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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
4 ' T'l OFGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINQ, SEPTEMBER 4, 1904. Queen FasLion Delivers . Her Latest Edicts Am ths winter iiiibb approaches Dm VMtUu of pejramount Interest to femininity M) "What wlU be worn? ; What to mrt u4 what notf Depart MM stores ars at alt times Baser, t tally th delight sf ths well-drisaid woman, iMit at the opening of & season their t- - tewstlvsn la redoubled. - A Journal ' "'. lepras a tatty sailed yesterday sftsr- Boon at lbs fsshlos parlor of Olds, Wortmna Kins an experienced too ;-" exquisite shivers of delight that aro j. oonseduent upon a otoloa peep at row of dainty frills and ftounoes, rossttss and rlbbona; button had bows. Mia Bernard of the suit department and Mr UmbEgr of the mlUlaery department nave just returned from Maw York, ro piattv with idea of the smart and th snsnwrt for wlntr war. . I hod a vary decided change tn styles In th rtturn pt the high orown," aald Mr. uuaMrnr. int is tn moat ae aidd change. Of course, w cannot say that they will be worn largely. W oan only advano theorlea. Th irta tjrla show th high orown sltogstner, hut MV York haa refused to accept -them unreeervedly. W will show thm hr and 1 think they will take In th weaf- This, howvr, is not th only shap Used, Th snail turban la always popu lar and thl season la no enesptlon. They ar vnd tooth in th ordinary tailor stylos snd la th drossy. I fact, thla Is tha muoi for . tha vnr drsar tur ban, Th French ssUor. with Its low, broad orown ramalna jpoputar, but t strictly as a misses' hat la th large bata th Diotur ffcU will be used.". -' Mr. Hamfeurgsr, while stating bis die- . taollnatton to advertise th fact for bust ' " Jtass reasons, said that ths tailored hats 1 ats nor and mot taking th lead, "V "Thy oan so aUy b usd for all purposes and b always appropriate. For strat wsr, for calling, for enuron waar. ' tailored hats nr both drassy and natty. T , , In materials, broadcloth I largely rs- V placing fslt. It la atrtofad amooth svsr --; th frsm Hks flt. Braids wtU b . . ' used extensively both for trimming and In tha body of th hat. In plain foils , ' th two-ton afreet will b Try strong. - Th fait brim will hav a velvet facing of som oontrastlnav color. - SUk hats . wUl b used and velvet ac good. Th . bMvir hats ar sssln good and fur ? bats wlU bar a bur run thaa'W . for. tab, though undoubMdly browns snd ajroens WUl b -unnsnally' strong; Th , populsrlty of brown Is assur4, baosuss R Is tha eornspooaing ooior zor u popular "touching off" Snad. Th r ar toqu d roohs, which Includss all ; th variations of burnt -rang, terra eotta and th. onion shad. Th onion .' nhadae taolud th nw browns which sou call leather color. Toque de rooa t Is too trying In Quantity and Is vaed only hi touching up. Terra eotta Is leee 11 trains- and asar be mad hi th entire hat with oostumes that call for It, but the onion ahadea may be nsea awns as !, , wU as in trlmtslng. Old Muss, too, bavs . renewed their popularity snd the greana v- -r uMl In the aeroent ahsdes. On of the features of th season la the ombre effects, now ere, nsoona, -feathers, silks, all em to the shaded MtMits . -wltfc t least thrss distinct h..iM. Moire Sffeeta also 'SU1 be areatlr d. This wlU b eaaentlally - a aeaenn of eolor. Hats snd suits both ' Sho brlBbter ootors and lighter ators. " There wilt' be a big run on flowers and foliage this winter. The large flower ahow beautiful, rich results in ombre tones. Feather - will continue strong In th ostrich and paradise styles. ' Tito msrlbau Is new feather that ta finding much favor. Ostrteh plumes will ' ' be used ta oomtH nation with stiff feath i ra aigrette and the Hke. All feather - hats are tn sugue. Toqu a soehs son- wons WlU bs jused. Wings snd quills seem to- be loelng their popularltr. Beads sre a feature of this ease on and ' ret also will he iwtlved. Telle, fancy and plain, will be need and th large Js nutomoblllng vella will remain. There JS a marked tendency for bat trimming toward th right, spotelly la turban : and high crown effects. ' - When asked bow the new styles would i ' effect the wearing, of the asU. Mr. Hamberger said parted hair must be af fected always with the high crown hats. ' They ar set straight on th head r slightly forward and e do ot allow the pompadour. AU who can, wear the hair " parted, but so many ar unable that L there Is n absolute rale and the posn- padour 1 stlU worn though not th -sggerated one. Tha sums Is true f she ' back hair. Som wear It high ud soma low. The old Bngllsh atyle, parted tn '.front end dons In the "Bngllsh bun" bs ' bind Is th prettiest and those who can weer It are fortunate. . Mis Hamberger will present si new kst this seaaon, absolutely waterproof. It Is a tailor-bat made of silk to match the T silk maoktntoahM, Is seamless, and has only self trimmings. It ts considered very practical as wall as natty for etreet -.wear, - - - - : Passing on to the suit department ' there was much to see and much to hear . as Miss Beriard explained the changes ' ' in this witeie garmenta. The fact chat fancy coatumes will be worn more than In preceding years wsa mentioned, to ' gather with th Increasing elaborate neas off style. Itrese waa laid on the . sleeree, which will be the featur. of V hla years fancy oostuam It to with Offlculty that on suppresses a sigh of V delight as aha looks at th exnulslt creations with fairy si sere thai seem - made only to fly sway. Their names add not a little to thetr charm. There Is th Dolly Varden with lis cross tucks. - th saggy from Paris with bs panel , effect the Duost With th Tertlcal - plaits, the sweet Kitty BelUira with Its 1 dainty clusters, snd a number of ether. They are shown to particular advantage In th beautiful hand-mads drees waists. , made In dainty light colors, Inlaid with Imported Dutch laoe and showing dell eats ones work tracery of hand-mads laoe effects. Th materials ,used in the wslsts ar crepe de chtne, peau ds sin, ohtffon silk snd taffeta. Th trimmings ar laborats but never showy. They ar in pink, which has . wblta, ehampagn and anion shades, - j t AT THEHURChS BTWAeTdBBIOAX. -" ' PI rat Bngllali Seat Sixth and. Market , Streets. Bev. Q. W. Plnmer, pester. 11 , '. a, a, tfnd s p. m Sunday school, it a. ; m.t Junior All la nee. I p m; Toung , People's Allien t pt ts. . United SL r Johns. B. W tMcTlcksr, pastor. 11 a. m, and $ p.- m.t unsay school, lt. m. V ' First Bast Tenth and Sherman. The pulpit will be coupled Sunday at 11 s. m. and f p. ra . by th Rev. C C Pratt of Boston, brother sf Presiding kUder H. I Pratt United Fargs dnd Kerby streets Rev. 9. Bowers ox, pastor. 11 a. nv, "Ood'a as Antldots ts Mumsa Fear," e " - 1 ;.0- - ' r ana vjowns ; tor ONE OF Taney oostumes will be worn much mors than usual. For sailing, tha tight colors snd materials are used," ssld Miss Bernard. "Whtts hi vsillngs snd slmllar goods are eonetdered modish. Th pre vailing materials ar sfalffoa. Uk, taf fela, orepe d ualaa and etamtwa. The light colors used ar sals blue, .white, pearl gray, ehamnagna, Nils green, plak In th delloate oeral and aprloot shades, snd the onion shades. The trimmings sre elaborate, with heavy kaoea, ap plioues, velvete- snd ribbons, s Pom padour rlbtoqn la much In vogue-a new ribbon with raised figures In Indefinite patterns Fancy buttons will be very fashions ls la out steel snd la shaded ootors to match the costume. "Hand trimmings. Trench knots ud the ilk ar used. A near decoration to the fringed effect, especially in rosettes or buttons of th same goods. The long pointed effect tn front bvthe prspdr and T: a. m i Sunday school, it a g; K. L C B. at T h- m. . .