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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
i Journal C O I Ll ) TV.--AY, f illZ.Xi.-'l V THB ORBOON DAI U V JOURNAL A f ' i - Y.' - AIT 1IIDBBNDKRt jtiwirun - "'V' . I c i i t - . vA II i aa aP3aaaaaaasjU -.4 i 1 : 4 ruliirtit n ii r 1 1 wlrm (omM I i) lal tnry Niter merntng as Th Journal Building, fifth and Saexhffl " : . , , , ' . street FortlMi Om , ' - , l , ? ,, I, .... M ................. t ,, 1 li r',"" !' :' ' V---- OFFICIAL, iAPiy OP THB CITY OF PORTLAND y ; Y TCT CAMPAIGN1 GOES MERRILY ON. T KK BRTTOH war eharpt, acting tormaJton reoatved by way ef St. Potereburg, pro-to-nto a temporary true th reoment tb Jap- tad afety tiwoonMd QnnNhM UM Tana; Thar aald that human ' ' m ao bm than Um terrific attain . ; , i aw canning figbt an path arm a aatu fcannrti lar up far vaeuparatfaa ao4 rapatia. -: tec Mcwtttatandijitf tha damaaoa at a aM aonalualoBaf tha war' axparta, tha Japan at : wmI avt atov an4 aa tbay wovlant tha Ruaatana aoulon't. ' hawpw anchi thr wauM hava llkai " f oyuoMi (atM in hie aavmwvln maramant ahout Uao .V a- W i raaulta night ha ataurii farthar north, avan pHH wya Muh4aii,-th,BO-oalla aapttal of SCaa- . - (afcwrhV Much orthat t mUaa, Aa todaTa giapatchaa tn "y Mlmft haa alnady baan aovarag whlla tha atatamant has - rfaath wt XuropaUdat eamntaaarr auppilaa ara Jiut harflng barong tnttfan farthar , Mnmmr gavOi ia tha dtraotton of Harbtn, wbara tha K- ; hwnMi j aanda otf tta tw taraUual ahoata toward ri.aiiiiiiiB on tha ona hand, and thar.aval.ulta M nllaa ftutn MuManv U will, thara- . 'flara, aai that tha avparts war astatafcan la thatr arv- , bmuum vMcioalou that baoauaa Karoamthtn had auuuaadad ,4a amavtag taa ragged and daihavated wtaaa of hla army an it at laa Yaaa ha had aaoanad tha iDya War far from it mdaei. Tha danger ha eea gfiMin jBtfttn a nwmlnant and auunHlit aa ft aver waa, WiH ha ha able to make hla stand at Mukden f U aearoalr hi law Mkelr. Tb4 oontraat which tha Japanese field mar anal haa uwdarlahan oonteraplatea tha amptura or prae- tteal iwiMlaaion of tha Hi I en foroaa. thai aaa ha aapaatod to aeeura the reeuK auaad at, whiab hi a aueeaaa aa deeUlra anuVaai wheUalng aa may lead to a enrartnuttoa of aha. war. With tb la end In Tew tt le Mkery that Oyaina baa a rormg eocranatetoa ta hit Kura ffjatkta whetnei ha flnde hint and ta taha bha Into eamp befara he aata through. The aampalgn anMrent and whan tha full atory or atahaigj ha' a rereemtloa of military anaquatod parhapa m tha A STtLL VIOLATlNa THE CLOSED SEASON. X TNOBK THB LAWS of the state I I salmon ftablna closed on Auauat U. Baeanaa af the aeknowiedgad foot that tha aalmna run was later than aanal tha fnu warden winked at aa ovaalon af the law watch permitted the-aaiinertae ' But the end ia not ret., Kren at this data flahlng w gorag aa as apaa aad flagrant defiance of tha law, Tha flab ara v betng ahtpped ta tbotocal amrhata. ' "' " ' Whaatrar amy bv urged' ta extenuation of the flab ' wai danw asimlianfa at the breaking af the taw through ( which cha eaimsrtm warn afforded aa opportunity ta maka aa theer aencw of the regular ataeon. tnere w aaaoiutaiy no aaeune that can ha advaMMd for x the ooattnuad nota tion af tha taw. We hare prevtousty and repeatedly taken the. pealtion. tftethe moaasnt sny ofncml a wiU la al lowed at arenide'tba mw that moment a eertoua ajow'la strucs: at our sVrarnmantai matitutlona. They ara based apaa respect fbr tha lews aad there oaab na anek reepect so hmg aa tha men sworn ta enforce them openly aartatt them to he dlaregarded aad violated. ' , A arniittaa flph warden waa removed for.atmllar oeraUa tlot of dvhj. Aa to aO ahcnlar eases a alight, or what those banefltad might ceil an excueable Invaatod af the letter af the law, always leads to a mora flaarant tevesten af it. This la tha oanatant danger tha moment the latter of the law b) tamperad wnb. Ite Inevitable tendency to to ward anarchy and la tha whole rang of our puMlo life there b) aethlng more Insidiously danaerous, nothing that at atriktog. a snore deadly Mow at our Institutions. The 4awa ara made for all and they should a obeyed by ail. Ka offleul la given the authority to abrogat a law and nana ahoald bo permitted to aesome It under any' cb- V n THE RUSTLER HARD AT W HUM tha ranga of eastern Oregon la afflicted by war between sheep and cattle grower, a very hardy parasite baa been permltte4 to revive. - Organisation e the Malheur County aHockxrowef' aaao . '.; elation, m which moat of the prominent cattle and boras ; men af that section are found, raoalhr puWle attention to "."metlera," who have fiourlahod aa the broad expanseo of tha range for yaara. Whoa tha mem here of thta Hllclt fraternety become toe aettve. the worm' turns, aaaoolaUono are formed, ptoeetuUona follow and there la eureeaee for ; honest ataeknien for a period. But tha "metier' le ten Is adoua, and any lull as etarnal vlgUanoe gtvee him courage to reapoeer an the acana ta thoroughly orgttnlaed form. active the grower whom aaaoow iTsm MoltlnAvlIU '.TatMtam-aiata ' Y The proposition of havm the covern. I ''m purchase the Orecon City looks hi . 