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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
1 7 t cre; rirtY journau -pctitd, Tuesday svenino, September c ltd' tto. CD5T BMrTMUtaV, it l otpt vonoaa,' mrt v oncBt. OBTT BOTPOta. BAZtaoAB tThntTAaxf; I MBMP :5 ; Ms . . . ... Bui a' .(' VBOMtlS AMEWtWUTt FOB HCVBOTS- lujra ot aroajuca Ararat. Notice to tothr give that tto OnmB Of pn city of puand pron-.M niwwuuj ojoaeribeor eew j M uauw or owners m tolug apec ,Iy and peculiarly lonajlted In tlM uhuiu Ht eepoalte Out names deacrliKV oa ttetol toe to laprtmunant iksm. from k Botut 100 foot wmi Wt Uue of Grand eeebiie to tto nt eerb ilne ef Boat Mneteaittt attest, a provided ay orojnajx-e io, ia.u. -; Any objections to tto spportlimM eat of tout far mU Improvement mw( be mIi i writing to tto OmuwIV ud filed with tbAAudlb within V If day from tha sat of tto tret puaUaaUoa , of this notice, ud um objections will bo Aerd ead deterniwed by tto Council to ton V PVr- orottaaon ommmibb tiw ef Mid IbJummnL ' at, treot of tend ljlng awtwtwe the north Im , Apahaue Mmna and Una 100 feet north - tneroof tad parallel ttorewltt d Wwmi , tb mat Mm of Oread arena m4 Una, ivV " V ido itniw( xnoce- EIXWOQIK-Aocjf tat I Eatoa. rwrtar. ITmmI Batoto Investor' K5tivn, ii.tti - m.t. iilocm u. isT a rum H-w m atons' uMcliiM, Ht-M; fat V Baal BaUW "'"" aencia(io. mU.MJ lot g, Krai - f P-'""" Aaaocistlun, Ug. lot 4. j; it 5 mi gtoptord buu. tM d. mat flnlBlB Td mm, or. VZX.T0 d Vlrfluat Vo 4, A. M. Willi Mra HMf Ai. lot S3, ftt : lal tTTamri A. Beffe. AM-A: Lari 1 BHi. 130. fit lot 4, Uan Bwk, (fM.'lf. BUOCH M 10, Wttllam lot A Braek. lot I, Hnto Brock. Mb Ub: lot t. Kit A. KUrtU. WUhl Hut, toln (. 4T.Ji 1h A y. witwu Ea tat, kctr or, pw.vt. ajuucik A, bit 10. Chub Hordtorst. W;14; k. Jl, Au(t A.Mt M A, Mn, ft M. Hicflaf, B.M: lot a rf kk-hW, jm .W; tot . AUM . XttchML WH.M. . kt In J imil ln 11. Bm I. itBUA, Att.l kt , L U. Aifcifl. 130.10; lot A, D. A. MclAlft, ff.w; lot T, . M'li Eta b M Bobbin. Jf Whim, tff'bt 4, bhwlM L. WilpuW, Whlppl, A2S.42: lot d. CkulM U WilpfiW, f ; V iw.Ol; JM H. C i WWpolt, .; tot 9, CdJuUuthtin, u.Ti tot A OaroHao Cbobi - jt kam. aVn); lot ft, OT L. AdbImbU, M . v trt of Und tola UttM 'tM'H J S . HpBkUB -' BBd UBB BMtb 1U0 BMtfc ttolBof d MPllM ttoftwlth. In ub tk wmH ttma) of OrafM imiM nd Una 100 ftot wm( tbwaaf aad McaUal tluaith- VwA ft. llnrrla. I1MH :fiLLWOOD BLOCK A W I. WUHaBl BOd truia. tW.VT; M t. WtUltai andatrom. k.-ib; tot I, Haal Bjnn UHin Aaaocw J, tloB. 92H1S; tot 1, Roal laUta iBVoaton' A-orUlloa, 44-44. BLOCK 10, tot AT. A. -.7? WodOAllTld "L T. A. Wood AJA91; lot 1. T. A- Wood. IB.M: tot 1. T. A. Wood. m.441 tot A fvi 4. iiMrk am.00) im iTrMd m norm. iS BLOCK. 80, tot a, M Bobblna, ..." MZ.M. BLOCK M BLOCKU. fat If, K B. WoodbuiT. 4:-:. H tn.Ui tot 11, Latvia DwfeBth tau. I la. lutotrr Lidu MA. A o. v. i W.. fll im IS. Iwnk'L lllratTa. ISA 1A. Joarpb. L UmtA, KIB.W wt IT, t bL. Boaawr, OB-Bi; tot Boaaar, maO; tot a7wIUUbi Blclvta Fna-ZnTUD-Sti hW" W. CaT.ob.lL MA44. BLOCK W, tot 1ST Italia A, Hall n.07; lot 12 Btrlla A. HelL Aau.50: tot 14. tli A. U, fffl-OTj lot ,14, (MUM W UM bomb,; tot w, wauat, St: tot irT Btrll. A. UaU. .: lot it. tella A. UaU. AM. SO; at 1 L. L .Bran, 1.80; lot 1,, L, U Brom, BiXHJfc M, HT Andr.wV A) AM; vtliTL W.14.1.. Hi lot U, Hautattb A. Jbon. .ia; Ml 11. BLOCK TUw lolAKUOA A, W m av Bars. Bariu, . tar J. WhUa, 9M, tot . WM ilr tot ritPmbytr 1A 1, riaar mabytarltB . - Caarcau AM. 1 A B LOCK T. cut tot 1A Ah L. HawaJna, bw.7; aaa at u, u i - WA u In Id, UaarlattA A. , r ,V Aojpwt C. Ki.a, A.T; tot if. i". W. CamutoO, MAM; tot 1A Artkar K. BetolUB. 'y i; in t Aoaa H. Oatawood. SAM; tot V, 3 riUMl M. Oatawood. fdATO; rtfbiAl waj i .,v-V. C'tJ tiMftu BaUinf Gov. 9V.2d. XaJ -'X5-r THOB. . toBTLITt. i 3f( - - AttHloc ot tto City of PorttaM. , PovtfawS, Or, Sopuntbor C, 190A otBOrOAKO AWWlaTTITt VOB DCrBOTB. - m'traiiBBm- Mottok to Awokr HrM tkat to Oowrtl off t d0M Cttr C Formal ttopotm to hmw -tto r ft'ltowlDaT daoerltod proportf bad owaor or anrnafli ia bata BMoUltf aad toeltorU Boaa araon Btod Ift tto aaovnta aot aoalU tba aataM And doocrtotloM tbaraof Im tto laaBmamaBt aTOMnd anaso, froas tto anrtb lino ol BMWt atrvat to tto aorth Una off laat Cfav toaot, aa aroTtdod bf ordtoaoM M.1AM. . A? btoctioaa to lto aittonaWbt tf Ml tar MM UKprorajaMit ntbt bo auda la wrlttuc to tto owneil and niaa wita no avaaitor wttblb U dara from Ma aw of tto arat await- SUoa at thia aottaa, hoard aad da Urn! I JaMtfo of tba or aaaj aaia aajo atiaoai wiu m7 tto oobbcu barora Mb aoM fwt of tot 1 I Tt. Wimaooa tatato. kolM at, Bill tot A oba Mara aa 11. t " rAHK ADDITION TO Ba.8t RlXfMt IM. tot 1. Daalar W. lloalblBd, - 7 Sim aat. te A - baatol W. HaaiMna. rf BBS WJ&t' ft' ' i.a iviimb eta aa awWobkI VahIloca in. tot 1. rJNwiBtadtBf Bmo.. Jf.dD; tot A Noaatadtar w, Broa., TAdt;W A Tba Raartbara Bauia, A . T4 44; tot A Tto Hawttoono Batata, (TS.40; , . BLOCK ISA? fat 1. Loaua H. Botoa. fTAM; W nrlHM BL tlak. B74.aTI IM B. a. waanM lot 1. Tto L Tto Raw ., CattPrtna H. bma, fT.; m . .JJ JI. Back, TR.aO. BLOCK IM, f ,Halh Matala. I7A4U: fat 1 - ui u. . 3 BT4.0; kK a. -oapa oviaar, bmjwk T lai, tot LTto Harttona aBUta, jn.f: tot -J HwttoraB Kattta, ITatA TRI'MBKI ADDITION TO f AW POBTLAND j. , ; BLOCK dl, lot 1, jnorpb Uatfar. MT.Tt; . kt l Mh n.iw, no.oeT tot A BHsatotb Hrinta Batata, fealre ol, 106.70; tot 4, OoOTo - C. JaVaro Batata, hcara of A5d,t -i 1 BART IOBTLA N r BLOC It W, tot , B. V. imtiin. lot' A R. B. lanaa. AA10, iBmaa, lot' A R. Ibmwb, .M.10. BLOCK ftt, tot A Babitt St Hit. : tot t. Batotto lalUaar. 08 01; lot A, Babatto tit Saltlbf. pTiti tot A A , BLO(l M, tot t, Jm - 7. Jooanb PaqoM. fill as. fWl.Bi; lot a. sanatto i?a.aT: tot a. aUDerto sail tot A Babetto Beinnar, toMb Paoart, 11A40; tot T tot , yvaoaa , Joaana rsftaat, Maad Or Iluttorva. S7H.M: It aWMMBB Ui lTyMIlt VaVi bn VHIIfBi WlbtxK Batata, tolra of, T4.I lot 6, V n - dVB AM . La at Cfjartoa M. wtbora Eatote. bo ra 07. 178.40. BtXKK M. tot Tbomai HUtoa. rA40; 'i'. V Snt T. Tlomaa Rtatob, S71.48; lot RaM ,BoaT. dTAdt; totT liana Rtorrau fT.4A ' - ' - :,. BI-Of 'K OA tot A J. Ctoaaat and A. H. i V - liwra, TA40: aortk U tor T. Mar K. t ! : ( HtlttaaaiM-t, A4T.2I; aotitV H tot T, Aaton f ';j WtkaBrtH. IST.n: tot A J, a moat and , . . . A. H. varan. rrara, 74 4ft: fat V 2. Cloaaet aad H. Dorara. i, BljaUK OA tot A WltlUaa M. Ladd. 7X 40! fat 7. WllUara U Ladd. T4 48; tot A Wiuiata M. Mdd, 7A0b JRUPHCNf ADDITTOK TO KAMT PflKTLAIffTt . BLOCK tO. tot I. A. O, Buatallnbt. 