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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, : SEPTEMBER ' 7, ' 1904. 1 LMAL BOTMS. IK tub ciRcprr oormt or tub btatb T inBOOM FOB MI'I.THUMAH TOUNTI to the suiter of tw asc-liestloa of William Kin to rutitM the till to block St of - Jams John'a addition ft) th tows of St John, I UulUooak Ooaaty, State of Or ;;f"fl, pUtsUf, Tf. V. A- aVlgerton, Jrncfc Smith. . C. BQlbori. Robert Tallin. fTX Msquam, Charles B. mm, - c. svoaaagb, A. F. TMIL JOOB A. I STf, mar r William John. Lain Timor. Sort J r tot John. Samel Job. AdSllsa John. Bile ' beth B. Strowbrldr, Jase Job. TlrKluU r Lawsoa, Bmms Ward. Bra Patth. Mac Jmm Sinker Si:d tl Other wtom II Stay a - coca, Asfrudaat. - - To tti Shora named defendSBtS and to oil room H m7 (nwnt: In the a me of th ft to of Oregoa: TAKB NOTICB, That a the Sttt dsy of AMUL A. I. wo n ape lie ttoa w AM by ald William H. KlM la tbo Ctmilt Ooart Off MaltHMt Conaty, for initial pegletrsttoa of the tWo at 14 toad we oitcniM. How, want ps nppaer oat or her the tdttf day of September, a. D. IBM. and show saa- way auca sppneaao aaall not grants tka same will bo Ukoa aa on ml a decme will ko entsssd ardlaf to Mrr of tbo application, tad ye wtD sWTr barred from dtoawtlaar tha nam. , Witness air band and tko so of said Chart tkm Mtk dy of Angnst KbTwx. 7 I i V' l'V Clark. - B. . NICHOLAS. Attorney far Applicant. BOTtOB, 1 Notice to hereby aire tkat oa tk lot day aaopienoer, iwx, mm. Jenni A. a now Portland, Oregon, wae dnly adtadlcated sskrnpt; and that tko trot awottao; of bar dradltora will ko brtd at room too, rfaambor Of commerce kuIMloo-, PortUaa. Otoo. on tko ITtk aajr of kyptaaabor, lmt, at 10 Veto . ., at wklk tfato tko atld trodltata auy ttoad, froro tbolr rlalmo, appolat a traolco, eaaitao tk kankrapt and traaaact aark othr Inoaa aa BH fraporlr oom bafor aa!4 j ' Jtofono ha Baokrnptcv Dotod. rWtMad, Oragva, aVpt. ft. 1M4. I OTtCI OT STOCK HOLOBM UBBTUtO Tha annual ataatlna of tbo toeaboldart of tko Moeataia Uoa OoU kUalat iiiii i Mactloa of a board of directors to tom for do aaanlaaT roar, and too tko traaaattoa at I ack otkav baataoaa aa aaar obm koCoro tko .TBEaatlaa. win bo bald at tba ofaca of taa anaapanp, rooaaa M to uO Mokawfc kaJldlnaT. I ;( fcrtSad. m fcpuaakaf Id, JMM. M I l tko koot aj U 'otoek a. aa. J r taaratary kfawatata Uoa Qotd kUalaf b. TO WHOM IT HAT COMCBBX Tha Oral at Ufftwr la talo dar hr matau ma .aaat D llaiiiMMilr .zatlrlaa.. Tha baalnaaa wlU aaatnaad by tko rcawlalnc aartarra aadot tbo mom Ira aaaM, tbor 7" . 11. W. BTBrrNBB. 4 I. O. BAJIIXMJK, WAWTED rat TJ. av Aramy Ali bidlid aa aurrtod BMa. Mtni oa of SI a ad S, attlana of Haitod fMatas. af and iifcoioi tampotata aaMta, waa aaa aooaa. ml Ita. w ; aaaT write Baaftak .rax taroraMttoa. BaaraltlM OfJoat, ad Oak BARB IB trada to I ay oar aav aaatbod. , Whkk laaalia wbPa Vnroloc. Call or addraoa for froa a catotoaaa AMBBiCAM BABB1B GOLLBOB Wort tlxtk It CO- Mo. (KILL WD A WD tmBKILLBO LAJfcOB OMorlptkHaa, araaifUr aajpHU, ; rilMBTBbtPTTbrBWT rrn Worth Boaaad atroov aaar atoraatdo. HBN to laan bortor trado to ol KM and aaoara aroftUbla Doaltlnata. ladaea- j awnta tbta aanatk. CatalooaM aiallad fn fraa. Color lyatoai CoUoga. Aaa Fraaelaco, Oalaf A BKL1ABLI and ttradr bar. 1 to U vaara aa. can ana a Borne aa toara taa wairo- aa loara tM wairo- aakr'a trade. Addraaa kaak au Mav AO. cotiac orovo, ' or. WANTITD rifty raah hoyO a boot IB yi ato. AHiy ketwtoa 9 M 11- aporlaiaaaaat'a offloa. Ohbj, WortaMB A ,"a' 1 WILL ,tacb im (m t ot , waiqo. Taaroavtr bom, vaa aaeoaror, .hlBN waatod. to atad tba "Mai Bote WaatodT aoaoruaeBBoom; roa'll anrayo aa at. and .naialato aaaaaav raaaa. - WAWTTtlV-nAb . oaBortoarod tolaaraabor will Ho hoanaa la toU-araahjr tvantaca. a st. Taa 4oaraai. Tko J WAKTBD Oond, brifht bap, to tara aaalaaaa. laqatr r. c aiosip