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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
. 1- ' : TFZ OREOON' SUNDAY ' JOTTRNAC, ypRTUAKTyr ftXNPAY MORN1NU. BmEMBB tiOL v tlltltttM"fttAttAttttttt eiiiii iatiiiiitiniitii lis nao Xovvvvvvvvvvvvvvv mws of the rr. inn t;;:3 na - .mtlEATHAT .., insula l y -' 't ; Ii axuwjntUl In drwry honM. If you um a Ou lUagt you will WTSw1 'v. . 4 bnv no troubW with th cookinc, ' . . A' 1 -. . - - -r V - t t- -- y ' - : I il I ' 1 . . , -. ., . - J ' ... . m e -'V PSv C MM IAHT MH 4 A compromise, satlsfaetsry -tn she mrlous Interests Involved m CM awnsiv hip of the Morning stlne 1 Orasnham district. Baker county, to the totsst ds votosonsut In the tangled eoadltleoe harassing that property, "uU partleu- tare of hc compromise nave mm Mm made mimi wt it win Nwit to ant ' and theroudb npMtt(l ef tbs The Nftrti neHvH ere that IX 1 ''. ' Xtllen of tli Kilts. Wirnw, atowert ; company, ((mM tha HtUwtMt tor . swtmtne the Meaning Odd Mines eoss ' puny te ink tw u nroperty. Ia thk BOW orxonttttlon ere two f " the w -1 forsw owwhl lb promoters ef tto new - deal, and the Kaetera Oregon Develop soon. eooNjur. U. M. Ames nd J, t. aimmons, two of thd controlling partners f .irndw tfa aid rfln. or rhdr y X nwfc III tho rssrgaalosd somnsnyvone Mr. Akn la vice-president. D. I Killen tit ores idea t, J. P. Lne secretary, ud - K H. loholsoo manager. ' - 1 . V A exietiac Indebtedness of nearlv aso.ece, upon which Mvwtl action wars v. brought tfitMt the Iwwr swners. la taken ear of and UJ net interfere with --extensrta development.-: PoUowlog this . work and tha blocking- ont of ora war- ranttns Jt, tha aqulpraant of tha mina la :r- to ba uka e TM flrM work to ba I i, don ttadarvround will ha 1 tha Jowtr adit, whioh apana owtha Mill laveL Thia la tn tha oatura of a eraaaaot yat. hTtn Wan drrwaa W faat to oam tha Fair , ; view vlp to faet daapar titan tha old ,v wofkliva. Efiftiaeera aatlmato that tha - voaau la wlthla few faat of tha Fair .'r. vlrw Tata, and this drtva la tm bo la- . tohd flraL . - ' 1 V Tha aoluttew-of h aUTilfold trouMaa - BarmMlnc tha lforjilm mina ' flado fceartr a,aKna- 4ha mini-- mao j. of aaa tm Oroaoo. - Thay oawraekita tha .v wqrth of tha yoanc roprty nd lu . 'opomlo to tha dlatiiet, whan msdo to - .produoo ta proportion to th wavBituda v ( of ora kodiaa apaoad n atoaHow work. Throa Volna oroaalnff tha croup hava been dfc-velopod- bp two tvonal ayataanar ' Tha principal work U on tha'Falrvlaw , ood Panllal valna, tha Valrvtow balnc , f tron omat-araat flaauro, which' had within M (t of tha wurfaoa M foot of --. paUUnjr or. The Farailat oroaaea tha ' ,rifiw at an acuta angle, and had ' from three to eight feet of ommerelal Took, toother tunnel opene the Morln -vein 'a ahort diaunea from " Uilt tort. . whlek aleo naa ooeM dvfinad for tha 1 1etft-of a llo-foot or ehoot,- Tba oro TT fsmarhaWx ta t both tlM'Vmlrvlew 1, ' OnA the tarailal Valna. and owing to tha f aiae -of the body, my ba Med for a. Wmtr low flgw dopjn -tH odrt larei, ' ... ikt proaem there ie a fiv-roo Bryah tMDl and wo oottoantratora on -the pnav Ht, propellad by lhOCapowar awiani plant. In thta anull plant ora wa aaUlad by thatomwr ownara beftfrp they feecame Inyolvod. Above tba fowtr lovcl there aiUl ba tT to IM foot Of baeka. which tn a vain the elae of the Palrvlaw "of fera a huya amount of milling rock, . I' PORTLAJNDER home 1 FROM WASHINGTON wivor Creak dlatrlet, which la really wo OKtanaton of the Monte Crlato mln--jj, oral belt, ta oommaoding attention of lata and ahowa p far better than I . had expected." aaid McKlnlev Mitchell of thta olty yeaterday afternoon, upon . Ilia return from a vlalt to tba Wuta lagtoQ propertlea of that oectton, la which he la tot reeled, 'development S la on a larger ooala and the ora being uncovered la en using UUe aaolta , moot about the camp." - , Am an evidence . of thta atatemant. 