The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 07, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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-' A
m - V sTl i - L
ion moTQ
a. ,,v . y-
for the
Every mother realizes at this time that tht fitting oat of
their boye and firle means a considerable cash outlay. - - r.
Let Us Help You to Economize I
BOYS t-niece Tweed Suits at low a. ........ .:...1.50
BOYS' Serf Suits, T to 14 years.. 1.85
BOYS' Mixed Tweed Suits, 7 to 14 years. . . . . .$2.25
BOYS Mined grey and brown Suits, 7 to 14 . -
years ...f2.50 and S3.00
BOYS' Norfolk Suits, 4 to S years, i. . . . . .f 2.50
BOYS1 Sailor Norfolk Suits f2.SO f 2.75, $3.50, $4.00
BOYS Separate Pants, 9 to 14 years; pair.... .......
BOYS' Heavy School Hose, pair. ................ 12H
BOYS' Extra Heavy Ribbed How. .... Off B tor
BOYS' Cloth Caps, bu-fe assortment, mch.. ......... .25
GIRLS'. School Dresses In Gingham and Percale, .
each... v.... Mp..v45 and 65
GIRLS' Sauor Suits, B to IS years..:. V.......V.f 1.25
GIRL8' Wonted Check Dresses, French style, trim
med in braid and buttons.,. ...... ...... 85 and f 1.00
GIRLS' Plain Serge Dresses with round yoke and "
accordion-plaited ruffle ...fl50,
Xarge assortment of new Fall Dresses, from to IS -
. years, m checks, plaids and serges, nicely trimmed, '
UP tO. ,n.Mt,., ...,..HW,
- Tt Balanos of Oar Stock of
While they last at lest than half price. T ;' ' V .
All Waists up to $1 .95, lor. .; .., 59
All Waists up to S1.75, for. Tv
AH Waists up to 4S.W, fw;....,...w.. .... .... .08
ton Store
J. tt STANTON Menag-er
t z - '-
Allegta that hi fNwr wife. Bertha
B. lUrtln, takM tbetr little Ma, Willi
Joel Martin, to saloons and generally
condocta herself In a way unbefitting a
mother. W. & Hart la ba Instituted an
action la Ui elroutt eourt to secure poe
aaaaloa af tha bo v. Judn Gordon leaned
aa oriMr THinnr restraining mmr iron
taking the boy outatd th juried letloa
At the oeurt. . , , -1
The Martina war divorced Apr 1.
IMS, to this olty. Br tba dacraa of tha
oat Um father -araa awardad tna cua
toir tha hoy tat ona yaaf. tha mothar
for tha aaxt yaar. and ao am altcrnatrly.
It tm hla lfH iapln mullfUi
It k 'aaaortad la tha ooatplalat that
Mra. Martta aoaitraetad aa U!al mar
rlaca with iotm Bald of Astoria laat
tuna par i and na ainaa llTa with
blBB. Sh taaald' to hara baaa aaaa
aaronalna; In tha aaloon of T. A. afo-
Covrt, a MeHlimmia, ta Anaust. 10I
Sh la aoenaad of antarlaa Pat Klanay'a
saloaa at Aatorta, Juna 10, 1104, and
oalllaaT for Jaek Klllaoa, Wall thr
war drlaklaa; totathar ta a bos, tha
oaaa4ant raada Bald arrlrad oa tba
aoan with a rarolvar aad BUIaba aofl
tha woman flad. Other . lnatanoaa of
Mra. Martin' allaaad had oondaet ar
glva. aad ah I aald at on tint
t hava takan tha D07 to Um Loarra
aalooa at Aatocia. -
Oa. hutoad.
toa lataia aau
fa a
and arhaaj 70m aaay win
anmdaad Ballaa fajm
Oa tha wiMiiital Oaw
I Do All Merchants Realize
the Importance ; of ; Ade-
5 quate Space for Their
! A n n o u nee m e n t s ?
