The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 05, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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filE tESOS
;' V."-- v" 'y:'
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, ,.. f, - . i
Operators Have No Fear of Police and North
End Places Ran Under Cover Slot II,.
chines Worked for Koney Prizes;' :
Thar m Wlangar ur newr btago
maintained reaardlna UM many nn
bllng nmrt which ar running In this
itv m mm violation of too law.
Score of nokr wm ara running'
saloon and elubrooms and faro gamsa
4a a jantaiiv maintained.
r?tiiar or roiUM Hum nu winwauHf
every Balaoa, particularly htto asachines oat of oomrolaeloa.
and, - from ana la three alot aaa- I Tbcr about to mousy maohlaea in
am hM OMMM VOV MOBOr. I .. 4IHl.lnnM art the CltT. KM. b
' taken no steps ta prevent tna running
of the fimw. .From all appaarancsa be
oi tne games rum w apt"""
do notOntend to obey tna order of
j rtTN-d .J nlnaa nn aambllnB.
' "He kaa told tbe mayor. It la said, that
there la no gambling few on. -prominent
city official stated today tbat
fee baa aeen Chief Bunt la a resort
where gambling waa being run openly,
and euch a thing aa hie not knowuig
that gambling gamsa 'ar running U
Following the statements
Journal yesterday morning by Thomas
Qulnean, Councilman Elmmrmaa and
Merrill that alot machines ara being op
rated for money and other gambling
gameg era running In the eltyr oemea
nea era runnlna la the eltyr oemea r.
the statement today cron owner
oilman that ItmWli laoinomp; ew
maehlnes, la belns oarrted on la from
o to CM aaloona and alubrooma la
it la clear to ma that aoma algii dty
official la ettln money far.
theaa amea to ran."-be 1-J"rh'
they ara nmain la aaeily prom .
Dereoa baa only to welk down to the
forth end of town, aa lata- a aalaoa and
play a "hlne
SnUl ha tf aoma becka an toep o
to tbe counter and eaah them in.
inly ara alot machines runnlna. but
there aa -coree of POkJm
fmro muoea lao balni oporated.
j have aona to tbe mayor and told
aim of these- aoadHloaa and. he aeems
tabtrhat I amy. He baa Pmlsad
to have the chief put a stop to their op
iratlon. -The chief tolls the mayor tbat
VTmimim are runnlna. bat he anowa.aa
well sa I do that they are,
They may single oat a faw tadhnd
Maia and stop them from running games,
ltBthl. "U-
if gambling, bat rJ mgjm Uwr oi
aar they are determined to etop the
T eeeotally the alot inachlnea.
fhTyo ntnrprov. of the '-
1. being resorted ta eoag theofflcere
m Vbrtbe for altewtng tha maohmea
of 1M
i fnMh ahtp Brtooua. Pala OoH'
rlved in port at noon from Antwerp, In
the Bnallsh channel contrary wlnda ware
IStounJd. and much bad weather was
xperlenol all tha way acromi tha 1J
clflo. Galea of more ar leas eererity
mimah of 1M daya, the
s eeiaaa " ..w
if the ship got abreast of a terrtfla wind
f StorTid wa. carrl alg ae ret.
- of 11 knots an boar, which la aaatraleat
to fifSSnwh.. TbU atlnued
m aevaral days, and darlag tna time
Jne deckaweJi almost Inundated with
water No damaga resulted, bowerer.
? Tn sails atandlng tbe great teat JB whlob
" they wars aubieoted.
In the vtelnlty of lbs Kerguelen
! Islands the captain report, that be oame
Blmoat running Into a group of toeberga,
eaehof which be estimates would meae
S fwm M to 0t yards la balght above
tne mWa of tha water Tha mJ
. v.a' ataered to the north and a good
; riSTw L. the balance of the
t tSTArrlTlng off tha JfJ
V Columbia rlvar the fog and smoke war
io heavy that R waa lmpcaalWa ta cross
i. TV . .i An later.
