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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAt, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVE NINO, SEPTEMBER 7t 1904. J ' VBT ... f . .-s ii i . I . : l Mm at tit poeteffto f TrttoA . tor traaoaottottoa fbreagb th MLH M atoaa Batur. Pvatas far atagto enptoet Per sage P--c. 1 eaat: 1 to M pes, H,J d MV s ato. . j.-r,; '.' - rtvLTMom 1 Waaluiai OffUo-Mala V A . , Bduoitl Iwm Mala SB. ' - 1 mini MTOBim rirTATiV a ftMUit totiiBti bMkl Advarttelng Agoae. ISO NmiMOlif Xerki XUMi " i Inc. CMeag. ,, -t OMomzrnov A' TV Deny ftevaal. artth aaaday, 1 5 the Pally Joarnal. I year ...... viUll an fbe Belly WmI, wim fendey, Mlifn J The Dally JeeraaL mootka The Daily Journal, with Sunday. 8 manrb. the Patty Jwul S moatha ."V" -J5 . w ' 777 ' " T n Dil, per wnk. aaBvered. Tbe Ttonp JoerneL wltb aaaday. I r..! Th Dally fowrnal, 1 year 1"! Tba Dally Jeomal. with Sonday, f bbmb. J-! The Dally AwnHL 6 moTHhi .. .... Th Daily Journal, arlth Sunday, stoat. Tbe Dally Xoaraal I mnetne . 1 The Pally Journal. With "nadey. 1 laf.. - Tba Dallv JeernaT 1 moeih.... Ja anday loamal, 1 raF..t... tka awaflar tarsal, t bmH Tha Baal-WaaUr Tiaraal is fcaa. lUaaantad. BMll aMIkat ! 7 ka VmUj Taaraal. A Waakty JoarmaV 100 Mltaui af raaaV kaf aaeh laiaa, UMwtrctod, t0 airtit i parts. 1 rar .:" amino nM ba nada V ul ataa. atnraaa rdra, and aaaan anwaota aa V. . Bn ttl, Earflawd. Or- abaerfWaa to Tkm Smmnm mt ' torn for tka naaar eaa tka ' torwmrdad to tfcata to W laxtra eaam, pajaMBt to Bacr rarars. MVaUUfc MaVr .VB tOWSaX alaoaa caiCAOO PaatofOat Hawa aaaaaar. 1W ENTTCB, OOtA. ajatk aVok fjtatl i iry . BkaBr. til Bmataantb atraatt .3. Btoflt, BlilMath and Cartla rtraato. CAKAAS CITT Talsw H-wa aT. LOB ANCACLM B. tV Oardaar. XH Mtt t. fcrlnaT tr4 OHta Batoaa M, tnb , Third. TORY Crrr 1atoa fjatoal ' OU A H A. MUlard koto! nfwa waW ; Migaatt Statkatary eonapanjr, ltOi rartmm atraat. 4U1-T LAKH C1TT kwyna aotal am att Jtarrw Bro., 4M Wt Baaaod atraat. Bootk, WT LOXTfH PtitHp Boader, l Lacnat atoaat. aUM rmAKCISOO W. R. AHIoc falaca botal Mil ataad; Ooldamtta Bra.. SM lattot Btreat; Vrrd W. rttta. 1M Mart at atraat. fPOKANB. WKM. Jofca W. Orakaaj Oa. VACOMa, WASH Oaatral Kam aMfpaVi : Br Oaarfl ftakar ,trata tt H i. Ca rax and AMar ait ar nrunr. m- rta, tavaa, aCa. di Ua an ; ," wAmm ipoit ; ' ,-. : -,- ' Waatoar mmttom and mafal faracaat tor Orairoa, Waabloctoa and I&abo.Palr waathar rrralli nnvraliy hi th Vnltrd ttataa, xept lone U aoatttara bardac; froai tka Atlantic -' to tba ParlOe, whara It la qalta nattIL Rata ku failn la tba Omit uta and Uara ax tedlratfaaM at a dlaarhaaa of aaaaa aa ' Tarirj 00 tk Vtatkarn OaUtorala eaaat Haary . froat at report 4 la tka aorttaara portion of tka New Buclaad autaa, and tba temnaratma ' la tba BedlUvar valUy of tba North. aaaWn aVwtb DafcoU. kiabraabC Kajaaaa a ad MU aoorl ra about fia dagroaa baknr aortaaL - - At aba V an rim it la IS daarara wartMT tba a raatard, wbfla la tba North Patlde atataa a afarfcat cbaoiaa im UBtparatva baa. Tb todteattoad ara dar " gaaarallr waaUkar la thla dUtrlet toalfat aod Thura V day. It will ba tUbUr aoolar b aoatbaaat , am WaaUavto. aaatara Or-oa and aoatbara Idaho. Obaarvattaaa atoaad at a. am. , Atlaata, Oa... 1 . . . Bahor City, Or fO Bolaa, Ida ....... 84 T ftoatoa, Heaa....;. t 1 Cbleao. Ill Ta OS " M - at as T. ; at - , a . M ' , j 46 M to a aa a -.; da .at lVa 'rt Oal. itnt4,i, M avarvaa jmt. . ' rraao Cat S..1M ' EUUaa. Hoat... .... M : "JfrkaoerUla. ni 88 KaUapalL Uast : K.TTcitT. Ha M LirwMua. Ida M .Vm A !. Cal at Kw OrWaL La.......... StW Yorlta. T' v orth llaad, Waak..w.... 00 Omaba. Nob.. ..777. TO PllUdrtobla. Pa w Tt v Poratallo, Ida....... M Portlaad. Or M ; mtaahorf. Or..... M taoraaianto. Oal.. 100- at. Looia. Ho t... ,v KK Lki, rta . nt ' a TMrra. Cal, . . T - . .Mm rranchwo. Cad.; M t. raal, Ulna H. S i SpabaB, Wart....... tt - Tacona, Waafc 9J WallaWalla. Waab. M i . Waahlactoo. D. C...-.... 14 - VlaaaatBcea, Har M Ajto......7T.7...10 h: as TT Dd 50 54 58 fit .08 at . M - " 54 - 64 AS ; OS .1 MARBUOR XJCXVaXS. Karon Raoaa af OotnaabU ti; SohoMB BlaahaBi. aavd 35. 4. raiaaa. aaa aa; BHiaaaani n. waraaar, ft SO. t J. R. Paravas. anai Sti Kathrra Oaataadlaeb. Taa ataa acod Thai Haa Laaa, aad So. lVaatVlniolBMa, aaad at; Mary Barb bardt. aaad XT. WtltUat . RlteUa, aad Si; RdUb flabar. il. Wolff. aaad B1 Baa! w. namua. anaa mi aaa b. ra PKATIM' lirtnnw X RU Bine Rtna. at Art aria, agad Rt rra. Barlal at Loaa ru wwtar, ' aaptrmbrr a. C. Nabxta, at RafauIU. Waab.. aawd M mra; eaaae, raa aar by train. Barlal at Loaa Fir aaatotary. Aogaat U, H. A. KaUiata. at WB Park. Waab-. bjrtd at raara; oaaaa, Baralrala, Barlal at Blvrlrw aasu-tary. Brataaibar 1. Ella Ana Oavradar. aawd 48 at waiiaca, iano; aaaaa. aarauraia. hvUI a aVotaai Ui.tal at St MRar. aVptaaiW 1, R. rrawford. atfaf 68 raara. at ft. Tioranfa: eaaaa. baart, toUara. Rarlai at Oraonwood anwt-ry. arptambar S. L. Briaar, arad 16 roar, at Stewart a atatioat eaaaa, auauoa as um Baart. atorlal