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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
1 i ; . ' ' THl! OREGON DAJLr JUUKRALi tukilan iua-owai av&inu, oariawoii. evw. t THE DAY IN SPORTLAND G& Eastern Trcka BawbaU and Sporting ficw., , 1 tilr,fll MB , VWMWay i j f Cwrni laswee J LvavJal i J tW.4wJ V, ,4. PORTLAND BROWJiS ,1... IS THE CELLAR 4 TnmruiM TBSTSRBAT bt m uun DvtsAu an nr rrs VAXtV OOST OVm, NM lATTIVt J! , ileersSl-Speclel Brvt.) J Sen Francisco, Sept The Portland Brown played In Walesa and hopeless form yesterday andrntng end afternoon . and were abut out by tb Oakland nine la both eontesta Th lmpraelon her to that th Dudle bunco, la wt-oleesed to -such an extent ihat It U Impossible for th Portland pitchers to hop to win a can, la tba morning contact Thtelmaa pltehed a brilliant '.gam, and - ware It not for arrora oa -Beymoed's part tba Oakland teen would not hava scored. Tba Portland shortstop hooted tha ball all ever tha flald and gave the Lohavanltee thalr only two tallica. - Tba visitors ooulda't do anything with Graham's dtllnry, ewlnglng wildly at his. curves, or also. batting tbam Into tha in fielders' nda, staking doubls puy a easy. Several times Hurley had aplandld opportunities to bat In runa, but tha loa wagon Qrst feaaaman eouldn't handle bis bat at all, falling on vry attempt Lelly, Dugdais' grand old nan, appeared la lsll field in iha Snern Ing gam, but tha paoa waa too rapid tor him. and ha dldrrt put la an appsax- anca In tha aftarnooo, Thlelman taking His Plac v ' . In ths aaoond gania tba Portlands rs war anable te bunch hits on Schmidt ar Mosaiman, and ooaaaqusatly aofferad tha-aaoand whltaaah f tha day. Ibsrg ?ltobed a fairly good gam, bat ths ommutsrs found him at correct perl- - ods. Tha loas at yaataraaya two ganaa relagatea Portland to tha aallar, and puts Oakland la fourth position. Tba :0cocm: ,t , r f .- ;;;C- aionlat waaaa.. 'J' .PORTLAND. , IE RRPttA-B flpancar. Hurley, near, lb. J. 4 -0 t ley, lb. 4 4 t eau, a. f. . ....yi I 1 e i : t I o ! ! adeau, fick. lb. Lady. 1. f. . Bt eel man, a, Clynes, f. t Raymond, a. Tbialaaan p. j:,. Totala . , 1 I I OAKLAND. 'V v IB. JL H. PO. A. K- - Fraaeka, O an ley, T ' Emnleavy, r: :,..., i i j i j : SchUnar Kruger. n. t ,..,.is . s fltreib, IB. IS Devereaux. V..,::?:::M HI! Btark, & - .Orabaoi. Totals . ......Is 1 127 11 HUNK AND HITS BT INNIN08. Portland Hits $ ' . lUNMART.: ' First base on error Oakland 1. First base on called "halla Off Thlelman, ; off Oraham. 2. Left on bases Portland, ; Oakland. . Struck oxit By Thlsl- ntiL 1; by Oraham. . Bit by pltchsr Nadeau. Double playa Raymond to (lDncer to Hurley a veverenua to 1. an ari. ut r Mil- rivMi to flteelBian: Strelb unassisted. Tiro of game One hour and 10 minotaa. Umplrs Mo- Car thy. . f; efbamoaa Caanav PORTLAND). ' AB. It H. PO. A. B. Bpencer. Jo. .V.-. ( J.I I 1 Kurlsy.-lb. j j I t Nadeau. c f. ........ 4 J J Beck. Ib. ........... 1 f J Steelman, j. ....... J 1 4 J Clynaa. r. f J j J Raymond, a. a ...... o s w Xberg. p............. I 4 Xberg. P-. V Totals . : .4 .'..-. l t III 11 1 f . OAKLAND. t - . AB. R H. PO, A. C Vranrba. a. Si ....... 4 1 1 i Oanley, T. f. ......... f f feVhlatlsy. ID. S Krucer. c f. ...... 4 BtreTb, lb. ... Lfeversaua. - . nyrnea. c Schmidt, p, ......... -Moaklman. lb. ....... . Totala . . ... .. . . t a It RUNS AND HITS BT XNT71NO. 1IMIH HTIt . Portland . Htta , . Oaklahd . .. Hits.. d 6 a fit 17 0 M 1 J lilt ' . ' " SUMMARY. Two-baas hits Staetnn Marrlftre hit DunlaSVV. i an, Moakiman. Flrrt base on rror Portland. 