4 ',; - aal being coactderoa. Thla Ja a quea- tlon of rat hnportanW to every per Mm ao la the Wlllantette valley, es every , g-L pound of rrlht shipped must say toll ' ; to this n)par. If It la sntppad by - f boat Jt pays a direct tell, and if it la I Y snipped by rail It pays art Indireet one. I , Y' 4 M ih char mad by the company for ' c paaae tbrouh the lorke onablea the v i . railroads ta kvp up the frelht raeea c ,Thie le qstlon that should be oon- Blord by the eoremerclel bodies of the V . different eitiae and count ! effected, and a united effort should be suds to gat our representatives in eoncrese to Y cre thla en the goverament. While the , ,t sovennnent Is aiakin approprlstions for 1 the tmprnveoMRt of. rivers, no better. Y ' one ouid be made ef fhe funde then that - Of reduetn the cttar made on the ; farmer of the Wlllaaeette valley for tmnspertstlon 4hrouh the locks. This Is of a much Imports see to the Tarm- ere of western Orao aa the Cellle eanel la to eastern Ore eon. Tale to a qaeotto that to of interest ta every one ead should be arced ua- ul ftnaiiy eeooniBitehea. t ' ' BACATSaT From Senator Bailey's Bfwoktyn Speech. "Perhaps It will relieve some spprs ' '.heneto for me te eay la advance that m all I amy any about the prcotdeat there will be no eyilnMa about me private , aharater or hablta - We eouht to noail nale a aaadtdate who ta hla private and dooMett Ufa le ae much like ftnosevelt ' aa possible, and who in all other re , eperca wa aa much anlihe bin ad we : ouid find. "W est liapsse taaea hj order te meat the expeoaee of the goeoramawt. Our RepMbltceu adveresrtea. on the ether hand, levy taace for the benefit of pri PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL PUBLISHING Ca,(:,,caMU better prepared ta agents of law to BteeJlng cattle ou tb but af m- dona with aa muah wtthin th wall of ing thorn to distant flash ud stood nM regarded tha eompenyv fund, Bffeotlva orgsjiUatlaa of tha tmprseodentod muet hi Datura mn tha ut that a ma aaa tha muntty prestige to to 4a aa. targe, for meat all la be vftctime af thieving tn any farm. . . 1 v f Malheur's example and farthar Into tha- ganlaed gang of v -( Port Arthur on tha PRESIDENCY A TTUNTJOW nftUeae aursuK of - change la "The stattstlca . JCothlng abort of and a majority af McKlnley and eieoted Mr, Bryan. . ' r ta ana at marvel ooa Tha judgment votera wUl eetti H ia written It wUl gantua and aooom- annala of tha world. east that buatoeaa returned to the the Democrat a tha opaa aeeaon for action af tha Maw dom and adherenoe to get a full paoh, popwloua sections proportion. - A. MOVE IN A MZETINp of ' will' be held big delegation to and subsequent, fairs and Walla Walla. should attract aa men, A foaling haa eagerly Inclined to nothing would bs gion, to show their by netting them the beneficial result fined to on party af Portend should other sections of th WORK AQAIN, to race and thus a nsw pomt of view the city which wiU fect la th very direction in which It to meat needed. Tha Journal hopes to maka It expected fire., ft was a first probably all right. fir department ta that the next time tt what to expected Qpat Itself will he and aometlroce dicated by Its trial vate Indivtduete and oorpomtlona, with reveaue to support the govsrnment aa merely an Incident. Mreaner. when hla nantMane reaa o the labor untone of thla eoentry the moaaaae of the sveeldent la raver or the 'closed shop I hope they will haveN toe eaador at the same time to say that he doe not live up to the doctsines which he teeche. TheW tell u' that the' mwrtdeht to honest. Let ua grant It; but let ue re meaiber that he is as erratic aa he la honeet. They tell he that the president le brava, and ep he le; but be le a rash aa he le brave. "If we were sacking a eddler. t would prefer the president over almoet sni other man now la public life, but as we sre eeehin etateeetsn I would prefer almeet any man now M publlQ life vr the president ; "Tbete etanda the president, with bis feet en the cenetltutlc and hie sword In tits hand Here stands our candidate,, wuh hie feet on the eword and the con stitution In hie hands. Which would ye sheoeer BY AAW, . -: the Ostaelie Sentinel Whenever anything foe wrong In the a ohorue of many voice hnme- dletdy eugeta that there should be a law aaamet tt. The fevt that Kwi are enforeed