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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1904)
ft! 'l - THE 6RE0ON V DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVE NINO,"' SEPTEMBER 6, IM. A LL i. UiiJiJg..ii.iresr-r- n a a tared wt th neetorrt ef Portia, Or., tor trio ports doA throes, the Ml eaaa ad daw mtta. - Poatafe for rififtt M4ee: PW aa S. IS ar lb- paper. X aent; l h M mn, I eati 44 VMM, CM. nuraont . "V:,:- i iMtMi Office fci.ia fl , fc . j -. JattfajrUl Soma Mala 1M .-. mmi ABTsanam uniuiritin. VrtUad-BfaaaHa Special CKT IM Naaa.r.treet. New brki Tribes a! teg, CUmk , - iSJ . V-maevirnoN sUtb. Th pally Inwrual. with saadaf. 1 12 easy.' ft eWBth. 1 Th Dtly Joernal. aanetha -J The Dairy joerrtaJL wit sanaay. " The Daily, per Nk. )llMi atoMey M roetaded , ;" Ttf Datlr, per wee, dettvere. talw Mia V Matt. Th fhiTTT Pnreel. wrb Peaday. 1 .01 Tha Dallr J.-roeL with Reader. I !.. SB M Tfw Dall Joamal. 1 Monti) . ....... ........ Thr Snrwii Journal 1 year. ...,.,.... . Tbti Banda. JoaroaL ewnth The assO-whamy taml The fJaaal-WMklv JearnaL. S ta IS MPM. too i-os tnae. Ilfcaaejated. fdl aHH re- fa Wretfy Joaraal. 100 eolesine af ra7 4 ua. -- nhuki rati nurtat reaorta, 1 rear....-:... ,. l-St ImIHimi iknnM W aude BT drafta. Btl Mtti, express order, and anutl amoenta ai , ArcaptaUa 1b a4 !-eaat Or. ufctlbtti a Tha Jonal MT 1" ( tha mtalpar ra UMpapar FaVaT ta. .rhoai ta r addraaa wltboat extra rrgr, payatmt Baoa am tMr imu noi (jtaut mat n mm. Tha AmtmI an to lawi m mhjIImM Irwlnf ptaraa: B()18l, IDAHO PIMMr took atora, f HICAOtV-Pta(fla Nawa a pwy, lit BMW IdTA rtwmmt " i DFNVKR, COEO. KaBdrM bVm VuUMarp romsaBF. all aVrvntpfnth BtraW . awcau RiWnth an Cortla atrfta. KANSAS '.ITT Taa Kar Nfw neiptwy. Lnl iM(Xr.HI It r OaritMr. SW Iprtnc rtrpat; Ollaav A Haioaa. 306 taata ThtrL FW TpWV CTTT-fatrtaiw'a, PI . OM AH alitll nJ hotel nrwi ataMIt HafMOl Suttaaarr ftnraoy, W08 rarnaw atraat. HALT LAKH CITT tCMwnai VM iaw ataal Earrtrw Int. S Wrat flaonod atraat. Soittk. iK FBAXnsc-W. K. AMItmt. Palaabnl1 . Nawa ataad: OnMamlta Brna.. Cat) ' Hatta atrwt: rrod W. Pitta, mm Mart at atraaL trvuriwa an iw. tar nnkm A Oa. TACOMA. WAKIi Ontral Mra coaaaaay. 1141 aootiov tAxn tbitomaoir. V T I. T. WImm. at aaUaana. Sixth aa4 Ar.kij atrata. at 10 a. m. k ftalo at farnltura. '.rarjieiB. nr. a. I. wiiwm. mi'nuri, JU11UW VOTTOS. MftOA BKREKAU LA DOR. WO". ST. t. O. O: F. Uambttra ara raauaatf h Attastl tM faiwml Af aap alatna Tarrta L. ('WttaiThBA. fria FlBlar'a JindarUklnK Parian at 4 orWfe tinlnrra 1 " ). all B . bakaba tallaL fatanaaaA a Sam , VI 4 caatatarr. .KTf H. HALL, ffmtBry. 7VTT1AI aTOTIOX. v CI.EXA1HAN-Tha fa w rat of Mrs. Carolina L- A. Clrnacbaa HI (aka pUr from Bt. DavM'a Brh aa, Wi-diwaaf, wtanhar 7, d at 1:M tt. m. Frianda and arooaJata ; r rawcffallf Inrltml to sttAM. ltT- mrnt at Lna Fir matter j. tumi uron. Waathar dmo mmi f airal fnrraat far Ottfam, Wihln lm and raot. Waahlnataa aad vtabo. HMti i ralna turf- orcfjrred In, atmlhraatrra lflnneaota. tna axrmailva amoaot of 1X0 lncba hrtnc ra- portatUrnm St. Paul dMiinc aa laat M aoora. Llrttt rataa haaa falla naar tha In miNllara roaat ta tha aoath Atlantic and tha tialf atataa. and akw In Haw UaxleaL Is tha U'artfle atataa fair waathfv eaatlonaa. with tt-aiparaAsfva pTally bruit I aVajraaa abova notmal. Aloof- the laaatnllata ooaat, powavar. fram Sflralu fc Cava Flaitcrj, tha waathar 1 tsflratVna an tnr fair waathar n thfi dlatiirt Wadneadaa, probaMr hromlog caviar - la waatarn fX-apjua, aaatara Waahliurtw nod noruara iflano. Oaaarntloaa aloaii at I . a. TBMP AttaaU, Oa Ha . Baker tltjr. Or SO tf 0 SS BO U BHmart. PJ. V.......... w " Boalua, Mnnt. ............. T Charlaataa, ft. C RS airtrt, iu m riadanati. O. SO IVnvar. Col .. M Burrka. Cal. Frvano, Cal ....lO lr)na; Moat M , JerkaoaTtHa. Fla.,.. MS 0 TO 4S SO 'S T ' SS SO :- ss 80 . AO The Dalle IabpihI 1 eear - Tha Deity jnarsaL artb SmMkr. 