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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
THS OKKOON 8UNDAY? JOURNAL, PORTLAND,! SUNDAY, MORNING,' SEPTEMBER 4, i iSOt 19 ALLWHEAT MARKETS EXCEPT PORTLAND SHOWING DECLINES POULTRY MARKET IN PORTLAND IS CHICAGO WHEAT CANNOT WITHSTAND ' . LOWER CABLES AND GOOD CROP NEWS GOVERNMENT REPORT ON COTTON IS 5o:;.' CAUSING WEAK FEELING TO PREVAIL ' A- ' DRAGGING EGOS RISE SEVERAL CENTS hiMl at to poetoTfto eg Pert. Or. for InMpwUta trsgk toelli eead Foetaca far aa1e Mvtal Per as A ft lA r papas, 1 ml; IS to 8 flag, easts. n H pa, mm. SENSATIONAL EGG CAnLE ..E2H an ma m EAtoXBAKIED i ' . nut u.i. IM t ::-:-ADO-:iKB MARKET THIS WEEK 18 Naeeae strea. N ew Irkf Trtbeao Boll- AM to ttotVIBB, TW Batty imi. with tudv. i pa." The Deity loernal I rear ....-m "J Jf- Dally .Journal! wlthBaaetoy, J 2 . AJTB) as - OAT pmzBAT-nr The Dally JoeroaL (J nww"v,in 90 1 . . ' ' 11 i . . . " 1 a- . ' " WMM BsMOAUSlS taU SETaT.TaWm TMMI eSeUA POM as obubTB buss. ; Pally JWML win ouwasj, 1 s Dally loral. t bmM . "-J"? todrd , Dellr. aaa? nL eBveeA ewaatoy en- . u OS TBBT XXaTX&T -CMXCTKBVS S&VMaT BB iBTOlBl ZfOffBB. TIm Dally Jeereal. B wmmxam T T.8SSBJ WATaklaUUrBV TM Del It jewm -' S ' rf-. m iain WMN l The Dill, wt, envereA kr atom. - The Daily Journal, -ootb......""-.. f2 The Daily Joaroel. wtm S-Dter. BtoethS. J T The Dally lotmL 1 oMothe -J The Dally jMml wit Suedey. 1 Bnm.. Th Oath Journal. 1 month .- The Ban da Journal, 1 yeer. . J- The fcakt Aaeraal Matt .88 That fMl-WMMF 'HUSsI t U-WMkh Journal. M 11 , seek to. Uleetretod. m .; 1 ZZ&LZ W aVadV WV ir.W PoeS Setae, expreo erdere, and emaH oae - P. -awx tai fttwwfl Or. ' , IB. 1 3"" ! j Tto tanal wW wj tin tor tla noMr ai fvirafM to tttou to amy aMM waoat i tra cterfa, Himit flat Maaa to) at 4a mpam aw ratarm. . . motel xkb mruau. kat as rox& in ACTA riimaaa- tMHfe rtH L ni wb ni;n - - ia a rrapaBT.rll aTftMtk an tj X. L S JlN(XLU B F. Oardoar. f8 i-rfm ttrMt: AKwar Hal M ftMtk r- eOBC Oil r-tmalana-a. 0- HA Millard hotel rtudj atttaaai 7 asmpaij, 1900 Ttaam lUt. U T UAKB Crff knyon botal jtetjjt barrow Broa., 41 Wt Brcnod twJ " T. LOUIS Phi Hp Mnadar, 616 Lawiat atrajt. awi ataod; OalAsnUfc Broa . 130 BBttoc ;.t; Prv4 W. Pitta. V Hartat atraC H1 a$Ev W1H. Joh W. Oraaaa Co. tAivMi. WAnH Oaatral Xaa eootpw. JUH Ps; !V IWIW, 1 SI BMra in tb aorth PaclBc aUtaa, bat tba rmtiiat aaatlwm fair artth toawaratorto -ton TU? liMHoatknaa in lor fwrallj rair waataor la tbU diatrict Sunday .with luwar tonaaratorto Wft nC tba Caaradf moatitaiaa. J ' MutMooi toaiBwatsra, i lla toar. . .Iw Trao U a, BU. M ttot ahaaaa to M kcara. 0.1 frt. . - - Total prrolpltattoi, I p. ML to "52 Total artrfpltatkiB alacr Stmbar 1, Wt,9. Normal praclplUtto atnoa BattBbar 1. UKH, .10 lack. ' . .-,' UrtcUaey. -. , ToUl aasablM Septrmbor ft 11:11. , . Poaaibl auoablD Btptamber t, 18 1. " Baroawtor, radea4 to h ami. it I f. a, . ., . ' L Crvatatortaaa tm Onpi Clw ear MM, aar itllwood; modara. artfnUfle. aoajpM. Curgca t 5 i. m. Pwtlaad CraBHtftoa aMocUtlca. . Tka BdwaM Bolmaa VntertoMtff aaaiaaay. tr iwral (UrHtara mad wbolEwra. HP tUir4 wuL Pboaa IpT. . r- - X P. rtatoy ioa. roaaral ttrartoH oW mbalBwra, ban rrawra4 to tbtr aaw aatab- Both Bbsaa Mo. IX . , . , , HWr-Biraia Co.. ranoral Mrortan uki baOMra, X7S o U. Lady atot- Phona Boat 10 flat rear tamraaea and aaoCnHa to rool CitiU froaa tha Tltb) Ouanutaa Traat Oasi fmMt. Paaabor of Oaaiaerca bnUdlac t KCSE CASH IN SHEEP -THAN IN RELIGION (atoaisU DUpatoB to Tka lavtmU - Fandtotota, Bapt. . A. H. BUindarmaB, artkarparoaa Umatlll oounty aaap BMK, who u formarlw Chrtati&a mln totac, oMjrs tba rwoi few cava up pramofe) Inc oraJi bocauaa ba oould not bmIio a llvtn at It. "I racetTa amUrr tf from M co $74 a roar," ha atld, "sad onan aaai to at out aw Kiatnoo for myaatf and wife, but X amw yrw of poTerty ahaoo of Boo aim la tloaa 017 family Charvoa upon oobm overburdened oburcb roauaunltr- When I aaake aaoucb money to Uaaura family a eomfortabla llvtaaT tor the root of their daya 1 a ball o4Tala an tar the ambiMxr. I oao th great need of work la the cboreboa. 