through the aceaoy of falllbla human belnas seems not to be realised. It la not seen that effioira of the lew. Ilka everybody also, find tt difficult to swim a pctrei m. it le hard enough -for them to live ap to their obi teat I one of effloe 4rbe euetaloed by publte aentl nent. fcelnr good la a woefully difficult and thankleee taeh Indeed, when at tesipted la the face ef public opinion. An Orem sheriff found theee thin Out lest week' wha he decided to enforce varleu lawe having te do wren public aaaibllns, Sunday cieein of ealoona. etc. It aeeese that s aa4eenkew.wa rr : t : y V' ' defend hi dapradatlona than rt fba prose Bute. ' " y '"' v' and horses beyond tha Caaoadea haa baan ayetem aa any organfaed work of eoca- awraa Oanga, snora-wameroua than tha outaWor would mm MUMot Mmmtt rally in taklna tha animals, driv sections, and selling for what might be again manlfaatad when aamr anambar to arreeted. for ft may truly be said that few oenvtettoa hav been aaourad hit tha regions covered by "rustlers." They fight to the last dltob, with aa mfluenco- throughout tha community dlalntereeted num. Frequently tha aua- pect baa considerable property and baa aufftotont eort- maka aaJaetloa of aa impartial Jury difficult. This without" any reflection upon tha ransa at af tha reatdenta adjaoent have atarllng eualKlea of Integrity, and. wham not permitting tbamaalvaa aome arejudlce, ara ulck ta auppreaa Thorough argenleatlon mmong growers to the remedy, should be followed, until at oo amen over a vast area are In aloe touch, and capable of maintain ing etoaa watcA - beyond tha possible acope of any ar- thlevee. , - amaaaBaarasaeaaaai WON BY NARROW MAROINS. la oaOed by tha Now Tork World to M tb clreumatanos that a oompacaUvely alight tha popular vote would In any given election have changed the presidential sucoemlon. - i of presidential election for tha last 40 yaara," tt says, "shew that a chance of ala par cent la the vote would hav leeeised the result ta almost every case. In many af them a much a mailer change would have dona tt. Bvaa In ltM, when the Demoerata wore overwhelmed by a Republican plurality of fMOt ta tha popular vote. ta the electoral eollege, a change af M,ot votes, properly dletrtbuted, would have defeated Mr of all observer to that the Independent this campaign. Once agaia we hav the aarae old ttne of party cleavage. :- It to quite apparent ta the men who were Democrats hav again fold, for all the advantagaa af atism which- aa powerfully aided the Bapubltcaa party la the past twa presidential campaigns, to. now on tb aide of waa ao clearly mad apparent by the York lawyer la their powerful denun ciation of President RoosoveH'a conspteuoue failure tb ad vance tha ran of eonstltutienal government, otvk) free to taw. Hinging as presldenttal sleet iona do, under the beat of conditional on ouch . narrow martin, tha ehanoaa of Parker's success grow brighter for ha to strongest in those where h hi best dmowa and wbara what ha stand for to accepted at Its true value and ta It proper . - "..-.y v THB RIGHT DIRECTION. ail the commercial bodies M tha Vfty at the Ocmmerclal dab rooms neat attend tb cute fair at Salem beat week which will be bald at North Yakima , . . y , t This la A oomroendable move ta tb right direction and unusually largo attendance at business grow up that; Portland to not too aid la enterprise, ta other towns. Soma of the criticism passed to unjust. At tha same time more aJvWabie than for th eUlaens of tbto city, the aaetropolla not only of a atat but of a re personal Interest ta aucb enterprises and making their presence known. The Interest thua displayed exereices a profound Influence and which Invariably now ara never con ta th transaction. Tb business men be batter acquainted with tha people of state. They should meet them face learn not awn their needs, but precisely what they ara thinking about. In thto way they will get not only upon th ems Ives, but noon hav refreshing aad stimulating ef the meeting will b largely attended. It to. not ae surprising after all that the flreboat failed goad anowlng ta the Saturday nlgbfa experience and therefor tb crew did not attain the result expected. But tha boat Hash? Is At tb earn tlm It to a bint to the gat tha fir boat thoroughly la hand ao la needed the crew will know proeiaely off It, that, It will a that, and that the handled to the extreme advantage In trip exhibition, u brought Into court for Viola tin th law whtoh forbtds the ante of Intoxloants on Sunday. The evidence appears to have oeeu oirecx ana eoneiuslva. The defense. however, found a man who ewore that n na aiwmra beea tha moi ointnn eetl liquor on Sunday, and won Ite eaee. Cuetom nd ueaa thus anln proved (Mir . cupsrwruy , so , sututory anaet- The dictrtot attorney In preasntfng his esse, celled attention to the etatemont of ah defenea that durtn the past 40 veers no one had ever witnaaae Mh a spectacle as the handing tocethor of a ot or prominent ouelneee nan ta defy the law. ae wao happenlna Translated Into ordlnare bMMM this means that the way to reform le to Dram ernn unpeople, and with the TOVAWAA. k Prom the Pendletoa Kaat Orooonlon. , a newa Item, t be aanuln. atwi,tia be backed up by come Individuality, facta, flnwea. namea or authentlo do utiia Tne halted etory- of en electric rnaa rrom tm city to the Columbia river sent out to the Portland Deoem and used in this city slso, without foundation, had none of these- newe features aofl was plainly an (marine lion, without porentar or authentic ity, only twa remote facts are te be found In- connection with the atorr, One la that electricity will drive a truln In that direction, If applied; tha other, that the earth extende la that direction, te furuieh auppert to a rail read teaohv - -. - . A Oafey of th Oat Bleeb, . . rrom the Chleaao Chronicle. It la fhe irony of feu that Tolstoi' o has decided to go to the aeat ef war ta take an active part in It. aad that, too, lust after his father had promul ated his gospel of. peace. The eon the father ta baring a way t Liptea Pour time. Oct ready for achooi. r Bverytblng wortu having eats, 1 HMM Could you tall what tha Wowl-bug Ms wa reepeoted by . axecutlna tbam.-. - - - y The tneaalty aodgo-.kaa been over- worked. . , j. . v m- ' Wow yon aaa regtater If you did not last aprtng. ,. lf i j. , Kaat, doee tb nefarious robber publk poker games, , . . .-.-J v r ' if we live Iona enough we can travel la alrehlpa, perhaaa. . )t ..V;.,.. - Really, we won't lay awake night to hear Pert Arthur fall, i, - . , -,.v ' Nothing valuable la developed except by evolutionary pre Bees as, - s,, M Oovernor Pea body depllrted anough voters, be may bs r-electeA . We bone th teachers all enjoyed and worn hiaidted by their vacation. , , A small houae divided acalnst Itself wlU not stand, any autre than a,big one. Oo after good read, and beep going after them UU you get them. Jl wiu 1 gherlff Brown of Baker county aeems to be aomewhat of a eta ad patter bias- self. ., Mr. Bryan will nle no objection to the retirement of Dave BUI from pol- Stin. a good assay people could not pay compliment ta amber yesterday by loafing. Dowte says be aaa maka tt rata dol- lara Was he gcA-aa tha right etde of wheat ar bopaT Only people who need theft vacation right can truthfully eay that they -en joyedand njoy it... People ere thinking, politically, 'more and more, and being fooled less and lass, but slowly, gradual ly. Portias ff Sir Tbonma would hang the name he would cuooood better. Why not call the next on th Thla tie T ; Row en a hew bora baby, even If It wolah ! ncunda; be a "bounding bouncer--r a "bouacing- baby at aUT Kuropatkln may hav It ta hi great military head that Mukden 1 not a healthy plena, either, for aa army to stay la lonav - . . Oreaoa ontrtbute a large -propor tion of the Irrigation fund about one- fifth of itand therefore desert es - postal meognltion,- . Kurooatktn lo etllL oarnrmg out hto preoonoelved and wall matured plan' of retreatln Whenever tne Japa are . me near him- and too etrong tor kirn. Still no Yedl move I nmdc toward dig- etner the Panama canal. WhyT Mavei the treaaoontlnental railroads too much "Influence with the administration T" it has the money to beaia; the route to ao- looted; why notdia;t The Rainier Oasette announce editors taiiv that "the silver snake la not ocotohed.' If thta be true, what haa the greet O. Ot P. been doing all this timer If aothtnev nor nobody, cannot scotch the snake, what la going to become of uef IM aa pray., Oood Lard, deliver Wclrnortteta always follow' a. etveua. tm . Mirinaitv ta that so many people will allow their pockete to he picked of money. There le no more need of It or excuse for It than fo Being run over bv the street ears at Third and Morrison atreeta. juet the exercise or ordinary common sense, would put the pickpockets cut of business. . . m i i ,i i , )- 'it . i' (Bert Leatoa Taylor, ta rperB - y Weekly.) . . Theodore: ' , . , . Bono, I ween, wul to my worn ye- quaintly answer ' aueeUone; I tryr - Y- - ... Bchot Tryl - . Thaodorei 1 Bono, what ara my proepecta, aarx it "- or brlahtr . Bow la my cinch, aweet Seb, to tt , . tight r " ' -k t r ' i Bcaat Jtt Mgbti ThaoOnrai - ' s- ' How shall I make myself Seat un derstood , What sort of campaign apeeohea 4. ,, would be goodT . Y Bchot B good f ; Theodorot ' Y - - What of the trust, 'neath which the people aha fjif What eort of promise, tbmk you. would be eefef , Bchot 'Be afr. . Theodoret ' - '' - But foike eapect me to be rash and heady, J And if I'm not rtefll murmur, "Ia thla Teddyr . Y Kchce Stcadyf . Thaodorei ' ' ,;' ' i v f ;., Slow about campaign Ilea (may I not meddle?) That Ansntaeaa from , ,Wayback peddlet - Theodore: ' f ' ' . " -" . Whap Impulse oalta Bcar. Thae - dorei" shell I do It, , And In the eobar thought that foW . . tow rue itt . . Be hot Pcitow Boat,, 'i 4 Theodor: Must I ape Root, bto ward of wto- ' ' dom eon, - Sing aweet and low with btta ta am eon? . - - ..