The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 06, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' !
P I I ..I' Mil
f fa laeuselus7 th politic altaattoa
ikui (k ika vMttrdftT. and in reply
KB som of Um Arguments advanced
r IbaraUrf Shaw and other Republlosn
seUMadere, pointed out ft few knot la
Um tangled chain of Uiair argument.
- ! aotiM that Mr. Shaw dwelt e th
. fetid time, that came to tli oeuntir
' it off raawalajad'e administration.
m ta awtnr "it aaama to m that
he ha lthr forgotten hi history or
lae Is. willing to nlilMf aia aaarera,
i in UM th JRasablloana. after unseat
. lng eevcrel Democratic amwmiW
who had boo elected by majorltl Croat
k , ! - r- '.'" j' w
MM to MtMf, Jmi a marity at alno
fa ta lowor bono. Thor MiMd tho
Mimaa act. "whlcn araa namnllr
laonnooa a, a awko-ntft. and lator tho
MoKlnlay farm ui. nam tibqm zo
7 towod and la lt tha Bopablloana wrm
'adlr dafoated In tna oanarasaloaal lo-
tlona and MoKlator aa baaian for r
ilaoUoa to Ooosraaa. Tha DaaMorata
had tba aujorltr la ooaaTaaa- froai tho
-aorthani atatM to aav aotblag of tb
aotid aoatii
4 "It waa fa that eatnnaftn that KoKhv
)y wao halloncad to ahow a oaa wbaro
his act bad baacfltad tbo traces of tho
workers la tba factories, and, ttaoush ho
prod need no SBeh evidence. It was shown
'that la 100 tastMaUoas th wares had
heoa oat saateriaUr. . ,
j Ctotand was auwlo -president by h
Wdal wava that denodaoed tho former
iKapablloaa oatbaslasat of ISM. New
tTork. Mew Jersey. Connecticut, Indiana,
rllllaola and Wlsoonstn wore' oarrled br
itbe Democrats and one electoral vote
tof Ohto was gained hy tilts party and att
rathor was loot by only 1.00 votea.
'The people reeanted tho bfah taruX and
ttbelr voted showed their attitude,
r Wa in anjaatly taxed to pay tribute
fte tho trasta. Many are taxed for tha
benefit of tho few, so that oar maaufao
tarers aty oell their products abroad
cheap sr than they do at home, and so
that you can buy a shovel 19 par cent
oheaper la Bnslaad than you eaa la New
fTork. a typewriter for $41 less, a sowlns;
naohtaa for a third leas and nails at the
tea dm sarins'. The Republican party la
Hho one of high tariffs and extravagant
legislation. Roosevelt waste 1500.000
(to refurnish tho Whit Bouse, M,90
'for bis stables. flS 0,000 for a yasht and
1 salary Increased to ITI.0M a year, r
J Tbey talk of bard tlmosf Why tho
teltmax of the hard times came before
(Cleveland was taaogaratad la Wi and
after he took his seat, be was petlttoaed
from ovary eectloa of tbe eoantry to r
9eal tha Thannaa law and similar Re
publican legislatloa then recently eo
aotad, and this wag oon hefora a Demo-
eratlo law waa placed on tbo statute
books.' Tho Wilson blU was not a la
jntU im ana tba oilman of th panl
i lis. f
t Cleveland found aa empty treasury
an Marea, ltta, but he had left a fun
one wbea ho retired four years before,
tie also found a 40.00.0 debt from
Ah f ormer admlnlatratloa and Hanisoa
had th ptateo all ready- to strike- off aa
laous of bonds whan he left offloa -
LRepnbllcaa apaakers also dwell on tho
las of the tarUt as a protection te Uv-
por, but our laborers never have been
hires protection and hare always been
laeeo in oowj pennon witn tne pauper
labor of Mo rope. I romembsr. la Me
KlBiey admlnlotmilon, whoa tho arte,
of oatUe was Inoroaaed and th Ropub-'
Uoaaa all cried: eo what we have
done for the farmorr ' Today you can
not give a yearling away la my county
and aa old ewe that will raise two lambs
1 not worth H oenta.
