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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
. . 4 ' I V v-. mmiv v. inrreMAT daptt AMn tlTNTlAT . MORN I NO. ' ' SEPTEMBER 4. . 1904. - ' , . - - . f . - i ' ina ' URSuvn owv&sae - - mammtmmmmmmmalmmmmm : , - 1 nm FLEAS17.ES FCLES IS ASIERICA . COM THE XAfSER '"" mumom vba ammini Avoir - v ' num UTOiwtoirati aaaz i .'-X ntam wmim mm ai avn nmaot o amm vau- r::ca CC3TAILED te wMumm mu Mmkui ttaag te Qussa TloAortft RtostsrlsA WiU R RriisBtid a Stolasry sto iMtoiy ta ft to Preatt af 1 . . , - - : - : . ' - I: - ' a srs ass a mm tmun -a ratzv . A MSIUBSSU STAT XV OOWWWRT ; srotrsR tji xas VARxor -a sorav ARRTra WTTSI AsWWAATUI. -- , Xssar Whits, aTAa AUs Bmm saa aaA geha aUssslp Oasaar aTuok tm BHuI :-' -ft Mass Paailsg imarlssa SuassrTp ' , Vl I IfV 0 ' ri" I . - - . it- - - v - fmr Vfttoete Oft.) tfOmrtckt Mum Nw ftrvta, mt . WkM Ik Tfc IwmI.) J Bntta pc A Th klmr la nM to aM-toualy thlnkinv of aakln Um 4mmtnt of tb Unltd fltatM If it to u of tb foot that th PolM la th Cmud-fltfttM arc rulalBV and MU Ifts aa army which to to N Md In ft polish nvolDttoft ftSfttoM Grmny ttd Stuaala. - rr mn ttat K hao bwl nmor that tfw Polaa In the Pruaalak provlnoM havo- oaoa foeolvlnc Uw amounta of onr from Amarloa, and that Pollan military arsknlaatloaa in tba Unttad Utaa mt aaaurln thalr eountryaaan bora that whtn tha propar tlma pomaa a atari ft ravolutloa Utar May count as. tna aaatotanoa ot ft wall-orsmnlaad ftfttt fully aQulppad army -whlah la balaa formed on tha other aid of tha Atlantic. Tha Oerman tvvarnaiant waa at flrot tacllnad to troat tha mat tar tlshlly. but raoaat yaalatloaa im - tha ftraaa hava ma da ft at ran a Uapraaaloa hara and may foroa It tn appaal to tba Bovarafttant In WaaMnatoB to taka aoma atapa a gain at tha poll ah ravolutlonlaw raaldlns la tha Uaitad tataa. Offtola UatiaUM for ta year Of 1WI fthaw.that tha abuaa of prlvataa In tha army ta by nonaana dacraaalns in num ber. Mora than 109 aaaao wara taken bp by eourta-martial. and of tbaaa ! wara eommlttad by offloara and aoo-aommla- ajonad office ra of tha uard- - Tha wffloara found cullty war- wan tanoad to an ftd-ft-reamte of S.Mt dayo in prtaon and t wara- aantanoad to-daaaa-Ration. ' ; . 1 A 1th ouch the flcuraa tn theniaalraa ar quia teapoatne. they alva vary Uttla Man of tha actual a tat f affalra, aa only a vary amall fracUon of tha abuaaa ara raportad. to tha.hlnhar mlHtaxyau- taonuaav 9mat) j OanUftary ' i A trrmta ietlar frona HU Patrabur ra porta that tha polio hava dlaoovard n tnetoty of bomb In a vault in one of tha oaatartaa of that city. In tha vault, which ia owned by ft Matt court. dla nltary, wara found Id bomb of tha earn oonatruetlon mm- tha one which hilled '1L yoa -Plehve. 'Tba poHoa belter that tbla la tha araanal at too Boyavayn or- nmniaatrla. tha centra ornanlaatloa of tha nihil lata, and that th owner, of tha vault la on or tha head, lr not tna neao, ' of tba nlhlllatn In Roaata. Tha dlaoav- ery hu been aapt from tha camr, aa tha, official auapoeted to on of tha faw who ta nrlrUaawi to ana him on Ml occaalotn of nraalfiata, - Aooordtna: to a dlapateh frota Od aa. tba camr manlfaato alrlnc amneety to all tb daportod on ftaahalln laland who would ioln tha army and flaht for Rua- ftla baa had ft wonderful effect oa the . men. Tha voluntary lean on formed by eonvfeta and paaaaata of tha tolanda ha : become a real allta.oorpa.. Slaoi It-Waa oraanlaed tha criminality on tba'taland - ,aa dacrejiaed aTaatly. Tha former eon- vie ta, .free oftoa mar, try taohow thalr appreciation of tha eamra aot by aood bebavlor, and better or mora -Maeilantly dlaclpllnad aoldlara no one oyer aaw. Tha laaion haa Just been, rarlawad by tha sovemor of tha laland, who ax - praaaed hi