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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
"TFS OREGON rNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. 8UNDAY MORNIN'V SEPTEMBER V 1904. r , f," if i :! y W -r1 ft 1 - "A 4 5 MMMWMIIIMHMMIMIMIMIHmi MM I TJIE CAT AT LAST DID: THE BUG .uru-r. . ,, . ret onowor. Tho pussies require only ordinary skill and anowieage cw facto Included tn history, biography, botany on aatural history, or on c qusfntanre with plaoes, buildings or mblems obout which Information is easily obtain bU. It Is not guessing; ooateet. but trial of aklll. To stimulate Interest in tho visit of too people from tho Lend f -w ' tk. iflnn.i in eta a in eaah oaeh month to those of lta readers who send In correct or nearly put, W tho Wogglebug by his companions. ,, , .. Sept. 4. -v Poo thio Coupon Only. . ; 4 1 No. 1 To th wbaoLBBbfli'KDiToai'; .' ' ;T -'.V- ',V:T;. '-,, X-THn UHDAT JOtmNAU PORTLAND. OIUDOON. - Tho answer to tho question asked of.lh Worglebag m tho Xifl ..I alb Section of tho popor ' : i: i ..-!. - t f ' .. - . - J ' . - ' - "' , nun , . "t"'troot ioJ JtaTObor. ...'. -1 Town or City - riLLf OUX THB ABOVB COUPOK. Aioo tho 0mpoa to ba found ow day In Tho JournaJ until itmrdy.ptbor 1. Thlo ivo you olwncoo to onotror th quaUoa oairvostod im next undar'o pao. Do thO naat BundoTj ow4 n t, n4V tha -oxt, . aiao im Met wook-day. T inta tho ond attb month. AV JTOUR COUPONS and oni tbo loot day of thimonth oond thorn oil to THB WOOObKBUBO BDITOR. Tho Jour; ; nol, Portland. Thlo wUl ond tho oontaat for Saptombof, ad tho prUoa wUl ho ownrdod vory oorJy hi th month of Octooor. . - r wiwv TtnT.r.AVB IM ClAMH PRXZBB WILL BR GIVBN AS FOLLOW! L For tho graotoot numbor of eorroet For tho nut lartoot numoor or ooirooi tuawtn, w-:r . r t. For tho third uuvoot numnor oi oorroot nnowara. . For tho fourth laro number of oorroct aoa ww JAAO ., ... , . . K. For tho ton next laraat numbor of oorroot onaworoj $lM b.. V roe tho ten nest lorraot numbers of oorroct anowoto, onoh. . 1J.M t. For tho olbvon nost laxvaot oumbaca of oorroot eqewara, (oe. on ah,. r.'V-t RTTLBS OP THB -V:' Tho lr number of oorroot ohowofo wtow, ''L, am munnM for any ono month will bo eonooeattvoly iroraboroa, ojm must bo puoed In ono envelope nd orranjtod In order f thotr-puwion-fWi'V minyfctowin1 ntumd lit ton oanm morolopo.- . 7 ir'" -7.h nret nruw would bo divided between, :.l!.-!r.' v-w. hl mm nnmbor -f 4w eno woehv- A dlffenant 4ar on bo rltten,for omch day; put . I it vmi or euro reo oxd right, yon win, ox ourae, wnw S oril" e4l 'arunj oo JModay. Remember, the mrgeat nunv i ber of oorroct mwor orln.: lw ' ' - AU ooupom for nay one oonu and be In the offlc Of. 'TM journal the foltowlns ayonta. y a e Oi ..ggMajaataiaidiMnBBBB GET-2,W SIlffiRS IN SEATTLE T rmABcaijOO BcjwiCat BOBS) BBSOX OO OOBaT OWN Seattle. Waah.. Sept. a. Tbet there m ' . sswkea born every minute, and nome--f time ho dwlns, seems verified by the 'V 1mm that some. too, elttaene of SeatOo t : were caught In another "get-rlch-oulck i or heme, and somewhere In the nolghher--Tj hood of tioo.oo baa found Ha way fcirta t. th pocktt iof promoter In Ban Fran- : elsoo. who are now dodgi -th postal 1 authorttie.'- . f irato contract boMera have levied at . J ta oh stents on tho office furniture, big, 4 aolld-looklng aafe. and everything- mov ;: 1 able la tght.f ; - ' ,V The company whfeV engnaad Ih phU anthropw work, making tho poor 'rich. atyloa Itself tho, Pacific States atercaa- tile company of Sen Finclsoov Aoooha- Ing to J. D. Bauer, attorney, who repro- aento P. Root, 04 holder of alx eon fAtrants, th plan of operation waa aa follows: , xconructa provided for-payment of ' k down and tl-S per week for thirty oon aeentlve week. That mad IM paid In ' hv the aorc baser of the