Tbo RepubUoans Alalnv averythina
far tbetr tariff. They alias that the
good crops of east era Oragoa ar due
solely to tMa. beneflcent measure, - but
do act explain th poor erope la west
era Oragon. Tbey elalmed at drat- that
tha high tariff was needed-eto gat rid of
th civil war debt burden. Then It waa
needed to protect infant indue tries, thea
It was required to astabllah a horn mar
kat. wntob R did by forcing us to pay
mora for oar products thaa th foreigner
did. Then th tariff waa needed to pro
tect 'American Jabor ana finally to -cur
a- foreign market.' . They -deslr
to secure this markot by protection
and a lt-lnob gun and to establish
market for our -manufactured goods. In
th far east where th InhebtUat wear
a breach clout and eara ' four oenta g
They also oharg that th Democrats
have . been tneonawtent aa regards the
money 'question, but. how about their
own nampr la tut tho national Re
publican platform declared: .The Re
publican, party la In favor of th ua
ef both , gold And 'silver as money and
condemn th policy of tha Democratic
administration la Its efforts to demene-
-tlae silver,' In -tha light of th lmmedW
at past how doe that sound as com
pared with a policy of ateroal onanist
ncyt .
"Than fa 1 tOt th Republican national
platform said concerning this question:
Th -Amerteaji people from tradition and
interest favor bimetallism and the Re
publican party demand tbe us of . both
gold and silver aa standard money.'.
. "In lt this same party nominated
William MoKlnley for Its president, wh
denounoed Cleveland for efforts to de-
moneUas stiver aa av atandar TOmey,
and th party also asiea ror aa inierna
Uonal aaraement to fix a comparative
'ratio of tho twa metal a, MoKlnley. had
voted for silver for tO years wbea he
was aomlnateoT for president. ' Th Ore-
Lgoa RepubUoans one declared for th
free and anil ml ted coinage of sliver,
Senator 1. H, Mitchell has boon a strong
advocate of tho silver Ides, and Ben tor
a W. Fulton declared In 1HI for the
double atandardV while -Blnger Hermann
ha not been Un en thla topi.
"For consistency, economy, level
headed, business sagacity, conservative
administration and piebsrvlng th for
tunes and rights of the poorest cftisen
the Demoeatl party today offers the
only hop for th votra of th coun
try, as it always baa.'... f j '',-
;vi -. '--'.-v-;.
' rjfaeetal Dhaateb tsTa loans!.) .
hasnawa. Or.. Sent . The nrun
crop at th Indian school, although
mail, will b largo onough to give
the M Indians all the prunes they oare
to eat during th oomlng winter. Thar
waa a eompiete failure of th Italian
prunee, not on 'hetng " found - th
trees. Th orog of Petlto pranas, now-
ar, 1 fair. Acting Btapertateoaent
Camnbell today gave out order ta onv
mono canning th entire erop of prune.
Thl will require aom time. Zjmt year
almost 4,000 gall one of prunee wen put
up. Th prunes to rip to oa will a
made up Into prune butter.
. Nona of tha nruneau belonslnaT to th
school will be dried. Th fruit drier
operated at the school will dry prunes
for- neighboring fawner - and tn thla
way th school will reoerr about f0
buaheja of prune for tbeto own use.
Th yield from th school orchard will
b about 1.000 bushals. About ball of
this amount will be eannad, while th
othar-haU.wlU b made Into butter..
(gMetel DfaMtm I Tat Hi sell '
Rood River. Or- Sept. a. Th house
of W. O. Hunter at Mooter burned Bun-1
day. Uta mother, aged tl, was in th
house. Her cloth took fir and she
died Mat night from her Injuries. Her
son;' wh .wag absent In Missoula, Is
Burial WW be Wednesday. Mrs. Agnas
Fields, a daughter, waa badly burned
while assisting th mother. ... ,
x ' Cioadlai Pacific ExcorsJoos.
Septmbr i, t and are th data.