4 smthS. f-J The Dallr Joarsel, months. ...... w-' f Thr Dally JnaraaL with "naday, ft swaths. J-" hvallapail. Moat no Kenaaa Clu. hto. a. 78 Ltwiahm. 14a M ' to Aiirrlra. Cal ., .. 9U : T Kaw OrWna, La M Kow Vork. . T. ......... T orth Bead. Waafc , M Ooiaba. Xt..,.. 86 v- v IIUUA-lphU. W.. ........ T , riatr-llu. Ida an , Partlnad, Or M Kfhur. Or.............. M - Bacraawnto, Oat.. 4. SS t Bt Loala. ht SO . - Salt Laka, I'tah M Saa D1'o. Cal ' Bah Fraarlaro. Cal 72 -. t Pant. Mina 71 r Xpnkaap. Waah. an J .01 0 . 0 I . 0 0 ' 0 0 A M S3 SO S3 54 SS. no S3 B3 SS S3 Bti 4S I Twiau. Waahv., ......... SO : 0 0 0 TValU wall. Waah M Waahltiftiia. . D. C 74 lantaiarca, Kar. ,.,,.. SO Tama. Arm. I ,1N KABB1AOB UOXSSXB. ' Srrart WlnkHaiaa. S; Mary JtoraWdt. ST. .- Lea Mac, 40; T-aa Maa lnt. 9). 1. B. Pnaaoo, U; Katnrra Cnatrndlaefe, IB. s 1. I. Patina, 34; BUsl-th Warrtttar. 30. artloa Huarar. 31; Curaatbla cavatr; Jaa Vtra Blatan. SB. 1. B. Ilrlatrra. 41. Lai Aa, CaL; Has. niram J add Palaaar, S4; Mary KUa BaaSaaj 4Aiaraa( fx, a MV. mad Mra. 4) Mna tf TO Claekaaua atrmt. a daawtatar. avptaarhar 1. W Mr. and lira. Albart W. . Wlttrrbura ad Partoa BaL a mm. Aataat . to Hr. and Mra. Hatatltaaj Wap tna at Thirty Brat and Baat Salaaaa ptraata, "f AUat , W Mr. and Mra. Bart P. laakiaa -wi 2 Baat Thlrtr-S(th atraat. a aoai. ADjtnf 13. ta Mr, and Mra. Adatps Laatar art rirraaata. a at.? Aupaat lft to Mr. and Mrh. Bdwta BL Oapta 4hf S-ta Ftrat atraat. a aim. , Aapnat 31. to Mr. and Mra. ST. H. AJapaaah . f Una atrvatj a aoa. Aairnat 33. ta Mr. and, Maav aMHrnpg Klatat , Pt 11S0 Uawttoaraa dyaaai. a aaav , , , , BBATMB, ' V . Anrnal ST. Wlthart Brhnatdrr. apadj H BMatha at Sfl Malinrr atraat: mom, rnalara tefaataak ' Marlal at Lona Ftr caatrtarr. Aiicaat XI. Onrothy IlltL aad I BMaMba. at Safer horn; aaaaa. rhotora kaiaalanv BarUl at Loaa Fk eraaatary. VtMBir 3. Brraa H. JanM, afad 11 yaara, t Ail Saramaato atraat; raaaa. rbolara la ' lie turn. Burial at Rlwii.w waiitary. Srtaaihar 3. 0, B Vdaabaltt. agad Mwitba, t tld Ootaaaarclal traatf tapaa. dlrra. rlal at Ami It, Or. Rrptrptaar I. Kaaaatta B. nardnar. agad MMntha, ai 333 Fiat Thirty twartb atraaT, aaaaa. r J.ra InfamanL Bnrlal at Drala. Or. . KttfntMr 3. Konaatb I. T1V, apad awn i ha, at rTHtantan hoaia: caaaa, aatarttla. pxrial at Lana Flf ramtary, aviiwathtf . 0ura H- ntaea, apad T4 Iiara. at 4H Baoend atrat: ctia, aanrap tf irwHa hartal at Rlaarvtaw aaaaatary. Hfftaahar A, R. Nakannra. apad ST yaara at A.xmI Aaaurltaa; aa oaa. tpahald SMrtai al Lmk lv rVweMtarta) en Orama City flee Baa. saar tAUewaAi aawaare, ssbaBunp. aaaita. Chargae t In i Ant J llAA TALLUff LAMa WW w. or BAJ9&T aara An . Bj BdW V Bal8, . vmouu.1 Tha Mat wawk hu bm Srp, with arm dmra a ad awaenal stlaThta thoajrh rata would ba Injurtoua -to hops. It la baullr BwPdadl for Lta potattn, r.rdan and pataraa. Tha ajraja hap- raait la nnaxlv eomplatadL. and la ft raw looaJlttaa a Uttl fall awadlnc bu ban don on puBmar tailow Innd, but moat of tba fawraars ar wbIUbs; for raia ba foraj batfflnnlnft- this