( ... ' POVtUsetlOgal. SunnysMe Bast Taylor and Bast Thirty-fourth streets; Bsv. . J. J. Staub; 11 a. Bk, eermoa. "Th Better Bsptlsm; T:l p. m.. sermon, "VaoaUon Bcboea." Sunday school It a m.; Sun day school it a. r, S. C. Peer, oupertn t en dent; Christian Bndeavo t:st P av; prayer masting Thursday at T:lt sx a. Pilgrim Chapel Second etreet, near Lincoln j Bev. H. A. Start i Sunday school t:t a. av, W. Ta Soott, superin tendent First Park and Madlsoa atrests; Bsv. XT 7 ' ! ITT " w omen s w ear THE MODISTE'S LATEST CREATIONS.' bodies finish; Broad girdled ar-retained. Flowers sre much in evidence on fancy oostumes, but these only. The demMrata of aix or eight Inches is tak ing the .place of th long train la dress gowns. Tks blended colors ars shown here as In millinery. All the onion ahsdes from Champa gne ts dark brown ars used, and It Is th vogue to- have everything match from head gear ts foot wear. This has not extended o street dress, but is confined only ts fancy costumes. Bvenlng wraps ars mads In th light color, espeelslly pink snd blue, snd are elaborately trimmed. "In street wear elaborateness, of trim ming hi not at kll evident. Self trim mings sre used elmoet entirely la coats and suits. Boms braids are seed In aok ilnlshlngs, Bnttr suits snd costs with skirt are la popularity. Th coats vary from IV to 4f lengths, but' sr mostly In h loses styles. The tourist soat, which somes with th strap in the back. S. L. House. D. D. l lt a, nt; "Ood e Oreateet Trxt; T:4I p. m.. -Playing ths Fool;M 11:11 p, ss., Sunday school, Bsv. H. A. Start, superisteodenti t:4l p. m, T. P. a C B. Mississippi Aveno MUeMaippt avenue4 and Trsssont street Bev. C. M. Smyth; 11 a. nv, "Blessedness of Hard Work; T:4 p. m. "Religion True Wis dom; It s- m., Sunday sohooli I p. av. Chrlstlsn Bndeavsr. Hsseale Street Beat Seventh street north snd Hasan is street; Rev. Chart ee E. Chsssi 10:lt s. m.. holy eommualon; 7:41 p. m., servlos with sermon; Sunday eobool II m. Chris Usa Sadeavor t:41 Bomreg1an--4t North Fourteenth street; Bsv. J. M. Nervlg: Jl a. nv and I a. m., servleee; tunday sebool 9.4 Janes, '' BngllstV-Corner- 'West Park and Jsff ersoa atrssu; Br. J. A v as ;to -Hats : j "Hi .'-ft 4 -J . v- . A 'r.-t. will b mostly worn. Mixed goods sre used very largely in skirts end sU street skirts see made round length. The plaited skirt, fitted to th hips la need, snd the habit back also Is good. Shirt waist suits ar popular la "velvets. Plaits sr ajrorn- som. Plan ne la. cash meres, aenrtettas snd veilings will be used for waists and the wash waists will be discarded. Crcvanett only wlU bs worn tn the long cloak. Tura have reached the height of their popularity snd sre worn with all suits. Ths small neck pieces ars the most used' for automoblllng. Brown, dark green, navy blue and Mack will all be worn. Many of the suits ars touched up at th neck sr with ths vest effect In come contrasting eolor, ths oslon snd toque do rocs being mock used. The director suit-to-In vogue for tailor ef fects. The brown with the leather odor vest, or btaok with th same rest, gives, a neat flnlah. -..' Least ssrvlca 11 a. m.; Suhday school ! a. m. In ths ffentag the church wis bs oocupled by th members of ths Oanlsh Lutheran oovgregatlon. Our Savior's Norwegian Synod Fast Tenth had Grant; Bev. O. Hagoes; serv ices 11 a. av snd I f. l Sunday school 'Oenteurpw-Bast Ninth and Pins streets. W. B. Holllngahesd, pastor, nermon, tt:tt a. a. ; Sunday schosl, lt:U P- bv Bp worth league at p. m; special monthly musical program at T:W p. ss. - Trinlly-rJDast Tenth snd Orsnt streets Bsv. Hero Id Oberg. pastor. Servleee both morning snd evening; evening them: "Shams; Sunday- school, .... it a. sv; Bp worth league. T p. m. Sutreyslda Beat Thirty-fifth ' and TsmhiU atrests. Rsv. W. H. Bllok, pastor. 