1. First base on called balls Off lbera, 1. Lsft on bases Port And, 4; takland, . Struck out By iWg, t; by Schmidt 6. .Hit by pftrhrr Deyeraaua. pouhla playa Schlarley to Prancka to ftrslb 2. Time of gfime One hour and 30 minutes. Vmplra McCarthy. , -. TAtam ooatt &BAOtra.. OLcng. To ff 010, ft, 3 .a .47 .4M .447 Loa li guttle OaUaef an IraneH ....... . frt!snd .1 is 10) 11 33 Lset (15 U SOltKtliSIJlf, : ' Taensaa, Ml Baattla, Tg. ; - t Taooma, With., Sept. . Ovarall was Invincible yesterday afternoon and shut the heavy-hlttiag Seattle tenm out with out a ma. Shields blanked tha Tigers : In tha motnlng gam at Haattla, when ' 'the Siwashes pounded Jimmy BL Vraiu all aver the lot. The acore of tha after- , aaas aaavar . . i - . - .v Rax. a- a, in; WU- ' ' Taooma , . ... .IlllUlf " Seel tltf . r-T t 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 t e t i x a e v lid ' ' ' t i ml ': tliams and Wllaon. V nfl oilman mpira arown. grksslsF Sf hits was baa Boa 4ngoks. Loo Angeles. Sept. 4-Haah Harris Oeorga Whaolor. tha man ha re- 1 eatly aerured from M or ley In place of Phil Knell, on the alab yesterday, and Oeoraisffha dispensed such a pussllng . asaortmantg or benders to hla former team-males fhmt they wars anable to land him efin enough to eoera, and ware .wMtawsahed. Ths acore: WL H. K. lia Angelas ,,.40444444 t 0 I 4 yonn tun t iooiteo4 f; ii o f Relier ea Banm and mp lea: Wbealer and Morton. Vmpfiw MclonaIA AUe A Lawaa 4. Best Braae TURFITES DISCUSS STSONBK'S DEFEAT MAsTT OOlTTBsTV VXAV Wlfl ATT Kaairat oou oajt bsa Aawrra roxMsrrr au nr ajts mat OTBa6IMA9. , :.. r . '.' v. 41sarasl fenrtal Servtes.) New York. Sent. s. Turfites ara atlll talking about tha defeat of Byaonby for ths Futurity, tha taking of DslbJ'a sasaa ure by First Mason and tha mlssrsbla showlog made by MoChsanay in tha Twin iltr bandlcae. These ware tba three turf events of tha past It days. While all hands take off thalr bats to tha victors and sympathise with Mesara. Keen and flmathera. It la conceded that under tha weights and ondltons tha beat horses won. . - At that. M tha oasa of Praonby. there are many wise onea who eontend that at anything Ilka aven Weights tna aeens oolt naa easily ahow hla hsalS to tha Durvea nlir and these are analooaiy awsltlna; tha Ume when -tba two shall oorae together on somathlng Ilka aven tsrwia t woe thalr contention. . Tha beating of Delhi was somathlng tare of a urarlaa. First Mason, tha weatara colt, whlen took bis ssaasui has Mt been odnaldered great raoa horse, and In fact ta not so eons Ids red now. t It looked sry mueh as though Delhi' quit lUe ft selling plater whaa ohallangad. First Mason- was an object ef aaoch curious attentfcMi ta tba paddock. One of the reasons why ha suited an much Interest waa that ha la a half-brother to McCbeaney by F1ret Mate, tha beet Jnraa perhaps 'Fonso aver sent to tne mericaa races. Another was that he belonged to tba stable of tba aaan who with Colonial Girl boat Hsraela lh tha World's Fair handicap at St. Louts. "Talk about gloryt remarked Chart ta Ellison, who la here buying yearlings. Rows has had enough or U to aatiary any man. with tha scalps ar noes uatni and Marmla dangling st bis bait n ought to go Into winter quarters a aat- iaAed man.' . Mr. Keans took his don bis disappoint ment la Syaoaby and Delhi Ilka tha true sportsman ha la. Ha remarked to friend after ths Futurity; Tap, It was a disappointment to losa that raoa with Syaonby. but goodness gracious, worse luck tbaa that has come my way before today 1a a racing way. It