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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
1 ...' - . ' 1 ' ' ' .'"' Vl . . " . kuv nnnu .nATf.V TOUKNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVFTINOl SEPTETTTTt 0. lr 4. mxamsesBrnwrnmawmaaam ien o seisw t kegwtVsLsl LklWe) " CIO HO HERE LI FC2TUD NEWS OF THE I.IINES U 1 ! k -. -) saeaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBm U 11 r 'J 11 1 " I Mm , ' ... - J I OFEM GLASSES FOX THE C05HKG SEASON ;HB hopie;o th Opera - Glass nwlB, .FnuiM. Ours com from there and ' only from J foremost lac : p toriea. Of course within our lock the - La Maria ; pre-' donunatea. It's tha world's beatfTha other makaa we. carry are much above 'tha ' ordinary and will bnrtte in - spectioa " for their auperb qualities. V. AD coma hi- tha .white, amoked and Oriental pearls, 'with latest attached handles. Ask to see the - ; 4 'ft tfeldenheimer .CorThird and Washington. Jewelers. Slbrersmiths. s fffuiuiasH Prom Seattle eemes the terermattoa that William C Oetea, "Swift water Bin,' the mochly married discoverer of Klon dike gold, it divorced, 'and close upon it eela tbe report that be is shoot to be awrled for the fourth Hm BlU H well knows la Portias. With fa third wtf h Irred htn for a parte! or about two jeara They want ta Wirt Infftoa, D. C. Ther. after a eetc of ato UpaUoa. BUI' left Urn wife to a krtln fcouaa, in aatf aeaalieaa, A weak later a chHd-waa born 'to bar. but aobodr kar where to SnS the Kloodlher. He haft aaaeoaadlj aoaa back ta tba aUafa ta ra trtova Ala waatael fortaaa. - WalUne; for Mat-to rotwrnr'tbt waa' eofcipellaa totttvo eet tba chart tr of frlenda ontU ah was be M travet, when - tbay. aeol aer v At Seattle -la wee aha waa (ranted a aiToroe on tba areunde . ef deoerttoa aad aaa-aupport. BUI im trm ta awry aaaln aad nunor aaro be rn tends ta do ao. He to at Tmoana and -la aaid t baver aaade a ataka, ' There have beea ajiauuie la. a of BUTs sBantaaaa. Tba wife who has Mat dtroreed blai waa Bora Besba, Six Tears av aba waa-aanetne; bt cowaar bail at Vtetarta. "ewtrtwater Bill" waa bar .soot ardent aarotrer. Hie Srat wife. Quasi 1a Mar. waa oa tba ataaa, and ItboaaA aba drraroad blm. ha aaevnd. tbroaah her, am latrodoctloa to tba IS-' car-old daaoar. Bill's rletta ta tba placw heeaau aeora refufar and he followed tba alrl aad her avotber. flnalljr. to Seattle. Ther bo planned aa elope aient to IClon-, dike with Bera. Ho aecured paaaaaa for htaaaelf an Ms Intended aa the Huoa boidt hi May UM. aad avea bad tbetr aacaaco aboard when a polleaauui with aaaaaaaa's eoaiUlnt In his pocket stopped the runaways. Bill next auda peaoe with the aaather. aad the trio aareed to ao aertb toevtber. That fall the Oat as .were saarrted. BnTa loefc was aamlnat hlea at thla Uama aaa la a. m tiw to Portland. Bin won tha a fraction of hte ttrst wtfa, Ctasole. H la said, by pi muting bar with tha flrat two era tee of ecao that ever ar rived k tha Klondike, for whleh ha paid SI par saw. She also was a concert hall danesr. They lld toaetbar for two rears, then want to 'fYlsoo, where the husband fell In lovo with his wife's slater, Oraoe La Mar. Ouaslo obUatnaly allowed B1H a dtvorco and shortly afterward be married raea. Wrthln eta months the getd asihar Seaarted his bride, i . aseelal DUeateb e lb JenreaM aeatUat WaarL, Sept. John Wood man, a aoldlar at Fort Lawtoa, escaped from tha hospital ward last ataht aad la believed to be roaming somewhere la lb woods, deaaented. . BorSltsB) eTM Met A aVrshWf NDVDrlO'S A thad mmtt Know rr was voamd Meet rcT end tt.i V tr ' e f b O .TMr t a me ait err." K r eee.u aer drvTT. ' -s aad f st the dtw-orvr ef W dee '4 wiik V"3 tooj. Sisc.Hm