nr obbms atrc arr ' e w. awt iMTiiiAi vAamm ' y AVAf wans vomit UQUMt A MOB v m a tha test! but saeUrtr km wort of m agamet Dor slayer, ra. vLmin jMMSt'Wfco waa ebot bbS mor- tally wotiMN at oregoa 7 Kw a w LautH. M at Good Samaritan 1 hospital at f o'otook tUi mernlog Tea body u tasaa at oaee to uio scene as .V'tne crime, where ee meuest wlU be v1 V beld. r ' , ; - V Bho reached the hospital lata yeatei-Vi- V day afteraooe. Aa examination of br wounds wu made Immediately and H - was roand that she wee wounded la four places, tN bail penetrating htr right lung, aaotbor bar abdomen, another - yjodaini la her hip aad tba fourth la ar i - W TM abdominal and lung wotusda oauaad bar death, '? At mWnlght she made SB aats-saortem . statement, tg which btr mar waa 1 Sxd. for abo waa teo weak- to alga bar luuM. Sbo toM of bat kntlaMoy with bar paramour camblsr aad or bll tn C teaaa iaalouar whan aha abowad her daalra to aad tho Ulal eonpacc. . . Braatbliiff bwlodletloaa on any who aaaia : Wwaan thm and franalad by a wild " daaira for ravaaara, ha aoooatad bar raa . . tarday at ha hona of bar paraata, aha aald. and dodarad that If aba would not bs his np athar aaaa abouid alaim bar . as bia - . - i L Ho asiaed her rouahly and, thaaab Bhs acrvamed and piaadsd. ha nrad tha fstal shots thst fulflUsd bla thraat. 8ha ' ' .n km Ml mm h ttmTtlelBatad In tba tngradr, aapraaeloc aaltbar lova nor natrao ror w man. (. 'Ortwm Cltr'Or, apt. " T.-hortff Vhavar Ttaltad Lauth la his eall thla noralns and told him of tba vi Oeath'of hla wlcttin. . Wbaa ba hoard tho ; mm bo erlad Ilka a child. Ha eoatln ' uad to wtap, sarinc that ba waa aorry for bar and that ba bad shot bar. Ha . niada aa othar atatamaal. -V' . Tba body of Mrs. Jooaa waa brovwht . to thla lty thla naornlns and an autopsy waa bald at It o'olock. Caroasr &. L. HoIbmui wlU bold aa toqaaat thla aftar- noon. Ths finding of tba aoroaara T iury will datarnlaa tba natura of tba ehargw to ba arafarrad aalnat Lanth. " H will ba hivaa prallmlnary axaaala. tton aa Friday. Wbaa tatarvlswad yaattrdar aftaraoon . aonoarnlna- tba abootlos, Lauth bad vary Jlttls to say. - '1 aara to amy nothtna- about tba ant ter." said ba. "Tba trouble ooourrad var prtvaU asatUra between the Josas in ana asyeeu. a am morrj um. fMMIMMM.HHIMM THE WOGGLE-BUG f. yoorvg folka dortng tba yrsaant month. - The Wogglebug. wlae man of the -party, undertake to answer all quea tlons for bta oomrades from Os. He haa to anawer one each week. Hla answer la not printed. The reader la left to dlsoover It. The pictures and deacrlpttve matter make this comparatively easy to thaactlve mind. Both tba picturee and the story are guides to the solution of the problem, and the question admits of but one correct answer. The pussle requlrea only .ordinary skill and knowledge of facta included la history, biography, bot any and natural history, or an acquaintance with placea, buildings or am-' btoms about which Informs tioa to easily abtatoabw. aot a ueeslng contest, but a trial of skill. - - To stimulate Interest la the visit of tba people frcm tba Land of On. The Journal wlU give 0.0 la cash each month to those of tt readers who send la correct or nearly correct amewerg to the questions put to the Wogglebuf by bto aoapaniona, . . . Sept 7. , TJse this Ccppon Only. To th WOOOUlTBtJO HDITOBt THB SUKDAt JOURKAL, The answer to the question asked of the Woggiebug In tba Maga- guM SecUon of tba paper of SUKDAT, 0KPTKMBER e. ' .i..e........ .... 'Street and Xamber. Town or City..... ............. '. Bute..... ...,f..,..................... e smpflers of The awafnai eg member af an amptoyag fajaflL to ... , FILL OUT THB ABOVB) COUPON. Alao the coupon to be found each day In The Journal antll flturday,Beptember 10. This gives you seven chances to answer the question suggested In neat Sunday's page. Do the same neat Sunday, and ths nest, and the next, also on each week-day.