woru, aa amct at. VAKTBOBor 'boat it poara of ago to taars goo traoe; ataax oa ateao. wrr Topiar. WAKTBD n rat toaa aBbtaoT taakor. . Mora FUtar Co.. IM Boot Mitk at OalaB WANTKD A row aood BoUrltora: moot b Of good appoarajMO. Apply llrat at. riBirr-CLAM tailor waatod at Qalashy Botol Motaarasi, a n. roortn at. WAJfTsn-A food aUlkor. Jqaraal. Addraoa O Is. Taa -S 91 BIB I KeoB yoar opa oa Joaraai waat oot- aajaai waat poa. wast m mrp uaaiy ttaad la todayi nad tbaai oara rally. BaGKLLBUT wacaa will aa aald a waaua Wba io a acxxi coob aaa aa Berrc.a faaiiij or Iro. Addraoa J. Tk Joaraai. or aaU 9S1 Flaadora at. WAKTRIV-Waahfr mi Taylor at. Ap4 la. AWTBP Iwora, Caioa toaadry, Oolaaibta ata. PIf WABTTB-WATB OB FBaLtUL HOBS katf-ootod far Ma at Bftlaka MTH Taylor kat. Third aad FMBrtk. Va. SITVATXOVB TATTTm 1111 Yoi NO an IS. aaa anod Voaltlnn oa aaalat aat booakooprr oat of town, deafo-a otaillar employ Btrnt la Portland to be at boDae: atx ' yeara' of fir azparlanF with .proaBtoant rata: an pan ma a; Boat ax ran Bx. Tk JoamaL WOTLD HI aitaatlnti aa ealtoetor. watak bb or wart of Bona klad la atarti can fnrnlob goad reference. Addraoa a. St, Tba - Joarnal. CABPBKTBII. gond all amand warkmnn. wanta jnBor aay work, raaaa oaeio. z. Ja, Tba re keoaor. Addraoa B aar aonrnaL WAKTBD Peolttoa by roaac ladF itaiabiiaak or. Pbono Main 481. n-P of an aaaorlpttaaa faraliiit oawaaHbv , MNQnaaj aaavpa, laaaonoa. ra rtoa, fraa to eaaeloyera. aIX Mbob of ata la fceto SH Bortk tocoBd at MS. AMERICA If Bvaloyajoat Aa7. Hato of all felnda ramiabad oa abort jotieai man or are aroaiptlp attended to. It B. N at Mala alia. MOVKT BOOO BMrLOrMKtT AOSMCT. alb fraa eu RELIABLB HELP. Mi ' m uoiiioe, pro BarBolda. Bood lleT. torn beta f an blnda faralabad fraa to Bwroea, rraplorera. Wratera BmploVniPBt ltd Third at. Pboa Mala IS la. LA DIE OHLT. . FOR TLA WD Woaaea'a Bnk.ymea Coaposy. lit A Oaky. av. td Bad ifcrrtoaa. .Ud Mftr. now B BMPLATMjnT O0--Uaop . hn beep Boaj uoa bb laaaioyara. tit BELT Waared aad eapptled, toato a JObboJ. JL B. PBAKB. B8H 'Waabfagtoa at. CW5 WDRK I banvrhh orrrca, t Bora Bt'lt.DKB wnaje ttofl on iMiitytaipreTed and pa io lag ia rororo aut a rrno vaiao aad repay at tlO awatk. T. ts, Tko JonraaL WAKTBD Ta bnrmw 0 at naaaaihla ta Jwat aood aoeartty, Aoaraoa W. M, Tba rBIimB oVatroa BoelttoB oa toaatif awwa aiojrTtrkoBr ' BTTWATIOBt WABTXD TnfJUJt. BVtZBBfd) OtaJTOBB.' aa ftpQaflBOOUBS BBAJgUAatiBB, .,, ,V ' , . TAFT B 00. UH AblBgtoa Bid. ' t BOOMtBrVk at M ; root a at,- - la cWarlac tt Morrlaaa at babrt of ettvt BtOOtb with k ieaae; boaoe cVaiiaa: M00. oa an aU ata aaa aa 4 apaannir. rriw aw.ownw. t IM BOOM II Modeew brick bvtldlna OB Waat iuioi ex.. Boa weoiM ia nw.nif aer tral-rlaaa bcul; taratturo food; tor aartkaUM call. , itioa. 'won fa i Blab ad Cora loai 00 por t fat, aow cleartag aX poatb. Ptio MLOOU. m BmXWaWOa A Mar ot.. aoar Boeat rartbimli ' booae clear above alt eipeneea lri j- BMBtalf. TMBja aaod bay lor 3.00e. t yeora laaae. rent aTt. all BMdora coav , mloacoa. Thla b) a iooawaBl food ;.. war, oauy QJ-we. - A - , . . j U BOOHBOa ttb ot. aaa T taa boot fat fa ;,. ty: BKuiara ta apery way. tThta pta ; t oato beferf M) BOOMBOa lttk att raraftar tn aeod , , ,- ioodm all rentodi aood kattiaa; reat aau aa. rrtc irao, ., t BOOM boaee. Vary eentral oa ttk rti wf - I nteaodi reaaoaabla rant prtoa. Only U74. t BOOMR-Oa jstk at Bar M a aether hbx xataaood faraltare; aua ewattoa. BOOMt Bxtra foot totetfea, oheap roat food Wee. reat lowt am extra, noi .' .. bay. II aly tl.00. .. tBOOJt WOrSB Blgbt dowa taw, watt far- ajeked. low reat: thla la tho beat ke v.' taU B Ca llt Oaar tdftO. . 