waa the chance I had to win tha Triple Crown in Ena-land with PoxhalL but failed because tha oolt had been left .out of the entry to the great English S vearild event by mtstake Is ths great est eetback X ever experienced. In 11 Foxhall was tha .nest colt In England and America. Ha could have won tha Dsrbr. the Oulneaa and ths Bt. Lsgsr. LBut ha didn't have tha chance and 1 felt pretty mean about my , iu-kic aver since" 1 . ' - - MoChaaney's raoa In tha Twta City leads to but sna coaaluslon, that Big Mao la all in. . He came horns sound and looked better -than ha aver did In hla Ufa. Hs had worked beautifully and showed much of am old-time spaed In hla workouts, hut when It came to tha race be almolv wss not there with tha goods. Whether Mr. mathars will raoa him again la doubtful. It would hava been better for McCheeney's fame If ha bad been retired tba day after last year's Twin -City. And U would have been bet ter for B. K. Smathers If ha had taken ths llO.ono offered for ths horse last fall Mr. Smathers held out for 174,000. There has been soma talk of a match race between Beldam and Moll Brant for a sweepstakes of 14.004, and a slda bet art ta la.OfiO added, but tha Coney Island Jockey club officials do not take kindly ts tha proposition, and It will probably not material las. Ths racing of ficials take tha new that there are plenty of opporttraltles for these two great nil lea to mast, without putting tha club to tha expense of putting up s big special purse and establishing a prece dent which might out deep Into Its proflta. It la not improbable that tha two will meet la tha Flight on Septem ber ft. v . . Tha Flight Is a seven-furlong race, de signed by the Coney Island Jockey club to bring together for crucial trial of speed and stamina tba crack sprinters of all agea. Generally ths Flight attains this -and, knd If Molly Brant and Bel dame do not by any chance meet In a special race, they may coma together In tha Flight. Tha, Octagon 4-year -old Is eligible . NO WIND FOR THE . , YACHTSMEN'S SAILS li..!-,, ; - Thar was n Wind yesterday and th regatta of th Oregon Yacht club was not the suooeso' anticipated. The only boats that were able to race war tba motor boats. Aa attempt was mad by Commodore O. Toung to run hla Oeaamonda ever ths course -to try the wind but there was not enough bfap to fill the mainsail. Hundreds of nattily dressed ladlss with their tolly tars assembled along the oou res In every kind of boat con ceivable to wateli tha races but tha ax pectnnt crowd, war doomed -to dis appointment. Tha graceful yachts with talr white sails Hying tolled to appear on tha on urea. When It was found that It was 1m pvaalbla for tha yachta ts jraoa, tha motor boats cam , forth to try thalr prowess It waa a handicap event and nine boats ware entered, only seven fin ished. It was alp and tuck between several of tha ewlft little craft along most of ths sours, but whan they turned into the bom etreteh It waa seen that ths real race waa between F. H. Irvine's Petite; with a handicap of 4.40 and tha Whits Flyer, which was tba last to a tart. The , former came In a short dlstanee ahead of the latter. The Petite skimmed around ths course In 11:11. Better time was made by rthe White Flyer, which made tha distance In 10:11, but aha was too heavily handi capped by tha other boat. . Helen, in charge of O. P. Oraham with a two-minute handicap, came in third, and J. & Wolfe's Hat tie crossed tha line in the fourth piaee. - - White firing ths gttn to start ths boats Oar Bennett, ths starter, suffered