The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 05, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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8ErTEMBER I, 1904.
for lower Grades in s Manyi Institutions
Hot Ready -for Occupancy Some Classes
; ; o;:m Attend Half Day Each.
Although th mtf uehoola are toeVhavs been tost The time la which the
you uy not w;:j ti:e
HMIU.4 llv....iU
Bant hf mettmg mm ysa ksr put as ffosal a
aatarics as -aa ocw slss is wla sm si ths sthsr
taest pks, sr fsltlaff ia tfaJa, ts asciirs Msat
lbs 0w mon SOOaUnar prfjwg.
lad to aoM neat Hondu, the
nnnUM of tmnl af ths buildings m
far from hew eomnleted. Bmwm of
this a imn artuetion ocarout City Su
perintendent af School Frank Rlgler
and the city hoard ( education. In
Am tritxtf t)u buildings the Mf ad
dition wUl as be ready for oouenncy,
nd i r of Um tower grades will itW
have to be dlsmtosed until tbo work la
ooninlsted or a somber of the pupils
wiu have to saimbis for only half a
day at a, time,
shipertoteiMeat Rlgler state thfe
orntac that tha Brooklyn eebool will
aot ba ready and tha lowar gradsa will
not ba reedy to assemble. Ia tha Lead
Pxk aohool there wUl riot ba a auf
fletaat number of tha rooaM raadr for
eeoupanoy. One-half of tha lower
grades will have to aMat la (ha morning
and tha atbar half la tha afternoon. Tha
work oa tha Atkinson school la aot com
pleted, and Sa aU ntobabUlty aslf-dey
claaaaa will hava to ataat than. At the
PortaaKrath and tha Clinton Kslly
aoboola tha same eoadltloaa exist, and
It la feared that tha work will aot ba
finished br Monday. .
Many -things have sj-tos whlok have
Intarfarad with tha work. Ona of tha
moat serious la tha eoercity of mate
rlal. Tha lumber companies havo baaa
very alow In supplying lumbar, oa ec
aouat of wbiah several working dayo
i::iSf iiifD m
AMASS 9 oom-
Uawnal teirlal arrlo.!
an Franclaoo, apL . Tha noddins;
aluato of tha aaUant Knlsht Tamplar,
hu handaoaia alack uniform and bril
liant acooutramant, aad, of oouma,,tha
tr Knlsfat alasaotf. twaaUath oantury
ozamplar of tha cruaadar of old, aara
taaan aaa Pranolaoa bp atorav Tha kara
of tha eltr bava baaa tumad ovar to tha
'araat boat of a fraat ordar and today
tha Kalfhta hold andlaputad poaaaaaloa.
Tha crash af bands, tha ataadr tramp,
tramp of Knlfhtat tha olattar of boofa
of haodaoma charaara, tha coraaoaa dao
orattoaa ail baapoka a craai a aot la
Ban rranalaoo'a hlatory.
Sir Knlchta of tha looal fooarrlBC
oommrttaa wr aarly aattr. raadr to ra-
aumo tha taaka that hava baaa thatra
for a waak paa. Tha mornlna; tralna
pourad balatad dalaaatlona and eonolava
Vlaltora Into tha etty. It aaamad that
tha atraam of humaaltr arrtvlna; would
ba anandlnv, and haadqoartara onVdalA
oooortlna; ooaualttaao and hotala arara
taaad to thalr utmoat eapaoltr to handla
tha atrantwra wlthla tha ataa.