7X iuu. nui on ABt or tub .AlX TTTTJCB - OHABAXTK riOTICTBD aJ WILL AM BaXLBBI . , . . , - : , . KKBTAUBAITT, BBST A UB A FT Ooud. irt-caiaa. BaVbvdats u reataaraBt eD loeatod oa aaa of tbo T fHaHpal ata.. oMbc a pood. produMe baalMoe: bcoi of raaaoaawhr of farad , aw aj; gaa toaaa aat prtoa Hgat, . .. i " BOTTCB. WB ,WAjrT raaailaf -Boaas. . - h ootailaw bUcmI to llor IM 'Taft b ep.tT"tt IBM AHagtOk BBj. I , THB BSAX.X IXTEBTMBKT CO. tlft-ri Abtagtoa Bid.-MtU third -th " ' raOBB HAIB BB. ' BOOHntO BOCtER FOB BALB. tS roooM. close la. XT00. A roome. Baodara Nrnar. bMaat M.BOA. SO rooma, very otntraL oarner; oaljr tS. a jvoaaa. goo nay nor 91 HMD. t roome. gond fbralture, clooi ta; Batt. a raaeaa. dob I krd aad todta. fall; &M0. St faeaaa, rant tot BkaBfh, ataat aatl BKa. 5 roome brtck. a Waahlagtaa at good Ieaae; $2. 900. do roosat, Mod era attok, atoato Boat, la; 8.000. ao rename aa aaa aaar. y toatraL Saa - reT; e.ooft. 0 room, old eatabUBbed lardlnt and rearing kuaaa, aptoadtd BBtsoaa, loac laoi fooaM tha Most aB-bvdata apartawflt booa In thla tty, aewly farntokad. toad laaae; $4,000. roaaae, ani-atoai hoaaa. a B. ttk at; ti.dso. Ujiaaaa, aew paraltara, toaao, fat aMatk; 8TBt otbea roaoT BoWHW Bflt UWBseet Bako aay.v - ' BOBIKBaeJ COAMCBaV . cigar ktaro. vary eeatral: toAA Oeaaral aaerchandlaa baalaaes,. . anlaadU Wade; abovt fB.Ooo. 8eTrs4 good grooery Btoraa far m3 at t aotee. tfeaoril BBarebaadlad atoek." aaod Wad: aPfcaeart 04. . - - , ' THB HEALT INTBBTMBNT "fOj, J 1 tlO-IU AMnffto Btdff.-rlOd TIM Bt BUSIKBRR CRANC1 BAKBB BRAG H A DQU A BTBBtV . ITATB CO Boobd B. Oiaaabae of fiManwyai BOOM hotel and furaltaro. wood bafl41a. ia-rear lee ae oa tot; a eaap at tt.009. ROOM. BBodera. farnttnra aood. am Idtb M da,- 1 Ie BPWV , BVOCJ VSaT i ft"Vt IB BOOMS, awelloat Vcaf Ion ta rttyi rewt . fnrnltorc Al. baaatlfal rard. a wlaaaaat bonte: tl.tbO. U BpOktS. etogaattr farnlafcod: reat bat; S aiocae rrnn uoiet fort laud; aaakaa oa tpeaaea m to 3 per aontt; tl.BM. BOOM 8 and boardlna. bQ aow. beet toe iion ia fori man; eery cioae la; rat auo: e tww. Barr caaa oaiaaca bd avrrr. U BOOMS, central. Rrat-claaa fBmltaret BOOMfti rlyktlr loeottdB, t b loci a Portland aotei. waat Ferk; rent BM: 11.000. BOOM Sat. atrlctlv cbote toeaOaau rent kh.w: rariutnro au aeZD. It-BOOM, elegant location: part hooaekoeplBg; fitrnltara moat; rem pan; at. odd. id BOOMS. an aei furniture, chotca BaeaHoa. I-year l.UML aat fQ thla H ft aaap, t-MOOM faraitara, all Btod, trot Maes oa atar- nm "tk at, arar Morleeaw BBTB. wiu BMP uraw a tbo enoee. ran on Mala tttt and ttet yaar property. Wi Saarante aU tranefara ta both parttoa. BAKU REAL BRTATB CO. t. CbaBBbor of OattBofco. BURBKA REAL BRTATB BCSIBBBS CHAflrB AOENCT. DaalB ta tota. faraia, rooming kiaata, rot ata; to opea ta proooeltlooa and laritea a Bpraaay ol tba aaaaets oa oar Itot bo. and aaa a U poa are la waat. If yea bar property, real or persoaal. that yon waat to oell. wo wlU tad poa oaltable bo rare. Tate aaeaep doea a eneral collection bualaa dee an Unda of cawreyaarlnr, cellecta renta ana ance au. tka aYMd av patioaa wlU allow a to da. BM Waoktatea m, . - - J. i. BIRRCTTlnMBB. ' H. D. HAOBDOBN. BBSTARAKT fat aaa) ebeapi jm eask; pood CIOAR STAND. ttdO. LODUINO HOITIB. 18 now. placoi 100. FARMS for aala for caak a 11 THE rPflON LAND CO. T. p. DKVERB ABLORRK. SMfa Morrlaaa at. ear. Second. ajOTRL of 40 ranaaa farnUkod and oeptod aotoj aar ooanng 11.0m; 1 jote; 0-year ioaal praj ranfaii sue locanoa; CBOSS St SHAW. tM Waablngtoa at FOB RALB ttoek of kardwafa, atoeaa. ttawara. Bibib ana 01 te, in one er tae Beat towns la a Willi atelU ealley; etoek will Invoice bo- twee tS.000 and p4. 