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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
- '.:..r:M:v.vV"Vv:::v, T " " ' DAILt?: jOTTRNAt: PORTLAND,' TTOSPAT rVINg -SHMT- . 1 OREGON i i ;V- i - -i ' I e ft .- V ;TEjUSKMXAYE; HMO rmOW mAACK rmxwt of liinu tVOOST S IIOOBTBB :. r - ' tJtari , Ban FrnoctoM ii'tTrain law fL- Bant. WlJI Si ' tha Hhl hav Vferaaae, belted Md cashed .uniform ombrt Mack playing picturesquely .- alqat a backer eutid of admiring hu nanlty, th Templar kMt, 14.404 etroB. jmrcM tbrouftk San Pmaclawo's trt .today formally opening th Stttt 41 "annlal aonUv f that order. - f Th " had hardly wow Mkbova th wlm berlaon before the . Mm eoramanderte war Tr paring to' march to thalr appointed place and be Mdr to tail ta Una With thai buglera blaaC . Conunandery ftftar oomniandery, ; with the precision of clockwork, want . proudly to it cboaan spot, and Whan I tha hour tor tho etart had arrived hr . waa nothing to aue delay la Ujt giving ac ftM oroev, -aiunumi t "" Almoat a tho hoar tho- grand capV 'taia general tho 'Urut ajU tba aTrajkd paant wa In atotloa. Froth too- atfeata, ehohad with fteopla from . carb to haUdlns. wont up a about loudar than tho blaro of tha hraaoto te tha )banda, Inenaalnr la voiasaa ia tha aotv blaa hovo la otcht. At tho hood or wo ' laipoainf oonnta m- ntatnnn nt aruiuntart BollOO OOBD- : nandad b Sir Knloht. Chtaf of Folloo i Wlttaun of fta Fraaolooo. Foltowlnfr h tho sotloo ooasa tht araod aaptala oo ' raU Kmlnant Wr Chartao U Flald. aur ' 1 rmtndad br hta oldaa, oil mountod oa - boraaa aa-btaek aa tho aight L w . ? Tho flrat araod dlvlaloo, prooadad bf XJaiiromia oramanoary no. atw ao apocUl oaoort, than iwung into lino, Tba chaara taoraaoad ta TolaaM aa tho iaonaa erowd aauaht. Ua flrat aiiapoo of 4ha aotaMaa of which tho dlvlatoa waa In tha tint oorrlaoa wara Moat Boilaoat lr .Hoary Bao Bio- 'dard. fraud aiaator of tno orana am eampmant of tho TTnltod tatoa, and i Moot Bmlncat tho Barl of Buatoa. arand anaotar of tho Oraat Priory of Knaiand . and Walaa It waa a tooo of a oola aa to walrh of tho two dlatlnautabod aiaa 'rooalvod tho arootar rooocaiUon. .. Tho ' aorl waa oaany 4rkad out br tho atoa silftornoo of ata no I form and doooratlona ; and tho aroatlnc that ho rooalvod waa fullr typical of tho nnmlloyad woloono ih& Han WaMlaoana aiva a, ouaat of tho lty. Tho aarL hU genlm.1. wbolaaoma eountananoo wroathad la nuios, noaaoa - ntMMniif a Hrttt and laft. aocoalonallv ' oalutlng ta mUitary atylo -ft awro on ' thualaatle auction of tho apoctatora. TQrand afaator Moddarfl waa roeoivoa Vtta ami araolatioooaa. hta aalotoa to tho crowd, brtaainc forth rodoublad ' - -1 T - Tlii oafniirt aarrlaoo. aOBtalallK Mr - Ooorga htoultan, doputy vraad aihatar t" of tht jrrand onoampmant, and Sir ' ChartM M t tar. groat vloa ehaneollor of ' tha groat priory of oraat unuin an Tr riia 'ttHAfMl ItHU laoa attantloa. Tnb handaoato hfoulton. asagatrtooat la tho. raunoat abd loaimta of hlo ordar aad offtee. waa a aplondld foil to tha "The Store Kbtod ftr Bt SEPTEMBER , -FASHION HINTS TKlt U tK riUcf wKeroull find all 'th nwst things for Fall at the am remarKablr low prices that always tand1 out at ttlsi houit, no matttr tha tima of tha ybar or tha season LOOK AT OUR MORRISON v ALL THE NEW S ! Fall Suits YOU LIKE THE. STYLk V1 ' fl ata at i f tiaw.' 1 LADIES' WRAPPERS Beat light colored Pm 'cales and CHn'ham Wrmp- worth from 93 to only.... tUW COOL NIGHTS AHEAD ! 