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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
TH PAILY'-JOUHWAL,' PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVEWmq SEPTEMBER 1B01 KGI GI7 FLALIES ST1L UTDER WAY Forest Ablaze at Several of Dollars' Worth of Feed fire s Hungry Appetite. ; A Seres Brt that starts ta slashings burned on tha farm of a man named Taylor, Mar Almaa, ta 'threaten tag tin sVril Run forest prsssrva today. A 1 massage that comas over a privets Una from Uta Bull Run bead works today ays ths Sra la terrible, and If a north wind, springs up nothing can aava tha Butt Run timber." , Al that hour thara wan as wind, and tha rangers ware back firing and fight ing tha flames. Thara ara a number of amall farms direct I r Id tha path af tha flrn, and tha issttlara aava thalr household goods packed and ara ready Xp mora out should It appear that tna ftra la going ta sweep over thalr ranch. Thus fas oaljr tha aid tlmbsr that hurnad ovar twa yearn ago la destroyed, but tha nra la now at tha boundary Una of tha Bull Ron pra ssrva Tha orchard of farmar named BranhaU wan daatroyad last night nod n houaa and barn on h farm of 9. Millar, near Almaa, waa daatroyad yoa terday. Thin Art la. about M sallea sast af' Portland..' - t About. IM sores of timber ha burned ovar' Is tha natrhbornoed af tna Pavta wood! aemp alnon Sunday night Ik ta ona of tha hottaat flraa that ban occurred In tha tUnbar thla season- Tha proa pact or a total loaa af nearly att.sOO lb oord wood and a la rg. additional loaa In ranch and mill property la aomawhat mod triad today, and with favorable soa dltiona thara la now a good chaaea lo aava noma af thla propeprty. . C. P. Davis and other tntersstsd man nra atlU on tha eeene, and andaevorlng ta die- MOTHER OF POSTMASTER EXPIRES ei!al Otepeuk ta Tea taraal.) 1 BaJam. Or. aept. Another well- ' known and blBhJy reapected pioneer of ( Oregon haa paaeed away la tha wife of Hon. John ntinto, wba died at tna faro liy reaidenoa la thla city at a'alaok ' thla morning. Martha Morrlaoa Mlnto waa bora w Mlaeourt Deoember IT, ltSL Sha came in ta Oregon with her father. Opt. R. W. v Morrlaoa, who- organised a oompany of Immigrant and brought them noroaa tha plalna With, an tanma. hi 1144. Tbay aettlad on Clataep plalna. In what is now Clateop county. Where tha Marrl t aon fnmUy haa ever alnoe raaided. Martha Moniaon baoama tha wlfa af John Mlnto an July a, 1S4T, and they DANCING UNDER BAN;- SALOON MAN IN TOILS Tnr4uA PolWmnn BiUyar, fclf of Polloe Hunt today Inaugurated a PrUy arnaada la tna north and diatrat by tba hmalng JBf a warrant for .the afreet of W." 9, Oe later of tha Owl saloon far Running a danea haU. Tba arrant will be made aonm Una UH afternoon and tna aaa caliad - befora mnnletpal .Judge Hogua tomorrow. - . Tha eoraplalnt allegea that an tha night af leptambar , tha defendant wan guilty of permitting woman to danea In a rear room of hir saloon aantrary to tha laws of tha alty. -, -There la some mistake about thla." enld Mr. Oetsiar today. T bnva not bean allowing any danctng af lata 1 cannot understand what the chief by thla aotloa. I am net guilty. GRIM DEATH i : COURT OF. ACT ION : h Death 1ms sranred AnnM IA MeOatn ' a ae pa ration from B. B. McClaln and the divorce suit filed by bar ta tha eir- anlt oount was dlsnrlssad this morning . by Presiding Judge Oaorge aa motion of ' Attorney Walter Q. Hayae. Mra Mo ? Claln died In this elty a faw days ago. . EMBRACE COSTS HIM TWENTY-SIX DOLLARS - Andrew Jamas, a logger, reported to Captain af Polloe Moore laat night that be waa mat by two colored women and robbed af 111 on aom street light naar Washington host after dark. This morn- SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED V - ; mi. DUNLAP HAT Thtt Quality and StyW , BMt $3.30 Hat ea Berth ALL STRAW HATS at Price 7 ""f:C0. ' X Points ; and Thousands Tteber and Cat Wood; - ta check tha fire. eelae tha flrat opportunity that mar afforded by changing conditions af wind and weather. Up to thla timn 1 has been utterly imposstbla to attempt to flnht tan ftra. na t laraa sayabeen tha A heary daw laat night and an antlra abaanca of wind today may snable tha Orenghtsrs to aava a ooaaldsrabls por tion of the oordwood