'i ThV Brlaeua brought a full cargo -of
Hntnt to Balfour, uuxnne ei
lointlBg ta t.0 tons. The ship l
JoTcharteTaa for tha outward trip.
- a., iim t
Ban rrancisco, -. .?
fog at 4 o'clock thla morning tbe
steamer Vestaort. from tan Francisco
for Weatport. solllded with the
Pomona, from aTureka for Baa Fran
cleoo. IT miles northwest of tot
of the ofncara and passengers a the
iLJZL. h.t the vessel would have bean
ant ta tha bottom with all oa board,
m.. dhuu'i ruanl . was earned
way and a number W her plates were
pent and aroksa. too
raped with a badly demand bow and
waa forced ta return to the dty. The
romona limped into port with her pas
sengers la nn Intensely aervoaa
tloh and aoma at tha women oa ithe
verge of hysteria. oms of tha
gr suffered slight brulaeo from. faUliw
from their heaths. - -
Oevraal eeetol aerfteal
- Aa.h.. M v.. stent. a-Daniel
: Mason a, former collector of tha port of
, Wee Terfc, died here mat night He waa
. w . . . . . w v la iite.
and admitted as tha bar He was
a memoer oi wiw wmm
Bloa la It 7e, and aoUaatar of tha port of
- Hs vm ahalrman of the Hew York!
; gut Demoeratle.oommltea la lt7, and
a USiegS 10 K in Htiurau vrnamwv
x , ihj tin I
- iftaana. atiw: War Ttssrlould not u n w
. - Ma tTbIm . - - tkla
morning and terrorised tha Inhabitant
0he went tnrougn tna nouse, nut at
tempted to take nothing. She la Uwaght
miu aad an ta eliminate th
TkA hiiiibm whlah nu aa BroDoeed
Wednesday prohibiting slot machines of
aid s theaa, there ara the large number
of merchandise machines, which are
used principally . la aaloona aad cigar
a promnni
wholesale and raUU
. . . .uii iMl that ha
otuir -
would to glad to aae aa ordinance mud
Injuring the legitimate dealer he. aald
that tt would ha of benefit to blm.
"It . bay vaduoa .the sale Of high
prloed goods.1' aald he. "but It will la-
mm,u aaia or oneaaer booob m
mm km ox uibwii ,
which there Is searly as much profltM
Of oouree It may work a little hardship
on the small ratal! dealer, pun m-tne
loaa run I think It wUl aa- az oaaem
-' lu I I .til
timm ar soma1 Terr Interesting facta
In MBiMWttlnn WltB ID Tine jor m
u-. uu lut 'month: and. It
paotsd .. t aa repeated .this month
. chief Hunt In the Brat place, not-
h Phlaf Hunt. In the Brat place, not
withstanding tha supreme court -decided
that tha ahlef -personally must
U ainhllM ta tha OltV he BOt
only failed to do se. but had warranto
lseued. for the poker players : ae the
ball himself without .-consulting alu-
tMnai JmiM Moaua ana aaargoa we
defendants with gambling. -
A total ar U waa wren aw u
municipal court. ,e shown on Clerk
Fred Olson's report for Auguet The
that luauat . Brtoksan.
iM.tH ana bl .J. Blaster were ae-
nan it 110 each; A. anapna e wm u
athers tM. A peculiar taing ta tna. m.
warrant was hunwd for rrea wniM, wi
ha nevar pahj his ."ana" -
The chief claim taac-aa rr
c Mka nia.vara to stoa the aames.
but the process he employed last month
waa Identically the asms aa tnei
by him for tha oltys admlnUt ration In
.ua MBtblera twice each
wmt nrtar to Bherlff WorU's oeie-
iA 'Warranta ware Issued.
a' hw aa afflMr and the defendants
allowed to saunter -Into the police sta
tion at their ooavenienoa ana nana owr
so much coin, for which Captain Orlta-
.l a n.lnl SnmA
maoner S"" mwm
oalled on Municipal Court Clerk Olson
jrA him ttiair Tina- wntmrnr. mih
not having bad Instructions from Judge
u a tn tha amount OI nail ior
aach eaaa, be declined to reeetpt for It.