'i Our lin of Flanhcletts UndTvwsr is urmirMBsetJl rich colon; excellent quality; low 8KIRT8 ioii4fA1't ftof Art in- Sew Morrison ttrtei your Interest will b. groused amino qumuiywuicra, u us pricwB---wJways um aowest. ' i. It ,. . .....-...! s)l rosF wxaiMm w w TH1KU U.SWAQV J9A9t., .i ;- twipoategj BngtiBhasoa ahd'.throughoat i ha lino of march thalr appoaraaco waa tho aumtl tor hagiaha 'aa hand -alar- Othor1 omoora or ma arsarTioanR xaant, qojdan Oata oommandarr No. & of -gma Vranolaco af4 awmbora af tho grand ancanpmant ahl vlaltora from otbor grand Juriadletlonf, all ta tr tfc. mwmmmt4mr whlnh waa aMuntodv brought up Wo,Toar,-o ftho flrat dlvlatom . - - Th aaoond dlrlawa waa eompoooa or aw U.dkAluiaalta .'Kail " pkaJa " alaad kntahta. tha third of Ntw York. Vlrgtoto. Vormoat, Naw Hampahlro ana connaoti out. tho. fourth of OhteiJ(onmfit.and Halna, tho fifth of Fonnayivanuw ina alxth -of' Indiana. ( Tasaa, m"taalp4. uiAhiMR Illlnoia. Tannaoaaa. Wlaooa- sia Naw Jaraey. Oooraia. atlaaouri. Ala bama and Loolalana, tna aovanin ox Iowa. Mlnnoaota, Kentucky. Maryland, wjiHraatta: Arkatmi wat TlralnliJ CoK Araan. Mnrth CVroIlM and South Dakota. h0 otghth of Oraaon. Waahington, "Wy- omlita, Montana. North Dakota, Aruwna. TinriHi ' Indian Tar r It or. DlatrlCt of Columbia, Oklahoma and Now Wax loo, tho ninth of California oomandarl from aoramanto. Far I no, Eldorado, atoeaton and PlacarTtJla. tha. lptft California, com maodorloa from Loo Anaalfa. ion Job a. Oakland. Laaoon and luaanvlllo. tba 11th California oonunandartoo from Vaatur. Vallajo, Woodland, Son Bornordlao, Bah niago. Vlaalla. Saa Lola Obtapo. Rlvaf Ma mmm aant Barbara. Faaadona. Suroka and Lauwon, and tho lth and laat dlvlaloa Of California, oommanaarm from OHrrlllo. Narad City, Maryavllla. Chleo, Rod Bluff. Wataoanilo. ColQao, Troka. Santa Ana, Pomona, hanta Rooo. F-taliwna, Uklah. NP. VaoartUo, Ba awraftoid and Long Boaoh. ; Aa tho hand of tht prooaaakm raochad tho roYMwing aund tho grand maaur, offleora and mambarg of tha grand on oaropment, tho Engllah dtlaaatlon' and other high offkilala laft thalr oarrlagaa and mountad tht atand, whara worn ar roady aoatod Oorornor Pardoo of Cali fornia and Mayor ftchmlta of Baa Fraa olooo and dtatlnaulahod guoata. f Whan with la 10 paeoa of tho mow ing atanda-all oommanda tamo tojSrry and tho propor aoluta waa mado. Thoao la oaniagoa aahitoi by unoorarlng. Aftor oountanoarohlng part tho atand tho commando woro dtamloood and tlBJ groat apactaclo oT tho oonrlavo waaoror. atmadiatalv afttr lunohooB thorand onoamDmont hold Ita flrat aoaalon, tho rank and fllo and thofr ladtoa dlopoalng of thalr tlaaa la Tarloua aaannora, niPtlur WITH nCATH' KAlmU TTilll VLAIU DIES OF DOG'SlBITE tfaemal BpMlal arrlta.) ' I Chtoago. Bapt t. Whlla apoodrng on h train from Columbuo to Chloago la tha hmt of aaaurlna rollof by tha Paatour troatmont - for hydrophobia,' Robart Btryokland. a faJr-halrod boy of I. dlod loot night mldat tho Urrtblt ooaruialooa Incident to tho dlaoaat. , H waa anapnod about a month ago by a pot Bfcya torriar. ' . t , .. t VO FXwMV MOBMO i - . Uaaraal lurtH Barrtaa.) flalt tako City, Bopt. a Fromiaant Oontllaa, prtnatpally boltara from tho Raoubltoan auto tlekat, today dooldcd to orawnlao aa aatl-Mormoa party along tha llnaa of tho Old liborai party. Mora than it.tot namoa ha to boon oubaerlbod. Tha movomont te laauguratad by tba Koamf faotioa. (Ftaoock flour to tht boat faney aattnt to tha amraot. a taaoing aroooro. rn W kt ta T STREET WINDOW FOR NOVELTIES IN V and Coats - COMB IN AND EXAMINE tm ' AOT DDTriTt NEW .FLANNEL-' ETTESTust what vou ncc4 Jot the coming; fool I Wwsther;. tng regular wc . quality berg this. tOJ prkeg.' j& .n. - t : Window for styles; If you look sufficiently to bring you in to e ngrg, m lam owmi no. gn our ..y - ' momom .roan W pe JfAUBS fiACLER;: 4. J SK3IS4'C:,!AIi ajMBaa UtTft A1 huipib mmm. umoma von a FBOBT BFmTlB . Am MAT FmOTB-FATA,-.