admiration of tha conduct of tba man m n telegram to the eamr. Tha Inbabltanta of tba lalaad hav equipped a number of Improvlaad run boat, with wblcb tbay hava aaptured - aeverai Japan a mMhant ataamara. Which bare bean taken to Alaxandroeky bafitlm-a BUvaL A naw oompany haa been formed at , Caunbura wblcb may become a for- ' an kl able rtval to tba wtandwd Oil 00m pany. Tha now company, wbich baa been assured of tha hearty support of .the German sovertunent, wlU axploH tba newly diaoavarad oil field la Hoi at el a, which tha Standard OU oompany - has failed to awt control of awlnr ta ' tha antipathy of tba German to John Dl Rockefeller pat enterprise. . . Tba first oil waa atruck In tna fan Of IMS, but It waa then thourht that It waa present only in small quantities, of Importance only to tba local dealers, but careful prospectlar baa shown that o Il ea rrymr strata ar to be found h al most alt part of Holeleln, and tba oil ' produced la of excellent quality. JAPANESE PRINCE TO; V VISIT ST. LOUIS FAIR Tew frrvta. w Wire I Tb iearaal.) - l' Tokto, Kept. t. Prince Fushlma. a. member of ths japanaee hapcrlal family, will aail shortly for San Franclaoo an mat to St. LouIm as tha personal ran- raaanUtlv of the aanpfror tn tha Jap4 anase aactloa Of tha exposition. He is a nephew of ths emperor. Because of bis rank be is to be accompanied by a torse suite, and tt to taken for avantM he will be shown the same honors aa wara re cently bestowed upon the Chines aav nephew, nine Pu LfUn. Prince Fushlma la a aeneral In tba Japeneae army, who haa seen eervlce In the prcnt war as well aa la tha war with Coins, aeverai years aa. F0UNTA1NBLEAU HAS ' SERIOUS FOREST FIRE (Charrlght. m to Ta fearaaL) Paris. Sept. A Th people of France re moarnlng the loss of a large part of the famous fort of rontatnebteau, which was ruined by flra a few days ago. In spite of ths 00m Dines srrorts of a .large fore of firemen and LAOS ldir mora than 404 acree formerly covered with splendid treea are now in aehea. It to lucky that ths fire did not reach the palace of Pontalnbleaa, for many yeara tha favorite reeldenoa of tba kings of France, which at ana Uses was seri- oualy three tewed. '.; fAftjaTzov vm or ATS. 1 (oaelal fHssetHl W The fosmaLl Kawsomilla. Ida., Sept. . Cjea Ouy 'ksa a flld of tha Unrein variety f eats whUh stand all feat and three Inches hta-b. The oat heads are over ala tnehee long. It la a tfl-aere field of new ground and H la thought It Will yleUI tna bushela ta ths acre, Mr. Our waa ftHd to mow the nld a tha binder at out tba PARIS HAS EDSEDH'f: fHli S NIK lllrl llinAIAI jh . r: -- ,T1 nil ".J.. . v-,,.-.v.;-:. 1, 4 7V H v am mm mm m w m w 1 & m wmi - - - - 1 .t r f eaaa OOUSOYIOmT 0 0U- OAVni A VQUAM tO OOXBBV SvWBa. , .. sy Paul TfHleas4 (0rrlaat. Baist Mews sM-rTka. tr lr as Th Hull 1 Parts. Sept A. Thanks to tna lnltta Uva of M. Daloaaas, tna elty of Parto baa now one more unique attraction pos sessed by no other city ta tba worlda. diplomatic museum. Although opened to the public only a abort rims nro, thto muasum,-whtoh IK luetratss tha hlatory of diplomacy In tba past and present to Mrady'vrr In teresting aad well worth adding to tba Hat of pJaoes; Which Amarlcaa Aourtota should vlIL - - It contains oacsHont buata of Marqula ds Forcy, itarqula da Cholaaull, Riche lieu. Maaarln. Bona part a first aonaul, Thiers, lAmartlne, 'allrabeas, Oambetta, IsTaoMahoa, -Orvy, Carnot and J"elU raura.