Portland to St. Leu Is and return,
MT.M. Portland to Chicago and re
turn. fTt.10. Portland to Baltimore and
return, ll.ff. Ticket good for top-
overs going ant returning. If yon want
a oomfortabl trip take .the Canadian
Pacific. For descrlptlr matter and
full particulars call oa or addree F. R
Johnson. 141 Third street. Port mad, OA
Peacock flour always give sattefao-
tlon. and 1 guaranteed by your grooer.
e M
OaV M , osrra) A
OVAurr of
4 t . Arnoraj tA th new bkM which fWl
4 evkWA th moot popular to MUSLIN ;
A Ti-Mgrk which stands for
i wnryihkit that Is good, anibtntigi
1 tnd well ttuute ki MUSLIM UN ;
UNDERWEAR. Wrm asoota
tfr-i 'V fcr tha Cckbratod '. 7-
Ilbmad) ondar tha
j , " moat Banttary condi
i tiona, thereby ivmov-
. contagloo which ;
i uauaHy lorka la goods ,
' that ara mada io
" aaraat-ahopa.
r Ksrt Vberc Your Credit It GmxL 390 Wishlnjtwi St
mn.iMm.M.lM..MM .i
- tsserial INasetek t The evareaL)
Independanoa, Or, Sept. . Th araa
of hops la Polh county promises to be
better than has born produced her for
vaara. There la no mould. No llo
hav appeared and a firm, well-ripened
bloom is the prediction of every grower.
The best yards will yield aa average
of from MM ta l.saO pound to th
sere. Th picking bgto in a a umber
f th yards today. Bom will wait un
til Wednesday. Three or four yards
begaa picking Saturday morning. Moat
of the hops will be suOolontly ripened
to begin picking at once, but tbo pot
yet properly colored wtu a left Untu
tbey are la (hair prune,
Tn growers have an th help Beaded
and are refuel ng places to many parties
every day. Around tha LewlsvlUe and
Air lie district agents were sent here
to secure ptokera for those yarda. Mo
trouble waa found la finding tn- help
they needed. Independence baa never
appeared as at present the streets are
lined with wagon and people from
early moraine until late at night Th
river bottom opposite Independence la
literally covered with campers, a good
portion of whom have work,
Tha eeasan this year will not
tend over three week at the longest and
may b over aooner. r: -r -
Th prospects a to quantity thai
year 1 ahead of that of last year,; Th
upland hop ar all producing a full
crop thla year and th nam land waa
almost a total fallur last rear. Rot
torn hop ar looking Ana. Over ,00
persona have passed through Indepead
no an rout t th hop yards. Kaoh
Vmgoa has from four to eight persona
and, la flUed with. a fuU . oemplng out-
Th ptlo 1 a high w at any tun
last year and but few haw aald at th
preeenl ruling price of If oenta a pound,
gome axaeet to sell at from ! to B
oenta as soon as th picking bag Man
fairly oommenood. -
.,. ' tmu ooamAorrjias -
gig Rafas athVi Vhetr fjgsp
Vhai Taae, - .
(gpetlal raapstm te Ta Joareetl
Foreet Orova. Or., Sept. The hop
grower will b supplied with all the
ht thav nsad this vsar. Most of th
yard began picking yesterday. Crowds of
pickers ar cam pea in tne reran
reedy for work. Psrtl bound for th
hopyarda pas through Forest Qrove.
oomlng not only from all part of Wash
ington oounty, but also from Molta
mah and Tillamook.
Th price paid la anlformly tl n
hundred. Th quality of th bop m
good. In fact, th yield la much heavier
In moat case thaa was anticipated early
In tbo season. A small - percentage of
thl year's erop has been sold or oon'
tree ted for a far. aa th ownr 4r
holding 08 fof higher prices,
Twthlrda c Orop'Riltsjeatk for Vaa.
' j e Jnyrtaa Qpaair. w. a
Weartal Dbasam a Tbe fearsal.)