-untu the and of the month. SAVE TOUR COUPONS, and oa the laat day af the month send them all te THB WOGOLEBURG KDTTOR, The Jour nal, Portland. This wUl end the contest for September, and the prises will be awarded vary eerlr in the month of October. t., ' FTFTT DOLLARS 11 CAflH PRI4B8 WILL BB OIVBH AS FOLLOWS L JTr the greatest number of correct answers, 110.00. ........... ..110.00 t. For ths next largest number of correct answers. 90.00. ......... .f .O0 . For the third largest number of correct answers, fl.fO , . ' S.I0 4, ror the fourth largest number of correct anawera, It. 00. ........ 1.00 C For the ten next largest numbers of eerrect answers 11.10 each. 4 11.00 I ror the ten neat largest numbers of correct anawera, 91.00 eaab. . 10.00 I. For tha eleven Beat largest Bamberg of oorrect answers, 00a. eaeb . :: , :. .'"-' 1 : ' ; X- RULES OF THSj COlfTBST. ; Z V . r l.: 4 Tba largaat number of cotvect amnrera wtaa, " -v1 ' - All onupoae for any one month will be eoneecetlvely iruniberwd, gad araat ba plated in ee envelope and arrangod la order of their publlaa tlOB " Only one aoupoa of tba same data one bo plaeed la the same eftvajopa of answers for the mooth. If mora than ana Individual Should have avoir ooupon correctly sjmrbed and properly arranged, the first prise would be divided between: the winners. Other prises will be similarly divided to eaaa any number af eoateateflte have tba sense number of aaawara that are equally correct, but, not absolutely ao. . Conteetaato need aot wrKe tba same anawer m all coupons teewed for any ana week. A different answer ead ba written for each day; but tt yon are sere you are right, you will, af coarse, write the asms anawer on ail coupons taaued for any ana Sunday. Remember, the largest urn k m p if or a Win a ' All oeupono for any one month muat be plaeed hi the Bams envelope U m the omoa af Tba Journal by 19:00 a. m. af tba. Id aay tba ftrtlowtnaj geoatb, . . ; I I bappaasd. bat win lay bothln asore at Uua tuna- Laatb waa ooot and did not appear ex etted, altbouffh ha waa aomewhat narv Mia Ha rimitta4 that ha had bean ad laed by bta lawyer, O. B. Otmlak, to any nothtns about the nutter, in appear ance the assaaaltK la wall-dressed young ntan. about 14 years old. He doea not have tba appearance of a criminal. Before leavlna; for tba boapttal yaa tarday Mrs. Jonee nade a atatament to Mr. Sefauebal, In which the troublee of the twa ware explained at areai anui. She etated that she haa no dlvoroa from bar husband, but aald that the papers M thrnit tn Ik fllaa. aha said that she bad been living with Lauth for aome tuna, and that ana. naa ac mat ovciuaa hwir with Kim. Baa atatad that ha oia!md property that waa hem, whloh startad tna trounia. ana aiaa h-v w fik iuth eanfrontad har Taster- day morning ba aald that ha wanted har. and that If be eould not nave per no othar man weald. Tnea, ana sua, nm tnnk hold nf har rouably and ootamenoed to shoot at her with a revolver. . rrom lettere wrrtten DT L-tvm o km. iu. while aha waa at Rosebura: It aeema that tho engineer that ehowed attantlona to Mnv jonao m ibm wy. hare and ta Portland waa the main oauae t ....' kaiatu. It waa Mrs. Jonas' vtdant affecUon for blaa that Bused Lauth'a desire to kill her. In the event of Lauth'a conviction on tba charge of murder ta the first de gree, be will be the nret wane man to be hanged In thla county for that crime. Tsars ago four Indiana were hanged bare on tba bluff near tba imperial mills. "BLUES" CONTINUE A FIERCE ATTACK " (Tearaal taadal asrrtae.) Oatnes villa, Sept. Undaunted by, bis failure of yesterday to dislodge the Brown army from Thoroughfare