at Alb la ad. Or. aptarabar 5. P. H. Rarkholoar, aaad S Eth. at 160 Kabraata atraaC Rarial at rarrlrw. B-Mctobar 8, Otra Maria BaiaaM. ad 1 BMwtt, at TH Oorhatt atraet; eaaaa, laaplttaa. Barlal at Loaa Plr. ' Baptnaib-r 8. Rlaaaar S. Ihrrla. aawd 44 yaara. at 15 Whltak-r atrat; eaaaa tabarcaloata. BjarUl at BJTr1aw r-atatarr. apaibar a. Chrlatlna Baaar. aad td yoara. at Tdl KaHory aTiaai. Rarial at Laaa fir aaaactarf. CBaat'eibfT 4. H. ataaar, ird 4 nwatha. at I I atraot; eaaaa. paaaaiaata. Rarial at aa Fir oBfctor. nttatt t, B. lokaakaa, aaad 4t yaata. aft Ulntoa atrt; rana. taborcakwia, harlal at Lsaa Plr eaaaatrrr. avptaaibfr 1. Ira A. DMlarhUa. tfad 4 antitha, at (VataT adimwn: eaaao. rbedara la rTftnta. Bmrlal at MoatarllU rrawtrrr. ariabar ft. Carollqa U A, rirrwchaa, aaod 41 yrara. wooo mgnnua aoauiiai; rau kallat aaa4. Rarial at Uxm Fit eaawtatr tn 4; B dara. Mr-nun1. awplta. Oaaraca Aciuita, m; miirtn-B. za. Yiaiiora t 8 a. am. rartlaad CraauUDB aaaaolifka. rerUaBd. fia. , ' ,. . ,.- ,A ' Tba Sdwart Bwlmha Tradartaklas eeaiBaay. ft a. rat , ort aod aaabalBMra. St Third atraot. Paoaa tOT. I. P. Platoy aa. tvaaral i a r in d to tb-W Bw aatak- r t lawd aa Madlaan atraoia. k-.a ho. a. a-wr.B'ra h At., foooral dlrartora and M- i iaaw aaa. rboaa anot lata t a, FOR LAV1KG HIKES ll PUCET SCUKD OTArmRiARTvm wucmw Am won km roa Twm aoammvvwum or boats ro mi worn nr m i-a5-nra or mmAMorm bviiim nr woKTHraRT. . -j J : ..,-' ; ' v T (tpactol DUiatab to At SaaflML) atoatU. Wuh., Sept. t Acting vaator dlractlona roeaiwd froaa Waahlncton, D. C, Quart aranaatar Grant yawtarday ta aartad an advartlaamant for bids for tha ooaatructloa) af boata ta ba ttaaa) la Uytrur aukaaarlna aok aa abeatt all tba Purt Sound forta. Tba tandara will ba opaoad aara Raptaaibar If. Aooordlnj ta tba apaolflaatlotw aaeh at tba boata will ba 0 faat avar all. wltb a atz-foot ana. Thar will ba eoaatruotad of wood and mada oapaUa ft tandlna; bamvjr wwiaar. - In army etrtdaa tha utaaoat rattoanea fa laaloUlBad rasardlnc tba purpoaa of tba raaaela and anawara to all lnqulrtaa ar aaada by abowlns tba apaolfloattona, wbiob do not Indleat otbar taaa that tha boata ara for laying mlnea. How avar. from rat labia aouroaa It ia laarnad that tha tatantloa af tha ovarnmant la to bav uia boata oa Pucat aound raadr to amy atinaa about tba Taiioua forta at a momant ' aotloa, la thla way In -tba avanl of wa. babul -daolarad- asaJnat tha Unltad Stataa thara would ba no dalay la orotactlna tha north eoaat fortlflcaUona and mafca tba antranca of a boatUa flart Into tha watara of Pu gat, aoaad. aa impoaalbUlty. Tha anaounoaraant of tba ealla of tba mraranicat brouarht ua a quaatloa aa ta whataar or not thara war any mtnaa la thaaa watara at tha praaoot tlma. VParticularty wu tba Qaaatloa appUad to tha atralta. It la btBted that atxja alvht ba tha ataa, tha looaUoa balnar aoeh aa to oauaa no baaard to aalppla. Tha offteara nfuaa to ana war any ouaatlona, aaylnc that It la asmloat tha rulaa of tha da partmaat to lva out any aaeh Infor mation. ' r ' y . KEEPER ELOPES WITH , A HELPLESS CRIPPLE "i ', - ' .1 1-1 . - ';'. ' 'L ' ' 1 iiaaui htfU Rarrlnal Ban Bernardino, Cat, Rapt. 7. Ona of tha moat ramarKaDia aiopamania wvw racordad took plao Uara Sunday nhjht. nnanaat Huaanhrava. B. llvarV BtAblO man. ran away with Mra. If. K Oartar. a widow, who la m nalplaaa ertppia. ana mrmm u IrnnatB nf tha eOUBtV BOaOltaL Huaphraya waa aa attandant at tba aoapltal and mat Mra. cartar, wno ia imiarkably pratty daaplta bar to arailty. Ma fall la wltb bar nnd hla affection waa ratttrnad. Tha wad dlnr will tana piaoa tomorrow at Lean Baach. Mra. Cartar la unabld to awn axoapt to n whaal chair. ADDITIONAL SPORTING VAZm aUOVaTM A9 ' Qtoarlal Dbajatab to Tka JaaraaL) Cjaatrallar Sept. 7. Worn la profti iaa bur favorably on Cbn. raoa track and atablaa of tha Western WMhlngtoa LLva- atook and AgrloulturaJ aaaooutioa. Tna atablaa ara being made to aooomnwdnte 100 boraea. Tha traob nnd BTandatand wUI ba eomplated ta tlma for their moea which the aaaoohatloa Intaoda to hold on tna 10th of thla month. Next yer a fair, laatlng oavaml dnya, will ba held In Ceatralla, tha -plana of tha anaoalatlon being almllnr to tboae of tha Puyallu fnlra. Tba Cantralln Oua elnb haa leaned port of tba fair grounda nnd tha haaaball ehib will prob ably bare their diamond tnara nlao ant yaaf. ,.,- ... . x . : ...'. ' Vanraal Rpeatol RarHee.) Philadelphia. Sept. T. Candida tea for tha Uolroralty of Pnpnaylvanla football alaran reported Tor work today. Though tbay are tha first of tha bis nntraralty teams to begin work, tba data La not Aonatitorad an enrrr ona. la View Of th fact that tha eleven baa tta first game acbeduled for Septambar 14. a anajonty of last year's playara hava ratoraad and tha outlook for- auooaaeful tana la ooo aldered bright by tha ooachea and ath latle antborltlaa of tba university. Tha playara will get Into condition nt tba Old training Quartere at rrnnnuB naio. . ,TS AU BaAPPOUIX Bit. ' , (Jearaal Bpaabil atarvtoa-f - ' Whlladalnhla. Bent. T. There g nineh dlaanMlntmant ! local anortlnar elrolea because of tha abandonment of tha Cot bett-O Brian fight, which waa to hava 'tit, RJSKATl TRAltaaTlRJ. .