I a-J. IB ;
.- a1
awvavsnsnr aioair. ' tmm
j ma AJbWATS ram - .
I taajaadii a aaoKuai w -
I nanT a una aiiaM , f
A waaapaiur aoldtara asav ma ad.
tjuatalr arm ad for ordinary Mrvlo wlth
rioaa onlr If th rtOa ara aaodors and
of Ions ran.
1 A revlmont. If aawratlng IndaOandaotlr '
- In aotnal aaniec. must naad hara at
laaat a faw 'Hald gMnm," parhapa noma
amaoh-laadlna, rapld-flra "thraa-acund-
' A brivad. Wolatad from 1U baa, anat
earry at laaat a a mall artillary corp.
aqulppad with Said funa Uiwa anoush
to oand" a fortlflad tnaar, or to
oovar atthar aa offaaalr movamant ar a
Vatraat. - - -.. .
Aa army dfrlatoav ta hoatil oonatry.
aa mov acdy aa faat aa Ita "blc
Suna" ean b tranaportadfor tha big
uaa ara th "mailad flat" of a major
fneraJ. Wlthont tham ha la partlallr
dlaarmad; loalna; any of tham to tha
norny la oomtad to b a htimlllatlnc
rvr, apt to nullify a what plaa af
aampalen. , .v .
r, or
Th llttla atora, mta fh
holdlara, may eat along- with llttla ada
tf thr ara plaoad ta lone inatV ma
droms. A""btcar atora," Ilk a rarlaant, moat
hava aocn dlaplay apana mm Bald
dnma, for often and dafanaa.
A tin-btf;rwr-atcra,' ilka a brlcada,
mat earry "biar nana." muat npand
Ha display advarualaa; from toohaa tnto
A raally KT Mora. Iftta aa rmy
drrlalon, moat carry tha lrat una,'
muat uaa what paaa for "broadaldaa
and muat maka Ha advrtlln Ka
"mallad hat" far ompttuaa, and Ita
atovad hand- far patrana. -
it1' '
Wotdd Have Dr. Kaykendafl as President ? of
. .State Senate and Also Want to Say Who
Shall Be Speaker of Lower House, '
Dletatorahip fa alwaya fraaeht with'
parU for thoaa wh attompt It aad tha
afforta of Oracoa'a Unltad Staiaa aas
atora to ooatrel tba oraaalaaUoa of th
aaxt laaialatara ar alraady, aroaalna;
mumauri of atrons dlaoontont. Sanatot
Mltaball and Soaator Pulton hava shown
thalr IntaaUoa of maklns.Dr. Kuykan
daU of Lana tha praaldant of tha atata
aaaata, and many politician ara af th
opinion that tbay will andaaror to mam
tha apaafcar aa watL It la not atraac
that avtdanoa of oppaoltloa ara alraady
. Tha antl-MHohn win a; af th BapuV
Uoaa party In thla atata, thouah oruabad,
la not axtlnot IU rapraaantatloa la tha'
fallatura Is amail but It to eapabla of
aomblnatlon with other almnta which
may mak It f ormldabla, Tbara la
mail body of laaialatora who ar atrons
adharaata of Kx-oonaraaaman Maloalm
Moody, and thay hava alraady tnada It
plain that thay do not taka kindly to tha
out and - drlad procram. arranaad br
ailtchvll aad JPulton. Tha atata aan
atora from aaatara Oraaoa maka no
aort of thalr oppoaltloa to BuykandaU
for praaldaat of tha aanat and thay
tand raadr to throw thalr vote to al
io oat anjrona alaa fM ' oaa.. daralop
anourh atranah to maka htm a poaalbU
wlnnaf. Tba naraonal ambition of -
xU mamhara of th ataU sanata ar alao
a faotof la tha altaatlon, and It to by aa
maana Ibipoaalbla that aoma of tham
may cat" tofathar In a aomblnatlon that
would ba axoaodlhBlr troublapom to
Mitch all and Fulton, aapaotall? If aha
spaakerabtB to to ba iaeludad ta tba
At tba prwant tlma Xaykandall hi wall
la th laad far tha praaldancy of th
sanata, -yat ba aannot ba raaantod aa a
mra wtanan In ordar to win ba muat
hava boat, ff not ail of Multnomah's
aavasT votes, la addition to thoaa Which
tba Bootb-Kally tafluanoa Is axpastad to
iv him from aouthan Qraoiv in
aaatara and oantral Oraon Kuykandall
to not popular. It to alhljr Important,
tharafora, that Multnomdh'a aenatora
ahoold ba hold In Una for th program.