000: reaaoa b other baalnaaa" H. It, ioaraaL "Bt.WTNI CBANCBW Joarnal ft roa Weat Coin aaa bria I Ug rota poa wane aa pay or eu faoat SI for U WANTED- Men witc tlTS to porekate bael office farnltore pHIl fwrolc toor tban 1 nek fat. baalnaaa. Adore A. as. Tho Joar- aat - - - - 1 Ik -CIOAB and onojealloaory. with loo W1" rmoa, . U lirat at.. For ttaad 1 reat tfl. - - -i oath LADY fmat tbo oaet iSTiaiSkt wen Id like Ad- charg of large or dree Q El, Joaraai. Bp BOOMS, boaaeheeping; obllgad to tall aa ae- eonnt slekaeae; keart of nly. It It, Joaraai. FOB BdTiB llll. fATB. OR RAI.B Two extra gnnd bncoaatead r- Hnaatakaaanti oa tha ffllctt rleer. Mace to eoti.ty; 1.1-00.0W ttt aaefci aid ttawth Art ara im. . - M ACRES, aa toll to etreet ear, fenced. J op. aloe laeatto. a bargala at tl.BKh HAtWBLL 1 BrBB, aaa antngwa AB otonat hoaae. lot rialOB. beaatlfai Snwera aa btoek treea par Uaau a aaapi and hku o-raeaa carrar. tora nf rtev. property eoet tl rrw. will aril for Boo perfect title, an newer to pat tk ar atraau to trade, coajpelled. to eC SAHVlA A CAflB. ( SJ Bobawk Bldg,- Third nd bleeaaa. ' tl in A BKAP-Kle aad Baa tot ptinnraeati Improved atree1 tract fmli. ana aae. enta. x ear Joarnoi, FOB SAldVModara T-roeai itago and tat. eaS reortk ft for BMrtlraUM tooaOra griaikiii Bafaltata 1111 afMBBBi GOJ AMO COFFEE DISTRIBUTION I m .; We offer xnir Want Ad patrona ft rare treat; having purchased from Cloaset Devers, the largest coffee importers in the Northwest, a large quantity of their Famous$G(yam A pound package of this coffee will be given to every person who brings In a paid Want Ad! for the SUN DAY. JOURNAL tf ' . 'i ', "if--- f., .i I OOJaTbTO OOnnBB la aoUl br aU tnoaaap at Baa a aoaad aad, ta gaaiaalnl ft aa aUorat tat Btoeaarah aabft laalrly, OfeJAaTO COmi bi od sit tally a aaartt aad la tba tbtaa piibbUB avtaad vap . Beat taa aaa ah at gt Is fSkatslnl ft fftv aatiafatlrai tat mtr ImsatRgi Tlaeara an Saav aaad Btjfhar ' Bitot aoBoaa taaa QOTaaTO OQTTMM, bt t a a awao it ta a amrpoMaad kr aay alatilaa saiaad aodta 8k tBd) BJi4abt bBBSbB TXTB GIVE this expensive premium because we know that if you try the ' V V, ? -Want Columns" once, you will become a regular patron. ' So it is with COJAMO COFFEE-once you try the coffee you will become a . steady user of it - It is sold by leading grocers aU over the dty. ; RtrriBmbBr th CoffM l Qlvn Only to ThoM WH6 1 Bring In a. Wmnt Ad.w for Tht SUNDAY JOURNAL FOB UT1 Bllf BBTATS. BBBBB BBAL ESTATE CO,. -BOOM HOirSB Cholco location. Kob htlL lot to 100: 94.000. ai.ftfto caak. kaJaae aa ' or before t aaara at S aar coat BOI'llE aX lot, loOxloa, roaan for t awta aoeee: elegant locatlo, Oyertoa at. ho- tweea lttk and SOeh eta.: a a nan. tLaoo. COBKEB lot. 100x100 feet. Mob bllL beat location la dty for epartaieat boaao; K.B00, J T-BOOM boaaa oa Oraat et.; choice lorafloa. between I car ft bob; pkaoa. II JO Baeeh. balanoa T per pant; Into aaa tat per tooatb. 6-BOOM ottage: good oDtxllrtoa;. lot SSxlOO; atreota Inproeod. one bloctx Croaj cap Uaa, BOOM boaoe. block of TTaloa ae.. car lino, on Dnebi ti bath and saa, pnr tot: tx,toa CHOK E tacra tract. Oak Oram aaattUaa. BOO feet from car lle: Men. T-BOOM koaoe. lot 100x100. Bortk Attdna. t Mock ftooa aow car baraa; az,Bn, fi.oon eiak. baunre to ami; yaet right tar pood boardlna hoaae. TWO arret, Boat 4td at., two- btorfc frem bft. Tabor aad aaaajratdo tar Rne; aa acre la bearing frolL balance fa gtaaa, on Baaa Line modi thto hi a bernln at U.OM. 0-BOOM boaao and tot flteioo feet. Harrleoa . are.. oonaaaatBMt ax tbo an. BU B0, $100 caah. balanca to aolt. BAKBB REAL BRTATB 00., '' Beoaa B, Cbamkor f CoBamwta. . ' I heme. fnraltero and B" """1 1 bb.ood: 11 aiiai wan froat wuBotfj ta reata will pay for Iadtaaa, 1H tbaraua. FOB BALB Iwea koaae and tot at aeeona and Pinaio ira ; lot and eM Water; tl.400. Oall at SMH WaaklBgtoa at. pobbb IB. FOR BALB Tea Tea J raoaa cat to gee; Baaeaaeat; eoodlfloa: mtlng for fl4.00 aao.1 i 1.400 oacb. M. af, loarnaL. rard: good aaap tar aaa r-BOOM oattaga, Bo, BM Osrbott at, with tow orchard; let 10x109 foot; reat IIS par aaata. taalra Frank Bacbeney. beO Onrbett at HOMES ballt oa lawtaltaaentBi eereral paw hoanee a boat OoOspUte; l,aS0 to tt.SOt, O, W. tmlth. rid ChaBBbar of Ooanaeroa. tltno t.tAP Rew. aaodMB, t-roow. boaoe; ataat aell; loariax town. Owaar. 