47.73; Et T, A. O. Bnabllfbt, f7o.0ft; sndlrldad -J tot A tfatoay , Tai, tlH.OO; aadlrldad 4 lot I. tNlafy B. tVaa, 190; UndlTlitod fat A RudoIBb K Ua Dili. 18.00; andlrKM I fat A Budnlph Kiaallnc ilAOOt nndirM 4 tot C Oatr Bart toan, ftAOO: aadlvldd -1 Ml OiHtaT Bartnaa, 1AM. . Tot at. . ' t hub. v. vaiuin. . , -. Auditor of tto City of FarttoanL Awttoatt Oracoa, aaptaaator S. 1004. OOMTLXTIOB' AXD . AOOY7TABCX OT DaV PBOmfKaTT OT WATAB 4JTD X0OD irmBBTa. ; " - Hatleo to Baratir ttvaa rtot WimaOl 0. Bott. City BnaHuaM, too Had lb tto afflan of tba andmlgnaa a"ttoo Mat traylb 4 It rard OrDBpony; aontrattor far tha improvatMat df Water and Hood itraoto twdn- fto Brarlatona of Milluaaro Bo. ll.TTT, bM roaaplatod aald atraat ' rtaaa ttta oontar Hno of flanMoa attoot M tto aontM- Ubo of Mootanmarr Btrart. . aid aerptaaco will bh ooaat 4rad to tto Ibiarutlra Board at a'elnrk oo tto OtA day f toptoBBbar, 100, knd obtoatloaa to tto ao erptaoca of aald atraat. W any part tbaraoL ' May ba BM In tba ofdoo of ito njtaanlaaad M OMT btaaa gar ' V- By THOB. C. DTLIt, ; Auditor af tto fjrto of PorttoaaV Mttoaai 4W. lXM, , IMNIiri AWntaasrT rm utaWW MUI OT riJUaMcBI IWBKT, Hotleo la baawby tbat tto OaU of tto pit of t--' -.biMd bm MB t.-a toUaw tod aVaaria 4 -t.i(j''a"d - oe woaca aa tot ; a d roll- r tobadisd la tto atb '9 t s si auA d tloaa tt f far t. U wii- d . in jwM otreot fraa tto araat ha f Aacond atrcat M tba Mat Una of Etotwau attaot. aa Mwridad br MdlDanco Mo. l.4a. Auj objavtloBa to tto apaOTtlonaMat aa Mt Am- aajd ftaproTamaot moat aa nada ra rlttf to the CouDi-ll and Otod wltb tto Auditor w tibia U daM froai tto data of tba drat puUoattoa of tbU Bottoa and aald oalacttona will ba toard and aViarmtiu-d b tha i'outn-11 totuM tba Baa- oao of tto aidlMMM MbiMlftl tto ooatca? aaid ii roTBMai. Owj'- ADDrnOM to tto cttr C roat buad--BLOCK it. tot 1, Banarlty SbTlnfB Bank af Ban PraB'ioco. rfal.): tot A Chartoa Tbat- tow. trBk . WB.Ti lot A Chartoa Taartow. traatoa. and! siTioaa to tot a. m nau- Inf. fUA44; BOdlrldad la lot rioa a m I, Hiraab Batata, totra aC 114MT. iU)CA -I: BS, tot 1. taoorga w. MArahalL M auata r-ot tot 4. iMcn ItarabalL AM IB: aurtA M toot tot A Auat Plit, MS8; lot A Bctaian f , kmaa, fltt; lot K ttorMan Traaknaaa. h fi tiV. B1XK A M. fat 1. Itoptoa Mead tafa, totra af. ASM 00, tot 4. SleoboB Btead sauta, totra ot, foxao; bdbib m w i, Baraiaaj InM a Loaa axbU, to lot A R. t. Joanaon, Ul.tfi aai.n: .tot. a. Va faddrr. 400.4A &LUCK 17. tot 1, Orafloa 7aahat (aaaanv. 0400.41: M 4. J. O. OlaOB. M.H; totT Bray man A Sutamanrllla, fOl.Oli fat K BrayaMM 4 fejauaarrllla. two. 11. BLOCK 4A tot 1, laearlti Barlnaj A Traat foBMir, BMM; lot A Baearttjr Aala A Truat UOmu, VdAXtt: fat A Baruard L, Maaa totatVTtolra of. Ml.TT-.T L Brrnard L. Itono Batate. totra of. HS1.M. BLOCK M. lot 1. Barnard l II ail i Karat, baira ht. HlTM;jVt d. Barnard L. Stoaa Katatd, baira Of. M1.7T; tot A Mary Fblltlaa tatat. toiro f. I161.BT; andffldVd to aaat 1-S of lot A or,; nKnTioni fa aaat i- Duodoa Mortaaara, Trnat A lirfaat nana-. tta. Ml.TAt andlrMad H , tot A Ism DaLaabaott. Brt.TO; Met Trnat a urfaatanani uaaa- oaot l-a ai Uof want V-A of lot A Hlabard Brown. ItHJl: Waat 1-S tot A. Bail 0. ratr,ll81.M; aotttb 100 fWt of Part, btoek f, Wjr . af IWtoAd, AUdAAA -- . COI CH 1 APDmOB to tto dtr Of Portland BUXJK do, BBdirtdd All aaat T at of fat rWllBaM ft UaratolU ildl adftldW aVl Wl Of ftot of fat 1, Oooria W. BtaratolL ftll-lo; andtrldrd 1-1 1 aaat 0T faat of fat 1, Arthwr HarabaU. MO. 40: vaat M foot fat V W. J. . Hairklaa, flM7d; fat 4, Henrr Waoatao, -l(W.lft;.Bi)rtk to tot I. IoBMa 1. Murokl. 7AM1 tA to tot A Oaeab) ObBarar; 7fi.B); tot A John Merer oar I0H.1 BLOCK . 01, ' fat T. Antatna. Blalaa and Joan Labboa. Uiaiaa ana voaa fOM.10; fat A Kfaaard Oordao Batata, balra af, flSO.M; aortb tafat A Oomlna Lafarra, ilt.TO; aotitb to tot 1. LndgM Botra, 915.19; fat A Antolna. Blalaa and iobu Louboa, famrV1 aid VaaiK boMAl Ja7 RanrlattA Mary IT Fa 111 m and Krnllr CatolL iUULuSi fat A Hanrlotto, llanr. ralUna and Bull CabalL BOA 44 fat f, JlaortatU, Marr pTtblUna; and Bttlly Cabatl 407.10. BLOCK Id, tot A M Ballar 4 Co.. 2AMi aortb to M l. A Sallaa A.Ca,f AU.Itti aoatb to fai A Haa-h rialda! l.M fat t. Hrirr hard, S8.10; lot 7, HanryWa(otord. HM.4T, BLOCIC M, tot A Uontr W. MonaatM. toll.OI! fat A OaiUt K. Btalrbard EaUU, EuVV $ :WaCahr'ri rtrll and Goat MnLrbard Batate, balra of. (43S.M. BLOCK M. fat A Chartoa HartaaM, ; tot A Ctortoo nartaoaa, MASS; fat A Oaora Hartnaaa. IdAMt- fai J. flaerga HtrtBMa. J3M.m7L0CK SA tot i Mlrbaal frtaTUh tot A "Ictoal traer, Adt.4: tot A, Mlcbaal Tracy, Ml.M) tot T, jJleoaal flran?. MM.M. BLOCK 47. tot A Itorttond Oaa OoaiBany. AttM.OT: tot I. Porttaad Qaa ruaiT HU M: lot A Rllaa MallL BOA 22: totfT Elloa Nalll. MM. OA BLOCK 00, tot A Laat 0. Pottar Batata, balra of, ftSl.M; tot ft, Ltvl C Pottar tout, balra of, ffllK; tot A Laator Pottar. kioi.44; fat T, Cbarloa M. Btaaa at u., SBlATT. Nortk 100 faat of Park bfark K. Cltr of Portland. tSM.OA COUCH' I AUDITION to tto City of Portland- Dun a on, tat a. aoaa ivooawara, mm.wm fat 9. BoBfaia Bttadoebnh. 101.10; tot A PA clAe Ooaat Abotrect Una ran tea A' Trnat Com pany, 100.0ti fat T, Parlac Ooaat Abaffatt Oaaraaiaa d Trnat Oaaaoawr, auo.. BLOCK 02. tot 8. Joaanblna Arpea. AU1(S: fat f. Alai Mntrbaad. 1.M; anil t1 did 1JI tot A Antolna Labboo. MO-fO: BudlTldad - 1-f tot T, Antoiiia LabW, ft W .87 1 andtrldadl 1-0 lot A Blatoe Labbaa, tBu M: andlrldad l- Blajao Lotaoot.fia2.00; nMiriara 1-9 Seta Labtoa. fcc.Al;- andlrldad 1-1 tot ra LabW. llAlM. BLOCK 71. tot"!. WllUaam lUaaa at. Darto. AMd.Bl: tot A WlllUm M. TarlB ktbOM: aaat la, tot A Prad Wlndalaf. WMl aaat to tot f.Trad Wlndator, AWAM, vat MM A foba (?rirbl. 31 81; waat to totT. John Brlatol VXS.M; rlbt of a City a autmrbaa aauway uoaBBaay. uaa-a. oMi vmmm. ' AndTbaf If fto Cttr o PortUaoV ftortlaaAt Oraoa, Saptaaator i. 10OA - fBOYodmo atmiiiti roa impbotb- . MUTT T KULTBOMAM BTBXXT. MotJco to torabr ft ran tbat tto OonaeH af Cltr af Portland nropoaad to aaaoao tto foltoarlnar daon-ltod aronartr and owaof or awoara aa tolof apacUiiy aad ptaUarlr rao- Maa M aa aawanta oat oppooiia tna aad daacrlpttono theraof for tto ItaprarraaMat of HnlttMBMb atroot. from tba aaat lino of Boat Twenty-roar tb atraat M tba eaat naa or Baat Tvantr-aarrntb atraat.