11 a. m.. "Two Noble Old Moa, With ft reading ea Tbs Seven Ages sf a Methodist Preacher snd T:N. "Th Two Types of Religion, laolty vs. Chrtatlanlty;" :S0. Epworth lesgus. "New Courage for New Work. Taylor Street 'Third- snd- Taylor streets. ; , Dr. F. B. Short, pastor. preaches at lt:ss. Dr. Robert Forbe of Philadelphia st-t:lft; Sunday ecoeol. U;li P- Aipwwrth -league, p:h p. m. TSTBXBTXAjr SjtUBslOB. First Scotush Bite esthsdrali Morrl son sad Lownsdsls streets; senrloes 11 a. nv and p. m-I subject of ssrmsa. e)ubtenoe.' Sunday school, close of morning aervloe. Wednesday evening meeting I p. a. 1 Second Church of Christ Auditorium bu tiding. Third street, between Taylor an asimoni sunoay ssrvcs, it a. m. and I p. av; subject, "Buhetsnos." Sun day school li a. av, Wsdnssdsy met lns p. av ! -y. XfemwaMrS First Cum berland Twel fh snd Bast Taylor strsets; Rsv. MX Nelson Allen; lt;t s. a, snd I p. nv, servloss; p.' m., Sunday school; 7 p. nv. Senior Ba deavor. Cat rary Eleventh and Clay streets; Rev. W. S. Gilbert; services a. nv and T:4trp: nv; morning subject, "Psytng Vows to ths Lord;" evening, "X Know Als How to Abound." ' . eeond Cast erentb snd Ankeay streets, Itantoa 0. Iapham, pastor. Morning service. 19:10, sermon, "Wit nesses of Christ: evening eervws, 1:4. sermon, "sign of th Times and the i Coming of Christ; blbl class, It noon; Young People's socle ty, f ;4C n. ml Im manual second snd Meade, Be. M. M. Blednos, pastor. sSnrloeo at 1:0 a. nv and T:s p. m.; B. T; P. ft. : S. m.; bible school, JIM noon, w Centrai Woodmen of th world building. Beet fllxtb and Bast Aider streets, Wllllsm K. Randall, pastor. 19:41 a. m.. "Triumph In Ufe's Tragi Hours; Institutions That Minister f t blMs echoot. 11 noon; T.10 p. in.. "The Problems and Prospsets ef Tollers; Labor Day Message." Th White Temple Twelfth snd Tay lor streets. J. Whltoomb B rougher, pastor- "Ose Accord' prayer meeting, lttll a. m. eermoa, lt:l0 a. av. "Why Was Jeaus Baptlaedr; bible school, lt:lt p, m.; Toung People's meeting, t: p. mi ssrmotu 7:4t p. av, "The Raoee.1 ' ' Ji'""'v oguaurriAB. T "fr' Rodney Avon ue Rod ney s venue and Knott " street, Albyn Bason, . minister. Sermon, "Responsibility." 11 -a. at; ser mon. 'Is Belief MarltorlousT" T:4t p. sv; Sunday school, t:4 a. nv; Chris Usa Bndeavor, t:4t p. m. First- Corner Park and' Colnmbla streets. Bl S, Huekley, pastor. "The Call of the Parfsrl," 1:la a. ,m r"Hor to Keep Rsady for Work, 7:10 p. av, bible school. 11:1 p. nv Central Bast Twentieth and Salmon strsets. Rsv. J. F. Ohormley, pastor. Rsv. B. Moon will preaeb at 10:10 a, nv; special servlose st Tit ander th direction of th Christian Woman's Board of Missions; Sunday school, 1 IS to.; 'Junior Endeavor, 1:11 p nv; Senior BndeevoCj t:4t m. . , ' St John's Memorial Sellwood. Rsv. W. R. Jo well, pastor. Sunday school, 11 a, m. ; evening aervlos snd sermon, T;4l. Chapel of the Transfiguration . Sixth street near Oak, Rsv. W. R. Powell, chaplain, Servlos snd sermon. 11 a. av; Sunday school. t;IO s. nv Oood BheptkerdVSell wood and' Van oeuvr, Rsv. John Dawson, rector. ' Sun day sebool,- It a. av; holy eommualon and ssrmon. 11 s nv; svenrns prayer snd sermon. :lt . m. - St Dsvld's Church Oeorg B. Tsb Waters, D- D rector. . Holy communion. t a. m; holy communion and serpaoB. 