-. tAv',;'J ' '" -ft 4 fBpHM DhaMtai to Tb 9aaraaL)' v f Oregon City, Bopt. f. Oeorge Lauth. a wool gambler. a o'clock thia nkorntng ikarkimu whara tiO WaO atuylng.'on Fourth and Railroad avenue. and In. a fit or paaaion nroa our fom from a .tt-oallbro-revolvar at Mr Le na Jdim. throe lof which took eriaot. Dae etruok her la tho Abdomen and one in ' tht right broaat. and anotner in rilcted a minor tajary, to ajothop jmti of her body. . . . .Lowthwaa ammodlattly-eapfrad -by J. M. Wood, who own tho bouae and la tha father af Mm Jonea, and ho waa arreeted by Contuble Harry Tramaau and oonductod to tna bounty jail Louth did aot aaem to fool much re in area ovor hia deed, and It la thought tho crime waa premeditated to a oartaia extent. He eaid, when axreated, that aha got what aha deeerved. aa na boa apent aU hie money for fcer -ana nna bouVht a dlaawnd ring to the -value of tita, aad that aha -would not aire it aa. Therg waa ovldentlr troobia between tham. aa nele-hbora Who knew of the eouple have expected eoaaa outbreak of tha kind for aome time, Mr. Jonea' huaband la reported to he a mate oa th river ateamtr jBuaane. She waa dlvoroed from him aome time aOr o the report goeavand returned ta llv with :hor rolotlvea her. Bhe b. ooma aoqualntod with Laath, who al mm tlBM waa a aamblor la th Portland .club, and who of lata haa boon aeoiing nnioo in Ortaoa City, not ions aav mim wont to Roaaburg. and Sunday ah waa eoan oa th Southern Pacific train going to Portland with on of tha ang-ineace of that com oany. Bbt returned to Ore- on City Sunday afternoon, and together thaw . aaont tho day her and : want to Muth heard that Mre Jonea "wa lb eompany with another aaaa, and hg waa on tho etreet huntlag the -ooaple and three tenlna air klnda of revenge ahoukl ho 'come acroaa them. They got away to. Port land without funnlnjc aoreee blm. hnwavar. and Mre. Jonta returned to Oregon City ytaterday morning. . , Probably aha did not aa Laath laat nle-ht. aa hie buelaeea boot him -out all niaht. She waa ooauDled -about the hoviaa thia Hvornlna-. and waa la th front hall when Lauth met her aed commenoad 'flrlnar. nMrtj Jonee wovnd ar of a aortotm nature, and it la expected, that, ah will not eurvlve. Dr. W. a..rCar) drtaatd tha wnuhda and atated lhat aha waa ahdt la tho Hem broaat and the bullet ranged around th aid and waa located under tho oheuldor-blado. One shot wont in tht abdomen and may hart gone throagh th body, aa there la Wound la the back, ovartharlaht hip. Ooa ahot took of foot ia the rlcht leg. .The woman waa taken to a boeo tol IbT Portland today. aa an operation wag deemed neoeeaary to aava her lift. . , . A ; .A alra. Jonea arrived ta tht city la to thla afternoon and waa removed ! onoe to Good Samaritan hoaplUt Bhe reaohed Portland Troaa Oreaoa City by boat and waa gnat at the Aah-ttrtot dook by amhuTaooa from tht hoopttaL Aa ami net lea of her wounda la being made I lW VI amr wwwia ia a not thought that they wUl av ly. Th Iraand arg la tb ato il egfona. t Jt - UrTwaa a faro dealer Ta tht Port- and It au--fa domJnal 'iXAuik Lwaa Ami Club before that