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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
Tr1 OF-OOW SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNIWQ, gCTTEMBKR 4, 1904. V iC"Fm'i Tents xqbayb AMwimiTi. fi.:;r:: tamln . "Th Octoroon" suf . V...... Vaenille Ta- Vudvtlui ly rle v ' T"1 Rev. f. Burgett Short, D. D sastor Of th Taylor-Street Methodist ohurch. bu returned from an extended wMtrn trip And will Oil the pulpit In th church this morning-. HI wlf did nt return ' with him, a b will remain at her old home In Delaware (or a (ew week. Dr. and Mrs. Short went east over the Ca nadian Pacific. They Mopped for a ahort time at Buffalo and from there proceeded - directly to Wilmington, where they visited old frlenda. While In that city ' Or. Short preached several time In th church of which he wee formerly pastor. They visited Georgetown, Phila delphia, Atlantic City and other places of Interest. Dr. Short lectured and preached ta several places. . - : . , " RaoasT Raoeel Raoeel Raoeal " - Tomorrow! Tomorrow 1- Tomorrow I : Irving-ton Baca Track. even Mr races on tb eard. f Including Labor day handicap. - Tomorrow! Tomorrow ( - Tomorjrowl . Special feature day. ) Do not fail to attend, '? ' v -r . Over 00 thoroughbreds now ready. ' Clean racing. Clean racing. ... Perfect oar aervloa. Good mnatb. Take ears First and Waahlngtoa St. First race called ): - , Admlsalon foe ladle tomorrow and , All day but Saturday thl we ;, Twnty-flv oent. Including; .. Grandstand. Gnt fifty oent, . Meeting; aloe Saturday, Bpt. 1. " aMu flip br Mrs. Purloin- 9a a la ,th olreult court yesterday to recover damage la the amount of B. 00 from the City Suburban Railway company. Sha alleges that whit sh was leaving a ear at Tiura ana lemniu ' streets, to ' transfer to another car of the nam tin, on July t, last tb oar , slartd forward and ah was thrown to the ground, sustaining; Injur) which bsv alno kept bar confined t a hospital. Sh had a lam leg at the ' time, ah assert, a fact known to the conductor. Her contention 1 that she , will b permanently disabled by. the ..hock. - Postmaster Mtnto has established a twloe-a-day delivery eervlo in North Alblna district. Including Termlnu and Rlverstds addition. - Th people there are greatly pleased. Th new servloa was placed tn operatic) last week. Prior . to that ther had been but en delivery of mail eaeh day. "We feel a though we had bean Incorporated at last." said resident of the district yesterday. "We : were without good mall servloe so long 1 that w felt like outsider, although be ing a the oorporaU limits many years." '-''If you would oonect safety, comfort and convenience with th Cehimbta river trip- to Th Dalles, for either business or . for pleasure, se that you go on th Regulator Una's steamers. Bailey Gatsert '. ar Regulator. Tn strong, fleet, hand- , acme BaUy Gatsert leave Aider-etreet wharf for Th Dalle and way stations - ovary Monday. Wednesday and Friday at T a. BR. 'Steamer Regulator leaves ' Tuesdays. Thursday . and Saturday. Dalle eiectrtc sign foot Alder. stret- - Phon Main Hi. i , -On petition of Attorney John F. Logan an order was signed In th eounty court . hv Judar Webeter yosterday permitting John i.yon to accept MM In full for air claims which the stata may nars agamsc the Portland Railway company. . Attorney . Lmu stated it as bis opinion. a well as that of Attorney Wr T. Hum aadJ Lyons, that tb end of Justice wui be best aubsarvad by such an order. ' Tn funeral of Dr. 0org R. Chance, --who 44ed-t hi homv 41 Seeead street, at lt:S0 o'clock, yesterday afternoon. ' will take place tomorrow afternoon at 1:10 o'clock. Service will b held at ,th Methodist Bplsoopal church. Third and Taylor street, and Interment will v take, place at Rlvervlaw oemetery. f. 1 .i- Labor day excursion to ' Oregon City.. Tak th rtvar Rid for a ood day's outlns. ' Boat leave Taylor street 1:10, , 11:M a. m., p. ss, lsav Oregon City T, a. m., 1 , , 4:10 p. m. Round trip, cants. .