work, pasturaaTS n tha vmllara, axoapt In Ua ooaat ottntras p varr short, and oomplainta bt bow road that fwd an tha raoa-aa u mountalna la attiaa poarea. Tha tons of lata eotattooa bps bcib. ntnff to dry P Bad tha tutrars ara small and raw La tha hill. Tba ylold of flaid onions in Waahtnrtoa oountp was ooa- pldrablr Una than laat paar and balow tha araraga of tormor paara. atuaar beats In Union oounty ara rlpa and tha orop la raportad to bs battsr than tba avaraft. Hop pickina; baoon aa ponsraJ thla waak. Tha burs ara ratbar amalL but ba Tines ara fro of Ilea a4 tba crop is of sood ooantr. aithouab sllahtly below the ararapa In wasbA. iummir appla have dropped heavily, but lets' apple oontlnas dolna wall and promt abundant yields. Prunes au ripening and picking will beooiDe n crraj about the nttddl of the month. Peaches and biackbeniea are -plentiful In tha markata. v , . . dat satoBliSS, Knappa, taataop county, W. JL BasV ollffa Dry, hot weather continues; all vetatlon dry 1 bat up; potatoes turning; yellow, but If blight does not strike then will be a fair orop: apples plant tfuL but a ma IT; Bartlcrht pears and prunes will be Ufthterop; flow of milk failing off; stock la fair condition; tweet earn about ready for market. Baal Rook. Lincoln oounty. O. D. ClarkWeather pleasant; ne Wlnda; ground aulte dry; stock doing well; milk aaaaon about over; early fruit ripening fast; early potatoes ready fop digging. loroo. llaht: aU tKXatoes fair. Point Terrace, Lne eouatr, BL J. Al lison Light showers fore part of week. followed by hot weather; gardens look fine; mors rain, badly needed: pastures very dry; stock In good eondltlon; Orav- anatelB apples rlpa, crop good. . Corbln, Curry county, W. T. "White Weather clear and cool; stock In good eondltlon for winter; plume- and prunes ripe; apples ripening, erop good. , WlUaaaeete Tailey. . Forest Qrove, Waablngton county, U. T. Walker Hot and dry, cool Bights; harvest completed; -everything needs rata; estimates on hops vary; quality good, apples will be small, but large yield; potatoes nod pas tu res need rain badly; one thing baa bean showrL and that Is tha benefit of thorough prepara tion and culture to offset dry weather. - Liberty, hfarteaf oounty. T. C David son Waathar warm and very dry; threehlnB all done; yield right, quality good; hop-pick I ng will ba general about the sth; etook doing vary well, although pastures are vary dry.; corn swing; well; potatoes win be a short erop. Dayton, Yamhill county, J. H. Moo Weather oontlnues warm and dry, with mther oool nigbta; threshing about com pleted; fall wheat orop better than at first ospeoted; spring .wheat averaged light, and oats Wars also a abort orop; hops ripening vary-raptdly; soma ftrow era ara picking; but report are that the haps do not weigh as heavy per box tn the yards as ta other Tears; hop-picking will bo general this week; the erop In this locality will fall below the average, but the quality will be first class; ap ples will be better than the average. Harrlsburg. Linn oounty. Will Orlmos First of week cool and cloudy; Utter part warm, with oool nights; amoks has settled down again; crops all harvested and stored away; taken aa a whole, the yield was very light; few have com menced seeding; gardens doing well, con sidering the dryness; prunes ripening. Springfield, Laos oounty, J. C B rat- tain Threshing completed; yield -of win ter wheat n little under avers, quality fair; spring oats turned out poor; hop- ptcklng has commenced in a few