-- .
' - w mJ eall maaHM of Hw-Methodist
PrauhaM' . aaaoclatloa waa held this
morning In the T. M. C.'A. building and
a iMiin nnha Vorhaa. of
the Church Bbrtenslon soclaty, addreeeed
the meet Ins. Mr. Forbes msoa an
la ntaa ftt tha old Methodist BrCaCh-
era who bad outlived their years of sa
tire work and were dependent on col
lection for thetr support, u pan e
"Tba heathen ean da without Bibles
foa a time, for they have manage; w
survive several eantnrtaa, but the old
i a ium t.u liraafcraat Tha
pi mmvitmt nun -
fmntur MnaHMatlon oaa do WttbOUt
k. hH.K aul taaat In tha tOWB ball
for a few months more, bat tha Old
MM. k hiaMlutner. The col
lege oaa do Without tbat sooitionai enair
of history far another season, but the
nia muhw aaarta hla aUBBBT. Take-the
collection for' the superannuates first of
aU. for it is the moat Important of tha
obureh benevolences and It 1 a duty."
In eloetiig th secretary paid a tribute
to aba prlvatea la tha ranks of tha min
istry who struggle alone with poor
ehargea and alight pay. . .
-Anybody can make a bishop.- mid
Mr. Forbes, 'lut God alone can make a
Muh The nrtvatea In the ranks of
our church ara tha ones oa which, after
alL th church depend I one aa a
charge of twa member and In a year
added twa more to the flock, making an
increase ef a hundred par cent and those
four atetabers supported a preacher,
aided by the townsmen who attended
ser-rtee, bat did not belong. It ta audi
little beginnings that are, all over the
country, making tha Methodist church
tha itHMUMl ferae M the Twentieth
oantuiy evangelic tie movement-" .
aJtama XATb arromat a
(BaafUl Dwaateh M The Journal.)
Asotin. Wash., Sept . The heavleet
and moat severs hall storm that waa
over experienced la this section occurred
inuiav aft moon. Tha eroa of Frank
Hollenbeek waa almost wholly de-J
Btroyad; Jamee Bogga lost much of bis
crop;' Baa Flock had all at bis winter
Bppies stripped from tha rea, and
atarfa ware beaten ta olecaa.
Window glees suffered to -a vary igreat
tent. . r
Boston, II; Washington, a.
C lava land. 4: mi Louis, t.
ftt Lewis, 1 Chicago, t
Philadelphia. i Brooklyn, 4.
Pittsburg. ; Cincinnati, a.
Osectol Pkwateh e las Jiaraal. -Crest
on. Wash.. ept. I. A cloudburst
occurred la Welsh week canyon gunday
svantaai waahlaguaway many small
doing ether damaga. Tne
had been so blah la the
hiatorv of the oldest pioneers ef that
section. Wetoh creek m few miles
west of Creatos, ' -
flaa meward fee Aay
hi bj ef
AatomehUea fsa
The.aubllc know that we ara not pries
eatterV Any fabricators that are giving
lw;n putwww w r
M nraniilka ara tkan-
pesrad In today's Oregonlaa ara thsm
salve th price cutters. 4 .
Art Hayss carried a toad of foar
oeoDl for If oa tbe condition that they
Theee seal para aad price cutters bad
tetter sttend
to their own anraira or
will tall them a faw things that
would not look nlr In print.
dv Ttoan
rr- pw bs-
torn FAOTOmT. -
(wal Dkuim iw anu
uhma nr . ant- l gatnrT even-
lag about I o'clock fire destroyed the
nMrfnn f tna World buUdlng at
Thurston, about 1 aiUes east of Eugene.