w KMna Ar- iit. SlMHt'T.' fL,IAm a o oxb ar axoar- nsn vzsd a Msbbtbtb wns uxs inntna or aTaawiam ' ; 00 mm?m e r- wmm. BVsrr poaslblo Influence will- be hroagbt to bear at the annual aeaotlag of (he Pan rem Nina of tha Concatenated Order of tbo Ho Hon, whleh asaeta at at. Louis September f, to bavo poruana selected aa tha neat annual moating alaea of the order. - Tha ground-work waa laid at Buffalo last year, by Robert D. Inman and M. C Braaaf leM. who met with flattering sanosaa, a resolution be ing adopted at that time favoring tbw city, atneo tnoa tb followers ot the Black Cat on tha Pacific ooaat have been aetlva 1a laboring for -PortUnd aa tha next annual BMftlng place, the strongest support oosalng from tha Ho Hoo orgaa- laatlosM of Waablngtaav Two delegates have been sent to at Louis to urg the oauao of Portland, They are George B Tout. Pacific ooaat representative of tb a A. Woods Manu faoturlng ooenpany af Boa ton. Mass.. and r. J. Durham, traveling representative for B. C JUklnd A Co. Though- rea abl aasurano baa baas glroa that tha Ore gnu motropollo will secure the plum, It waa thought bast to toko na chance, but to aend the best men obtainable to St. Louie. Prom Seattle goe T. H. Claffay of the Corbln-Ctaffey company, who to aaid 4 be V red-hot Portland Pbrtland wHl nrobably bo repreaeated on tha'SuproaM Nina also. It waa rp reseated forawrly by Bobert D. Inman and la now repreaented by Jamas A. Clock of fn WuKwoslo Ontral railway. Mr. Clock holds tha pealtlos of gurdoa. It ta thought Portland will ho the unani mous obotea'af the Supram Nina, which includes tha .fallowing: . Saarg of the untvarao, Bdward M. VHtaUr, Pennayl raala: eon tor Roe Hoo. Prank M. anelL Wisconsin: Juator Hoo Hoo, J. A Bonnr. Texaa; bojum. C D. ' Bourka. Xlllnota; oiivenoter. J.-H. Batrd, Tennessee; ab barwoafc. Karl Jaburgh. Maasachuaotta; euatooaclas. - John FaJat, New York; arcanoper. 1, B, Fitswlleoa, Bow'Tork; gurdon, Jam A. Clock, Oregon. A strong tottor from tha Hoo Hoo of Washington and s telegram from tha annual masting held to Seattle will be read befora tha Supreme Nla at asaetly o'clock la tba evening of September nine being the mystic number of the Hoo Hoo, urging that Portland ha tha neat sassttog plana of tha order. On that day telegram Will ha asm by Oov rnor Cham bar lain, leading cttlaon of Portland and a number of oommaretal or- ganlsatloaa, requesting that Portland be selected, as .tha . next meeting plaea. These letters and pel "grains will back up tba work, o tha, spsotal dotogatlos and Ourdon Clock . . . : z: If .Portland to ssfepted. ad tha neat annual meeting ptaoe of tha order, tha sasaion will probably ha bald oa tha Lewis and Clark fair grounds. There is considerable talk of erecting a Hoo Hoo building at tha fair to past tola etty se cures tb prise. On of tha moat oa thuamotlo workers far Portland to A. H. Potter of B. C Atkins A Co, whoso augasattona sav generally been carried out. - It to said that tha reception given the visiting Knights Templar by Portland will form a strong card la tha gama Portland Is expected to win. Bvery air Knight leaving bar expressed ta glowing terms hi pleasuro at tba hoapltabl sat tit aahibltod by tba eltiaena Copies of tooai pa pars will be carried to St Louis by tha Hoo Hoo dalsgaUos and articles deaorrptlv of what Portland oaa do, to tbo way of entertainment In serted to the official argaa of tha wor shipers at tha Black Cat's shrln. WILL FIGHT DUEL FOR fOMA WHALLEY - t - (Jeweal sgirtsl Servke.) , Los Anseleo. Sent. A-CbsHoa 1Mb Vernee. who ontoyo the distinction of berng the first of tha, three has bands af tha beautiful Norma Whalhey, left Sap Praaclaco tonight determined