gap. General drant resumed thd offensive with renewed vigor and auppoeedly with fresh troops this morning. Mrbougti tba Browns under Bait Buffered heavily an yaaterdaya engagement, so axoaMent waa the disposition of bis foroap that be waa able to bold bla own. ' Grant was supposed to have been ra lnforosd during the night by the arrival of fresh troope from Fairfax . Court house whan the battle waa resumed to day. Tba Blues eonetruottvely outnum bered the Browne by nearly two to one. Fresh divisions, however, are on the way to reinforce the Browns. The Bluse wllr be obliged to be ready to meet these new relnforcementa gad to take Thor oughfare gap before 1 o'clock thla after noon, when tba eon filet will end. (Iseebil BkJseteb m Tab JearaaB) Harrlnaton. Waab wept. T-Foot- nads looted the bouse of Joe Cooeae bora yesterday, taking IV. o aJua. HtMMIHOI 7", IN TOWN "The T"undyTetf fnar-ajab tor great demand, everybody wanted to know what tba Wogglabug aald. Many of them were even more eonceraad la Ending oat the Identity of the Waglabuf Itself, Thla they bad little trouble In do- kn Amm th had Mail Vha Ana f ',. Story 'by Mr. Saaia and looked at. ina nna muairattons ok bt. sao i Dougali. But as to what he aald ' that wee quite another matter. , What ha aald waa worth money for. every reader that waa able to " And tt out. That to not a very dtf ' ftcult thing to do, yet It reovlrea earaful reading and aoma study of " the test It wtlt provide pleasant. profitable Employment for tba No. 4 . -f FORTUlJfD. ORBQOH. .4... - v.... ...... ' - - . .'.wi ' ' ; - AK3TAER STEAHR ; M 'FRISCO OTE BfrSsnam ft manasi osAmsrmsi AJI orsn wwjbjpa roa ooarv brbv TZOB wm AVRUXA uS SWSf, " wixai rmxM wvtA mm uxmm ovmxms vo oaMMvmm WTUMMmmm, t Ha bmidIm. tba Russell ft bamm Mianui of Baa Franotsso will put aa another steamer to ply between that city and Port land la conneetloa with eK Auralla. ' Tba oomnea oloasd a deal thla moraine far a year's, lease of the Coloma doesr at tae nwx os street, aad aU -preps rations are being made for the addition of the second steamer to the line. Those representing tba tntereete or tba oompany locally, decline to give out anything 'definite for publication at present, further than to admit that the service to likely to be inereaaeq aimosc any day. The name of the new vessel Is not known, but Fred Russell, -general manager of tba liae, who waa to Port land two weeka ago, stated that tba ad ditional craft will ba of greater carry ing capacity than the Aural la. It la learned frees outside sources that the latter has been guaranteed a full cargo of grain by a local ahipptng concern to mvvw iImi tha anaat aa averv trie that she makes during the remainder of the oereal season. It is presumeo we simi lar arranaements have been mads la re spect to toe new et earner. - , When both vessels are m eommtsaioa. It la aald that the Russell A Rogers company will be to a poslthm to aetaa- llab and malaUlb a weeaiy service dw tween Portland nd u C"fornla metranolm. The Afcrelte bo been on the run regularly fov the past Seven ar eight months, aad baaVbeen making the round trip ovary two woofta. Kecenuy the eargoeo aha baa brouht this way have constated largely of cesaaat and on tha rstnra- vovaaa aha baa Hakea out wheat In har hold and lumber ha deck. She la alao provided with pees in MHMBiadatloM aad the owners ba' considerable business la this line. k.i. mi tM mh wmm vmmi am arriving regularly aa dock workand sJ wava daoartlna an schedule time. As tha et earner being chosen for her rua aing mate la larger and speedier than tha Atirella, H la thought to ba rather probable that tba company will be able to give a little better thaa a weekly aervloa. Rumors are afloat tan other veeeela will be placed oa tha coast