Rtllaboro, Sept. .Owing to th un
usually dry season th yield to th acre
throughout Washington county will be
about two-thirds of what It .was last
year and th harveetlng period will be
about on weak earlier. But while th
quantity will be leas than laat season,
the Quality of th hop Is far better.
There ar no Ho and mould to Injur th
crop and th hop hav a rich ooloT
and ar -vry strong and solid. -
A few dealer hav sold their entire
output for if cents per pound, but most
of th nroduoer ar waiting untu pica
lng la over with th expectation that
th markat will b better at that, time.
sjsVaral arowr beaan nicking yes
terday and th reel annovho that thT
will begin not later than Thursday.
cmop as wooa.
asahsrlsg ff aToa. la tU anm
gaeelel IMsMtch te The JsarasL)
Oorvallla Bant -Fteklng of bops h.
gan yesterday. In moat of th yarda here
abouts only a tew having tnea mac
week. la aom yards piokera ar paid
by weight, .but th general plan to to pay
bv th box. th WHoe ranaing froaa e to
fi oenta. Th yield this year la aom
what lighter than mat year's, bat tha
quality Is fully as good, and ay many
la thousht to be superior to that of last
year, owing te th fact that there ar
no llo. There Is no difficulty ta cur
ing pickers to gather thl rear's rop,
although In previous year there ha
been more or lee trouble ta getting full
crews at tb outset of tn saaaoa.
1 - fasetlel Mssetea te The JeeraaL)
Rosebur. Or- Sept. .Hop nicking
In this county -la in full blast today.
Th yield ta aom of th yarda laeabov
the average, while la other It la some
what below th ueuel avsrage. Picker
ar paid SO cent a bos. Grower la
th county seem to expect cents for
thetr bop, aa aom hav riuo it
(PoecMl Mepeteb he learaeL)
Wood burn. On, 'Sept' la soma of
th hop yards ta this section picking
started last week, kfvery yard has mora
nickers thaa tt need Som yarda ar
paying to oenta, other 41 cent a box,
Tho duality of tha hop was never bet
ter. The quantity la about aa great a
It wa laa year,
IHsmu M Th VeerssL)
Mssttla. Wash.. aepL . Puaet soemd
logging cam pa. which hav hem dosed
down for the paat four months, will ra
aimi Bsntember lft. Many of th oner-
atom hav recently placed order for
sew machinery and tho eh I omenta ar
now going lorwara, it is esumeioa
ttw shout ft ner cent of the cam no.
oomposlng those located, eloee to th
foothill, which aamnet b operate aur
lng the winter time, will at before
December 1. v .
narrnra mitstawat
- (gperkd thereto Th oersel)
Weileoe. Idaho, Sept. .The most -citing
runaway vr witnessed her took
pise yesterday. A four-horse team ran
through Mala street, terrifying every
one, 'but Injuring n an. Neither horses
aor wagoa were Injured.
. . Ftr tbe Hop Fields. '
Th steamer Elmor end Porh..of th
Oregon Railroad A Navigation ooro
pany, tek you direct to -the bop field
of Oregon. Boats leava -daily at Y; a,
m. from Ash street dock. " '
...... , v. . . . n -lv - - - - ' "v H-
scnooi opens next xvionaav. j&vctv mouier is in cxciremcni preparing uic
children for schooL It's no easy task,, and a few useful hints from this
store we trust will be appreciated.' ' VVe can help the rriothers out by
showing; them moderate priced Dresses and Suits for the girls and boys-
just the thing for school wear. Read oyer the list and come in and inspect
thera-V Youll appreciate the quality, the values and the low prices we
; 1 . qudte just at the time ' you need them most ; -; u -
' i. ap -
TV SArrMLr uKmI rjajme MntMlav. SnaMntaar 12. IT VM KarVW rfJsfMlsdrM BOW It th tfaM aUafJ
- ... mm a m a . s. a m a - , . - v
win p M tui wtMK at turn louowms iow pncm ior irmy mom
15 Children's Dreasca, in another tot. made of percales and
calicoes, well made and trimmed, sizes broken only lor
6, 8 and 10 years of age. Pretty fall School A jt
Dresaea. ' These dresses sold fof 75c, $1.00 and g?)(jC
a. m,m rr i ' : I SBT War uar
88, Dresaea for' Children from 8 to 8 years of age, made J
in French and Mother Hubbard atyles; materials the best,
make and styles excellent) sold from 75c to A f ?'