- ' In a glass aas1a ths pes! with which Prince B lams re k aimed tba prellmlnar lea of paaoa after tba Fimaco-Pruaslan war. Mot far from It to another pen- holdes with wbieb Ossnbetta algasd hie rsalgnaUaa from the offloa of STaad mlalatsr. - A BtsAswUfuto Oftrta, -.. . Tben thars to a wooden model of tha, holy aspulcbra to commemorate a diplo matic action of Kmparor Napoleon III. Th dome of the holy sepulchre was oa tha point of tumbling down, and after many diplomatic conference of tha Eu ropean oablneta It waa resolved that Francs and Russia should rebuild tha dome, each country paying half of tha soat-Whea tha work waa about to be gin ft letter waa received from the sul tan, wba said aa tba ruler of several mil lions of Christian tt waa bla ambition to contribute to tba reconstruction of a building In which so many of bla sub jmetm wara Interested, and to make tht matter stilt mora complicated, the pope, through Cardinal AntonellL declared that ho eonaldarad It hla privilege to re build tba dome entirely at hla own aa penea. Th lv ' government, howqver, po ut air Informed the holy father that hla assistance waa neither needed nor want ad. a 1 both a Roman Cathollo and a Q reek Catholic government had already pledged themselves to carry out the work. The muaadm also eontalns a fin col lection of medals atruck to commem orate Important diplomatic event from tha ltth oentury up to data, and another collection of 1M wax seals. Aa original drawing by Kalaer WUhelm II oocuptte a prominent place. A library of fta.aoe volume la also ooanaetsd with ins in stitution. ,1 - Vera Brass Oa Jpor stepping on ths dress of a -rival beauty during a dance. Loulee Lai la ma nd, a beautiful young girl of It, was murdered In tba early morning hours tha ether day on tba Boulevard ds la Vil la tt. . . . The aggrtowd woman followed afiie. Lal!amand aa she waa leaving tha ball room and said In ft threatening voice: "Now I will give yon a dancing laaaon! Mils. . Lallemand'a fiance, who wa with har, endeavored to beat tha woman off, but three men aeised him from be hind while th unhnowa woman stabbsd tba. girl three ttonaa In ths side. with a plarrlng shriek she sank to the ground and died, and tha woman aad her mala companion escapes. GEN. M'ARTHUR IS SEEKING MORE COIN rtpMial Pbeetdk ay LeMrd Wbs te TW foaraali Waahlngtoa, Sept. A f ajor-OoDeral Arthur HacArlhur, oomnmndlng tha de partment of California, In his annual re port, which waa received by ths war de part mesa today, rernmmsnda tha ex penditure of !,oo.n for Improving tha Presidio reservation, the traction af naw buildings and at be required ohangea. la eMails tha conditions In wan Francisco with which ths department is confronted In handling discharged otfllers, ths gensrsl Indicate ths In efficiency of tha polic of thst city u prevent robbery and other crimes, The greatest matter of oonoem Ooeu plaa ths attention of thto department' Oesaral MacArthur aaya In hi report. "U to get th ftoldler returning from ths Philippine Kite pnlon of their money, du n thalr final payments and safely out of tba olty before, tbay oaa ba awlndlad." . , v- I , mnwm, 1 , .i. n 11 ni nMTi i.i p 1 ,0. I ' ; Ths ton picture shows potato, tha gold-domed palace of ths grand lama. . At th bottom la shown a Jui of tha Forbidden City, tha first topographical map .of-Lhasa svar eompilsd. At -tWr.2 SS S HaoDonald. In command Of tba Tibetan expedition. At tba right la shown Colenei Touaghuaband. nolltloal chief of tha Tibetan ml ton. . .- . . '" .- ... . " ' YOUNG TURKS PARTY SUSPECTED 1 OF PLOT AGAINST THE SULTAN (Cbayrlib. Beervt few' Strrlfl, ay timl Wire to Th JawaaL) f Constantinople, Sept. A uspieloa to growing that tba suppoaad fight among tha guards about tha aultan' aarana. during whloh a bullet whtssed danger ously near Ua royal heed, was but, a plat to assassinate Abdul HamJd. A number of arrests ass bsca mads, nut tt la believed that those bn custody ara only minor oonaptrttor and that those who snglnaerad tha anair ara nox omy leadlTuf mambers of the Toung Turkey nrt. but also lnoluda psraona -. who atand high