The building wsa a two-eiory mrmwrn
oooupled by the Woodmen oa the upper
floor and by c. w. nycnara puim
wkiniiiu Btara on the lower floor.
Mr. Rychard lost almost bla entire stock
of goods and nothing waa saved from
tha lodge, hall There was no fesurance
oa either the stock or building. Tha to
tal loaa was probably tl.eaa, i(-r w
Xalfa Wlalasg Osglinl " - -
.Bob Bteptoa, the man who tabbed
irthii. nuts bft tha atmabattan aaloon
Vria. nfarhA. au eanhUMKl by PollcemaB
Jack Smith miturday night to tha
eiolty of tha ex eels tor factory, wnere ne
Is employed. He offered no resistance
to arrest and was placed under eaah ball
to appear for examination before Justice
A.ih Pmm Wlnterweler Wednesday at
- - -
! a clock la the morning. . .
aaab af
Wra ' 1 VL Martin died at her home
In Bugen gaurday. aWptember a. after
a long Mlnaas from typaoM rever. xne
funeral waa hold today with Intermeat
la tha ,L a. a. F. cientery. The de
ceased was aged II years, bavin been
aaar-Bugenav r war ansiaea aame
iiia SHnkaaa. ' Aha laavea a hus
band, mother aad other relatives la this
county. ' - . '
Weal sa Trt ua . '
Tha work oa tha Euaene-Florence
telephone Una is progressing. Th poles
ar out ana atsinouieu iroar a eiw w
Hal, about half or th aistano Between
tha two point and nearly half of tbe
holes ar dug. The money aaoessary to
build th line clear through to Florence
la alMMt auhanrthaa aad la all nrob-
ablltty th Una will go through thla fait
Tha distance xrom sugane to norenoe
la M miles. Tha latter town which ta
quite aa important saanort haa ao tele
phone eammunioatlon with tha outaMc
world at present, and the people will
ball with dellght'the advent of thla aew
Una.' Thana ara aaveral ooDUloua. dta-
trleu bee Idas Florence through Which
u lln Bill mu
. Flsed foa atfiiCbxg Bth. '
liOvl Bmmatt of Haceta, la th west
ern end of Lane county, waa fined 111
and costs, amounting lm U to HI, for
killing, elk. The crime waa committed
about July 1. but the man aad several
witnesses war hard to leoate aad th
trial waa hot held until last week. Flor
ence waa th place of th trial, which
waa held before Just to of th Peace C
H. Holdea. '.,
Baatw af ft BtssaiaF Weaaaa.
Mm inn ' WwnArlAka. B wall-kaOWn
pioneer of Oregon, died at bar horn oa
th MclUnsl rlvar Friday, September
x, at tna age ox ti yeara. two came to
"Oregon across .fh plain la- the early
49's, with her pa rents. She first re
sided with her parent in Marion county.
Moving to- Benton county she married
raawatl Wand rlAka - a. af 1UL
They moved ta.Laaa county, which haa
own um aom or Mia. jaenancas sinoe
aar Buaoaoa suae aswarw yaawa-awa .
' "4 PJXaaaa; BBalMa. v '
' Xy H. Weyant, who Is working la tbe
Interest of th anlnlng exhibit at the
Lewta and Clark- exposition, left here
Sunday for th Blue River mlnas to
make arrangements or aa exhibit from
that dlstrtet. Mr. Weyant ha Just re
turned from the Bohemia district, wher
he waa promised a lot of ore for exhi
bition purposes. . On the way - up be
stopped at Walker and secured samples
of th or re and eienna from tha Sim
mons paint mines, which he pronounced
of th finest quality. An exhibit of th
ground product and th paint la Ita orig
inal state will to sent to tbe fair aad
placed between the Blu River aad Bo
hemia exhibits. - Thla will bs Lena
oounty exhibit.