yards; next week t will bo general ;t quality good, yield medium. LooklnsMHass, Douglas county. Oeers Harsh ween very dry and smoky; no rain tn August; poms stock burned on Coast rang: gardens must have rain soon; potatoes email and very ' abort crop; apples small on account of drought; rreiseh prunes begtaainaT to ripen, Italians almost a failure. Aahland. Jackson oounty. w. C Hosaea -Atmoephere Is smoky, not good for haying or growth of hay; weather warm. hlch la favorable to growth; Motr paaehos are coanlng tn abundantly and are of fair sis and good quality; also some apples; threshing about over: qual ity of wheat good, but yield eomparmv- tlvely light. Oalioe, Josephine oounty, I. B. Loomts Hot weather oontlnues, but nights are cool; peaches, tomatoes, apples, pears. bbage, prunes and plums, water and musk nations plentiful; the smoke ts so thick that the sun son hardly peaetrat It; food drying up; hay all out. , t OelnmMa SUre Tanar. . Dufur, Wasco oounty, Alex Htrachan Week very dry; quit oool la the for part, turning warmer toward the end; threshing atlll In progToea, but trill be oompleted fn about a week; yields of grain, from all accounts, have been good; some fall wheat being sown on summer fallow; wheat being- hauled to ware houses. Klagaley, Waaso oanty, Qeorg J. Prlend Weather pleasant, hat rain Is needed; threshing almost don; summer fallow aeedlng well begun; Bertlett pears are getting ripe, but yield ta short. Olex, QUI lam oounty, Oeorse W. afar. ve Weather pleasant and favorable for work; threshing nearly done; yield about average; fruit a good erop; potatoes light and very email third orop of al falfa nearly ail out: farmers ara pro- paring for fall seeding; pastares short. oat at oca generally ta good condition. . Plateaei Moglen, Baker City. Baker countyv W. C. Mo- Outness The hay crop near Baker City ta oonstosraoiy larger than usual; wheat and oats are threshed, with the usual crop; pasture good la Irrigated dta- -i-adtdta. tSBj ehndra. 3K. VI altera 0 a. pa. a B p. pl rartlaad Criaiattes aaaaatatka. rertlaad. Or. x - Tha Bdward Rotataa rndartafclag aaaiaaay, bMral dlratan and ambalsiar. 330 Third atraaC , Phone SOT. 1. P. Platay ft Boa. fanaral elreater and aabalatafe, haa rataovad M thatr new aatah hrhmaat. earaer Tnk d Madtaas aWeata. Bnar-Byrne 0a fxaaral ewer tars and nvj pstaarra, 371 Beaaatt. Lady asst. Fhaea Beet aOSai Clark Brea far flaawa. 3BS sTarilam aWest Oat msp laaottnaa aad aharraata ts real ratal froaa tna Tltl Ooaraataa flat aen tisaaipat ax tnota. but ba Bocounf iBT look of ratn la dried up on foothills; light frost la reported from exposed plsoes, hut sjs damaa haa resulted. . La U rand a. Union ooornty, W. F. Oek. Isr Weather good for harvesting; whioh ta nearly done; sugar beets nearly ready to harvest; some fait seeding done; last week's rata put too ground hi line ooa- -tfitlon for sowing. " Aehwood. Crook oounty, Jamoa-Wood Weather dry and hot; third orop al falfa looking good, and If -no frost oc curs it will max a soou.oropi rruit ripening fast antf orop beavy; a took PORTLAND FIRM ' . : TO MAKE BRICK Articles of Incorporattoa of the Xatacada Brisk and Tile company wtH be fUed today by Secretary W. T. MuUc, and aa sooa as pooslblo Oregon's new Industry will be In practical operation. The papers designate a capital stock of t7B.0o. divided Into 70 shares of the par value of 11, but ta time the capital stock will be Increased to file, NO, the intention of the company being to make the manufactory