- M BtorMad b BNUauM Nn. ll.SaA Any obJ-tlona to tfaf apparttoaaMat af coat fa toU taiproYaaaaat awt to toad M arrttlut to tto Oooncu aad Biaa ant a tao anaitor arltbta U dara fraaa Vtm data of tba tnt aab BotUoa af tbla notlco. and Mid obtocttona wlU ba haard and datarailMd by tto (Xaaaell bafora tto Banana of tto arManao baubbjin to aaat FlRfi iDKlTToTtO BOIXiDlY TATlK AO- IT, tot 10, Tba Tltto Oaanatoa Trnat oon- un, ana ani Bat a Tha, Titm voarantao rantao Trnat aomoany. tM.fl; tot I, Tto Tit: to Onartntaa A Troat rtmnr, Truat M tot r, Tto Tltto OaarantoO 4 Truat aaaapaDy. 44.17; tot A Tha Tltto BaarBatoa- a imat aoaa- raataa' A Trtaat BOB. B0.BBI bk p. ana fnm woaran too B '. Truat MBNnf, MO. 10; fat 4. Tba Tltto Ouarantaa A Traat eoawaar, aoa.n; Tba Tltto (rtaraatoa at . Traat bbm; Ouarantaa 4 T MAltt lot A Ona U: tot A Tto Tltto Tbo Til MaMU. MAlti tot 1 i i, tbo utta vmaraava 4 Troat mrnv. WAIT. BLOCK 1A fat , Tbo Vltfa Ouaraataa 4 Trnat toMMAy, 04. U; tot A Tto Tltto QaaraaaM A Traai uauMtny,; bxz, tbo tiiw unaranitio t Troat tompany, fTAai; tot C Tto Tltto Naarantao 4 Trnat oaanpany. m7&A BLOCK '4 Onarantao C. all of tot T lyto botiroaa an oaatorly oat toaaaon of tto aarU aad . aoatb Ubm of Hultnncnab atraat. Tba Tltla onarantM Traat roaapany. Mo.. BLOTK B, tot if. Tto Tit la Ouarantaa A Trnat company, 4.XS: tot 1A, Tto Tltto Owantaa 4 Trnat ooaa,- iny. M U tot l A Tto nttotfniraataa a uway. fOAtOi tot ,a, ana aitaa Itiarnataa A Traat auBBDaar , bt.0l; tot 1A Tltba Ouarantaa A Truat oowaay. 44 ID; tot 11, Tto Tltto Oahranta dDbmbt, n07: tot M, Tto Tltto i Traat auapa ny. 90 0; tot 0, Tba Tltto Whraatoe 1 4 Truat Gnafantao Tto Tltto Jnaraatao 4 Traat toonpany, oATi .tot A TltU OnaraatoO 4 Traat canpanr. OM-Tb; St 7, Tto Tltto Uuarantao A Truat eoatpa ay. 4.M; tot A Tto TItfa .QBkrantoa 4 Truat aoapany. asff.of . tots, Tba Tltto OaaMata Tto Tltla naranrao 4 Truat com pa ay, 00. M; tot A Tba Tltla Oua raataa 4 Trait aotapany, fM B; fat 1 Tto Tltla Ouarantao 4 Trnat cnoapany. OD.bT; tot 1. Tto Tltto Ouarantaa 4 tnaat of S'JWw. ' ' AodltOf Of tba Cltf Of PnttlaMV' Porttaad. Orafoa, atoptoMbot 1. lt4. . raovoan AatitdMioi roa rMpaora- MXBt OT WTOAATT aTTBBBT. Ttottoa la barato Mraa tbat tto Oaanetl of fto Cltr of Portland ptouaoaa to aawM Ito Mlto' im. aaaavthoa imbwIi and oaraor or ownetu an baTnf anroiaily and focvilarly tonadtad la tto BBounta act oppoalto tto oaaara and daanrlp tlrrna ttoraof fur tba laiprovaHanta of Want Btrott, froai -Mo aaat Una f Untoa aranaa to tto wnat Una f Baat BaranM atraat, aa (B rMad by ordlnaoca MA 1AT4. Any obfoetloM M tto apportloaBtant ot Mat far oard fmprovaBMnt mawt to uda la arrltlna; to tbo CounrU and Btod Wltb tao Andlh arttbln IB dara fmn tbo data of tb arat pub lication of tbla nottoa. and aald obtorttoaa will to beard and datarmlnad by tto Coanctl bafora tto paanare ajf tba ardbMBM OBMllnt tto aoM of aaiaj iBiprnranirnt. mvil lllilllLANtk BLOCK A tot 1A Hi Kbm. uS.U; tot It. John Kaho, M.t0j tot M. b. HUima. am. an an n. wwm nmwi and Born PtelU, 40.40; tot IX Dawltt CUo too and Nora Balto, BU.1A BLOCK A M 1A P. W. ItourtlL - 8tAM; tot 14. p7W. PowalL Stf.OB; fat IB. Louia Larlafer,; lot 1A Laula LoMMgar, 37. IS; tot a, Irena OtlllwalL M.ov; fat 10, ' Ireaa fttlllwrU, 034 40; fat ll.lrVna ItlllwaU, 37.M; tot If. tralto tlliwaft. 200 S4. BLOCK 1, fat IK Abool DlaNrlct nJoTt, fSM.SS; tot 11, Ocboa. 1Mb trip Ma. 1, M4.ll; tot lO, 4rtoml 04- rlct So. L ta.m- tot . Oebool blatrlrt No. ttl.M; a tract of toad tying totwaoa tto aortb Una of Wyaant atrat aad a Una 100 faat aortb ttoraat and parallel tiara wltb and batwuau tto aaat Han of bfark t, Darta Haxhtond, and tto waat Una of Baat aantb - atraat If aitandVd BortMrlf la Itm praarat aouraa, ftVbnot DUtrltt No. 1. IS10 M. HtlllLANL BLOt'K 1, tot , hwT DuttotOA rOH 00: fat KIIMJ Batata. WBi tot II. KanlOB al. Lnmaden, -.l.:M: fat It. Kunlo M. Lnmadaa, fc,i a. feOCK t tot 1. RIIm beth I'akerwaad. A M.0O; tot A riaabath Tab or wood. A0.w4; fat 11. AUm H'KeaMe, M.M; fat IS. A 11 MnKaaala, Ml 4. 70. BLOCK A tot lr Percy . Pa at Ada ma. fStOAM; tot Perry Pa art Adi aa. fw.Mt tot 11. farr Paget Adamo, llAd; tot 10, Party Pat A da MM, 200.04. Toul, M-OlAOO. . , TrtOt. C. DBTLIK, WtkMBl noroAALi fob tbbbt wokx, ; tod aanaaaato artll fa faolad at tto of. taa of if a of Hi Ctty of Portland a til tp&iT, A -r 0, IBOt, at 00 o obx-i n. m, lor tto I v.taant it tba aouU to of Tar tor atraat frwBB tba aaat arb Una af BU taratb atraat to a U-a 100 toot aaat of tto aaat lino of Witaaatb otraaU U tba auBnar arovldad tt ordlaaaea Ha. 14.100, BOr,J to tbja KflaMno af tto aAartar aad ordiaauMaa of City of Port la wl aad tto aaUaaata of tto CUt MawtnaM, oa Ma. - Blda aaiial to atricrly la aooordaajM trtta fail. tad bUaba. vbUrfa Will to turatobad aa aiitllcatlon at tba ilte ol tba And I tor of tto ('It at FortlaaA Aud aald InpraTaawat anuH to eoanofatad oa r to for a W dara froai tto (data of tba aiaaloar M aha Matraot to tto Bo Bropoaala or blda wttl ba oanatdarad vH toaa amonnktod br a earttdal cbaok jaarabto Stba or afar at tto Maror of tto CU of I wtland. cartitod bJt. Maaoaalbfa bank foe t an amoaat aqai to Id aaa oaat ot tto of .UrffT"toWto-4 B- 1 MM fa Baraaf' raaaraod aw j-- ibis BmIh anairO ' ' THUA. C. pfcTLIIf. J ' Andltor of tto City of PorttoaaV -itorttaad. Oroaoa, Mumm , MOO. raoatAxa a vrman wobjl ffaatod arapaatla artU to ooaotaoa at tto M m of tto Auditor of tto City &tU Friday, feptambar A 1004. at I 00 a' clock p. to. for tto lBBpMtaftMBt of O liana ton It fart aaat of tto wort Una of Park artvat ta It toat araat of tto anat Una of Nlutb It-root, til Ito minjwr prartded by ardl jmikw No. 14,101. Mbjaat to tha prottofana f tba cbartor and nrdfnaocan .of. tko. Cltr of Porttoad and tto, oatlaMto Of (to CUT BBd- aHoaMMuBt M atrtetly to aaaaraaaM trttt priHtaO bfaBkO, Wllob ajilT to furnlMod on appltoattoa at tto ofOao ot tto Auditor af tto City of Portland, And Mid ItoproraaMat aaiat be MMOtolod od at batwu M daya froM (to Sato af tto atcalaff af tao OoatroM by too a aropoaals ar MM wttt ba annatdarad . toaa aoeonipaatod br a rartUtodobaek Myabto to tto artier ot tto Mayor of tto City of Portland, aartldad by a nipiailbto bank fat aa aBMuut aaaal M U aar ml of tto ag- "."rhT'lV' MtoH oar Md aB WM to tor by raaaraad . - - noroAAiB roi gnu, wokk. . Baa lad prnpoaaia win Ta rarairaa h wo or Or f tto Andltor of to Cttr af Portland uuta Friday, tantaBBbor