7 Hr. Mitoheu produoadT number -of . aamplao taken from tha Bmug-glr 'j group, owned- by the Smuggler Gold, and Copper Mining; ooeapany, of which he la president. The oro corrteo gold and oopper and av amaH percentage of - load, it waa ail taken from near tha our face, where earboaltea oontalnod the .- voluaa. Lata aawwya have not .boon T..made to determlno tba arooloua and iaeCul metal carried, bat tha aamplee . aoem to bo from a good pay nhnoc Tha tunnel yuit atarted on the Smuggler - f baa bean driven H feet, and about US f ; 'Taet Of work naa been dona on the valna of the B tar light and Good hope n., elalma, tha latter not being owned by tha Smuggler company. The Smuggler ' people Intend to keep a arew angaed - atoadily at their proparty. and hope by ; apring to have a large amount of ora In . nlgttt. '- A wagon rftad hee ee completed - from Index to Galena, and urvaya hav , keen made for n rood from Galena to iuvev City. Thlo will brine the road . Within two mUea of the muggier nrop- arty, greatly reducing tha ooat Of freight. to too eootion.. ORE SHOOT IS WIDER '; ON NORTH FA1RY1EW . -. laaMUl Bimetal a TM YearnaL) ' Eugene, Or.. Bept. v t. Late reporta received In thli olty by men InUraated lnvthe North Palrvlaw mining property " la tha Bohemia dlatrlet, bring Informa , tlon of further good oro running with , 409 foot, and recently tha work ban bean driven on the vein for aomtthtng llko A Jifiv feot. and recently, the wor khaa been nlnnaaldo of the best ere. whtob U aald to bo one of the prettleat bodlea of free ' -milling rook thereabout, for a long ' ' time. Proa gold ta panned from . tha 4. mampleo taken from .tha faoa In, nuoh guantltlaa aa to prove that It m hlgh grado milling ore. The gangvo akowa ,' larger amount ef auarta than aver ' before, . and la dooompoaad 'and vary frleblo, rendering It vary eony to mill, while oxidisation kaa not bean aa marked on to Interfere with ready aa J atmllatlon of the gold by quick. Developments have been quito ataady 'ah this property for aeveref moo the, and the showing to ao uniformly ood V that the management feel tha time la not distant when- they will want n mlll ; . phml -'Baanj foot advanon gives a large amount of oro In reeerve. aa tho bill driven under has a steep slope. Tho eopla Interested -In, the property be Ilave that they will be Warranted la evicting a le-atamp mill af tar ,"" Mioy - p -wecuted develepment . through t. ....-r month. pos wwmwm)tm Tam.wAij nr ma Mwwomwarwo nw pba- ' CMftWSATIOaf UTaUT rmWMmilAT. In tha presence of more than a donan tea biteraated In mining and oro reduc tlon, Fred Nevogold, a veteran furnace builder of Pennsylvania, gave a demon stration yeeteroay aftamooa of a new furnacaf aevaral features of-wnleh he haa oprered by 'pntonta. Mr. Mavagold'a model need on Twenty-aaoond and Wilson- atreet waa buUt to Uiuotrato tha high tomparnmant ba la able to secure by the naa of wood aa fuel. Tho firebox and blast fentnroa were explained. Tha inventor oaaorto that by una of thaoa eoonomUJng agents, tho smelting of proolouo- metal and eopper ores may be aeeompUehed at far leea fuel ooat than la tha bleat furneee now naed, eud that for an- trow furnaoo H alao baa many commendable fonturaa. Puaioa waa not tha teat yeaterday. aa tho only oro oubmltted to tha intense heat was oontalned la aaoayar'a eruefr biaa, whlek will fuse In the aeeayer'a gasoline-heated muffle at J. 109 Fahren heit. ' The orea plaood tn tho Mavegold furnaao disappeared during tha process of brtngtng tho heat up to I,0 Fnhren halt, which tha Inventor aaya la