$1.00. Hera during this sale, or wliila they last, gtjf j
or pnijr. .
118 Children's Dresses, ages 8 to 14 years, made up of choice
styles and quality, of gingham; madraav and percales. lust
the dress for opening of school ; the material in these alone
would cost mora than we ask. Wa sold them for d Q
$1.00, $1.50 nd $1.75. How you can have your J Q Q
choice for. . .v k . t ' , .'
188 Children's Dresses,' affea 8 to 14 years, made, of extra
aualitr of Madras, percales and irinarhams, style and work
the best, well trimmed with laces and cmbroidi
embroideries: soma
in- this lot sold for $4.50; not one lor less
than, $L75. Jow.jrou ,take your choice
tor,... ... .....W..t..... .-t-
' - ...... ij
BOYS' BLUB 8Urr8rrom4to7Taara,
Just tha suit far tba m
nMighboys, worth $15 :.CI QS
bar at tha law prios W f
A BETTER SUIT if jrc was
for larger boys at
3 J 4VB4...,..-
MIXED TWEED 8UITS, k all sixes
up to 14 years A-m.iI.
at $4.50. $30i ' SO
$35 b4 .... .i. V W W
-v Evary Waist In Um Hooss CrtMUy Rt4ac4 ub whom m mm sor t our mspenoa
White Shirtwaists, made in the latest style.) soma with
tucka others with laces and embroidery a general
clean-up of. all our $1.85, , $L50, $2.00 and g f
$80 kinds;' choice of 5 different atriea, aU fjQ
An octd lot of Percale, Calico, Batiste and Dimity Shirf
waists, tailored in the latest sty lea. all. sires and colors;
,sold regularly for 76c, - $1.00, . $1.26.. and i (J
$1.50; jour,chotce, while. they last. , A v, vOC
Mcc-ii 7Tr
Pattern ps
shew 'tmm
asm IS saah. .,-
aaa f
tra' Wi'-ta
a kg- shasrln
Maaa re StaOeU1
1 wh gjaanaii fro as , . smmat
fj) i . DAY OR WCMT
J l
JTTWT'.gijB..TiHmiunialn"iii n inn.. i
; W'r afraid a graat BAany 7
. aul a ma advamaff of
this oflec. TDsya dspoca t 1
a la later years. Yfk
ys dgnMcal attcottoa.
(hyerlsl DlesaM Ta IbarML) '
Clmmaw. Or., aept. aWThe Chemawa
lodge f th Modem Brotberhocd of
Amrlc I th banner lodge la th first
congressional district There ar t4
active member ta tne lodge here. Th
annual district convention opened at
Chemawa today. Thirty or more deie
gate arrived today roat points in
southern Oregon, Th convmttoa era
called ta aelert a delegat ta attend
th supreme convention whlrh will be
held In Uloaaapolla, at Inn.. October is
le. Tber ar twa eootestanta for th
Betabllshed la la Opea all th year.
Private or slasa tnstruetloa. JThettsands
of graduate la position; opportunities
enatantly saourrlngv It pays ta attend
ear sataooL Oatasogu. aperlmena, ta
a. v. ABawTanrah uu.a.
On of th heat MolvDed lastMailoa
af Its kisd. .
Th annua seeaton Degina unsMr a.
Stndnts mar sradoate after attend In
three full course.