naar Hoi brook. It wsa tmponaibla for any one to an within -sat feet of tha nra mat Bight, an in tones waa tha heat nt tha C. P. Devi Fuel eomnany'e wood gin. But tha wind want down durlnc tha evening, and a foroa of Slaughters wna organised for n determined effort to aava a porttoa of tha wood. ' Thla morn In a at 4 o'clock tha battle waa begun. Tha wind baa bean favorable today, and considerable progress haa bean made toward cheeking; tha namaa; It la now tnougni tnat un- laaa a at ran wind springs ap tonight aeveral thouaaad cords of wood will be saved, and tha milts and amall rnnabaa between Rook Paint and Gienoon wui aaoapa destruction. Tha ftra that waa. raging la tha sraan ttmbar In Deer. creek canyon, twa mllao rm Holbrook. ail af Friday, Bsiur- Av and Sundsv. la BttU burning, but Inoe tba timber an tna atoep aldaa of the antm haa bean burned off? tba nra am not. eaaka stunk- nroarase In tha green timber, and will, it w thoaght, burn Haelf out In a few day. It la not Aatnm much daman today, hat la. still burning steadily,-.., " ' . i 1 f PORTLAND 0 tn Marlon amtntr. whara tbay h.iwMM alwa anaAa tbalr home. BaaMea bar husband to mourn bar im, . la&vaa tha follow tna ohUdran: Hon. John W. Mlnto poetmaater at PorUand; Mm May flawley, Jaapar. nnualaa C and Harry P. Mlnto. She la also survived by Urea brothers, Vll Uam, Jefferaoa and Benton, nod twa sla ters. Mr a. Mar Cnrnaban. and Mra. u.-u umiiii. all r ntataon Plalna One great-grandchild also la left, Clint Mlnto Irwin, af Portland. Mrs. Mlnto haa bean n lifelong mam- bar of tba Methodist Kpiaoopai enure a. nnd was generally beloved and highly reapected by all who bad tna pleaaurs of knowing bar." - ; ' Prom re! labia aooreae; It wab Uaraad today that many danoa balls are in oa- aratlon la tha north and, bar no wi anta for tha proprletora have as yet bean aaed for by tha abler ar pouos, wnna- ever be may do to the rfvrura. Oelaler, tha defendant In this aotloa. Is tba man wba teat I fled befora tba po lice oonanslttee af tha executive board. a rear ago In the eaaa of Bpeelal Potlce man Jack Roberta, e barged with accept ing Immunity money from dtaiolute wo men and saloonkeepers. : Under oath Oelales declared that an long an ha paid Roberts a speclAed aum of money each weak, tha regular polloe man on tha beat allowed him to break tha alty laws by having danctng In hla saloon, but that whan ha refused to eetUe; the polloe aama la and stopped him.- ROBS . Bha rrUd anlt n few weeka ano alleer- ng cruelty and dnaertlon aa grounds for Itnl eanaratloek Her husband waaae- owaad of threatening- her Ufa and af once attacking nar wwn a revolver ana on another oeoaetoa with a batabar knife. - t 1 - - -' .a. lng ha ratnrnad to tba central station and gave the detail of tha eaaa to De tective Kerrigan, Know and Wetnar. 1 name to town with 40." aald Jamas, "and waa walking aa a side street near Washington. .What tha street waa I do not know, but X know that It waa near Waablngton street. Tha woman brushed up to me. embraced ma and picked my pockets of everything I had, which waa 2t, Thar the walked away. Later I discovered my lasa and went to tha po lice atatlon to report II If tha deteo Uvea have a mind to, K think thay can get tha woman In short order, as thay are probably known to tha police. I be lieve t oould change my clothes and go and bring them ta tha atatlon In an hour. 1 think tha da tec Urea should be able to do aa weiL .- i 1 , --.,. PARADING KNIGHT : FATALLY HURT Uaaraal gpeelal arrles.t - an rranelsco, Kept 4. Knight Temp lar Morris aimaolff. of this alty waa thrown from a horse rn tha parade and his ahull was fractured, causing" fatal Injuries. Jie waa a large cloak manu facturer. Tba Malta drill earpa, of Blng- h am ton. N. T-, waa tha flrat to receive an ovation today which wad followed by ovation to delegations from Demolaya, LoulavtUa, Ivanhoe, Milwaukee, tc Bar narda and Chicago. Tba day waa unusually warm, and tha heat had a telling effect na tha march ers and speetalora Many women faint ed- from the beat and exhaustion, and several parsons mat with aocldenta while viewing the parade from tha eoueetopa, whaa akylgbtaaad eornlaee gave way. A girl of t years waa probably fatally Injured. A number of mounted Knlghta war thrown from thetr horeea, but all ewoed aarlatoa Injury aveent Vlralnoft, . Lfoath, a member of tha Kneavllle, " ) aommaadary, dropped from aa- llkl L..1 Ik. .