possible with average wood fuel, Tha tempera tare eoneo used showed that tha l,e, i.fto and l.tea petnta had boon paoaod, and at a late hour tho work continued, ao Mr. Mavegold eeld bo aould bring tha tompornturo up to I, oat. Thera are two aallent iaaturea fat tho furnace that have bean patented, and which kterlt teebaioal description." On la tho protection of tho roof af tho fumaeo from dea traction during uaa, and the other la utilisation of oaoaplng boat for bringing up tho temperature-of tha bloat Both are aooompilahod tn very elmple manner. To attain tho drat, tha drobox la made materially lower than, the roof of tha eomhuatlon chamber, ao termed. Mr. Mavegold aaya the tho effect Of this la todnrvp tho atastng gnaeo from tho Bra. box into thd nest chambor before oom bustlon ban pregrisesd far, In passing from tha Are box. tho damo la diverted upward by tho uonel obstruction found tn revorberatory furnaoeo, but tnatead of permitting It to go agatnot tho roof of. tho ehumber, tuyoren are placed la the roof over tha partition, tho air from whtek fertea tha name current to, the floor, leaving the roof relcttvely oool and effecting mora speedy fusion of orea xf tho bottom. Mr. Nevogold asserts that thta oontrtvunoo will give brick lining a life of nt laaat flvp yearn, nave on tha floor, where ft la easily repigned' ami in better protected by tha ore amelftwd. I hnotraar tha bleat, a almpie syphon doVtow In uaed, aided by n Jet of air from tha blower. At the top of tha eombuetlon v chamber. ' or We - Ttirnaea proper, lo an onuet controlled by n otop ooek and loading ftnto.n. pipe- Juat at, fhoentrnac ta tha pipe tayero openo! gWanr av anoUon through tho pipe and away from tho furnaoo aa the principle of a hydraulic pump or elevator. Thta mala pipe, conducting the highly heated aid from tho furnace, Jeede - back to tha firebox and la need for tha blast. Mr. Neve gold emys that when tba fur- la running aa high on from 1,100 to-a. Tc -Fahrenheit;--thin blaot may bo- arougbt up to a temperature of too to 1.1 C Fahrenheit. He alao onaerta that taking thla boated air from tha top of tha furneee does not reduce tha amelt Ing capoflltlea of the plant aa thd heat directed to the bottom of the furnace by tha air currant aeeompliepee that while the air Withdrawn and returned as Plant would otherwise have been waste. In Ka appUeutlen to oro omdtlng, Mr. pTcvognM haa dcaigned an oepeeial- fur naoo. It boglna on tba re verba tory prin ciple and termlnteo with an Incline which reeelvea tho ore from tho charg ing door and oauaes It to bo roasted be fore It paasea to tha fusion chamber. Thla Incline, which will be eet about degraaa from tha horizontal, roeelvoo oro and wood fuel, tho charge consist ing of a layer of wood and tha metallif croua portion of tha charge on top. Me chanical nppllaneea will bo naed to-push thm charge elowly down tho Incline, If nssMsarpy-ond during the eouroo tha wood la to be pertly oonoamed and charred and the ora roasted until tha sulphur and aino alementn era elim inated. - The temperature of thla cham ber will ba 1.100 to 1.KO0, At too bot tom of tho Incline m tha fusion cham ber, and -If fueton haa not been effected bafooe-oTiterlng It additional wooa (charcoal to to ba admitted here, ao that the temperature la kept about 1.U0- to I. tot degrees Fahrenheit. At tho bot tom of the fusion chamber Is a email aperture leading doom to tho alag re ceptacle and thla apartment ta provided with the necessary tapping apouta. The slag receptacle lo Immediately under the blast when It oomee from tha firebox. In rdaatlng on the Incline, Mr. Neve- gold ma In tat no that the Injurious afreets of sulnhur and sine are circumvented. Present nt tho heat teat yeaterday wcrai Jsmea