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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
" r THE OREGON r DAILY -JOURNAI PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER J, . - .1 1 Tcv:r Tcncsj CW4ry.,,,...'.4Dr. Jekrlt sal Mr- Hrae ColumkU "C0C Lettarblalr' Star '. Vnilra Bljoq Vaudeville Crrlc.... ...... ...'.,... I.VaedevUI - ATMO..,. ..IHNtniH Strangers to Mi ally aeelrtn7 te eee ' the delightful scenery ot the ColumMa rtvr should remember that tae itMmr 1hvm foot of Washington street Hon day. Wednesday and Friday morning, running through tba mtdnt ot this en chanting landscape, mountain, canyon a. clena and past Um waterfall that leap from in anouiain peas, on ox wem wrv than set feet. ' Tba Char I e K. ' Bpenoer id the newest steamer on the v , river, and the fa teat boat afloat on the water PaaB-rs for The Dalle and wajt landing sheuM hear this In .. mind. Tel. Main 1411. '. Tha next taeeUag ef the Oregon Stat v Development leaaue will be aald at Grant Pass on September II, and will be devoted to the Intereet of otttbrn Oregon. V. J. Blalnly of ltosaburg, on of th leaaue vie-area Id en ta, la ' tlvely at work on arrangement, and In- ' vttatlone are t In nt to repreeenta- - Uvea In every town la th dletrtat. The Portland Commercial olub and the atata officer of tha taagvo are eo-operatlns; In the work. Prealdent B, I Smith. i Tarn Mohardaon and other prominent la the develoeiaent movement will too f- jwesent. ' ' , (. V ' i- Tn. funeral of Dr. O. H- Chaaoa, who died aturday. morning, waa hold at the V- Tavlor etreet Methodist ehuroh yesterday .' afternoon at If. family frrtnda and v ' professional aoquaintanoea nilng to chnroh. Slav. F. B. Abort officiated and - delivered the funeral aermon. No earv- io waa bald at the restdenee, EUoventh and aalmoa street, and after the o re am at the ohurab the Interment took : plaoo la Rlvervlew cemetery. Th pau fcearara were: g. Ij. Pope, W. H. Harris. Joseph Simon.'- Colonel J. MoCrakea, F. S. Maleolm and w. Pratt. - Sotlwood rssMent faar that tha flro- " vug who fnflk4 hlg praaenoa a poo -t ' them a few year ago, has returned. A V fir that buret out la the saw house of A. J. Spark on Bpokane aveoo la aup- . . posed to do too work of tb Incendiary . -a there waa no other oauaa to be dis- v ' oe-rered. - Another attempt la believed ; ,'t have been made when a cottage, near th Multnomah acboolhouaa, waa fired. carried on hie gnady trad In tb dla r. trlct and for a time a hoaae holder fait " ' af after plgbtfelL ; , mai FhlUlp a maetwlcg, Jr.. form rir of thl elty, la at tba head of tba V "International Banking laorporatlon, K w'hlek haa reoenUy been opened la Pan- ama. Th lo of th eompany la la Wall atrt and H ha branch off loaa la all parta o the world. Coplee of tha ' Star and Herald and La Batrella, pub llabad in the Republlo of Panama, that have tuat been recelvad lm thl c.Mr contain extended notice and advertiae- menta of che openln of UM bank. If you would connect safety, eomfort and orrrenlenc with tb Columbia river trip to Th Dalle, for either buainaaa or for plaaaura. ea that you go on tha V Regulator llaa'g taamere. Bailey Oatsert - or Regulator. Tn strong, Seat, Mand- arm Bailev Oatsert leavea Alder-a treat wharf1 fof- The Dallas' and way afatlon v, every Monday. Wedneeday and Friday at T a. m Steamer Regulator la res " ToaBday. ' ' Tharadaya. ' and Satnrdaya. - Dallat leetrto stgn-foot Alder street Phone Mmm m . j . .. , . . At Um Oemawrclal olub last atght ft reoeptlon waa tendered Blahop Henry - Spell see van reoently mads blahop af the Metbodlat ehurohea of the northwest. There were 49 guest present, including - ptaettoally all th local member of tb Methodist Ministerial aaeoclatlon, Dr. :, Robert Phelps, first assistant secretary af th board of' church extension, and ' J. W. Janninga, representing th MethO-, Uat publ taking koua at ClsclnnaU. The aaovntalna, glenaV canyons knd -gorge of tha wonderful Columbia river are now aeon at their best from tha decks of th palatial steamer. Chas. R. '' Speacer The Bpenoer leaves Portland Mandays, Wednesdays and Fridays at T a, mu, for Th Dalle and all way land- v Inge, returning aa al Parnate days. It la U vthe fastest and neweet boat plying on . th Columbia river. Dock foot of Wash- Ingtoa etreeC I- Twenty-elv per eent greater covering fjapaeltT mean that four gallon ef Bay , SU to-paint will go aa- far mm Ave galtona t" of white hmd and oU mixed ar hand. : Fisher, Therssn A Co., corner Front and MorrMoo, 'Everything la paint. ' All tha aoanmletaea aamrnred ta ar- rnV for the loeal fair of the Evening a a S I ' a I v a ' ; ..- yn.-it.-Wk tS aTaMSam Sttes .'v ( V;v"'"-,,,'Ai: 4f 44d -'. POOR WASHING Is not In our lins, but tfa bsst laundry work in this city corats from ' CDS -r' Oregon uundry and toilet supply co. Drs. AdixfrNorthrup i'OSTfiOPATHIC FHYSICIANS . 1 416 Dekum Build Injt EXAU1NATIONS 1?RES Star Orange te be held In October met and organised by the election of ehaar SMi With J. J- Johnsoa, master of the Oraifge, the ehatrmea constitute Hie ex ecutive commltteex A special meeting wUl be held Friday 'sight, when ail the aub-aommlttea win report on the pro gress, that baa keen made. t'"-'", . ' Dog; renders ar very slow talcing out licensee -for their animals for. the com ing year. Although regie ration af doga be sen Uat Thursday, up to 10 o'rtooa. todav only 110 licenses bad been issued -Poundmaster Fred Read la lUlng up bis dog wagons preparatory to putting them Into-action .on the l&tb or ine montn. and every stray canine which la caught will find A berth la th city pound. Prof. A C. Nawill haa established an office at the New 111 Rivervlew Academy, where literature may be obtaiasd. appli cations signed and all business attended to. Tba academy la situated at th eeraer of Thome and Corbetf streets. and may be reached by either the "' of Fulton oars. Mr. NswUl'g telephone number at the OHilllayme la Mala 104. We are going to close out oar stock ef dothlng, gent's furnishing, boots and anoes, and hats and cap at such prices as was never known before la Portland. This is no fake sale. If you bra In need of anything In our Una call on us and warn our prices, at Bvl First street, cor ner Taylor. Howard RusoeU. who seared with the Baker Stock company la this city last season, has bee engaged by the Castle Square Stock eompany of Boston. Rus sell and bis wire are now la Boston and are aald to be very muoh pleased With A. r. Miller has been appointed by State Master B. O. Leedy of the Oregon Orahg to have charge of Orange bead- Quarter at the state fair. A tent wUl be pi toned near the place where the headauartars of tha grange ware) last year. . . "Ooodyear She Repair Co4 Tamhih treeh near gag office. Phono Main 101 L Repairing while yew wait. Sewed soles, fie.: rubber heals, lie Always on time. Shoe jailed for and delivered any reasonable distance, , Mlsa R. M Alloa of Alhm. King A Co.. with their trimmer. Mtas Amy George, haw returned from- New York with many exclusive styles, bavins Pur chased from- the leading arm of that city. - - - Portland Aoedemy students ar re- uested to rail at the office to make out enrollment cards before the opening day. Offloe houro to 11 ami I to 1 -- f- i mil--- t Keep clean, your ' clothes steem- claaaed right. Oregon Steam. Dyeing A Cleanlns Washa. SU Burns Id a. . day Wu-Hoo Tonic , The great blood par tiler, nerve tonic mod liver, regulator. Just 'What you need these days. sale by ail druggirta. fc..v . Portland Wire Iron Works are new located at Trenkman A Oae an Foarth ..wars , tornad..