1 "While t hellovo la the eomlnc of the Uleolaaa. ea the m Into tar- who p roach re for the fat purao will aoror be a factor la brlasiBg ft about. Tbero foro, alieai x get ready to so la the pulpit aaia, I anaUl not be obllaed to look to mjr oonsracaUoa lor my llTellbood," Dtotarlaaaoea of Btrlkora are not near ly as ftrawo aa aa Individ uai disorder f the lyiUBL Ovarwork, loea of adoop, taarvoua tonatoa rUl bo followed by wttor oollapoa, walaaa a reliable remedy -to ' 4aneodlately eenployed. There's rrMbina. 00 ofBoteat to our dlaordera of tao Urer or Bidaeya as Kioetrto Bit ters. It's a wonderful tonic, and efleo Uto aerrlito and the greatest all around utodattpo for roa dowa syatoma It dis pels nenroaenasse rbeumatlsaa and MuralaTia ana .expels awJarta sjorma. Only Mo and aatlefactloa uaranteed by Ilea Crooa Pbaranacy. onr BlKth and Oak, ok lbs way to the povtotBoe. cm Jim 1 m (o. ' CaUMN, 9ovmom, stocks - raaaHDaS mi COTTON ttTsMfcU -War Hart ail We ra aaa eaasafaad ay artvato warae m t. Lavta a aVyaa. Cblnaa aad Mao i Walk araav, I. aX Oa B i rk aVaob Bxaaaa: rd Baa. Ok. hm Tfri Orttoa lictuMi I (retold 4 H fie- Tnrl CoTfto a-o.-ri Patoo. --at Foe.: baetao &far ad iot ato a Sr m. Oa.i w leat) and rWto a e- I -aaasaa tolBBBBtV MB1 at betoa a astas, amy almcoaB faar a hscas. law and iwwhaps yoa sear wta tao "rwoaayvo aYaaarad Dollar Toartns; Car, toatiaa. fftoa tao ffwisiiajlii Oon tost la two sat aa mm ass am yoow tta-Wianed" - a. p vUaf. 1 r- j w y ,. 1 atOa. an .a mm a a aw Thai Haniiol faaturM of tba Portland arttole- amlo markets , durlnc tha past week wore: Bns aoaeationaily atsnar. Powltry d rope with a thud, , Prorlalono are advaneod. Too muob fruit aa market. t - Draaaad boas aro lower. - Qood tono la Teal saarkst, - v. Hops show an adranoar- -L , V. x( Much wheat la sent east. Butter advances to daasar pote.' , km anarkat ahaaod kont tlonal featores dvrlns; tha week- tao nrku iMlnar ailraBaad atkDUX oants OTOT an already hiaTh aaarkoL The roeolpta durlnS ta Weak wsro yractloalty nomi nal ana we main port ox ina iimaa w In oold atoms steca. -ax wnioa tarse amounts wars taken out of tha artoua imiiiiitinna At tha oloao of tha week fresh ocas war salllnv Tory rapidly at 2a eoats a ooson, wnuo xno swrsura toeks war sola a fraoUoa under. There to ovary prospaot that aorerai eara of eastern ana will soon ba on tba market to relieve the looal famine, and this may pooaibly causa some reaction in the prloea. Tha prospect for tha oa mar ket duiinaj the 00m ins; six daye were nerer brishtor taaa may are ai me oloso of tha day. . ' TJhlokons. obtokeas, arerywhero and no one cornea to buy." TbU was tha lament of tha aommissioa mercnania this weak as tha raooiida of cbtckena, hroUors, fryers, old hens and roosters, both you ns; and old, earn nourlns; into markot la rssular ayalanohes. During tk, wak tha morkat droDoed about 4e and some very low saias ware made lata today. . Paw, If any, or tna aeaiors aIuhxI ,in tena ttt thooa boldlnar their etoeks over la preference to salllnc them t prices that wouia oauso uieir oeo shippers to seek other eonasotlons. There was a Yery food eall for gaasa, ducka and turkeys during tha week, the ds mantt for tha latter being tba strongest. Too provlalon market la showing an adrance on the eastern produot on a count of the acuta conditions existing during