-;. i O. W F. Sunday trolley sohedul Oregon City and Canemah Park every i s minute from T a. m.; trallera at tached. To Btaeada, T:M, , U:W a, m.l 1:0, ;, T:M a, m.; trailer and extra ear will b run It required. Regular oar with alters at taobed en labor day, - .y . ' . . - Lacreea! lro1 h Portland v. AU Oregon. witna tath aiwt Vanstill. J Thl afternoon at S o'clock aharp. Admission, .grounds Mc; nrand stand. lae. - ! Suburban trolley tripe on th O. W. P. For Sunday and labor day the rate ; to Oregon City and Canamah Park will be cents round trip; to are-ham. II cents: to all point east of Ore bam, ln . eluding- Batacada, t oenta, .. . . r Flva demurrer wer filed ytrdny In th circuit court by Attorney Spencer fill It Class A Cor.tractcr's Heist A Davis In th ease of proprietor of gambling-houees charged with violating the law shortly before Sheriff Word cloned th town. Th defendant are Fred Frits. A. Shapiro, Peter Grant, et al.. Xugn Blaster and August Hiick aon. ' Th ground aUeged for tb de murrer la. that th facts stated ta th Information filed by Dletriet Attorney Manning are aot sufflotoot to aonsUtutaa crime. At a meeting of the stockholder of th Oregon Philadelphia Securities eom Danv. bid last Friday in room of the McKay building. It was decided to reduce the eapltaUaation from hw.wv n. OUOl In aooocdanc with this action, marked by the adoption of a resolution, a eerttnoat and a copy of th resolution were filed yesterday wtt County Clerk FUlds, . . - ; . H. M. Cake. A. L. Crelg-. Tom Richard son and others who went from Portland to th -Baker City meeting of the Oregon Development league, will arrive home this morning. After th meeting at Baker City they accompanied delegations' to two or three other point In that part of th stat. to Inspect aropg and industrial oondltloaaT Oregon City Sunday boats Leav Taylor street 1, U.U a. ""l. t. :1S p. m.: last. trip From Oregon City, :S0 p. sm ; Spend three hour on th ; Rives, Round trip, If oenta. , , . For labor day Take th 6. W. F. to Batacada. Round trip. 0 cent. Ptcnio on th bank of . tba Clackamas r din at th hotel at a eost of to oenta Cars from First and Alder, wher ticket should ba purchaaed. - , . . , i At Canmaati Park Sunday and labor daywRat, round trip, aft cent. Mu alo and dancing at tb pavilion. Ample accommodation for ail. Car from First and Aider, wber Uekata should ba purchased. ; . ' .-f" r ' WVU be eJosed all day tomorow Tjabor Das), but don't let that deterjrou from ouyinr your "ftlTaults ner. Ita of other day ta buy. Albert Welch, th AnMriean .Cwthlar, Fh-at and Morrison street. . " Th Portland CoaaerVatrr Ufa eluh, In olbratloD of th winning f tn sil ver cud offered by th company, attended the perform no af "Cleopatra" at th Baker mat vanlaav . Warmer tb Fool" 1 Dr. House's sub ject at First Congregational church to night. -Musi on th alfbr. sjandotln. and by Quartet and ohorua, AU are In vited. . -. - r,--- -'r-x-r-rr --cyr-rr-.- Baasbabt Bsaejballt ' University Park vs. Bsllwoodl Tomorrow afternoon. 1:0 o'eloek. Raoreatloa Park. 14th and Vanann St. A Wee entertalnmerit win be glvei Soteflnber ft, it 94. by th Ladles Co-op sratlv club No, 1 at Sodalwfs ball. tot Davie street. Bvwrybody Invited. Wa-Hoo Tenia Th greet blood pur- tner. berv tonic asd liver regulator. Just what yon need the dan. For sal by all druggist. Baseball! Baseball 1 Unlvereltx Park v. sllweod - Thl afternoon. Hawthorn Park, 1:10. Don't BtUa Itl "To Btaetda -The 7 ifaYerH trotley trip 7 mile for ftft aenta. A troUey rid unexcelled ln th north wsst. If yon want a first -olaa hard wheat floor, try Peeoook. Yaur grocer sells it r Ti'F "Csaeada brand its Pasteurised. - - Wis BrwA, Aemtlsta, tb Vnlttnc Dr. L. M. Thornton, dentist Karejnam. AGED SINGER'S VOICE : IS SILENT FOREVER Henry A. Klelnath. of th famous Portland doubl auartet, died Friday at an advanced age. Death was nd by stomaoh disorder and a eomplloaUon of other trouble. He