gamhllag reaort VAa eloaad eoveral week aga. In thla city they bad no troublea a far ah known hot gambler aaaart hat ah waa trtylng to leave him It la aa aerted 'that 5aloay beoauee af her at Umpt cauaed tho shooting at Orvcon City, Th woman aamt to poruand from fan Franclaoa, - war aha had known Luth before. . a ; S THIRD BULL RUN FIGHT (OMitlavad frm Pag Oa. sir the will b tranomttted ta th bif nmpira, who wUl decide th laaua. . - . Pigaai-aj Oat tha 1 Their a-ulde aa to tha naulto ha raady been mad up with mathematical piwelalon. Prom long eipenenoe n aaa ta detrmina precieaiy in looee that wtH ba- tuetalned by any body ox troopa ander ar under varying aond tlona. For bratatiea. bar to wnat n aaaumaa to be a atondard oaee, aqoal Xorota Br ing apoa baeh other! 1. Arm: nagaaine nne. r g.T Raa of flro: Bis ahots per minute. a. Diataneai W yaaaa, . fairly waU atlmated. . , 4. Orobndt Open piam. ' - - " , -Fermetkmi BklrmUh llna, tetar- vnlt two paeaa.-, ' Poeltlon: Lying sowa or airvanmng ay guahea (praotioally tha anm T. Ina true tion: Average h( ; r1 . . i'fi- Phyeloal oondttlon: Pi ah. Here the loaee are known to ba I par oertt of th foro nor minute, with the modem high-power rifle. That to, u rwant of l.tet men want into notion under thee condition a, It would hav M caauaitfa every minuto say auuea nd wounded. v BTvery arecautloa has oeen maan to prwvante gamaga to trop and forma generally,: and whatever Injury may be inadvertently Boat mwrt ha aald far by the ottender. . 'V i ,. . r- m atoal amtttaw. , V : Vlfc W batll bf Bull Ruit Waa fought by raw troop. Oan. I rrlC Mc Dowell, "with It.MS man, Croaaed Bull Run In a truitleea attotnpt ta tak th Contoderat gneral, Beurar, 10 the roar. Beaareaard. with hla It.ftH men, routed th rederal. mnieting a low of 1 net man. kind wouhded . . in Bantam bar 1. lit!. "haT Oeneral Jarkaon gained hto-titl o BtooawalL" Oen. 4nn -op-. wiw aaa Tinian aoldlere. waa defeated by Ooa, Robert C La with IMM . Tha tJBlon loe-ea. la hilled winded and mlaalng, word 1MMJ Uw Confed erate, ,47t. .. - - m' , ' . 1 " ' '-- ma.ta a tha Ammal)' Tancoever. B. Sept. t. tr. Tell ford wn aeoarttod today otor? nf .anahiuBliter la eaualnc tha aavth of UatLt BoweU by abortion. ' ' ' 1 ' 1 1 'f t gMTanuroa - (TaarMl ap-al BerrW Little nock. Ark.. Sept. Governor Aavla era re-elooted by from lt.00 to tt.fttt plurality. Other officer of te . I ewv 0 a car- a Kl'ftCPATKLN FLEES i v ;' V- i. . ma lAIkVltllll Tev (Continued from Ooa) foro- ta battle t a teiv reaaM wall be bar th advantag. - v 1 " Tertal thla morning U aia- patehea ahow that flghtlas la nrneeoft- Ing to tht aorthmat of tbr ano tna th Raaalana have aot fat evacuated that tolographl pew. Th wlapatoh atooaa he aaoat aerloua fighting aiony rtogei ta the aaat af tha railway at a no lot about M milt aoatbtaat of Muk den, whire there la a irgod of Ru aiana, 'Thla faro haa with- It eonatoer- abl atrength na light arwwry, aw undoubtedly being met by th erreeuy marala bafteriWaf tha apama-v, v Th Japaaeaa are eloaer to tht raJAWary at thla point than at any nr a - mountain tab a tharp turn to tna weatward, bringing tbenvwlthla a -ftw-mUea of the villa r of Tenia 1. which la on th railway line. From the ft that avoh a ataaow-ata la being mad by tka raar auard at till point It beeome vldeat the the raar auarf train and ratraotlng aoldlera hav ao yet paaaea thia point on th lln. - ngBS Wffi Uaataal aaetttl aerrle.) r St PeterahUTS. Sept. . Th Mukda anpraaaaadant of th RttS WlrOB