: (Ba-rlal taapatm a Ito JearaaL)
Davenport, Wash... Sept. t. Chief
Joseph of tha Colville laser ration, was
la town on buslnsss tbl week. The old
IndUn warrior bad some papers rela
tive to the transfer of soma Indian lands
that he desired Judge Neal to alga. Af
ter leaving tha train Joseph walked
boldly and unannounced to th first
house that attracted hla attention to ask
where to should go to have the business
attended ta As It happened, this was
the horn of C C Qlbson, Mrs. Olbson
waa a resident of th state during tha
Nea Faros war, when Joseph set such a
merry pace for General MUe aad Gen
eral Howard.
Mrs. Olhaoarr recognised th famous
aarrinr and nailed him bV MBA This
great ly pleased the old. ehlet Joeeph
waa attired in a eoaap sun or ciotnee
and wore moccaslna His only' adorn
ment waa a long eagle feather which he
war la hi hat s . -..'
- (BBedal Dtemtch Ta JeamatI -.
Roaeburg. Or., Sept. t. S. R. Bard,
United States senator from California,
who la listed among th multl-mlllkm-
.im. t BialtlM with hla AM frtand. W.
ho. Hughes, at the latter' large ranch, 11
miles east or aara. - . ,f f
O, ft. I
raeertal Maaaw ej the I teal) -Praaeott,
Wash.. Seat, 1.-F. O. Hart,
local agent for th O. R. K. at thla
point for the past eevaral months has
been transferred to Fairfield. Tha va
cancy la being filled by Bart Bryant af
Pullman. '
" fapartal fnemtm te tat JasraaL)
wvaanAtt Waah.. Seot. . L. TtlovA
lost SIT sacks of barley last week by
flr. no one wsa arounq at in time or
th fir and It 1 thought H waa caused
by hunter.
fgaectal tHaaeeai Tea yearaal '
Sprsgue, With., Sept. S.A harvest
picnic will a held st th toad af Fish
Trap lak from September I to It, m-
aluslva. - f i; ' -f
TMpbtherts. aore throat, . croup, . Ir
stanf re
Bolaotria Oil. . At any drug
a tarWalVMi TMU HOi fSMawW I
'rvl- M-M. tTiiMlahlnor TWaUmni awnfvvflM svarvf hind1
WW men a m mumii
and exclusive For weeks
for the best and most exclusive haberdashery and the result is the largest
assortrnent of high-grade fixing we have ever shown you. Price has been an y
important factor, and we now offer certain values that will astonish yoa
New lines oi lNecKwear tor
New lines of Keiser Baratheas at $1.00 aU shapes.
Men's Duett and Star Shirts, exclusive creations found here only at $1.50, $2.00,
rj: $20, $3.00 and $3.50. ; -- f -
m . . T?.. ,, a2lk1m tnaianot Kniim IWaivi lV rftrwV' KaTrwigfrs) nm
. . to the purest silka,-
New Fall avowing
fT Hosiery, uioves, v-
-- m m ' m m "rT-7i
umoreuas, j2tc.u. f,
bistbuct wm. aa
- Th United States Inspectors af bulls
aa anHara have aoosDtsd the Mountain
Osm steamhnst, lust completed for theJ
run between Lwltoa and wureaa. on
tha upper Bnakf rlvar. Tha sturdy lit
i. riva fails hair ta tha ' dan aero u
duties 4t thh Ill-fated Imoaha. Which
weat aa th rocks oc wue uwat rapiua
last winter while trying to alleviate th
martf, of tha Imn ooppar district.
