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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
H-;M-T O R I A L PAG Er. 0 TMb "JOU.L: ft & V-., 'W!iiu.iutaiH cs, v.., .? -v l .'.-';,. " ''v. 1." ....... .ml - ?--V ' .. - V -. ' Sunday. SeBtmll IbM 7 Sunday, Septambar;; l0i ; f i.. ' - - AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER J , THE DAWN OP OREGON'S NEW ERA. Justics demands also full recognition of what, has bean thousand thrown in for good, measure. ."From present line should be drawn ia not susceptible of definite atata- t i -, f ...' accomplished in this direction. Some of the guilty officials -conditions," then said the plain, two-fitted statistician of ment ; yet it ia certain that the authorities which attempt OREGON has an empire unknown to her people and have been exposed and prosecuted and some of theraare The Journal, there will be -a large increase in the wheat to prohibit all hugging and kissing, and sitting near each tha world. Jt ia not tha- subject . of discovery, in now paying the peoajtr of their crime. But no one who has vield of the three northwest state Oregon, IJaho and other, on the part of summer girls and their lovers or imi- t viting venturesome explorers, but lies beneath the followed the history of the disclosures can doubt that many Washington. The indications are the yield will average mate young men acquaintances, will miserably fail. Nor Is feet of a multitude who have spurned it as -waste, for halt of the biggest rascals are still undetected and unpunished, much better per acre and the acreage will show a large in- it likely that higher courts, whatever some -particular ' a century, Kec tarnation from wis jowiy position is a pos- , tuc report ui f ourca siani rusuiiaaucr ucacm laii- irwjo, nif iaicai vunwn ui iuc coming yiciu mowi magistrate mignt do, would sustain the infliction of a aibility just conceived. In the dim light that is breaking tow plainly shows that senators an congressmen, as well about 45,000,000 bushels In the three states, as against' a penalty upon a young couple who were caught doing no few indeed conceive, the vast domain that takes animated as officials of the posts! department, were deep in the mire yield of about 97,000,000 bushels in the past season, . more than the officer aaw in this case. V form before he magic wordirtigatcav;r f; t- ; -of corruption, aome ot tnem snarea witn ceaveiw ana several montns later tne uregonian sent out its com- A Virginia legislator once proposed a. law prohibiting - What Oregon has been is nothmg to what she will be. Mcn in the truita 01 tne .ratios, wny is it tnat tnese missioner tun panoplied witn instructions to draw upon tne .kissing altogether, and one in Minnesota introduced a bill Virtues of her soil have been enjoyed only where nature men are not brought to Justice? Are they to go unwhipt home office for unlimited funds, and after an ardaous and to prohibit the wearing of tights on the stage or in any, pub--- gave the superficial blandishments of alternate tain and of justice while only the leaser ropues pay the penalty of breathless campaign the very best he can do is to swell our lie performance; but they found Httle aupport for these sunshine, Man has been the state's tendereat plant, flour, their common crime? Is there a significance in the comci- original estimate by a mere 100,000 bushels, under the cir drastic measures. Doubtless it would be well if 4 good V iahing in the balmiest aire, but shrinking away whenever dence of the presidential campaign with the sudden cessa- cumstances a bagatelle scarcely worth noting. . many people were more reserved and modest in these re ' the great mother asked a helping hand in bringing out tion pf investigation and prosecution ? U ia- difficult tou And so