A 1004. Jt 00 aetock p. bk. for tba lmuroranwat ot riandaM atraat fruaa rto waat Una of Third atraat M tto aaat lino of Fourfb traat. la tto manaer pra IdaA by todtoanM No, U.ltA aJect to tba RoTtotona of tbo eftotar and ardlnatKM of tto ty f Part land aad tbo obUomM of tto City Bug taanr, ' oa Ala. Blda Mat to atrtotly printed blaaka. Which w la aaadrdaMO ftt printed bUaka. Which wtU to rnrnlabad on apullcaUoa at tto arftoa of tto Auditor of tto City of PorttoaaV Aad mM Imgrovatnoat mat to oamplatad oa ar totara M daya from tb data of tbo atoaana .af Ito Oaa trnat br tto N.oaa1?'M MM wltl to OMMMta an. toM aampnalod by a aartldad aback Jtoyaato tn tha ardor, ot Uw Mayor of tto City of perttond, onrtlAad to a raapoaalbto Mat for an amount aqual M 10. AM aaat Of tto ag- UrCLytoa mv tad ott MM l yJSrr ol MfcTLi;. ; ' Aadltar, f tto atjr.of Porttoad. . : Purttond, Oraon, tapuaabar A 1004. raoroAALi roa matat woax. aoatod aroaaaala WU1 to racalrad at tba af- Vo of tto Aadltor of tto City of Portland aaHL Pnday. toptaaabor A 1004, at 00 a'atoek a. ml for tto lfuproTOBboat of DbTla atraat Emm 11 foM Mat of tto waat Uaa af Twuuty. Brat atraat M li ftot VaOt of tto aaat Una a Twonty aawad atraat. l tto auinaar rbtod by ardtnaM a. io,ibb, aooct bb mo acTtotoM af tbo 4tattrr and ordtuantaa of a Cltr of Portland and tto aaUaaato of tto CHT Biarluaar. oa tto. -riida atuat to ao-lctty to aaaarMnrd wttt arlntaai buuaa,- which wiu bb surnianaa on arpUoatlon at tto nffloar af tto Auditor of tto City ot Portland. And Mid ImBroreaaimt Mnat M aaaaptoud oa or to tora M dara froa tba data of tha atgalag of tto aaatmat hp tto aai Um tbarato. No groponalB W MM wltl to eenaljarid at toaa omtapaalod by A nrUSat eaab payabfa to tba ordar of tto Mayor of tto City Of Portland, cartload by o tooponalbto tank for aa aauutawl It BM-oaat af, tha ag - aadltar Of tto at off PorttoadL PurttooA Oragoa, tapteuator A BOi nOPMAU rOl ITtXR VOAL jtoatod arapaaato wtU to racalrad A tto of tea of tha Audlfor of tbo City of Portland until Friday, faptanbor , 104. at :M o'etork p. Bb. for tta Uaproranarat at OUdBtona aranoa tTOM tto aaat ftao of Bryaat-, atraat to tto waat 'Una of WlUtoant tract, to tto Bkaanar prorlded by ardlnanca Bo. 14.104, onbjaet to tto proTUtoaa of tto ehartar and ordfaaaraa of tto Cltr af Parttond aad tto ootUMto of tto 42ltr anoinow. oa Bla. . . . . Bio aouat aa Btrietty m aaoaraaaea win prtnted bUoka. which WlU bo rurnlabad oa applteBttoa at tto ofnea ot tba Auditor of tto City of Parttond. Aad aald laipraraaarBt mmb to ooaapleted oe M toforo 00 daya rroaa tto data of Ito ataalat- ot tto ooatraM br tto partlM ttorato. No prnaala ,or MM Will to ooaMtdorrd ta toM BOronpautod br a cortltad otowft payabto to tto ordat of tto Mayor of tbo city ot Portland, eartlOed by o rvaaoaatbto bank tor an amount aoual to M aaf oaot of- tto ag- "rtormMM .M, MI.IM to fc4trly raaarfofl By ordar of Ito BtlM irum n mafia ' Amm af tha city of forUBBoL Ptottoad. Oragna. Soptamtor A IBM. Wlt-UB FOB tTBBBT WOBX, - a tod atwaauato win to raewiraal at to of- BM at . AaOltna af tka Cltr af Portland aatll Friday, taptontor A 1004, at rot a atocb a, M. for tna lBjipnvBct of Nlata atraat fro tto aorth Una uuaaa atrm to tto aoatb Una af Bart otftot. la tto aMaaar vorldad br otdlnaaca No. 14.10b, rabjret to tto prorlatoaa of um atortor and ordlnancM of tto City of rortlaad and tto Mttawu af Ito 01 ty Boglam. on ito. Bids mm H Brnotv bb aoowMnoa win arlntad b Lanka, which wtll to furnlabod oa appHeatlon at tto offleo of tao anoitnr of too City of PorttoJM. And aald lasprovoiaaat aanat to aaaaplated oa or tofora BO dara froM tha data of tto ttgatoa af tto eontradt by tto narttoa thereto. No propaaaia ar-bida will to onnaiarrad ar Uoo arcompaBlad by a rertUtod atoefc payablo to tto ordar of tto Mayor of tba City of Peart la ad. aartltad br n raanouafbto bank lor On amoaat ooual to 10 pa MM of tto ag- "lrffhT". Mtoet dap oat oB MM m V-taby Wfarrad - , '.. By otaor ot tao Bioeutira vMra. . ? Auditor of tto City af Porttoad. PwfttofNt, Oragoa, aaptoBber A? U04. FMFOAALt roa tTAAXT WOBX. tnatod. prapoaaai will to tawalvat at tto af ar of tto Aadltar af tto Cltr of Port land antU Frtday. Baptambar A 104, at 100 o'clock a. ai, far tna lntproramaut or Mapio atraat froM tto w eater ly Una of Mllwaukla atraat to tba oOBtorly Una of Pi rat a tomb. In tha aaannaB nrovldaa br ordlaanro No. 14. IM. nnto J ct to fto prorlatona of tto ttarter and ordl toncB af tto Cltr of Portland aad tto Mttouta of tha City BiMnaaor. nn AW. Blda at not to) atrtctlp - to -BaoordBneo wttt prlntad blaaks. wblcb will to rurnlabod oa appiKBiioa at bbb oroao or tna Anaiuw m wm i.iir of Portland. And Mid lraaroranMnt Buat to ooaapleted oa or toforo M daya front tba dato of tbo atgatac ol tto oao truat fay tto narttod tbarato. Kb propoaala of MM win M OBaatdarud ua- Ibm aoeompanlod. Or a tertiaefl abecfe naybbfa to tta order Of tto Maxor of tba City of Portland, nartltad lay 0 rtapanatbla bank far a aBaoatt anaal to M aat aaat af tto M TfrEZru MtoM aar aad aD aida to ; Andttor of tba aty of PorttoodV: POrttond. Oragoa, ftoptarabar , M04. aa. - rMrOMM IV1 iraaD WBaUaW. -'l Malad praaMMM wtU to roc trad at tba af. tea of tba Andltor of tto City rOf Portland until Friday, topterator t. IBM, at '0O a'ctook 6 m, for tto linproBBtout of tto aaat H of toaatb atraat from tto Booth curb hao of Taytor "traat M 100 foot aoutb a tto aoatb 1m ol Taytor mab In tto OMaoof nrwrltkd by aratnanro No. 14,100. ob)ert to tto aro rlBloaa of tto ehdrtor aad ardlaaajrao af tto city of Portland and tto oatlaiaM of tto Uty SldTioat to Otrtotly M aOOBMBMO wttt printed blanks. Which WlU bo Tnmlabaaj an appucattoo at tto ontoo of tto Audltar at tto City Of Parttond. And aald UnoraroBMat aaat to Onaulatod 00 M befora M daya froaa tto data of tbo atgoMf of MO ooatraM bg tto NopnB tr MM will far ooaotdotaff at toM accompartod br a eartltad cbaok Myabla a tta ordar at tto Mayor af tbo Cltr of Port land, aartltad by a rooaanatoto Mnf far .a A b mount aqual to) a pas oaat g uo Mtort MV sad' oB MM fitrbr ratad By prator of Ma atosruri Baard. THIIB. c. dbVt.iw. Auditor af tto CttF Of WttoBaV, OraaoaV atoptiMMf A, MOA. raoFOAALa roa araaar max. . aavaoaala will ba rawaluud at tao af- tea ot tSe A "r of tbo City of Portland antU PrMsy. 