-,: j"; Y - ' Behoj Hea on! " 1 '. ' n. .'-' -t. ThMofi .'v , " ' What attiMde toward wan etreet should I show When eempsign taking ru urprla , tagiy low? t Bchoi Sing lewi .-Jl; 7 Theonor! Boh. TBI vtted. gtad your eonnaal I In- tb lamp to light am to already v lighted. . , Y Xehei, Pae-lltoll Septaaaber There waa a aterm thla morning from th northwest, and theuch It moderated, tha wind waa at ill irb aad the weather very cold; tb num ber ef sandbar, too. added) to the rapid ity of the current obliged ua to hav re eeuree to the tow line. With all our ex ert iona we did not make over It mile, aad camped on the north, after paseln TRADE IN BRITI5H COLUMBIA (Br Joha H. Safterp, Special Cereepond- ent of the Chtoaa Tribune,, Publlahed wmuitaneouaiy in Tn Journal.) Victoria, B. Aug. British Co lumbia to the torgest and moat remote of the provinces of the dominion of Can ada. It was settled largely by-California 'ttere, and in everything except political affiliation' to more American than British, mere polyglot than any other part of Canada, 1 order to underatand and appreciate Ua ' situation referenoe lo the phyatcnl map of North America Is mors Important than ' study of ite governmental and national affi Nat iona It to hflnftely apart from old Canada, aa ex proceed by the commercial and political life of On tario and Quebec It to separated from the grain and prairie regions of Mani toba Asataibota and Saahaliihiwaa by three range of mountains' -the Selkirk. the Ooldeu rang end - tha Canadian RooUee. - - British Columbia so far as aoola In terchange and trade unity are conoomoa. la aa much allied with San Praoeleeo as are the American ditto of Puget eound and th trade center of WaablnATtoaJ uregon ana unrornia. The tar IK walls remata aa ehatncle be tween the two oountrtec as they adjota e th Pacific eoaet, hut the eepa ration remains a hindrance watch sj not hv eurmeua table. The custom em barge ea, blgh a they are, are net eeual to pre venting; International trade and ahunt- lag commeree over the Intervening stretches of mountain and wlMar which separate Brltleb Columbia from the great grata region af the Canadian oorthwaet. Thua Victoria. R C.. doe more anas. ness -wlth Seattle anVSan Pranoiaco than It doee or can do with Winnipeg and all of the other Canadian centers combined. This, buetaeaa hi- circumscribed and ham- pered by the exletiag tans arrange menta, but patrtotlo motrvee and Can adian Intarprovlncial free trade to the contrary notwlthetandlag. British Co lumbia la trading mors aad more with the United State. ; ,-; ' The colon laatton eettlement of th re gion Is becoming more and more, A marl eon from year to pear, aad the need of the people are, therefore, ooaetaaUy be coming more American. The acq mid tie and development ef Alaakn haa con tributed to the American complexion of the Car weatern province, aad the mining and asTlcaltural pnergiec of th country are lergear i the hand of Americans. Mining, lumbering and farming. In th order named, arc now the three foremost enterprises of - Brtttah Columbia. The tariff, aoaretty of labor, and the lack ef American made contrivancea for amari and eoonomioal manufacture ar the grand obetaclen t the ptogroojnen of Brttlah Columblaa Industries. The result tt plata and Inescapable. The tonne of the tariS lew of the United States per mit unauwed lumber to oeme bit Wash ington, for metanoe. free of duty. There, with plenty of skilled labor, the finest of modern ' machinery, and the leweet coat of milling, loga are planed on one aids and as saw within the requirements of th Canadian tariff that they can be sent back Into- the dominion ae unmanu factured at a price with which the Brit tab Columbian lumberman and aawyer cannot compete. zt M-eaay to see that, under ex latins conditions, the manufacturer, the whole- aaler. the retailer, and the ecneumer of British Columbia are almoet unanimous ly for free trade with the United State. Senator Yemplemaa of Victoria, a liberal ta th upper houae at Ottawa. publisher of a newspaper, formerly tramp printer by his own proud oonfeo eion, end a man thorouxhtv familiar with tha sentiment ta the United States as well aa in Canada, aaid t met "It eeeme queer to hav any on