it happened to occur to us that if it really cost spects ; But the world ia not to be thus much reformed by abundant resources. Amidst the Willamette's verdant fob- escape the belief that Roosevelt has yielded to the persua- the Oregon lan a vast sum of money the paper and the wait- Uwa. ordinances and official orders: 'and especisllv when " ' enial1i age he reared his early hut, later builded a more permanent aions of his political managers and has virtually abandoned Ing world got for it all a statistical gold brick or heaping Cupid is out on a summer evening at a beach with his bow home and thrived even as the great trees about him. Rogue his avowed intention ot going to tne bottom 01 tne post- busneis run 01 information tnat did qotning out connrm tne and arrow, we may be sure that he will not long river's warmer aun enchanted him, and he builded there, otnee irauds. xne taax naa proven too vig ior mro, unless wimatea made nve montns neiore oy ine journal and tively be suppressed or triumphed over by a policeman ante of the moistening shower tor his riotous orchard, ne is preparea to nu cne wwmcuon m mi own political vennea oy events ana so swica st tmcrvais in, moae witn a cmo Grand Ronde was a completed paradise, into which na- ambition, and that is a risk which Roosevelt will not take, umns from that day to thit.- ,' tare poured her manifold blessing, and beneath basked the contented pioneer. Choice spots were takenlands de manding but little from their beneficiaries- and here Ore- gpn settlement has been confined .' : "' I Great, broadening reaches of desert . in the Deschutes basin: rolling foothills around the intrusive Blue moiiiK tains and Strawberry ranee : plateau, valley and rid ire mates. HOW MONET MIGHT HAYS BEEN BAYED And all of this too, without a commissioner of a pretense of one in the wheat field, the hopyard or the gas works, 7.; or a- mayor with puritanical notions of propriety. THE PUBUC ANp LABOR UNIONS. w TCC TAW Ann am j u..n u.,.. rn.tHs . jhi M voUtJn rfir ; 80UTHERM fAylFIC IN THE 8 WIM. . y : (v , JWI ftnt nd InteUignit worker for the benefit of the that the Oresonian each fall soends enormous - J .1, -U1 ' 5 ' v WJs i. c " j t " -J- MUV.k.l. u-k. .uk Q.,. TJ.a -u... I . .iuiis imuhk;., cJtpicMc ,u uiv iionn i .uiu. u. umj . kik "P,-"'""".'" 9 I . irvAri" t.rt. American Review the opinion that a reaction of public feel- . . 1 T " . 1 .1 a. J . I - Li.L " . .w m. ii aayr ao iiseu, ana apeaaa in oaiea o resin or lugmiwo new cwiKn -ui ,wwnireu inff w;th Mn,rf tA fNM..,.iM,. i... , (n .n u .l:.. leys of Wallowa and seemingly barren stretches of plsin in know.- Regularly at the tail end of August it sends forth, will be received with. satisfaction borderina; bn gratitude. nesJ anJ diircrd othera rijrhu ' the 'youneer and Umatilla, awaited more strenuoua hand. Winter's floods its commissioner or ambassador extraordinary and minister It is realized that in the stupendous campaign of improve- undisciplined unions; and second, the injection of politics came, swept uiruuen uicag jtuuics, uuwn 10 inc uoiumuw. uxihuuicuui y vi wiwictu iv w wwic, uiugim iuu uipiw- uiwi, a.muh.iw b.v um m.vv ito tahor affaira. Sh thtnlrs tnHMMinifwii ar hinv uimI i ... it r:n it i t m . . -Ia i.A- kin. k.,.m um p.n.m.m.i B; .Ana k tU. THf a. inw sanor amawa, ana imnica traaes-umons are peing ujea jvnn May, iscinuics, vuiAiiiia Willow and a hundred othem gorges while parched lands waited watercourses carried their orecious deep strata to lost reservoirs.. Between the fecund land trains to pay for just how it ia possible for him to spend appreciated, was permitted to almost grotesquely degener- ghe decUreTthat the Chicago atrikes that have been char and wasting pollen man formed no connecting link. . a fortune on each and every trip and yet absorb himself in ate, would receive the attention it deserves. An earnest acteriMd bv disorder and lawlessness nave in almost every - A chsnge .has come, and with it Oregon a second empire, examining the wheat conditions with scrutinising and aus -example ot good itn in tnat direction is now onerea, ana h inatiffuratfid bv newlv omnized unions nf un- viv t ui i Bi iivncr on-! w uic kwiiu. aioi f iviuu v.c ii juuuim, v...ft p..v.... ..v. "-m y.