run to en gage In the graia treoe ana n even aaic of them should materialise, there will awa It a tlMt af mlahtv BVODOrtlonB operating between thla port and the bay city. A report , baa it tnaa uie waiaer Grain oompany, a new concern recently r ma -la vboutt to eloaa a deal for a large carrier to place on the Saa l?raa olaoo route. A repreaentatlva of the oompany stated thla .morning; that tba mtrnttm mA haaO BAdST COASlderatlOB. but aa yet bo definite decision respecting tba matter had been reached. An announcement of the Increase of etwt Amim Railroad at Mavtsmtlon com pany's fleet to also daily expected by tha abippam . . a Tha City of Eugene aad tba -Oray Bagle are the only boats operated on tba wtllamette river above Oregon city hi ths log towing business. They are owned by the BpaUldlng Logging oom pany of New berg, and In addition to keeping the mill of that firm sappliaa with timber, tha boats are engafed In towing logs from the upper Willamette to Oregon City for the aaa of tba paper miBe at that plaee. During tha months of August Ond Sep tember the cottonwood logs cut on the banks af tha Santlam, the McKenaie and the upper Willamette are floated down the etreem In large bodies to New berg. There they are rafted and towad by boat to the paper mills. During the progress of tba drive tba river to filled with floating loga for miles, At the rear and k large force of men are ato- Uoned to release any of tba Umbers that may become entangled to the gravel bars ar la the numerous eddies along the banks of tba stream - Before mla mills began the manufac ture of paper at Oregon City, the farm ers aad tlmbermen of the Willamette vallev were In a quandary to know what to do with tha cottonwood trees oa their land, aa tber were useless for fuel or building material. - Wbaa oleartag the land the wood bad to lay oa the groung to dry before It eould ba burned, but with the advent of tha mills it became one of the valuable asseto of thoaa who owned tba valley tohuraa. Tha once despised eottonwood la now being planted and grown for future use, u baa become ao scarce that the Colum bia river valley aad Its tributaries are being scoured for the . timber. White fir Is alao being asad to supply tha de mand. To Drenara her for the saaaotr s work the steamer City of Eugene waa hauled out an the ways at tho Supple shipyards yea- terday afternoon. In addition to hav ing her bull repaired, the vessel win ba fitted out with new hog posts aaa chains as well ag gives a genera! over hauling. ' '! s A ,.. ; ; 1 wkai llita artartuMMe or tomorrow morning tha American schooner Cres oeat will ba taken on the drydook for repalra. Her bun win aiso ae repaimeu and possibly soma other work of a mtncyr natura will be dona to tha craft. Tne contract jor patting twrnrnmn ehlD-ehape oondltlea baa been awarded to Anderson A Crowe, tho shtptroera. The crescent ts leaving aeaiy, oat tn natura of her damage cannot be ascer tained until she la lifted out af tha m Bha hann ta laak the BOSOnd .w it frnn Manila, and It WaB BBOBB aary to keep the pumps m rrequenv op- erstton. The omcers ana crew ar ww k. tha waaaal did aot Strike -anything during the voyage, and they are at a losa to aooount ror ner gvtting into unaea worthy condition. She Is a new vessel, her only trip Being aa tne thl14nnlnaa anil Ml unl The oran la lie ieet oag am a it iinii tka nam aaA ia tna urmi ui.unar mm an I It an the Farina coast. a. aha haa nM haaa chartarad for the outward trip, and there la aome talk that aba may be aenl to Port Tewnaend to geoura a lumber cargo. CAM wOwaV Ha hatches ware ooened yeeterday afternoon and the worn or aiscnargmg the freight from tna rrancB snip Rpiaaua waa aotlvalv beewn. Notwith standing the fact that the decks of ths veeeel were under water