It to aafa to say that Prank P. Maya will
not appaar aa a aandldate for th praat
danoy of th aanat as Ions as Kurkan
dall to In tha raoa, for both May and
his partnar, Judg Oaray, ar too elosaly
alllad With tha Mltchall organtoatloa to
allow him to Intarfara with Ita plana,
Tbara baa, recant ly, bn noma talk to
th affoot that Sis: Slchal might anter
tha lists but tha suteatlon raoalvaa lit
tla erdao. Probably tha story orig
inated la a daalr to pat aaothar ob
steola ta th way of Uaa Malarkoy,
whoaa poaalbla oaadldaoy baa baan a
aooroa of aonsldarabla dlaqumt to thoaa
intareatad In tha Kuykendatl program.
It to wall known that U UaUrkayv oould
gat tha aapport of bis awn dalagatlon ha
would hava tha votes Of at kadat four
of aaatern Oragon'a aanatora, and that
would put him wall to the front. , n ,Jr-
r,- , laMfsntur.
If Sh program could b aooflnod
atrMMy to. th orsjanlsatloa of tha aan
at. that would ba llttla doubt of Kuy
kandall's election, but there to raaeoa to
believe that alroumatanoee will fore Ita
extanawa to the speakerahlp of the
bona. Senator pulton la p roomily
favorable to tha ambition of Ton Kay
of Marion, who aaplrea to praalde aver
th lower branch of th lefftolatura, and
Kay will naturally expect Pulton's na
tive aid. - Kay am th first of th Ma
rlon derogation ta toav Oear and go
over to Pukton, in tba eanetorial etrugsle
of IMS, and h hangad at a time when
the flaht had reached Ita moat orltloal
atag. It waa only aa hour before tha
adioummant of th iaclslatura whan
Kay turned to pulton. Mad be failed to
rote aa ba did. soma other man might
now ba standing- ta th boea of Senator
Pulton, for Kay waa.oae of tha main
etaye of Pulton's bopea, and hi defla
tion at tha auproma moment of th
strum would have been diaaatroud in
tba extreme.'
Kay is OoaftoentL
Kay claims that , be baa vote aaough
plodgad to him to win tba apeakerahtp.
Ha probably eaaggeratea hie strength,
but he to oartalnly. not far front the goal,
aad Pulton might ba abl to swing to
him toe few additional votes that ba
need. Under sueb ctrcumetsaeca -an
appeal for help could acaroaly ba Ig
nored by tha seamter. Th awkward
featur of th sltuatioa, from Pulton'a
point of vie w. -1 that the moment ha
cbamplona Kay'a causa ha runs up
agalnat tha ambttlona of th othev -caa-dldataa
In the raoa for the apeakerahtp.
If Vawter of Medford to a aarlous aapl
rant for tha office, and not mraly aaek
lng recognition, a wilt not aubmlt read
ily to nay lnterieyaad by 8 ana I or Pul
ton. v , . .