Aa waa tha euatom with tha aarltor ar
rivals, atany af tha vtaitora qulokly
want la for tha alfhta, Othara aouajht
rant, at 111 othara. dalacatad to taaka of tha
ooodava, warn aaoa op to thalr aara In
work. whUo (ha anaanbara of tha drill
uorp. aarly as wall aa lata arrtvala, pra
parad thamaalvaa for tha morrow, with
Its Croat parads aad oompaUUva drUL
Tha poilttoa of tb oonelava baajaa
to took ap tlaht amarttr. loffrotHnc for
tha aalaotloa of tha naxt oonelava eltr
and tha honors of edtos batlnnlng m
. Tomorrow's parade received tha grant
, eat attentloa, and the parade eommlttee
werked like beavers from aa aarly
' breakfast until late la tha day. All ar
rangements are practically complete,
only a few minor details remaining. The
parade, which Is scheduled to atart at
10 a. m. la empeoted to bring out fully
, 10.000 knights, making a Una four mllee
la length. About L00 of the knlghU
wlU be mounted oa black atoeda. Posi
tion of honor wUl be aaalgned to. tha
, Brltlah delegation, headed by the Sari
of Kuatoa, pereonal rapresentatrva af
the king of Kngland, and to tha onV
oera of tha grand anoampmant.
Tha parade wlU consist of It grand
dtvletona. headed by a ooaapany of
mounted poltca. Bmlnent Sir Caarlae
L. Plaid, grand septal a general. wlU
command the parade. The aret dlvlaloa
wUl be headed by California Command
arr No. 1, mounted and will aot ae
portal escort to the grand atastar. Sir
Jienrr Batea moddard. who will ride
In a carriage. Other carrlagaa wlU aoa
ala the Earl of Boston, grand master
of the Greet Priory, of England and
Walast Sir Oaorge Moulton, deputy
' grand aaastar of tha. United Btataa; Sir
Charlaa P. Matter, great vlee-obenoeUor
of tha Great PHory of smgiand and
: Wales and other otBoera of the grand
, euoampmant and Great Priory. Oolden
OaMmnmndery -of Sea Praneteoo will
; ..act aa escort.
All of the retafl atorea la tha eltr
- will remalB dosed from 10 a. m. antll
I p. m. tn order to give the employes
time to view or to participate In the
, parade. Oa Prtday the atorea wUl re
nala closed all day la honor of Call
forata'e admlealoa day.
Immedlatelr after tap parade the first
" aaseion of the grand eoeampment will
'be helA The svenlng'a events laetade
a reeeptlOB to tha srsne master at the
Palace hotel and a promenade ooncert
v In tha grand aava of the Perry build
ing. M ohm roue sewsto are eetadaled for
One of the tmhjue featoree of the aa-
rsrtalnntont program hi the leasing of
the Oread opera house for one weak
end the ninhtly produeUoa of a Co la aaa
- plar by Chinee actora.
(isral Bpel derrleKl
Sea Pranolseo. lept. . Templar eom
sanderles arriving thai morning were
from Nebtmska. llltaote, afssmebusetts,
Kentucky, Peaaaylvanla and Minnesota.
Thla arternooa the Sari of Bustoa and
the British delegation arrtved and were
Ivan aa evaliea as thap rode through
the streets. r. , .
He ad to fear ouMea StUwki of
eholra InrajitMm, dysMitery, dwrrbeea.
ummer ow. 't of any aort If
r, va ir. rowre rinm m niw
fc.rawboiTy Hi the medtclne cheat,
Penoorh flour aJwvya glveo aatlsfaa
' and m smrasd by your una or.
-. , .......
work waa to. ba dona waa alao United,
and although tha ooatrectora have baaa
attaining avery point, they bava failed
Mo flnlah up.
Saparlntandaiit Rlgler eeya ba
hopaa that tha work will ba completed
wlthla a waak or two aftar aohool open.
Meanwhile ha wlU do all la hla powar to
ftooommodstc tha aapUa for at laaat
half of tha time.
An taunanaa amount of Improvement
has baaa atada la bulldtaga aad grounds
of tha city eehoola during tha past thraa
or foar months. Tha aontraeta for
buildings aad repair amount to
SIM, 000. . Two entirely aaw building
hava been' built. Thar ar tha
Twenty-eighth and tha . Twenty-ftret
straot aohool buildings,'' Tha former
ooat 111,117 and. tha tetter: II 1.71 T,
. Tha Ledd (Park) school, which
partially destroyed by fire, baa baan
reconstructed 'and enlarged at a aoot of
134,110. Tha Atklnaoa achool haa baaa
enlarged at a ooat of 111, fit. Among
Other aohoola rapalrad and anlaraad ara
Portland Homestead, I10.07I.IT; naw Al
blna Central, 114,111.17; Brooklyn. Ill,-
440; Clinton Kallr, Slft,J0e.ft0; Porta-
aMMrth. 111.117.