-- . - -r- . . killed lahori and that the bona of labor tinirma mnat h it.:-. u. II V.I n 1 1 l. a n A u.. h mr vi nmiriifii1 with winnr until h fntirtumntl 7 . . . . : . . . " . .r vv heur'a recent desert is nrodw imiim ucr aci c, sua iu uiis oroao rcwin uic euvcrnmcni iiiius nu tins utii uduui, cur sii vruiiin wtii vwuicboci ii n iwuuvu ukhwhi; w wuim . 100,000 acres in one tract inviting agriculture. Deschutes guilt, and as we have said before, surely tt ought to know.. ' menta. . If will call for better equipment, and that will lead "rf ""V offers -within the dominion of one irrintion oroiect half a One reason for imoressins' the fflitterina. ffolden coat of to improved service in c Mid in r a keyed up schedule tnat win IV million acres. Klamath and Lake counties alone could sc- the enterprise upon the public is to create the belief that mean better time, -, commodate the northwest's .immigration for five years if while the investigation is in progress men shift about un- come as a mstter of present water supplies were placed on to forty busrtehi of wheats Wasco and 9 railway to prove that their plateaus were Dusneis oi grain witnout irngauon. The list could be multitplied. Irrigat acts. Mai- cratic in its tendencies, is at a loss to fully understand. But the campaign prosecuted with vigor until the improvements - .... v. t i T . . - . i... .... . j:j 1. .L. , J tTi tl I. . - .. W WISH WIMIIIUK MUIO VIUMi WU WVIIIUI neura recent oeam proauang eigne to w- tit " aoes spena money in , It is aa yet an unsettled question how far labor unions gon has received relatively little of the great tide of immi- over the territory" and returned to the gration. When she begins to advertise the i mm e rise recla- editorial rooms which he ornaments and how far public sentiment will sustain V cases as that of the present Chicago strike, : All of these should, and we hope will, r" . u Y Ew a ' course.. .To go no further, it ia per. : "r . " r V ""ir1 ",,V4 making only reasonable truly that the strikers lawlessness, that unions they resort to violences - luffiaeritly weigh, the provocation: j .!. . .-.. tt a m ii ri TrtH -A J lit. : I tcl ubiiuui reservoir or pumping is siupcnaous in us possiDiuues. jxf ot expectation until tne gauay commissioner nas sxippea w A w ui- irom wme sio, arT wwn, wiw punwraiw . . . . i, . . t ... A.wJAmm n h kAHAl .a h -Ht Irnm tmtl tiimmlart Atlantic " t " w, --, and. embellisher to City, where sportive members of New York's and other ?v.e niched mlllioni f rorn the ple snd have not diyi mation work under way here snd awaiting further survey, place his illuminating figures on paper, have them trans- cHies' Jour Hundred" do congregate, that report came "lcu P"J "JT" j!f rZLJjJST Jj . ;4'. divided what' th Kalan- will hiim O th OftO OOll tinta hv ttA Vw, t-A n hm trrrAv thm anrf thua la.t .V A a Inral nffieial rfirtT that ther must be BO Bcrm w w it.wii.Dio uianua, iviuk tiuiutiiun, mnu pry- u -a 1-- I "...j l. : i uf-JLi :-i : ' u : . f.MinMt pare with their immense resources to freeze thr union vfatMiKi iviu wiwimki in ymn user jnif ncsm tmin iv Oregon led in contributions. So it has been since the fund which he alone of $H3.00a.OOO was being builded, and in such proportion is if it ian't fact, cold, hard-boiled and irrefragible fact arfmn pnrmiin rn. iiinnrwmMir r.nrar. wnrv aamia i na a 1 1 a.Aa ib naa iimM in utai rv va m wdrld through-theegoniait frpm the mayor of that hitherto gay town A young couple cwfonwpuDi yinp.W7 (pu " pu c J- . . . . ... . J1..