-J IkaL;; ( fnlUavtU ItasALll bxpOrw op mxAjssram m wmmr ,ra ootnrrr - rauuav nra Oeorge Black, tha aapart employed to examine tha varloua departmanu of the oounty government, filed hla report to day upon tha offices of tha oounty treas urer and eountr record r. for tha six years ending July, 101. No material Ir regularities warn discovered In attbar Of these offices. - - Tha Innumbenta of tha oounty trees arar'B office during the Jals years cov ered bv tha Investigation wera Ralph W. Hoyt and T. a. Brooke, The, booka af both officials wera found to aa la ar dor. Mr. Black aays In his report: The system of aoeounta ta this offfee grra a elear presentation of tha status of tha several fuada, and altogether have been kept In a . satisfactory manner." Soma suggestions ara made as to tha manner of keeping vouchers and regis tering warren ta. but do arrora la tha books were dlfoovared. - Tha Incumbentn of the record erg af- floe during tha alx years ending. In IMS wera P. Malcolm and . C. Beach. The expert finds that ail fees ooUactad ware duly accounted for, , although the work af comparing lnatr omenta filed for record was aometlmes oaralaasly dona. -Soma slight disc recencies wars found In ooU est ions oh tha Itol tax roll, but thay wars only trifling; In thalr total amount Tha report ooncludeo as fol- 1 'would again aiiln your attention to tha adrlaaMllty of having the assess -meat raU cheeked prior to making; ap the tax roll eaeh yanr. In aoma In- otanoaa tha asaaaamant of bank stock for tha years ltol and lit! was mada in the aama of the bank. Instead of tndl vidua! atockboldera, and an thla waa tha plan on which tba tax referred to oa paga st of my report aa tha offloa of the clerk af tha oounty court waa re duced br ovar Sl.fOt. thus eauetng a loss of that amount to tha county, ft would aaern that aaoh an exam laat Ion might be prontnbia, - The assessment roll being tha bnale from which tba bulk af tha raven ua of both dtv and oounty la derived. It would seam that' an examination- af tha aasaeement roil, aa to teehnloal nnd clerical arrora, might obviate an avU from which tba bounty haa suttarad la tha paat-T , MANY PRISONERS IMPLEAD IN COURT ' ' Several mforaakttona aaalnat nrlaonarn bald nt tna eountr jail and other persona accused of offenees who ara at liberty on bonds wars filed ta tba circuit court thla morning br District Attorney Man ning through his deputies. A number of alleged offenders wera arraign en ana five entered oleas of not gulUy. aV not-true Information waa filed In tha eaaa of Henry Bayard relative to tha ebarga of conducting a disorderly houaa fn a true bUl ha la aocueed- of selling liquor without a licenser to R. Henlnger. July S. . . Julius voa PrloL aoensed of laroany. wsa granted until Friday to plead, and B. B. Pagua waa appointed to aexena him. . . ' Thomea J. Bryant was arraigned and pleaded act guilty to laroany. Attor ney Arthur C. Dayton wan appointed to defend htm. Ha la alleged to have stolen on July It goods valued nt IIT. Viola Reeee. colored, charged with aa- ssulUng Ada Wilson and cutting her with a butcher knife on June 14, waived tha readiaa af tha Information and through Attorney MoCants Swwart pleaded not guilty. -Her trial, wan set for October IT. Roy Wooden - and a Ladard, the you tha charged with breaking Into Thomas Oraham'a drug store at Mount Tabor and committing burglary, pleaded not cullty. Thalr bonds warn Axed at S0. Tha boys also pleaded not guilty to ehargea af laroany nnd their bonds were fixed at ISSO each. Wooden gave bonds m both caaee but Ladyard la bald In lalL , James Afnnekto, wna la aoquaed of tha theft of lewelry, money and clothing valued at 7t from Jobs Tuohy, living at 171 Ollsaa street, entered a laa. of not guilty. On behalf of R Tfllotnoa, tha Otnv tractor. sued for Ill.v04 for malicious proaeeutlon by A. I Mcradden, Attor ney, W. B. Huflord watved tba ngnta or tba defendant to a motion to make the oomplalnt mora definite and certain. Tll lotsoa was given IS daya la which to Ala hla gnawer to tha action- - FIEND