eosf, TM Brittah Columbiana favor reci procity r Of' bourse they do, hut they nwyHiiav a different notion- of what reciprocity means from your Ida of that term.' Ac matters stand our peo ple are certainly getting the worst of the AaaL TV at h in that inriiMi m do In the way of retallatlve tariff and colonial preferences 'van wholly offset the conditione dc they flew ax let. We ar tooremote from British market a. We are, physically, too distant from even Canadian center of trade. topographical Conditions mounUfne. rivers, and extent of Intervening wastes mpei ue to look for trade to the weatern coast atatee of the United atatee, with a Canadian ' tariff that le Ineffective ta Its terms and el moat uni it DP A BUUASSvB. Prom tha New York, Times. ' A number .of the friend of Jamee Wilson Alexander Maedonald, the aeulp- tor, have been invited te a reception to. day lb hla honor. Be ta 89 year old and can look hack en do year ef aa indus trious and well spent career ta hla ebon en profeeelon, - Y . Mn Maedonald haa seen the rice and fall of the "Italian colony" of American sculptors who flourish at a time when people Interested In art followed thrtrtd British precedent of a trip to Italy. It wae he who obtained a east of the fine bust of Oeorge Washington by Houdln. which has been reproduced ta arenas byi the Henry Bonnard Bronae foundry of New Yarn. - He baa lived to gee aeulp ture flourteh In the United lutes a never before, to see the foundation of the National Sculpture society end show his works at exhibltlone of that- eoelely where sculpture la conjunction with architecture and fermel garden work waa for the first time ta any country pieced before th nubile by It eel f la a dignified setting. I.Ike John Qulney A. Ward, this vet eran sculptor le native ef Ohio, having beea born at Steubenvllle. Ohio, August II. 1124. Hla earl t-at work waa done while ta business life at St. loule. Mo. Za 1IB4 the bust of Thomas H. Benton bmuaht him into public notice and be followed up this first aueees wtth Ideal statues of Joan ef Ara and "Italia" be fore coming to. settle. In New Torn. He la the author ef the seated bronae statue of PHe-Oreon Balleck In Central park. rof a coteoeal bust of Waa hi net on ta Proepeet park, Brooklyn; a cotoeeal bronse statu ef Bdward Bate In For est park) BC Louto, and another statue 1 high cliff tPenoa Muffs) of Mac and red colored stone o Ue eoutbera chore wa aaw ems snata and araat numbers or buffalo, la aadiUoa to which the hunter fumlahed ue wtth alk. doer, tur- hivft. oaaae and one beaver; a large eat fish wae causht la the even I a. The ground near the camp waa a low prairie without Umber, though Just peiew ia a grove of eottonwooA ' " formly favorable to our American com- sotltors. We cannot bold . even our laboring Claeaea la the lumber induetry, They mo aoroea Into the atatee, where a teed r work to made possible and sure by th tariff regulations, which favor the American ml Us and faetertoa. Naturally, under the eireumatancee, we bur aa little aa aoeeibte from tb atatee but that little la vaatly greater than our pure ha see in th earn Unea from Cana da or Bnmand. - "We think It folly for the Washington snvernment. even in its , most seinsn attitude, to maintain the existing- tariff against ua. But, like-all other cannot- ana, we find oureelve la no pool tlon to resume agitation tn favor of reci- psoetty. We arc building up a vast trad wtth the eountrtee of the orient, -.bus we need an onen access to American mark- eta more, than any other section of Canada.. , "But what. to fhe us of talking about what Bruits Columbia needs T Prom the United Statee we hav failed to get wtutt we need, and, of oouree,' wa want what, wa need. Sobm classified tnter- eote ta tha United atatee are getting far end away the beet ot us, and I can un derstand why they wish to maintain ex isting conditione. We have Joined free ly and generously la" every store that haa been made for a reciprocal treaty with the United Statea, but w hav alwaya failed,, and now we ara at the ead of all dignified resources. . , ' "We arc mar eena rated from the Canadian grata regions than we ar from California, Ontario and Quebec ara aa remote aa New Tork and Waehtngfon, Pennsylvania, and the lake states. The maritime province ar stllf mora re mote. So far aa commercial tatereet goes, what to the ue af talking about patriotism, imperialism, and so forth T "We can throw a rook Into Oregon or Waahtagton. but wo cannot wade with them. Saa Praeoleoo by all physical andJ natural eonsideratlena la our net great port. To be aura, wtth tha Cbnm- ourialn Plea. Auetralta will look better But, en your map now, wham la Aus tralia r - "Politic to on thing; mercantile and progressive neceeeltlee