- out promptly. Chew Dea-Tal-Ouaa. have a early teeth ano prevent aeoay.; gur . where. . . :, tl T vm Miif ftMtilesai herd vhaat fjoor try yeaaook. xeur greoer ila u. ' Portland Art Heee work raaaovad to UT Taylor - upstairs. ' tt Ceeadr brand ereamery butter; lfa Faataurlaed. , , s.,, - - JButter tl thing.. . , Wise Rrem, seaim. tha fmlUasr Mds, Dr. 1 M ThorneoA detltlst. Mara WAA, Bd. Jacobson resigned the' bualnee management of th Empire theatre last evening and will go to Seattle, proba bly to join th Mim Bludao" eompany. It la understood that Mr. Watdemann will hereafter attend to tha management of the house. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. H Harvey af Ltaooln, Neb., are visiting to the elty. Mrs, Charles Mats and children have returned from A star of two weeks at the beach. ' - , IOWA FARMERS ARE COMING THIS WAY OF F tat mr tram. Ben ry . A.'-' Townsend, ' tmmlgrVtlon agent for the Unloa Pacino, th South- era Pacific and th Oregon Railway A Navigation eompany. located at Des Moines, lav and. F. M. Riley of the seme ity,' ' are " vlaltora ta Portland They ame to' Oregon r hut - week, brlngtag a party of XI hosaeaeekars and investors from Iowa. ThesA people they bar ' dlatrtbubBdthrough Oregon and a number of them hare located or Invested la properties of vertoee ktada here. Some of them are going back to Iowa to sell all their holdings In that state and oome to Oregon to live. "It Is hard te make people back lb ws oeilevo all we tell them about O ra Io son,' sa ya jfr. Riley, "but after we get them out here and ahow tham the oonditlons, they add Insult te Injury by telling us that we have erred Ut not saying enough. -One of the seen who came with us this trip w m F. Baylor. aa Iowa pioneer farmer and. cos opera- living at Saylorvllle, "near Dee Moines. He Is H yeara old. and baa seen a great deal of Ufa. He te the moot tn tensely Interested maa I ever saw la what he sees here. We took a side trip 'Into the John Day valley the ether day. At one farm where we stopped the owner stated that he haa harvested 41.00A bushels of whet from l.&o aerea of ground. The party -would not believe it until he showed them th wheat and th ground from which ft had Just been out.- There tc no trouble getting people to settle m Oregon after we once get them to look It over. Tory often they will come out with aa and make some m II" invest ment, and after going beck borne and thinking It over they sell out and oome back her to live. It Is slow work; but It Is ft steady growth for Oregon. Mr. Townsend will oome on another trip two weeks heaea w,tth a party from th same atata, - v Why dmV row g aftar the aeert sjp ami prise.. Xt la e be awerdea f the .ber 1A tee prlssa ea ea fees i sua have a shano ft wtm tf yea pa art for TCassaaw" ajood Ask for ,Ccade Pustsurlsed eream sry butter. F- Vt p ... ta yeuv istlmati AT TTCI TllOATlUJS; - ' mrsxo at rjca amass. ' Tn Uia nmVvllli hill thla muste predominate. The number of turn devoted to that art la large enough to exalte wonder; but It aaid that any of them "are bad. At the Arcade. Kate Coyle adds fur ther laureta to her good repntatlon with Th Duel of Hearts and Byes," one of the prettiest of Illustrated ballad. Lloyd - Spencer tells soaae good stories and sings an unusually clever parody ea "Hiawatha.1 Petroaelle d'ArvlUe la violinist of exceptional