In tha eultan's favor. -- Coming aa tha shooting do as. sbon after ths death of tha former aultan, wumd V.. ths surmls to that rsvmge prompted the young Turks to try to tabs tba Ufa of Murad's nrotner, wnue law- Uon was tba motive upon wnion- a shied eonapl raters . aotao. . - hinders except the rtoks af a general In ternal revolt now somewhat remote. uh .i noon will fail Japan before they fall Russia, and th Ruaalaa po sition. In the rr east son w hefors ths Rusalan autocracy will aooept what "tbay would J tsL ahamaful peace at th sands f the de spised Aalatto. J 1 m Tha Idea Of pMsrvwawo m pw a a iu aneetator aava. the deal re t atop bloodshed hardly ever auf floss to deflect ths Wotton f great fltatea. adding: - Batotos Ovas Oateaaaa, with the eseeotlon of Prance, Which la axcsaalvety disinclined to disturb the gensral peaoa, tha weakening of Russia relieves tb nowsra i mm ra si- mare. . - Yraat Brltaia ceases so rear xor w dta; Oermany cease to spprenenci an invaaloarom two sides at once, each an Invasion of half a million of mem Aus tria recovers har old position or saieiy In tba Balkan and la relieved from tha danger of ft aonunons to aupport Ger many la ft' war from wo ion ana oouiu ap little direct advantage. "No nsaoa that can ba expected would enable Russia, A aslst Germany do se cure practical possesion of tha Shan- tuns peninsula. America has been cured of her Old sentimental xnenaanip iot Russia. Italy, whatever hay wtobea. will not dream of acting alone, only Franca la really concerned to maintain Russia aa aha ta, and France win not move without tba consent of Ores Britain even aav ner laaiwi rwwuH taka la Russian solvency.": ' ; OAJTV ta Viwanto- (Cepyrigbt, ' Hearst Mews sarrte. w Wire a Tea Jeansl.) Tokio. - Spt Telegrams Shanghai report that ths Chines author ities hav ordered the Brlttoh Docking company not t repair th cruiser Ask old or destroyer Orosovoi after a. m.. BepUmber L The company has aot bean paid by Russia and demands pay ment of the Chinee taotaL Telegrama from Peking say tha Oroso voi has been fully disarmed. Tha Ak old will aot leave the dock until Sep tember . . owlna- to tha tldea. After sh leavea the dock aha will complete bar disarmament at an appointed plaoa. TO sUaAArr. Saig Ask s ae Tary lOssavtobt,- Heeit Sew Sprnca, by , WIN t Tke iearaal.) - London, Sept -Owe of th most can did continental sheet. Independenc Beige, offer a hint ta Oermany thst aeeme te have stirred the Berlin official Journala. It wlstrea ta know how long d time wht elapse, h? Japan hurls Russia out of th Manchuria territory secured by least from China, before aba will un dertake tha task of ejecting Oermany from Ktaoehov bay and tha hinterland. "Rearing in mind tha part Berlin took la mulllf rlas tba treaty of Shlmol snaky FALL BACK ON MUKDEN if;' . (Oontlsosd from Pags Ona. -: Powerful and also unsempuJous psr aona who would be glad Is hava Abdul Hsmld rathe red to bla fa then are almost lesion in Turkey, and rumor has It that a eertaln able official was aot entirely ignorant of Aha plot eves- before the ahot was Brad. s . Th utaory to tnst- hb asnsplrators hoped. In oaas ths piece, of . lead found lodgment tn tha aultan'e body wtth tb decisive sffeot desired, to Vtoes Prtnop Ahmad,. AbAul Hmld-M third agnon ths throne. . . . - Ahmed ta no tf yesrs sf ago, but hla intellectual development ta not great -J and ba 1 regarded by plotters as being th most easily managed of tba sultan a older children. In oass of hta ascend ing th throne there would ba com plete turn ever ' In tb mmlatrr and Tewflck Paaha would be tba first to bs asked to resign. ' ' Ju tb s!oeof tb. preaent counsellor aaya. tha Bslgiaa organ, "who wtn any there would not b an element f poetic Justlc In such an ejectment?? Britlah