to Saht a duel with Michael Carey, a theatrical man. for alleged improper twaaarka about the wosjiaa-whe was-one -Mra. Vomer, hut who to mow the wife of Bdward Per lval Clark, sasv of tha famous Bus- llsh lawyer. Vomer said: "Mies WhalUy waa osoo mine and for that reason 1 elatm tha right to defend her good name. Carey ha mad stateensnts . ooncamln- her which 1 resent. Oarer to Atlglg -wall knows to thoatrtoal olrotoa. ' TWO KILLED AS A RESULT OF OLD FEUD (Jearaar Sjirlsl Swvks.) . -Hunttngtea. W. Va, Sept. C As a result of a bloody Sght caused by an attempt on the part af a clerk to collect a long overdue Mil at Orson Stooaia, ta miles north of hero, yesterday, two men were killed, one fatally and one seriously Injured, and two participants who es caped are thought to be badly wounded. The deadi Allen Bramflcld andr Wil liam ApasuK Bmmfleld bad been jus tice of the pea os of Lincoln oounty for H years. t The wounded: - Oeorg MeaA will dto: Jobs Lambert, asiioualy wounded.' ; POB (Sseetel Dleectca to Tee J reel) Centralis. Wash,, ' Sept, I Joha B. Ages of Seattle la building g new cream ery to thb sorth and of town near the Central la creamery. Mr. Ages has been using the plant of the Contralto cream ery for several years, but the teas ex piree m a rew aaye ana as aesiaeg to Install hla own plant, .,-. :! PxtATrXtf, - BpbSWAI INOll GONE, til .seaw -- t . eaw iwtoB, Tot Lsat far soraJdaa. Herpicide -kina she t r- Cat sabtte b resnat the Kw nrnirte sot- -1 eVMreew the ertruff ailmeei etota fii baU as smt-te the ecels esalnet ertvirttne. A etifetfal heir ari lug. ' m UchJef leeUnif. Its lauaenee poo- ity pravM iu gaiiaeieB. sera aem aav em I yoe here aelr save. nKCa..oBtl.lra niwrirj bakbcr snopa m:usm ran at wu znm ,-. ,- r PbAJTV A TtSTfcMS MAM WMXX bmws n? ajtb . commmmt FATwB 'SULaJBSBI lift PXBsl BsV i. V. A' Bverythlng was csmpletsd by tha man- agement of tba- Tab Lima sseanar for blowing. to on tha permanent xua early thla week. No news baa baas received yet whether the plant to operatlag, hwt It presumably to, as tha tost rua. made at tha time of the vtoU of Chartea 1 Tutt, waa satisfactory la very respect. Water waa dedclent, but a pumping plant was Immediately ordered to pro vide again? thto - trouble when th natural now above the plant failed. . Blowing la of the Takllma ameltar Is th moat jjnportaat mineral develop ment of southern Oregon for many years. Mr. -Tutt gad aaaontoXes are tha mes owning th United States Reduc tion A Banning company properties of Colorado, which to th second largest re duction ooaoara of the world. They are thoroughly xportnoed to the work, and bring with them from their Colorado ooeratlon tbo latest solentlfle and eoe- nomle knowledge of smelting and pro eees work, wuk ouch - men- pledging their faith ta the future of southern Oregon's copper salt, . exterwlva gaining la assured. Ore from tha oompany properties to to be handled at the commencement of work, the Quaes of Bronx and Cowboy mines leading at present ta production. It to stated that tha bins and dutnpe have sufficient at th aurfaoe to keep th ameltar busy day, and that de velopment to progress . to producing mora daily. The character of thla ore la such aa ta require little fluxing material from tha out Id, ana; the general aver as of ooppar In what la termed com mercial rock, will make a high-grade matte. The plant to designed to pot a prod not oa the saarket M to M per oast pure. ... v 4 Vary satisfactory results were bad Is regard ta fuel to the aharga. The Oregon Mining Journal says that about per cent of the charge wag ooke, with jfroa pct of reduelng thla further, when operatlona are etaady. The highest type of work dona on