- .. 'j. . 1. j fart-hair harlr and fttAT what RlwitiM nm Ann unth mnA neni to do iea to tne Rreeay presses ana inua isst wcck ox ji iocw oiucisi euit uiac uictu nusv u n ... . . - mm, . to appease the universal thirsft for information more, "kiseing, hugging or other amatory or afffctionate. Pg .J .mK3mt to, me can aatisfy.x All of which ia magnificent performances between young people on the beach or else-. " . ,. f. . ' A ' . "V ( j . . J, m . . , , t -i. 1 r. r r 1 .1 .i J? ?r .L. ..v- j i - The OnhliCj lookmv at the on lawful a multitude of the east seeking virgin soil, yet open to entry, and waiting were given to the wnere tney may Duua prosperous nomes, win jioac to ure- m its yesterday s issue, iney goa when they know the contingency between present idle-1 estimation of the Ore woman's 1 .i : ir l " -v j .ti.i.i - i7i nnniie, inoicin at tne unlawful acta of violent, on wnere wimm ins purview ui ine puunc, uiu varmuwuj - r -. .. : . these totals,. these cUmaxeS to weary days of work ot the city police, -who have definite and positive orders P"0? riKers, agrees, witn miss Aaaams tnat Tiuen ; nAm u4autli r1in in th amat4 fn aittincr t1n- Virratitriltv tr arh nthr. and farther r. t 7 .1 t - c 1 - ahrait airh orwat enmhinationa In rentrajnt of trad aa tha ine wneai xne icsumony oi xne arrcsuna oincer w inai uic oawivn - - -r-- . v". .1 mmmiiiiARM in ..j : i 1 i:r r- t .1 .. l. ..r.u t y-v 1 1 r 1. r 1 .1. 1 t-i - 1 lt i .-...: . n 1 CTUStf " : uu jivu pruuutiwn ui iuc anaficw . . ; neia, rtnai tne touu yicia - ror wrcjun, wasningwn ama oz ine pair naa nis rin arwunu wiitu-, wiui wsii.hjh .ug- . - - " ' a . ' . . A duty ia apparent Oregon's second empire must be Idaho wouJd amount to 45,100,000 bushels this year. This, gearing as around-about attitude in intention, and while . .7T.nen P1 to ccttat guca into the great courttU made known. f.., - - - v , h will be noted, ia riven forth on September 8. As far the officer could not testify positively to any eaculation, he puonc opinion asas conaemnaxion oi tne mner party k WHAT IS THE HATTER? '.'1 back aa last Mav. to mention nothinsr of intervehinsr dates, was morally aure that it bad Occurred, or at least was likely i ccoun of illegal acts, it should do so with its awn to be precisely exact, on May tf The Journal, which lukuri- to occur, contrary to the mayor's order and injunction, ' kirts clear and its hands clean. . . ( ., . "..r--y ates in no commissioners! which can boast of nothinsr but Now while the mayor may mean well, we have a sas- IT IS but just to President Roosevelt to assume that he hard-working, industrious and reasonably intelligent empiclon that he la making an official fool of himself, and in Ti the police department is seeking able and energetic entered upon the investigation of the postoffice frauds ployes, gave forth ah estimate ofLthe wheat crop for the scriptural phrase straining at a gnat and swallowing a i euuita aurerjr nowhere could find better candidates than with the honest intention of probing them to the bot- three states. What were the figures, does the gentle camel. T A decent degree of decorum should be preserved, the motorman 'and conductor who. pounded the highway torn and bringing to justice all those implicated in them, reader think? Forty-five Million bushels, with no hundred even at summer resorts, by young people? just where the man into a condition of disfigured subordination. t ANOTHER SIEGE IN WHICH RUSSIANS, THOUGH STUPID, WERE STUBBORN From tht Caleiit9ftAT4-Harald, v FFTY rm a mat Ootobr biffil Um of SctwatoBol, on Of UM flWSt aotabl mtUtaiT