DASHES. DOC'S BRAINS OUT ON WALK Bd Styles wag Snad IIS and asntanoad to servo It daya in tha bounty Jail for beating a pretty tea terrier a brains out oa tba osment sidewalk on North Second street early thla morning. Mu nicipal Judge Hogua la aanoonolng hla dec la ion, roundly asored tha defendant. characterising hla crime as one of the moat aruel and heartleee ha bad aver been called anon to hear, Stvlea waa arrested by Pollcaman Burks, an oomplalnt of Fanate Sutton, owner of tha little dog. Thla morning befora Judga 'Hogua shs swore that It was because ha waa Insanely angry at her that Styles seised the pet and dashed Its hssd repeatedly against tha pave ment. Ha contradicted her statement. saying ha killed tha dog because It bad tba manga. In addition to. the charge of cruelty to -tha dog, a charge of vagranoy waa placed aaaibst tha defendant. Ha en tered a plea of not guilty to thla. arid It m atlll bald awsr him. Ha may be triad on It whaa his tana m tha oounty Jail expiree - ' ...v. ALL STATES TO HAVE REPRESENTATIVE, HERE During tha bswm and Clark fair thara will be bald a songTsac at which tha In tention Is to have a repreeentatlve or repreeentatlvea, from all the stanan af tha Union. Suoh entertainment will ha given at thtoj congress as la aeceeeery for carrying oat Its object. Articles of Incorporation of tha TJon greaa af States of Lewta nnd Clark Pair" ward flled thla afternoon wtth County Clerk Plaids by Iaaan W. Balrd. CaJvtn Helltgiand Judga Thomas OTJay. Tha Ufa af tha company shall be three years; capital stook. Its.. Tba purposes sra to hold a dlatlnetlva congress af the atataa, with repreeenta tlvea therein, to give entertainment for exhibitors andto pro vide far raoepUona iDim VESSEL 0 COAST TRACE PRSBSMV ' OABBTZV ntff tusi aan orrr sutv ma : fmBasam bt on arrBAJcmm a Wlthta Che next day or two tt will be .dedaltety kaawa yaat what stsamar, if any, wllr be added to tha O. R. M. fleet, plying between Portland and Ban Franc laco, Negotiation ara under way for another veeeel and tha local agents stats that tha "matter will be definitely diappaed af one way or tba other thla week, v.. In tha meantime tha shippers nra be ing visited with the view of jaaoertaln lng rust how much frelgtrf 'acn of them oaa ba dspandsd Upoa to aupply la the event that tha Increased service lo astabllahad. Tha new vessel, which tha oompany la expecting to secure, has a carrying aapaclty of l.oaa tons and it will be used axclualvaly aa freighter. ; . -There Is sjs doubt that the announce ment of the Increase of aervtoe will bo officially made within- tha next few daya" said one of tna local agents of tha Una thla morning, 'If tba ahlpyeru make it manifest that another boat m needed to handle tha traffic properly. Wa ara now endeavoring to And out the true situation of atraira. by calling neraonallv unon those who are engaged In tha ooaatwlaa shipping business. If thay promise as their patronage their wants will be attended to at once. It la now un to . tha shippers themselves aa to whether or not thera will be an addition made to our flaat. By putting another veeeel on the Una we wlU ha In fc-woaltlon to dlooatob a ataamer xram Portland to San Franolaco every three days Instead of Ave daya, aa la tna aaaa at tha nrasant time.' Tha name of the aaw ataamer for which negotiations ara being made ta not known bv anv of tha local representa tives of tha company, that matter being withhold from them by 'tha manage ment at San rranoisoo. But they have been Informed that aha la one of tha beat on tba coast, that la open tor en casement. It is the general opinion among tha shippers that tha eempany will be guaranteed all tha business that the throe veeaels can possibly handle diirtng tha oomlng .fall and winter at laaat. ' Those who have bean keeping In cloee touch with the situation have arrived at the conclusion that thara Is going to be a greater volume of freight shipped by the water route to the California ports thla year than during any two -previous eeaaoua. On account of tha war hi tha orient, they explain, thara will bo very little lumbar aent to tha far east. -It la believed that tha prod net of tha saw mills will be taken down the coast in stead, much of It having