a badly tsjured hand by tha accidental discharge of on of the osrtrldgas, , . TomKBmW ATfU. (fewsal tptelsl arvkw. , New YOTk. Btpt 4, Kid Rvsrojtt of this city knocked out Jack Gardiner ef Chicago in tba ninth round, In a fight bald on tha banks of tha Hudson, op posite Tonkprs, yesterday. Th bout waa witnessed bp, several hundred fight fun whe earnyad t th fcg laupobea. j . CHARTER OAK PARK faanal aerial sarriee.) ' Hartford, Conn.; Sept 4. Ths rend Circuit mast at Charter Oak Park opened yesterday, ths track being vary and the weather perfect. Summary: 1:14 da as. eurse 11,144, pacing, best three In flvs heata Bad Nsws won ths first, second and fourth heats la 1:14, 1:11. 4:10 1-4. 1:14 trot, pores 11,140, bast thrss in five Robert Me won third, fourth ana fifth heata In 1:1. 1:11)4. Hi . 4:14 trot. Duras 41.100. best two In three Eaton won ths second, third and fourth hosts In 1:1114. sMIX, 1:11. St. Louts. Sept. 4 Delmar summary: Four and a half furlongs, suras Cot Simeon won: Una 4:44hv. Six furlongs Dabby Ma wan) time. Mile and 44 yards, saUlng-MisS Batty won; time. 1i4IU. The Liberty handicap, aula and T4 yarda Boaster won: time. 1:4444. Mil and an alghth, galling Maln-I spring won; tlms, 1:14. Five and a half furtonga, para Fruit won; time. 1:4IH Six. furlongs selling Whlakarr area; Urns, t:la, , r :- v .. New York, Bapt. 4. Sheepabead Bay aummary: Btaepieohawa, short osnrsa, Qod Plenty won: Urns, 4:14. I Five and a half furtonga, selling- Merry Lark won; tlms. 1 :01 4-4. Tha Sapphire, flvs and a half fur longs Agl Is wont Ihna. 1:41 1-4. Toeaan handieap, mUa-rrPalnty won; tima. l:lt. nt and a half furlong--AudHor won; tlms 1:10 1-4, MU and a half, .oa turf-Outooma won; tbn. 1:14 1-4. .. . , t tThWgo, Sept. i Harlem summary: Six furlongs- Bear Catcher won; Urns. 1:11 1-4. Bteepleahs as, short couraa Schwkrs wald won; time, 4:t0 1-I. - - . Twentieth Century handicap,- on and three-sixteenths mllas Tokalong won; Ume. 1:14 S-4. Mils and 74 yards Harnay wen; Uaaa, 1:44 1-4. ' ' Five furlongs Inea 'won; tlm. 1:41. Mils and TO yards R. F. WlUlastt wen; time. 1:44 1-4. . Mile and 14 yasn Olorlosa won; tlm. 1:41. . . ,. . BATTLING JHELSON v. " DEFEATS HERRERA ,' ! , ' vloarBal aperisl serrtee.) Butts, Mont,. Sept. CBstttrag" Nelson of Chicago, the lad who recently defeated Bddla H anion at Ban, rran- oiaco. added another victory to his list of oonqaaata, when, at tha and of M rounds of son of th cleverest fighting evenoeen here, ha won th daclslon over Aurallo Herrera, tha raok Mexn faatherweiaht - ' ' Before tha eommanoemeot-of ths bat tle an attempt was mads by tha city council to atop the affair, but owing to the absence of Mayor Mulling and th refusal of th chief f polio to act their efforts war of a avail. Plantv of Nelson money was lit vl- denoa at tha ring-aide. In eptse or in fmA that Herrera was hold as favorite, at odds of 1 to f end 1 to 1. Th Nel son admirers wars numerous and sacked their man liberally. Nelson entered th ring at 4:10 ana followed in two minutes by Her rera. Both Of tn Tlgncsra war graoceu heartily. . . A Herrera atareed off Ilka a winner. when ha slammed Nslson right sad left during th early rounds, but hla anxiety to land a knock-out blow, and tha stren uous efforts made by him accomplish that object exhausted him before tha tenth round, and then the Chicago iao. got busy, and' tha Mexican aurrsred ss vare nunl aliment j Toward tha latter and of th fight th Mexican rallied and stood Nelson off for short tlm. Sot th Dane's powerruJ blows -soon oauaed hla to clinch to-save hlmaelf. . Nslson clearly oat-generaieo tne roxy Herrsra. and Ref ere McDonald's . de cision In favor of th Chicago lad mat with th approval of tha spectstora. As a preliminary, Howard opio ana Dos Firms fought four rounds to a drew. Won. Loot POL :!!; .647 .401 .101 .1? Jt4 New York .,71 44 , Boston . ....... .....7s 4s Chicago . ? Zi v Cleveland , .... .04 ' 4 Philadelphia , . ...... .04 10 Detroit , 4 . 