vwas mi mod era T tnatav Thtn. iww, tha- Hum laM -. wr tn bemimwd. Than, aa- now (Port Ar thur). u trued was VltncaMd by all th ' world', sad ra a Uvlaa and axoHlns pano ntna, dlala-ias awful aoaa at aaraaaa and , daath. Tba ataav waa Um sobm. Dm draauUla atpaa af Q CrUatan war. Ruaalaa was loekad - up la Um srat KronsboM aa hm w bow bot tld up In Port 'Arthur. Franc. Knglaad. Bar dlalaOouirt Oavaor'a baby' nation mod tba ' Turk wora tbaa at- war wlUt tba North ra : Baatk - - t ": - .. SWbaatopot la aatuatad-on t& CrlnMan amln Sula of tb Btack aa; and lha aras barbor and laaS aina which bad xtatd at tb tim tb war. bad ba pianawd and aoa tmetad by aa Bnallab anaiiMw. Cooael Up Soa, and bla aaa-aad wr onpltd In 1814, Tb Invading army landed on tba Crtra sUptambtr 14, St, and WbU Um war waa ras ftn Ineludlac tb batcwa f Inkaraua and BaJakMva. tb Rum tan continued to- strencth- ' an tb 4faaa f aebaatopol. Six tbouaand aenvm alnwvt daJljr ojrcd on tbBk whll tb actual aarrwoa, waa about M.MM smb. Th uBbw of awna awantod at tb final vault to aald to bav bem , but avral lma tat BUBibfY wr raderd unHiUfliibU dur- ' Tb artoal tnvwotBMnt of th fort ran baaa On Ortober IT, ISA 4, wba th anny that won l; tb battl of tb Alma on tb procodlnc loth ; of ptnibr. oeeualad cha platau btwa SMaatul and BaltUara, a ad tb ftrat abot wr fired tato tb fort. A at Port AfUur, ,thr was a Tifonms roaponaai and dar aad nlsbt. for it montba, aanauliwrr nouBti cook plao, tb lea on both aldaa bMns enur mou. Th Arotl rlattra f tb oIIbmU alap -kad a irtbU ffet b tb bUra. It wa urrnt report that Caar Nicbola I aald at th (IBM that "0nrla fanuary and Fabruary' aManlnc tb ftaro wlnttr wtbr war aia baatauwa. z . , Th balaia sooa dlaoovarod that Bba topol wa aa ntlflr dlffrnt plao from what thy xpch and chat tby bad ta dal with bra, actlr and paraavortBd aamtoo, ooav BMJicUd by akUlfol flabtara. " Aa th atg arosraaaad tb work la tha trneha boaata vry trylna- to tb foa of Rub la. From tb first tb Brltlah army waa dflelat la Bumbara, aad Tr bUmr. tb elimato.aad th nnoaual ttposur, ndlly - bauated' thorn. Th Franca, . to. wr o-ror- - tajMd. wbiw tb vary faa baoam Shaky from cortlnuoua aao. Condition te th forta war lUMwla dlahaartcnlna;. . Th RuaaUuia had r raovd vry oombuatlbl from tbtr ahaltor and buUdtnsa, ao that, with tb xeptlOB of flaah and Mood, tba alii bad BOtMnf to fir aaainot but ton wall and mound of aarth, Th RuaaUoa. la th aortwa, fouSbt with tb dapratloa f avaaa. and tt waa obaraad aaalnat tbem that tby frquatly bayontd th woundad. As th Japan ar aald to b dolns th tba prnt war, tba oaar odira wr polaJly matnwtd to piek off tb Q fietra of th ailM. and ta a abort ttm Oan- -ra Cathcart and SHraaawayo and Sir 0ors Brown had ba alatn. Th Mini rifl fp- ormod woodora lo tb ais.v Tb uffrhm of th LnvadMs teerd as tb aortMS, aaaaulta, bombardmaata aad BhaU tec pontlattod, wbUa tb lUiaataa oaUaaad t lnraa tbatr fnaa, taaiB adTaataa of vary tmporary lutt ta tb firms'. Oa Jaa ury a hr war S,b atok ta th British anar bfor a baa topol, do t axposur. aad to bard work la bad watbr without ad auatt 1 arotaoUoa. Within four saoatbs aftav th atv btpur aeos atok and woundad had -lMa ant(from Um amp of tb aUto to b rtturaod U tbolr natlv ooumtrlaa. iMadly alant aklrmlabao ooBtlnuod, tb Rao alana, and pclaUr tb Coaaaoka, pnrlna to b aa nmy worthy of Taikuit - uaartMaa, i From tb MuaooTlu rlfl piu aam hota at abort iBtorrala that pUrd kavo amon tb balsrs, Tba pKa war almply mmmrm ttoaa la tb aryund about tot yard from tb work of tb ail lea. Thy war fad with aanA'bac. loop-hoi oa for lifloa, aad bankad with artb. Thy wtra, ta faot, lltU forta r tadoubts. arnMd with rlfl a tnataad of aa noa. Thar Wr lx ef that pMa and aob would oBtalB IS. Tby wr so wallaro totd and OTrd by tb