already gone on the steamers and steam schooners. Tha statement Is mads that tha lumber and wheat trade la Just opening up in aood shane. and tha result of It la now aaen by the largo number of, outside boats Which have been recently char tered to handle tha growing traffic, thirlna the-Daat few weeks Taylor, Young Co, hare kept adding to their fleet until now thay have Ova vessels operating regularly between -Portland and the bar alty. They ara tha Edith, tha Leelanaw, tha Chloo, tha Redondo and tha Prancle K. Leggett. The moat of them are carrying grain In their holds and lumbar on deck. Should tha O. R. A K. Co. not decide to put on an extra eteemer H Is said that other boatn will be sent here and be -operated per manently. California mill re are ex pected to draw heavily aa tha Oregon wheat aron thla year and aoma believe that thla fact alone will be tha means of keeping a big fleet of eoastern 1a steady oommlealoa. r - . - ,. ,'( RRATT ggfMBTBP MnAOB. Word waa received this morning that Meyer, Wilson Co. have chartered tha Brltlah ah Id pagasua to load a general omrgo at Hamburg for Portland. Tha vassal Is af till tone gross register and la ewasd and operated by XX Oorear Aj Sons of Liverpool. As shs has just be gun loading It la probable that aha will not arrtva here until tha middle of tha winter. Including tha Pegasus, the total ton nage aa route and Hated for Portland amounts to It. lit. which represents 11 vaasela As six or sight of them ara fully duo. thay are expected ta put In an aooaaranoa at the. month of Abo liver moat any time now. Should thara be no Improvement In tha freight situa tion, the probabilities ara that tha port land harbor will be blockaded with a larga flaat of ehlpa before the expira tion of many months. At tha present price of wheat, thara la no demand for tonnage, and whaa the vassals arrive here, if tba eondltlona remain tha same. they artU undoubtedly be tied ap and bald In sort Indefinitely. There ara flva grain carriers now In tha fiver, having a net registered ton nage of 11,14a. They ara the Beacon Rock, tba Emilia, the Dumfrteahtra, tha Anna and a he Brtseux. Too Bmllla has been lying here since July $, waiting for n charter, whllo tha Beacon Rock m tha only one of the outfit that Is on tha engaged llst She waa taken some ttma ago to load grain for tha United King dom, but aba la being supplied with cargo very slowly. Tha Brtseux reached tha harbor pea terday. and tha Dumfriesshire la now on her .way up he river. She la expected to arrive tomorrow. Tha veeeel Is bringing a full aargo , of anal from Sw VP BOBTK. " After- a two-weeks' Inspection of tha lighthouses now In commission In A leaks and those under construction In that territory. Major W. C. Langfltt has returned to Portland, making the trip aa far. aa Seattle on tha tender Columblna. He reports that everything ia progress ing most satisfactorily- up aorth, and ha believes that tha aide to navigation thara are now fully adequate to meet all requirements, with the exception of possibly one or two potnta Ptva lighthouses ara now Jm commis sion ta southeastern Alaska, and vary shortly four others will be added to tba llet. Tha latter ara being erected at Pornt Retreat, Point Sherman, Ouaru island and Palrway Island. Ha states that tha steamboats, plying regularly In thoea waters, ara detained for any length of time at amy ana place, and that la at Seymora rapids Thera tha channel la narrow and rapid and It is neoeeaa ry -for tha veeaels to wait for tha tides befora mahlag An attempt to atom tha. currant. "Tba Canadian government," says tha mafor. "baa aided vary materially In making tha northern waters navigable In Ua territory, bat thera la ana point that M haa so far neglected ta took after properly. At Green laland a lighthouse ta needed badly, but thla mat ter will probably be attended to In due tlma by tba dominion government." After coaling at Seattle the Colum blna will proceed to Astoria, where ahe will remain aaill ordered wut aa an other aralsai. .vj, . -. ' in i ims i xs trp ro m ansae. . RAIIDA9 fiX:.l - DALLAS TO SALEM OXiDB UMIh" POM f. (serial Dtspsttt a Tas-Jeeraal.) Salem, Or.. Sept a. There" Waa a meeting of the Balem Commercial club last night to