. A naw hot-air boatloa plant baa baan
ftatallod la tha Ulsh aebool buUdlna.
.which, with othar - rapalra. aawnnta to
t,e. Minor rapalra la othar aohoola
amount to 10.000, maklnc tha total aoat
of taaproroaaaata orar HM.aOA,
If tha oriental Unar lArabw, which waa
oaptnred by the Russlana, eaa gat here
la tlma to load the Utter part af thla
mouth for Japaa and China, the steam
ship Algoa will aot ba sent to Port
land from San Preaelsoe to rood to 'a
cargo tor tha far aeet, aa bad been ar
ranged. -
Thla announcement ' was made this
morning by tha local oOdahi af the
Portland A Astatlo Steamship com
pany, who bad been so advised by Oea
eral Manager Sohwerta of the Bay City.
ateamar oaa easily take care of
bustaesa that la likely to ba offered.
At the time that tha Algoa was char
tered tha Arabia waa m tha handa af
the arias-saurt at Vladivostok, and no
one waa la a position to foretell at
what time ahe would bo released. Sub
oeauentlr bar cargo waa dlacharged and
aha was permitted to proceed to Shang
hai, where ah was still lying at the
last accounts. But It la presumed that
ahe will ebon aall for Yokohama to take
on a cargo for Portland. It la gener
ally believed that aha has already done
so, or there would be no possibility of
her reaching the Columbia river before
the totter part of September. It re
quires about II asya to make the pass
age from tha ' Japanese port, and for
this reason K la believed that aha la
aow there receiving freight.
Should the Arabia gat here to Sep
tember U Is said that tha bualnssa of
the lino eaa easily be handled by the
regular freighters. Tha Numaatle Is
expected to arrive early next month
and take care of all freight that Is of
fered at that time. Owing to the new
Import duty aa flour, that goes Into ef
fect la Japan October J, It la believed
that the shipment of that product from
then on will be reduced to very email
proportions. Zt la declared that the
big eonalgnmenta to that line during
the past month wore made aolaly for
the purpose of avoiding tha payment of
the new duty.
Work hi being rushed today getting
tha eteamehlp Aateo ready for the sea,
and It la believed that ahe will be loaded
la time to leave down lata thla aftar
nooa for the mouth of the river. The
ateamar wlU have oa board close to
MM tons of cargo, of which , tons
wlU consist of flour. The ateamar will
draw SAA feet of water, but It la said
that aha will experience no dUBoalty la
getting out of the river. -
litnrta Mm. A iAlllOd dOWB OSrrV
and sailed at a. m St m mar Aurella.
for Sen Pranolaoa, ,
St. Helen. Sept. Passed at T:W a
. preach bark Brlseux.
Saa Praneteoo, Sept. Arrived at I
a. m. Steamer Whlttler, from Portland.
St. Johns, Sept. ft. Passed at 10:40 a.
. Prench bark Brlaeua.
Astoria, Sept. 4. Arrived down at ft
m. and aalled it I l. na. Schooner
Andy atohony, for Saa Pedro.
Left ua at 11 a. nv Prsnoh pars
Arrived de-am at I and aalled at :1S
p. m. gtaamor PraneU H. Leg-sett, tow
lag tog raft, for Saa Praaolsoo.
Baa rreacieoo, aept. a. " nanea ax 11
m. Steamer Columbia, for Portland.
sj.iia al 1 n. m fit aa mar North
land, for Portland. , ,
Astoria, Sept. ft-Conditlon of the bar
at I a, BVp amoothf wind, aorth; weather.
Laden wHh wheat aad lumber, tha
steamer Aurella sailed yesterday after
noon for Sea Praaolsoo. it la ex pec tad
that tha company operating her will
aeon add another vase el to the Una,
With another cargo of grain and S
log raft la tow, tha ateamar Pranel H,
Jggett aalled from the mouth of the
river tost night for the bay city.- In
her hold aha carried l.lftft tone of grain
and feed.