- Hairy W. Read and trtfa k WRnaai B. ionaa. lot 4 and T, block A, Parts- BMotk VlUa anBax Me. 1 BttrllBg Lead eompaay to Charles PraB- am. lot S, Mock 10. Oaeebar'a Booaad addltloa , tTI J. R. atodaard to I aha P. Muratijr. Sza fat la tots I aadsa, aioca in, ran- lasd Oak Park Land omaeay to Azof Bloat. gros, aoatbaaat H lot la, let 14 eab. block 8, Oak artsluok to St. Jehoi Bbbm to Tboodor Blomgrra, aortbwaet )4 lot It, lot IS aab. bleak 4. Oak Park addltloa 8t Joan Tboiua CUoboI and wife to Harp R. .. Barlow, tot ft. Mock T. na rosewood aoV .dltioa j. ...... . Datl U. Rhtea aad beaband to knna Ovdd-a. lot t. Work L ahlonl addltloa 180 Ooorro W. Rrown to L. . Plowmen, tot , block a, Ariou rara o, a........ Wllliaai P. Krr and Mia to Hattle DaV braltb and buabaod, tot 8, block 14. auk. Rlreralda addltloa to AlMna. w . w. . C. W. Oar and wife to Freak L Bflat- io 1. tna. lou 1 and & block ft, loti IS and I1 K'mhA Y Sot. A and , Bdaodato... Ooorc P. Letthorr ta Bttnaa HiaaW, lot 1. block M, Mt. Tabar mi -STft Rathe! R. Mare to Or roa Pblladatpbta , Bororinae company, truala, aaat H lot . L block in. Cast Portland; tot i b4o ' lk Woodlawa 1 I. H. Poewny to Lonlo Shmar, aarta v Taonua Ttrodaaatloa lead clala, la . 8. 21. T. -1 B7R- 1 R A"ii--i' W. U. Nana ot al to wllUaai 0. Clark, tot 10, bioek IT, Uarola park 1 Jam MrKlalar te BadU k. OalbraWb, . Mtt H Ml, Mask t Ptoamat Hoaai addlUoa Man Title Oaarantte Treat aoaaaaay to Or- Noble. 1.48 acroa la aortaweet . n. t. l x. R. 1 1 ate nr.. and wtfo to L. A. Lrarr at .1 lot 1 tS UM-lnatTa. lot IB t lortflai, Uoek t. Wrtr'B addlUoa., 1,1 n U.)Vtt to laawe yallrtt. tota A d and IT, Uoek 4T. ftVIlwood i i 1.060 W. C Ooodwla to Janwa kUUaU, laM . and 4. blorfc 4T. Bfllwond ,. 10 RViward K. Ktnf and wife te BafbanU . , Daaah RrangrUafca Letbarake atonigbod, lot ft. bkv-k 10. A 1Mb BR) Rlao TaaOM Moor aad wife to H. B. P1k laaoa at L. lot 1 to T Iaelaa1rr. bUx-t Jama Xsaa'a BaaaBd addltloa he - RC Jobnax ... . . . . v .fj,rjj,, 1,480 Ott w InearaBrt and ebatiarW to real rotate from the Title Onaraatr A Treat aaaa aaay, Cfcmbr af Ooawaarea betldlag. V aTTOJaOrS PaJUUTt, . ' ; ' RiBtoartiaa 8'' to W. Karrlaaaa. fa arae. Htm of fnor Beaorr dwolHna-a botWaoa Kaat kuin and Twaatr-ctfhth atrooto; eaat ftT.TOO. ArptamKar 4. io It. Dobark. for erorttoa of wintjrTt Beet Paffc bad Jeckeoa atrejUi east fMomber A to . Carem, tor erarttoa af dwrtllnf uwetoi BI KB at reertooatb Northwest Gun and Bicycle Co ADMIRAL BICYCLES : Victor Bnwbll Qoods, Etc. Wa dekilra to clear tha floor of'awory whaal In tba houae, nnd to accomplish that raeult wlU oflar auoh barnaJaa and tarms aa ,. Mast Clean the House Without delay. Tha Admiral ban no an- Krlor la tha United Btatea. it ia a ultlesa bksyeK and to mova tt nnlokly wa offer ,a . Racers at $25.00 Road Wheels at $19.00 Wo carry a tomplata Una of Parkar, Ptemington.- Smith' a. Ithaca. te rerre Ind Worcaater Bnotguns. wincnestor nd afarlln Renaatlna- Shotguna and n full Una of the bast known and popular makes of Rifles. Wa alao hava a very eomplate aseartment of cutlery, fishing tackle and a porting goods of ovary char acter, nt vary low prieea. . 113 THIRD STREET Mineral Spriiigs .TAT ToYfbemHMyCooor t onma to tha above spring an AprtJ I ta take treatment for my a yea. I bad a vara no vara attack of ontarzb Of tha ayen. waa almost blind after treating with tha boot apeclailata that eould, b found, and suffering for nine yearn I have at last found a cure here -at tha PAMOUS TUSCAN SPRINO. I aa. not pralao them too klgbly. I hopa that otoera tnat ara annataa wui giTa-Answn n tna. auwfseuuuy. W. I PALinnt, ftoani tot. Oammacslal Wnau Pw ' bf?ITHCf?' Parmer, as? Rfetme. Or. eared of rheumatism. If yon ara etch write to us; wa will gtva yon tba name and address of aoana. dan eared af fe atnUlnr aoanplalat, TwMam MfabtnTfJ SprtiaSftCorito " XTfSOAJT. OASa. T " ' BOe foiiomi op AJTD CATAmmnt SAA. Pay$17.50andGcta HdmeofYourOvVn At no 'ttaaa hi tba annnta of tba raal aatata market haa land bean offered ao extremely low aa the lota containing full quarter acres ara. now being offered la Roof a Addition. - Four of thaaa lota will make a full acre. Can ba bounht for $70; about I blocks from station; 6 minutaar noa xrom tna eity. . . Fall Jlcrt lot, Neatly Improved, 4-Room 00051400 : , $ IBB Bach will bay noma vary deeir- aoia iota oonvoniani to onrn, to bueraees -and manufactoiing; dla trlct. St. Johns. 9 800 Very nice quarter block, t blooks from new abopa. North Albtna. 