tor several days during tha voyage from Antwerp tha careo waa found te be la the beat of aoadltloa. Late this afternoon tha British ship Dumfriesshire will reach tha harbor, aa she paaeed St. Helena at o'clock. She la coming from Swansea wtlh a full Voaraa of seal, which to' OOBaugned to on nn wAtn ttm ; Frnmaai af fllltommi TaBey FlaaA- Kerr, Qlflerd Oa. .The vassal Will ga osre a berth at the gas dock. - There are now only twa boats run ning to tha hopnelda, the Altoua being taken off the run thla morning. From now oa tho travel up that way Is ex pected te ba rather light la the course of a few dare It la announced the Altona win ge on her regular rui up tba Wil lamette river. , " After lying e for a few days fhe British ahlpBeaeon Rock began receiv ing cargo agala this morning. It to aald that she will be loaded and ready to aatl for the United Kingdom by tba latter part of this weak. tsT OMPOB v..' vt,.j ananaara who made a survey of the river channel a abort time ago state that it m m oanw -"i" tbaa R haa been for yeara aad the hoel set place found oa the bare are oovared with a sufficient depth of water to permit tba free and easy pases ge of the laraeat cargo ahtpa that are likely -to eoraa to thla port.- Since then there has been considerable greogmg qn wa oua localities. la view of thla sltus- tm mm mmiA (hat If BUT VaSOele should have any trouble In getting up ik. wKvmm it will bo on account of other oawsea taaa a auffieUnt depth ox OAABT At to o'clock this morning tba steamer Kdith arrived te the river from San Francisco. The vessel is unoar cnartvr to Taylor. Toung Co. to load Wheat at Portland for California porta. She la a Urge carrier and it Is estimated that aha will ba able to take oat la tne neighborhood af MM tona. After load ing hare aha will proceed to Seattle to coal before beginning the trip down the ones. ; r 7 ; l t; Astoria. SepL 7. Arrived at a. av, it earner Kdlth. from San Franclaco. Left up at 10:10 a, oa., ataamer Rdlta. St. Helena. Sept. IPassed at 10 a. m.. Brltlab hark Dumfrleashlrat Eureka, Sept T. ailed laat tUgnt, ataamer Alfianoa, toy Portland. Astoria, Sept. -Laft up at I . mv. Steamer Columbia, ' . Bailed at 0 p. law steamer raiea, xor Aatorlaf Sept. T. Condition of tba har at a a. am- obaoured; wind, north. light; weather, fogey, dense. Astoria, Sept. 7. Arrrvoa . ataamer Northland, from Saa Fraaolaoo. WATS. 'K The flablas tug Jessie, beloagln to 1l v. .I1 ana aillal ailt DO awwruuia mm r - the ways at tha Supple eh I pyarda yea- teroay to aw givon a a i it ia aiaa tha tntantlaa to repaint and saoaulk the viaset . . SWETL AND RELEASED (Continued from Faga Oni.) and paid over tba money; but we Sad that moet-of thla olaae of Items are due to entries In tba 'summary roll. show ing an apparent- discharge of taxes Ikaw waa M BB mailt Of UlVel Of court warranting tna entry. This olasa of Kama, while apparently a just claim. cannot, as ws now neneva, oe beeauaa (1) the original rolls da not ahow a release of discharge .of tha prop erty anff tha summary rot- wn-r ua erroneous antsiea are made te hot a rec ord required by law to be kept and (1 ) the ordere of tha eouoty oourt oa which these entries are preaiceieo anow iw Mat eha Mtrlaa . are too broad and are erroneously amoe without power or authority.' . Mn.k.k um aa. Or our'omnlon. justly held against Mr. Bwetland, and the total amount toereor, who !. ia wmM at the eloaa of a fan and fair trial before a oourt oosa- petent to adjust tna aocounu not exceed the 99 now offered hi settle- n... 4a larllimita mOm fOT B1H. swum auvav , dnbate upon many of the Items cUlmed. and tba possible ravorawa - tm tha aananaa WWUld BOt, In our Judgment, warrant the oounty to .l. aflaial.1 ma mum - .