Jesse Johns, tha son of an eastern
Oregon mtntog man, whose disappear
ance aot afloat several highly colored
stories, aaa not been found. The story
published the effect that the boy bad
ia abducted hi pronounced by toe
father to ba entirely without foundation
and anerely the result of a torrid Imag
ination. He say tha boy baa tmiy
run away.
'"Maw siwwl dieHrtlos smite an
tlta, and health on both.'
if it decent, tnr MuroooB looe hi.
ruMif vo omrjnrw r- dTso
nr avtraszAw-p aTAaraej oroir sxpi
Orabtraa, Or Augr It. Utm. George
, Chsmherleln, Oovarnor of Oregon,
anleta, Or. aty Xear Sir:- I wmb to la-
form you of tha treatment my brother
reoerved while in oa re rated at the otato
inaana asylum to Salem. , .
I am doing this with hopes that some
of the acre re rulings af that Institu
tion may ba modified, ara some other
poor unfortunate soul la made to euffar
what ary brother, my relatives and my
self bava been com palled to bear. -
On the llth test, my brother, Joseph
B. Tsxaldgn, waa oommltted to the to
saae asylum from Albany, Or.; and oa
1 10th tost. I reoelved word from
the asyhrm, by latter, also ' by 'phone.
it my brother waa dangeroaaly ill.
and that hla ohancaa of recovery were
very doubtfuL I went to Salem by flrst
tram after reeetvlnc tha aewa. I ar
rived there a I M a. as, and by the
doctor's perm toe lea waa shown by an
attendant to my brothers room. I
found my brother lying on his back ml
aa unconscious condition, not reeognls-
ing ma. or appearing to neWee anything.
There were two other beds la the room,
both unoccupied, and after I had waited
la vain for a alga of recognition from
my brother, I began to make prepara
ttona te anend a nortlon of tha alaht
with him, when I was told by the at
tendant that It waa best aot to remain
with him, and that he would, like to
close tha room. I then asked permis
sion to remain through the night with
my brother, aa It waa plain to ase that
be could not laet, many hoars, but the
attendant replied that It was contrary
to the rules of tha Institution, but that
might aak tha doctor for perm lesion
to,jitay. After I had seen the doctor
and talked with him af my brother's
sickness and told 'him I would like to
remain with him during hla tost hours
to do all I sou id to rellev. hla suffering,
If nothing but U give him a drtak of
water, ha also aald that ha thought
the boy could not live through the
alght, but that It was contrary to thalr
rules to allow anyone excepting, at-
tendanta on tha wards at alght. and
that ba didn't think 'I could remain.
After I had plead with him for some
time, he aald that I might coma book
after awhile and aaa the doctor who
attended my brother. X then went down
towa ana sent messages 10 my rotas ac
home, telling of my brother's condition.
About 1:1 I returned to the asylum,
aaw the doctor is charge of my brother.
Ho aald It was a very doubtful ease,
and thought ha could not last through
tha alght. He aald with tha root that
could not remain over night with
htm. Then I asked If I could aaa him
then ba said that I might, and went
with me to ate room. 1 found my
brother conscious and perfectly rational.
and talked with him. Although bta
word were spoken very low they were
perfectly distinct, and I could under
stand every word that ha aald.
I asked him If he knew me, and ha
aald: "Tee; Willie . Turn Id ge, my
brother, I want you to take ma home.
Take ma to your bouse today and to
Lacomb-tomorrow. I want to aaa Jobs.
1 wUl die If yott leave mo here."
I felt of hla handa and foot and they
wars cold aa day. I asked blm If he
waa cold and be said. yse. My brother
bad Bothtng aa hla .body excepting a
thla oettoa nightshirt, and only one
blanket spread-over blm. Whoa I told
the eoetor that be needed a hot Iron
for hla feat and more cover oa hhj bed.
the doctor replied that he was not cold
and that more cover would be herd an
no me and la the way and was aot aooos
rr. X tucked the cover around him
the bast X could and X know ba aa&arsd
from tha cold.