9 djSft.vpor vary axoelleat 46-aera farm: a mail nouns ana nam; gooa mm Uy orchard; 14 acrea fenced and In cultivation; t miles railway station; vary fine community In Clarke county. Wash. . Vary desirable raaldanea tot: sawer connections, etreete Im proved, cement aldewalks; Bast Tanth, noar Harrison. full lota, l-room pottage; choloa vmrlatr of frutt: a blocks West Avanua atatlon, lfontavllla oar Una; tl par cant down, bal ance easy montniy inatallmanta. Very beautiful ft-room cottage, full lot; an Ideal home, on Bel mont street. , SB080 Beautiful 10 room residence. nearly quarter diook, asi wasn - - lngton atraet: an axtramely handaoBM homo and a big; bar gain. Rare Nicely improvad Sf-aora place; loveiy a-room resiaenca; onoioa variety of fruit and berries: an ideal country place, on tha Base Line road, not far from tba- 12 mlla house. tatOQ IH acres, with s handsome reai- a once; one or loe iinsst pinoes about aft. Tabor. . For a handsome, modern rwst- UVIKV IM V HMMPi Ml. aIV1lllU, - fully acre; & block from Sun- pyaraa cam. -' Ton'il navar find tba bargains until yon .son . ,. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE company : - - 14SU PTmaTT RTARRT. ,.k.. nldAa t tKo Vuxoxlo Athletla club tonight. It is likely that aa effort will ba mad to have tha city authoritiee ra eoneider thalr refusal to lasua a permit, so that tha bout any ba pulled off at n onramASj raw xomx tou &ucvai (oaraal Rptctol aarvka.) Auourn, M- T Sap. 7. Tha annual tmimiiaait mt tha Central New York Golf league opened sueplclouely today on tha Unas of the owaaoo country ciun. Tha nartlelnanta lncluds rapraaantatlvea of the golf clube of Kimlra, Albany. Wa- tsrtown. Bcbanectady, Byracuaa. uuca and Auburn. , Tha tournament will con Uaus tbxousk tha remalader of tba wank. - " 'Jearaal aoaeUthwrta.) , ' ' Chicago, Sept. T. John Shields, af Oakland, Cal., ' tba owner of a racing etabls and wall known la aportlag elr olea, dtod snddanly of heart dl aaaaa early thla ennrnlnar at tha Hotel Warner. Shlelda arose at 4 o'clock to sat some medicine, and while hla room-mate was pre paring no arowpwa ta - Why doavt yarn ga area tha nearl bb n aa aa na n aaa aaa ws ana i QBWQ flaVttaanaftwS BTaaTal ihar M. Tea rtoaa an bajfasa Im what yon have a ahaaaa ta win nT yew Gf eat ttearancc Sale ' ;, '; ' OP 'V:r' TUSCAN aaWafaSRanl J gfpgJfgafAa m taWaW aRnnPa BOOMINu s Thaj "WooUn Hin it to bt com pitted by October 10, mRxhinery for -, which is now on route. Jobe's Milling ' Co. an about ready with their new; buildinp and win coxnmence operations :' - abotrt November . - The Steel Ship- building Co. has coqimenced clearing - , . off the site for its new plant and will rush the work. These enUrrjries,V - with many others, mean the eventual employment 'of thousands of opera- - tives,v who must have" Iwrnes. St. -? Johns is rapidly becoming Portland's ' great manufacturing district. Real .' . .. estate is cX)eap now, but a great ln-- crease In vahieavis close at hand. Buy ', now; we are selling LOTS AT ST. JOHNS On the high ground, overlooking tha, wn and river, healthy and fine loca-' v ' town aim nver. nui . '1 ' tion: hvdrant water, class car service mmutea walk to tha Drydock, Mill and Factories Tu n W&Sio $85 a Lot : $5 .DOWN 'i-M & A' MONTH ; V - f'V :h:Hi TITLE PERFECT : B.';v 'h ; ' I itie uuarantee & i rust to 5 anfr 7 Chamber of Commerce (BRANCH OFFICE AT , JOHNS, IN CHARGE lOS ana RS beautiful layinerpi of land; 68 sores ouitivatea; boum, . barn, orchard; nna aprlng water: on a good road. II mile aoutheast of Portland; to sattle an aetata and divide lntarast of hair, wlU saU at - bargain. .XBACRRB Nloa Und": CTe cniti rated: t acrea panto aa; fruits, br- fca roaS n?t. u". on SB J Cm BR n 1 land; bona, barn, orchard; running water; ft seres cultivated, balance pasture; soma - . . Mrawnnl - 1 IA WJ 11 OS . ' from railroad town, YamhlU oonnty. Oregon auaa. Atmstl Hit acres cultivated; t acrea la hops. One condition; new house, well finished; Una spring of water; S bead of cattle. On mare. 1 colt, hogs, eblokans, all farming Implements Com pi ate, 60 tons nay. oaiiy meat, irw nw" bouse, aenr North TamhllL includ ing tha :ha bona and nil abort maa- ttJTrtmA a aba. a iuass tiimIj improved: choloa tree fruits, vineyard, atrawbarrtea, raapbarrles and Blackberries; nice house, wall flnlahad ; barn; at Oak Grove, on Oregon City ear Una; SaIsoo. tol it)r pWWty a Jliasa riiiiliio land, all cultivated; on Oregon City car 11ns aa,00B, ISB AfTRRB ft H first-class soli; 10 acres in high 8tota of cultivation; SI acrea timber; Una -room bousa, 1 nlc oondlUon; large frame .barn, with alio, smokehouse, painted: fruit drier. Woodshed, workshop; 4 acres choice fruits; 1-1 .mile to creamery, store, school and church; It miles to Vancouver, In Clarke county, Washington; ona of the beet farms In tha atnta erOO. ICS ACaVRR It soraa fenced; 16 aoras cultivated; m acrea aaedod to pas ture; small orchard; nice atream of water; fronto on main road. H ,ra" to school, 17 mUo from Portland, near Tualatin , river; bargain SUOOt IM AomRSl Nearly all river ' bottom land; 10 acrea cultivated; 46 acrea pastura: 14 acres bruin, and timber; running water; houao. barn, orch ard; ona of Unn county bast little farms; on aooount of alckneaa muat '.i sail. Prloa, including personals, fa tirffi BIB AORiaS OTI choice land: nearly 400 acrea under plow; sres open grasa land, balance oak