47 fit Louis !!.. !I Washington . , ss Flrst game , - & El Philadelphia . . ......I 4 j New York . I I I Batteries Coaklay and Noonan; Chas- km Btu4 Ulelnnw. Second game ' II as Philadelphia,, 7 II 1 New York 1 4 1 Battsrlss Waddell, Bander and Schrack; Powell, Clarkson and Klstnow. First mmo XL H. X. Bt Louis . 4 4 Cleveland. . L. .......... . ... ....j 4 S Batteries Hess ana nanus; PSity an O'Connor. - - second came r. na Cleveland , .v.v.t....... 4 t St Louis . I 11 0 Batterlas DonobUS Olad and Sugden. , Ftrsi Boston Washlngt on .'. S 9 S Batteries Winter god Farrell: Hughe and Klttredge. ... y . i Second game, y, ; X. H. fj. Boston .1 14 Washington t 4 I Batteries-Gibson and Crlger; Wol- cott, Jaeobssn and Clark, First gam ILK. .....1-1 1 Detroit Chicago;. ....,..,..1 4 4 Batteries Donovan and Drill; Altreck and McParland. Secoad game H H. E;' Detroit-.-. .......... .0 f I Chicago . . 4 I 1 BatTer! MuUbt Sad Bsvlll; White and Sullivan. r n Baved Bis Eg. . v. ' P. A. Daaforth of La Orange, Oa.. suf fered for six months with a frlghtfitl running sore an hi lag; but writes that Bucklln'i Arnlea Salve wholly cured it In five days, For ulcere, weunde, piles. It's th best salvs in iha world. Curs guaranteed. Only S4c Sold by Red Cross PhareascY, corner Sixth sod Oak, ea th way ft the aostoOoa. and. Buolow; A4 Bstsav day; at aHWWaUMBBj AJTS gJATxTWAy WF- WsTT.w-TiATB OF osva B OF BAT. Ths favorttee st Irvtngton raoa track rs fused to labor yesurday, and four of tha hottest-played age on 4ha holiday oard went down ta defeat In ths pros snoe of 4.044 anthuslaatts s pacta tore. It wa a greet afternoon for tha sport and the Immense holiday crowd thoroughly enjoyed tha aXternooors doing. There was a heavy play on - all the books, and bats war racordad several -J times after tha horses wars half iway on thalr louraey. so anger war' th apeotatora ts wagar thalr money. Tha real surprise of the day waa In structor's defeat In tha fifth raoa, tha event being tba labor day handicap. Instructor looked She real goods and many handful of sola went down oa htm but Alalia's ride waa not tha win ning kind, and Fltspatrlok landed Oats way, at 4 ta 1. a winner by a neok. In structor was oted at 0 t 4 and ser ried a big sum of pain, the wis anas de claring that ha eouldn't loss. In structor got a perfect start, but dropped to fourth place at lb first turn, but pulled -ua. I second poalthwa at tha three quarters. Th crowd felt sure that all Alalia bad to do was ta urge In structor and as would soma on and win. but tbejr reckoned without Fltspatrlok. fwho waa leg up on the swift Gateway and hi driving fin: Mb Gateway Instructor in front of th stand, and won by a head In one of the prettiest races of several weeks. Besides this surprise, ths others war Rlosful. Rose of HU and C Bchwslsar. From ths finish of tn first lues. Toung Pepper's Victory, ths talent thought that no ravers of fortune would attend them for th day. but ths victory of Rioefu) ever th favorite Amass la the second raoa, and Rose of HUo'a tri umph over Dooblet In th third svent rather put a kink in the talent's bunches and