opinion ts suits emphatle that tha Unltadnsutaa will lend as counte nance to an attempt to repeat tha rranos-Russlaa coup of ll, even should tha Toklo government ultimately Insist upon retaining as spoils of vic tory every leas In Manchuria secured by ths Muscovite whether of sott-. wa ter privilege or railway .eetieeasloav - It Is argued bars -thai fox Japan to taks all -thee ! would bs no an-" crodohment upon th aoverolgnty of China and no vtolatioa of bar terrttor tol Interrity. - ' All Illusions to projects f liilsrvs tloa or medtotlon point to Oermany aa the neutral power moat concerned and most desirous of playing tha role of honeat broker. Oermany aa so frtond In KM rope. - It Is this toolation that make bmiparar William so anxious to plaoa Russia under lasting ebllgatlona. Sir Chartos JDtlks and other British authorities oa Inter national politics long ago declared that tba chief aim of tha kaiser diplomacy to to render Rusala a service of such value that ah will aot Interpose a veto tn the day whan Oermany shall seek to Include Denmark and HoUaad la bar empire. Issues of American arssMenttal pontine began to attract mora attention in tha Britlah press, and comment to bound to become widespread after tha appearance of tha formal letter of Mr. Roosevelt aad Judge Parker. ' . COUNCIL OF LABOR r ' ADOPTS AMENDMENTS (Bpfetol'DIMem by Imm Wire bTa JaraaL) Saa Pranctoao, Sept. A Tha San Pran daeo labor counca last night adopted amendment' t Its eonatltaUon provid ing for tb sMthods which union mast follow whan: desirous of changing wag schedules sr trade rules, and also for defense fund is oass sf loekouta r strlkrs. ' M TUndr tha naw rule any anion desirous of a change In Its wage acftadul must preaent th matter to tha labor council at least four weeks previous to tha date fixed for the enforcement of the echedul. Unions, all of the members of which earn aa average sf VIS per week or less, shall ba asked to contribute K per cant lea per capita than unions all of wboaa members earn an average of over 111 per week, and tha appeal shall state tha exact amount peg capita en 1U member ship eaob union ta asked to eontrlbut. No money, however, ahall ba paid out until a strike or lockout has been In progres two weak. Th union appealing for assistance In a strike Indorsed by tb council must arree that tha conduct of the controversy shall be placed tn the hands of tht executive otammee of the council and tha authorised represents tlvee of tha anion concerned. - AxoMrjnm tm ESAMO. r t r- - (sssetol MasaM m Tea Jearaaki Culdeeao, Ida.. Sept. A -Much axelte- ment prevails hers over the reported dla eovery of alamlnum 4a tha brick ctoy north of town. It la understood that tha metal 1 in sufficient quantltlaa ta make tba disoovary of great veiu. , . y . 7 f " to Ah sultan would ait aaea oonaider abry more liberal mentally, who ad ministration would stave off a faw year mora the expulsion of tb Turks from Burope, whloh tb mora enlight ened of Abdul Uamld'a subject are onsnina- ta realise to Inevitable. Comment Is made, however, upon the evolution of such a clumsy plot aa thto tost sns by th clever man .who are .tul nf halna Annfitd- With It It to recalled that the asms sort f thing i fhs fighV has been tried bsrora m order to get rid of disagreeable mon arch, and that usually aoma oaa alee beeldee tb ahoeen target baa been tb uffera.: . , "i BaiMf to arprssssd that withka a faw days some of thee arreated wJl ba fanMd at aonfeaa tba da tail e of the plet. and ths rssuU WlU be the eetour Of tndlvtduaw of international celebrity CAUSE or PANIC IS WALL STREET :' . . (Sptetol EMspstek by Leased Win w Ike Jearaal) New York, Sept- A It was. ths per- amptory calling An of Northern Pacific atoek by KuAa, "Loab A Co.