timber; good buildinge; ona of Polk oountya bast farm a. near Parrydal. - 1SS AOmsa- A" cbotca land, all onlti ratTd; mil from Bailaton, Polk lORBtR Nearly an cultivated; 00 aerea plowed and now ready for fail ' sowing, balance ta atubble; alao aaa ADaUM All cultivated ; well fenced; both farma well located in 1 Morrow county; owner must Bell , now; aeU either or both at lie par 1SR Ada RS 111 acre ttdaland dyked, the vary best oltnui land; houae. '. barm, etc.; no bettor dairy farm, well located, near mouth of Colum- Sie AOaBV SB ' aoras cultivated; Io aVrea alashed and fn pastura; t acrea orchard with dryar; good wa ter power; nriatmlll in running or der;M largo barns wltb sbout 0 tons of hay; fair house; water plpu to bouse and barn; a horaan head of cattle, t wagons,, all kinds of farm tools'. hogs. 8no flock leg .ti"m ehlckeaa; m l to school. I imlle to F. U., anuiy. anaui,. HENKLC tH BAKER ,R1T AsiBurtoa SUda;. s for tbe aP FleUteo . Tha stsamers Ktmora and Ruth, Of tha Oregon fUUroad Navigation com pany, take yon direct to tha bop fJelde of Oregon, Boats leave daily at 7:00 s. sa, (rum Ask treat took, - FARMS - i v .,."-- ' i- mp ana fine school, first- " h , to city. Only ten ., END OF CAR LINK, ST. OF U. U v CROSS & SHAW .,.. 333 Washlngtoa Street a - .... , a I f Lead tna real astats daaiars, hara large Clackamas County Farm : Fruit and Hop Lands TTT r- For Sale Within wheeling distsne of Portland Within wheeling eistsne c and Oregon City, at prlcae aim liar lands In any part of Remember, tha soil of zar Beiow tha state. riawtraunaa county is tha peer, of any in tb north- wast lor prpoiwumi OAUOB St Johns Parte Vina, new oottagw neef Woolen Vll! and car Una, for sal snaas, on fiH Bsant plan, - ,. Ona with t lots.. ...1,000 On with 1 l-S lot il.000 Thraa with 1 full lot each . too The Woolaw ItJUs will b In oparatlon soon and 60 to 100 now house wUI ba needed in St. Johns, . .. , .- CHIPMAN A KINO 0. Btolbseok, Ownss, TBB um mm mm Wot SmAm mt tVoodmrm. Terms to salt. ' Cbolcs lota la Lauralwood, IS par month. . -Tak sit. Soott ear. First and JU dar. GBOKGS W. BROW SB) yallBBf R, FREE LAND IN OREGON I fa me rfcbcet ansa, mait end Math SKbaw h nSa world. ThwaaneiafetmrfaMWatactBal cear af krlfarloa. Dead eVeat from Son mt Oragoa. WNITC TO-OAT. BOOKL1T and MAP raEa.-Perfawm frrlfattoa ami foani Cam aaaw,IO-l 1-1 MXy t aMiifcMlbB,Oraaan. 0TTT VOTIOBB. PROPOBAIA POa OOXXROTlOBr apb Ria PORAIr Of AARBASB, ffraaeaaki win, a reared at fk 4rTlc4 ? the Aodltor af tba City of PortUad aatft S o'clock p. at., oa Monday. BeMember 1. 1S04. for tba eollecttoa and dlapoaal of garbaga. Bverr propoattloa moat be far tba rollee ttoa and dlapoaal of all garbage, dead inlmala and rafu n titer of all klnda, for perlvd of aot leaa tba a ton ear arnra tfcaa twenty rri. BVry arepoattlna Hoat be aabmltted tit form AT a franckle ordinance of whlrb at least twelve roplea mast be f era tak ad wbea reqaeated by the city. Every fwoeoeltloa mlt eta to tba rata to be charged for eeltoetloa, iVBMrral aad dto pooal of garbage. Bverr pmpoellloa tonat SM forth U detail the method of eolleetton, removal and dla pnaal and tk klad ef vekleta aad apparatn to to need. Rvery propoaltloa mart oanrala psrvleUo by which a bond for not lea tfcaa twenty, utoaaaiid dolUre will be flvea to me Oty of rnrtbind to taaare tba fatthrnl earrylng out mt tba nrovialona of tba franchlee If srantod. All conteMnlralton to ba a&lreaeed toThouaa O. DevUa. Auditor of the t'liy of PortUad, Oraaaa. , RANroRD WHITIHO, "s ' -j. mat roKiJ-Kn, H. B. AliBES, , Oaatmltto af tb CeanelT oa Ileal tb nd Pone, fwttaad, Orasoa. iapUnrai T, 180. Sir fraUKbpre Waab lag ton SU-awtu $10.00 Complete ( 1 Ufa Retfiin for lY I Thle Weelt Only, V Rxtralrdtaary clalrooraat power, ooaabtnad With kla aaponor knowlvdse of emit tore. nabtoa hint to read human Ufa wltb .Baarr ing acearaeyv from iafancj to old" ago. jBIb powore ara wonderful aad ladlapoUblet fcta advloa la rallabla; kla Information cloar. eoa elaa as to tba point la Love. OowUblp. Mar rlae. Dimroa, Bale. Wllla, Patrnta, Journere, fVnaloos .Inreatmanbv BpainUatlooa. PropartT.. Insurance, Moftgas, Oil and bUning Claim. Dlaeaaea, eta., aU. , I Wltboet Asklns a Qnaottoa. . Wlfboat aa proTtoua knowlodge, and saving ao aataral fnnna of knowlag Wba roa ara. whonae or for what yea came, he toll yov aatne. age,. omiDatkiB. wbara roa lire.. Ha talai yon of fripoda and anemias, wba la tree and Who lafala; talla yoa whoai aad whoa von will atarrr. Airing aaatoa. dataa, facta, and loratloaa. taking no fee la advance, aaa aeeepttag ana anloaa aatlanictaoa ta stves. - tM0.0O Forfait. " f WIB forfeit OoOO wbera 1 fait to tosefc yea how to faadaata anyoao roa doatra, kow to make roar enentW roar frtaada, eaaaa a aneody maniaga wltb tba see of roar cbotca, give, ma good back and make roa aaecaaafel In roe baalnoaa, retttov avll inflaaaeaa. ra ant ta the a par a tod. 1 roa taeky Mmbara, teeato tba eartb'e barted treaaaroa, aattle tb old aatatea that Uma ba placed befond tba lawyw'a dbfwwaneaa, aad