the largest on the Paolfle coast. The object of the corporation as set forth1 Is to manufac ture brick and tiling . and all . other articles made of olay and similar sub stances. The company baa some s- eellett earn pi as of the olass of work on hand. A feature will be flne ' pressed brick, o Since last January, tests have ra ta prograss and tba Testilts are eminently eatlsfsctory. The Incorporators are: a.' W. Bflor- w. president of tba Oregon Water Power and Townslto oompany; W. T. Mulr, secretary of the Oregon Water Power and Railway company; A. F. Campbell, vloe-preeldent of - the same oompany; R. L. Durham, vfoo-prestdent of the Merchants National bank; J. M. Nlckonr of - Wickam-- dr-rpIeHy :A G. Mowrey, president of the Bast Sid Milling oompany, and' W- H. Huriburt, -president of dha Oregsn Water- rower. oompany. - - The prinorpal offtoss of the oompany will he ta Portland and) the factories in Disturbances of strikers are net near- ,Jy as grave as an Individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep. nervous tension will bs followed by utter oollapse, unless a reliablp remedy Is Immediately employed. ' There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the liver or kidneys as Bleetrle Bit tern. R's a wonderful tonic, and effoo- tlve nervine and the greateet all around medicine for run dowa systems. It dis pels nervoosriesses. . rheumatism and neuralgia and easel malaria gerana. Only tOc and eat la faction guaranteed by K4 Cross Pharmacy, corner Sixth and Oak, on the way. to the noatomoa. i Miag TIBQIWIA WABDBL. grjSBif or paxmistb, cla ibto y abtb av csraTAi, uAiLoa wr ajanauua. BBMOWKBO TflBOLOHOtrt TBS WOBLD, rerfartVm Benetf. Mh Wardel Teaebas la fteanea to Dthera, Bo That They May s. Bead the Mystarus ef Ufa. r , Clahrroyaney tasgbt. Imj aacrat of Mfa taamlas. Bualnam serret anfoldao. : - Advtc glTp on baBluaas vaatarai. The aaparatad roBnltad. 1 , Loat lore swat pmltlTaly raeterad. ' Row to sip the affaetton ef thea yen hrt. Tba habit of dmnkasassi Owes. Btanunrrlng cerad. v ' Lnat property laxtuwed. Tha aacrata ef year afflaaiid'a haart. aa- Vtalad. Tha esoMm p hike af veer sates Mm correctly told. Khali roe arnaai m rent emtaameitas vea bnaT . a BhoeM yea aaeh a lartter pnaitloe n Bra? All thaa thlaaa are at the Outer tloa and on tha tonpua of yla VIrlaU WardaL palmlat, aatroiofar, clalaeeyant aad crjraUl gaser, PM Morrlaoa atraat, oorBor 4th. ever blHnfi atore. Boartal tela week: Brio tbla Sid" with yoa and gat s reading for one-half ark. D0WT ft 8KBPT1CAL BKAD TBS FOL- LOWIMO CONCBHNINO M1BB WABDBL. Over Bis Taera Is Cltlaa as Che OMetOav tinead Bsccaas aa Urawaad Has Mferts. BBB BAB HO BTTaJL ta Portland Baer TeaUaiiaJ Bar aUtehha SUU. Wltbaat sakmp; a onaattoa aad bafare sea apeak one work aha tflla yo atactly what yoa eallad for; yoer same In fall; whoa and wras ros wiu starry nr avari pj fact, talai ar,fa ,81 treat tradla la the grere. WBTJTHFTX IN BBB PBimCTIONft-atB-. ... L1ABLS V HUB AUV1UB." It BUttor what tronbloa aoa aaav have artrh yoeraalf w othara, com aad aba will gvlda roe. Bha advlaaa yea wlU a cartnlatp Manor man ham an power. Mlaa Wardal la recoaralaad hr the naeaa. BWdJcal fratarBltlaa and aria at lata prnaraUjr a tha roraSMat BMdlaai la tha rcmnlrr aboard not be claaaad with eardraadara. tor- tana-tailara, aatrologhtta and alntllar hassVapa. Mlaa Wardal tba brilliant atar af h nm. faaatoo, ackm.wVdf ad by tha praaa and psbllc two eoatiaaDta aa the anal rataarkabla sta dhua aad