-on- May a, 1KA, that helped oausa ths great. Wall street panto that day, fteoordlag to ths Uetimony .of Broker Maurice St era- be rger before Commissioner Revlella, at it William street. Tha testimony to being taken la tb suit af Joha J. O'Leary of Chicago, against Stern bergs r. Fold A Sinn, for Ass,v00 last tn that panl. Tba bearing was adjourwad today to Oetobsr Stern borrer waa ouestlonad by Attor ney wtioox. TM you think Northern Pacific wa worth 90 a sher oa Mar rw bs waa aaked. ' "1 certainly dM," said tha broker. "I ssd thus valuation n m market value on tba floca of th atock exobange. Ilia. Tb Meat was ISO. Thto last was at lt:A a. at 1 Tha next bid I heard was o, tha next 100. shortly before 11 'clock. .and then !. After that I want to the offloa af Svubn, Look Co. and taw Mr. Kuan. . "After A returned, 1 minutes later. Mend ham offered stock at 1400 and I bought It. , 1 heard afterward that R. SL Thomas paid 1,0M for the stock. ' , -Wats yon aot surprfised si these high flgureer -k- "No." "What had occurred In ft day or two to change tha valuer . "The way the otock had bean leaning lbs night before X would Judge that too many persons had sold abort "Did you not owa is Kuan, Lost V Cot 100 ebnresr TV -1 rt'l'ywa know stuhd, Loeb 4 Co. bad oalled to. aU atoak before Sill that dayf', I - , "I only know that t war told that I orrald not borrow my 100 eharee looser than 1:1 that day." "Did you know that Hill had heavy holding la this stock r "Thar waa ft gensral belief that ha and hla crowd, years before, had bought Northern Pacific" . "Didn't yon know that Rill and P- Morgan oontrolled tba stock T" ... "I did not sea their books." .f -Tid vou not at that time believe that BTuhn Losb A Co. bad large blooka of that etockT " . ' t mlrht hava."- . . t 1 Broker Maurloa B. Mendham testified thst he aold the atook. at 40t a aha re to Mr. Stetnberger. fvOVw BOM . i MseeUl fnsMteh to The JrasL ' OrangevlllA Ida.. Sept t. QuoarV sin the owner of a strtnr of teres throughout the Clearwater section1, and for maay years aa advteor of the Chi nees la th pleeer camps la ths SnakM river sec tloa In Idaho, to reported as having died an China. Ha toft JLewisten mora than year ago to vtelt his native land exysotlng ta aeon -retuxa, -:- f "DEATH DAS MADE A BAD MISTAKE" VAXOV tCeayrlgat. Hsstst Xewa arTio. b : Wl? ta- The JoeraeL) Parts, ' Sept. AOctav DestttoMuea, a familiar Agur to all Partalana and tn many Americans wtoa fcau Vlaitad thto city, to no mora. Pew pespla know Ms real name, every body oallod him ""The Sternal Pktbar,'' a title which ha -earned by acting as a sort of providence to thouaands of poor children . whom he maintained and actu ated at hi-ewn expense. Th other day an of hta autny adoptsd ohildran died. .- - 1 . 'Tfeath hsa vBSbda a- bad mtstafcs m tb address this ttm" Dssplanqueg de clared. X will repair tha error. Ha thereupon bought a revolver asd ahot himself and a ganderm found his-1 We iss body la th. most of a fort at Bagnolat -',-; & ' "' In bla wtH he sakad that hi 'body ba placed in aa opsa coffin and thst those of hla Children who teared to aay him a tost goodbye mlgbt sea him noa mora and during th Isat two days thou sands of young people who owed him everything hava paid him their last re spects, and hla coffin la completely bidr denr under a nas sf flower.- - LABOR FEDERATION 1 REVIEWS STRIKES (Continued from Pag One.) last two year wars tba ' bl sheet aver paid, and that business conditions do not warrant sucb a high scale now. H aaya taa amaigamatea association wai warned long ago to prepare for ft flex Ible eoale which would meet the Improved ootid ftions of ths business and oompea- sats for ths improved machlnry. BSorf Afoot a Oloss RUMuag wradsa - , . 'War.-, .-.