Bailey of Multnomah Is alao san
guine -aspirant for th ptooa, and If ba
should win th backing of hto own dele
gation, he, too, would expect Pulton to
keep his hands off. v Bailer's candidacy
for speaker to being- used with aoma ef
fect to keep Maiarkey out of the fight
for president of tba aenate oa the ground
that Multnomah county cannot expect
to have both presiding, offlcere of the
legislature, and for the prevent at laaat
It la likely that neither Mltchall nor Pul
ton will do anything to put Bailey 'out
of tha running. Nevartheleea. It la -believed
by these who are heat Informed
that however reluctant the aenatora may
ba .to mix In tha apeakershtp Mates,
thay will be forced to include it la their
program. - ' - - ---- -
Th situation la not unattended with
danger, for- It would seriously impair
th practice of tba two aenatora If their
program abould miscarry. - To Mltaball
such a result might ba dlaastraus, for
his term will expire In 107. v Pultta
taken lead risk, for h haa two years
mora than hie eolleagua, but It would
ba a bard rebuff Jf th candidate whom
ba to known to favor for speaker and
praaldant of tba aanat aheuld ba turned
down. v ., . . '
George C -Browner! Is', telling bis
friends that he to supporting Dr. Kuy
kaadalk and ba arofeaeag to ba doing
It from abeer goodnaas of heart, wlth-
out any ulterior motlva and with no pri
vate cjMtejMto sarva It will be ao sur
prlae however. If la the event of Kuy
kandall' e election Brownell should re
ceive th ebalrmanatalp of tba eommlt
tos aa rail roe aa, tha pcatttoa -whlab ba
held for half a doaan years before he
became praaldant of tha senate. At the
oomlng aeaaloa of th leglalature this
chalrmanahlp wlH ba oaa of tba moat
important la th senate, for It to quite
likely that aoma railroad legislation
will be attempted. There to already talk
of an attempt to amend tba maximum
freight-rate tow, and Mils relating to
this and kindred mattera will probably
ba Introduced. Brownell haa demon
strated la tha past that tha chalrmaa
abip of tba railroad committee doea not
loan anything of IU importance la hto
W. A. mtott haa tha dubtotu honor
af being th first man la th atata to
wear tba tot model Oregon boot. Oa
wae brought bare from 0okane, Waab
about two month ago. but until yea
terday a axwaaiea aroaa making
neceeaary to outfit any of tha prisoner
at tha county jail wlta) th aaXaguard
agalnat running away.
A few alghta ago attllott, who wae a.
"trusty," violated the rule by having
tha toil at night. Ha returned la a
drunken condition, at aa early, hour la
th moralng and was found at the Sal
mon street door by Jailer Oraftou.
Sine thea ba ba beea working on tba
Yesterday Elliott wee tat ta work
cutting graaa oa the courthouse lawn.
In Order ta maka sura that ba doea not
tog it away from tba rfoa again,, tba
new Oregon boot Wae placed oa him. Xt
to composed! of three piece of tron, of
which two, forming an oval pattern, ftt
round the ankle. The third place, which
mark tha Improvement, fa tone with
screws ta th heal of th shoe and bears
the weight of tha anklet, thua prevent
ing tha weight from falling directly on
tha leg. Th boot weigh II pound and
effectually prevent ita Wearer from
traveling faster than a alow walk. If
Ita wearer should attempt to run the
anklet would work back and forth aad
brtfla th flash, '
Ona of lb finest houseboats oa the
river was launched thla afternoon from
the ways at tha Joseph Suppl ship
yards. It waa built for Robert In man
of tba Inmaa-Poutoou mill. ' Th build
ing la a two-story affair and St by M
feat In cUianaelone. It to divided rata
a BAWbar ot apartment. The hotsc will
o towed down th river and placed on
a big a hooting preeerve which ha been
leaned for th season.
Whan fitted up and furnished the
houa will be aa aquatic manalon, a
watchman employed to -feed the ducks
Bananas they did not Hka th way In
whtoh thay had baan treated by Thomas
Twaltea, Attorneys William Oregory and
M. A. Butter withdraw from hto defane
ta th uit Instituted against him by H.
B. Bdwarda yesterday at th tlma R
to earn p en mot tea' for a new
trial. Left without eouneei, Twaltea had
to be granted a eon tl nuance by tha court.