4M tpiaeet at. Mentavllla. H block aar; torae. l. too If tcld wttkta the mob Ik; a saapi air kone ana in lot naonyitoe. improood frnlt. eoar pnypjenU. Scott tMO. etreot WAkrTBDwBOABD. PARTED Qalet. rfcrlattan boaao. wbera lady laralM eea bare kind, motherly ear; coatraX eaet or wett aide. Teleabeae Mala Stno. FOB BMT-aTORES. riia aa Tamhiu at., aaa aaa tk. Annly Xn. P. tharker. tot. Cham. her af Oomnwrc. Tetepbono Mala IM. BOOMS WTTW BOARD- BOARD with enOJB. welt tBYBlabed paaeaaiiaraii to Me tajard. Btt Thar FLBNISMED rooai aad board. .V .e.aBaRi- ;r ' V FOB ItLB TBBWmV FINS 8SH4CT farm, wltb Snwlac chard. Tlnerard. bmiea. A-ruom booac Uocka of railroad atalloo near rortUnd; win trade for boaoe and lot or oell for tz.'NMV aart down. Oregon bebaata, Stttfc W'saa- imtoa at. FOB SALB fll iBBproeed tanua far aala tk B part of fJr goo and WaabtBgtnni payment me da to eat! par a ham re. For fall parttealara aa to rnri. aa propartJea apply to ta. MacMaater. All Worcoator bid. FOB Sals SO acre anod Taller kind near , jnnctkm city, or.: arico. ax,om. Addraaa owner. H. f. Myer, wooonra, or. WOH.P yoa Hke to Hre oa famT Thto to where ma ay exceDent faraja are aftea ad eertUed. Look fee then. FOB SALBBORSES ABD OARRIAaBB. A-k I BUT. eelL rent or Mehang bore re. wanna. bua-ale. raber-ur nuwbonta, fcarnraa. nTfin- fa tna ontflta: livery In coaaectloa. Paoae Ma lllB. Mod Froat Stable, lath, tost off Weak ngioa. GOOD 1.100-lb. Btnale or double, Aamrtoaa Stabto, gentle, Froat itto, acenatome ta eara. aad Jefferaoa. Ton CAB bob roar borea ar waaoa hr ttotag It ta Joarnal Waat Oatatoaai try themt SI word for 10 eoata. RENTAL ageary of t. L. Welle eom party. 4 Or and aen.. toakea a anecfaltr In reetlne L booaea oa eaet aide and looking after arop wu cnaraao iwohdm, rnooo aaax ai. FOR RBRY "Plrnt Boor of boaao oa Mount Tahor Una. Glcnco elation; bar a and frnlt. Apply a pet a Ira en premie or at B. . TB North Twentieth., ear. Ere rati at A GOOD hoaae to alwarp a I ware a Boo re of pUanarai that will make good Borneo drertleed .la enraal waat aar nice boaae are eonatantiy aarertieed to Jenri tohMaaa. Are yon looking for oaet t 1BW modern B-ronaw aide, to a aood toratlo. BoaaaB oa the 30, ttl. Ian Ira Hartama, Ttoaeapaoa d) Fewer a. af Oummeree. Chi FOB reat ar aale. 1011 William a oom boasa. all mode.-a oeonlencee. Apply Bala. KM Stark at Tol Mala TxiT Job COTTAOB oa rwttoad bekjhta: chirk ea and tardea; eboap rent. Mara Mas. tit SIXTH at t-room cot tea, reat tit aar laantr 4TS AMer af. rt'RMISBBD bean tar rent. ttb et. oaf. Madleon; pee. balk, toiepaeae. SOVSXS roa BBBTfUBBiniBB FOB BALB FOB BALB At a barfala U taken at once, tba elegant bow fnrnltnr of a new. etrletly modern T-room bona In toe alghbarhaad oa weat aide. Addrem P BO, Journal. dTBBT ATTOBRBTS, itT. patoal aaoetoJtvi asaJUiton wnvmrn M MBtk kids. i y i. at ADTRBTTSRMBWT Joaraai waat colaBH cent Ha each lnaertlon. It b) attractlre and reach tho Try eaarl WANTBD-SOO ea to reahlngla be for tba la. aatlmatea xlven oa et rainy aeaaoa acta klnda of Bhlnallna. Far reeponalble work and ibk pri'e. can bx TORTBB ft KIRK, - Phone Uatoa 1098. THE MOKTERKT Sc Coffee Rooae. 34 It. Sec ond at, M jaat Ilk riding from Mootnrllm to pc. job no for Be; eeerytbing Bret-claa. Try n. c. M. Aadenoa, Prop. B ARTBD-flafB, aoaad, email borae ar tore pony; aarrtor. . Woodlawa at Pbono Vaiot an in. 90 BKCBABOB. WHAT yon tor and doa't want bj Wat waat Dmeone etoa aeede and eaa't tad. If yea H ' Bdrertlee It ta Joaraai waat ealumat yo caa ' toaho a good trade. Try theai; SI worda tar ia JanaatraL V FOB IB year atom room yoa probably have anmo tklng of no noe to reo. bat tt'a anod, and yoa mar jaat ae well yet eeeh for H br atrertleina ta Joanal waat rrhrwan; S3 worda for It eenta. . ClfDBRWOOD TTPBWBITBB, Thrlhto writing. Taenia