ere quite apart. We are ta a position with cur growing population and th rapid development of our province to buy ten thus a much from tha United Statea aa we are now buying. We ara, also, ready to sell to you double and frebl avhat we ar Bail ing. There 1 nothing between ua but an Imaginary line punctuated with cus tom houses and mace effective By an m te national tan that to choking trade without anv sanaclal benefit ta tfthar Caaede or the Unites atatee." - A glance at the map will ahow you that British Columbia Is more Isolated from the rest of Canada than ar the maritime provlnoee. It will show you the triple wall of mountains which sepa ratee tha great coast -province from the agricultural area of northwestern Cana da aa effectively aa the tariff wall dis bars It from the United States. But the three mountain ranges are physical and insurmountable, while the customs embargoea of the boundary are artificial deetructibie, ana, from a material point ef view, wholly uperfluous and deroga tory. ..,. - , - Y ,V , If Mentteba, Alberta. Asainfboia. Sas katchewan, and th grain producing region of Canada are mightily Inclined toward reciprocity. Brttlah Columbia la even more committed to that poHoy by reaeon of It phyeloal eltuatlen and It absolute remotenese from the M Brit ish and French provinces of Ontario and Quebec end the maritime divisions. But here, ae ta Toronto," aa la Mont real, as tn Ottawa, aa In Quebec, a ta ait af the citlae of Nova Seotla, Mew Brunswick, and Prince Bdward island, if you mention reciprocity, the maa of to day will aayt "DC wa want rt Have we am shown that we want ItT It le no longer a ques tion with ua. We are growing rapidly. We will survive without tt. We hav exhausted our reeeurcee In eeeklng for It. We never Supposed that we would have the better of the United Statea In auch - an arrangement. But we knew that we would have better than that which we have. We want reciprocity, but If It le to come It must start at Washington. We ar done until we hear from you. Meanwhile we am for Cana dian trad expansion, and we will go for the beet ptaa that presents Itself." Here, as in all of Canada, the-free traders and tha Seelnmcltv advnnalaa look to Waehlngten. D. and not to Ottawa, - - - . Y: ii 1 1, i t. i ii larger than Ufa of Oen. Nathaniel Iyon, Portraiture hae been hla chief reliance busts of Charles 0' Conor, "Prince" John Van Bursa. William Cullea Bryant; Peter Cooper1, Thurlow Weed and ethers but he ha ale tried painting id one, portmlta and landecapee, baa-rellefs and Ideal .sculptures, Whlli -bis lively temperament haa often tempted him Into erlticleaee with th pen- wherein eome of hie contomporariee and certain modern movement ta art have received onustio mention. , .,' , -Tats woaau wf n Clark Wood s Weston Leader. . ' Athena Press: "What did the Woggle bug aayt' He woggled and Woggled and thte was lis lay: "Wood ski. old man, you're foxy and gray: but Athena is oor raltng her chare ef baled hay. Wind up your thlnktankv you grouchy old lay, and gtv ua another bias kloahe round- .S" ' ?w - ' y Toure en insolent ah amp.' the Wog-gle-bug eaid "what la It to yea whether other wedT Tour own wife you took for buggy ride, and dumped bar out byi tn nvar side. Tou r a oarelea aa, cure a your nasae ta Pred?" "Who's aa ugly old bach," th Woggt bug saiA "Tour own h-ge art crooked, your nose la ripe rod. To must have been wrapped In a foolish dAy-dream when you took off those bridle Ik Uma tiiia'a midstream: upon llmburger cheege you are gorged and e'er-fed." "Tou are idle end worthless." the Woggle-bug Mid. Ttr Kuntlng and flah lng you are constantly led; while your wife looks tnto th cupboard bare, weep ing and walling and tearing her hair, you ar dealag eemewbere aa a gtoua taia beA, f. .j-, ,,v,-. ,w - Look Uk tA orahd wUl keep ta. now on McMinnvtll bnalweaa kcueea wui dec at :.. , - r, . MWinnvtUe eollege sj preparing tea better work then ever next yeac ' .. A hail storm book W worth of wnv. ' dowa la Prinevliie one day recently. ( . Old fashlonad big freight teams ara ' still s famuiar aigbt tn Klamath eouaty. Florence oxpeeta aav exaetrt rsJlrosd . before tong. Then it wUl begin le put oa aim, . .. -. ' ssaWSwaaawagj a- hp ' " '"jf Orsal number ' of fine melon ar raised la the Pine ereek algbomoos, , Lake county. . j. 4 .f Hsrpoie-HlU Hem ta Junction City " Timesi Our "neighbsrhaad ia Aaaartod for th bop Selds.