consider a propoaltlon made, by Mr. I Uerllnger, prealdont of tha Dallas-Falls City Railroad company, for the oonatrucrton of a road connect ing that line with thla city. The text of the proposition of Mr. Uerllnger, by which he offers to give a blanket mort gage upon the entire road from Psll City to Wast Salem, la as rolrw: "Our present line from Palls City to Dallas la about tea miles In length, -nd coat ua considerably ovar flSO.oOO. We figure that the Salem end. In the manner we should want to build It and aquip tt, would coat up at leaat $10,000. All ws ask of your city Is a free right of amy from Wast Balem to Derry, to 0 feet In width, probably toss than that, if tba Una passes through something valuable, then t feet would aava to do; enough ground at West Balem for terminals and yards, roundhouse, etc.. and a loan of 1100,000 for algbt or tan years at I par oent Interest, tha same payabla semi annually nt any Balem bank or wher ever you may decide. . "To secure thla loan af 1 100. 0v, wa ahould be willing to give you a blanket mortgage on tha whole road,, from West Salem to Palls City depot, a diets noe at about It miles. ' This loaa oan-certainly be regarded aa gUtadga. aa It la only about 40 per cent of tba valua, of the property, aa you will readily ssa that we ouraslvss have more Invaatad In tha tea miles alone than tha -, loan amounts to. "Aa to tha earning capacity of the road, I am satlened that the property can be made to pay handsomely, other wise I. should certainly not want to build It and give our present ten miles as security, as ws ara doing well as K Is. Our road now pay a the Interest on .lleo.voa,' operating expenaea, I mainte nance and leavea a surplus for a divi dend on stock or a sinking fund." Mr. Osrllngar mads a second propo sition also, which provides .that the business men of Salem should make him a loan'-of 9&,009 per mils, thus mak ing It possible for htm to extend his line further to tha waetward K ha should so elect. . Tba former proposition seemed to meet with favor, and tba sama com mittee that has had Jha matter in hand was Instructed to go ahead with tt and endeavor to raise tha amount neces sary for -the consummation of tha pro nosed 'project. Tbs proposition lo con sidered feasible and thara seams resr son to believe that tt will be carried through. - ' -i ASSIGNMENT J OE METHODIST PASTORS -. aearaal laerlal gsrvtet.) ' . Tha Dalles, Or., Sept. ft. Tha Co lumbia River Methodist confers noe that has Just adjourned herg, made tba fol lowing asatgnmenta for the oomlng year: The Public Mission DIatrlct-Ov W. Mtntsner, presiding elder; Chelan. J. C. Harvey: Cheney A. W. Roberts ; Daven port, H. M. Rounds; Dear Park. K. R. Henderson; Hsrland, X B. Daniels; HaU ton. B. I Hicks: LJnd. J. a Ball: Me- tbow. A. W. Trlvej Newport, J K. B. Anderson;' - Rltsvllla, C. ' O. Harmon; Sand Point, William Hoekina; Sprague, T. P. Allan; Wetervllle, Rev. Mr. parry; Cowiehe. Rev, Mr. Williamson: Du- fur, Q. R Moorehead ; Bllenaburg, William Park; Posall, Ralph March; Port Sfmooa, J. W. Halm: QUner, J. W. Mayea; Ooldandals, H. B. El worthy; araaa Valley, T. O. Stall; Hepp ner, H. I Belghtol; Hood River, W. C. Bvana; Klona, A. N. Santord; Mora, John Bvana; North Taklma, A. H. Haary; Olsx, P. W. Atkinson; Pendleton, R. Warner; Wanatches, U R. Bufus; Wil bur, R. A. Armstrong. Spokane District U. P. Hsk. presid ing alder; Cosur d'Alena. J. P. Barker; Colfax. Wllmot O. Whitfield; Kl barton. H. M. Mobba; Oarneld. A. U Hawley; Harrison, T. O. Hod son; Oakeadala, P. R. Spaaldlng; Pleasant Prairie, O. W. Slckafooae; Rathdrum, J. H. Martin: Rockford. C. T. Cook; St. Marys, R. Oal ley; Spokane, Pirst church. H. I. Ran mua; HUlyard, P. B. Koonts; Jefferaon, W. H. Pry; Union Park, M. R. Brown; Vincent. H. D. Kimball; Moran, B. C Ktrkman; Tokoa and Parmlngton, W. H. Handeraon; Wallace. J I Carpenter; Wardner, Charles Blrey. . The Dallea District O. M. Booth, pra tdlng alder; Antelope, J. K. Craig; Ar lington; W. J. Baldwin; Blokletoo. S. 1 Hornlbrook; Belmont, H. a Clark; Cas cade Locks, P. L. Johns; Centervtlte, L. Dllllnger; Cla Blum, P. H. Walker; Prinevllle. W. P. Jlnnett; Proaaar, W. C. Smith; Richmond. A. B. Lanrn; Spauld Ing, W. Sexton: Sunnyslds J. B. Hoad ley; Tha pallea. Walton Sklpworth; Waaoo. P. Chandler; West Kittitas. Rav. Mr. Murphy. Walla Walla Diet riot C. B. Gibson, presiding elder; Albion. J. C-Lswranos; Adama, Wilbur Spoor; Asotin, J. S. Anderson; Athena,. J. IB. WUltama; Col tea. Rev. Mr. Davis; Dayton, W. B. Arm Said; Orang villa. T. H. Pertlg; Hunta vlUa, J. Deoomu; Lswlston, J. R. Ore gory; Milton, J. J. McAllister; Moscow, W.