they earn back In the fourth raoa eauttouBly, but Bchwetser great, raoa gave them another severs bump. When th fifth race eras called, all horses looked, alike to th gang, and everybody is at sea. - t - . Toung Pepper fat th first race mad a great spurt at tha start, and ha looked as ff ha would win by a oounty block, but Bus Christian came, up In great styls and waa only nosed put by Pepper. It was a eloss call for th favorite and his backers breathed easier when Pep par's number was hung out Juan Belardo and Amasa looked -prim tp the talent In tha aosond event the latter oloalng at 14 4s 14, but Kant got Rlceful away tn a good position and won from Blr Dougal la easy fashion Sir Dougal was badly disturbed through out ths race, hut was wall handled by Tullstt - - Heekll rid a Rose of XfH wag per fect, putting th bsavUy played Doublet to the bad by a head. Lady Kent waa no match for Bchwelser, coming In for show atoaay after a turbulent Journey. Favorite won the last two events. Anvil taking the sixth and EMrad the last In both races th winners got off la front and war never beaded. The bookies lost a good sua en Kid red. lumninr: - First raoa. five and one half fur longs, seUlng Toueg Pepper, 14, (Ma dras), l to l, wont Sue Christian. 04. (O.Cbandler), I to 1, second; Tom Hawk, 101. to. OruwaU). 4 ts L, thlrdr tuna, Second raoa, five furlongs, , selling RloefuL OS, (Kent), 14 to 1, wont Blr DougaL 104. (Tulle tt, I t 1 second; Vine. 104, PKspetrick), 4 to &, uird; time, 1:01. Third race, five furtonga, asMi- Ross or Hll. 101, (Herbert), T to s, won; Doublet 101 (L. Fountain), I to 4, second; Lady Rica, 104, (Slnnott), to t third; time, 1:01 H. j Fourth raoa, six furtonga, selling Charlie Sohwslser, 100, (O. OruwaU), to 1, won; Urbano, 104, (Fltspatrlck). I to 1, aaoond; Lady Kent 104. (Hol- brook), 4 to I. third; tlms, 1:111. Fifth raoe, aeven furlsaga, labor day y( - w. (Fltspatrlck), I M L won; Instructor, 107, (Alarm), 0 to a. second; Cerro Bants, 104, (Hsr brt), 4 to X, third; Jm 1:17. Sixth race, on mile, aalllng AnvH, 44 (Herbert); 4 U 4, won; Dug Martin. 107, (a OruweU), 7 to 1. aaoond; Badly usaa; toe, (L. ewaoa lr U L third; tima, 1:41. Seventh raoa, five and oas half far- long, sriitat-ndred. 111, (Alexia, 1 to 4, won; Betraae, 111, (McLeon), to 1 second; Alga rstta. 114, (F. Kelly), go WATXOaTAZ, UABVR. - Won. :' . PC. .711 .417 .471 .401 .600 ,l9 .151 ;i NewTork.1.. ..4T 11 Chicago 74' ' 44 Clnotnnatl , 41 , 1 Pittsburg . i II , ti Bt Louis 01 41 . Brooklyn . .44' 74 ' Boston ...41 TS Philadelphia,. 44 . 14 tjR.jw...-. Boston -.J I 1 Batteries Mathewsou and Dow arm an; wllhelm and Need ham. Second game . Tt BL H New York . ... a...... 4. 1 J Batteries Ames and Warner; Pit linger and Need ham. Umpire Mora n. At Bt First game . ' R. H. XL SKK;-"::::::;::rj-t:l I 1 Bat tana Taytor ana M0aaaai vngga and KUng. Second game , r. R. H. Jg. St Louis ,1 4 I Chicago . . . wa4 10 1 Ha tt ena mcnois ana zearroas; Lundgraa and O'NellL Umpire ftlm- . " ' Brooklrn- . . .i. r.4 I 4 Philadelphia . 