- .... A - i;..,.. ; A Parsdiee City 'party returned with It gallons of hucklsberrias, and bad a good tlm besides. , . !" . Sixteen - carloads af shipped from The DaHea last weak, be sides considerable other fruit. - . "v- Tbe peach crop s round Daytew wa . " large, and the price goad. Thenr mnnijr In all aorta of crops ta Oregon.': , v Tha KlanMth' Indian ar aa tha war patrv headed for Waahlagton. after tb ; aoals of enaUaa Agoat Applegato. t Y ' A'gonaasan aold a patent far 'a i lemon aqueeeer tor tit. cot. a ntoe re- ' ward for obaervation and brmtaamcav Mitaee aaa a ladeliiiliiam and 4.eot 4 ' In tne treasury. Heac Hainan look -the big world 1 th fac and aenilea, . f Scm day aoeae -of the eevoral un doubted coal mine will be devoleped, and that da ehouid not he very far dis tant. - A Marehneld women was fined Me for stag profane language, ' Dont goma swear dowa tberew without . beta nnedt ... . - -y..-.. ... . Mill Creek Item in Dallas ttetntaeri T. B. Stone burned tit scree of slashing but tt took all the neighbor to beta beep' the within bounde. ,-Y- New Bra' aarrospondeaoa of Oreaoa. City Court en Will Newbury baa been royally entertained by bott ea hla hand for several day. , .. ..-. . Haines 1 to have ateetrio lights; and several new tedustrtec, before long; tb Imagine it aaa almoet eatob ua with eiahsr City ta a few yaara, .;V The Dufur Dtapatcb says that k wao lalway good, and la now better then . Nothing like having a weiW - founded good opinion of yourself, a i Bd SteeW and wife will go to near Sa lem to work in n hop yeard, aha to pick. r-Parker Item In Dallas Itamissr. What's Bd going to do. coo, ar bos her ptcklngT . , , t .. Jhe Klamath Canal company haa exea ad Isc fst of tunnel to data, Tt haa ordered. It mere scrapers aad will prob ably hav 10 eemper work middle of thi. month. v -n 'Myrtle Point Bnterprloe? .: Votwfth- standinaT tha nnusuallv dnr season -arena l In this eectlon will be large generally. Th corn crop le aaid to ha tha beat in tbs history of the oouatry,'.i. - A Ooea county man writes to tha Bea. burg Plalndeaier that atany aorea of hope will be planted -ewer thcre noxt year. ' Crop are all fine, and th maay dairyman arq all making asooey... Wllbott Item ta Oreaoa City Ceurtert Isaac Sharp, a sloe young bachelor, I busy d earing land and lmprcvlng hla Lfarra gansrally. That'e right, girta. wear your neat icon ana eweeteet snure tot ' lease la Ssh worth aauhlng ,..ff , g Indiana aa the UmatOln imeiraUoa complain of the uee of combined har vesters an their allotments, aaytag that they do not aecure the etraw for feed ing purpoeea they otberwiae would .were the stationary threshing maebtam oyer Oeeae have moved aouthwars with their usual plsasant air evehaetra, but perhape they were not traveling nr. The night of wild geeee does no ao surety indicate an Immediate change qf eeaeoa along tha Pact no elope aa tt doe la lb Atlantic coast statea, a .A London' eniraspBnrtanoa af th Cottage Orov Nuggett: ' Bury the croaker -out In the wooeajh in a osauuxui note in tos Brouiw, ' u wnere tne wooopeoxer pseaa- ano warn- blebee bums. And the atraddlebug straddles around. Tha first carload of BarUett pears ahtpped east thla eeacon waa add last wsek In Chicago, bringing a little over 11.3 per boa. . Thla to th highest price paid thla seaeon for Rogue river valley pears, and ae they were cold upon their merits, show a both tha good quality of the frutt and tbeaoeUeace of the pack. At ia meeting- of the Lewie and Clark fair exhibit committee of Yamhill coun ty' held In MoMlnnvllle, the people of Dayton elated that they would furnish funde to hold an exhibit In that town this fall providing the committee would i rurnian a suitable exnimt, -rn commit- toe deeidad to aooept thta offer prevldlna . suitable person te look of lee the exhlb- Union Hems In Aurora Boroallet Her man Smldt put on hla Bunday-oo. to- meeting clothe Sunday, hut wo, won't ' give him away thla time, hocauae- lt'a tea eloec to hopplcktng aad th ehock might be oa much for hla ayetem, - But, Herman, Katie to a nice looking girl. Bd a m kit. Jr., attended the Sane -. at Wllaonvllle Saturday. He says "Mo more achoolam'anm for me," . ... It bavtng. been atatad that arattle'.' snake rsoontly killed la Portland wa the first one ever seen In the Willamette ' valley, the Eugene Journal nays: " "Thla ta a mlataka In early time rattleenakea i were quite suenerou tn the miiaanetta ' valley, aepeelatty In end near the foot hills, and aome ef them or aeon now , occasionally. Spaacer'a Butt, near Bu- genu, used to be alive with them among umraokay t ' - t1 Mm. John " Coombu.' very eeverely burned at Prairie City about three week age, le elowly reccverlng. It wa thought that th to ef her right arm would be a result of her accident, but unleee ah tanas a turn for the- worse It can be savaA l The burn was extended over auch a surface that It will be necqaaary to graft skin aver th burned portion. Thla will be don by taking eVtn from one portion of the body and grafstng ta onto the tajared part, , , . 1