( m : , fgcertel pwsabibby Uaaed Wkw tTs fuwaaA) Naw Tork. Sept. Th general arbi tration board of tha bulldlns trade will meet thto weak and try to and tha Dig bulldlns trades lockout and aeries of strikes ordered by the Building Trades aUlanoa. - it Th build lnr trader unlona ara strongly to favor of a -prompt settle ment loaders said today thst tb em ployer ara a longer willing I stand ths large losses Involved In the trouble. and that they ar willing to come to aa agreement with tb unions. Seer tary Thomas Nolan of the executive beard of tb Bricklayers' union haa sent a latter to the building trad mployra demanding that meeting sf ths general arbitration board of tba building trades ba bald to and tha war. Tha executive board of unions ordered a general strike on all bulldtngs on which nonunion me ara employee. BUTCHERS WILL NOW JOIN f ACKERS' FIGHT dM Dtspah ay Laasei Wtr Tk VeeraaL) Chicago, Sept A Tha retail butchers and wholesale meat dealer of Chicago, drawn Into ths great strike by tha ex tension of tha walkout to ovary branch Of th industry and tba general boycott on all meat, tonight voted to join hands with tha packera' combination and fight th labor unions. This to tha first move in tb widening of tba Industrial warfare to a tremendous scops. Th general public la to bo drawn Into tha fight a never before in a ontreveray bstwssn labor and capital. Ths publlo la asked by th anion to abstain from eating meat whlls tha strike contlnuea. Pickets will be placed at every butcher shop to persuade cus tomers aot to buy meat. At tha same time picket lnr will ba carried on mora vtrerouely and exteneively at tba wards Tha distributing depots snd branch Xbouses will ba olosely watched. . SBTA1 WATOM, Mrs. Ida 'Howell. A10H First street. had a watch snatched from har while standing In Morrison street looking at tba waterfront fire last algbC Tha tblef escaped. , - All great reforta start where shsrtty basins :-. p., . , PARXSXAST OsTAAAfffRsTL nrWI , AS . TM-TmsTA PATKsTAV- HAM Qf CHU nalXWV DSATK Ass nU3M- wat o-jsuuts frirtcrxsm, ' By Vasa AVruabsab.) (Cepyrlsbt, Batnt Kewa bnts, by laaaal Wl ta The Jearaal.) London, dept. a.--hfr. Cboata, who haa token ft oouatry house at Hertln-ford bury, within aa hour of London, la bav ins ft disturbing stay there. 1 Cables ram from the stats department at Waahlnaien are airrvliur with per- plextna frequency, and tha social pltas- Luree of the Ambaaaador and Mr. Choata ara belnc muob curtailed by tha ortala to; in rar aaai, r - - A few day ayo, fust aj he had ar- rancad to drive out with a few fueats la tha beautiful countryside, n uraeni telaavrnm snatched blm away to- Iondon. where hla a tan waa busy deotsherlna: lent eablerrams oonoerrfins; tha Interest of the United State and JDn aland ta tha troubled waters of the far east. One day ths. principal deolpharar was at work an eablerrams M hours out of tha 14. Rills' Arousal park;"'. Kr. Henry Wright, his excellency" right hand man, and John Rldgeley Car ter, accounted by Bngltoh society one of tha smartest looking man in diplo matic London, ar much la request at th nous parties now being made up for tba sail. Mr. Carter haa auch a horror of losing his gentlemanly, athletto fig ura that ha has been rising early ana running ground. Hyde Park every morn ing. " to -keep himself condition. Wrapped in ft thick woolen sweater ha races around ths park before London to awake, and then tumble - Into a warm bath, after which ha to randy for break-., fast and for tha tackling of- aver so ' many osank callers at the embassy, ' . V Typify fimmliw The king, has promised sir. Cboata. and ths Americas society la London that th American society la London, that tba tha American subscription to th Queen , Victoria saemoruu ahall bs rprsnta soms way la tb