For further Inform tt aa ataMg
address. '
11 Wet afarg Sfc. Fortiaaa, Oregoa.
St Mary's Academy
and College
eetr-efcrm saaotaxu asse eeem
rintUM eoerdlag sad der school tmt
reaag atams as glrle. Oneiim: OollfUU.
reone. tTCsnsar and arlsrr. Ceaervitery
place. Attorney John Jefrrie of Salmn.
probably etaadlng tba hast shaao tor
tb election.
htH ae asave dieiielm fat.
asas might wa ah lm-
ava BaaoMd Bwn Temstag O.. gee
tha laboratory method of booUepmg; actual buatoaaa from
start to fialah. ' . ' ; v -;
. . " Parnm shorthand, easy to write, easy to read; easy toa
ern. , . -
; Ohra ua an impartial mveatigation and" you wul bacotno'
couviiKod of tha superiority of our inatitutioo. We know
you win then aoroll with ua. : -S rr TTj
PAY AND NIGHT. Sand far catalogue, . . , . v .
aWhnkc-lfalkcr ftuAloeM College
Sixth and Mcrrieon Streets '
, -v- . 'Sv'
K It tata
aeeaa-asaasm V
Adaresa BiiraiMf
Oregon State Normal School
year veptemoer se. jtv. vow
'ear, affording equal opportjinj
heglnnlng a eOursa ta Septem
r amber, February and April, 't
BegitM tt twentjMhlrd year September U, 104. Tow ,
la aaoa scnooi year, anoraing equal oppanjini
,' ties for heglnnlng a eOursa tn oeptem-J-
ber. November, February and April. 1 y
Taa Best Training Tern Tssuhsrg I !
Is th Normal course, with lis assur-i,.
ane of good position at good wages.
Containing full information ocncrntag
courses of study, training In actual
teaching afforded under real condition-
Meenaoatk, Of.
In town and country schools, and full'
details about tbe advanced cours of
study with tne eddltional advents
t. 9 atattsa afTeaUetit B. B. aiesles.
j J, I ,
MltttAry Academy
. yoBTLaJTB, oaaaos,
" A privets boardlaC ead say
MbeeL Hesaal tuTsiaev a-
mrr alartella, ceitoce- arapers
Oea. Bert ef .Key age edmittac
aiaJiafts11 "
. Aat wall M Or. A W. HU1. BtOI
MllJtan i nil ' Portamas. Ot.
S a heya. waoai I was to 4 h
aalttsry eMt Teeer asea eff
Plnar ersd me erWas eaf teraai ana Ulmtrsted
gsscriyttt mtalegea eC rem acteet, .
UeVWal) a S weaeW a )
St Mary's Academy
c Annex r::;
CATKXDaAt pAkaaa.
Ktasergertaa asd prtaMrr gmai.' Tee et
uos oaa aepuakMr ta
sad Bbya("i raltsre.
,ruea. eleeM-a
St Pctrick's School
fhaaaete ky tse gisteta ef the Dnly SaSMa,
Bar eeiooT for It. Patrick farta. H.xt
a. Mica nsasa gaptambar Stk. artmnas. Inlar
w ta and sriBiary LW ?
mutionMa aa r tar. ml Sneaet Sat ele
oattes al ahraieal caltare. v
''' .; ov Txa , ci T
eighteenth anoual geseloa beg&a lenv
II, 104. ,
Addree' & tT JORSIPart, Bat -J- Dgaai
tlO DekuPLbldg., Portland.
nta says and it fee Weeters as Mtwtmtk
eallassa yrhaary sad greisiat graeas lacleeag.
Portland entdmmjf HmU far Girim
lUeelraa a atari tad sea at sad alei taeej
tba ueei forte sad ear of a ratsad htNaa.
rian tun wtu. era sarr. t,. imc
jrarmle addreai ParUaad Acaoatay; tsa.
St Helen's Hdl
m awg aehetd t th anghs Ohm.
' Corp of teacher, location, tm tiding
qalpmeat tb beet Bend for cataJogua.
era are mmvvmmmmm is, lto. i.
T-Wt sad Bast Oak Senile. -
Dar eebMl ef SL rraaU Pari-a. Atmtomti
ST mlhsj o4 arlmart rrada. Nit mcb iZ
gTTar" anl ' aadLusT e'ediT' Ta -ai uri
and jetataaay.
' .
t c