--a.u wMh this vaoemmencaV' tioa. aa order was entered this morning accepting the compromise offerad by Swetland and ha tner-upon r to County Clerk Fields. The following statement was made by Swetland ta ref erence, to the teeaei . "Before suit was arwignt B,"1 a demand waa made upon me by District u.-na fnr aha amount claimed by the oounty, some r wrote a letter to aim at mu t. a Mtla Vnr 040. -I cbacbed Over the report and found that there i probate and ox ner xe-a u..-, i .l-- .kMt asa. and to oover mUUKkl"! mm- - - " - any further possible errors, 1 made my offer 940. Tnm oner i amtvwwm alderod by the dlstrtci attorney w m-. i..ara,wa aa the flrurae were so far apart, the oounty board deemed tt beat tbatche matter should be adjusted ta oourt. When the case came up for trial tha attorneys for the county took a nonsuit and 1 waa "e- . ... aiaa than tha matter baa- beaa la abeyance, and la order to clear ap tho bualneoe I wwmm Aeea r Bsttlamont to 99. As the county's attorneys bare prac tically agreed with my attorney as to any liability, they aeoweo "ww llV: ll7' ha aoaanaad. . In addition ' M-k.ii n nav tha county tare dollars toy every aouar tnat oohiu provsd to have been collected and not I. ... ha mhim tiuaaurer. iu i-a ' - - ha. .Kta t mm to aav: I believe a.-, i ik navt. Oaorwa Black. brought tha matters property """TV . all elaima could nave oeen - aawaair WOUld have OnOB, UIW mnmm na 7 . . been saved the ooatp wbicb tmwm .. and 1 would have been aavea mow ar aikt. ami wsd notoriety as .a .ua ... am nnrvtv- of a cler ical nature. In Mr. Black's report he peases lightly over the metier vt ... a riuiv as clerk to Issue warrants for all expenses of the county. Hundreds at tnoueerws -tur- l thla aannw UBBBed tofOVgh TUW hands and hot oaa SoUgr of disc rape ncy W" ":!?a a ha Joaat at the time wbaa suit was instituted. I all tlrare ready to psy any SBOneys due tha oounty, and I believe all who know me have thought at an times urn mer. u k... haaa vthlna In BT ad ministration of the oounty eiera s oiiioe that re fleeted upea my integrity. t.ia -aaw anatHal aounset fof the hta and ether oases growing out of the expert's Investigation, ex plained thla morning toe grounos oa which It had been deemed bestto mak. "When we came W tne prejamuon the trial of the caae we found It very queattonable whether Mr Swetland MM,ia h. h.iit - aaui juobb uarwr. am county oourt ' bad made a number of orders for ths settlement af taxes. On the summary roll appeared orders Set tling those and other taxes. When a deputy elerk released taxes as oruereu i ha awmi muri ha did tt iu s num ber ef eases by entry on the summery roil in sucu a way w .11 ha ..m mi a Una had been re leased, whereas the order applied to only a part or them. i-ne county awru waa supposed to rely upon the summary roll, and go ha failed to oolleet taxes thus apparently released. Hers was seemingly a ease where he bad released the taxes against property, but without collecting; them or turning them over to the oounty treasurer. But the summary roll la a book prepared under the order of tho oounty court during the past few yeara. for the eonvenlenoe of the office, end-It to. not a tax record required to be kept under the law. Our final eoa clualeo, aa to a large number ef these Items In, dispute, was that el ace the original tax roll a do aot show any re leaea of the taxee. the property ts still liable, and the eareleaa ar wrongful en trtea en the summary roil will not pre clude tba oounty from enforcing Its rights against the property. "A good many of the Items claimed against Swetland were of thla eharao ter. For aome other Item ha was eleerlv I labia but be bad some oounter claims that could be Justly offset, such for Instance aa where he had oa several oeoaalone paid over mora money to ths treasurer thaa