aealtlTely aaautoto yoat beaiaaaa,. . Re ba an for yeare a naldaat af Hw Torb Cltrv air rraaVla Drake la tba original wno predttted ta Chicago Bra aad tha great Oalveatoa tood aeveral meatb before tber kappa nod; ba Brodletea tna Oregon flood, and a ir onset Praaldrat McKlaley'a paper waa foaniT a ' letter nradlrtlng kla aaaaaalaatkia. TtMM.aaadlng of tba tragedy mar save, eeee alao aa axooaat at thla latter. v . t. .. Ocealt wonder. Alwara oonaaH tba '' beat. Dot fhto.out to avoid nlataka to aaata and iraai bar. ParauBeattr loca tod. Heara dsilr 10 . am. to 8 a, ., aaaaaya Lneladed. , 404 J x ' WaTrMlnOtfMl s Street. : AWTLK, WABBUMOTOJ RTS Bfert"fBWK vr Ws0bSR Walk fca. 0TTT aOTIOTS. OOHfUTIOf AVTO AUUsPf APOS OT SKWUL IS SURJUR BTRRJEX. OAXTTXRSsTZaV ATE- rux, aixxt m blocks it, 14 abtj u. mivmixw ADDmox, ROBTmrwicA ard , BHWROB BTAUTB. 4 . .. 'kw Notion to kerebr alven that William C 13- nott. City Bntinaar. baa flled In tba offtoa of tba andoralarned aotlce that Jacob. o-Bade Oompaar, contraetor for too eoaatraettoa of a 4 a war ia aaorria lutn, uanieuoeui Brrvoae. ler In block 18, 14 and 16, Rlvervtow addl tloa. Bortkwlck aad Moaroe'Streeta andar tba nrovlBlona af ordlnanea No. 14.048. aaa eom- pleted aald aawer froai the west Una of W1I- oama avenoa w a eonnerttoo wits nt uooa avanaa aawer la Albino avean. Bald acceptaoc will be coaaMared br tba Raoeattve Board at 4 o'clock on tba ttk dar of September, 1004, aad objection to tb. ac eiatance tt aald aawer, or aay part tberoor may be tied ta tba ofte af lb aaliralgaod at aay tha prior thereto. . , TUB BXBCrTITR BOARD, . -N' By THOB. C DBVL1M, Aodltor of tb City of Portland, PerOaad, Oragoa, September 8, ISvaV oobtplttiov ajtd aoosptavob op rav PBOTaWBVX OP PLARlDTaS BTAXXT. Mettee to barabv rlvaa that WtlMam C. VI- ttot. Oty Bna loeef7 haa BlaaT la tba efftoa of tba asdaralcnod aouoa mat Warren Con atractloa Cnmoanr. contractor for tba Improve Bent of tlaadera atraet anaer tk nrovialona of ordinance Ro. la.044. haa comptatad mid atraot from tb went Una of second atraet to tba eaat Use ef Rleveath atraet. ' - Bald acceptance artU bo oaaaHirad by tb Rxacnttve Board at 4 o'clock oa the tta day of Septambar. 104. and objecttone to the ac- CTWU.Hn w HIV fun., w f " 1 mi , may be 4 led la the of no ef tb aa4ralgaad at aay tua prior thereto. . ., THH RXECT'TITS ROARD. T)1 By THOB. ft DRVLITf, 11 Aadltar ef tba City ef PortUad, rwttoaa. Oragoa. Reptatabar S, 1604. COKPLXTIOP AJTD AO0SPTAVOB OP XaV STOTaVaTaTT Of CLAOKAMSB BTlJtRT. Retlee I hereby given that William O. BV ttot, City Rnclnear, bkO Sled ta ta afflce of tba UBreTgned aotlce that J7 R. O'Netl. eoatraetor for tba improvaBMBl i Ciaeaaataa atreel anoar the provtalooa of erdlaanee Ko. It Ml. ha eomDlated aald etreet from tb ait Una ef Rait Tweaty-foartb atraet to tk wet 11 oa af Baet Twenty-eighth atreat. Bald aeceptance will ba conetdered by tba Rrecotlr. Roard it 4 o'clock oa tk ttk day of .Septambar. 1004, and objection, la the ac ceptance of mid atreat. ar any part thereof, any be flled In the oftee of the amaaraigaed '! r T ItS S&fonH BOARD. . , i Ry THOB. C DRVLIW, Aaoitat af the City of PortUad. Part bind, toagoa, September S, lto. nOPOSAXB TOR riZD TOR TMM mm CLXAbTXJie ARTS SPRJsTaXXlfe SIPART. . HIST. Sealed pronaaab) wTB be received at fa office of tba Auditor of tba CHr ef PortUad. eat II Pi-Mar, September 8, 1004. at 0 p. aa. for fnrnlahlog the Street Ctoaalag and BprlakUaa' Department with to tons white eat. -'r,j. ' 14 toae Mmotby bay. ! -' t t tone eonatry braa. '. ' Delivery to be made a tb Otty Bar, ' flit tee nth and Madison atroeta, Binpbi of bran and otto neat be rabmltted wltb Mdv aad hay an h feet to aiproval.oa delivery. No propoaal will ba eonaldarad anloaa ' ac DBipaaled hf m certtaed efceck narabU to tha order of Oeerre B. WttllaBM. Mayor of tba City ef Portland, eomal to 10 Bar eaat af aba aggregate moat of tb blA The rtrbt to rakwt j and aR btda to aTadTdbfrT F6?evWw. By erder ef tka BaenMve Board. , ' ' - thob, c, nrvxrw, - t' Aadfter of the Clt of Perttoad. Portland, Oregon, Bept. T. 104. PROPOSER AaSZtlbtXWT TOR TnTBOVaV at EST Or BAST TSVTX 8TB EXT. Itbtlee bj hereby give that tb Coondl of tba City ef PortUnd propone U'aaneea tee foiiow- lag daecrtbed property an owaer or ewaere a being ipeclalll. and " Been lie tly benaSted kt tba aoManU aet oppoaira ta namea and de errlptloaa thereof for tb ImpsovenMBt f Bait Tenth atraet, from the north Una of railing att-et to the aonth Una ef thilng atraot, as arw Tided by ordinance No. 1S.MT. Any oblertlona to' tba apportion merit ef real tar aald Improvement mnat be made hi writing 3tk Ooancll and Oled wlU tb Aodltor wirbrn days from tb date of the Brat publication of this notice, and aald ehJoctloMa will be beard and detrrpilBed by tba CrmneU before the pernae of tbe ordlnanea aaa nil eg the east of aald Imnroreaient. NORTH IRVIMUTOK BLOCf t. to. A Molly HncVeamerer, ITS.Mj tot T, Molly ft tick en , Bteyer, 174.08: kt 6, Molly Buekenmeyer, 11(16.08; lot 6, Molly Bnchonmerer. 