was eaeond baas In th auartet which year ago sang at political ralllea and en public oecaatona of not. The members for soma time back aav held annual reunions. Th other ven members of tba quar tet sane at his funeral yaeterday with on neoond baa unheard. The oldest member of th organisation la Samuel Bullock, bailiff In the bounty court, who 1 In bl Tftth year. Mr. Bullodt left hurt night to attend tb trtenalal eon elara of th Knighta Templar at Ban Pranetne H la ooonpnled by his wife. Mr. Bnlloek la th oldest Knlgtst T plar la th Oregon Jurisdiction, having bn a Sir Knight 47 year iat juna s. He Joined, th Masonic fraternity at mica, K. T., in th early part of 1S6T, taking all th Begroe np to that of Knight Templar there. He became a Sir Knlatit June ft. lftlft. and baa bee a member of Oregon command err. No, 1, for rear. Two or three other mem ber of th double quartet are also Ma son V.tMJ Chew Den-Tal-Otun, have pearly tewth and pTTnt decay. Far. aal rery wbra - j --v ' . Butter tips ask- for X3agnd' seed thin . - .. 'Ml T) j A wonaenui onop - WHERE JEWELRY iM ALL ITS BRANCHES IS MANUFACTURED , - TBBT FBW PBOFUi In Portland realms th amount f cold thaf m being used dally In th manufacturing ef all kind af Jewelry, and what wonderful work In thl Un la being don. -.- . . ' OUR MANUFACTURING SHOP - - ' la always busy making special designs in gold Jewelry of all kind. WB faww as nxpsrt Jeweler In charge on who. thoroughly undrtanda bis buslne. OUB SStOF- do not know what It I to be idle, and th snn a re working overtime. WB BO TBB WOMB BlwnTF, that la why , w ar mo buy. When It leave here It looks as though It Jut com from th lsrgeat BASTBBB ItAJIUTAOTTrmBB. BZAXOHB UTTUIft is our e pec laity we set theca o. a to show off to .th beat advantage. Bank email ton look large, ,. .r"-' ,r - OUR DIAMOND MOUNTINGS 'la both Brooch and Rlnr. tnl of thevery latest design. In 14k..' and hold a diamond securely. - mr KAT1 a finish that make them ehow ott to twtos their value. FOS SATB.VS BBSBV OBB of your diamond and we ar aura you will bring; th balance. 4 T A T?fT3T . CDfiO JBWKLERw OPTICIANS lAiLrlK ' JDixUo. SW MorrisoQ St., near Fifth Highest Prics CRESCENT IS ALEAK; TQ BE CCCKED SC3N V A Steady stream of water ta ftowtns Into the bold of the American schooner Crescent, now lying at tb Banfletd deck, and to keep th craft afloat It Is necessary to operate her pump steadily for two hour during- tare .amerenx period ef the day. At each pumping there 1 removed about three feet of water. If anything should happen to go vtMia with tn naina which provides th power for working- th pump, and th mmhep could not be readily fixed. the probabilities are very strong that th echooner would sink. But as th water la not very deep la that locality it l not likely that any great amount of barm would ba don even In that re mote contingency. - - it la becana of bar leelrtng eoMi- tlen that th Cront will have to b placed n the drydook. and not for tb tea that bar bottom m tout aa naa been given out. Th schooner earns sere from Manila, and the soond day out from' th Philippine sh began to leak freely. Prior to that time ah bad never ibean known to leak. All the way ecroee the aer It as neoe ry-so ire aer ot water at every watch, which meana three tlmea during th It bourn It m not known Juat whet became wrong with the vessel or bow th leak wa sprung-" Thoa who mads the trip, ar posUlv that ah did not strike anything, and the opinion la expressed that sons of her timner may o fectrr in plaeas. Th Craseant 1 Issa than a jeer old and thig la aer aww wnviM. on niausiot wpiw mad that perhap th mecnanlo forgot ta put la th bolt in oerrajo pan the oonetructloa work, and the water 1 coming in through these aperturea. But WlX Smorr-br OTr- tt te-theught rhlthar slasular that th vel-dld not lak from the day that sne was awincaeo. Careful estimates mad how that th am amount -or water na ""n win ing into the veeael every day alno h