contract, and in r; return he waa nromisffd 10, worth of merfbandlse. If he lld not want BBBnaateBsaBa the THB BOTTOM'S OUT I ( or mi mw lommr rw " being able to obtain goon liquors tot fair prices In the Full Ueasur Hoaae, That Idea was promptly equelched by the hundreds who have bought whiskies. rani ' win, brandlea. cordials, etc, from no. ' A sltlglo bottle prchaaed her will df-'-, prove any such nonsensical attenv, That , j hotUo awalU your order. , . t v. JcdK Measure Kouse jm irwei f"st. P i II AT OUT CPTHE BAG r Bvery rwM of The Journal will, find himself or hereclf puasltng this neralealng auesttoa sftsew he u read tb peg U th conw Section devoted to th dolngB of velous Land oX Ok" nC - The Wegglebug, WlM UHM of the ' party, undertake to answer All J question (or hi comrade from ' Oa. Ho hu to answer one each ' wk. HI answer is not printed. Tho reader m loft lo discover It. Th roctures and decrlpUv aat "' tor mek this comparatively our to tho wtlvt mind. .Both tho plc- turoo and tho story oro -guides to tho oolutlon of tho problem, and rna ouHium imiw vi vw- correct anawera to tho question T r Of SUNDAY, flmrTfUUIJEH. i 10 , - t ,- , ;. " f ., ........ .: "-" - -V"" --" g - - . nnoworo, l.M. . . .y. IIO.M . I0 CONTHWT, -Tif he almilarlrtvtoed in onoo any numbor of i of uunrora that nro. oqusily oorroct, .t-J oy tw-ww m. m. v n ' i, . . 4 morohandlso the eeeapeny agreed to find a jiurehaaer for It and turn oven co th oontraet bolder t Hi oash. . ; -.' "la otbgr words, th company agreed to pay the purcAaaer Ml for th use of hia Mdv -Aa near aa I ean learn th promoters began business hi Seattle mat afarcly ao that those who purchased contract then are Just about flu to receive their $ied worth of merchandise. Unfortunately for them, however. omo of the eontraot aoMora down In California whose, oon t recta bav anatured. bav triad to got tlOd worth of merchandise or tho la oaeh, and falling to do ao attach menta here been filed on everything la eight owned by th company." v B. B. KMnbali waa the general agent of tho company for thla state, but .re signed and la now tho presides of the Pacific Mutual Co-eperatlve Investment company here He know nothing about tbo affairs at th bankrupt oonoern, ha m PERCE COUNTY TO HOLD BIG FAIR - 1, V( v'; . peeaU Dtepateh The leorasl) t Nob Perce, Ida., Sept. t. Th Ma Perce County Fair association promise to give finer and bigger fair thla year than over before. . Thomaa . B. Klrby. nanager of th aaaoclatloa, reports that cash subscriptions to th took have ag gregated something over ll.te. afoot of th stock subscriptions bay bee taken by farmer m th VMtalty of Nob Perov. 1 .. - L.'t-. - i-, ....!- Th asaocuUlon "baa secured fin ground a baif mllo aonthwoat of dho town, whore a half mile track has .been laid out., stables, a grand stand and A Judges' stand been built, and a fine ex hibition hall constructed. It has bee decided to- hold -th fair from October 14 .to ta laclustve. fremlum and pur for raa will aggregate aver Mr. Klrby la preparing a fins -exhibit fro? grain amt grease and fruit In mra. which it n expected will be a part of th Idaho exhibit at th Lewm -and Clark sxpoaltloa at PorUand next year. n- FAIR ASSOCIATIONS ? Of WHITMAN COUNTY (SeeeUl Dteaan t The Amraal.) Colfax, Waah., Sept.. S. Manager Ooorgo H. Leenox - of th Whitman County Fair aaaoclatloa, says that everything pertaining to the malting up of a flrst-clas fair Is progreewlng fa vorably. Mr. Lennox baa secured th services of som of the moo competent men and women In th county to act as sapertetondents of the varlouo de partments, Including the following; . J. ft. Wloka, horses and mule; J. S. Ktemgar, eattie; H. Henry Rocsswtne; Phil Cox. Sheep and gnat; Jamas H I wort- Use. aheep and fmultry; -0- fJ. ICftgtey farm products: .ZeU-M