BteeL J. H. Webber and f. O. Kinney of the Alameda company. J. H. Pish, R. P. Bodeker, F. w. Wat son, J. B. Da via, W. A. Roberts. R. M. Letatv, ft. C. gcaslous; H. H. A rasa, fl). L, Them peon and I. W. Wlndol. BILL , TO CUT WATER RATES LOST AGAIN (aoeeUl PJrpamh ta The- fcenaLl cnttlo, Sept I. Tho ordinance reduo- ktg tho water ratec which waa intro duced la tha dtp council four montha ano as n Demoo ratio- measure for tha aeoond time, haa boon lost Thla time H haa disappeared for goo and tha re sort tha finance committee waa ordered to mako an It next Tutoday alght will arobablr not bo road. Chairman kudo of the ft nanoe commit too, wha left the city last night for Cali fornia, dneo not know where tho meas ure ta. Ho sayo while ho m apposed to the bill he has not seen It atnoo tba first week after tta Introduction. -Committee Clerk flora o'er says be has not seen the hill la .months nnd does not know where It Is. upt U Tounga of tha amtor de partment whom eome mem bora ef the oewimltteo thought Might have It de clares ho haa never aeon It nnd kaa not hoard of It la montha. ' . . - - , , ., t ..mi. '- 'W enn i.i - , i ' wncsaaU&oa. , ' P www the China go Tribune, Itw an unfortunate thing all aronnd," moralised Uncle AHea kporka. "Hero after n man won't be able to any he's 'Just been potteiing around a little' without somebody eaklng him Whore ha found a saloon of that kind.-. Anotner Sy V tj 1 '-"it; 'i ' j; j It U mttached to tha wood or coal atore, and it b wery dimple in light the heater a few they are.' FIFTH AND LARGER C8EW FOR THE MONUMENTAL ma ckavobs to vonmBV aos voTzoa rxAjr w While in eastern Oregon an hla pres ent trip. It la the purpose of C J. Allen, mnnanor of the atonumental mine, o put a largo crow at work, a W. eteff or. wha rooonUy noquirod a half hitsr- ost Ik tho Portland Reduction Mining company, owning thin sitae, stated yoo- terday that .- tha avannesnMni woum maintain a crew, of about SO men -In underground work during the winter montha. Aided by eho mx-drtll eom preeoor nnd new power drills installed when Mr. Allen took tho property, this fores Will bo able to do a inrgo Amount of development. . ' "We will sink from tho present lower adit level." said Mr.. Steffnor. "com mencing about ll foot beyond vein No. ft, which would mono the wlnns approxi mately l.iee fact from tho portal of tha main crosscut. Thla wlnss Is to bo car ried down to such depth so will enable ua to explore the principal ore-prod uo Ing veins Ur below any work over done on tha Monumental before.' Development on the main level will be Confined thla winter to drifting, the first veins lo receive Attention being No. I nnd tho Monumental. With power drtlla work on these fissures will be very rapid, and Ka T nnd the Doyle may also bo opened la tho same manner. Ho work wUl bo done on tho upper or old level of tba mino for the present, as there la about SOS feet of virgin terri tory between thla old level and tha main adit where tho drifting la to bo pressed. Material aitomtion of- tne-mlU will -be taken up next spring. Tba van amal gamators are to ba taken out and in their stead amalgamating plates and concentrators will be put in. The ore will bo roasted and wet -crushed. At present the Monumental mill ta for dry crushing, according to the old pan-am ai gamnUng process. Br changing the mortars for new typec tha battery Will be used as it la' Cyanide will ba used after amalgamation and concentration, saving whatever may have been left In tho pulp. Thlo la n general outline of tho process to ba employed- when the installation la made -. ' ' More than 10 feara aco tha Monu mental mill wan erected so Its present sits by CapL C. -8. Millar. The float company he organised to develop the