aatur of tb sronnd that a Khar tba Bnfilob nor tb FtmmIi afaarp abooUr aould touch tbm. SWrar flaatlny took plao for tb po loa of th pita, and on Mareh II, 18ft, thro of fbm war as tutad. Th batUa waa dMorlbod as truly la ' atrifa f broa.' la oontraat tota Port Ar thur ms th aaoallanta at Sabaa topol war ftqunUy tb Ruaalana. Mlskt attack as aaard to ba thalr dllabt, and thoutb la all oaaa thy war rpuld wtth loaa, tb aortlao war wall pianwd and brayaly oarrld out, ' TIM bafftnnlas' f th nd of th als oaorJ on Jun T, wbB th Franafc apturd th Mam ttoa towr aad tba Dnstlak arrld what waa known as th Qoarria. ' Th nU war bombardroant had a torrlUa affoot a tb fuw oortta war- sooa fbroad to ratlr by th pr. anarfcod by daaparau figbtma aad tb loa of tbouaanda of man. Tba aoaillota' war fol lowad oa th lath by aaaauits a th MaMkoff and tb SMdan, ta whlob tha Franah obtainad poMoasloa of tb formor fort, "but war uaaMa to itala M. tb.JtUAalafi lostag 1,001 man la It raoaptur.' -- Kattara thus drifted alone with alnoat i daUy oombata, unUl Saptembar. wba th Rua alaa ooanmand, Oan. Prlao aortaebawofl dlaOTrd that bla works war bains Mlaad, tba atuaooTlta tboa put forth thalr rsia la on daaparau aaaaoit. Tb batUa of what la known Tohamaya waa fousbt dn tba Ruaalana war foroad back to thalr fortif.lo alana, wh had only faw sua loft to rply f aoadartns fir of Brlttah batartaa ao4 ylfta with, but tbay fcpt up tb fir wttb aalmatMw - aaan, and tbaraat fort bad ban won, ' . ' and andiamayad oura. Thar wa Mtbtt;, - ' i - .--' Instant ta whlob tba bU did. sot wblotl ' ' la tbla final attack tb Frncb lost l.t tiarousb tba air, not a mmant te wblob tba aky kllMd. tnoludiaa tv aaarala and at othr wa aot samd by thalr rwry euraas or p fflra, whll tb Knilab loot SSS kUlad, ta Hmloatad with tbolr axploalTaa. t . ; otudlna II eomnlaaionad afrioar. and bad ttl ;., a , . mlailnc Tb Knailah won4d auttbarad Durlns tb atabt tb bombardaaant; aldad by tb ahtpa f tb nta. waa eontlnoad. aad at a ooaaoU of war tb araat attack was ptannod for ast day, th Fraoob to aaU tb Mala koff and tha Brltlah tb Rode Tbla pro araia - wa oarrwd out, Aftar a is daaparat attampta.'1 bfanUahoa. who nd tha FrMOh, cap tured th Malakoff . - baa tin back thro honad OaSaptambar T, tb final attack en Bebaata f eotumna f Ruaalana amarsins from tha eaa- by tb tor, rlsbt and laft, Tb paauacos w obokad with dad bodlaa, which wtouly Impeded ib -j ' , retreat of th Muaeorrttoa, Cofunin aftar ool- uma poured tarauait tn amoraaure ana aoarotly had th loadtns ma elard tb dltah whan th trl-oolor floated orr tb baatton. - Th Btasl lab. howvr, found a mora 4lfflali nropooltloa la oapturlaa; tha Rdan, A atorm- ln party had ot ta, but war apeedllr mowed not wa baiua with tb axploalaa Ftancb of tore small mine. . ; ..J, , , Tnataatly from tha aea to th dookyard ereak," wrot an ywitna of tb acena. "there smd to rua a atraam of fir and of fleecy, curl ins. rich, whk amok, a thou , th earth bad been suddenly rant la th thro of an earthquake and waa vomltlaa; forth tb material of lior oloaa . Tbla Iron atorm amd aa awful havoc on tb work and on tb city. In It terrible oouree- It awapt tb Rua alaa flank and aasrehad their tmntar to tb ore. Tbla waa followed by a olly that probably never waa uttered elnoe th oannon found Ita Tolo. It paralysed tb RUaalaa, whoa commander aeortbed U th fir of .MM. ...... : .v : Durww taw aisbt tb Roealaa wltadiw - attar barms placed oombuaUbla - fc vTy bouae, and tn a few hour tbalr fleet bad beea' souttlod aad a una. Explosion aftor xplotoa saad tb nlsbt hideous What were known a tn FUotaff and Oardea bafwriea blow up, tb aMsraifleant but awful aomm belns bishtnd by the ba ratios f tb auaiaraua ahalla ontalned ta tb lasmalnaa Tha' ooav' ,aurora, wa entered tb eowa a th Stk of