elalrroyast, la narnanantly kwetad la Portland, and may ha coaaaltad dally and Banday. Mlaa WarAar peat raonrd Mid atrtet ly honarabla eoallnaa ara aafrirlant gearaata nr her fatara work and hara van her the good will of tba praaa aLd aaesw. BOttSST, FBARLBM and capasls. Har ravalatlona are aanat waoAaafal an u. knowladgad to be of tha blphaat order, sot ma a to aatiaiy law ranoaity aely, hat ta tandad t gift tbaae Who aaak tha truth par. DMnent baaest. Bba doaa nat aatw tn tba auperatltlone of tba Ignorant, credaloss naepla. If roe art I aht that aba caa aad will parforai all aha rials yne'ra Invttad s tall aad ah will rive Fe a More aabataatlal proof ofhar 7oaspowar thaa yes aav pvar TOt'K WISH AND OBJUrT Vf LTFS CAtf SS uriTAI.MiU A IKI H KT TOt 'PMOt'LO KNOW. TUB POWBB TO CONTBOL It pjarrtape, ptetsaaa. daath, csearoa, trav als. dlvorraa, aaparauona, lawaaTta, seat aeas trasCaftloas, wllla. dcoda. sturtparaa. loat W baant frtanda lot ara t yoa; If roe daalra t ba nwra snecaaafal; If yae daatre ta have roar enateatlc troabiaa raaMvad; yoer tort tova rataraad. yoar Mttaraat rnaatlaa ooarartad Into ataneh niaada In a word, ehatavae our be yxiir troablie. atwiHHmai or AmIvm mh m ahia rlftad womaa and aba wlU aaad yos awsi haa plar. wWr and holder, thaa he tore. MOt'HM Mlaa Wardal aaa ha a- JaHae haa omrr txmn, and at a ether Uaae 10 a. m. a -an m mi ti. n. B Ranafartloa - aa mm mm. AU heainaaa aacrad aad Mtnddeatlal. Parian arvangr4 that yoa meet no atraapaea. Miaa Wardal la the enar Palmlat aad flair- nyeat In tha rtty . who baa appeared befnr tba Londoa Payrbla Baaaari aoriety, a wall oaios sad Detroit, ftaanaibar the ptaea. . cos mob Bru.mvo, ftw Marriem fttT '(0 L wwri siinaaiing uVFoodaiklHefuIa- ProtMMes Dif5tk)rLCIeo ness and feSl-Contains rattier NOT NARCOTIC, A perfect rkflsbaV rorDampsv Bon, Sour Sna.DieaThoea rVVMtns .Convulsaons ,FeveriSiV ium and L6ss or SlXEP. tVSMSW) Sijnahirsof ft- KEW YORK. The Veiled . Prophetess ! TELL YOUR NAMB" $10.00 CompleU Life RsMdhigs for -Bt.tu. xmr.i. $1 ft IU We VPjy -Ut.J en 5trsjaff Words ot Prals Prom - tbs Bdoch. PromlirSsat Micb -isjaia JutfR Wsrmljr En " esoracm Psychic ,v-' " ;."-y . Work of . "'-i ) : BUDAH B R N I QUE ftm WIti LWjobic Vert, EdTKJits Is .. Oaalt Sckncc is EgyM uA Indii . UtMfmaM by Rotate Judge : August 10. 1304. I cheerfully reo ommend Mlao Berntque aa a gifted psychic. She predicted ,my election and located Important document that bad been lost three years. B. L CRANK, Judge of Probata, Baglnaw. Mich. IT HAT BB OF VITAL INTEREST TO YOU TO KNOW TtB QUTCOMB OP XOVB ruEsartT ineiajBno.i , . THB HAFFlNtSO OF TOCB FTTTT'HB LIFB MAT DEPEND UPON THB SiQHT SOLUTION AND FKurBB ADVTCB. THRU! ABB NO MISTAKES IN TBB PR EDI (.TIO N 8 MADB BT TBB OBJU.T AND WONIjBRFTL FSTCHIO. TOO. MAT WISB TO KNOW TP TT IB AD VI MARLS TO MAKB A OH A NOB IN HimiNKNi in ijivn in mirriiue "SHALL I SUOCSSD IN MX NEW UN DEKTAKINOr1 "CAN 1 OBTAIN MT BOPBS. MtT WTBB SB, MT AMBITION T' BUiLL I RVICH BIWOX TBI JIU klES OF' WEALTH T' "CAN I TRI'ST Wt PBIBSTDSCr V' r & ' , "BATS I ENEMTBSF . I "WHEN SHALL 1 MAftJtTF "HOW OFTEN SHALL I MARRTf "SHALL I EVER BE DIVORCED T -1 "DOBS ANOTHHB STTARB THB LOTS THAT RJOHTFi l.LT BBL0NOB TO MBr "IP BO, WIIOHr1 "AM I l)VKli IN BSTVKMI. . "IB THBRB A BIVAL IN MT LOVBT" "WHEN SHAIX MT LOTB APTAJas TXaV HIKATR IN MARRIAOSr "WHEN SHALL MT DOMESTIC flOO. BLBS BHDr HOW CAN I BID BT UfB AND BOHI HArriT' WHEN SHALL BT ASBSjNT rUBHD BJPTtlRNF "WHT DO I NOT BBCXTTB A LBTTBBT' 291 J Morilsoi SL, Corner Firth HENRY WEINHARO r tho , City Brewery , i largest sstd Moot OompJets " Strewaay pa th araeweeb , , Bottled IW m Speedy POBTLAMIX OBBOQ31- - Every ISaBttPpaaa aad Pbeald kaew Mxnua voatWfat ItUrvn. WMrttaf oprsy tba new vaataal jrh-i. Aae- Mea aeW HmcHon, Paae-AU- U at OoBTanlanL k UefeeaaNlattMb;. aaaaa Ifbaac aoprlTtbt Brmt L. aat no LfK bai aand aunt for fi aatratad boo-4fc4iatvea .pan particular ad (iirartl' Via la. vaioaMa to luaa. IT t SliITaVi lames aUdg. Saw leaav For Sals By v..