4 14 4 Batteriee Bosalas and ftlttari Corrl- doa and Dooln. ,1 . Second game k . ' " - ft. If- ft Brooklyn . . vt 4 I I Philadelphia .....T.i 4 . Batteries J ones and Rltter: Fraser and Roth. . Umpires Eaisli and Car penter. Firat game - 7 ft. XX. ft Pittsburg . , ...j. f T 4 Cincinnati ; i 14 1 Batteries Flaherty and Phelps: Haha, Schlel aad Paltg,. --. v. Second game . ft. H. ft Pittsburg . . A,.,.j 4 1 Cincinnati ........... .j. .... .4 4 1 Batteriee Idraok aad Faelpsi JBwtng and Fslia. , , XX) YOlX 8UPP06B (W a txpa ot 9 vaars pi pooliauous sucxaaa, would rnaka such aa offer and not carry h oat to th letter F - -, ' ' P vou BbPPOfiB w would jeopardise oar Manrllng with the pubUs sed oar wvuucif back wt aTftftaBKD FIFTY NEW STALLS : FOR STATE FAIR ,i'-r ' (Jsaraal SpiBlal sarriee.) Salem, Or., Sept 4. The work of get ting things ready for the atate fair la being pushed rapidly onward and things look quite lively at the ground a now. President Downing has ordered ths con struction of 44 new- alalia for th run ning horses, 'aa he eaya there will be loo of thenv come here la a "bunch" ea Sunday.' The horses there are a Una lot And tha proepeete for excellent races never ware better. -Ia fact the horse men there say there will be all kinds of things doing this year. , "There will be aoen surprises here fhlsfalr said a horseman yesterday. There ar a lot of horses her that will do unexpected things, ws ar afrald Now there goes a mare that has no rac ord and we have just timed her out at athk, and we bellevs ah osn do a great -deal better. Then there are1 a lot of green animals here that ara working out la a surprising 'nmaner. There may be a ohance for the "watermelon boys' at this tlmsv and they may hurt soma of tbe profession h a financial way whaa things gat doing." - It Is as Id that all Mad of "skates hare will do better ehan I -10 this year, and that time low aa 1:01 will not be a surprise t any one. Tbe bunch of California horses that cams In yester day has beea spoiling 1:14 a the Cali fornia tracks this year. , Things look lively around the - race eouree now, and even in the afternoons, When very few ef the horses ar work ing, there ta a good-slsed crowd around the grand stand and tbe poolroom bar. talking ef "aa-4n" and the "ls- foUowa." On Saturday there will be aa ononV etal race. It ia said, between Cass's Tan brook and Brandon's Llssle C. a run ning matoh aald to be tor a good-slsed purse. It Is expected to be a very In teresting race. , Tenbrook at by Ciena ban, a trotter, and Llssl C Is by thoroughbred. Tbe puree Is I0. ... ; GOLF' ENTHUSIASTS c . AT OPEN TOURNEY (learast Seerlal fierrlee.) New Tors. Sept 4. In addition to the entries end official a there was a small army of golf enthusiasts about th links ef the Baltusrol Golf cleft, at Summit N4 J., today n the occasion of the opening of tha amateur ehampioa ohlp tournament of th United State Golf association. Th presence of ss many onlookers was evidence of the keen Interest taken In this year's com petition, an interest that has not been equaled alnoa ths sport waa Introduced In America. This Interest Is do hi part ts tha fact that seven! foreigners are entered In the tournament which gives a possibility ef the amateur hon ors of ths United States being carried abroad In tbe nam manner that the American player, Walter i. Travis, Went to England last spring and captured th British championship. With such Amer ican experts at th gam aa Travla and Watson among the pextlclpanta. It Is certain that the foreign participant must work hard before they will be able to even the acore by capturing the honors la the present tournament To day end tomorrow are given up to th BMdal play rounds (II holes). The match play rounds will be contested Thursday and Friday and th -finals oa Saturday. 0 , FAOKFM ftATOWAX ftaUeWft. J... , .i; A swiBsns, gait LakaV... .414444411 T j Spokane.. . .... 