-T. Buster; Has Perce. R. D, Oater hout: Palouss. D. W. Raines; pomeroy, C- D. Bandarson; Prasoott and Starbuck, Charles B. McCaughey; Pullman, O. Bykea; Waltaburg, M. K. Marvin; Walla Walla. First church. Henry Brown; Wilbur Memorial. K. J. Baedj Walla Walla circuit, A. H. Millar. . ': " wAOAjrcrjKs at esnuwA, ' tMeeelsl rnssaKb to Tae Joarsel.) u Chemawa. Or., Bcvt. ft. In order to All tba vacancies now opaa at the In dian achooL Acting Superintendent Camobell held a special examination un- TJer tha elvtl service rules. Mra Char- lotto Cochran took tha examination for matron. She ts an Indian, and tha wife of Disciplinarian Cochran. Vina Wooa- ruff, a graduate of tha Carlisle school, took tha examination for aeamstreaa, Sampson, of tha team of Sampson and Zaoho, appearing at the Lyric this week in feats of strength, will tomorrow even ing at 1 o'clock pull against two horses at Seventh and Alder streets.- directly In front of tha theatre. At each of the threa nerformsnoes tha same evening Xacho will lift a thousand-pound horse with bar teeth. -. - , , 1 . I Ill S. B1CU1 WXTM BxtOVgfUM. Sam Swarts killed himself at' l:t o'clock last algbt aenr Boring. Ha blew his head off with a shotgun.. Swarts left no letter and Sons of his frlsnds know aay reason for his aulelde. I BT- V eMUe- 4MMI BTBVOSIOx? OP ttsTst-mBaWaTTB TBS OP PRO. PITPiTi fTITlfliriffrilT ABSTBVOTBS) POVB aTTfiTiBB aV tWJUXSxOef. . (sVKIf ill sVpfB4all gVcYlt ) Slater, Mo., St. d.- Pour men are rsnorted killed and many Injured tn a heed on collision I miles west of here thla afternoon- ' - - ' i- WhbVill Get : IT MIGHT BE YOU 7 ' ; The next speda prize to be warded for the near est correct estimate received before September 15th wiU be a $375 upright piano, - ' X SEND IN YOUR ESTIMATE TODAY ! ; ; ; ; HERE IS A SUMMARY. OF THE PRIZES 1 1 !; ' 1st Mrs A Wkates Toajrkf Car (1904 r..ym'S50Q ' 24 Prism A Msuas A HasOss wramal PisaB.. Vsas 91,300 : 34 Priiw a CobovW Graaal PUmsb w.,.m..Vw ,000 f'-.. , VRItie. 8 ConoTcr Cabinet Grand Upright Pianos...... $M00 ' 10 Kingsbury Upright Pianos.,.....,..........,. t-iJN)Q v B0 ApoUo Piano Players'. .s.,.f... 6,000; 26 Chicago Cottage Organs 8,100 00 Grand Rapids Sectional Book Cases 1,000 B0 Royal Sewing Machines...,.......,,..... 1,950 60 Kalamaxoo Stoves and Ranges....,........- 1,600 80 Violins, Guitar. Mandolins and Banjos.. 500 60 Solid Gold, Gold Filled, Enameled sad Jeweled Y. Men's and Women's Watches.,,. 100 :" '100 Columbia Graphophones .................. .V 1600 . 70 Al-ViBta Panoramic Cameras... ,.,.w..U.l,600 i, 800 Pieces Heavy Quadruple, Plate Silverware.... UbO '.. 100 Gem Safety Razors. V 860" . 100 Moore's Non-Breakable Fonntain Pens....... - SM) ; ' 1,000 Volumes "Theodore Roosevelt" 1,600 "1,000 yolumeodgKmVAmericq Homes. ... .. 1,000- 1,000 Volumes "Stephen G. Foster's Song Alpum"... . 600 1,000 Song, and Music Folios... 600 rOOO. CONDITIONS OF THIS GREAT CONTEST . mm saajasst to nana an a soal vwea s as ana fa Ssa efxsa mt la Mil sal ef Saa VntesS Sea las, aa m atoss a adaMgam, aawesa. aaw na. laoc tna afasaal agmres af tas g s i mmmmtmjm Saa in nil seal fas aateea wU aa asrarlsS ay a inaaisMn af llilil saaaa is iris Ssaannims arm saeaiva a saisiaaaai t oa aaafc asatsaaaa, aasTssaas wm essssls Saa kaMsaa Ss aah xaisaa aa tasg nsay arts, m a U Ins: sail aaah ssslnna artU ulri a aatoSnft Mai HOW TO MAKE -- THE JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Is faiSisI aa etaer sloes waare ai asaverel eg esrrleti fMflr aa gseear. psu Dal BeisJ Dally pttir aod Buwuj, ana Suna. I Btostts,. i-w fbotlsclaiiliig aa.K 1 (set Wlndlu on.!, f (set BMladlng Saa,, S K irrer::. Cps stosiBS a. is lit fast sMlsdlng Sanaa enly, 1 eolr. 1 ManUr esv. a l-Os a-Malr. l rear SW Weekly. 