aptambr, fouad a lara .uantlty of stor aad also 4.10 suns anbanaad, - r -.. ' Tha fore aotuailr naaTS durbu; ta bkt tor month of th SMS werat French, 1X0 SOS; Britlah, 17.0M, and Sardlnlaaa, i,00t. Th Sardinian and a mall Turkiab fore balped to hold tba baa (BalaklaVal) and th communt- ' down with rrap abet. Othea reslmenta d-t aajUons of tb beateaura. Th ftaaalaa tow aunns im araa waa mo man. aad th to la loaa of tb alUe C,0; wbU tb total loo of keataced aad baaloaars waa aaarly lis,; oa ' At tba alba of tb it Sbatopo had but It bouae that war aot roiy deinasud. Rivaala bad taado'a Uoooow of aebaatopol. But ahe - wa beaten to the around bumblod to tba dust, Mothlnr ramalaed for bar .but to Tanoed, but tbay, to, fpll befor a-wlthartns fir from tb ttuoabuia. 'Panla aeld upaa part of tb Btaflteb troop; who ware tmpreaaed With the Maa that tb Redaa had been mlnd and would blow up. Baaldaa, lara auaa of Buaslan supported by sran from aevtral field piecee, bad daahd te upon tb brokaa. Tb atone wall, ware Hk-e4-J .vaaofuaed partlea of, to rtthsb and aruahed- ears bfor tbta tempeib but tb hug BMund them a it beneath aa avaiaaeh. Bat th aaeept tn tarms impoa ny tb ietertoa i ; of aarth aaamid auiatiyo onaulf all tha mtaU xjnsHabma war not to be dnid, and fousbt ilea. And tb faarfut sla aad tb Cjrtmtas , allea that ooul ba burled aaainn tbant Th desperately to Jn aa advsntas. Th, btu- war nds. . , . .f J, I a LAWS OF NATURE WORK FOR HIM WHO DOES HIS BEST. 0- aUafcoy O. 9. riaarmaM T Vaaav from tha Hot Bfhle, that Word f tb vtua, Vaaa.) Xrd which I a llht to our path and a 0-aFTlU( iaV br W. a. S5-am.) lamp te our feet. Much ha been wrlt- tPTHSl lr4 t good, and Hi maroy Una In attain pta u axplaln the fnexpllea-' , :i I endureth forvr. Doubt ins bl -th orlcla of vH and oosnat '1 V denylns tbla would make tbt suetlns. But I wilt epar th reader Ufa uaandurabl to men and of Umj paper. X propo to refer to . women of Bo rasa 1 type. :Wby aln, aor- som Indlaputabu facta and to draw ' row and death should bo pannltted In a soma' Inferencaa that will b fair sad world of whlrh H la the oreator and- may be profitable. . aTpvrnor w cannot understand. Let 'me aay at thtbrt that Try Th arctam f whk-h thl world M S natural law work for htaywhe doea tb part ta too rest and too camples for our beat b an where h 1 and a he la. . mind. Rut We know that what t Opportunity ateaaurea responsibility Qod due , rlsht, and Vbat B aarmita .,' Vhr uttl m siven lltti la required. j0 bat. - Tbla Is a time of special atreee snd , Waat wa kaow aot aw w hae th -tanubl. Th patho and horror ot the pmmlae that Wa stall know brfte. General Slocutn dlaaater in New York Thla promt aw need m the mMat of th hufW ar still fraab to 4h rtatav , apparent Inequalities and ooutradlcttea branoa of our people. . r of tr prraent. The bum In of the rooo1s theatr 10 Th ealflUn boadltlons. perpleC In Cbloaso etlll ehadowa tbets hearts snd Ihousfcirul. diehaarten th oaapondlna, homes. Th wrecklne; of th ateamr b atxt itti soma paaeinnata souls to lead Nora thrilled Christendom with hr a wlliin ear to Rnun i eucsfetloa t rer. Tea. it oeams to ba a tlma for to "tttiraa Ood and die." apclal dlaaater, nation, cemmunltte t w Vwtfw with crtiaty w fM' ladirdsals shartof la oalajaJUaa that rortak all stlkotk Innocent with th guilty buddlaa childhood with aardsnad mimiaaw, aaatmipuiea amM Uoa snd tt vletlma. - w Tbla m wthln now. But ti ha put many to asklnf th old ueatlos aa to th why and tb wbneo thee thins oma, . This ueatloa oaaaot ba re press ta Intelllsant olrelas wnere men and women read and think, permit m fa air awn way to adrvrt to som fuada asental facta, aad to onTsr aom bua saationa. There I ao oeoap from tb pe ratios of the dlvlaa law) th way of th tramv Sreeeor is bard. Nation, a