A company was organised to build th
Mountain Qua, th mining man of Im
... mmA K,iinaaa intarests 'of Iswlston
oontrlbutlna to this and. Slaty mllea
lay between th Inland metropolis and
new copper section. . A portion of the
route dowa tha river Is through a gorge
of excessive ruggedaess. along which
railwajr or wagon roads eould he con
structed only at great expense. Imnaha
haa aa other outlet, save through Wal
lowa oounty, aa traffic up th Snake
from that point 1 prohibited by. the
terrible Box canyon and innumerable
cataracts. TO Klgln, the first rail point
through Wallowa oounty, 1 a distance
of more than mllea, over a rough,
mountalnoua country, and while some
supplies ara hauled la thus, machinery
and heavier freight becomes a grave
transportation problem. Imnaha Is
largely dependent for connection with
the outs Ida world upon Snake rlvar. and
completion of the Mountain Ctom. with
assurance that it Is soon ta take th
run. is. wolooma news for th aUn own
era there,
D. B. Ogden. assistant United States
snglaeer la thla city, who recently re
turned from aa Inspection of the upper
Snake river dredge, stated yesterday
that the big obstruction mover would
BOt likely to put on that portion of the
rlvar between Lwlton and Eureka this
ess son Aa tha water becomes lower
there, tha current grows swifter, aad It
la regarded Impracticable for th dredge
to operate on Wild Oooaa antf the other
fifteen rapids between Lewlston and
Eureka save at high ar medium water.
Th time to take advantage of this con
dition of the river will be m th spring
and early summer.
Tha Mountain Oem neat aaa seen
built especially for this run. drawing
1HO mora than t tncbaa, and bar bur
den being but 4lt too. Ta propel this
light craft, a steam plant far atroager
than th avrage haa been put aboard.
The hollar la twenty-two aad a half feet
long by alxty-on Inches la diameter,
and there ara two ngln of ateven
laoh diameter and six-foot stroke. Navi
gators of tha upper river believe that
thla eeulpment will drive the Mountain
Qem agalnat th strongest Snake rlvar
ourrent, whan bearing a good eargov
Slaking operations at tha Snow Creek
mln Greenhorn district, eastern Osa
gon, ara. being pre" ateadlly since
Manager Fred D. Smith completed In
stallation ef th new hoist While her
on route to Baa Fraacisco. the manager
said that th result of this work was
quit satisfactory. J '
Mllltng with th ten-emmp plant pra
greseps with scarcely an interruption,
mi haa been so sine th mlU waa aoav
pletad th first af th year. , .
tk.i m fanmravamenta have totl
km ad at th mine recently, a feature af
which ws th manufacture oi more inarn
4t feet of lumber by the company'
wn plant. This will to used for getting
surface squlpmant In first -class shape
and la mining wbr needed, Several
mllea of road ha been constructed. A
road haa been surveyed, and some pra
ltmlnary work dons en a route from the
Snow Creek and Greenhorn t Tipton.
"Oreenhorn is lively this yekr,1' said
LMr. Smith. 'There Is much good work
being don there. Th carter properties
or being . brought out la gratifying
. Nr the Hop Field.
Th steamer Elmore and Ruth, af th
n.iirfta4 A MaYteatioa com
pany, take yoa direct ta the bop fields
Oregon. Boats lesvo aaiiy a i-v- a.
Cro-m Aaa, street dooa,
mvn - "Q
our buyer haa emrchcd the
3UC. cseauunu suss uiai snouiu vo iosuc up wr .w
sy ... :V ;v'V.: - ; ..,.5'.:":.'
A Portland firm at mma operators
wUl soon eractj mill Ins plant aa a Call
fbriMa propsrty, this lnstano oap-
ltal is going Boathv rather than coming
from tha eoutn to aid undeveloped Ore-
gteffner 0 Oompany. wno hava been
. developing a group la Kern oounty, aar
der tha title Joasphlas Mlalng eompaay.
la tha Whit Rlvar district. wiH aqulp
tna min with a milling plant this fall
Ten stamps and th usual concentrating
capacity for audi a mill will beioalalled.
using gaaollae fuel for power.
- A abaft hes beea sunk to a depth af
14 feet, and Aevels rua from tha lt
and 10 atatlona. Th vein haa been
drifted 40 feet along ita oouree on tbe
two levela. proving It ta bav a width
on th average of about flvo fast. Ths
gold Is mostly free, running per cent
on th plate, hut the depth Is at
tained and permanent water hwel ap
proached, th peroantag af eoncaa
trate win increase. Water Is a prob
lem, and that, being developed In the
min workings, will to conserved with
care for milling; Gasoline la used be
cause of the scarcity of wood, the min
being located In a rather barren section.