hann to leak. It ta not believed that K vaiiat an Inch during; th eourse of a day. '. - ,-; aUitn bUnkets for a Uvellnood to th strange occupation of an unknwwn young- man who baa been ooniinm nm operations during ta past nw oar to the docks. After ecurtng th prop erty be take It to a second-hand store and make a . sals at whatever prlo la offered hint. - - . s Hla mat known theft wa eotnmitted yesterday morning at tb foot of Wash ington atreet. Weodeiing , down to th dock a roU of blankets greeted hi sans. He hurried up to town and ngssa an xpreaamaa to carry them away. The driver hesitated about putting; them Info hla wagon, and to make eur mar in goods belonged ta th man who em ployed him. he asked th agent at the dock to enlighten him on th subject. Tb scant began an investigation, but th robber eontended eo earnestly that tb blanket belonged to him that all suspicion against him waa eoon aiiayeo. M explained that be brought them down from Washougal on th steamer lone. An hear after be 'had goo tn ngnx- ful owner oalled at Jh aooK ror ui blanketa. Th agent bx plained th alt- uatloa to blm and tba polio statkm waa immediately notified ef Urn oocurrenee. But the culprit 1 still at large. Th same robber endeavored to play a simitar trick at tb dook eooupled by tba shaver Transportation company., but madn a failure. He got very angry be omuss he was turned down and threat ened to bring- a lawault for heavy damr All day Friday and during the greater part of th night the berg Jim Good, laden with rock, lay aground ta th barber paoit th Portland flour mill. During high tld thl morning; sh waa floated and proceded up th river. At tb time of the mishap the berg wa 'In tow of th teemer Norman, which. It la said, went far out of tb ohannel with her tow ta order to per mit another veaeel to pa. Sh noon got tn such position that It waa lm posstbl for th Norman to mov her. Th barge waa only drawing; seven feet of water, and for thl reason H is de clared that sh must hav been several rods from the main channel. Sha waa loaded with rock for. the Diamond Sand company. - If a vessel ta kept any wht near the ohannel in tb harbor. It la claimed that ther 1 no neoeeelty for her becoming stok In th mud or sand. There baa beep considerable dredgln don thl summer from Portland down ta th mouth of tb Willamette river, and thoa who are ta a position to speak 1 wltb authority en the runjaci stat that there Is an aver depth of l feet ef water at tow tide. ft w not vary often that th email gasoline launches can work thalr way un aaalnst th current of th Columbia river, but tb launch Gloria doe aot 1 . m - dBTsmiflanT aXIAUKMiSJt IAIM Wa m ov m maxsbx rmsr raoif MMMXMtJk FAVX.TT - OOJtflUO Ajrn BTOS BAB BOTTOM. - . ''WWBT fBflaf VBBB. ; Tmtbi Boaka and dlshms Bawaa Wadefe - Ba Baft Beteaw b Btna, a-. . ' JIM BOOB BOBS WBOBnX ";". - Bk Barg Baa Aaomnd ta the aVewer . Barber. , bmbu nrdwaBJTO Basse Be War Ama Smsnfj ttag. lean g Oemmbes mtve. - Pant mr Old Ootd appear to be en of them. . Yesterday afternoon sh went up to Butler's land ing; which la almost to Cascade Locks, in about a quick tlm as th avvrag passenger eteemer. On th return trip th Gloria wll tak a houa-boat In tow and bring It to Portland. She took the boat there during ther high- water last spring, when many offered, to place wag-era that she would never to able ta stem the strong- current. ' Laden with lumber, th achooner Andy Mahony left down far th mouth ofth river yesterday la tow of tb Harveet Queen. Bar deetlnaUon la San JTrau- OlSCOv Th Oriental liner Astee movd t the flour mill yeeterday to oomptete her cargo for China and Japan. It la x peoted that aha will b ready to gall an Monday. With l.fte ton of general cargo and a full passenger list, th steamer Blder sailed yesterday morning; for San rrsn clsoo, a day earlier than her ueual eched- ule. Her pa sa eager ar moatly Knigrbta Templar. ' Two more lumber echooner bar been oharterad to wad lumbar at Portland. They ar the Mabel ol and tb foee, both of which ar 09 w. lying; at San Pedro. - Astoria, Sept. fT Arrived down dur ing the night and sailed at I Steamer Redondo, for Ban Prsneisoo. - Sailed at ft ftft g m. Btaamer Slmora, for Tillamook. Arrived down at 1 and efld at 1 p. m -Steamer Georg W. Slder, for San Franolsoo. Balled af ft woL Sohoonar Inoa, for ftkutflMlr-- Condition of tba bar it I p. smooth, wind . northwest) waathar. dear. - - .