Twaltea waa aued for tba recovery af
furniture, which Bdward claimed he md
purchased and never paid for. A ver
dict waa returned -to favor df tha plain
tiff. A motion for a nw suit was Sled
ta tha time limit and was to have been
argued thla morning.
Circuit Judge qeorge wsa hearing tha
argument of counsel la th mitt brought
ay J. B. Brldgea agalnat Robert Wake-
nld. for the appointment of a receiver
for their shipbuilding Interests, when At
torney Butler approached the court and
hurriedly explained that ha and Atter-
Oregory wlehed to withdraw fram
tha daf en, as Twaltea bad aot treatedJ
them right. The reaaeat waa araated.
Nobody being present to, argue to sao-
aad to b oontiauad, .
and other wild fowl oa the pr will
maka It hi permanent res Id nee, but th
principal rooms will ba retained for th
ua of 'the owner and hto f rienda when
they go down that way oa shooting ex
pedition Th house lit handaomely bultt Wttk
finished material, and both Interior and
exterior of tha struct r hava been
painted. There ta. many a comfortable
looking cottage In .he beat residence por
tion of th ctty that does not look
nearly ao Inviting a th floating palace
which will be occupied by the hunters,
f 1
V-.T! 'AW
1 t 1
nr. . " .i
; w care saowmg exeep-
"2 tionally Strong Lines :
fcV in BOYS' x: '
- '-.4"' ' ?
: v y. '": '
' YoU Uly find . here -the wear-resisting sort, ,af;: .V ; ' ,
Suits that wc guarantet; to wear ad well
as the FIVE DQIXAR SUITS of other
-r . v;,,Vb.- v stores.
-----J.,'..Mlr'-.-.:tUHLLt.h .' 'V ' ' ' 'L S
- wf.r--.ri X'-'"X': "':rJ:A .,4,.v -:-: S'-'.:'.. ''et,Vff -k '
y7ZiH$ -7rt;TfIIK AND OAK ftTCCCTft , CxGp
nr im somts ov mmvmrnrm
SiSlWia JJR) OXiSSiaT OOWStaamalaW
Ta ratas awickiy th sua of jfr.SM
tant V vary eaey tank, eavactall! whan
oaa baa only M eaata ta start oaT But
that's What Mat Pollti did. Mas Follts
ta elty aaleaman for a firm of cigar deal
era at Third aad Washington tract.
Tw waeka an -ha aurehaaed a ttaket
la a lottery. Th ticket coat him l
eaata. A week ha mmIvb
for T,toa with tha announoement that
na naa neea lucay enough to aria that
much oa hlo half dollar., Tha big kill
ing hasn't mad th lucky man foolish,
althar, for he ta selling slgars Just Ilk
he klway did.
?r InCa&ts aa CjWram,
nta fXi In Km Air:,"! lr.$
tha' program already laid ut
tha meeting of tha state commission of
tba Lawla and Clark fair, Saturday,
will ba a busy on and several matters
of Importance will be discussed and
probably decided, -
The oommleelou ba received a letter
from Mra. Sarah K. Rorur, who I
achieved a national reputation aa
cooking demonetrator, aaklng
what agreement eh oaa aoma next year
to the bewta and Clark fair and eon-
duct a model soaking aahpol and oafs.
Mra Itorer ta at presant la charge of
the aaet aavllkm aafa at tba St. Loula
Tha request of tba Astoria chamber of
commerce that fund b set aside foe
tba ertctlon of a monument la honor
of Lewis and Clark Bear that otty win
ba considered by tba eommtaaion. As
toria citiaena believe that tba spot where
th explorer made their camp la It 01
and Ituf should b marked by a monu
ment. - It ta tha opinion W several of
th commllonr that tha body na
no wowtr ta sat aaida rumu for such a
purpose. f. .