hla books ahowed he .bad colleoted. There ware many errors la his accounts, but tho net result, after careful- inveatlaatloa, warranted tba dis trict attorney and special counsel for the county In recommend in g tho settle ment rather thaa to go Into a trial which would be vary Ions; tedious aad expensive." ; t TARIFF WILL STC? EIG AUTO (MGES xtKoeearvar' hire for automoblleg to doomed ta thla elty. An ordmanos to be ing prepared which will limit the amount of tba fare to ba charged by ana op era tore. Thla ordinance will be tba same ia text o that which fixes the rates governing hecka, eeba and oar- rlagesV r " - Than ana 'a ' araat aaanv AUtOS Ul Portland aad their owners charge aa high aa 94 aad H aa hour for carrying n.iunn ununl tha altv. . It to ar gued that aa aa auto scene but Uttla mora thaa a back aad to more enearny maintained, thea should BOt bO allowed to obUeot such exoees Pre farce, 4 It to understood that the majority of tba members of the eouneli are m favor of the ordinance and that when pra aari m win ha nsaaad H. R. Albea to preparlnr the ordinance. In text It Is as follows: " - Oae pereoa. aot to axes one mna - aa tha ataiul SB aBaitB. The sum of 00 eenta will ba charged for eaab addiUonal mile or rrasuoa taereoc "Whaa ordered at stated times witnia the same limfcu, 91. For eaeb additional mile, o cants and 00 eenta for oaea aa dtttona! paasengerj - Riding or calling. 9 for the first hour and 90 oedta for each additional hour; Uaae to be oonaputod from the time of reaving offloa. . To and from balla, then tree or par ties, one or two pereoaa. I and three ar four persona, - "r aiwi rrMB, tralnek steamshlpa or haata. ana a we naraona. not to axoeed on mile from dock ar depot, Al. For each additional mile, 00 eenta. - "Bxclustva aaa af autog to meet train or ateamahlp or boat. ll-eO." w - r 1 1 FISH WARDEN FILES . HIS MONTHLY REPORT - V dkiihl Pbw 4a Tba Ptiieil - Saiana, Or. Sent. tTbe report filed by Stato Flab 'Warden Tan Duaea for the month af August ahowd that at tne ua- tario aalmoa hatchery the racks were closed August T. and tho fish began en tering the neat day ta large numbars. it la mvw' estimated that 10,000 are be tween racks and tha river full of fish for miles below. At the Salmon River hatchery tna work of eoUectinjr eggs from the spring Cblnoofc salmon haa bees finished and b take of 1,100,000 eras to repotsed. The Oregon City flsbway is reportso aa progressing la a mulaaotory manner and wUl1 without doubt .he xinuaeu wtthla tlm time limit, October L lwi The dam that la being constructed ny the- Oregon Water Power dt Railway oompany across the Clackamas river to reported aa a massive affair, that will no doubt tatorfero materially with that stream aa a salmon breading stream, al though assuranoee are made that a good fUhway will be provided. The finaneiai report ror anguaranowa that tba receipts In bto department. In cluding districts Noa. 1 and l Tor ii- oenaee. Tinea, etc were i.eie.tB, an the disbursements, 99.S97.40. - GRANDE RONDE FRUIT Z wanted at fair . ' aiBMtel Dimetsk b the learaeL) - Ia Orande, Or.. Sept .-J-Stack1ajid Bros, of Cove, who are among tne ieao ing fruit-growers of tha Oraod Rondo valley, have received word from tha management of the 4K. Louto fair to and a , carload of frulta, inciuaing nrunea, Plums, and especially . .apples, and other leading frutta there. Tne management oonaraera to wnnq Ronde among tba bast variety exhibited. '.V iibmUI Boaptal Barvtea.l - tta4a " Bant. T Word WBB raoSlVed here this morning -that three persons were killed and 99 Injured to a collision between a tourist and aaotner train m Swltserland. Many of the Injured ware sngiish tourists ea route to cbaaumnix. la upper savoy. 7." RtBAT tJAAlFOmsTlA. " . i OmmmI aaaMSt garvtSeV Baa Wpanolaaa, SaoL 7.