. S. W. Steffnr, manager af tha oom
pany, stated today that hs expected to
have bis mill running by the first ef
January, llll, and th or In reaerve
would keep It busy -thereafter, while
mora ex team ve aevelopment was belag
Since th Portland firm began work la
that part af Kara oounty, two other
oompanle have resumed operations
there, oaa of them having a mill already,
and th management af tha other stat
ing that a mill la to beerected. Th re
vival pram I ess ta bring out several pro-
XavO. Higgin aaa mads a strlk en
the headwater of Cheteo creak, just
west of th Josephine oonnty Una, which
promises to to of Importance. It Is a
dik of porphyry, 10 feet ta width,
lying between walls af diortte and alata.
On the dlorlte wall It shows gold I0O
feet, and aa tha slat wall 1.000 feet.
Mr. Hlggtna dug Into the dike and at
a depth af about eight feet, struck a
body of or of remarkable richness,
Bpeelmsn of the rook being thickly
studded with free gold, which runs hun
dreds of dollars to th ton. Tha large
amount of gold "spilled" by tha. dik
sat Unas him of th existence of a large
deposit of gold bearing rock. Th owner
ha a slug of amalgum worth about
Ilea aa ths result of a few days work
with a rocker la the dirt and daeom
posed gmngua af th dike.
aKa mi aeiilmllna af th
SAoat of th Morning mine la eastern
Oregon was confirmed rurtaer uaay
by th filing of th article of incorpora
tion at Mom. The oompany. bearing
th nam of tha Morning Oold Mines
oompany, la ready ta press development,
which wllr to don under th direction
ef H H KHiholaoa.
Tha- Morning haa torn popularly
reived at from It, t t., and
at on tiara after developments had
opened the large ara body In the Pair-
F,.-'V A aaaaJ '
mvrmioa n nioi vsa
stax rijurc xv mi ootraTTT
OOaTgragfiigT.S ftsTaMVatmsT
mas mamsr pobtbi am. wnau Mm
MVMMxmm wtmrnw mr ma ymab.
Prevents DrirtKt'a Disease
: For 81 bl WOODAJfeD, CLARKS. CO. ud
tViflt f faihnnaMf. new s- '-'
' - - , .i
markets of New York '-"-,
that every day yoa put off having your teeth attended
to the cavities become larger and the tooth harder
to save? Your teeth are good friends and will not bear
slighting. Come have them examined and get our
advice. Both free neither costs you a cent v -
. Get a coupon with every dollar's , worth of work
on the Toledo Automobile, to be given away Christmas
fine Christmas present
iin fin
DrBr t Vright's Dental Office
7 ' OmosHoura-r 1A.M. la P.M. Saadaya, A, M to 1 . M. - '
' arsawmOwtoBawalaffBaJk
rtew rein, the ariginal owners were of
fered taoO.frOO. which they declined. Or
ganiaatloa of tha oompany will place
the min upon a satisfactory basis far
doTclopmCnt. -,
Thla mine waa brought frem th
merest proapect ta tt p recent eondl
tloa through th ladlrMual work of
four partners, H. H. AmesL T. J. dlm
moaa. Col la Chlsbolm ana rrank Cooper.
They held separate but adjoining group
covering the falrvrnw and tha Morning
vein systems, and after th consolida
tion Into on property, dlacovered the
Teat Fatrvww fissure wall driving a
deeper crosa cut than th original proa-
pact Ing work. Their suoceee is bid aa
a high type of what prospectors may
do la a mining camp, whea they aet
about tha devdopment af a good prop
Th valuation placed upon th min
by tha reorganised sompany - m not
known, but It la safe to eatlmate that
the flguf is aot laaa tnaa a Quarter af
a mlllloa dollara
(gssawl Mawteh M Ths liar eel.