-: ' . -J , Ban Franclaoo, Sept. t. Ballad at last night teanier Alllano. for Port land and coast porta. - a Bailed at aoa flteamer . Bdlth, for Portland.' ' Astoria, Sept. I. Arrrred down at 1 p. a. Steamer Georg W, euder. noru fob bob 1. Mora plckar will leave for tba- bop fields tomorrow," but It 'la not thought that tba crowd will b pearly so. grsat as that of yeeterday. Th steamer Al tone will leav bar dock thl morning at 7:1 o'clock, and fet la said that sh will be fully loaded. Representatives of Che Una sUt that the boat Will un doubtedly carry many visitor who, M le believed, will embrace the opportu nity whteh Is ered - to . asake -the round trip. It 1 estimated that th llae baa carried Mo people ta th hop yards this wk. . ABTBO AJJtOST BBA1TT, Barly tomorrow the last of th cargo will be placed in the bold 01 the oriental jlner Asteo and before nlg-htfall 4 sh will sail for Japan and China. Her frebrht will oomprls 4.S90 ton of flour. II ft tears, 100 tons of leaf to bacco, to ton of wlr and amount ef miscellaneous goods. .- 1 11 ' i TXSZTB OTST BOB BAT m a berry and appearing to tb best of health. Circuit Judge Arthur L, Praaler arrived In th elty yeeter day from Bag-le creak to attend to number of bualnesa mature.- He re turned to wher hi family la eamplng thl atfemoon, and will not mov back to th olty until a day or a bafor tb September term of court opena . Ask for Casoad ery butter. , Pasteurised eram- FAS . ' Vi Fuhioa Is tht rrest governor of ths world. It pwsiaes not only inisttt5rs of dis snd sikas-. ; tmtnu but ta law, physics, poUtics, rcUgkan snd all other things of the gravest kind. Indeed, the wis- , est man would be puzzled to give any better reason why particular forms in all these have been at , certain times unlversaUy received and at other times unrvergaU wiected than that they were in or , , y. ' out of fahion--FIELDINQ. . . l. '' . v ' v: ' -l" If t " ' i ' i. L.ADIBS' 390 WASHINGTON Your Oar, Just a Minute 1 " W wan Wswll ywa atbautlanbt msgatfliewt Urn af tv" W EXTENSION TABLES it wr in tba market for tfW7have them in alroda: fill shape and H price. - W ar showtag Tables that are works of art Round or aquar top. - Ton knew. our repuutlon for Heniy -if 153-174 FlftST .STREET 'Vl RUHMEUO FURS MACHO ill KASB TO TTBB QVtST, 'That th" method mployed by the police, of hiring erlmlnala ta reetore stolen good at th . apn" oT "the owner, rather than trying to catch the malefafltors. has had It effect 1 evi denced br th fact that a number of fur garments stolen from O.- P. Rummelin dt Bon hav lgtaly been raturnea. Owing to ths rsttoeno of thoae fa miliar with th ease, detail cannot be course. U 1 known, however, that at least two of the stolen garments hav been returned to Mr. Rummelin. "m The owner does not desire publicity, and when approached for Information asked thaV nothing: b said about th matter. His attltud is du to tn tao tlc mnployed by the volio. alno he furnished The Journal , with a atate mtnb exploiting tb plan to bold blm up for til. H do not deny that b has been cautioned twaay ao thing fur ther for publication. , . It 1 reported that th fur eoat left with Mr. Rummelin for safe keeping; by an Astoria woman ta among the re turned t bint. He says this Is not true. He admlta that ha ba recently re ceived two fur eoate, but that they had been held by th polio to a a evidence In the conviction of th crim inals. . He doe not explain why th police should bare kept th nrmanta after th ortmlnel. wer bound vr to the circuit court. Warned by hi pfVeloua experien, Mr. Rammslln baa tka ary precau tion against future thefts. He ba had a brick wall and vault placed in at th rear of bla stor. changed all th locks In th door of hi astabllshment and in sured bl stock against lasa. Herman Blabery one of the largest hop buyers of the northwest and owning a large house at Taoema, la registered at the Belvedere. J. D. Densmor of Salem la registered A th Belvedere. Among th vntos snivmlstthe I1.