-Thla has been ha hMttaa aav tt the vaar. The aher- mometer registered 91 at 1 a' clock. A number of mtnor prostrations are re ported. For Arty Skin Disease fait) v : t .r1 j W wfll help td euro yen. WTJt aend Trial Settle Pros to any one seTKlins; ioc to pay nostaaw. It abaolutely harmless, has. cored tbouoawm, wilt cure you. , oimPrlnoaSu New York. mm- v I XT I1VUI - Saedbytsadhag Ssaggtsts 1 aj ii B sstoiststyalgiili il 4 ' " " ' f ' ' . ' hi I I 'aMw mm ' V V " ' ' ' ' .V-Vi:.' v '-Wit ; '" ' ' ' - ) J MiRobinsorik BATH CABINET Is just Hks so much health lnaws. Wrth fms of thess ' Csblfstts you can tsks a ; yAPOR, MEDICATED, 8UL- PHUK or anf form of Electric BethiA your own room, at' n axpeiiM ol 3 cents. . ; V .iV-:;. -Cr V ; . r.-" Xt will positiwely cure aU forms of Wo4 ditototwoorof the rrcylhtkm k poor. It cores uicestlon., tnsornnli, mimmWttiwak Vim and' kkliiay troublee, v ; , , V v j ; J "V-v ?:-"- v- .' We heve sold thotseands, and hava only good words tram . our euatflaxaxf .;" ; ; ;"; . ' f-' ; . . -,. : I - 'A -v -:V,V;, . ..." ?"v7"-: ; v-v :- k'r --:- , '-f, - j j-. ar-a. ,r : "i wt art.a- last us show them to you CX . . -- - 'i . FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS Specid Clean mm pi To Main 1 Am 0bporiiuilty to Sacnrw Goodt St4rfl , . Yb&FGnfa pi-mO at On-HU It Valot. ' We have taken an inventory of our stock and find we have. 87 Pianos, consisting of sHotly-used, second-hand, taken trf exchange, and some new ones shipped in from discontinue agencies which can't; be distinguished from- new. AU totbe closed out at once at a big sacrifice. It is impossible to give a full description of each, in fact, we would not do so in print as they are largely of our regular stock, ,and the prices are such that we would not, nor could not, duplicate again. We give below an idea of about what you can find in this lot ;. v a 5 of one of our best selling makes, that sells regularly 4 for $376, can't be told from new.....f.w.a-e..fdr45 0 of another. make tha sells for $350, now. ........... f23S 4 others that sell for $350, in 'fine condition, r . f-218- 1 large size $450 style, beautiful mahogany.. .318 3 new ones, in which' the cases w.ere slightly damaged i in shipping, regular $375, now. .v. m m . .f 288 1 Weber, usually priced, by the dealer who sells them, R j; Z V at $fi50, taken in exchange for an Everett, only in use a short time '..v.'i i. ... I .eyZcrtf 1 Chickering, large size, the style that the dealers who -,,4 handle them sk $650, taken in exchange for a fineM-.t . ;:' Knae, in fine condition. ...........?325 There are other secondhand uprights, all myr1rie condition such as Hale, Hinze, Arion, Kimball, Moxart, Milton, Frank-r lin, Warner, Kingsbury, Harvard and numerous others at $90, $110, $180, $110, $lTt, $196, $210 and so on. Just the thing; for begnnners. and which we will toke back at any time for what you pay for them in exchange for a new one, ' A fine Steinway square for $110. Also a. lot of good second-hand Organs at $30, $85, $30 and $35, worth double that amount. Here is an opportunity that needs prompt action. Call in and select your instrument Your credit is good. Name youft own terms. Sale now on. Open evenings." i Anch&Giibcrt-acn:iI:crCk); k CortMr th and 20 Per Cent em . aw-. .'.'' Wa ra-aaver amoreiias ror ieo leeled. An extra 10 pr cent discount wm as giyeo on au inunea iri during thla week at el isror 'Jnn rjT; e-a-wwa wit. "tyeai 0 e y ef T ir wtm gov, , .. JOH1N AULESINA . r ' s TWO FACTOR! Bo -.'t-t 1 ,1 . . or aend you our Booklet freov ' CO. .-k..j.. ,Jl, MfjAt '"f-.' ing-Up Sale Stocks Now Arrivlns-5 Morrboti Strowtt , Discount oi Hit 1 1 1 ' na p ao,... w .-TT" I ruaw aa a, saw awavrmwa am, Vaafetw. Be, SMS Wi PIANOS??!