the big mineral one of southern Oregon and northern California has -bees at tha Mountala Copper , company's plant to - haeta county, xnere to aemi-pyrnie process of smettlng to employed, with a high measure eA suocees, and the fnrnaosg nave been Knows to continue tc noura. under full blast, without Inquiring pound of ooke for tha charge. This work proven that ther to sufficient sulphur in the cupriferous vrea af the big son to do praotioally all of Its emetttnav end testa made oa the Queen of Bronx and Cowboy ores assure for them equal sno oass to the fumaoa, whoa operation are steady. Coke has to be hauled about 41 alios from the railway, which would give It a eoat of $31 to M a tea at the smelter, and any foot sarins; through pyrltlo emeittng, wlU bo of Immediate profit to the msneaement. Mr. Tutt aaid th furnaos was sapaMV of handling about lit tons of or dally. As development work progress and th aupply of ore Increase, the manage ment will have so difficulty In adding to tao reduoUou plant accordingly. BE MT IIP MB Woxt year Tla City win bs produo- lng oommeretal tin, says aMgar J. Daly af the BUoa. I secared tin claims on Orouee creek while I was ta the far aorth, and from the Intelligent work being done by the Barteto oom sany' and the oonoera represented br ex-OovernoT Hatchlnaoa I have . no doubt that the large amount of develop meeit aad prospecting don there for the past two years wlU reach th climax of production. The Barteto oompany la rushing work on Its snaelta-ig plant With the ameltar the company to erect ing a large electric light and power plant for which all will be used aa fuel, and that will bo dHvrd at Tin City to tank ooaaters running from Cali fornia. Tta City baa a population of three or four bond red, but whew the smelter blowa to next year there will be many more people to this extreme northern latitude." Mr. Daly aara that tbo result of ex amination mad by the geological sur vey has boos, most encouraging. At the time that tha government's geologist waa on Seward peninsula but two claims of promineoee had been worked, show ing the tin ore to place. . Moat ether work bad been for stream tin, but tha high-grade character of thla deposit and Its ebundanc convinced tin miners that largo veins would bo dissevered later. Representative of eomo of the strongest operators of the world mads trips Into th district during the sum mer Just closed. Andrew Carnegie bad one expert there with a corps of s donas assMtanta. Other great capital ists were, attracted, and - sent expert. The Battels oompany to the most ener getic concern operating as yet, and aa awre a ameltlng plant eooa. The Mae of mining tla and then ahlpplng dt aa a crude product to a emelter located In a mor southern latitude seems to have been gives an, a the company to se cured that the long Arctic night will not materially interfere with their op eratlona after fairly under way. i Mortar Mocks have bees placed for th gen stamps,' to be put- in at. the Blue Bird mill ta eastern Oregon, and the mans cement expects tc have this pert of the mill ta commission, eooa Tep stsmpsara being -put la the build ing erected for a roll ooncsntratlng plant a aa additional mill capacity and to handle more oAvantageouslp the free . ore. The date far opening Um plant to not Stag yet br Manager Wrlsht but tha raise belns putt through from the adit level aad tb la- ( staltottoa of'Ohatee, Indloat that th aro Jb Oommlsal H to th purpose ol the management ta eomplete rh con ceatrater- and run the tsr branah tb beIU t UM eeme iiao. , . , . aVdkam 9. BAJVT BATS '.YatAV TWM BAJaVBIsl CWSyPhaTT IB A WOBSX 'obTv maBvoviax? pxajt abb ' aWWSxMsayVaOJ ATI WOt CVaT, KM KE. QI till U IIP AT IAXIK BATE BbsVanaBV VO zs potnrB a qu. PO A 1 Bash work la Wag don by the man- agetnsat of th Great Northern mine In the Blue river district, to get tha Hunt ington grinder and additional concen trating plant lne tailed before the bad weather seta fa. Hauling over the new road - ooaatruored by th Bin river miners .to tha top of tha Calapoota di vide would be serious matter after tha ground became very moist. . Tb incorporation of the oompany managing the Oroat Northers with W. A Standlsh of Brownsville aad H. C Mahoa and A. O. 