Tha words spoken by him wars vary
alow and feeble, and the doctor eald It
worried him to talk; that we better not
worry blm. We went out aad tha door
waa dosed and locked, thus leaving
the poor boy ell atone la the darkened
room t not able to caU for a drink of
water, or to wipe the sputum from his
mouth. Almost naked and Buffering
from cold, loft to die alone with not
even the care of a hired attendant;
dented tha companionship of a relative;
locked away from kindred and friends,
we left him slone to die, without a
sympathetic tear or a farawfll pres
sure af a kindred hand. Only those who
have suffered aa we have oaa feel the
unjust neea of euch laws and regula
tions. li X was leaving thla econe af suffer
ing X waa told by the phyelelaa that
X could cell by telephone during the
ntghi to ascertala my brother's condi
tion. At I: M I was Informed that he
waa resting better; at 1:1 I waa told
that he waa resting welt, and they
thought ba waa better; at 4:4ft I was
called and told that. ha bad died at 4:00.
I eallrd to tha aaylum and asked If I
ebeuld bring a aoato for the
They aald yea; tha body will be ramoved
to the morgue, t .
X maJa arrangements w ih aa
taker and we went to the asytuat at T
o'elarav I fovnd at brotlera todv in
tb morgue, to a moat unsightly oondl-
ttoa.. Nothing an hla body but the thin
oottwa gown, with face, eyas and month
to aa unpleasant condition, la thla un
sightly condition I waa obliged to bring
blm home to mother, friend and loved
oait waiting (here. There was no time
to wash or dross aim before tha de
parture of the uala oa which wo bad
to oobm that wa might get bona that
day. ' . . -
I have nothing to nay of tha medical
treatment my brother received, but the
care- waa oor. Wo - found aavoral
brumes aa bis feet, legs, handa a
body, Which proved that ba bad been
allowed .to beat himself sgainst the
welts and Iron bedsteads Wa were ln
famed before taking blm to Salem that
the aaylum waa furnished with padded
room, and that beds were prepared for
violent patients that they might not be
able to barm (hamaelvee. but such was
not tag ease-in wis instance. u ,
When X took my brother there he) Was
drassid to a new, clean- aalt of under
olotbee, over shirt and new woolen
Books, and bad aa extra supply, as we
wanted blm to hava tha best cere poa
elbla, but ha waa not allowed to wear
thla clothing. It waa aoat home dean.
Just aa It bad. bean removed, after bis
Incarceration. I know how he must
bava suffered from took of clothing.
And X must also any that X think hla Ufa
was shortened by tha treatment received
from tha employee of ttata institution.
He was allowed to lie tn his room and
die Ilka a dumb brute, and did not re
ceive aa much attention as most peopU
bestow on their horses or dogs, 4 Alas,
for mans Inhumanity to. man,,. . .
Tha aaylum la a state institution
kept up by taaatloa of tha people, and
when a patient la sent there ha should
bava all proper care and attentloa.
Whoa they are. denied thla. It seems a
proper time for an Investigation. Hop
ing that you may see flt to look Into
thla ease, and suggest such changes
as will serve to alleviate the. suffering
of the unfortunate Inmates of this insti
tution, aad trusting that soma provisions
may be mnda whereby the relative of
these safferera may be allowed Jto visit
them, or aa ta my brethefe case, ba al
lowed to remain with them during their
tost hours, when aa la hla ease death
was momentarily expected by the physi
cians m attendance. Pot, oh what com
fort may hava baaa derived from the
tost painful tntervlew, what cheering
airiin could bava bean aent to, the
poor old toother waiting anxiously for
tidings af bar boy. Tours truly, t
Portland. Or. (174 North Sixteenth
straet) To tha Ddltor of The Journal
I bellave It la not generally known that
at Cedar Rapids, Ia., there la a achool In
which la taught a aaw system of treat
ment for the human body, and It la cer
tainly a blessing to mankind to know
that to thla new system no a ruga ara
used, and no dreaded operations per
formed. Chiropractic (Kl-ro-prae-tlk)
la derived from two Greek word moan
ing "hand aad dona" a band prac
titioner on who repairs or adjuata
with tha handa. The treatment la con
fined to the eplnc, and It la wonderful
ho much can be done by these adjuet
menta, patients often being cured la one
treatment. - '
I do not think there la. a disease
known which cannot be cured by this
treatment If taken la the early atogea
and even la the hopeless atege much re
lief eaa ba given, and all thla aan be ar-.