Betbe frutt; B. Johnaoa, garden praducta; L B. Har lie, dairy, bees, honey and dmnsetto maaafactdeo; Mrs. Mnrjf F. White, bread and preeerveo; Mr. Bmma Kennedy, mtllmery, sewing and fin nrta; Mra. Julia H. Lennox, floral display,, out Cowers and, gaby show, ' PORTLAND LEAVE FOR COKCLAVE Weary,; After Efforts ; Brother Knights They . ;"; : Entertained ' After'aBrvtnf; aa hoato for the Knlghtf Templar from all over tho country, the Portland eontlncent left forcao aouth on a pedal train mat alcht d wUl paaa the weak In playing tho role of uoata at the San Pranclaoo oonelavo. . PorUand. aa well aa th elate of Ore gon, will a well represented at too eon clave, for when the special train pulled ouft at' It o'clock last evening there was not a spar berth on tho five Pullmans. Attached to the Portland special were Li be apeelal ears of the Pendleton and Salem eominmaderle. At OranU Pass tho oar of thai oommanflery wIUk be added. Portland oommandery - eaugtit ' the trick of having some emblem to mark hts mombera and a badge of composition metal was adopted. It depicted the various Inga-ireaon. may be proud of. LtiC treea. cattle end mlnerala. ' last night for San Franclaoo, six other apeelal trains wont over the earns route. They carried toe Reading. Philadelphia. Sormnton and Allentown, Pe, com ma o dortea, the Ooour do KAon oommandery of , Boston, and mixed delegation from tho north and oast. In tho opinion' of railroad men. tho Ataklvou nasaee Will rtomorrow be Jammed so tightly with trains that 'considerable delay will be experienced In getting tbo ' Templar peclalo Into San Francisco on dun and 1A keeping up the usual, aerrloe. The oonetaat rush of special train to the south thle week has already caused lyjonalderible delay on thla single track line, and with th seven train heading toward tho aouth' rallroadera say there wlU bo trouble. - When tho Christian Endeavor convention waa held la San Francisco every aide track, logging spur, awl ton. cinder chute, yard track and shunting switch between Orant Paaa and the ethsr aide of th Slsklvons was filled With drain and good podestrlana oovered the. stretch between aivtilaatton and the mountain wilds sooner than the trains did. While euch a jam la not ox posted n4. itilK trouble la anticipated. TDERE ARE fOXSE -PLACES THAN CHINA JAPAMBSB .WABV After Bpetidlns; 4t years ta Shanghai and Hongkong, D, C Campbell, oasJBng llsn sailing master, la 1 Portmmt an rout to London, where ba purpose to spend tbo res of M Hfe. He wlU leave th lty tomorrow for- . Mlaneapolta, where he will remain for several days before .going to Bngland, -China la not the worst plaee hi the world to live. la Shanghai, for Instance. there are over a, forelgnars, go there Is always plenty of aongoalsl company besides th counties1 -Chinese who in habit the town. - "I am one of th few who bav lived there for such a period though th oldest foreign Inhabitant is. X believe, n American, who m h oanvaa maker.- Ho has been there sjeveral year longer than I have.-- - Mr. Campbell la uepty mterested tn th eucoees of th Japan eee la th war that la now fa progress between th Japa and she Russians, : Though a subject of tho British empire, he blame England fof th war between th two countries. If Bngland had refused to permit Russia to occupy Manchuria there would never bav been on opening of hoetlll tt, he sakL "That seem to be -the real cause of th war, th possession of Manchuria, and Japan ha always pro- tasted a sains t ate possession by th Russians. In fact, Russia, agreed to withdraw her troops within a otrtain time and her failure to dee so eaussd Japaa to begin active war." Mr. Campbell declares that th Peotflo coast of tho United State will ba Im mensely benefited by the trad that moat go to China aa soon aa tno war eaaas. Railroad must bo built there, he see. and th equipment should eoaaa from thla country. 