-, 'OUR'RALW CLOAKS . ,. 'I.. , S " - ' ajfTBO- VKXgj BATKXB TIAff BSOOBB MTU a BBBOB BBriBBSftBT BOB OOBTIO. llObT BOBbB '- BBFOBW' . BBAHa) aENlTUEMEIN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS Conform to the most rigid requirements Of fashion, and our customers only feet goods from our counters that are up to everything that is asked of a fashionably dressed man or woman. v t.y , We are not quoting fashionable prices on our goods; though even when the goods thefNerves are high fashioned our PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE, and form ta coonectiea with our EASY PAYMENT PLAN a road that all economical shoppers should follow. . STREET a table ef this kind eoat do youraelf aa aavlng furnttur buyer monsy tnu Jenning CS, FOUR FIRST SEMI - PAYMENT OF INTEREST September f-rat interest day at tto bMik, wd 'has been credited on our books. The same is now jeady ibr payment or lor entry on pass-books, at the convenience of depca2tora . : ' t .1 -i BANK CLOSED MOWDAY fOK LASOK PAY. " Belvedere wer W. R. Searcy of Con don and Prd Dawson of Albany. J. H. Walker of La Orand la a guest of th Belvedere. B. W. Fuller ef McMtmrrlU M stopping at th Belvedere. R. B. Morris, a big eattla raiser of Salem, 1 registered at tb Belvedere, H. M. Aokley of Klamath Fall as ra istered at the Imperial. . Mr. wt'Mr-G. A. Murphy af Salem ar guests ef th Imperial. Mrs. Fred Brown of Aatorta fci r tatered st th ImpertaL ' - J. a. Baker of McMianTtUe bl gueat of th Imperial. ' Mr. and Mr. J. F. Bnrlgbt and B. M. HaUey of Blm rltrd at tba parlal last evening. Mr. and Mr. N. R Oliver wer Kelso people registered at th Prkina yes terday. J. B. Bgerer -of Aberdeen was regt tered at the Perkins last evnlng. H. H. Brook of Roseburg was an venlng arrival at the Perkins. F. W. Sima ef The Dalle la the coast J. R. Blmenton W South Bend W registered at the Perkins. Mm. T. P. Fish and Mis Blanche Jef freys were Toledo, Or., people registered nt th Perkins but evening. Mis Sep ha Hawley of Amity. Or- m visiting wltb tb Misss Bdyth and Lo ot Holmes, at their home, tit Fourth street. Mr. I. B Webster returned to the elty from Tempo, Arts., mat Tuesday, much benefited ta health by bar aUt months' residence In ths southern country. She win return to Artsooe some time next month. Mrs. J, B. Montgomery. Ml Hawthorn avenue, will leav at S: o'clock thia moraine for St. Lout to rwtt lb Louisi ana Purchase sxposKteu. QNS! STOCIC' OF ; mv.y. ;.'. : r. AND SUITS Th3 Stcre - tnjaetlee by bvylns lwwber ome Ooldan Oak and Mahogany, ' : . - , ' n. mmmww yew. . ; . $ons STORY RED BLOCK ANNUAL PORTAGE ROAD STILL ILX ocMMxamom but oov- No time m betas bmt ta prssalns; fots ward th portage-rami projeat. The pre liminary agreement with tb tate whereby tb open-rtver oommtseion un dertake th construction of the road has hesn approvsdhyth sxecutlTa Oom- mlttee, signed by th preldat and eec retary of th oonunlaaloa and forwaroV d to Salem with plans and detail. The state board ba Indicated it to- , tentton of taking; Immediate action upon . th matter, ao that th execution of the final contract will not b Ions delayed. A construction company stand ready to begin work as soon aa tb necessary pre liminaries hav bee completed. Mem ber of the open-river eommUalon hav t little to amy of their plena at thia time, , preferring to wait until they oaa ebow result. Rheummtl AND PARAIMC1IES . - i STBtrOTIT rBnT.TnTTBABT btaUr ZS ABBBOTBB BT BBABT TO BatdOB WOBX. W Mlal yn blasT J