'Waller at th helm, places tt ta condition for mere effecOv operations It waa worked under a partnership arrangement previously, the lessors having the mine under bona. Development was pro sod oa the main vein, with the. result that aa ore body of about IM fest in tongth waa opened, IB which the rich black oxide araae. ehortobed ta the Blue river district, was found la considerable quantities. This higher grade waa hauled by means of go-devlto to a l-stamp mill a -quarter of a mil distant, tha medium and low grade ore being placed oa the dump for future ooeratlona. In tha drift run. the ore body bad a varying width, reach ing from eight to ten foot at times and again closing down to the width of the tunnel. For work aa aear tha eurfaee tbo quantity of rich oxide was greater to tha" Great Northern than ta aay other property of that eeetlos. The old equipment -consisted of two l.aOO-pound stamp, with triple dla o ha rat mortars, a email engine and one concentrator. When th Huntington la t-tnetalled, it 1 not known whether the stamps will yet bo used or not two concentrators WlU be worked. The man agemsnt to also said to have arraagod for a tram, which will have a length of (MM fot The mill must ho located ta the oanyon, on account oc tno water, and a tram wlU have to be employed to del Ivor th ore until the management and It expedient to drive a crosscut from that level. . - ' : LAST SHOOT MORE V THAN SIXTY FEET Oa 4s lower level of the Stanoard mine, la the Quartsburg district,-the ore body recently entered has been de nned, to have a length- of more than It feetJ Vice-President Zoeth Houser sum to tha city yesterday and stated who seen at tbo Imperial that tha drift had paaaed beyond this shoot hut another that bad been opened above waa due. Work to thto face la being prises d stead ily with .two shifts. The eoppev-oobalt ore, opened to the Willi Boy drift, proved to ha a cross veto. . which has not bean drifted, ss K to th desire to extend the Willie Boy aa rapidly a possible. - Nothing further ha pat developed with regard to a concentrating plank said Mr. Houser. Reduotlos to being considered and It la barely possible that tha company may begin work yet thla fall, although the dellberaUos ahowa thus far In all plana and execution thereof would Indicate that mill equip ment wlU probably -be. postponed until BUNKER HILL PEOPLE a PAY BIG DIVIDEND 1 " '.Jerel apaawl Sarrle.) V ' ' Wardiwr. Ids.. Ssrs, The Sep tember dividend tof the Banker H1U A Sullivan Mining oompany, aggregating m oon, has lurbe geoiareo. This dtebursement will bring th total divi dend of the his Coeer eTAton conoers sines January L lHt.ttp to Mia,. As the preoedtng month waa th banner month of the mln ta tta ahlpplng pro duct of conoentratee and ore, it to S- rally believed that the dividend aia buroomenta ensuing thto year win be en larger than th on deeiarea for September. . . . f-, , . mireitHT. Joan A Davleex a young sjtrTOper of the eestera Oregon district, passed tbrousrh th city yeeterday en rout to Berkeley, where h will nam bis coarse in mine en si nesting. Mr, Device will bo abto to complete hi studies ta about two yearn, and expects to spend next cummer's vacation la Otagos, whor be baa been employed for three years. H, W. B. Smith, oa of -the prtwcrpai owners ta the Cracker-Summit oompany. Sumnter. to registered at tha Perkins, with bla wife. a. OrvlUe Wallace of Bugene, am of th owners of the Oroat Northern prop erty, waa to She city Sunday, and left for hla noma yesterday. Mr. Waller aaid work was progressing at tb mm satisfactorily.