1. . - v pROWN'S BAND. AT ' CITY PARK TODAY Mm Out, at the City -perk this after noon Brown's park, band will entertain those who Visit th grounds. , The pro gram, which starts at I: so, la a fol lows: - March "A Deed oT tho Pen" Moret WaJtseo "Tales Front Vienna Wood" ... . . ..Strauss Overture ."Crown Diamonds"' . .. Auber Habanera "Eaeamll la" Red la Oema from "Ma'm'selle Napdeoa" . . . , . ......,.. ...Luer ' .4 . - to terml scion. 8rnado-HBrlgbt Stat of Bop....J .'.......t J.-. . 1 . .RobaudJ Scene from "Bo hem tea Slrl". . . .Balfe (a) "Intense 0". from "Cavallerla Rustlcana" ,. . . .Maeoawnl CbY Minuet "Celebrated-. . Paderewshl Kxoerpt from The St roller. Knirlendr Twoetep "Prlaoe HeSry" . . . Ellen berg QUIET MARRIAGE V TAKES PLACE TODAY Pamns had been made tb keep th af fair dutet simply for' the purpose of owing unnecessary publicity, but a number of friends will bo p recent today at th wtarrleite of H. J. Palmer, travel- lrjr wmaentstlv of the- firm of Olds, Wort man A King, ..and Miss Mary Ellen rttnkeaberger, an employe of tho same firm. The wadding wlU take plaee at the homo of tfw jbrute parents, t Rodney avenue. They wUl tea a trip op the Columbia beror returning ,tc their .home an this city Se-pt ember lt, ss savn BarB&ssat SAnxjrB iturrn WBW BUS, BPBaT ' TWt BOOSA TBABB AMOMW ' tWJaSSl JJlXsI TEfuPLARS at Entertaining Their Whirl Away to Be , Themselves. 'S,. .f Several eommandertes may not arrrr In ftime for -the opening of the conclave. 1 la expected that more knighta will travel through Portland on the return trip then went through on tho flret -pilgrimage, because many of tho oomman derie were delayed in starting and de sired to 4aka the shortest cut, while others, from where ahoy started, could hardly take the roundabout trip. When tho oonelavo la over a number of eo re ma aderles will return this way. While mora knighta will visit th' eity, they will be more or leas disorganised and no especial effort will ba mad to receive them her. . " Members of th Portland oommandery party nuking the Ban Franolsoo pil grimage art: Mr. and Mra. H. M. Ogden, O. H. Hock. W. A. a eland, a N. Llvlly, Miss Dukehart, Mr, Pierce, J. W. Duke ham. W. M. Welch, O. W. Burnett, F. a Jennings, p. Metohom. F- A. Vanklrk. W. 8. Maorum, Mr.- Btaohv J. M. Hodsoa. ft. A. Miller, Mr. Tomasalnl. W B. Oage, H. Burrelt A. Walaa, B. D. Johnson, & Vaach. p. W. ValL Mr. and Mra. A. M. Knapp. O. S. Cutler, J. W. Cork. W. L Holme, W. B. Bernard, J F. Honguea, C. V. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hall. Dr.- Sommer, C. J. Buchanan, Mr. and Mra, a ButlocaVW. B- Conway. Mr, and Mrs. a Hilton and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Raamea, Mr. and Mrs. C W. Low. Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin, Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Hedges, Mr. and Mrs.. J. O. Mack. U.Thukelsen, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Robinson, Mr.- and Mrs. D. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Raaaoma, Mr. and Mrs. .- W. Bvana. Ma. and Mas. D. P. Mason. Mr. and Mra. X C Marshall, Mr. and Mra. F. D. Smith, Mr. and Mra. J. T. Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bailey, J. Bailey, Mra. Borthwtek, Mr Moprath, Mr. and Mra. B. H. Nlooll. Jr, Mr. Ash land. B- M, Nleoll, John A damn, R. Lutke, O. A. Peterson, A. Thurlow, J. R. Roger. H. U Plttock. Mr. and Mra. H. J. Strowhrldge, Miss M, Strowbrldge. Mrs. X. A. Strowbridge, W. Premus, W. ,T. Wright. A. N. Smith, - C. H. Woods rd. Mr. RothwolL W, A. Oras. Mr. and Mra, H. Boa. FAULTY-PAVEMENT;; CALLS OUT PROTEST j -In a. Aemrnunlcatloa to City Auditor Devlin, which teem wlU sareas CountF Judge Webster, as ehalrmaa of the board, of oounty