today h.t tha Jananaaa are BOW Wlthla II Miiaa nt that ottv. Ma olao repoata a report that tha RuatUna are preparing to abandon Mukden, and that tha avaeu gtlon ha already beaua. ' Tbt preaa oenaorahlp 1 being trana ferred from Mukden for tfit preeent to Harbla, aa aa interruption of telegraph Vnea la believed poeelble. - Th Harbla ooriaapondawt of th Central New aaaoolatloa wtra that vimm AlexleS and hla toff hav ar rived at Harbla, hav-ng transferred tha hee4quartora from Vtodivoatoa. ?nm0 XI OwwrlM AS, f TWrta, Sept. . it la reported that tha Ruaalan ar retiring thla afttrnooa be yond Yeatof, Vhlch General Kurokl haa aoeaplod. Aa official dispatch thla evening- announce that tb bulk of th Rua ian forota ara aambld beyond Ton- fTh nawapapar lift reporta that tha a iranttng Ruaalana have beoom dlaplrlb d on aeoount of thalr aonatoat haraaa tag by Japanaee, and that a number of Ruaalan aoldlera hav been shot down by their aff iora for trytng tn run away. T The latent aewa of Oeneral Xurokl'a ibovwtnanta la that-th troop ara ex hausted by the oontlnuoua marching and StghUng.of'tha pa weak. s.-.- ! "' , fMai -' aaiilawt 1 London. Bopt.- -A dlapateh from St. Peteraburg etata that aewapaoer thr today publlehed a report of tht fall of port Arthur,- bt aha edition .wag otlled before it obtained Bale. The report of th fait of Part -dtrthgr taeJaojourraat la the Ruaalan .atonal. hot It aetata vaga. ana if.givm w f- ' (foaraal ivtelal fcrvMa.)' '''' - TnkifL Sent. The nsanba govtrtk- MMt waa today Inform ad by th fToneh nlniatar a ToklO that W JtUawlOB rulaar fMana.' Which tOdk rfug at Snigon, Auguat It. wilt alaarm at that NO PUY OF ANY KIND Continued from" Pag On.) in aluga, god for elgara or drink, hav agreed to contribute to a run ror we purpoa of aontaatlng' tn mw aa tn ground that ualng aluga la tha amohmaa la not ooBtrory to law. tender Bhtrifr hfordes mat mgnt vi ltad Fred Prltf Auguat Brlokaon. Kht and Bugena BJaaler'a. J. W. Biaator, th Banquet haU. tha Btaaa ax ana other aaioaaa and mgar atoree. He no tined th proprtetor that poker gama and tha oa af alot " Vet Thill Two weeka aaa a deleaatloa of alot- maohin own re waited oa Short Word and notified him that thing had been -Axed" to run th ntaohla. H repned that thing has not been "ned" with him. By eatmant at ounet all th da- murrere totorpoaad In th of th proprietor of gambling houee charged lth violating the law war overruled thla morning by Judge Oeorg. .Th de fendant were given two dnya 4a, wale to ajMiwet th aomplaiata.' .' ., : . -v r Bfrs tt Wasm vsaffayr WUiiam praaed hit lgnbr ano that any rcambllng awntM were running hi this elty thla morning... He also mad th ttattment that if any neraon who know af any - anoh -gam would report them to tn eaiex x pe llet or to tht elty attorney th am would bo atop peg at once. vjamea ara aot running to my knowl- dae." Bald tha mayor. . "Thar ar many eonniottng reporta rectrding tn matter. I hav had apeotal men Inveatl atlna th resorted aamblins and th lotmaohlae wbloh ar running and the hav reported to mo that there I no truth In the tateraente. "If any Individual know that thebe gtmea ara "running, why doeent . he awk cbargaa to th chief af polio ar to the elty attorney? They will that they ar atopped Immediately, if tht. individuals tell the chief whar there ar any lot-maohtna 'paying money th chief will tak peaeeieloa ef the machine tad Boatroy them. Chtof Hunt haa toM m that ht dotg not; Intend ta' allow any gamming to ba arrltd on to thla city.