- , - 'Th Portland of floe of th Cracker- Highland oompany, operating In the Bumpter district waa informed yester day that the crosscut being driven oa th Blue Bell claim was to highly min eral teed slate, with other vela indie lions. The management aspects to out th St Paul vein In a few daya 1 wkM I rlaa khi ffuMMBi Save eaeae to Beeeauaeae rves. wsa, w aun sagiwentg, gejr irtoPwwsag v -a r aaJeWSsPHARTld , Bea-aeeBB" 1 r ' . t ' Pheaet, faletable, rates, Tee Qeea. jaaieal fee eere er yoar ewner toll, gterwsg Kemsdy Co., CMcogo er ar.T, egj ; Shmmsi tye weej s-m aoj ssvirg j,mmmmXL mmfj M i m I rwA Iosjs PIDPLES "1 eried an vtmfa ef bleed lemefllea wain fane te do bm ear soot I have foaed e liehttlilna at fir fLia wu feller ylple atiT Maok S3. AfUr taklni Ciri lltj llf. kM eonilesles t sftbM see reeeiaie4lni nam to rntMi. rm, LjaAB no p oass ro bb oara a atrsy boys, was swsibi obsv svosr jprraito, stAJPaa swola- I BvOAPB raOIS BBYBO ' ' earaal speHal Serrlee.1 . Ban Irraxwlaec, Sept - A trtoonr supposed to be one of the date boys, tbe train robber well knows In Oregon, made his oarage Saturday night from the New Western hotel where be was being held to the custody of two railroad detect tree. Southern Paelflo officials' mouths aro dosed for fear some word of tbe capture and escape will reach the public. Last Saturday Bight Detective Peter Lewln, and one of hi assistants, took, the mas to th hot at They entered the barroom and took aeveral drinks Lewis toft bto oompanlona to engage a Later he returned with tbo tefoima tlon that roots 1M waa secured for the night Lewis accompanied the prisoner to the room and to IB minutes returned and took a seat ta tha barroom to await dawn. Half aa hour later a bell boy rushed through the building ta aoaroh of a detective. Lewis ran to the room which ho had engaged a abort time be fore and to bto dismay found that the prisoner had escaped, while the man left to guard him waa found gagged and se curely tied to recking ohalr and could not move either band nor foot, Th prisoner had mad a euddea at tack and .overpowered the guard and captured hla pistol, bound blm and es caped. Dates to wanted for holding up tb Oregon xpr near Bedding sev eral months ago; Ooaoara wilt not ptvo out, the story. "f ... ;t... RESCUES DROWNING MAN WITH A LASSO -.1 V (Jearaal Sgerlsl Sarvtoj.) : ' San Pranclsoo, Sept AA bravo po liceman, clever with the lasso;- rescued Joha Werner, a member of th CllA house I if saving crew, from drowning. Werner waa working , on th lltti eteeunsr Maggie which was stranded oa the beech near the cllS house and at tempted to awlm out to the Vessel In 'spite of a heavy sea. walla ha waa .andvr the Influence of liquor. He pad on line of the breakers -safely but the next comber caught him and the crowd on the beach saw blm dlaappaar. Ha same to th surface helpless. Michael 3. Oreggalna of the Park po lio rode down to th beach, spurred hla horse tot th water, swinging a -Hate, The breakers splashed around tha horse. flghtB)tno the animal, but Oreggalna threw true, and the rope settled over the swimmer's shoulders. .Taking a turn of the Ufa lino around the saddle he dragged the well algtt exhausted Werner onto tbe beach. . i u. .... .,. FIRE DESTROYS MILK 'V - t PLANT AT CHEHALIS (Saeaal rspatxer te Ta leeraaL) : -'' Cbehaila, Waab., Sept A Soon Altar midnight thla morning tha plant of the Che halls Atllk Condensing company waa discovered te be on nre. There had been son of tbo employee ta the plant since : o'clock last night and tbe origin of the Sre Is mystery. The nmrnfactar Ing plant waa totally destroyed, anry tha holler, hollar house, water task gad office being saved. .