11 a. nvt svsnlns; service, f p. m. St Mark'e-r-Ntneteenth snd Qulraby streets. Rev. J. B. H. Simpson, rector. Holy communion, a. nv morning prayer,' 11 a. nv Sunday school. It a av; no svsnlns servlos. - - i "i . .' ' First IT I'd Seoond street. Foresters hall. 11 s. m. snd t p. .nv; Sunday school, 10 a. m-i Bpworth league, 1 p. m. B. H. Mowrs,. psstor. '. ( . " . , First- Dr. Bitot wUl occupy ths -pulpit both services. Pr. Creasey, ths pss tor, returns from ths east this week. People's Chrlstlsn Union p. R Coul ter, minister. Services st lit Second street Unity hsIL 11 s. nv. "The Relg tlon of Respectsbtensss ts the Spiritual Life.'' and 11:14 p. m., "BUtoh Bn osuraged;" 1:41, concert Berea Mission Second and Jeffereo streets. Rev. J. H. Allen, pastor. Serv loes at lt:lt a. m. snd 1:tt p. nv Rev. A. S. Worrell ef Kentucky, will preach st both services. First Spiritual Society Artisans hall. Ablngton building. Third street near Washington. All -day meeting of th oon vert ton of th Stat glplrtual lets' Association of Oregon. Bntertalnment try children's progressive lyosunv 11 s. nv; after lunch, oonferenos on "Pro gressive Spiritualism;" Rev. O, Ct Lov will lecture T:4I p. sv T. M. C. A. The men's meeting at 1:10 Sunday afternoon will bs addressed by Rev. A. W. Wilson on ths topis, "Brace Up." Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ) Allsky building. Third snd Morrison streets, ball 400. 11 : a, m. and I p. av United Brethren In Christ First church, corner of Bast Fifteenth nnd Bast Morrison atrests. 11 a. av snd S Pi m.: Sunday school. It a, st-t Tf. F. S. G. B , 7 p. m. Jossphltes Rergieed Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints) Room too, Allsky building, between Third snd Fourth on Morrtoon streets. 11 a. m. and t p. m-v FrosjrcBslvs " Spiritualists AIIsbt building, hall 101. 7r4t p nv, subject -Transition sf ths Soul.'' Bsv. Mrs. C Cornelius. : -' . . PORTLAND'S BEAUTIFUL WOMEN..' a frshtost sF-Fto- Ths up-toMat. trim, sprightly girls with healthy color ta their ehks. luatr tn their sres and spring In their stp. thst can be seen en Portland street, are creating no small amount of talk among ths many thousands of visitors now thronging the elty. "What beautiful women'' Is a com ment heard on sU sides. Portland haa, indeed, remarkably beautiful specimens of womanhood, and their fame to broad- A great factor In developing this great feature Is In ths athletic life led in Portland. It to now ths fad to exercise and keep beautiful, snd Portland baa exceptional advantage to otter. It peo ple In pkvslcsl training. Six Well equipped gymnasium afford asuaual op portunities for devehtpment Prominent smong these Is Professor Rtngler'S Phys ical culture school st jot Alder street where s nnely equipped gymnasium, ex ercising parlor snd hatha with scientific Instruction is found. Over too men and women were member of thla school last season and ths new term which opens tomorrow promises to double In at tendance .over that ef tost year. Cata log an application. Phone Main litl. Peacock flour elvay - gives seAlsfac- ttosv and It guaranteed by pour grocer. . I saeaawssnmm- " sHeMwb ONLY COMPLETELY ECUErrED Dir.' T0L0G5CAL" PAKLOKS IN CECa -C , . : ; RADAM ASA BOTJrjeVSrtmiCTBS. Pissiiilii Orleatal Beuty Psrlacs. sS . . sas tUeeV Xesa West ; It snwt. mererei. appesr that osr every etaha fa tree, er seea ens wesH a saltbjg Bges ee tar ss sr sjar ef these rewards, Doe't It leek that war is yoal Oat Tlbre MaaMS tspltssse Is rchlem hi tha bttttr. Ooaatlparloa. Prapepela, Sleepleaeoeet, Kreralcta. tUe. seals IHeeaaea. Catarrhal Deafneaa. pu wita If la ui tae weria. WE