-. POker itaej were ttarted and tb ana who wer running them, wer arreatad... Vt'e hav Settrmhtod ta atop awmbllng.1 Ia tht fact af the atatementa of Mayor Wllliame it-1 a rell-known fact that elot-macMnee have been running, throughout tha city, for more than weeh without any lntrfrenet . what vtr a tha part of tha ehtof of potto, althoagh. H haa been. Impoaatble f or Him, under tha atrcumatanceat not to know that Bumbling baa been going on. Man O. Cohen, who, with hla brother, haa th seluaiv pal f a certain line I Of alot machine In thla elty, deolnre that ha will not aontaet th eloelng of th machtha K th authoritle ar really determined to prohibit their uee. H claim that hla mac hi nee do not pay la oaah, but that be will abide by any order leaned by lb dtatitot attorney or ehartV. - r k-1 ' ' Chef rTunt thld morhlng nllvred b brief lecture on ttot machlnaa before the day rellnf and aoeond relief of po Itc. matrnctlng ' the mew to keep a at Hot watch on tha device, aatlat b If that no money la paid br tbm ' ' ; Tr' . . 4V.Sl.Uawtf (MM to rw . - Saxrlllcget c ' ' We hava opportunity to bur out a lax a concern that la Jbjmm from bualnaae In on of h !! wra - An undertaking ox tnu ao Tk. .nmurnn IV U BUCD DVOIHtaina au bn .anwivir. that WO T-VJ W twj k :ord to mak-n anr au vajiiaa ui iae or it. . dintly, wt offer apot eaah beyer owing AnV ! "lfy w0"! griuT pitnoe t e than aotuai Aecordt th4 follow 1 hirhul ari Two ohoiceat Chlckerwg baby gTajnJa, ratue .eaeh. , ; w . On very cnoiee ubwi : arand. value tl.iot . "cS very Bne WebY Ir -rand elect mahogany oaa. aalua Two of the fluetl iargLaia.v-j-if nprlrhtt. Talw iB Thraa.vary Weber JWflefta. fancy mahorany caaea, vatoeo i -and Ht. reepwtlvey. ? ' . Oa Weber art plana. Loula XIT ga algn, value 7lt. ' - Two of tbe OOJn "ww wm ww right, value W each, w.n Three very legant ftryaalt uprlgbta th famous xhlbltloa daalgnt value 660 each. ... Three auperb Kimball ColoJiUJ i riahta, tha vary lauat, valua $ V An- - V" flna need lutnimhnUL to i tloa, among -them -1 Ludwlg, Singer. Bailey. Klngabury. at inv uaed uprtahts, mad by Hale, Waalavi Wtlllnaton. A. & Cbae and Kin a bury, at noo aaoh, vfHU nnta Ik will DAT yOtl tb your aelectloa at", one. 1 lion! balance payable by noon 9t Sep- Now. hara'a th eha JJtStl era. Th good are tb nnaa Proflta . iu mhm. W'm even Will lna to JT- h mi actual coat. In ZiVt UTathia at once. Blltra Piano Houee. tl Waahington atreet. BIG SHORTAGE: " , IN WHEAT CROP (Continued froaa Pag One.) nun at bora out by tho laaud from Waahinwton. Th department of agrl- oaitur haa already mad an wtimat oa th winter wheat crop, u m iw.-ve.vw buahala. Laet year tha production of wlntar wheat amounted to ttt.MT.SSO, ana tha anrina wheat OTOB to M7.tt4.lti. maklna a crand total of tlT.lll.tlt. Th value of tbl crop oa th Ptombr following, farm prloa, waa aaumaua to be I44S.9I4.II4. A .ailM tk aataiata a tha daflart- ment n tht winter yieht fair ee timet of the total erop would fall to about I4I.MS.M0. But tho who havg been following th Mtlmato af tha dapart mant hav found that It 1 alwaya waU ta awk a reneroua addition to th ng- ura tbev alao abov their atgnatur. Thla la traa of thoee la th department not directly eherd with the work of roduoln tha Oauree that ar nt out to reoreeant th work af tb depart ment atatlatlciana. The departmental atatlattolans trin Bt make up thalr final ofXlaiaL egusmiaa fov moaa thna a aaonaav nt; t V'v wwhRl Oeew TUbt. itnaamabh aa the grain market aa