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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
I F. t?rm who cLoooe to open a cnarge aoronnc will (Lid our Cndit System thoroughly efficient a great accommodation , in shopping, to cua ioTpsr and store 'alike. -Open to all with proper CREDIT OFFICE THIRD FLOOH The supremacy of this Great Store as a Supply Center for every need waa never more aptly shown han in mia week's offerings to its public.,. Autumn suggestions abound in every section, representing and Including every thing that's correct, exclusive and modish, in immense varieties and every worthy grade. ' Our buying facilities, acknowledged superior to those of any other store in the Northwest, rivaled by only one on the Pacing Slope that ,-r j .V i House-ICectcrs Sales Koum rttrmlalilnss eMMr prleethmii Uit moetb j- much Hawn't rou. bmiMkMpw, oftfc foJkwd up carfleM wplog and a1va room olAsnlnc U mul el Hn . T HOROU QHNgai r Juat so tors MM ba tboroufh. W'va tartd out br to rt r4r for whal ovti Btmt atook om th floor hu to b dww4 akatt tMv DMathr aooa w th floor la laid Ut tb now Ajibox now w mow nutajr of those third floor etoelui there. Too summer aaiea have. left mm -mma oddments; we've Voundod en up ami prloee deeply en Otes Th MTtav Mi tin. . We prtnt a. Uat, but not full ooe; ? . v 4;- .-,'.-; ' ,;'::-i,P-.if'; an itn China Caps , SMoere, dose.,. XJV Thin ChUa Breal end Butter f This Chtaw Tee rtoe, 4osea . . U Thlm Chin DUmev - Soma, v.....i...pia lOt-Ploo Peoomtoe Oertnen Chh 4, Dinner Sote, In S atrw Of bndofjf .. SeeonUlona; epeelel .....14.00 TITllend Deooretod China Dinner 4 Bote. I stylea, handsome doooretlone, lot pteoee; epoolai 4..... Uia.aO '".-'..' ' V , 1 . UnoeMUd for dumhllttr end purity; a neat poltehed brown eeier, whlte- llnod - - fev OreJ Bekere; epaetal. , S4d hv Oval amkers; epoaui. eo . .Sidt I Wonl Bmhere; epedeb W f In. Oval Bakera: epoeloj, ee. . . 1 HnnSleS Remelrlaw. SOS. . . . . . ai.OO I bv Bowla, each. .&Od In. Bowl, eaeb..... iDrlp Coffee Pots, eeeb V......aM Cuard CupdC o......7...i.- 0 A btf line of WMfol pleoes of thla war ail at spoolai prtooa for the week. anTOi-nmao asm. vaoou Immrne new tinea Just opened - MeJ ble Busts and Flpurea for holtday gifts . Llbboy-s Famous Cut Glass, DaMratod Lanpa and Shades all at '.r- IM aTlSSSk : v--i V Thls popular Dreea Braid to nary, red, green and brown shades, sad width ranging from- Inch la SH tnehee, all placed at special prloe Just at the tin 'tis needed most To grade', special at......,... 44 lOe . grade; special at....'...- TP II H trade; apeelal at. .......... Bf llo grade; spoUI at..t.,......10p 170 grade; spscUtat.w. '13d Ma . grade; apeelal at. .. v14e too grwdat special sl,V...viA.lTf ft 1 4W UBBTBSl 4B. efi.v nVAf A l'-.r; aBsawansnnraa ovi rsosn : Fsuarax aawsnai ooo Woman's Medium Wslght Fin Ribbed cotton Vesta or Pants In cream tints, 5 yery elastic. forrs-fltUng: Tests with ( long leerea, pant ankle length , neat trimming affects, French band on pant; special, 7o valuea for Wedaeeday 'only at wbafjnra ass stossnstT ssd' Another of those Special Hosiery Sales vlbf which this tfitVle famous. A lafge lot of New Fancy Hosiery, la ? splendid assortment of style, pat - torn and eoloringa, light and ohv 1 Slum shade loading In the display. bo and We Values; all bunched for the day at one prtoa, pair ....3w ' 4 stit at VAtm ia. ' cUeusa and Shirt Waists, la llsht t darS Shaae. pretty patterns, good P' ' . and lec value In t .... a a T""! In "Prieeo'Vrt's but natural in fFriaco'Vrt's but natural mem. The entire ltM absolutely every thine embraoed under' thla heading; on th Third Floor, la radically reduced. 'A few specials that show the reduction tread- " "' " " " ' I ' " : " ' Oraalte Iroa TeaKotAee .a. .fa Oraalt flrae TaiA s e1e, -ranlt I roar S4-ausrt -fMsli -Fan.40e Oraalt Iron ii-hole bTuYfta FanaSfe OraBln Iran i-qt Fuddlng- PaJui.tSd Asbestos state .-. . . . ; . . , . . S Asbsetoe Bektng Saeta'doW. . .. .S4 Ntoael-PlatMl okra, ... j . aw) r A area Spssta! Sat ef h WAUAOS) VOA Mrery pleoa-" guarantssd new' fancy pattern ood heavy bandlea ' Teneponns, pot of epeofel. Ifaeert gpoonn, eat of i ralue; special .7. . SfS Table apooaa, eet oC S. IU . .value; apeelal Tab Forka; set of C 11 1 ' , ' value; special ;.,..,......Sa4 Castor Fortta. net ef special . .TM Sugar Spoons, tSo Taluea; ope- clal, each ...........f..tSe Butter Entfw, IM ithmi : ' poetal. each ................ Berry Spoons, with Fancy Bowl. - .. dee value; apeewJ........;.80 Ohnre aet. Knife' and Fern, o yaJnoi special Sfd r-w v 'i"r!" r . Beatttlfal Waists band - made the most novel idea .arer eonjured by mortal brain or evolved by. deft fiagers of expert needleworks.. Dainty erea ttoaa developed from ftnast mate rials elaborately- trlzBd soft white fluffy things, .filmy with lao Inser tion, powdsred with French knot and hand -worked embroidery In open-work effects, with lust ek ar trope onoush to bold them together. Creature of elegance, encluelve at thla store by reason that their aaaJtera are Jealous of their reputation and will- riot sell their product to .oonglnemreta stores with taint of . "Cheap John" traditions and praatlo. Avery wnisb soars its own Individuality,, ana we protest ft exoluslvei t a . ktnd aly. Prices are fair.' C-'OI DAILY JOUFNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY THE, -DIFFERENT STORE.1 mat beet values are ma rule hero. that beet values are the rule here. SILK ON THEs B,0Od WOlilTH A IYIIVIT Right at the outset of what k bound to W. the greatest Silk Season ever known the OLDS. WORKMAN ft iaNQ Merchandising Organisation brings this monster stock of splendid, desir able new Black Silki Taffetas to jrour very doors and spreads them out before you -for two mora days at prices never before heard of in all the Weet for Silks of like quality. The' story we print itfrcjg-uth eyery word of it Seeing and feeling the Silks means believing we have not extolled the great valuea that go to make tip this sale as much as they deserve. There's Dress Goodl bargains, too don't overlook them in 'your enthusiasm over the Silks. - In both Hnea we've arranged a host of bargains UNMATCHABLE BY ANT HOUSE ON THE PA CIFCSLOPE.Read tha kema: ; ? '; ; y V ' r:r yards linch AU-Pure Silk Black Taffeta; regular: 85c value. Special, yard.:.....! ; 60 yarrlB 11-inch All-Pure Silk Black Taffeta; regular $1.00 value.' 8peciaJ, yard. A.;;.V..7ad )Q0 yaVds U-inch AM-Pura Silk Black Taffeta; regular $L10 value. Special, yard....;....r0d 881S yards 87-inch AO-Pure Silk Black Taffeta j regular $1.25 value. Special, yard.........80d 187fl yards" 36-incAn-Pure -Silk BUck Taffeta; legular $l.Bg value. Special yard. ,ie glOO yard w6-inch AU-PuravSUk Black Taffeta; regular $1J0 value. Special, yard. ...... f 1.21 TUT) v:'- - I ;i -V ' ;: Vawf ejf ' A nT-VI1kC t7AH ' : : " r BONNET 3 Great Colore Dress Goods Specials n New Pall Dreea Fabrics, the newest designs and colorings to be found In tha best markets of the world at prices to introduce our immense and weU-aelected stock. Regular $1 grade of 60-iach Mixed Tailor Suitings and haxdnniahe Worsteds, in all street colorings, special for three days only, 79c yard. ' v r ''" - . " Regular $1.60 grade 54-inch All-Wool Suitings, very desirable fabrics for street wear, all th new colorings and patterns, special for three days only, $L1S yard. y Regular $1.75 grade of 54-inch Mannish Tweed Suitings m all wanted street colors, tha very tatsat patterns and designs for tailored suits. Special for three days only, $1J8 yard. . 4. N A Threb -Regular $1.50 and $1.1 new Black Goods, in Voiles, Twine Etsmmea, Minetral Etaminea, Crepe da Paris and Embroidered Crepe. Special for three days only, 10c yard. Regular L76 gradee Twine Etaminea, Nubbed and Seeded Voiles, Crepe da Paria, PopUn daChene. Special for three daye, ,only XM yard. f , .. 