compllshed without the use of a elngle
drug. Thte waa brought to my notice
some week since by seeing a tody who
had an operation performed, and waa a
total wreck. She wa preparing for an
other (which the physician said waa the
only hope) when Chlropraotie waa ra
eorted to, and to three weeka I aaw her
a well and happy women. Another, a
caae of rheumatism, of yeare standing,
ths patient being helpless much of the
time, 1 recovering rapidly after but a
few weeks' treatment. There ara two
practitioners (a gentleman and a lady)
now located in thla city, having grad
uated from thla school. I give this In
formation for tha benefit of suffering
h amenity, knowing that Tha Journal la
ever ready ta, send sat good tiding to
Why dosi yaa ge arte tha aaaft gen
ii to be awasaed to the
le what yea have e
ft year estimate at
. Cnlcaam Sept. A Sevea
wars seriously Injured la a oollialoa aa
ths Lake-etreet elevated at St. Louis
avenue thla aaomlng. caused br
crowded passenger train crashing lata
a string af empty cars that were being
awttened into the yarns. The Injured
are: Motormda B. Clowry, Mrs. Helen
Otterbaoh, Otto Qiaos, John Willing, C
T. Hays, aVSvane and Cond actor V. a
Smith. - - ,
The- passenger train waa crowded
with many persona on their way ta the
city to participate la the labor day ex
ercleea. and when ths araah came pan
demonium reigned for a few mlnutea
as tha engine left the track and nar
rowly escaped being precipitated tats
tha street.
- The accident la eupposod to bays baaa
due to a miscalculation of time' by the
craw of the train that wag switching
the ecjvpty ears, '(.,., ... .
Josraal gairlal Barren.)
. New-Tofk. Sept. ft. la- a flra which)
broke out la a tenement-house on AO
torney street yesterday 14 ware killed
and mora than fte injured. The dead In
clude four woman, nine children, aged
from throe months to ona year, and oaa
man. Tha owner, agent and superin
tendent of the building ara under ar
rest, charged with criminal negligence.
Some of tha injured may dla Tha ex
plosion of a lamp to auppoeed ta hava
started the flra. t
' '' ' (Journal ftsiilal SarvM. ;
TTnmav SMnduakv. Q. -Bent- A Whli
Lafayette McKay waa lowering a quan
tltv of nltrcerlvoerln lato a drilled hole
oroDaratorr to shooting an all well the
obarga exploded prematurely, killing
McKay -and four othara and actios aty
Injuring five byetandera.
. Jeoreel Speetal Sarvtek)
nsvslsns. O.. Ban t. Br the caa-
alalng of a aaphtba launch five men, all '
from Cleveland, were arownoa in um
Brie tost alght. -, -
- (ftpeetat Ptapatee The Joeraal.) ' K
Davenport, WaeK, Sept, ft. Ths nub
ile schools of Devenport will open for
the year September II with Prof.
George B. Craig as principal aad aa
efficient corps of teachers, aa followa:
M. Ck Spafford, science; Mies Sadie
Hettman. Latin and German : Mice
Cruso, Sngltah, music and drawing Mlas
Minnie LiCvcl eignin graoe; siisa
Bernetta Stookey, eeventh grade; Miss
Sadia Day. sixth grade; Mies Winnie
Cowan, fifth grade; Mlaa Bessie Rob
erts, fourth grade; Mlaa Klate Cos,
third grade: Mice Kate Lasher, sooond
primary; Miss Carrie B. Wler and Mies
NeU Krugel, first primary. Those teach
ers are U experienced and an unusual
ly successful year Is predicted.