gard mhtat show a shortage, consider able atndy- la being given th corn alt- aatlon. Reoovraa to th department of agrtoottur' report ahow that the oorrr yield -le eatlmated at ,m,lM."46 buahela. valued at tIO.4B9.M0. - Lt rear a yWld wak l,1441TI,t buahala valued at Sttl.l4l.ML The condition of the orop,' according to- th hurt wreport mad by tha department kln Auguat, atnee - which tint th oondltlona b. not changed much, waa tt.t aa compared with 71. T la August of lent year, And 83.1 for a' 10-rear Aura a a vera re. On the eorreapondlng dato of It 01 th oondK UOn WB 19.14 . - ' Referring, to ntath American far mer last rear produeed 7t4.04l.ltt buah ela. valued at Iti7.441.t6t. The tl- matad value for thla year I ltll.M0.4M. Th price ar much higher than a year ago, and th prospect appear to ha that they will remain ay during th period of marketing. t The average condition of th gat wrap on August 1 waa 14.4, aa ompard with It last .month. T4.I on Auguat i. IMS. M.4 at th correapondlnr dato In 14ft and a lb-year August avra af tt.t. Tb proportloa af th oat erop of last year etlll to. th hands of th farm era la eatlmaAd at 4.4 per cent of th crop of JtOl fit farmer bond .two year a-o and a nine-year averag of 1.4 per aeaL Bouthara farmer will reap -tea tt I bellavfrd than la at year aa th eottoa otop I prsumably not tin to standard. rut mi. t a a aaaAa halaa aMaar. lag to - departaeeat Oguraawhloh r about f.o . aommerolal bale 1taa RHOKS i-.--. if.- ' . - - ' ;, JJL Z I :iB v.. 1 1 A.'S' 5 .ahdt II : North m m )WHAT DID,V THE VI BUG V V Jtrl' SuEEST' wS mTof Ih t for hla oomradea from O. He uona ror aw oomrwa-a tleaartotlv. wUmaka thla mmy to the active mind, floth SrTLK!. - --i .wTT.. ara aufAea to the solution of th probloav-and. the Isaatioa admlta o but on correet aw. The pu-alerequlrea only rt.5rl..S w.MiaM a f aot Inoiuded In hlatory, brorraphy, bot- 9 TZwZH natural btotory. or aa noQaaiaUnos with plaaea, buUdiaga ar em-, Z t KrnbcwTwo it sasuy obtolnawa. ,xt la not a guteamg, X aumluu. InTt in tht vim af tha people frtm the Laf . 'Z' TZlZ, u4- a.aa U.oash bach month to tho of Its t resertrbe send In correct or nearly oorreot taswera ta th gueatona S put to tlto Woggtotmc WS aoatptswma, , . ;,-t,.'o. ; i - i - - ; Can: V v TJat thl Coupon Only, - -j ' IN0 ef . r th wbooi-rayo vditoiu' Vv.v',?; 7- ;V'iy THB UhTDuVT JOtJeUt Al PYRTIAIfI, ORDOOrt V ...fa a. ha aueatloa 4sked af th Wogg1bag th th Hut- ' to Bastion of th paper af BVNUAI, Bari-amBBa :My x . - iM';irt.0aeaUPV"lU -, auwat'tna fbnjr.;,y..,.... vy i VtowS wCltp.'M -tiitavt. 4 at aaaytoy ef l s ; FtXt OCT THR ABOVE COTTP6t. Alao tht oupon to b found aaoh gay la Tha Journal until Saturday. September IB. ' Thla gives you seven ehna ta answer tha auattion auggetg In aaat Sunday peg- Do tba mm nwit Bunday. and tha next, and th mrt, lso,oa aeh weak-day. intU thrtnd of the month. BAVH TOUR COUPONS, and aa thjlaat day of toe month send them all to THB WOOOLKBURQ -OMTOR. Th Jour ull. Portland? This wUl and th eontwt for geptember, and tha prhto wlU v aaawardad vary early la th manth C Ooteber. v nw'. ' PIPTt DOLLAR! t CAH PRX2BB vTTLL B8 OIVBRI AS POLLOvTB: L For th greatest number of eorract answers, tlt tt . . . rr rr. .1V4 M r - - - - " a. For th third largest aamber af oorreot anawera, W 4, For tbe fourth laryeet aumber of correct answer. $1.04.:.....,, 7 IZL 1JTI?tZL anmbeva of oerrect anawer. 