--," i. !7 ' --oaaapapj. at 1-aalsBhJ ar "m fKy - For Infants find Cfalldn." Tb Kind Yea !:v3 ; Always EcL'sfct In Use For Over Tliifty Years TEETH SPECIALS tTTKNDBO UNtnL OCT. I . i Boston Painless Dentists Will make special low school rates tn order that all school children may ootne and have thatr teeth oared xor oar wig vacation. Thee at tn only dentists tn Port land having the late botanical dlaoovery to apply to the gums for Painless Ex tracting. Filling and Crowning; Tooth, and guaranteed xor tea yaara, , tlSetlUsi B.HHaTX Slrecr BlUaAa (I CM rlm4S..7Sc falMdsr Term B.M II haef fswsa...J.SS a t ' Oiwpasi SPAd BMftsa Work ad 3 Prmes a gbaoiaity. OW aant aawaais seiem W1Q hold your teeth as , T7 m- sro STtrosorxs. ' v ' Come ta at once and take advantage of low rates. Alt work dona .by spectallate without pain and arabtaed fop. II years. Boston Painless1 Dentists Fifth and 131)4 Morrison. t;cFr,t,TbA fL&C EXTRACTS OrftSTrwlsasor SEASIDE RESORTS HOTEL MOORE NOW OPEN DAN i. MOORE. Prop.. Baa aide. Oregon, McQUlRE'S T ' Seaside, Oregon ; f of the stty. iwUroad aad freeh wales FbMhr fa Seaside Livery 4 Fuel Co. , i. XJTBsTT, FH3,. SAXHSi . BSASJTPB. frSSS OB. AH attadsy of Xrry Weed. The Driftwood ' srssv . lyaJxr ' Mot and Cold Salt Water Baths hi Connection. fcOWS UMAOM, Wi iTEII AND WOMEE Bears the V V "waea nf'V - hshsLaLshpBSBF w wm I Uaa Big far eaaararal hll. I eWharawJaaaaaiauoa, Saar 4 )M irrluUea or aloaraUoa I I-1"'"".". W naaaea aaaajbra-ae. SWPJShin, ft hp s ! la, 1 V j er aaat la piata wrappat, - f . - , Til Ef jO .D ER G r WAS I I I KGTGN . . . ..' STARTED RIOMT . -'t ' ' RATES ARE CChSECTLY" BASED Good liwiTmrace Furniahed to Mea smd Wonvib Who " 7 Can Pass Retitiired examinations. v , XiL WHO INDtJl THE AGE Of SIXTY CAN JOII. ':,(,' If jroo wsnt the best trsternJlriaura in ths world, in Festigste the plans of Tbo Order of Wsstungton; for full pr tlculsjrt, paunpbasts, etc address, girtng your , ; U stfTTCHEIXh Supretns Sexxetsry X? v, :i y T v ; ; , S12 MsxquBim Bldg., Pca-tlsiid Ore.' , lis Re-rCOTacd at 20 Per CtEt Oif Isnarl . We will' gtv tt per oent discount on ah re-covering where the frames .- ar left this wek. o lissnsas alleered af yo fan to bring tbAs advap . We 4cbvdf umbiesfsi for TSo and up, aoeordlng tovmatertala selected. ' ,'We have special umbrella material carried only by us, such as WaAa paxof 4lorah asd Waterproof Silk, UnspUtahls Slot aad SOfc. If tt splits we put oa new oovsr free of charge. 11 pass stroagast fop wear. JOHN AL.L.ESISIA Pea ,. 