Oranu Faas. aapt, a. The teUuHum
depoalte af Canyon creek. Bear Kerby,
as shown ap by J. Monro larnu ana
other la development of ta Lewie and
Clax mine and adjacent proportion,
nonunand oonelderable attention. A llv.
It oama la that district seem assured
la another rear. Colorado men declare
that tha or r smwe tnat oz unppie
Creek. Th ar vain ar' large, and
well defined and values Increase aa depth
tm .HminaA a number of sood strikes
Lbava beea made la tha last few weeks.
On of th prominent worfcoT at th
American Mining congress. J. H. Cook,
of Missouri, haa remained la tha north
west and will continue here for aoma
time. Investigating mine, Mr. Cook
returned to th city mat week following
a trip to Washington. Ha will, go to
Bias river, Bohemia' ar Grant Pass,
and probably from there ta tbe extreme
southern part ef th state and Into ths
copper belt of northern California. Hta
exparteooe haa toon largely confined to
sine and lead properties, with Jopllrt as
headquarters, but he says that th rich
mining ssctloa of Missouri has surplus
capital seeking Investment In gold, silver
aad copper properties of the northwest.
(aparial tMssawA w The loaraal.l
Odessa. Wash., Bept . Arrangementa
have been nearly completed for the ded
ication of tha new preebyteriaa church,
and tha date decided on for the oereatony
la Syaodloal Sunday, October ft.
. Peacock flour la th tost fancy patent
ta th market. At leading groeera
,' w
- .
' v- ' .7:;
,w'-lw ir'r "1 '
for some one.
4 ';. .
m no
La Angeles. Sep. . Boron thousand,
dollars la a wallet disappeared from th
pocket of John C Bortle, a south Broad
way Insurance bm, last Thursday night
while sa route from los Angeles to 8aa
Praaelaoa oa the owl trala. Bortle pur
ohsssd a ticket Thursday morning and
took fit from the wallet. He held th
money la hla bands for several minutes,
asm th big roll of bills could bav beea
eon by any ene standing near.
- He mad sure cha money waa ta his
pocket while waiting dinner aa ths owl
Thursday night. He never saw th
Btoner after that, While hs was dress
ing Wednesday morning ha noticed tbat
tha wallet was missing. A woman 1b tha'
lower berth aald aha thought she aotleed
sons on leave ttoiupper berth om
tuna about a'otock Wednesday morn
4asnBortlo Was taking the money ta
aaa rranclsoo to deposit It la a bank, .
mn r,
(JearHl tsedel servfcw.t
Milwaukee. Wis., dept. a. The annuel
Wisconsin state fair opened today In a
blase of glory and with prospects bright
for the moat Successful exhibition of
th kind ever held la th state. Bvory
department, without exception. Is welt
ailed, but peclally noteworthy are tbe
agricultural and manufacturing exhibits,
which for number and class hsve never
been excelled In this stats. Th pro
gram of trotting and tracing races was
inaovu rated today aad wUl to atlaasd
through tha weak.
Allentowa, Pa aapt. I. The fifth
annual convention of tha Pennsylvania
gtate Association of Letter . Carrier
opeaed tore thla morning with about 7t
delegates ta attendance. At the open
ing session reports showing the work
and condlttioo of tha organisation wet
presented by President John A. Perry of
Wllkesbarre, Secretary J. 8. Reymolde
of York and the several other officer.
TBB meeting alosss with a social
awa aad banquet thla evening. ,.
rltoctsl Meeatt te Tee JaaratLt
Spokane. Waah.. Sept. t The pro
posed college to be built by the United
Norweglaa Lutheran church m tha west
will undoubtedly be located in this city.
Rev. q. P. Johnson, pastor in Sookane.
has accepted a offer of th chamoer of
commerce to donate to the school fro n
1 Mo to tl.eoe in oash and a tte ef
tan aorea la Cook addition, valued ml
1 ..
end .
. : .. II
to kava sseapert a Cha wsoda,