. fSperial Msaateh The Jeareat)
marenee. Idaho, Sept ft. While eu
faring from three broken ribs and se
vere Internal Injuries Dr. W. N. Mur
phy rode four mllea into Praranoe from
a place where hie horses became fright
ened and demolished the buggy and al
most hilled him. . He was nearly an
conseteus when he reached hers, and had
to be helped from his bores. Ha will
aot recover. . ' ' "
Mr. Meliider Heller. Nlllliery
Having returned from the eastern mar
kets with a complete line to all tha new
est neveltlee for fall and winter, will ba
randy la law day ta meet hsr sntrooa.
mmm vtmmmw wlmtavkd nr con-
ssiiMMsi xsto WAmo, .. ;
:;x- ;
sbwWbbI BpwJsTJevMaa
tat Mn-A WT Tartaf Car (IwO lwaW),.Vasws t2r900
24 Fruw A Massa ft frastj Nsa;.MHa....Vanw SI, 200
M Prfacs- CaMsvar ftVss4 Plants Vsisa $1,000-
.V..V '' . . V' '-,0 ' , - J ; r - ' J Vslos.
Conovsr Cabinet Grand Upright Pianos, $M00
10 KiDgsbnTT Uprirht Pimoos.,,.....,..'..... 9,100
to Apollo Fiano PUyers..,.;,.,.. . ,000
: 90 Chicago Cottar Orgot...t ...... .a M00
fiGnind Raoios Seirtteoal Book Cas.. 1,000
90 Royal Sewing Machines.. !,
. P9 luuamssoo Moves aaa ranges
-.' 80 Violins, Guitars, Man dot ing aad Banjos.
(0 Solid Gold, Gold Filled, Enameled and Jeweled
Men's and Women's Watches.
100 Colnmbla Graphophones ..:....t
70 Al-VUta Fanorsmie cameras
900 Pieces Hesry Quadrap
100 Gem SsJety Kasora. .
1AA Mmm'i NrRremlrskls)
1,000 Volumes 'Theodora Xaamntor JrWO
1,000 Volumes Hodgson's American HomeTwj,., 1.000
1,000 Volumes "Stephen G. Foster's Sons; Album". 900
1,000 Song aad Music Folioa, v . .e 909
, V '" . y- . 'iS x "
9,000 ' -1 . Total, ee'e ' O'W
sees ef the soa
Slri-ysii::: H
IS 3 Si Hi
aaneay ewr, i rv-
Sa4ar edr. ft anertha.. .....
Ml , ,
Vt y
After suffering from a self -mulcted
wound for four dars, Mrs. Carrie JU
CJcaaghsn died at 1:10 o'clock this morn
ing at -'the Good Bemarltaa hospital.
Mrs. Clenaghea ahot herself la the eheet
last Thursday . morning. Desth wss
llsstened by aa attack of traumatic
pneumonia. - At the. tlma aha oommltted
the act, Mrs. cjenaghea waa aufrering
with, puerperal insanltr.
7eartng that death waa near at band,
the dying women yesterday aftarnooa
asked that her little nine -weeks' old Boa
be pahtlsed to her press oca The in
fant waa brought to her bedside, and
there baptised by tha Rev. O, B Van
Waters. Although suffering greatly
Mrs. Ciena g hen took aa much part In the
oeremonlee aa aha could. She Beamed
to be very happy after tha aeremony.
Althougn the physldana believed that
Mrs. Clenaghea would sever fully re
cover from the afreets of tha ahot, aha
had been Improving during tha past
three days. Teeterdsy she was doing
nicely, but toward evening It was aeon
that tha woman would not be able to
live many hour longer. About half an
hour before her death, Mrs. CI en ag hen
looked up at the nurae by tha bedside
and murmured, "I am resting as easy."
Friday Mrs. Clenaghea partook of the
sacrament bf the Iord's supper.