tor. Ball bearing. Lfffht rnaata. Agewcy B front at Phone Bed ItajL BILLIARD AHD POOL table tkf rent a fat aala on rear Darmenta. THB BBCNflwirK-BALKB C0LLBBD8B 00.. dt Third St, Pnrtlaad. FOR BALB New fa ml tare throagboat for Per month: Al orm rootaa ; t roome brine In tM are inaataac UKiaoe. Joernal. are Inaaranc lalndd. . Addraaa B St. care FOB BALB CHEAP Good -year-Aid Dnrham ami milk: two awod B-m mng milk; also good rear-old bolter. Btt Mtancr are.. Montaellla. FOR SALE A email dairy aad mate 1 ahwi Seotcb colli papa for aala. Phaate Baott tat. FOR HAD-nn rmRny top da at a haravla. ua Mokawk bldg. IOST ABB ffQOBBW LOST At Aide atreet wharf. Monday BMra. inc. taaiea gnra watca wup black fn end WT O. W. charm attached; Initial R on eut Mde. SnHahl reward U retnracd ta So Joaraai ofBeav Ftl ND On black home, a boat poanda. Owner can at 138 Waaco at, pay okaraaa and take aaap. Phono Bnat IBS. lrn' Many aood fall to read J mtea theex. aaaoi lanlttoa ever do Jaaraal WaaA Cblaaaaa. Don't MA II A BItJLIROBB Ctflt at The Joomal V--: : 'j'- t c t-,. . tor fwm to aarUttoa book. BOB BERT SIC aoaaoboeplBB num. With a of Jaaadry. hath, Koe; also cheap raratohed aottage. A dlgaa, m Sberman. Phoea Glax StB, innaa nice, ooionueoea bb ninn ivuw,. tne locntloat bath, aaa. Dboooi aa faag If .daelrod. Pboan Seat lm. FOB BENT -BtonaekoeplnR roonta of the etty. Beet thla atomit ta aB ar toekios tut bbbbb. KICB aatta farnhihod hodaekoepln roome antt able for mi ant wife; paodera faaprotemeat. Pboa Bast lldl. ttt SIITH ST.. nicer fora toned Baasiketptng aMrtmoata; ItahA treat mom. s 0. Wlx, FOB BERT BUBSIBBIB ROOMS. FTBRISfTED room a da ta Joaraai wnat. eot Can brleg roaolto; tl worda tor 1 aoato tba rate. Bare yoa any roome THE CBCIt fornlBbod rooms aad board, patma- Biat or traaolent; terma reaeonabl. at ortb Park at Pboa Mala dMo. PINE, 09ArUbh faroUbed pooma, ' foar blocks from Hotel Portland. .. Inqalr B Tenth, corner Taylor. ' FOB BENT Two newly farnlabed and hot bath, too Couch at NEWLY far slaked utot trtatloat raomsv Puarth at. 14 VABTBD-M BZBT WANTED To let yoa know that adrortletng rr vacant rooms to Jotimal want columns tba oaalaet and ontckeat wap to tnd da alrablo oeenpanta; 18 cent Dara far tl word. FBRSORAX. I- I. J. BJrabholi peasloa attoraey, oaaaaBoi at-tow, psasloBa: War of tba Rebel Bon. -Ia-dlaa war. Act of Jane ST. 180. "order No. TS. Widows, ehlUWn and dependeat remtlees, keoDtleo. arrears, commatatlosa aad rt'fT asnlaat tba 0, S. Bit Waahlngtoa at FalAWLT Vtaor reotored by Dr. Roberta Reno atonrha, tS; peat oecaroly aealed 'by-alt Aseata, Woodard. Clarke dt Co.. rwUaad. Or. "TITS BOOK OF NATVEB." "Rook of Life. 'Mabel Oray." "Btory or a piare," ""ana; eauiogasa fro. A, A. acBBM to. X2B Pint at TtMTB m laaaiBtltar or aw eevnraterr and reasonably tiled at Byaaell's . Phannasy, SST - tturTlsoB sr., aex. rrm ens aaeea ae. . avRaONAL Toar baelseos er arofeeetooal card . la Jiarul Want On In bids will brlag., yo aamaeasi ax www wr evens. rp w. OB Stow pBlaT Throasb Arkaaaaw. Jsckaaat fall of fen and tokspi St a esMsTBeofcator; Set Aide at MMR. BL S Bly. doraMtoloatot, scalp treatmaot Bbempso aieorri msasa. 111 aeoanonpa. FOBBST BXSXBTB SOBIP. PORERT. BEEBTS SCRIP FOB BALB A p- q, surra 1 t BriCOS Cham bar of Oowmorc. PORBRT isBi 1 1 1. approved. Santa F. oa hand, ready for location; also soldiers' national land - warrant aad Biosni scrap, - iibsibbIi -a) aea. EST Falling Udg. fstUUBTOTABT ABB AZJaTSC, MADAMS JOHNSTON Clabrrsysat palmtot card reader ; I fire facte reBakla and lav aortaat oa aB affair f ral kUa. aOo. IBB Poartb at BOBTT tO LOA. rSBD B. ST BONO. FINANCIAL AGSBe a 1MB M IMBUI I am In a aMlHea to nashe' IsimaflTeto toaaR aa Imam 1 as eoal aaate aa for BrllaV tot pnrpoaea; any smoaot; moderat s tee set We appro toans from plra and aA jaw BBoawr ae Bouoing pragremea. vi to roparmeat