oommiMlonera, pro- tasted yesterday against th oendltlo of Salmon street, between Fourth sad Fifth street. He intimated that unless th contractors, Millar St Bauer and the Star Paving company Improve th work th oounty will refuse to pay lta part ox me assessment for tho paving. Judge Webstar state in htm communi cation that ha la not familiar with the term of th oontraet, but that he la eoavlnoed from observation that they were not lived up to. Owing to a fail ure to place tar between the blooms far ther out than three foot from the side walks, he assert, a light rain a few days ago eaueed tb street to turn It self Insld out'' "Piles of blocks war where pavement should have been." he writes, "and part of th blocks were oarried away by aoaaa small boya." . - Though workmen bav attempted to repair the street, he adds la conclusion, there 1 ao telling what saay happen when it rains; for thla reason ha wants th protest placed where It will cause some body to do a good deal of serious th tak ing, v- - . . , , . ... VIGOR AND VIM IN EVERY MOVE In securing new business and making a good reputation la business circle the Conservative Life Insures oompany seems to have taken a great lead In In surance circles la Portland. It sj cer tainly "the moat uocessfuV as their Uteratur olalma. Oa th back pag Of tbto faaroa f Tb Journal will bo found th Initial an nouitcesjftsnt of the oompany tn this field. The local branch baa been established but Sva aaonthe. In April M.W0 inaur anoe waa written; - In August Ut.too was secured. Thla aertalnly speaks well for th oompany, but It seem to bo fa a habit of doing things, for within the four years af lta life It has written aaore than Mv.OOt.O. . - Th oompaay has aecured superb oSloea to th aew Fentoa building, where It will do business after October IS. At p recent th Ooodaough building; over Th Journal oHloe, la headquarter. "Th secret of our success," says th nut nag iv ia our oomWnatloa of life, accident nd health laauranoa In ana policy. Read that ad." The oompany has sa Immense huslneee tn California, the boms state. Th home offlo la la Lo Angele. CaL . SPECIAL ST. LOUIS CAR. dssV y mm km mf y -: . Bvasaas. The 6. -ft. K. will run a special Pullman toarlst sleeplns oar out of Portland at :le Monday evening. Sept f. Reaervattona may be made la thla oar good fer th entire trip without chang. Particulars of C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and WaahJagtoa otrav-T'" famwhrrmmtea Jm Jearsatl BMrka. Ida.. Seot t. Benjamin dr. a.mlaer. waa struck today by rock. in tbo Tiger Cporman mine and 'his OOUBTI erXD)dS WBBBTXal epsATKaT OTIS BgWOaT BTmsTB. F4TS) fnrBBXD BT MA2BT AJU taeavta ta PiibbibI Waah a Vilskur Palmy '' raeoraala Biimalllia ilv.A skull frastared ao that he aaaaot Uv. BOYS' :r CLOTHING r Only ono week from Monday and school opens again. 1 YouTl want (to get your boys ready to start In good shape, and youll find this a good store v to supply their wesrables. v WM001 aOTHtS READY FOR BOYS , V;f ALL SIZES , . Suits, Overcostt, Underwear, Shirts. Caps, EtCi . Everything . in Clothes, Hats or Shoes that a boarding-school boy takes away, or s day-school boy needs at bcrne. . '. .; --i '' Boys Two-Piece. Double-Breasted Suits; $1.85 to $ 6.00 Boys" Three-Piece, Single-Breasted Suits, $3.35 to $ 6.85 BoyslLongJrouserSuitsHSi Boys ' Separate Long . ,' Troosers, special val- J P . ues at....w.....'