1 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 4 i X Retteries Toaler and Haueen; Har mon and Stanley. n. n. as. Si:n:lll!tia.H Batteriee Thompson sad Wea Moon and Spencer. Umpire Smltt II 4 4 4 vert Aoen and Spencer. Umpire Smith, . OUFPBBS) FTTS WWtWMBMBGKM OtTt?. Great Falls, Mont. Sept 1 0. Jack Clifford of Butt knooked out, KM Fred- erica of Buffalo In tha ninth round of what wss to have gas. a 1 4-round affair, her yesterday, , 1 amemresi or inn greater socceaa oj wiioa; to (uiau any promise w maker DO YOU SUPrXISB w would make sach a oOsr Umdidiat hat the ntnoat cOBfldeace la the eatiafying quality at oar foods? WB KNOW we can please yoa and save yo mhy, for HAY i HI WHMKfY roea Uraet from our diet 11 lory to yon, with all its original nchoeae and flavor, carrying a UNITED STATES KEG1BTERSD DISTILLER'S OUAAANTEB of paiUTV and f AGE, and saving yoa to big proflbi of the dealer. That's why it'e best for saedldnal I paTposaa. ThalTs why It's preferred tor tbr osea. That's why wa ar regularly I 1. k.u . iniu L.aa . Tk.tL wrrr .u u L ' tf yoa'ra aot aeaiisPtt D:r::t frci cur Ctii h YCJ i t 7 r ' F-v F-a. , awe. mm a- a a a a a a a a x w C A PFFr?! W win sscdroti fOUKfina OUART smTUt ff MAYNEII aril wrrEI1 EVtk-tlA.6t IYI tor $4 00. and wa will pay the supieag cuaiYg, When yoa reosrve the wbiiksy, try k and If yoa don't find It all right and as good as yoa ver used or can bay from anybody els at any pries, then sand It back at oar expense and your $4-00 will be ratunmd to oa by next mU. . How ooald an offer b fairerP Ws take all tbe risk and stand all tbxpnss, if the good do aot pleass yoa. Won't yoa Jet as send yoa a trial order r We ship fn a plain aaled ease, no narks to snow what's Insid. li yoa don't want 4 quarts ycraslf , join with a trlead. ". ; A Hayser swart Is sa honest snarl efm aw. Wbtoktosare put up U bottles that take 5 W make e 1 1 Mm "wpiej wav eases jess aaas saaee TKE HAYKZa CI3T1LU3 COPASY ' -;i Aa' ibt eavala'' ovauea m' tea eaata r ou snuss. As' atsOT gnat nmaoaa,liha tat Calaaes aa nW Tarka, Al SiewmeniMimiiiini aaiiiia-uaerainw. teas tea aM a'atsa ileae sTisw'a tea kw s taiaf hkn 1 a - J Kf AaWelaaaaMeeealBWwamaNirwA 1 W Beasl ef tea a Wataaa Ireia. Oaee. rqli I ar Ceater'i Waekty. fusfhelsyi imkilis, rrawa.-vM.-wwb, - I V (1 , '"V&., To St Lexis end listen hjMsi.r7.1O, Mri.VB Aats,etmt e,7k oawaec r 1n4 Kock IiWnd SyofcBt often two to tb Worid'o Pair Cky yi St. Paul- MiimeapoBt, gad inrovgh Scemc Colorado. No chgngc of can, Ofdea to St. Loos) and c raw ta otv Lotus. ' f "I S . a. H. Vcrxefto Oeasrel Ag - -eUal sfesft eKtssswaj waBa aweBsawV 1 PeitlssAOflak :Ml , , - US . r v 1 e r.i Na-r-- .rw4oa eUimicss Cssfvlrofi j4Kk4jlsd ke)Mlta. Sm I apes si rata made to passfsnmg swAa satsolbiamsal s ah swea a v . . - s-a -: ft a aa t the gaOaa. All ether hlgh-gra suW. Wsgltssas AiaiU more amove e" . t 'V fonts oswaTwVeil i, - , Removal Sale ' ' ;' - , Ws are preparing to tmov ' owr stock of - Stove and Ranges to our- new warehouse ea the eorner of Thirteenth and Irving striate, and sa we do aot wish to move the saat- floor, wa will make a apetal tow aria on each eg them so . that It wUl justify Intending : buyer ta oan and save money. L hWhNRhK & GOING CO. EAST WRTIJVND ' FENCE & WDtE WORKS , aw uiiueun, 1 imyttmm Manafaetarer of WOOD. IRON AND STUL . rCNCUNG - And tbe TJnlveraal ComblnaHe Fen KUffVATOR aWCXiCeYtTRttS ' . ' VBRYTH1NO IN WIRaV . aag ft lgoTTieea B Feeesaaa, Telephone, .Unloa Hi, . A i , fi i r .v .ft r ". . aa. .w m a a - .. -ri ' .a K!B - ..w a.s m , The Portland 1 VSOgSmSjHaw SaaaMSJga 'ISrV D4ny sawi tywlN ratAayiA4TTBTr4 FOB TwUgiaTl ANf ew4 . . MS BO at 1wram . ' A w w v, A- '.f if 5