144.80; t 4. Willy Barke merer, Olefl,!; lot 8. Molly Bnekeampvnr, 110.80 lot Birkenmerer, 8230.21. . tlNCXlLN PARKASNnt--IILOrK SB, Wet ion feet lot 1. Joaeph rbaaey. 384.30 BLOCK tl, went 100 feet lot , W. I. aad H. T. King. II90.BS; want 1D6 feet tot f. Mary B. Dartre, tin M: west 100 feet tot 8, Tba TltU Gnaranta S Tntat Company, fTnavi Weal len feet tot 8. B. B. fiopt. 8T0 went ICO feet let 4, ioka M. Pit tiarer, an, wo; weal too leev aw a. eonn ai. Plttlnker. flS HI; wast 100 tot lot S, Barak t Aiaaey, $UtMi weN 100 tk tot U - . . Bead astafally. ' Aa saaoat atajiataia. Xos aa fall Juds. - ' OTTT SOT I0SS. Rarab 9. Klaasy. H It.TB BLOCK 8, weal lou feet lo 8. Victor WeatarU d, 11E0 wolt lu feet tot T, Mian! 1 aVoy Batata, krlra ef. H3: wat JuO feet lot 4, Delia. 8 adlveev, 1C S; wast 106 (et krt 6, Delk) 8i t.dlu.rr. 414HBT; Wort 100 fat lot 4, " Lures krwari, flZT.ftli weat IU0 feet tot S M. MaU.- 101.80. OUK'K 6, .t lot faat toe 8. L U. Pierce, U0. It- t lot x feet tot 1, L. M. Pierce, f 118.4a. BI 4V?K T, ; wt 100 feet lot 8. P. J.i Vaodeniarr, tUB.Sa- Mt 100 teat tot I, ff. 1, V.oiiJ , 'bjiit, llab OS; weat 100 feet HI L IL 1 , Morgan, ua.o; at io feat tot g, g. rt. and flora I, rJlll. 7ft.70; wet 100 feet tof S. r, M. Kolold. 1111 Uf weat 100 feet tot A. - P. M. Kolotd. 1142.00. moilLAN if BLOCK 18, kd 8. Henry R aa aelL tlM.BT; lot 8, Henry . DoanelL 8171.01; Ut 4, Prank V. Barnaa, f 14.41; lot 8. frank C. Barn, 1SS.M; tot 1 Agnaa' rOaraer, SlRj.SSi IM 1, Agnes I. Oar nor, ROitTH' IBV1KOTOH BLOCK 8. kH t, Tbt TltU Onaraote m Troat Ooaapany. fT W; , lot 10. The TltU Ouaraate A Treat CoW OIT7 OS; tot 11, Tbe TltU Onaraote a CoBwas, tlOp Tt; 1st IS. Tb7 TltU Ouaranteo A Trnai Ooaapany. HM-ftS; brf It, To Title Onarantaa Nh Troat Comsanr, 1106 41; tot 14, Tba TltU Oaaraare a Troel mpaay I1U.M; lot 10, Tbe TltU Owar ante at Troat uompanr, 344.l&. 1 -LINCOLtr PARK ANNrk BLOCK TA tot 1. Martha J. Jltalger, J130.4S. BLOCK. SO. tol 8. Lores Seward. flU.16; Beward. 8100.03: tot U. lot 10. Lore Clara R. king. ITU. 79f MM IX V. C B. Klag, IT 1.14; tot IE ry. 00 4: lot 14. P. X. aad . Barak . Slnae B. Malhwy. tlll.oO; tot 18, D. R. Hawkins,' 8148.40; tot 18. D. A. Hawfclaa, 91M-IA BLOCK t, tot t, WlUlam I. Bawhloa, , Iitl.oS; tot 10, William J. BawklM. laa.OB; tt 11. Marleay RaUta Compaay. 9148 84; lot ia, Clement o. joaea, lB.3li tot II. O. B. Kin. 8138.08; tot 14, Mr, T King. 8138.08; tot 14, Mr. T. B. Kennedy. Iioj.96; tot 16, Arvld Leap. 6104.TS; tot 16. Urea Beward. fllb.Sn. BLOCK 6, Wt T, CbarUa H. Heller. liat.fB; kit S, Mary U. BlIH.i Lnren -" Charlea n..i aiea ike. ta o r-w.-ia t EUt; tot 10. William iTUawkiaa, 674.81 11. D. R. Hawkiaa, 107.88; tot IS. Q. Heller, 1.32. . LAND BLOCK If. Wt T, J. H. CareDa. -fl88.t6: tot 6. t. tl. Caraoa. tl4.40T Jot . 1 A. LlnAaar. 8111.16: Lot 10. J. A. Lin A. - my, I12U.22; lot 11. Mervltt Ltodaay, ,lf3.NSi mt iz. Merrill uaani, 00.70. TeUL ..007.08., . ... cDBTL1)f, ; Aadltor ef tbe otty f Porttosd. PortUnd. Oragoa, Beptember 6, 104. , PROPORXS SBaiaaKIaTT FOR " RuTJPS OP TKRTJI STAXRX ' Xotea-to beroar gtras that tha CbaarU at ' ta Uty f Portland Brogue a to aaaeaa tb following described property and owner at owner aa being apeaUJly aad peeattarly bena . fltod ta tbe amoanta sat oppnalta tba Bamef aud deacrtpttoa thereof fey the unprereniat of Tenth atraet, from the aorta nae ef Waab-, lagtota atreat M tha eoath line of Kraal street, aa provided by erdlaanee No. 18.810. Any objection to ta apoorttonnaat af eaat far aald tuprovaawat moat be nuuU to writ lag . to tbe VouncU and flUd with tk Aadllet wltbla U day from' tbe da(g of tba first , pabUmttoa of tfcU aottoe. and aald ebUetton wlU ba heard and determined by tbe Council before tbe paaeage of tba ordinance aseaaalaB ' tha eoat of aald Improvenaant. . lkTLANDBMH t 804. tot a, Baku O., Ul.a0;Tot 8, BaMa O. Iloltoea, . Sill.Su; Hot S, Oertrnde Babs, 14B.Ui -tot L Clara irUadly, 1107.88, I u A tract of tond lying batweea the weat Ba f Tenth atreat and a Un 100 faat weal tbarauf ant parallel therewith and batweea . - the aoath Una ef John H. Oowb donatio land eUlm and Un 80 feet Baeth thereof and , parallel therewith, totey tt. birth, SS04.ll! A tract of toad lying tetwoea tb weat Bn ' of Tenth atraet and a Una lwO feet weel thereof and pa re lie 1 therewith, aad betwerd the anrtberlr Use of Waablagtoa atreat and the south Una of Joke ILltoacb doaatto v Jand Ulm. CaroUna A.TrlmbU. 1S1.0 v COUCH'S ADDITION to tb Oty of Portland . BLOCK ST. ut 8, BopbU Kloatavmaa. 41 . tot 8. Sophia Kloau-rmaa. liai.Wl. BLOCli 8. lot 1. Elisabeth ItT Ullaao; 1W; lot a. RUaaaetb fcV UlUaa, 1S4.46; let 8, R-dn Olleaa Batata, beira -of. 1M 41 tot 6, Rod ney b. 4iUaaa EeUte. belra of.. 16.l8. BLOCK 60. lot 1, Maltnoauh Coaaty, fu-Bl tot 4, Mnltaomab County, 61SLS4; tot 4. Mult aomak County, UXTKi tot A Mt?J5 County. HOAIS. BLOCK TO, W T. -Walafc Ratate. betra of, 614.00; tot Ad'lt Ootoua. 8121.14: tot 6, Mary Boahma. 