41. M each.. 14o4 X a For tb ton aaat la rarest numbers of oorrect answer. tLt taah.v 10.44 A X f . J-oc IM atovea next largaat aumbra of oerract anawera, aoh 4.14 j t ; - -.r:;.:: s;'. rjlL&3L&--it RUIJBS OP THR '.Th -tergiat nambar of oorreot I a Ali-oMfanfl nw ur .vita uuuui ww , - . , tm m Onif aWpon of tto gam data aaa baisaad ta th earn gaaloga A ot i;Wr!or.,t1uwWor;0ai WtW t-vry mmpta . euy' I eaariL"-ral orooerlr arnnged. th llrsr nrt.- would ba divldsd MtoRj-1 -1 th winner. Other pnaaa win ne aawnr .t o contaetante have th aaato attmher of anwr that ara aually torreot. - but not abaoiuteiy a. . , Ooatastonta need aot writ tn aama wavw ow a at U . -TJriTAiWrtt anawar oaa be written fa each day; but X fJfVou r nr yew ? right, ytw oonpona toned for any oo af correct anwr win All oonpona ror ny one wnu mwmn p 7 . . " Z. be la the offloa af Tha Journal br lti44 a, m ot Urn 44 dap of and tha. following month, i,V;,, thaarar aetunlly piudtsed, Oa dhv orepansy awing caused by th depart ateat' making aa allowance far pock ing weight.- Th boll weevil thl on haa made inch ravags ta cartain tarrttortot that correspondents tn the field art a yet anablt to flvt tnttUI gaot raporto. . 1 - V.'- - '. Ttoffcta Bwttom aayaup. ' r-- Tb wortd a vlatW awpply of eattoti oa Augimt e, th data of tht latest re porta, waa 1.4M.44I bale, as oomparad with 1.4M.4I4 bale at a oetreapowdlng dat last yar. Of thU tha totol aaaaunt of Araerloan ottoa waa 444.464 bale aaeJnet 774,414 kales at the eorrwpond lng dato la 1I4S, and of all other klnda. Including Cast Indian, RgypUan, Bra all lan, tc M,MS agalaat MtS.balea at the seme time lent yaar.J , It la rendered oertaia by th foregoing SHOES - -aawaaa. awaav awaaaaa v. ffi - jLJX-J . iTVii WP "2rj.'H. line, v;. XilC XNWioXaU, JvIaaC, heaVy : lilae ;!df ciistbm made shoesi ; : rnaniuacturea in tne npruiwcsi ai;; i ,:!y; easternpricesif ;;y;;rv':'::J'VT;lB x , r' r CtAM am1 rrffieMB1 t Tf wHI ' Ta& .."'1 vou to investigate solicit .your' patronage. SHOSHANVrAbiVRERS First: Street X'- IN?ToVN Tna Bunday Journal waa tn r -t doatoJuL v-rybody wantas . X v- Know wnat tn wuww a Many of them were ven eucarned In finding out. th - of th fWogslebug tttf. 1 y b" d UtUa uoubl la do h n i iv had read the'nne svory ay s Baum and, loonad at " 4 th h i 11 tietratlona of sir. Mo E'uc i- Ta U a la what he tatd t t wa ute another matter.. t be w d waa worth' monay f- r avory r dr that wa sbl to i fl 4 it o-il mi to net a very dif ficult thing to do. net 14 inquire ful reading and om atudy Of teat. It wUl provide pleasant,- 1 pro. profliaai eawtloymaot . for the party, wndertake. ta ewer all an-; haa to answer on eaoh weak. HI i.rr to diaoavev It. Th aloture and ihmrtt aa COrrTRBT. mrbr win. L L ' l i.. ' wU. of goaraa. write the earn onawoe S unday. . Rimtmhar. th iargwH aaaart . - S '-""k ;. r .;'V. V;" flgwrto, rovMed Mr. vraahburBt tatt mate f foreign ahortag are oorrect, that the Amerloaa. producer and aartlou. larly th food produce, will haw greater, return thla eeaao to oaa hut area la good, than to many yvu. u fir tbe flof nddt j '.'Jim tna nap iiuen . t.. Th gtMmir nmara and Ruth, of tha Oregon RaUroad dr Navigation aom pany. Uka you direct to th hop fields of Ortgoa. Boat toava dally at t:M a. m frAn Aah atreet awoav - - ' iaaaat a hot, say btogdem faa a Sue and pat nag yoaaany wn atwn atoBdrcd Bella wwaatag dbw. kaatoad. Bat ah Preejaenatol Oen. V SHOES Pm oaawaB. -ammkv .-.-. :r V, .? .'. , -f K-m manufactured inT l uitAUUiavttuvu aaa these' facta : 1-WbX! ; Portland JOresori t)MU amahala aM . X I ('' i -