8. r 0, M04, at I 00 a chwk a M. .for tta laworaniaat af Few all atraat nBB tta Mat Una of Mllwaukla airrat to Jto wrot Una of Beat Twanty-flrat atraat, to tba Banner provided br ordUianee.Mo. 14,130, sub fact to tto proafatoaa af tto charter and ordlnaaoM Tof tto Cltr of Portias 4 aot Ito aat I mala f tto City Bnglaaer, on file. Blda aat to. atrtctly an aooordaaco arltb printed bUaba, wAlch wUl be fnralabod on aA-pttcatian at tto ofaoo of tto Andlwr of tto City of Portland. Aad Mid tmprpeeaaeat aaat be tontolrtod on or befura tto dara'froM tto data of tto atgabaf of tto OMtract bp ,tta partlaa ttorato. No nropooala ar MM wUl to meldered B toM Bcoompaatod bp a eartttad earck paynbfa to tto oruar of tto Mayor af tto Oily of Pert land, earthtod br a raapanatbla toak .for an amount aqual to M par MM of tto Bg- 3rffi" - - a- arrroy reMitao . . By ordar f tat Bateutlto Board, 3 THOt. C. rjTLIT, - Audtbor of tto aty of PorttoaC ' Porttoad. Oregon, Beptacaber A, U0A nopoAALt roa aawaa woaa. taaied arapaaato wUl to woalrad at tto af ro at tba Aodlbw of thai Citr af Portland antU Friday, faptaabar t, 1004, at 00 o clock p. to. far tto coaatrnerioa of 0 Bawar In Pino atraait fro at tto aaat linn af tiath atraat to tto Willamette river, to tto Baannw provide! by ardlnanos No. 14,147, -subject to fto, pro- U1mb at tto atortor and ordiaaamo of too City of Part land aad tto aottoMto M tto dtp Atuloaar, oa Ala. "Ida a oaf bo atrtatly ra oooarMneo Witt arlDted Ma aha, Which wUl to famtaBed en ajpiltoatloa t tto ofaoo of tto Aadiaaf of tto City af Portland. And aald awer tnoat to OBMBfatad on or sufuo M days froM tto date af tto atgalng, a tto dsatooot by tto pariMB tBaraao. frCUrCTtlL MtoH b and aB MM 4 torvby rcaarvad , By ardor af tto teoratla Benrd . V ' Andlasa- of too City of Pert lead, , Porttoad, Oragoa. lepteuibef A MM. - - nosMAia roa nwam woaa, - tea tod prapoMla wUl to raeelvwd at rto of - AM of tao Aadltar af tto City of Portland until Friday. Poptembrf t. 104, Ot S:M o ctock a, at. lor tto auDatrBCttoa of t .aewrr m aaat armed atraat from lbs ecntor Una af Dragon atraat to tto aewer la Baat QlUan atraat. In subtoet to tbajrovtotoM of tba atortev and atdlBa&oM of tto Otr Of Portia nd aad tto Mtltfato of tto aty BBaiBser, on lie. Blda aanat to atrtctly to aoenrdeoce wttt printed blanks, which will ba furutobod oa appUaatloB attbe ofAaa aftto Audltar of tbo City of PortUsA And said aeWsr muat to oomptotod on or before M days froa .tto data vl ito atgutog M tto sen truat bp tta aarttos ttorato. - Mo propcaHls or MM wtll to eooeldered Bb lMO secompanlsd by 0 cartlftad Check pnyabfa to tbe! order of tta' Mayor of tbo City of Portia n A oortltoi bp o raeaoaslbto took fox an ouMMMt aguaj to W par atac M tao ag- grogaia propoiai. grogal Tba right to br by raaorrod Mtoot fto aad oa WM to fir order f tto Biecwtlra Board. : 1 , - 'J MOB. if, UCTMK,. - J ' Audltar of Aa Cltr of PurttooA. Parttond, Oragoa, tWptetober , IBM. raOPOAALt FOB BXWKB WOBK. tod aroaoasto wUl to met rod at tto of- af tba Andltor of tto Cltr of Porttoad Boa of torlU Friday. Baptambar A MM. at 1:00 O'clock ( at. for tto coBBUocttoa or a aewer la Baat tark atreot and Bast TblrUett atraat from the oast Una of Baat Twenty -ninth atraat to tbo aewer la stoat Thirtieth atraat near Baat Otark e traat. In tba manner provided by ordi nance No. 14,100. subleot to tto prnrleioaa af tto ahartar aad ordinaaeaa of tto City of Portland aid tba aatlmaU at M Cltr Sngl- Bids Bjust ho Btrlctly la a roar da ace wltt printed blanks, which will bo furnlatoi ok u,pltoaftoa at tto oftso of tta Andltor of tto City of Portland. Ant aald aewer Boat to oetapfeted on or toforo to daya fra tto data aftto algalag of tto ooatraM bp tta No propoaalB or MM will bo eanMdocod MV toM aocompantod by a eartltad abeefc payable t: -a 'nrdor of tbo Mayor of tto City of Portia ad. aartltad hp t laapaanlhli bank for aa aawaat oajaal MUM BUM Of ttO-M- fta rCbfta totott W M lS MM M Bp ardor M tto oMoeottoo atoord , " ' - Andltor1 of tba City af Porttoad. aHrttoad, Oragoa, teptrtober A 104. nOPOAALi FOB gBWXB WOBK. I tod Broaoaaln will ha reoalTod at tto of' tea of tba Auditor of tto City of Portland until trldip, faptomtw A 1004, at :00 o'afack bM. for tto WMtrurttod of a nawar in at Madtoaa Btrrot from IM foot Waat of the waat Kne of Eaat ThlBty-eliUl stroot to tto Brwut la Bast Thirty -atxU atraot, la tto tota bm prorlded bp ordinance No. 14.1TL subject to tta provletoM of tka ekarter aad arainanaan oT the aty of Pertlajrf bjU tta. aottouto of tto ty ttoglBaar, on Bto. BlM . Mnat ba strictly M Baaordaaca wttt printed blanks, which WlU W furnlahad ub appttoattoa at tba otftce of fbo Auditor of tto City of Port land. And said eawer aaat to eoMBtotod on or befora BO days froa tba Mta of tha, atgning af tto deitoatt bp tba 'topropoaair or MM wltl to aMatdrrad Ba bes aaeompantod br a carnoad aback payablo to tto erdV of tto Mayor of tto City .of Portland, oertlBad bp 9 roaponalbU bank for an amount equal to M per aent of tto ag- UNM bad' aJl MM IB to ret y raeorrod ; . , . ' By-orator . of tto.BiajutiA Board. w ? ' ' THOt. C. DBTLIK. ' Aadrtor of tto aty of Porttati, Portia ad. Oragna, lepte saber A 1004. pBOPOAALt roa aawaa woaa. tea tod propoaala Wtll to rocatrat at tto ef. tr of the Aadltar af tto City af Porttoad UHttt FrlouT. teptembar 0. 1004, at 1:00 o'clock p. m. for tta cnnatrorttoi af a aewer ra Third Street froa IB foot sooth of tto aortb Una of UNA street to tba aewer la Marquea fiitrtL to tta manaer prorlded by ardlaaace No. 4.171, Mbfett to tto provlalona of the ebaftar sad ordlnancea of tto City of Perttond aad the eatlmete ef tto city Bagtaecr, oa tto. Bids Bust to atrtatly to' accordance with printed blaaha. which will to furnlabod on aTpUeaUaa attto ofaeo ot tta Auditor of tto Cltr of Pnrttood. And aald soww to oat to eaenplrtad on or toforo M dara froa tto data of tto ttaabia of tta eea treat hp tta rria af MM win to OOnstoered aa- Imo ajeonmpuatod by a eartltad, aback payable to tto order a? tto Mayor of fbo Cltr of parttond, rerttOed by a raapjoaafbla bank for an anjounA egttal M tta Bar Mat, of tba at .toreUfa w ..a a wm I. W0i4-Brtao BtaaMtra a-rd, - -i , t , . THOt. 0. MtTUW. .. Auditor af tbo aty of Porttoad. rTtond. Oregoai, taptetotor A M04. OOVPLBTTOB AMD AOCBPTAMCB OT ZM raoTBsfav or mtltbomam tTABxr. KaUos to hereby glvan that William C. Bl Hot, City BTarinaur, toa ' OW. In the Offtoi of tto UBOtoralgned Mtlca that Weotberg Wat Boa 4 On., aontraatnra far tta Improvumeat of Mnltaoasah atret tortar tto provlaloas of ordl aanea No, lAOHl, ton enmbtotod aald atraat from tto aaat Und of Baat Flrat atraat to tto Miiter Baa of Vatoa aaenue. - Bald acceptance wlU to cu net da red to fto xcMttre Board at 4 o'rfack oa tto Mh dap of Oeptembef, 1004, and object toe to tbo ac- " T IJS BOA BO. U.