statuary which to soon to be erected to- front of Buckingham palace. - Tb ftronitsets and tna memoriae com mittee are now puaallng thalr beads aa t how It oaa ba dons. - i "It to easy enough to typify the bus ltah colonies," said Mr. Brooks, R. A., to the committee the ether day." "Wa -J, oaa easily repreaent Canada. Australia, ths Cape, and ao om. but bow on sarin ar w to earva a Uftltad State e-u-v Uonr N ... Scores of mltgaaUons aav been sent te. Many- of them urge th spreaa eagle, etbere tha Stars and Bin pea. , while one faeettour sear made the king .J roar with laughter by guggeatlng ft soda. fountain flankad by oora eob.ano r creutad with a typical bust, ot tiaci -- Judas Raatlstt sfMaw Tork. who. haa been staying- in London end aaalns the alghta, amused the janitor -ox ui royal oourts of luetic ute ptner aay. Soberly habited la an eroinary siacs coat and walatcoat and gray tropaara Ilka any Bngllah buslnsss man, ha eat , beatd bdwlgged and robed Mr. .luetic r Darling on tb ben on, 1U toning vary sedately to the cases. R-raosi Jb rough tt foJdlhd u. tit tains across ths atone corridor and Into tha ludse's private room, baoina toe . oeurt. Judge Rartlett was a different being. Tbs ponasrous nray ., 1 tbs Ions, graceful folds of Mr. Justice-. Deri tna" a lmprsselv legal fttttts were, too much for htm and ha said b would . like to feel for five minute aa JCngltob T Mr. Aostios vmnwm. o" r; -, kk Mtnh tadiclal bench, smilingly 1 1, doffed gown and wig nd Bertlatt la tnam. bow oiuanea v. erring school boys when, through ths .l eraok of ths sllghUy open door, they oaurht sight- of a gtoim fTtt ' janitors who stood watching the half, dignified strut of ths Raw Tork Judgs la the borrowed plumes of hi JCnglton brother. - ' " There will be fewer American than usual In the Hlghlsade of Scotland whea th king goes thars this Septcm- AMr. Many ara going to um the St Louis exposition ana 010 points of tatereet 1 the early fall. . . ' Ceneuelo, Duchess of Marlborough, however, haa given up all Idea of going ' to the house In the Adirondack which aha hag taken for tna autumn, as her health will aot allow of the She and Mrs Oeorgs Keppel and the Marqute do Several. wlU ba la Scotland r durlns . tha kinga vlalt to OXmiA . forMt, Invent in Septamber Tbs Bradley Martins, however, will havs ft 1 . big Amerleae party at Balmacaait The gathering of the Clan Lladaay. e which la te be -aid on September and . M at Bdgall castle, Pbrfarahlra. will at tract a good rrnny asople, and thr a re to bs Urgs parties In Scotland for the , event On the 0ther hand, many people, including Lord and l-J turnout, Lord and Lady Declea. Mr. Craig Wads worth and Mr. and Mrs, R. Ontimm Murray, are apending --part; -wf the autumn ta America, . ITALY AND AUSTRIA K: K MAY COME TO BLOWS (OeeyrigkO' Harst Itswt Ssrvtea, by leases; Wire a The fearsatl London, Sept. A Sign of Interna ttonal unaaalnesa In Burope became vis ible thla week In a naw quarter. Tha relation between Italy and Auetrm ara developing friction which la causing om alarm In both countries ..; A Rome correspondent ta a telegram whloh was suppressed by ths J Italian government aaya tha persecution of the Pbllo-Itallana at Trieste and the Aus trian Intrigues in Albania have m preased th existing tension, DRUBURTON IS ON Vh REEFS AT SAN PEDRO tscisl Dlesete by Lnm WM to Ta Aearaah San Franc la. Sept. . Tha Britlah bark Drumburton, Captain Thomsa, bound for Seattle, was reported st an early hour this Sunday) morntng to b In a wrecked eondttlon at Point San Pedro, 10 miles below the CHff house. A long distance telephone mesaaga from Col ma stated that the vessel wa on th rooks, half full of water, and that It waa doubtful whether ana couia front breaking us until darllabt... .1 1 v -Jl.-