1 s The Bargain Searchlight shinee full upon the Dreee Qoode 8 tore I A Monster Sale of NVw Autumn Dress Stuffs stands revealed I For three days only; TUESDAY, .WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. ' v - ' '. art bow a Tmlns wfch As a fittrng- triumph of leadership we point to the economiea made possible by the prices of the, HAPPENING ! OF RICH, NEW, DESIRABLE ALTAR OF SACRIFICE ! LX-FIRST F IT V li A ve nNi "V OUUJV dtvivi tor WAX 1 ET CIE'S BLACK SILKS Dcrys' ScIs of Dress Stuffs ; EVENING, SEPTEMBER e MatclUw tarzsia Opportanklw 7 W2 si n A JV i PORTLAND'S .QUALITY SHOP, ,- 4 i V t fc'i Fine Black m : LOOR. 1904. i Those not finding it convenient to come to t . tore may ahop satisfactorily by mail or phot . A competent, drilled and expert corpa of ahoppera -:.;,Vt employed to fill all ' 't ; ; V MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS carefully and conadentiouary' in our : patrons interest ' 1 . PHONE EXCHANGE IS. v ; Oldest and leading Hall Order House in the Portland's Lcrgest! Foremost; Woman's Store ; Presents Autumn's Authorita tive Fashion Shows . " an amain aaxoars or Apparel TMs week ww make Isrse eahlbltlona of Auturns Gowns. CoetusH tared and deml-talored. Dinner and vewln Dresses, Dainty Hand-Mad en Ins Waists. Dress andVWalklnc Skirts. Tailored Street Suits, Taeatre and Car rtaca W rafts, Tourtot and AulomobUa Coats In abort, autumn attire to an the approved styles of Fashion's Court. Hour ena be spent looking tnroush tne Suit Section without exhausting tan variety. , Mew styles are ooenlns te dally. Great oare 1 taken to have no more tnaa one, two or three isuits of a pattern, thus affording- the patronage of thla Mora aa atuoa onxluslven as oaa bo given by eustom atodtstes. PorQand's Leading Store Is approaching her best thla week, gaining readiness for early openings we've spent months preparing for--and HBBOT" hero means something more than the showing of swell things. It jbmsjm expert fitters and eom potent workmanship. Though a neoesaary alteration may be very slight, la unskilled hands the desired ef fect la often lost. .We have la opr employ, to guard against these defects, the most eaperlonoad people. We guarantee their work to be perfect not only satisfactory to you, hut alas to our rigid reowlremeata. No garment leave this store before It' right, and OLD, WORTH AX KING'S exclusive and authoritatively oorreet garments east no mere, nor so- much, aa their in ferior replicas which help to swell th number of express bandies sent out by New York's east aid sweat shops to our shadows In th Portland garment business. Portland women-folk know atyle and quality they look below tha gew-gawa and spangle that eover tenement-house work: that's why this house sa ereeds whtls others languish another reason why this baa become easily PORTLAND'S PORRHOaT BTORR Sf iilsl mSktn and Art Siimiaa SLSS tsinflUATe Td. . a as BsnnS . e M. ,'! M -umsT m Art Blaak Meimilsed Moreen Pettleoats, - 14-Inch Spanish flounce,' with two l-teen hematltohed rufneeTSgulsr price l. U; special at ; . .. .1 . . .Td Large-01 ee Laundry Bags of fine art den tan a. In red, green, blue and tan. : drew oerd and tassel aand the word -."Laundry" worked eU bag, regular v prloe I So i special at, dwd a Heavy Sutton and Carpet Thread, th black, drab, white, red and tans, 10-yard spools; special, spool, .dd Stray Lock Shell Hair Clasps, la as sorted shspas. Taluea to IPs; spo olai at .....lOd Shell Pompadour Corahs, full eurre, tea and lo value; special at..iad Pine All-Bristle Hair Brushes, la largs sse; a sneclal value st dwd Batra Quality Imported Cloth Brushes, tie value; special -at k 4 Orowa ToUM Watera, fa Ttolet. C s Ao4e K u e fc--ne and - ip a aw , o b v wrr ana num Pteot Sisam ' V- Ji - Pi ' mm oiisaun aOTiKtieraarra asaaraa Like the good gardener, who. before the bed of tulips goss, has the bed of pan sles right beside it ready blooming, we've always something opening up brlghVand new every day in thla year 'round lfllltnery Store. If you were IB yesterday, com again tomorrow, and you'll hardly know the place, so numerous are the dally openings ef new ereatlons that oomo trooping la from Now Torn, Parts and our own Splendid workrooms aflss OMalley In charge, head detgar, formerly with Charles A. Stevens a Bmt, th "Stvl Store" of Chicago. We're getting ready for early openings this season. Our present showing sxeeed those of any other local house thrice ever. A very special Item la this seteotmsi for tomorrow w mats aa.aa. Handsome New Silk Velvet Tailored . Hats. In th new and Jaunty turban ' Shapes, draped and shirred, finished at back with large gilt buckle, one of th smartest, moat effecttvb yet ' simple creations shown thla new . season dor autumn wear: la bteok. browna. r navy- iH 0"r; , re - r I apecaa V -' sW wuiy st ' -. j i j: ". " -