About 4 o'clock sa the morning of
Thursday last, John a Ctonagfien was
awakened by the.aoiae af a ahot fired In
the house. Rushing into the kltchea he
saw hla wtfe with her night drees oa
flra Quickly extinguishing tha Semes,
he discovered that she was bleeding
from a wound la her chest. Mr. Clena
ghea autckly removed her to the parlor
and celled for aid. Mra CI en then con
tinued to stand and for nearly 10 mia
utea aang hymna, among them being
"Nearer My Ood to Thee," and kept cry
ing out, Tied bieoa you I Ood Meee your
Doctor A. Moore aad J. J. Pantoa coon
arrived at the house. It Bast Ml nth
street and atopped tha bleeding. The
Injnred woman was at once removed to
the Oood Samaritan hospital.
funeral services will Jm held la the.
chapel of Ftnleya andcrtaklag periora
next Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock,
and tha remains told to rest at bona fir
aaa iaaaaidai lugitoomj
mm a as aa
- a Plate, Sihrerware . . . -
FMfltsin PctlS. $50
uaom ewssn-
aaelUnavwsn 7m
t a wm U.M0.MO. ma.
Utva tt.GM.lfrL, UM. ef .0 ew east
am, aad asMkei, to ato year
wm miiouii
mm tN..,...,u.. r-tol
Bee; 1 l'mwn
wm OnaTwaj aAJ3
UfSwef Xeto Ha af ?M rer eaa
UTI waft lufTtl. tsa. at s.iO per emt
lM ra i-lta.ooi, Sa. 2 f ft ear met
UU ra U.0i.0O. to of I 0T Mr east
ef U w seat
cemetery- No Inquest wsa held ever tha .
body. Coroner Fluley stating that there
wag no mystery surrounding the death,
i- - - ' ' . - i lv : -
First raoa. four and a half furlongs,
year-olds and up; selling Till, Bob)
Crawford, 10: mi, Gov. John, 104 v
M4, Bee Rosawator, loi; TITft, Ball
dor, 101; Tllft, Aurora B., 101; TI71,
lone,. 10ft: TITft, Bamato. Ill: 7 J II. Phil -Crtmmlna,
100; 7111, Bagnsrok II, '104. .
Second race, aevea and a half furlongs.
1-year-olds and up; selling .11 1 1, Sver-"; i
more, II; TUT, Ollssahdo, 109 Tllft. f '
Bstraaa. 107: 7IT. All About. 1041 71T0'
Phya, 104; T1I7, War Times, ftftl 7tT
Homage, l4t 7111. Optimo, 104 1 TITO,
Lendseer, 104; Till, frivolous, II; 71 IT,
Loss, no, 10ft.
Third raoa, four and a half furlongs,
I-year-olds; handicap Till, Steel Wire,
104; 111ft, Swift Queen, 10ft; Till, Lady
Minora, 100; Till, Leah, ; Tllft, David
Boland. 10; Till, Mabel Batea, 104
7111, Meter, 10ft.
Fourth race. Ave furlongs, 4-year-olda
and up: aelllns Till, Judge Napton,
144;. Tllft, Almoner. 10ft; Tllft, Llnla
Rloa. 101; 7171. Bell Reed. 107; 7174.
M odder, 107; , 7llft Bldred, 117; 7174.
Bstado, 101.
fifth race, one Balls. 4-year-olda and
Bp; ' selling T1T1, Duke of Richelieu,
114; TUT, Cracko. 10ft; T17T, J. V. Klrby,
114; 7171. Mountebank, 101; 7177, Moots,
114; 7171, Sail I Ooodwln. 10ft; 7144,
Henry Clay Rya, 111; 7171, Mordent.
Sixth raoa, ahi and a half furlongs,
4-year-olds end up: celling Till, Mlmo,
101; 7171, Alice Carey, 107; Tilt, Lady
Kent, 100: TI7T, The Stewardeoa, 104;
71)14. St. Phtlllplns, 10T; T17S. MippooeJC
,101; TSIft, Red Damsel, 107.
(Rseelel DtoMtrh hxtse J
Forest Orhva, Or., Sept. I. Snekee,
nine or ten feet long, have been etertllng
the reetdonla of the country Immediate
ly adjoining Forest Grove during tha
present week. They were set adrift by
e email ch-eua which etarted hers. Tern
bull ana kea. measuring about seven
feet tn length, were killed, alaaost with '
to the oily limits. t . .. ,
Alloa a Lawk' Bast Brand,
1 1 1 j
i r,r
- 7
: t