-' 5 V Bp THOB. ft DEVLIN, Auditor of tto aty of Portia ad. . thrai Oragoa. bVptember t, 1B04, OOVFLBTTOV ABO AOCBFTABCB OF XM- , , raorBKaat or otbatob avaasa atottoo to hereby given that William O. Bl uet, city fmiwej, M Ibt l tba frfoce of tto andsraicnad Drtlca that Pre I nay 4 Beat Ihg, Contractor for tto Improvement of Ojrer ton stroot under tto piwttola of ordlnaMa No, 13.020, bare completed Mid street from tto coatot Baa of Twenty third atraat to tto neater Una af Twenty -toorth a tract. MI4 will be eonot dared to tto StrcuttTa Board at 4 0 etork on tto Ot I day at Baptambar. IboVoad ecttoas to 'tbo ae .r-aTi fbeoa rt lut FKrTlVB BOART. " , . k; ' By THOB. 0. DBVLIN, - ' ' Andttor of the Ctty of Portton4 ' turttaod. Oraixm, aeptaaabr A 1004. ODIUrXKTIOK ABB AOCBPTAVOa OF- rjf. PaVOTSXKMT Ot VVM)B ATBBYa. Bot. Cltr Brtiieor. bad Oard la tto ofnoa of the undersigned aotteo tbat William B Cola. eon tractor fnr' the mprtoement of t'nloa ave nuo an da tto provlalona of ordlnnMa No. 1A- iwn tna completed salt stra rrosa the awter Una of Dtvtotoa Btreet to tta enatt lUa af ald acorptaooa wUl bo eoaaldered by tto Btoarattra Board at d a' clock an tba Otfc My ofteptomtor, 1B0A and btodloM to Ito ac rr;n7 rlra fharatai. i . . TUB BXkt TTITB BOARn, .? i - Aanltmr of tto CHy M Portlands PeilMaa, Oragoa. BsptoaMg $ MOA , . . raa proposals or aaou unn no uanamiian uu laan aacutupanlrd to a carttdad stock payobto to tto aider of tto Maror of tto Cltr af Portland, OertllUd bp f roaaoaalbto -apk fat ar atnoaat oqual to Id Bat aaat Of Uo aa- ookptjttov ' in aoxftabob or n- FAOrBjAXaTT OF BATC OATH OTMKST. Kotleo to hereby glran that VMp- 0. W BM. City Biiglaooc baa AUd U oTtoe aftto nnderalsncd noftce that B. Bvbabr, era tractor for tto ImpruveaMni of Baat Davta 14.0M. baa ooowleted said atraat froa. tb't aaat Una of Baat Twraly-eeeoud etreat to tta went Una af Beat Twnaty-feartk atreot. Bald acceptance wlU to aaamtdrrad bp tto Bb restive frard at d a'ctorh on tna Mb day of Aeptember, 1004. and otijrcttona to tto aa aopteaca of MM atraat. . or any part thereof, aaay to ttod In tto artca aftto nndarlwd at aav time urfar L'''h'.- ' . . TUB FTX I TTTB ajoAart, ' .. - , By THOA C. DBVLIN. ? Aedltey of tto nty Of Porttoad . PorttaBd. Oragoa, Aeptembar A oA orjvpLrrtoB and aocbftabob or im . rraxrwT oxf bbllwood araaat. Btottra to hereby given tbat WlUtom C. Bl- Uot, City Bnglueer. baa' Bled In tbo nfftea of tto aadMrelgoed aotlea that aato Janln, coatractor for tto tnsprorement of Bel) wood atreot under tto nrwrtolnaa) of oedlaancav Ma. 13. 730, baa completed aald Btreet from the rant Una of Willlaaut sveaaa to. tta oaator Uaa of Bodaey avanno. . . MM saorptnnc WlU to eoaaldered be tto Blacotlve Board M 4 o'clock oa tto Mb dap uf Beni.BBlw iDoa. anal toetlnna to the aej- ci-ptaaea of mM atraat. ar nay part thereof. bsy to Bled la tto ofOno af aa uaaerauij Ot anp ttoto prior tton-to. v TllB BXMirTrVB aWABO. ' ,-. By THOB. 0. DBVLIN".- f Auditor af tto Cttr of Portland. PortlaaA Oragoa. aWptawiber A 10Q4. OOMFLBTIOaf ABB AOCZPTABOB Of Hf- . itiubt or bodvxt Arnnri. Notice to bareby glvwn ttst-WtUlam C. JO- a,', NiaiiHBji, bh mw fm of tto underateiied antics that Oecrge Bauer. roaimnw tor too imnrwrenaeui w anw7 nuo under tto-prorutona of ordinance No. 1A T6S, kaa anmpletcd aald street from thai north lino of Knott atraat to tto aoutli Man af btorrto "toft aeftttaaoe win to) Maotfif id br tto Bxccntlvo Board at 4 ectock on tbe ft b Am of Septra bar. 1004, end abtocttoM to tto ac captnnas of Mid afreet, or say part theroof. Stay to Mad to tto erne eilfa aadnralgaod - TUB BSfclff BOABDJ e. , : , By THOA . DBVLlB. ' Andttor of the aty of Poritond. PtrtUnd, Oregon, September A UM. 00MFLBT10B ABB AOCBFTABCB OT XM FaWVXaTTJfT OF FIBfT BTAKBT. MatJeo to bareby given Oat Will lata CTTX Mot, CHy Bnrlnerr; has ttod la tto oftco nf the wnderalgaad not Ire that tto Paelat Bridge Company, coatractor for tto improve mtht of Flrat Btreet under tto prortalona ef mdlnanco B: 1A4S0. has ootoplctod aald atraat from M feet aoatb of rto aoutb Una of At tear street to t Met aortb of tto north Una of Arthur street. Bald acceptance wltt M euoeideced by tto BxecuMv Board at d o'clock n tto Mh day of Beptember. 1B04. and object tone to tea ac orptonca ofaald (treat, or say part thereof, any to Bled la tba Oftco M tto toMratgasd at tap ttma prior thereto. . " 1 . TUB BXBt'I'TtTB BVAR7) J 'ay thob. o. dbvub'. : r '. Auftltor ef tto Oty of Porttoad. , Port land. Oragoa, Beptember A Wd. ; OOMPLBTION AB9 AOCBFTABCB OT Saf tMrnm 4? raoar raaar. BVttca to hereby glren that William ftJUI Hot City Irnglneer" baa Bled In tto ofnea of tba andcralgDod notice that Archie Ma eon. arntractor Mr the lmprovrnraot of Front a tree nndar tto proTlaloaa of ordlnaaco No. U.M1, has complelad Mid Btreet fmm M foot wtt of tto south Una of Uaa atraat to IM Mot north of tto north Una of Lane atreot. - Bald acocptanoe artlL to eoaaldered t tto Execnfle Board at 4 aj'etoek on tba Oth My of Aeptember. IBM. and objections M tto ae ar prance of Mid treat, or say part tteroof, any to Stod la Ue,oHtoo af tto uafaralgOBi at Anp tUN thereto. . M r T Andltarif tto ntaaaf IWUnd. 1 INTtllOd, Oregon, toptenrbar A 1BQ4. OOBPLBTlOB AND AOCXTTAJlOa OT DaV PBOvYSIXBT OT OXBVAXABB AVKBTim. Notice to heraap flnm that Wllttaa ttB Hot, City Knglneorr ttod to tto of the nndrralgned ootlc that a. J. Dshubr. omttractor for tto Improve meat of ClavaUnd avenuo under tbe provlalona f ordinance No. 13. MO. too completed Mid atreot from tto eenter Una af Oolng atreot M tto eaatat Boa te acceptance WtU to Banal tor a4 to tto axacvtlra Beard at d e' clock oa tto Mb day of September. 1B04, aat otorttoaa to ttoac roptancu of Mid atroat, m any part Ibaroof, aay M tied la tto efftca of tto nndaralgaet at ajur dm prior inereu. at any X' jxKClTfTM BO A BO. " 1 - Awmtor of the aty of Portland. PurttonA Ortoa. Mptoaator . 1004. 00MTLBTT0B AND ACOTPTABOl OF taV FBOTBaBJTT OF BAtB4TO tTBBBT, Bottoo 10 hereby flfa ttot Wllllaa Cs 87 BeU Oty Bnglneor, basstiad to the offlce of tbe uaetoraigned astir ttot B, I. penubr, eon tractor for tto Improvement of Hsaaala atrcet under tto provlalona erf ordinance No. 1S.0M, baa amnploted aald street froM tto center Una of Eaat Third Street to tto toator Una af Grand avanne Mil arceptsncs wltl bo eoaaldered br fto Bkecutlra Board at 4 O'clock on tto Ota day of toptambar. 