Aacthr topic of tntareatl will ba the
dtoouealoa of th fr of tba Masmae
tu employ gvides anJ keep an cnen
houae f. Mount Hood for tba visitors to
fi fair, If the ccnr-misskm will build
tho loflg hous. Tnls proposition was
formally mad to President My re this
morning by a delegation from tha eo-
elty and racelvee tba prldnt's ap
proval, but whether tha eommlaalon's
fund can b used for thl purpdaa
legally haa not yet been ascertained.
Th Universal Exposition company,
that ta publishing tha blatory of tho
at, Louie fair, dealre to Inoorporata
in tba work 19 or It pagas dealing with
tha Lawla and Clark fair aad Oregon
at tha rata of Its a page. Oovvrnor
Chamberland baa placed the matter b.
for, th oommlaelon end ta favorably
impreeeed with tha beneftte to be re
ceived by- thla adverttaement. Tha
management af th St. Lenli exhibits
and buildings af tba state will ba dis
cussed at tha meeting and tha final
daotelon reached concerning tba elaesl
floatloa Hats,
- j i - "DIDNT HURT A BfT
-"'-X-'X BY OUR
. W are eaaMed ta extract freei as
ta Ml twtb at saa sltUac peaiHvaly -ad
absolutely wltsost MH er ba I
after affwu. PwMala salfeata feaaltt
aert savs as ttmt, a oar aiathed af ,
S to-acting la paelnvafr safe sad aaaa
itelj palakse.
Abeohtt cUasUsiea n ear awM.
W da anwa and Vldga work vtttV .
eat pain. Oar If rmn' eipertoaee ta
platt wort eaablM aa to at roar smtt 1
CoetrorUbly. The eaat U tha ebeapeet -t
ta tha end, We . sate feeUam aa wai
tOt-tll TAIt-lNO BLDfl.
Open avanfhga till a
undays from I
., Poona, Mala
; YOU PLEASE, if you want to save money
Y.-and stay in biuiness,-. ' ' -
The Brunswick-Baike ; CoIIcnder Co,
PaWaM JVslte IM r
Pkonm Maim 44 - -4 v
German Publishing Co.
of Everything -
tot Xmnef St.
Carjr Tmpif
- aV Bmmnttrt a twtas farmer at
Hlllaboro, who reeeatly earn to thla
country, ba aa alpin bom. and aa
effort to ta ba made by CoL U I
Hawklna to secure tha horn for the elty
mnaeam. It to tha pniy tmm of Ita kind
that haa aver been brought to tMs part
af tha country and it has bean attract
ing aensMsrabl attenttaa around Hllla
boro, Ita owner ta an excellent mueletan
and nearly every evening he dellghta tha
reel den (a of th vUtaga with muate. .
Tha bora ta about 10 feet la length
and to mad of aylK aahwood ao me what
resembling namboav Ita notes ara el ear
and -of a peoullar swaetneaw aa ean
be brd Very Htm aistahea, Tb
- World' Fair?
Se that your tlokst reads via ' '
-! jwv itaTeitw evill Immdmd me mmim wUrmme tm fA
Mrommm. r OTJ C. CUXM. P. C. Jg1.t L Anglm, Cat,
borna ara uaejl by tba alpin abeehards
In eaUIng their floeka.home ta tha avaa
lngs. It ta Colonel Hawkins plan ta hava
soma cTwlse musician present at the
October meeting of th Maaamaa, with
evrat of hi oountrymen. and while
th moelctaa plays tha air the ethers
ara ta chant th yodel aong. Tha sseat.
log will b held In the otty bait
A oommrtte oa atTtainmnt has
beea apooiatad aad final arrangements
will soon be made, Tha committee ofw
slata of L L Hawklna, Mra. S. Cran,
Mlaa a Metoalf, alias Bila MeBrida, Mr.
uMra. Xraak t. BUay and W. a.
"Now good digestion walta aa agni .
Ut. and health Tin b th." "P
it It doaan t, try burdock Ma4 Ma
, ft''
a .
iXX;:''! 'X'