after one year. FRED EL BTROkfa. nneaetet Aaewt lot tMond St. aoar IhtrR, THB STAB IOAB CO. . satortod employ, wage mraa, aaaT fbt aanm, fjtJboat BKwtne u moeta. aanata. weea. fcKs t z rta s ea s M Ob Repay ts a 1 4 0t er BS-OO or nstdiiitial. tlO MeKay bads lat. id. BALABT LOANS-Toa as oa yaw salary a Inoooe for aaa ta six Bonioa. ia pay amoant rrom at to lion; lowest rate of InteMat- m.. u a. lay: all negotUtiona are strictly nrrrate and ronBdntUI: payments saspeaded la case of Biraneos, TBS Osacaat LoftR CW SIT OTO- poBiss onag. ALAR T W ARB Any salaried pereoa heetog r1?' posinoa wrni responeniie arm ran swUia money oa tbo May payment pis, with. . Of nnbltolty r delay; all boalreee treated etrtotly oonrMearJal. NORTHWEST LOAN OTX. ttl AMsctoa btdg.. etty. J-tWB OM THB EAtT-PAThTRNT PLAB P ONBT TO LOAN aa rent pace a sal aad oat is teral Menrlfr: snectal aManttaa ta ohsttsl toortgaRos! note bought. O, W. Pellet Sit blk. Phono Hata tafS, UrtOlA tino ta tl.OOO. rates T, t and It psr eeot sa mm xi.reio to sxd.oxio at per sat bp CHARLES HIBBTEu MU Third at, t. spa. Cbambar of Oommerc. BIOHLT maoctablo pUc, nrhare tadlea and gents can borrow moner on dtsmnndB and lewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, 29 Wnaa- instsa at Telepboa Black Tl. BB TRB Doon-LawroBC Co.. real aetate sad fine octal sgenta; money, to loan oa mortKaga seenrtttoa at tow ra tea ta saaa from 100 ts 10.000. 1H 1st at MOBTOAOB LOANS ea tmprwead etty and farm property at lowast cwrraat rata: ovtMlss . easns, astalhnnt toans, Waa. MseMastor, til Warcoeter bldg. fONBT tosned oa pianos, fhrnltara and ether ebaitol ecnrlrla: all baetaeee strictly pit. ata. NORTHWEST LOAN OfA, ttl Akang taa MAS., etty. MONBT ta LOAN ta tor a aamsll aanmato ? food eecarltyj bweai rates. . Wllttam A Boaf .SOT FslHas Mthx, MONBT A DT ARCED salaried psrdo. teaaastera. ero., wiTBoai sscvniy: easy pay mania; iar CfjATTEL toast la saxmnto ranaier from Wt sp op, iMKj't ronmiiw-soaees a epeemlty Raw rn Lena A Trait Os,. tot AMagtoa bat. MONET TO LOAN 00 tarpewred ar antmprored btna AfJaBM TSm at' Faxrtoh. Wa DDANS at torsat rate on faraltara. ptanont any soconrr sots pnrcaaaaa. BtoBsra baas afar. 4lt McKay bldg. fONBT TO LOAN oa CTackamae caaat Isnda. a- r a r. a. auey, sot Ckaawar ot AtPTfAT.T PATIWw. THR TrlBldad Aephalt Parins On. f tlaad. OfSta AH Woreeator blk. n ABAbTxTBOTB. Ooodrlck A Goodrich, archltecta; Wm, W. Good- ftc. wnnitinf engineer. Ts atk. ATTOBNBTB. PACIFIC Ooaet Law A OoUectton AaTonapw Fortiaat of no. TO Chsmeee af Osauoreo. tHRPWERD, ANDERSON A CBXLABAV Ataraoyn. i-oao-axl Maroejaa bM BOAT BTtLDOfA, JOHN HYDB Roato built to order and fat sale. v. Boat Yamhill and Water ata. - - -r-mirc-rr- . ,- . ,, , -aST-ffamr BARB IRO ABB UBBTBBINB, ORBOON BOUND LUMBBB OOu 1SI at Pboa Oeaat 11T1. TBS OFFIOB, BBS Wasklagtra sa. kaaa Mala 7T1. Picket A V kg noes. cars KRATS. ISI tlxtk st A Ana an tAOOXBBT ABB BUStTWABAV WHOLEAAXA on ' sad taiaawaia. Praat t ntA, aer. Stork et We fleas yoar amviaa ri diet Pbeaw reopni. anraniy uouiweiiiisi - fETR Mft7 Vaaa EM. Boom Ttft, Tho Dekaai ktdR. B. W. aar. Third and Wufatagtoa ata. BBAT WESTERN COAL CO., 41 ft Uth masked many eoottom oaL ton; But, fn; ogcata few Cfc Ban. fr oOlTaatia i te, B SR; , Eloae: free sUvryi roll weletviei a. m gasrnntoed. rVms Hata M. STEEL krldge wood rard. Be aar and see or! before u bay wued ant no I; faO bk naranleed, Office, tit Bn-Aar aTT last S4 B Lsaorla, M-aWat. WESTS BN FEED A Ft XX CO., Itt Nor-b Fifth at, Aealara la deswatto axf ateam feat, blacfcanstth aoal kraal pad ank. Pbono Mala 101A ALBINA PTJBL CO.. Baltoasd at. and AJhtn ar., near ferry j stab and btosb awat, dry and prees. Pkoa East BTt , , CVORMAN COAL CO, Prnat sad rMtrsTeve ato. ' OaQ ns an. PHONE MAIN ksB, BOOTES A CON WAT. tit WaBw at. m tor good aBaaV htr ar Bra wee. Mala aB. PIONBBB Pasl O.. faaaeesd from fbot ftosa to snrAMala at Fbooo Mais IsBC oT M. RUN. Srtlsss wand aad seal; erne at Alton see., near tarry. Paoa Beat UaS. OREOON PnRL CO aD fctnAi ef ted Morrton. Pbnas Main tB- fXMJtISBIOB sTEBOBABTB. VERDI NO A FAB R ELL. aad sommto. atoa Boarthanta. 