merit. Gaston and Harvey are pleasing la a sons and dance tarn. - . But the real Interesting part of the bill I furnished by Stetnley end Hyde In a. funny akit called "The Author and the Housemaid." They Impersonal, re spectively. . a Dutch character and Rube. The sketch has moments that are screamingly funny and )t . went hif with the Aroaoe a patrons. Yesterday being Labor day. the crowds were larger than usual at this hpuse. as waa the ease at all of the thaayaa. The Lyrio this week ls featuring Sampson and Zaobo, who or unquestion ably numbered with the strangest men and women of the world. Lrge erowoa marveled at their feata, the duo per forming teats of strength that all but rivaled -the laws of human force. The big feature of th act Is ZaoboMl tlftlpc of a piano by her teeth. Fields and Whalan made ood ta Chimmte Faddea akatea, plentifully In terspersed with song and dance. Maud Carter proved on of th most Interest In slncsra ef sentimental ballads. Tint Welch -won all aorta of plaudit In his acrobatic eomedty act. Th moving pictures are varied and of ft better quality than last weak. Altogetber. It Is one of the beat pro- grama the Lyrle has offered la many At th Blieu Professor Una haa pro duced a le-mlnute operetta- under the title of "Venus." St la one of the otever aat thins b haa done for this house. A plot' that is actually traceable , la one of the beauties of th pteoa. The slug and dancing excited the admiration of the large holiday audiences, who were especially delighted with . the work of the pony ballet. The performers Include Prances Gray. Horace Mana, cu STanaa, Leon Errotl and Harry DeLane. OUmore and LeMoyae have good thine In the sketch, "Taming a Hus band." la which excellent violin mueta In introduced. Preelados, ft ' Mexican magician of no little merit, la another big feature Of the splendid bill. The moving pictures are new each week and a source of much dellcht to patron of tha popular house. Th Star exploit as top-liner the three Keleeya, sisters, who are certainly near the top of th ladder In their Hoe acrobatle singing and .dancing. . They won every hand ta the house during their Dsrformaace. Kane smith la asala seen In bm black-face monologue. which 1 convulsing. Dan and- Beaale Kelly are playing a. sketch known as THuiMMia atnlinm " Thar hnvr nut la some loeal gaga, hbtaMy ona oonoern- 1ns the Portland flreboat, that take like wild Sre, Winifred LaMar is ft dainty aoubretta and a rarely good dancer, Tttm tlltiatfmt ballade bv Win C Hoyt uever grow tlreeoms. HU sOleo tlon this week ar entitled in the vaiiey of Kentucky, which be fftndered last evening la spleadtd voice. The pictures eonueated with tola sons ar WorthT soeolal note. Managsr Brown H maJting every eirort to pleaae hm patron and o long aa the eiroult rurnlahea such people aa are to be see thla week, there Is no doubt of There Is no mistaking- the profound lmoressloa which James Xeane haa cre ated at Cord ray's theatre by his masterly interpretation of the dual role ox Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Last night the young- actor held his audience In a vlae- 11k grip. At each climax the audience was enthralled, and tn answer to the applsuse Mr. Keen waa compelled to appear before th footlights and bow bla acknowledgments. Last evening number of prominent physicians were resent. Owing to tha suooeas of "Dr. JekyU and Mr. Hyde it WUl o con tinued for the remainder of the week with tha customary Saturday sjialjnea Miss Count Is does a delicious bit of acting aa Fanny Haddeu tn "Capture. Letterblalr." at the Columbia thla week. She haa lost none of her winsome eharm. while her