see tnie appliance is ue treatment Of ear peuenu. Mo ether iWrnaokeaiet as the Morth Faalae Coast owse or penite aa scoiaeocy at all prapermMs to thk. ' JUST FOR. An Eight Weeks' Home, Treatment; for $5.00 tstNa er geatlesMS shall hsvs last what they assc tar any arslettsa far that Vttle earn ef mossy. If blachheads, freauaeat far Usefchssss; hT wrtakk. ueatawat ret wrtakleaj It Pass vrpwo sissasn naAxn-gng axx rm wm. tdaiTie Aza Holmes-Rlbbecke M Mastar asd Teacher of Dmatelegy. ef Haaeage creai tm aU thla week. WE'LL FIT YOUR NOSC At wsll as your syes with ths propsr Kisse. We'll St you comfortably, too. n't 1st -ywsr boss keep you from wearing glasses, it you need them. B aro (nation free. ' " ' Oregon MHn tfM ewaafV terms in each , sv attached. etd 4. m, T Monmouth, Or. BUSY EXISTENCE OF STAGE DIRECTOR os eox. .TMM TMVLXM S abvs jars n tsov a. Oarm,- worn s xurr oirm. i... t Theodore Rooaevelt, Tern Tagger, Oeorg e B. Cortelyou and The mas yf. Lswson sre busy men, but you ought to see Manager K. O. Welch snd Stage Director WUl lam Bernard of tn Co lumbia theatre. Thee sre ths strsaur sus days out in thst direction. While loitering for a moment la th orBc sf Manager Welch, before tt mo sssnta bad Sown, thst worthy had tele graphed an srder for transportation t a member of his company who Joins him Monday frsm San Pmnclsoo. had re oelpted for a consignment sf sparkling champagne which will bs used in th second sot sf "Csptsla Lettarblalr," hsd twlos answered ths tslephons snd, po litely, tooand had taken and referred to ths box sines a faahlonsbls theatre soar's order for sixteen Bests In Sec tion B, Rows P nd O. tor Sunday sjmtlnss. H bad also pointed ths wsy ts Mr. Bsrnard's sosy den st the end of a narrow lane snd up a narrow atalrway. -lok sut for your hat," warned a eheery vloe. Overhead was a dsrbp smashing eontrivases. ' Whenever you do get s theatre built iost to suit you." said Mr. Bernard, -some Are underwriter comes around and puts tn a trap, designed ts protect ths welfare ef ths dear public, thst catches you nspping soms dark night when ysu rush hastily lot pour omo. This particular one was a projecting shelf under switchboard that a dalBty flve foot tws person might ma. but which ould not rsU to catch Mr. Ber nard Sv fast nlae. ; A ooey UtUe den; n11. yw. hut I sm sfrald yeu bsv found It In A disorder that la not even picturesque. Tea bee, this Is my busy day." Ths stag director looked fresh tnd smiling, and bis clear eye did sot tell the story of a night spent In studying his own part in -Laturblalt." and In reading nest wki Pi- - - 1 bsv no doubt." be wsnt oa, "that t a itt aisMr blithely without a oars In the world, 1 could And soms- thlng pleturesqus In Studying ins stage Mf. In fact. OB of my favorlt ttunts Is to Inspect a ewe- paper ornce from top 10 ios. is near r..t.. nuwtlT ellklna? sut th day'a sew, to wonder" what tale of hor ror ths tslegrsph dots sna oasnea sr telling, or what bloody battle the lino type machine ars easting Into history. Ths newspaper profesalen snd ths thest- .i k.,.iu.. re wueh allha. anyway. ai. H riwtnar te artve th public Jome thing new, snd ths public expects of them osstlBUsl ntrtsinmn vsrslon. To' give there this requires work. In my Use, It means tehearaale dally t lt:t, sscept Tueeday. Tuesday Is the nearest approach an sorer 1b atoeh has to Sunday, aa we have only s airnt performance on Tuesday. Rehearsal for th new play begis en Monday. That la why I am reading next weeh a booh 't sut th caroentera V- oof-r B direct I"1 or t 'V n't a, . Jar - -wg, :-i'-':IV ,v '. ft vesMSSSosjesss I Urn orfmd n,e:d tr rer a' slagU tsstssre ts whtefe eat mmmt haa laiered the eetlrel i - the skis to nj say. asd . ' BOBOSV OVAOgg ft. ' lllivt Off trei $1,000 REWA:3 Per a sJdW tanaase 1a waua as every srusnse pa sesbeea resllles. b ; sTOSODT OlAIBS IT. f" I Have Orfcred i,000 REWARD Per a rdasW ease ef renal ssisssiiwest we asr aaeerukes t rasjisi sd nav set saeeesded. and, aWXKWV tJUTMS XV. I Bm orrertd 1.000 REWARD Pw totsrawtlaa of say PtrsMfctlnsleel Farter ea tee North Parlfle Oeeet (umputkl Is oai la perfect eqtuMDt. sag SOSOST CLAIMS IT. -;. ! 