1004, and objeettona u tba aj cento nee nf MM otroet. M aey part thereof. ar bo ttod In tto of Oca of tto underalgued t aar Urns prtor ttereto- . , j , TUB KSriTTfl BOARTt. C SO BP THOt. ft MTUBV ' Audltar of tbe Cltr of rNirttoa, Poritond, Oragoa, Beptaaber A Mi COMPLXTXOB ABTD A00BPTAB01 OT taV ' FBOTXaCaWT OT BAAAALO tTBBBT. Notiee la hereby giren that WUllaa & ttot. Oty fcnginorr, baa tiled to the office of fto undaralgncd notlco that Bmrth 4 Howard Company, contractor fto tto Improvement of HaaanU atroat under tto pwlslons ordinance No. 11. BM. baa coaiileted said Mreer from a- w-a ri-a ,m,i a, tha aaintar lino Of Boat Third street and from too ton tor Una of Brand aveaue to ao wsna nam an awna B1alM?!t!'Manr. will to MMBiO-Tat to tto tircntlve Board at 4 O'clock 00 tbo 9th day ot Beptaaber, 1004, and objection to Ma- erptaaco or oniu auwi. aa- r . w. A in tka ArOea, ad ito nndaralnntd St say Oaa Prior thereto. M1-f ilia r,A& ma By THOB. C. DEVLIN, - tnaika tn H aa? rial la aat PertUnd. Oregon. September A 104. 00MPL1TI0B ABTO AOCEFTABCB OF lTlTMBT .OT. BABX TWXBTT-ilXTB BTBAXT, Xotlce hj torebr glean net WUItoa ft Bot, Citr BraTlaaor. baa Bled In tbo offleo of the ndwaTgnad aotlea that J, B. 0 Noll, Mntrsrtor far tba taarovrraent af Bast Tweulr alxte atraat under the rlatoB of ordinance W- a .1A ha Bnl.tlJI Bald OnM tha north Una of Mnltnoaah atraat to tto osatt Una of Haleev atraat, . . Bald acceptance win an auwaaarrn nv j-a aaapntlTo Board at d a'etoek on Iks Oth day of Bepteabor, IBM, and object lone to tta so f , W, full" Trva ajmi- , " . By THOB. C. DBVLIN. ' - Aadltar of tha aty of rVwttoneV Portfaad. Oregon, ioptrratot A 1B04. OOMPLrtTOB ABB AOCBFTABCB Of Ut , raoTBMsiPi or baubt araaa. Rottoo to hereby given MI Wtttoa CkBl hot. Ctty Brail near, too ttod M !? if the aneWgnad notice that JT 0 Nell, oootrmctar tor the Improvement of Ha leap .Btreet under tto provlalona aflordlnaafa Na, 1B.00B, ban eaaiptoted aald a treat froa tto center Una of Baat Twenty elite a treat M tto Went Uaa of East Tjreiilr-elgbih atreot. Bald accept a ae will to eoeetdereal by rto Kseeatlve Board ot 4 o'clock on tto Oik day of Brpteator, 1004, ad objecttoaa to tto ac cept a neu ef Mid Btreet. M any part thereof, ay to Bled In the ofnea af tto anderalcaed at aar Umo prior thereto. BB4T WBBB IJjor m.rTITf BOAffD, . .r, --''5 By THOA a DBTLIJt, Andttor of the aty W rVanlend.. PnrihmA Oregon. Mptember A 1S04. . .. bTbofoaalb fob axwaa woax. Sealed prnpneata trIU bo raeerrod at tto ef- rTof Tudlter of tto a ly of Portfaad ualtt Friday. September B, IBM, at S:M o'ckiek Sm. for the eonetruetlnn f a aewer fb Me errtier and wlltoy atre-ra froa loo feet north at the Borth Una - ff Mae. t home even., ee rto aawar la Bast Thirty-third atreot ot Wtltey otreot. In tta manner provided by ordinance Ka. 4.170. anbiect to tto Broeletoes Of tto charter and prdlnanees of tha City of Pm toad aat tto estimate af tta aty Bnglaaer, ea tie, BlM M M strictly to aoMrdnoto wttt arlntad h lank a. Which will to furnlabod oh aipllcattoa at the oftco of the Auditor of tbo of pnrtuna. ana aaia aewer aanai Bo propoaala ar aua win ,oe minora aw wn )bm BcaoinuoBtod by 0 eerilMd check pnyBhto to fto order irt the Mayor of tbo fll, af Portland. oertlOed by a reapanaJbta took fa an amount eWl to 10 per MM Of tta or .Mrtoftot ttf Mat nU MM fa roTaTlM BButlv. Board, .11-1 Aadrtor Of The Oty af Pra-Uamt. a0rtaiMi OraMM) Boptoaator W04 . .raoFotALt fob aawaa worn. win rum Twentv Joarth atreee a tha tewer In Fatty. grove atreot. to tbo aha ewer provided by ordl aanro No. U.ltA anblrct to tba MtoUna of tto ekarter and ordliiancBS sf fto llty of Portland seat tba estlmato of tto OttrJanglaaar. aa Ble. Bfda aaef to orrtrtrr ta acaardasca wltt printed btoate. which wUl to fnr-AehaA en ai'iiUcaltoa at tto efnee of the Auditor af the aty of Portland, . And aald aewer anet be completed on or before 0 days frM tba Mte tto MgaUg of tto MaUaot bp tbo puttoB ttoreto, be protioaals ar bids wfll be MaslMrad as ams a-eompaaiej by arrllted check payabto la Ito order of tto Mayor sf tto City of Perl land, aartltad by a respipatoto hank Mr an moa t aqnal M 10 par MM af tto ag- "rTne snxbT'to' rajoat say gad aB bMp to atfebp reaoread , By Bsamt af um Bkeantleo Board- THOt; C. DBTLIN. ' aadttor of the Cltr of PmUuaaA Porttoad. Oragaw. Mptonator A 1004. fOBCFTJCTtOK ABB AOCXPTABOB OB XBU FAOVXKKBT AT SALMON STBXXT, Bottoo a berehw given ttot WilUaa 0. B1 Mol. Oty Knrtneor. bM ttod la Ito oftco Of tto underalrned nntlea that Miller A Ban-. rentractoea for the Impmeweat of MlanM atrrat unamr tbo prorlatona Of ordinance Ho. ln.T3. tore completed Mid atreot froa tto waat Una of Front atroat to tta ooatat 1Mb of toaeod Street. ' Bald acewntanoa wUl to aaastdred by tto executive rtoard at 4 o'clock on tto Mb day of September. 1004. apt object loan to tbe ac cept anco pf Mid atraat. ar any part thereof, amy to tied la tto. offca ef tto andtrstoacd at any Hans prtot thereto. , TUB, EXECt-TirB BOA P.O. C'- "P THOB. ft DCVUN, Andltor af tba aty of Porttoad. rtorttoad. Oragoa. BtStembeT A IBOA OOBrrLXTioa ajtb aooxptamc or im pmovnBirr or aaajib ATaawa. atottoo to torewr arasa ttot Wllllaa C. Bl UM. aty Bngleeer, too tied In tto MAro of tto Buderalgned not lea that Blumod Wllea, esafractor fnr Ito Improremant of Orand nve nua under the provtelone of ordinance .?to. 1. 040. too nnrnntotod aald atreot froa that aorth Una of Belmont atraat M tto oontor lno of maw-umrne ovonur , . Paid acaep tance WtU to Bsneldaral by fto Executive Board Ot 4 o'clock oe tto Ma My of Sepleaaoer. 