8104.6; -3 Wl larBortaSr. sfaaj. BLOCK Tl. : 814T.74;Tot A silaa dayea. SlSO.Sl! lot ft, . U' lluem M. DarU.; tot 8. WUUaJB M. Dnvta. 801.48. BLOCK TS, tot L Hi rletU and Mary r. rauing as wanu? 80.17; tot 4, Henrietta aad, Man 9. Palllug , and kUlIy UbeU. tot . aaarlettB and Mary P. Falling and Rmlly Cabell. PM.11, lot A Ranrlettaaad htary F. PlUng nnd Rmlly CaoelL AMI.1A BLOCK T8, WC J ,. IgaaU Lowengart, VT.M; Wt 4, Ifaaia Lw- Sf Ml R'X' MtV rble. .TtoWE .-L . BLOCK 116, tot L, Margaret Maraaeu belra of, lla.) le . Marraxe a-- .- . Batata, betra nti ' ska ut a Ludaer Bolre. 87Z04. nLCK'K 12T, lot 1. Richard Bav, faat- a, aicnare mnvm, fna.!, in a ii Batata, netra oi, t.ivj a i a B.t.1. hole. Srf. 67CM. SLOCK IM. lot l ; Domtaa Lef; ut 4, LouU St Ta i. Ta ruler. 887.18; lot 6. LouU H. 10i.l; lot 8, Mary Coaghl b, BLOCK 140, to I. H. R. ltlB . lAtTlt 4. l. 5? aincatd, T1M.SS1 TarpUy, BiirfTi tot 6. John W., Weary m. an Brown. 14. 41 kt 8, Joba W Heary H. and Wliuam i- Rrown. fJOASa. - BLOCK - Iff. tot 1. Margaret O, wyswt. lT0.iSi tot A Margaret TT Wygant. flW.OT: lot A Margaret fl. Wrraat. ) ; "ftjk. , garet U. Wygaat. II.. tot 1. Margaret Marshall Rntat. SoAlir tot t htorgaret M arena 11 antata, belr iT 4W.ll; Wrt 6, Margaret Ma rahaU Ratal. totraef 600.68; tot A Marraret Maraball iCuV war". block sir ut; 1, Bernard L Bteaa Route, belra ef. 6M.Ui tot 4. Bernard L. 8toa lUtate bMra of. 8U8.4B; tot 6. Barnard L. 8 toae BaUta belrS if, 6KI0S6; tot 6, Bernard L. Stone Ratato, r betrTof, 6810.08. BUK K tS8. tot 1, MjrrK. Coot. fal4.T4; lot 4. M-rv H. ,Cek, l4.JTi totlfary H. Coach, ISAMjlN hUry H. Ooacb. 8301 .40. BLOCK S41, tot X ?n A Loan Society ef Ban Pranctoco. 8M; tot A Bavins m Loaa Society of Baa Pvaa- HOC. 61WB.1T: tot , Cnrtatiaa riocarjeneii Hi-ivii BVi DTI A ptttrvk. tot A Hearr L. , 86LM; loi 7. Henry U Pittoek t 7, lieary k. ttoen,wo.i"iej nrr L. Tlttock, flsa ia. unn nok. Rwltaar, lim.TB: let ii, n. r. otain, OOI CH 8 ADDITION to the Oty I Perliand BLOCK 60. ' aoutk 10 feet 1 f -eat obit feat ef block. A F. Bum, 9. mn n. aire ,tiiiichi .m- . tlonal Church. 6M : tot 7, Plrat Ratipllcl Refonaed CongregauonlChorcb. M 44; tot t, WUUam Plledaer. 1H0.08; lot 10. Annto V. - 687.T0: west 0t.1T feet of block. - . root aoatk 18 feet, Leigh H. Bnrton. 1200 .16j toTs: Vik? Driven lr A 4 W S. ktary L. Baave. 8aX&;et let Mary f Sanva, i l4; weat H tot a, Amanda W. Seed Batata, belra ef. 600.44; weat H tot T, Amanda W. Reed BaUt. heir o BUK K St: tot X. Marto Kalu. 8184.10 W 8. Barnard kaM. I2.0S; tot A Ooerg T. Mrere, I8.0: lot T, Oeorv T. Mrere, i4.aa. wa, aaw uTtot A Prledraan Bro.. 847.64; eaat U tot A rrtodmaa Rroa.. Mt.. 3 AebMU, BUIaa and John Labbee, l"JnO; weat MI. ABiOBi. 'aewe "y. I7S.; BOttn erwm atartHa. irae tee. eoi-oo. ewu va m Anna C Orth. l-M:lot 7, Haa iab 0. Fellow. lll.ev a. oa, vw . ceel to tot 2. ? i- ftslft e-eri fel I' V. Albla Jobttf, 8M. 46; weat J tot 1 Albla yuwta, 8S1I.03; let 8, Antoal. Blalaa and Joka Uhbe, 1HT.1J tot 7. AntonJ, Blalaa aad John ,vr labhea, 810.j4. BLOCK 61. tot. An ton! Blalae and job Ubbe. 678.00; aottk M w 8, Domlna Lefevra l.U; aonth U tot A Looser Bolre, 644.17: tot 6, A'ltooJ R alee ' aud John Labbee. 884 TT: tot T, Aotonl. Blalae tad Job Labbee. 6M.08. BLOCK J4. lot j. Spanldlng Papwortb, 6TT.TI. tot tj BpaoloV Ing A Papwortk. 8H4.1S; lot S r. W. yleiebi. . p .; totT W. PUteber. 60J.HV. BLOCj! 116, tot i Cbartoa B. Carey. 803.04i kt A .t In eric n . arer . ra.oi o, v. O'Bellly. S81.T0; lot T, D. 0. O'Reilly, 871.80. PUK V iK tot S, Jtme BoberMoa. RM.ST.t tot 8. OVorg Krteg. $m ; W s7 blj Crakea, 6S.TT; lot 7, John McCrakefl, 607 61. BLOCK 1S1. Ut S, ColnmNa EngtneeTiag Worka, 8JiX).IS; tot S,.ColnmMa Engineer Ing v .- An an. W -- Worka "iM 17; tot f. Columbia Engloeerlng Work? 61SS.T4. BLOCK 146, tot X Wake- 1178.4; lot Sf-T7 ny. 1157 ST; iety, il.ia.lTf . i of, llTJI 29. ' A Vltona, 1 BUB Mora inme i'i.wuj, im Wiseman Mon Traaafer Comi ipanr let S Ocr man Having A Loaa Snrle a ring A teKRata tot T. John art itnte. belra tot 1. Cnroll oe SIOZ.; xw uaronno w. wneon, am.oe; t a 'fWrallne R. WIUob. 8120 78! lot T. Carotin. R. W I torn, 6m.S4. Bl.Ot K 108, tot A raclac Paper Company, 6M.I3; lot 8, Paetfte Paper Company 6MI.U; lot A Pa ri nr raprr wpaiiy- eMB.""L .'l "l,oa Bp tiy . son. on mi i, wac 6M 68. BLOCK Sit, lot F per Oomnan nnneoa Ketai i ompany, vn va ; to a. Johoejin Rotate Company. 3i.Ift; aonth 17 '4 feet tot 6, Jnhnaon Eatate , Company, 6237. 18; aortk 13Mj feet lot A Jbn Oatea Ketata, bvtra af. Tft.Tl tot 1. John Dafea Relate. nttnena Kt iximpanr. awii.e: an belra of. 3t1 84. STACK 124, k t, Kill a ire oi, bijui a , nt a. Kina O. Hngbe and Preatoa W. Qlllette, El.11.Mi tot 8VK1II 0- Hntbe end rreatm W. Oil-. Iftte, 831 4. TT- lot 6. RHU p. Hagba and Free ton W. tlfllette, 8.48: lot T. Kills of way, Cite aad SnburheB Ballwar CbnMMay 47.22.. Total. HAW 4ft THIHt n. Aadltor ef the city ef Peruana. PertlaaA Oreaua, aWatoBM , 1U4, w. niian ana I ivvtun tt . nrnpim, .ioq. BLOCK ia. lot 1 O. M. Smith, 8108.41; lot A O. M. frmlta, I1W.10: tot A O. M. Smith, a - i .