emotional nowera have deep ened. While "Captain LettarMair' Is a sprightly ooraedy, M haa serious situa tions that oe 11 for clever acting, and to these Mlea Counties rises with all ef her ability. It le la the lighter scenes that he shows all the grace sad abandon that woo her such applause aa Laddie Babble and Story Quayl. Mr. Bauroe aa Oaptala Lettarblair haa already estab lished hie reputation, and the capacity audience that have greeted every Co lumbia perform noe are already enrolled among - bla admirors. reopio turned away last night. Tha Weld em ana Stock eompany . fa "The Octoroon" have scored a treraeo- douo success and the general verdict Is that. the present revival of BouctoBuirs great drama of tha south before the war at th Empire la aa good ft production as ever given tb famous play la Port- HUNDREDS GAZE r IM THESE CURIOS Lest month waa a record breaker ftn point of attendance at the museum of the Cgoa Historical society. In the city ball. During that time 1,111 visi tors registered. This doe not Include all who visited th museum, for many viewed the old curto without writing their names On the register. .. Of the total number who registered 7t were out of town people and thee cam from It states of the unloa. There were alee Ave foreign countries repre sented, with a total of IT visitor. Visi tor from let towns of Oregon were among the number who viewed th aid eurlealttes. The museum IS attracting unusual attention, eepaolally from th Oregon- s. Hare they and an abundance of material te- Interest them. There are quaint, and once useful, ertlclee need by th men and woman woo croeeed tb eontlnent .to make their homes among the wilds of this state. There are also many old articles from foreign count tie. On of th Ant collection, of Indian re I lea In this part of the oountry la alao en exhibit loa In the mummm, Th rooms are located on th fourth floor of the city hall and are open every day from 1 to I o'clock In -the after noon. - excepting Sunday and holldaya. and vlaltora ar always mad welcome. ClOI fl AS yaavLAXO TttlaA AJT9 TURSOslTxai Frightened from their home, Tf Cft rutbers street, last night by a burglar. Misses Ethel and) Laura Deal and their brother, Russell, fled t the homo of neighbor, where they spent th re mainder af the nle-ha, So thorouchlr did tha ala-ht arowler Imbue them with fear that they have ao yet returned to tb bouse, thinking' perhape he amy yet be larking there. Thla 1 the most remarkable ease put tenorted te th local do I lee during tho recent series of burglaries, holdups and general earatval of crime. Having read In th aewsnaBOrg af tho hundreds of iikHna Mda eel erimlnala here, tb llama chUdren. who were alone last nlht ware ova room with fear for their Uvea when they heard the burglar vvtna- ta nnlankl the IKII OOOT. Trrnr-a brink an. thev fled from theft home, leaving It to the burglar. When h nuhd ant the back door he was still trying to effect aa entrance through the front dooA and he may aave suc ceeded, for aught tb former oeeupenta of- th house know. -W wore so frightened that wa tted. leaving th house to we urgar, . uiu fim "We do not vet know whether he sot ta. He may have for all we know, au we oer-u wv bhw fwia tb niaoe. ana we have not stnoe reamau whether the house waa robbed. From the reoldenoe or tn xnraiiy . tnnk aaruaet th I Jam OOnj- munlcated wKh Captain of roiice Moore, who sent aa officer to tnveetlge.1 the burglary. He maa no roper. - aantral atatloa IB In laOranO Of WhM be may have learaed. COURT WILL SELECT MR. GALLOWAY'S AIDE t vm ' AkiiMMf' la mw th law in.Mi4.. aa taa Mmrthenae. eucoaodlng John F. Logan, whose resignation took effect BeptemDer - u asaiswm w nitnMMw KKa-nA mi naan aaciun oh. tki War Ithrarv aaaoulatlon WOB formed there waa oonstoeraoie utwamm- -t Ia kat a librarian abOUld DO Ob tained. It waa Anally decided that he should fee appointed by the oounty court .