-vX The lose to estimated attsfcotit a,jg with toaurano of -rnor than le).oax The plant has recently been handling from W,OM to pounds of milk dally and distributing among the farmers from ton ta IMS) monthly tb past three yeaxs.. - - - - t, AMERICAN KILLED: : BY. YAQUI INDIANS ;-v - in , ,- ' 1 Special Diaprtek to Tb Cereal.) Tucoon, Arto. Sept . Mall sdvleoa oontata the flrat report of as attack oa aaAmericas party at Baa sfarctol, Sonora, by Taqul Indtoas, ta Which N. Oarrett of Fresno , was killed and a oompdntoa seriously wounded. Oarrett had been purchasing supplies for the Sunset Development oompany and waa ;.- v. (-.- f- v - s 1 v . , y " ; Free ' We ire ' ; Qoing to ; I- , Give a good, Dcsirat)la 1 Waist with Every1 -rt V Boy's sriit Purchased Hera This week . a HEN the . most carefal and up-todats dressers - in America pick out Zy Alfred i Beiijaniins ca Co.'s Correct : Clothes . as being the proper" thing, the in it; - We are sole Port land : agents for these ,Uothes.' - ; j: .t3ee the new;Fall Styles of V the KNOX, WAR B URTO N and STETSON HATS. v - BUFHJM-& CLOTHIERS ' ' HATTERS . FURNISHERS MOfTtson OTxaec , an vouto to tha aatoas at. La aooesapaaied by Stover Lewssott, an a- ginser, and cartos vorauge, mextcen driver. - They topped at aooa to root th male and Garrett had gone out to bring the aalmals, to when he was ourrounded by a party of Indians and - shot' down. Loverctt nsdt La Cweets, a Mexican vlltogo, s rnllo and a half away. Tha Yaqula turned their guna as him and ha was a truck ta both toga and arm by bullets. LevereU suooeeded to drag ging hinuMlf to La Cusata, where ho gave the alarm. Tordugo wag unhurt. Wfll ' ' '' ' -'t ' : ' ' vs-i '" - w; 1 " wksffci ii i iii ii mill to yea by ft 'V '" fMsH rB hxad of seex . ' - ' " ' r ' roaTallaiBlas fas oa ta Whs fiasail aw eesBBBeeaaasaBeaaewsa I in Mothers Must Not Forget That Monday Is the opening day of the Fall term of school, and that Welch's is headquarters 'for reliable clothing, and we want the boys trade at ' all-ages. The lathers know that whatever comes from Welch is all right or we make it right, and the price is an important considerotic., :. , Am fVi swf IlkVwsltlwsllfMI k WfxPth .' A Poonw of C Annt SCHOOL CLOTHING Nothing wa can ssr In i the arffurnent which 7 f ta the srmimgnt which presents. Every conceirsble msterisi t which will wear and look wall la here In tha new Pall showins? at PLEAS- INQ PRICES. i 4 ' :; ' 1 1 .. j - s FEHDLETOili "C vmpoans) iJaioiDca X -" Sr.- A tB BtA.' . 1 (Seectal Dtssetek b Vxe neL) Oantralla, Wasau. Sept A Tb reel dene of K K Spear, a pioneer of th tows of Po Btt on the South Bend branch of the Nerhra Paelflo railroad waa totally destroyed by Are yesterday afternoon. - Only about 111 worth fit clothing waa aavoA . Mr. Spear was , away at th time ef the Are and Mrs. Spoor aad bar two dsughters were at horn alone. Bom of the heavy furni ture waa removed bat, was destroyed, later from a spark from thb house, Ther was $l tnsu ranee. -SxaaBBBaWflnMto 'Vi'!:; ' : ...w-e Thefiamous 25C kind, so w-known - v v n mothers ;'. , for the bedanceof thiswee&H Two Fairs for priht la equal tha clothing the cloth in 0: : x ..... '.-. . : V ' 'I V 1." . 1 i- v - A.' Iron f Ckd nose 4l . r x 1 4' 1 : i ;. r'- " -7 r ;r.