...Ji9ld4l .. ' ' -. Boys ' Separate1 Knee -Pants; special alues, Cfty, l ISC, S9C.... ... .;..lyC Boys School Caps, Bps-;- PA - cud values, llkj, Wc...... 3UC ioFmWBlm& Uo I A y aU size, special at....... 1UC - '.' - ' -(--,. . , , Bovs Shirtwaists v and . , Blouses, special, values i-. "TA- ; at i4c i. ....... ...:3uw Shirts, Sweaters, Hats, Ties, Suspenders and -everything to complete trie boy's outfit ". " ' School Supplies Ju OIVEN FRBB ' ! ' ;:wrlu 'MIT. 166 EUGENE MAN STABBED v IN SALOON FIGHT ffwirlel awaetas e Tse mersst) BagemV Or Seat. t. Artaur . DUta, a alasterer. was stabbed la the on, a th arms and fao av Robert Bteptoe, "Uat sfoelsito-f afssreor"" fii jf e, ttt th- atanaattaa saloon last Bight. The la lurlas, wblle severe, are not serious, and Dllta wlU be able to be aroerad aooa. Btopto had beea drinking heavily and waa oreatlng a disturb noe la th salooa. DUta, who waa tempo raiilr employed aa bartender, to help out during tb olrcus crowd rush, attempted to put the of fender oat. whoa the latter drew his pocket fcnlf and aegaa slashing Dllta with It. Brstandara interfered and Stp- toe ran out of the salooa. The officer havs not rt beea able to apprehend him. . " , DARING ATTEMPT TO v ROB BULLION VAULT - . i - (-- - fa iiaal Dlssawh Tee T 1 : VMlleabure. Mtmt Seed. .With f men working wlthla hailing; distance, a bold and daring attempt waa mad at an early hour this morning to rob the bul- lloa vault of tho atotalllo Granite Moun tain mill of several thousand dollars to sliver bullion. Welshman Oeorge Johaaoa and Bloe- trletaa Oeorge ateOuIre were knocked down, bound, geared and placed m a nearby barn. Johneoa managed to free himself and give th alarm, aaualng the handela to flee before securing anything. Two arrests were mad. Two year ago Sie.OO in baUwa was. stoles from tb vault. HOOD R1YER TO HAVE NEW FREIGHT, DEPOT (eaeelat Dheetsl Th JesrsaLy Rood River. Or.. Sept. .The O. H. A N. Co. baa sompleted arrangements for building a new passenger and freight depot at Hood River, upt If. J. Buck ley statee that th on tracts for th building bav beea let. and that they are to be ore plated within days. It Is th intention of tho railroad oom pany to enlanre th present depot and us tt xeluslvly for passengere, and to build a freight depot at th foot of Irv ing street, three blocks west of tb area- ant location. - A erew of workmen baa arrived and a btaokemlth shop ha been erected. Bx ca rating la expected to begin within a few day. BLANCHET INSTITUTE SVBSBVnV ' . Crfaielaf Christian Crcthers aaOaeu a a . r ,a - IWtrae -Jf prices or 6 4 Boys Who - Artjlmtmi We Want to See LION CLOTHING CO. OUTFITTERS " TO . BOYS and 168 Thkd StTMohfrvv-; BIG BEET R CROP IS CERTAIN Aeeordlng to Ctreutt , Judge Robert Benin f Ualoa oounty, the sugar beet erop to the Oraad Road valley tbla season wlU ba almost twice aa largo aa It waa last year. Frost destroyed half th winter wheat, soma not being fit to thresh at all. Judge Baklrrs mleetoa here waa to got Judge Seara to go to Union to hear argument as regard enjoining the ooun ty off I els is Crom moving; the seat of oounty government from' Uslon, M I Grande. He discussed crop and U- matle oond I tl one la Union county. ' "Sup. BramweU of the Alma ga mated Sugar companies.-' said, "informed me a few day a ago that tbo sugar beet crop thla year will be about double what It was last year. I believe he said It would bo at least 4 per cent larger. "Frost destroy! "half tho winter wheat la tho eoeratr, aad soma Is not fit to thresh at all. Tho price of range stock Is very low and this Is a osuss of discouragement to ranchers; otherwise conditions are excellent. I have talked with a groat many stockmen, and aone seems able to advance any good reason for th low price prevailing. All hope that they will rise before away months have passed." NevVill Rrvwview Academy Thoughtful parents are invited to read th following exoerpt from tb booklet on Information. - , - Th snoot important duty for aa edu cator to discbarge Is to' keep the boys in his charge busy. The boy who loaf I th boy who ta la trouble snoot f the tlm. Aside -from th ragumttond enforoed by the military training' and customs. tho dloetplln of th school