1 faar IM ssalsaass ass S Wffa-T-" aasl'vaitssJBla prisss. TOT AJKS - rmmo to on mvmm pob mao TwaaTi-yrv crsam paj SI BIIBBMI1II I ins sVOOOVsT, pravlds inulllisii ao smlaiilgMism ass fwnasasa grsasr. Sag STO Btmun JwnM. WB iW ST aV as s nam OP &SBBS VBUJI OBTB MU1S 1 faar... ,(.....JS IT (est lachWBBg sua. I. I lv last iBstadlitC aaa.1. t sratba 1TI (sat hMlaalBg Soe.), S amiss Ml SUBSCRIPTION BLANK , Oal this eat and all la assafallv ' ' MS. So avfty a n4axHalfc ao Thh asaoaaf iaiaaay- (State wbettaer DatVr, Sunday. Weekly or SemV-WeelUr.) . BOARD WILL; FIND i WHO IS TO BLAME : - -. -v,.;- ; Clsrenoe KellAgg, chief engineer of the flreboat Oeorge H. WUltama, baa de manded an Investlgntloa Into tha cause of. tha failure of tha flreboat to work properly laat Saturday night during the fire at Meada'a wharf oa tha waterfront. Ha Is ntnch liwhmaed at reposta which ara Sains circulated to tha affect rthst alt tha trouble wlttt the boat Saturday night waa Sua ta hla atismanagement. Hs asms to Chief Campbell today. and demanded that an Investigation bo held. aa ha says he desires tha people to know just where the fault Ilea. Chief Campbell told htm that his re quest will be granted. Hs Is now gath ering data for the encamlnatloa which will take place an Wannssday or Thurs day. At this time Kd Brown, the stoker, On whom tha blame Is laid for the en gines of the boat not working, because of tha atated reason that ha failed to properly fire -the furnaeea. will eons be fore the examining board and be given a hearing If It la found that tha charges whmh have been brought against him are true, hs will hs permanently re leasee: from the ftra department. The examining board, before whom fhs oharges will be Inveatlgated, will con sist of Chief Campbell, tha msater me chanic of tha firs department and secre tary of the firs onmmlsslon. All the testimony gathered at this Investigation will then be referred to the executive board, which body WlU taka decisive ac tion. ' At tha present tlma hoaemen on the boat sra doing the firing until somebody ran be secured to fill the position. There ara aswrai applicants befors th rivtt aervtc commission, nnd an emmlaatton may be held In the naar future. It Is very -hnrd to eewure a good stoker for the flreboat, for Ue reason that the wage are an smell. Tha salary Is only ft per month. Chief Cnmi..11 f d-terrained to sift tha tr v- H s"'e that which wna show H ben If" erst- . Ha s. - the s T6tal..sav.;;..w.....U.AiJ000 AN ESTIMATE .IMPOtrAJfT STATISTICS 1rr TOTS rg pTHSB Tsuaa. Tsa total roruiaA TOTS Isr ffvaav aastte Sm rear ISM eras aOaLfU Ut wsa CrM.aM, tan af at SI ear 10T was Cast, lofi. laa. af U-M par UTS wa B.41XTSS. tea, ef So. 14 aer 1SM was t.MV.400. laa, ef .t aw ent 1M4 was l.(M4.Bf. tats, of t Ot per shU ISM was ll.8HO.8eo, laa. ef U.90 per ett list was IS. rc 0.861, ls. ef I M per nst ISM was U.B2S.10I, loe. ef 1.8 per east law vat iasa,tsa. laa. af Ji per east The tstml i islirlis sf Om "Oattet SUMS (art SMludlag territertsa, Sm Dls- aiet ar OotamUa, awwii, ess raina alnea. aafl alaaka), lae rssr .am.ia IsM , I.. T.r.4 iilssilit ,TJa.ef My esttsMlas af Total Voea ae osot ea ' Wev. t, ISO, lor tte oaea at PresMeat arei i 1 . ,- , A i . f ' -v - Slaai LI. US3T 1 SatisTattrtts " fioiruitced Portend, Or. ' Before and After W sarins one of my famous Toupees. SOS Washington St. TERRIBLE COSE f 02 "BLIND FIG" KEEPER When Joseph Holder heard his fata from Circuit Judge Sears this morning, tears filled his eyes! He was amtanoed to pay a fine of lino on one chsrge of selling liquor at Lents without a licenao and 1 40o on a second charge. Having no money, ha will have ta saws IBS days In the county Jsll and apend part at. hivtiraa on the rockpHe. Holder Is aha man who JumpeS Ms bail Sod left the city about three nvnthe ago an being oonvtctsd' of selling Uauav without n license. Be Was located a Lfrw daya ago by Sheriff Wrd pa tha Mt. Hood rend, about miles from Portland, where he was runntag a amM store1, with a 'Wind : In cnnssctlon. Judga Basra Imposed a asevW tanos In the scond esss than In ihs trt because Holdvr retamed to Lnis srl violated tha law again aftr the first charge bad been placed asalsst hfnh .. DORMANT GEYSER v ' sPRir'csnTo life A. D. Chsrlto, sensor s at of tis tn 'S ci ". r-"-vd s i fro A. ( I P r '