4, SS Bos Jtmdjfur kmggmgm mlti Sw lmmdt tt mmim mmtramcm to fAd) raA7s. . ftoSS C CUMB, gt., Lot Jlmgml. CdU. WE DON'T KNOW -A Anything about atie other f ellow'a paint, but w do know that the paints we ssH ara tha beat tor alt purposes that ara used In this climate. Peculisrry i adspted to, this rsiny cBrnate. x . ' , :. , I Wo -T aapbS. , risner. tnorsen EVHTTO W sjUIin CsVa.Fnst ud pparrifss DON'T MONKEY - Wtt Wo pedats. a goat paw " whoa lob Weatherproef Faint ' PORTLAND PAINT AND WALL PAPER CO. 168 atBCOND STRBrTT Iflid l)6es Yoiir 7-1 v We are aura If we are not doing It we should be. - We guarantee perfect aatisfac tion In every way and quick, delivery.' . v,: , h i,; .v' --.,. . . vi ' WEST SIDE OPFICEt 1 ' - 129 FIFTH STREET WATER ST- ' EAST SIDB PCEE LAD 1.1 C.:iO I hi tba rkhaat graK d aaxfc aacoe at thawovt. Th.uaiaei aacraaef baadat acroal 4aefp mf PFTaafJeeV DSsysl 4wJWSfa ftvtfl sptSlat 4f Orasaa. WRITI TO-BAV. BOOKLET and MAP rilZa. Dimhima lrrlastsmsnd Power 0ea pasy,eiwsMcaua; Siiilisig.PBitssPllOpsy ' BttaB Bar9 aams WsprfpfsT- W0 dsWMmV . As ged as ths hong and hats as - . - i -( r Washing? I rni I atinninr y 1 1 vj ; sUUUI 1UI j V rAmnsnii'v vuiiipaujr. that your ticket reader rift WAB ASH R. R: . Dr W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK ' Wa treat aettaaaraHj all private natiaae aaaV ehroade dlaaaaaa ot mmm, alao hlaod, ateaaach. heart, Mar, kidney and throat troek.Twi aura ST PHI IX IS (wtthaet BMrearyl te stay eared forwa; Is So to SO days. Wa ra Sacra SJRICriqnX, wtthaal taera Uaa er aaaa, aa l Wa ptee drtta. ' IB rKt ef aalf abesa, . mneadlateiy. Wa eas reatora tha aazajil vlgo at any atan coder B0 by leeal tra ' tsrat BecaSsr h astaeiT aa. We Cart Canorrboa ln i Week The daetrt ef thl barritste are an fepvtas Sradaatae, have had Paany rear anertaooa, have bees knows U Porllaad far IB yaara, ,r have a -reentatloa t Mliun, aad wlB ander taka as eaaa aalam eerbtla esre sea to oK fact ad; W geappBts ta pup bi every easb we snase, tab er rharsa sb lea. OSnoaltatlna free. Let. tar aesfloasrlaL laatrerttra BOOK FOB MB3C . nwllad free m nblsanDpar, If yos eaaa at aatl if offl. write ftp eassa -Sea faeak. Heats treat. est mataiafL, Oft at ham t ta B. aad T t ft. laitata nt the B D.W. Norton Davis i& Coi Te ss BhrasL E l Oosw Fhhrd astdj Mineral Springs ; ToVVlomteIrloyConc 1 m to tbo above oprtaao ew Aprtf f to take treatment for my eyes, 1 has ft vary eever. attack of oatarrh of th eyea, was almost blind after treatlngj' with the best peoiaiiets that oouid so fonnd, and surra ring i ring for nine yearn, I ind a cure bet at th AN SPBIKOa. f VX have at last roun FAMOUS TUSCA not praise them too highly. I hop that other that ar sRIIetsd wttl sdvs theaB a trial, Mespeotruliy. . . . . A , v. i rAuun, Boon vea. csastwtreiai BaBftTPSaaBaMb Mr?T:'a- of PaJmervOr., ra. eared of rbsumstlsra. If you ere trick writ to as; we wm give you tn and address or some on of similar oomplalat C OEE VO las Qrsat Chinese DecW la salted great b. Sanaa his wondorf , cures ar so well known throughout the Unftad SUtea, and beoause so many peool are thankful to him for savtae their lfvaa from . OPElttTiONS r treats any and diseases with .powerful Chine herbs, reota, buds, barks and vegetables a that ara entirely ta knnw.i to a. 4 Pclance tn tMe on try. ariS thrown tn use "h?rw lees rrmedlearThle famous doctor knows the nation qf overdo different romadles that he has f ooceoafuliy used la different dls laou rto eitaranteea u osri m. aatlim a. Ion a- trouble. rhsumat1stn. nr vmisnee. stomach. Uvar. ...I. .mmKI m,mit atl nrt kidney, fee vate dlaaaaaa. Hundreds of testimonials. Char sea moderate. Call and awe CTOBTB V XrT A VIOS? blm. Patient a out ot tho etty writ blank aad circular. trees THE C OEE W0 CHINESE ; v MEDICINE CO. tf Aldor atreet, Portland. Oa, ttan this tMpe. TLSCAN Tiiacaii Miseral SpriasCorp. - ' r WOA3r. OAS. ; ' gBBB gap FOB BOTTT.B OF aTSestAOBJ AJTD OATAJA3VSI BAX.T. ,1 : r -A