and house hold Is beat expressed and amplified by th rules governing polite society in very phase -of social Intercourse. Un selfishness and a thoughtful regard for th comfort and wishes of others are the foundation of true, gentle manhood. and will lit a boy for any elrou instances in life, whether In school or out of R. Th cadets are expected at all tlmee to comport themeslves as gentlemen and It has never been found necessary by the principal to burden hia students with vol ominous rale, since aa observation of the ordinary law of courtesy will an swer the purpoee aa well In tha school room aa in ta drawing root- - feeds! IMapatm ta The laareaL) Vancouver, B. C, Seat. The Gate eatraditlon proceedings. Which hare at tracted eo much attention la th past few week, wer resumed this morning but were unfinished when Judge Bole adjourned court until Tuesday Win big a Oblige "Can yon f -nai a bite, ma'am f saM th r 4 b Ta hungry aaough tr - " "i . - . er," replied too kin tust out of horses. . - wxu wm voinis tut as svaav vbasi saw mmavm troa tuv MIM OS VSnOsT tMIUfl WTWTStTBB now Boys' Splendid School Shoes SPECIAL AT They're In all sises. They're solid leather They're steel shod. Regular it&M f val ues, and none bet-: ter for splendid wear KNIFE or BALL jresenteo witm BOYS' CLOTHES Bldg. SWEDISH GOVERNMENT i : 1 REQUESTS ARREST (gpertal laspaam at The year 1. SeatUe. BegM. A At th reauest f the Swedish government, express ed through lta representative, Andrew ChUberg. a warrant charging John Korth. a- well--knowa resident of Auburn, baa been Is sued for manalaughter for th killing of Charles A. Paulson, near Auburn, on May L Shortly after th killing North wss exonerated by th coroner's Jury in lta verdict, aad no evidence has been found to change tola belief. Paulson waa shot by North while tha latter waa a member of a poeee ergaa Ised by City Marshal Beerner to help la arresttag aome hoboes that had mad an attack oa the home of a farmer and hia wife living en the outskirts of Auburn. MASONIC LODGES OF ' ALBANY CONSOLIDATE :;;--;v. , r v - - ffpislsl fassatsh teThe Asweal.) Albany. Orw Sept. . Tb two ma an ale lodges. Corinthian IT aad St. John t, that reoenUy voted to eoneolldate. met tonight In joint session to adopt a name and elect officer Tb name chosen Is St. Johna No If. The officers for the Naaatoder Of the masonic year are: D. P. Mason. W. M.. B. P. RiF. S. W.i Ralph K. 4hltn J. W.; R U. Cuslck. treasurer; Bdward Washburn, secretary. . , This makaa th strong t masOala lodge la the stot outside of Pertlaad. 1 1 i (Bseclal lasas te The haw ml I Idaho Palls, Ida., Sept. I. Willie May otte, 11 years old, waa drowned today In tha City canal. . With companions, tha lad waa playing In tho water aad got . beyond hia depth, perishing before the eyea of bla playmates. Hie body waa recovered. , . . ;;, j " nw BAJnC A (Sawewl IMesettk a The JeenaU Salem. Or.. Bept K. Paga, h capitalist who1 cam her from Iowa last fall, wUl start a bank under th state banking; law with. Ie0.0 caplUI aad a quarter of a million banking soon to be knowa aa the Balem State bank. t '. Bavad Sla Re. : . ' P. A. Danforth of La Orange, Oa.. aaf r fared for six, months wHh a frightful running sore' . on his leg; but write that Bork tin's Aral Salve wholly cured tt la Ave days For ulcers, wounds, piles. It's the beat selv la the world. Cur guaranteed. Only c Snid by RM Cross Pharmscv, corner Sixth aad Oak, aw th way to th postofnoe. Prom' th Chicago Tribune. "What eon J do for you, gentle aakrd Metoueelah, seotloniag his vie to seats. -We have rome," aM the m- of the committee, "to aH if y aocept a nomination for fao. vkwt dency. "I will not, gnlar mw1' venerable satriarca, r4" to grasntng hia cane, ant i - n - neatly. "I am nut e v tnwl-h was ' ; . i g - a $1.45 . r.y.