1 Have Offertd l,000 REWARD Per s stnsie uwtanea In wakB ear Osatstea km Prrparetkms ee set ee hl wa eleiei (or tseav aas a MOBOOT OLATjrJ IT. " I Have Offered f,000 REWARD pnr any esse of wrtsklea, tautUeea sttttnn. ptrtamarka, (rerfelee. or sap facUl SenKwity W4 eaanvl rinn, and J . .-s. . SOSODT OLATJIS ttr rreatMf f Kerveae TM Hseamatleav FacUl Detoraii- Female Dteordera. rtc There ts aotntag to coe. A FEW DAYS Writ tar BeehJeC Free sasmbn I State Normal School - thlrS veer md tern bev 19. 104. ?otrr school year, affording equal opportoinl- tles -for heglnnlng s course la Septem ber. Novernber. February and April. Beat Ts the Normal course, with fto assur ance of good position st good wages. Wnin worn xnrw OATAirOtttrm, Containing -full Information cososrnlng coursea of study, training In actual teaching afforded under real conditions In town snd country schools, snd full detalla about the advanced course of study with the aOrtlt tonal advantages Um s NORTH PACIFIC CENTAL-COLLEGE On of th best sgujpnsd rnsUtstloos Sf Its kind. . i Th annual awsslon begins October . Students may graduate after attending three full courses. For further tniormatloa snd estslogu addi a wTTffiTiWB, 9MMM. 141 West Jrssk Sh Bisnc Orasora. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF OREGCJ Ighteentb sssusl paesksi begtas. Bant,. is. 1104. Address S. TS. JOSnYrTL M. XX. Dean, tit Dehum bldg, Portland. Qe AIXsEN PREPAR ATORY SCHOOL Win Open September 19th For Csslogus, apn M thrtk sH. OREGON CQNSEmTOBY OF MUSIC v BOHOOL 01 MTJSlO, bwludln eloeuttea. laBSaese asd academic coarse. The SapertntenM are aodrr aelect laatreetors. Who hare eaeoteC their llvej to their particular eorh S&4 are set oaly gradvares, but TEACH BBS la ereryeesee of the word. Open the rear 'roan, hteditw aed elnea. Waahlmrtea sad Seventh, Boardtog StpertaweU CoLles asd Twelfth. Tee jras- S'Ctus and eatalogae addreaa la JL JiOaX tfT-TO)WA.Dt. Tortland. Or. r 1 go oa ths stsg to hesr ths reheersala 1 must know th book, so ss ts coach th actors IS tbtr lms; know when tney bavs caught th proper raterpreta tlos, see thst ths buslness Is done cleverly snd intelligibly to ths audience. Today Is sosasry rehearsal, so that th player will avoid hugging an nnnoeas eery tree or letting a wayward table corns between two levers. No sostums rehearsal today, for Captala tttar blalr Is b modern play and ths players wear the garb of men and women of the world. ...Nigh ta I speed an my swn lines when 1 sm oast for a part.' A faraway bell tinkled. . Th player were gathered on th stage la street costume. A moment lster Mr. Ber nard' fsclls voles was sowtag seeds SC vflltany as TTrancfs Merivsle. With a low word here end there he directed th player ih their "buslnsss,' from the champagne scans to the tamos door knob sptaod. tn which Ml Counties doe a delmlous bit of acting. wrtU her drew Is naught la door kt lttr hllrS quarters. Mr. Bernard mad a quick rxic Sooa theraaftar thl eater, of deUtls was asrrully dirertlng a stagehand to hold tight onto Mia Cou-llss- shirt. N release far he antll Let tarfalalr comes to ths rescue. This Sdelltr ts stags-Sraft wag too much.- Th presidents snd camsan msnagers doa'l know th nMening f -Wrh." Why hy smvt prtV.. '