-a .k..M alan Knl the DOCltlOn Of bailiff of the grann jury. - by tho association, which provides for hla salary. UiOUgn us wur w"" .. m mrmIHsI tn nsmi trim Now that Mr. Galloway, who flgura nana alMtlea. ha been appointed Ubraxian, he oomea under the iiMisdletlon or we county eo-rt. , 1 arm ua amointed bv the asao- oUtlon. and ,4m probable that th iiuImb will aaaia ne aaaea w . HOSTS OF RATTLERS .-1: IN THIS COMMUNITY WatlaafirMi BrV the thOOaBrl ftT be found la th Willamette valley, on ootn aioea ex in nw, auw a.M.. ia u k w. T. Foai. formerly of Unn count, la correction of ft pub lished story to the effect tna -wis rwur n.a aillart aa the Portland waterfront the ether day lo the first 'Vlanwnd nook" ever seen la th valley. . rviMt ar vattleenakea. thonsands Of them, are to be found la the footbilla of the WUlamette valley.- aaM sr. ro- .1. -T aava en B.unorad Ot tnem in Una oounty myself. Thy exist on both Idea of the nver. t auieu one -our fAiw inahae lana artar a nan or um uui im annt inv. About II years ago my motner auieo one uw sight Inches ions; that naa is recuse, a Aiii aiar in tha vallev. and aanso laTir of L.lnn oounty. oaa tu stories galore of raiUeanaxeev" FOX REFUSES TO LAY OFF HIS MEN ':' J : - aw- Warlap W1llitMrr met ISgt Blkht and discussed the refusal of J. H. Fox 4iim hta union iournsymea plumbers. The others of the trade have discharged ir journeymen, mi w a.a wmmA la eonSOQUt tb SaS- ter plumbers are trylag to oevta ways by which be oaa he forced to follow their lead. i.. b.raM ta atni arfaatrve. hat bo shops are tied up and no- trouble haa resulted: It M aeiteveo ut in xnaa arrara other workmen than those who hftv bee looked out.. Tiara i a bis hxht on between the A. F. of 1. and the A. I U. Better get together, boy, and !! ooauaoa enemy. PLAGUE OFTHE NIGHT Keeps Thousands of People In r Portland AwaRt i.vv'- Keeps you awake: can't sleep a wink. Bad enough If you lose your rest. But It's harder still to bear at work. Breeds misery by uay. profanity by Bight ., Know wnai n mj The bane of all el esse of people Itching piles. Hen! Itch I Itch I Hearty ortvee yaw eraay. , . Hard to boa, hard to waix, earn 10 mi down. Itching away: m "any positioa, any Urn 1. - Don't stand It any lengor. Thr'a relief for every one, prompt and permanent. Doan a uintmvm mim enow. Poaa'a Ointment cures permanently. Files, scaems, and all akin diss 00. Bead what a local cltlaen says: Jacob Heseong. btick mason, who re sides at the comer of Rest Twenty eighth and Kelly avenue, says; "1 had tching hemorrhoids for two or thre during hot wthsr. and at night they OTriea me " 1. nun read about Doan a Ointment I got a os at th Iu-Davl Drug Cos store, jmer of Tarn hi II and Third streefa, and It gavs me more benefit than any other preparation I ever used. I wish its won- every one who need a cure for the all- lent ror wnirn im ee wma vnnv int I Indicated." at 1. w .11 4ala rmt aa Foeter-MUburn Co.. Buffalo, N, X, SOU R After Twenty-Oiie Years c Successful Business We have aa prevkmaly wnotmccd decided to concentrate alt our force Into our store at San Franduccv But before we decided on this a $20,000 stock of Fall ' ;& ( R m N O s Was ordered shipped . to this jtore and is now daSy 'arriving and being placed on our counters. This stock embraces the very latest styles and a ;J . " high Quality cfiTierchanttailored T .A- . ' :i " ; Siiiis and Oveiwat, Hats ; - : and. Men's Furnishings s;i:t'l.i.;rrj vV;, Which must be disposed of as soon as the low prices we have marked them will take mem away. There is no tinge of take about our quitting business or the quality of goods we offer. Over 21 years of business and our reputation is behind every article we turn fronvthis Store as well as jeyery statement we make. -f, yr.U-::'-'' f The TELEPHONE BLACK 20i COLUMBIA Mtk aa4 Wa blag-to Sta. COLUMBIA THEATRE STOCK CO. CAPTAIN LETTARBLAIR .