aueb, bav a fa tare axt- toftcs; therefore, rewards and punlah mant sr metmt out to them tn.thl world History ta fott of example. A municipality- saws corruption, and reap disorder sod dlaaater. A orpoy tlon praetw ' deception, . snd . reap. Sooner or later, dlasTac and ' bank ruptcy. Thla law la . Inesrorable; th raaplna; eon form to th sow In la all tnea aphares of actios. There la, and It Seem to cne plain that there ouaitt to be, a day of jud ment for- lodiTidual la a life to nm. This tremendous tniUi Is Mearly tauyht ta that Book whkih w sooapt a th ; atar oua. o& sTroarT. ; .." '" From tba Albany Berald. - A party of youtui men from Salem, whll eampln near Caaoadi reoently. want deer huntln and while In th brush fouad aa aalmal that' was taken fof a dear.- Tb animal cam In thetr direction and th party, four men Armed with Winchester, disposed themaclva In Mob a manner a to all et a abot at th bssdflom buck whan' the latter abeuld su ut of tb bfuah tarsus-1 for which 4m was com ins. Finally tha deer broke from over aad as If one shot waa Srod. th four Tin belched forth death and deetruotlen, four buluHa found thalr mark ot 4 man of tba four auffered aa attack of buck aru and tba deer dropped dead In hid track But thr waa a allana - whea tha rooms banters SJnaJiy are and walked toward thetr smi they ware about as abeepiah look Ins a crowd a ba baas eeen In the mountains for many a day, tb ntoaald buofc tbay bad crd wa a aood rtaad bufl f oelonstnff ta a rancher not far off. That veaioa was aot nearly s aood as they bad as pect ed It to b. but to tha and It coat mere money, far tb rancher did not wwa to etaod the loaa, and aa la tha eaa f railroad accidents, the aarmal killed wa a fine on In fact.' th heat Ita owner had. Snd th A an re set tm Ita value wa In ancordance with tha ''qual ity of the sooda." The brave hunter will probably not atak th earn mis. take aaala. . , Word of Ood. snd which 1s th textbook of all who call themselves Christian And It la tausht, mora or less distinct!?, In every reapectsble ayatem 6f heathen ism. Tha Httle ebUdrea , that war amoaa the victims of tha General Mo cum dlaaater lost nothing, we may be Uev ' Tbey still llv. under other oon dltlons. They are freed from tha dis abilities and pari la that beset thera oa artb. Tbey hev entsred, we Buy bop Upon fh larr life Implied In th prom la of th Christ, who said: "Of auob Id tba kingdom of heave a." And we mar not doubt that tlrhteoue Judsment ami equitable oompeftaatton avert all Inno Qsnt auftcrera of ripar as and fuller irowtb. It ts worthy of rildratioa by th sffltful reader that, In eases Ilka. thee that hv beea cited, ajsod amy com out of srn. Already la New York measures are being taken te prevent auoh disaster. la future. Tba sullty. I hone, wlll'b pus lahed; the Indifferent and aluvaiati of flolals will be stirred up to do taelr duty; tKot and similar eatsatropkee win heacc forth be more and more Improbable ta and around that arat cits, from which 'ao many streams ef both food and vll now out ia au aj root ion a. v, Tb vary nmsnttud and awfulmms of th Iroquois theatr bolocauat WIU help mishttly to tnaucurat a reform la the eonatruotion -of all bsUdtns of popular feaort Thla reform ta already basua. Ood baa way af tumin- troubles Into bleaalng In tb ldnc rua. Tba vary struUvoa of modern waffar will baataa th approach ' of tb promised tiro when th nations shall laara war no mora , . - Tha Idiocy snd dlabnliam ef ao-oaVd Christian nations eettllng thalr differ, noes by hlood-ahsddlas wUI ba borne la upon them la aucb a way as to ssura dellverancai The whole outlook for all tba fatur la Illuminated by thla word o It Paul Romans, vlU-tflt "All thins work together fer aood td them that lova ood." An thins Induda tb Oiliisd aid rod la UUa paper. .