mtno was1 composed largely of Portland men, and later an Kngllah syndicate took It over. At tho surface and for tho depth, mined by d lifts from tho -'upper level ore la the Monumental vein waa very rich in s titer, and both Noo. t and T alao produced- a predominance of tho Tomum e Tvantr mam o warvaysxiinuill MTTk TO white metal. Deeper work haa found gnM In larger quant'tiea arid tho man agement states that now 'gold predoml oatoa la tho values of veins before pro ducing nearly entirely silver. -The mill ta tho eldest hi eastern Oregon, and was bum about tha time that wagon rondo wore being constructed from l' mat U la landing to that section. While old. It Is n remarkable plant and rommanda gen eral admiration of millwrights and oper ators viewing It. It was built for tho pen-amalgamating prooeea, and tha pro jected work of next spring is the first fltenMtoft of moment that can -be re covdsdV sfnoo U was completed. . , . . -vv "O' THE MORE IT'a SO EASY TO MANAGE, ECONOMICAL, QUICK convenience, it s : , ' 1 . - boiler In thd kitchen and heete arerao much cleaner and quicker, corintruction andeaay to hendle rnoments and youH have plenty of YAMHILL STREETS yioa" - eYrom the Washington Post "Joseph- Chamberlain la commonly re garded aa the cleverest man In England, and ho Is alao one of tho most distrusted,- aaid Ma Aubrey Qnatt of Lon don. . -Chamberlain boo -over been through i; : : i i v .-. 6 ' '' ' J i JPThey Compel -, SsXC . liv. 'l Cl ; : 'f " s fl lha bicBi. thtat wiri tat W4f ' i" V' ,r, 1 Studebakei- 1 I- JtS vH .-1.',. anvf; :' II and we narantea that there lent a ' j$M::'t I Z -"T"'" ' ? v. :. . '. better mada wagoa in the whole V;lr.'tt r' ' I a - V':-? ''. ,'v ''am '"''7' ' m worlds It'irignt to the ladetaiLAU l ' " "'t t ' ' lumber used ia air flcaaoned; all iron aftvfftv.J&t . K 1 f I I U ' V V v and steel tested and inapected. Come tiA;Tl:::; , - ,v :ft vr:-r ',f i & 1 1 ' v,. v wk. ht nnd I nn show won what a reel 7'&M:A-jgxTfor.&W. ...... -.j. . i v. . 7 ...... . i f- i ,. COOKING YOU HAVE APPRECIATE A ; v " S'ii - :V r water in a few nwrnenta. It U mora fonomical than lighting your . l--' ' ; rhan yon' need hot water (or the hot water, s Let ut ahow you how ; u y :. - out hia public career proiido of promise but poor .in -perfonnanoa, Ao you any In America, ha doesn't make, good Ho has always been regarded aa n eold man. and yet on a certain memorable oc casion In tha bouse of commons, when Mr. Gladstone made some gracious men tion of Chamber lain a son, . tho father Tvaauii - and we aarmntee that there iant a better made wagon in the whole world. It arifirht to the laet detail. lumber used ia air teaaoned all and stoa! tested and inapected. in and let us show you what aP' ' 't y od wagon , , VVJ JI We have aoae XlSrl a books toC maods Got one. . It Is " . ; - ' ' vr" i : TO DO THE MORE GAS RANGE T OPERATION and SAVES ALL the f:v i.-r-v v uie -"":fri:y"v'- bath or other purpcwee, you eimply : J they operate and how Inexpenajve UUU U(UUUY U...; , . ,'!,1'i..V - ' t PORTLAND. ImIm Aitmm nd in itfea A ahtM. Pie fat has been n great man for the colonies, and ao wonder he le tn high favor through 4ha , depend enolea ' af tha em pire, ... xvonky amewmena. " Joaaph Bornschlen. who die rooaotly t 1 "3S.---.. , All iron Come a real- is. . StadebnkmT wno wectu reedUsl 4 'aav.,- . ''a-l , Stndcbaier Bros. Co. Northwest, Portland, Ore, WW YOl'LL HEAVY WORK 1- - ' - i I - ' m-4 . OREGON rnd-aen&,.Xy.feft f 10,Ma apieoo to .P. seven engineers who had fired under him on tha IU(nols Central, railroad when he waa na engtnoer. "Bornsehten Was wealthy before he took to railroading. When hie father died be loft tho cab to take charge of hla.eetate. WSHSBr y. . . - .J, r : ....