('i ' . V' "i -' ' ALL THIS WEEK Prices 15, 25, Lord and ' MAIN BOX OFFICE Phone Main 110. ROWS A MARTIN'S DRUG,, V - STORE. Sixth and Washington 8treta. . OUR SUKVlCi as oomplets printers is at tout disposal' It embraces the writing, designing, illustrat ing! printing, binding and mailing of adver tising literatureof tha better class. Wa can show yon where our service will help your business, and it costs ao mora 'an tha other kind. Call Main 165 P.W.BALTES&CO First and Oak Streets SKIRTS FREE ;. We give one skirt FREE to every ; ; sixth purchaser. ? ' ;' i LIPPMAN tarftef TmUmr 394 YAMHILL STREET Tae sew af eertlle. Osttanas rfnraMBea from t 4iSS f BL SeiwUrs SMllnaoei 1 to MjM m. ares- aaarAM-naeai from T te 10:S B. SB. any t to tae theatre. 10 eseta - US.I...:Uwe s::t:: i tr ffaoothei ihe efc. Ve- a ti "VWEWTY-F t gaeraa A y i w a r and Winter Clothing ' and Men's Furnishings t J : ; red Front CLOTHIERS, AlSP-FURPUStmRS 269 THEATRE U. O. Wolch, Lasso aael us 50 and 75 jCcnts Lady Algy 1 -'' THE BAKER THEATRE Orem Taeetoe Ot Leasees. OTO. fx BAXBB, Haaafer. Paoae Mata MoT. leatrst eat U Iktl Week, Matiaee taeanU-. AIltxMjrnsa MaoDowll a Oeapaay la aaraaa Ofeal flar. Urn. ToMtM Fill I !!, lee. Ma, Ms, Me. sUttsee, so, Ue, av. ODBOUTt TWtaTSJi OOKPRAT ftnMWLU Haaaseis. FenUaai's Meet faaiar tasetre. averj alat ttls wrt, wits rUtardaj MaUaee, . , 9mud KaaJn. , : t In , - - sa. jut ix An nra. ax ml The Hit ef tb Week. Ot-iSfisliit "Keaae salats a peweifel si Iwiei "Mm iiiiHiIIi aMsrsteei- iearaal: eesrefl heavnr ' ' MM. lie, lea. eaj av Met Hatnwaftrtsea, Us aas ska. tMFHRB THBATRB flar. tltt aa M rrlm Sta. Pave Mela UT. Teaajat ana AU Tale Weak, letareay Milliii. IB Basa Boeereaalt'a s-ac seetaera "THE OCTOROON" ' Meat Week. MMMet Sjtrofr.' ; Pinna UlsSt. Ma, tac, sea, Mstlaeei ag, ' fit TBI BkTPBia HABIT. Tae ttasal ExMBaat aut Tale Week at at ARCADE TlirATRC ; ereett s4 .Westatse. REflNED VAUDEVILLE 1:11 ttm. f!tl a !:. saaaj. inaHaaiea faaa at l:Be. . far laelet. seattoBMa aaf ektMrea. Aaailislia 10 seats ear aeat. Physical Culture; School Portland's oolrnaHute of the kind Is open now for the - season, physical training for men women end children In all branches. Day and Bitot classes. ifnone saaia isai. v aew am a.aii wna STAR THEATRE . aOHTLaVafJ FASTTOVAWLa TavsxTuxa nraons. Oeaeral saihUna, If; wnail fcw set rwrtsraisani, t to i.mUM to iM b. k bm laMPBOir Itid limo ta fclatvea reato aa eaenata at ta , LYRIC THEATRE ' Oerw Ar ea sevaata. to - t i Bmear. to U a a e ar a 4 a ooac a tio- ' ' t A r ataaa. 'A ' , 5 .yi & .'r.f Ki.. f.,': j vt- - 71 MORRISON ST. FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION SEPTBIBER - The greatest Bipssaj .' and Live 8ack Shew ea -b Pasifte Coast. .. THURSDAY. kpfclS. 1 1S PORTTJaND DAY SrTOAL WTB! SPECIAL ATTRACTlOftS! HIGH-CLASS RACING 1 : i kouch Kates on iailaoaos RACES RACES RACES oh lreJ III LU1 Last Week V , Kccttojao$es$c.r 3i Big cards every dcy. Vx cr nxkine races daily. Take cars r-tr4 ington Strr- Oregon 1. a' U - State fair ialiv XL 0 I V Iryingt Race at lit m mm lea A Lewis' Beat Brand. emamber ta nam 100 -aaa 0tyraWWararrWWraraa1i m- .