10O4, ant oatoettoas to tto ac- mkm it mM .tH-i rmr in, Brt thereof. ray to filed la tto ofaeo si tta awdanLfaad rw,M.m Wttvb boaho. i 'u y By THOt. ft pE V LIP. - Auditor of tto aty of PontoaAV. PurttoBd, Oregon, gpteamtor A M04. OOMFLETIOB ABB ACXPTABOB OF 1BV , imtuir or atabtob rraxBT. Nottoa to torehy given that WlllUm ft Bi llot. Oty Engineer, too ttod to the- office of tto nuMralgned notice tbat Bochlil Broa.. contractor for tto Improvement of Stan to a street an Oct tto pravialooa of ordinance No. 19.410. hato completed aid Btroot froa the east Has df WlHlama arenad ta Me aaator Una af Bodncp avaame. . Said BceeptonM wilt ho a a at dared by tto Executive Board at d ottoeh on tbe Oth day of Bepteabor, U04. anil object lone to tbo ac eeptanca of Mid atreot. or aor part tberenf. may to tied la tto often of ito Baeerelgned at MV ttoM prtor fM. '. r? ; By THOB ft OBVLIW. ' Aadltar of the aty of Portland, rarttoai, Oracou. Boataontor A 1004. rroBTFLETIOB ABU AOOXFTABCB OT ZAL nUtTBMBXf OT BXATXa tTBXBT. Netice to hereby given ttot WlllUm ft Kt- rfaC. City Biglnew, has tied to tha oftco of tto underalrned Botlce tbat Louie Janln, coatractor fto the lmnrovament of ttvavar Street under tto provlalona of ordinance No. 1A7J7. baa completed aid Btreet from tto center Una of Bortbwlck street M tto MM Uaa of Mia- Raid acreptanco artU to eoaaldered by fto xeciitive BoarT at d o'clock on tto Mb My of Bapteatof. 1004. aad object kM to tto ac cepUnca of Mid atreot. or any part thereof Kiay to tied la tto office of tta aadartlgaad at dap ttma prior thereto. THE BMCI'TTTB BAAED.' , , , BT THOJI. C. DBVLIPJ. ' And Hot of tbo aty of PortleedV Portland. Oragea, Mptember A 1SOA - MM tM Bl iBBte NBt : aa TrmiaMBOntFrMrttakl aaaa Ti-mIi-im DtUly foMV FAST TlMB TO BPOKANal bt. atjl, dultttb, lUNKMAPOUB, CHICAGO KD ALlt ponm KABT. DaytlBtil trip throuBh tba OsaeaBo and Moony tvowBtalBa. Fa fon aartto alanv laMa, fcOdora, att aaJI an ap tV Bt MOSaByBT, fratv VaptotC ii UB lttrt sTOmaeC rorfMBAi . Astoria Columbia River Railroad Co. MBlad OtMuaato aoa of tba Apditor of fto City, of Partiana nstfl Frldtp, Septamt er 9. IWA Bt I t o'ctoch P. m. fur the cooatruetlon of a eawer to Vattrtrove alraa frum 100 'feat west of lAurrea, CNIOB PBPwa, , dvarreaav ', Fbr MaysMA Br-tslar. . . . CfaUkaato. Wflataort, BtdtfV 140 b. M CMrtoa. Astoria, Waa Itollf. ran ton. Pi are. Uaa- u monA Port Btotona. UllttoM Oearhart Part, teaBldo. , Astoria old tuitiia , ; riOBtoa fcaraM My, W Dally ' 4 atoMfto Bum ma m -- 1 a aj. If ATA, . 9. tad . Af Aeterta, Or. ft 4. arrBWABT. Canaaralil Agaai. MS AMM sT Ftooe Mala MA 1 Double-Track BaOway Mrwawa tha ',Vr Missouri River TKe ' CriksirAparttond Spck1, th mote luxurious .train in tha world. Dra winy-room tlcwprDC ctra, diornt; ear, burret smoking trd library car (barber and bath). Loas thaa waa dtya Portia nd to Chicago. Two ThroughTralns a O kayo ro operated daiir rta to Qr-ron R. R. 4 NaT. Co L P. K. R and Chicago 4 North-Wostaro tty.y Chicago from Portland and potato M Oragoa tod Baaiare waaoingtoa. Dally Mcarotona la lullmaa tourtot OtorptBg cars Irom Portland l to Chrcago Mtbeal afaango. cars Irom rortlaad through L 4. tITCHIB. A. ft AAK1CBB. Oil Market Bteeat. ' m Tali Otreet. Boa PaAiiciaca. XaL. ritJUUhOnA. ... v Li : if k Chicago PI , a A m r 4- V u gaOIU Union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY toy ears MHy to tansba. Ch tense. ttonbiM Toonaj aieei.ina awra mmiT .a, w- mmm vr through ruTlmaa toaetot atotavrag ees (neraoee ally iiaMrtoQ weeklp M fWra. Uerltolet ehah- eara (aeata free! to tto What trite. VHtOB DKrUOTA LeaweO. Arrti CSICA (XW1DBTUIW tPRCIAU PM Me Boat Tto Boat txurtoa. ,0:tA a. aj. VM a ah. DBIO, . BPUKAMB FI.TBB. Fas Eaatsrn Waablna toe. ff a Ito Walla. Lew tetno. Cotm dAlenoi :1B a. ta. (S:m. Daily, . " V Dear. and Oranl nntwM. ATLANTTC RtrSMI. Far tta Keto rto BaeA SrlOp. a. Daily. HiSt,-; oouv abb ma tarouxa. oa Bar pitANdncut ABM, Bk 4 A Oen. W ftopt. I.UA A A Onlaunnto Baft. A U, MX Oetsmbto SB. twvlaton. FOB ABTOUIA aad war painta, ooeBectlng with ttnr. -foe Ilwaeo and North-' toaehlar, Baa eaK M-oCarfc. fclfcP ex. tantof AatoBlay 10:OU p. ta. M BV as. tui TaUMU Blruf Kawta. FOB DATTON. OreaH:00a, Ba. fSAO iv h aty and Taalittl Olvee Daily. Dally. nofntt, etre. Hath aad exeept t exeent Mo'l'W. Asb-st. dock. oanday. Water neralttlwa. I anato Blear Bouto. AinaweTM I I Dork. I roa I BWltTOlt. Ion.. U:anB. av Abont ;" and war points froa Dally. , nana, an, B'toria. Wnnh.. atras. as. SoA Dally, ers BpOfeaM tad Loa ; ex. Frltap, twttwa TICKET OFFICK TMrd and WeaMugtoa. Tea. - pbooa Male Tta PORTLAND & ASIATIC : STEAMSHIP COMPANY"- 9m TntMBaa and flong Nona enrrtna nf Koto. Nagaaakl and Shanghai, taking freight via eennectln atoaaew tor Manfla, Port Arttae dad VUdlveotfc. Pee re tea and (aB totoraartim mM oauo ad drwo MOtolato m agtato mt tto O. B. 4 K Oto ' i i in - I EAST: SOUTH UNION DKPOT. Arrleoe. OTRALAKD EX PR RMS traiaw, roe Baloah. Boao- bnra. Aablrfcd. Mere S-Mtott, BMUto. Ox dee. Ban Fran- t0.a. eta.'o, Binckton, Lto Aa- Kaa, El Pne New Or M and tto East. At Weodnoeu datl (eaeept Suadayt. aseeu. t ,l- r 1C" TlM h Mt :Ma. a J9B)t,K. Ina frata for Ml An gel, Silver ton. Brewtte vllto. BtwInrMtd, ttau; liBW BH "WW dato Areoay oeaaearee. aul aeoto at Woodhara wttbl ML Anral oat auray. too tocuL - toto ndaM A OA A a Cores irto mm . m 0:M a. as. Dairy. HDnOy. osooM atoadnp, t BorUaad-Oinaas atohwrtoa Barvtoo Mm atopM Peed of MflMeaa BtaoaA . faoaa PaaUand datlp far Oaweajo 1-M a. M. p oo. a:), o auv utso. iiai a. aa. Daily fsxaoat NBietarK l'AI:S,H a. a. 4A 1140 p. Bh. to.aMr only. B JO S:S0 a. m. l;(B.;n6. IB. t:l. t:MT f f 11:70 a. a Ttoliy (except anartavl t:S6. t , :9 to .TI:4B a. a. Rreent ator-toy. :S A .av tomdar anrr. K-M a. a. traM froa Mnf depot for Ttoftoa and later twdlMto rMtara daiir (etceat BaaMfl d:C4) t ArrlvB Pranel Id: n. M. Tto Tadepedenee-MUPrtajfa attor ' Ban Opevwtek daily to Meumontb and Atrlto. BtetfBB Wtth Nnntbern PariM OaaBSaar'S tvarfco at Paitoe and TMcnefMteetcv. : . Fltottoaa fare ffn" rVfHas" M PaevOiMBOn and tan FenpHaea ftn, -tort Ml BaaaaaaVaanaa fare S1K. sesne-4-elaa berth MSO, Tick era tn lteter" mtnta pod wnespo. Sato lanaa. rtna. TTinntoto and AnateaTto, -Ctty Ttctet Afftos eea-tee fntrd and W-ahtOt ana .rrea rnno,, Mala TlA ft W. oriTNOBTB. V. C""' Oty Ticket AgewA - ' ' Oaw- rue. AteeA riME CARD B S: TRAINS ' 1 TORTLANDi 1 iiaina ianvr. ttoparto ad A a. m s. a Paget taunt LlejtteA for Toooana. teat tie. Olraala. Soutt Send J to aa, and eray o Barber .!', '' ' 1 . fBA SA Natb ftosat LtartteA Sor Ta ceaaa, BMttto. lutto. StPanl.M la- Be a pom. Cbleago. New Tnrh. Boat on and Batata Eaat pnd WeUtheaat. 4 J- Valaln, Taeoaas, tea tile. Soo kana. R.Uu St Panl. UiM. m lhh ta to MlauoapnltB, Chteaga. New Tork. Boa to aad all potato Eaat aad Booth east. Pngef toond a Ktau rt4v. 1 la Bner.L Cor Tbroma, Seattle, ttrnkau nill.H nearer. Omaha, Kaaaal City, at, lioata ana ail points Bnat aad Mate east. At BMtos daily oaeept M South Bead A. P. CKABblVn, .t. ; AaaUaa-ad ttooaeal Pa ma ii a tr Areot, CM MarrlaM m ear. TMrd, Parttonf Or. BALTlMORIf OHIO R. R. AlaU XRATNvl VlAVi --4