10 laaat Pboa Mais 1TB. rtoad. Or V craramrwiae, GET hardwsod charcoal Blade expreeely fop cnaroosj 1 Proot an) flrat-cUaa. charcoal aad-lmas st the Asasrlran Bfables. rroot and Jffyaaai soar pacR BtrtotlF OTA ABA ABB TOBAOObX ' B8BKR0-OTJNBT dflAB CCt- . Dtobrlhatoaa f . . ...... RNB CfBABB. CABFBNTERS ABB TTLDBBB. A. J. AUTHORS A B. B. WOOD. saw nuam; repairing ana Jveetna; stor of Boo axtnroa beilt amep tot V as Clay 161. PAN NINO A A RMRTRORQ Cmrp satir and balMora: rvpejrla and tokUng; fiatiaibto retes. Sksp oar. Toartk and Cotomtop. Frant bd renalfed. Snf Fonrib. CkF ITA " OABIWl'OOsTTBAOTOBAV HAWKINS A OO. Bsris, SOS ffwsrtk St. pboa Frsat IBhti roaMat work af aU aa acriptloasi atop work apaMaMfi worb jm OBAA B. CARTER A CO. (formerly Cartor Bast 1BTL AH wort xaarantoed. - CBTtfrPOPT ABB aTJBTOVfnBB, WM. DBTBNT A r a BtrrRxxa d it, 1 Mmtm naekv nai mm ok sctoatlfle ch rtora room SOS Drew bl4n tat Beooad at Phons Mala isOt Than I (a tk tos--balred fan toe ya are looklnR to ato tta) BOB ABB BORAS BOBPTTAV DR. S. J. CABNBT T. etortsarr OwpaeBV ' KB 1 Bairn Uut aaa. sbaas. Nortb Birth at Mala tttT. HENBT BBRORB ltt Ptrst att wallpspos. tograt. tapeatrtsa, appltoaa fll llll t, aasat far deeoratlng. as 1 1 laaaanaeiaaisni 11 ibbx anassssnasai ' HI JURA ABB OXJLsBTBB. - PORTLAND STRAM CLBANINO AND DTBINB Works: practical net ttter ta coaaactlPBi fas the boaa sad praaw eleaoed and aarld ay aa tBoed tad aarled Phcae Cky TOt art til Pearta. fJLOTTTEA OLBANBD AND PRBSSSD ft pa , 00 to. va Tanariisi , aar toa at JL W. TTT KNEE, profeeelooat dyer sad SOB Jefferaoa at. Phono Main S51& LADIES' and b!Mre' amrmonta, allk aklrts, waUts and wrap pare made to stdst. . Its Blereatk st, telepboa Mala XI ST. MRA MeCIRBEN, arttotto sMktag. HI Marrtoua at FBATERBAX IBBITBABOB; OBDEB OF WABHINOfOB full mast trasar.. aal aaaait af north west: Bratosto tha Be. tod, I. L. MltcheO. eeyrvme usiitary. tit sod l Maronam fceflaU INwtlnsd. Or. phoBe Mat afd. IXBOTBJOAX, WOBBBt NOBTHWBBT RLBOTKIOAL BNOINBBBINB Oompsnr. MB SUrk st. Porttaad; a K- toe sToryihTn la tb slirtrllH Baa, . PkBBs, Mala Inm BVBB1TVBS FAOtObUBB. BTJBNITCRB amsafactiiriB; aad apalal Bias. L. Baraokye fnrnltnre factory, Sft Froat si. OB BOON Fnmltme msnadsetavtoal P impaai MaBsratarta at fa! tar fa lb Vrada. BqS Plrst st BASTBBM Bat kUsBfaotsrtsaT Or sap any. BBS ir Clay; hata dyed. Mm it blocked; ar la Mtist- sty lea aar an all III I kato. .... First aoar PTaai sTOTBIJL Botal ParttoBd. Aanartoaa p-nt Af, At aar amp. aWtoedsrsi Ban pis a ptoai Atk aad AIAbt a. ABOCXBA, WADBAMS A 00.. mto greeora, irilMlav aacfarsra and aad Oak sto. ALLEN A LEWIS, oaaamnnnoa and prod aaa. ebasta. Front and Darto sta., Portlsad, Op. LANQ A Oa, First sad Ankaay srx BrffhtAB BAIB BOLLAV J.J. BORO, amasr kaawa batr rotla. dtt B, nil. Btore, BM Morrieoa st UtbaABCX. ISAAC I, WBUTaV Ore JAA. Mcl. WOOD, saptoyara BatdRty sad atiaaai aement snrety nes ad aB Bk rao sr. pup BUKay batsV . I. mrai nwaia . ddl abertork MAj. Orsgoa paoa Otoy sat FIRB INRTtRANCE . P. Keaoedy A Ca. Bhectock htdg. Pbea Mats ttat, ABTnOB WTLArR. ar. bldg. Phone Mat 10 IBljJf WQBJBB, PRORNIX IRON mRRaBhaineeea. factvreea of marts, mining, tarrln sat saw. alii BMewHery; prompt attonriee ta repoBr Worb Phono, East SB. Hawthorne ar. A B. td. ASAAOX. lot Bss ral MRS. OB ROC K. frndaat et. f'nlo tnaj. BtfaTOAI. FIOI.IN. Ue- !(n, eornet stortnet A tad aB .Bdwta 4. strttic gc .1 lastj n meaea. r of. Smirk, M B 4T0B, tB4 Tweifsh MR. M V .S R. A. WrflBKR. beaM. mm V ira, pairar lerrBcnon. warn wmn. n n r. w T. R Law son. tn prk. er. a 1 toere r I S . -V". (