tba strike of the butchers there. Baatern hama are advanced fcc, and krd la up 14 o. Looally there was no change In tba lists on provisions, but the mar ket is Tory strong ana soma ad ranees are sooa anticipated. . Tba past week baa boon a vaav 4tsab troua one to prloea aa drosaed hogs, and yaluaaajo about lo lower than tha farmer week. , Tho receipts on the a treat vera not large, but a great many hogs cam direct 10 tna retailers, ana ail nf thanoi are rail nn. ine same oon- ditlons exist In rogard to oold storago. T w uul that wna tila orara not small. DUl ih, iiaMnai m anwwl. and valuaia that ruled were practloally the same as last week. Tner IS a augniiy oar warn la beef, with no changes In tba price. - - BCmak rratt In Kaxkot. . Tha fruit market la filled, the receipts in .11 tinata thlai vatb taBtnar tors. The arrivals of peachea from all centers ex cept Ashland vara ' Vory large, and prices dropped about so a nox. huckis berries are oomlng In faatar and prices ara dowa. -ara aro very woou-, wiui tb rooslpta much above tba demand, ftovaral oars of bananas earn la this airul that ooarkats wera wall sun- plied at former priccev The supply of grapes Is cargo, out gooa bioqks nra bringing fair prloea. Tha trad does not aoem to oar for watermelons aaa biooks are dragging. Tomatoes came too free ly and tha market Is weak, wita aii aorta n nrinaa nil In ar. Thar wtra sovsrsi hundred crates of cantaloupes dumped early In tn waaa on aoooun. m in small demand, but later on tho call for good- stocks oleaned up tha. supplies. . Tho bo market Is ta vary good snap. and piica are up this week about lo on account of worse news from Germany. Hop-picking win become general tomor row, and bualness will ba dull for Sv eral days until some ootlmata of tba crop caa ba aaad. There la bat little demand for floor from tba orient at tb preaoat time, and grain mea are shipping much stock from tha Palouss oountry to Chicago, Lnuuta. Minneapolis and other middle west oen- tora Xo this alty tb wheat market dur ing the past six days was a trifle easier, but millers war offering the old Quo tations, la order to buy. There still ssems to b a dlepoaitiou among a large number of farmers to hold for higher prices. With another advano.of f He a pound In tb quotations on nr earner butter this week the prios has, saatr reached very dangerous ground, and some ship ments of eastern stock aifJ daily, axpoct ed. ' Thla can be -very easily aocom pllsbad and much profit mad on tha InrestmenL Country store butter hard ly arrived at all, and what stocks did oome were of bad quality. ,..,.. Today tb firm of Wolf Sons closed Its doors la this city for tba last time as far as storekeeplng her is concerned. D. 1,. Wolf, the manager of -the Port land house, leave on Monday for Lo Angel, awhere ho will opea up house, Th firm does not Intend to sitoejthr dert this field, ss It la a vary valu able an whoa potatoes booom aoaroa. Ia tha filter aa agent will be sent Into this territory who will have a deakroom on th street. a Another change on Front afreet thla week was th closing of tho firm of A I, Smith company and th purchasing by Mr. Smith of tho Inuroat of Oeorg Davenport tn th firm of Dav snpoTThompoa company. Tb Quotations which ruled at th aloes of th week wert nnuinvwi pm-an m I TBr, blarateaL hae; TaUty. BStMac. oats- -INodare erti-e He. wMto. eWi.eoa S 9f; grar. S4.(Me24 80. rilTTa feaaipra Oroyaot Pateato, M.Sli etrelgbla. Kl (VAI iO: ralle. p Bt.N grebe-. H. 18.8601 Tt 10a. 8.a.lft, MllAJtn TTWtlrM. lie M a teal OrteV aiiFa, sm.; saw, aaa try. 00.001 in.'. HaT ruewita' prle Tlatotby. wlIU all, fanry, H OOtjlfi.OO; ordinary. $11 rciy 11 iM: aa)tra ovaapon. UK 0(elS.0D: ailiraT 11 i; eaetera Orafjon. I1K 0ielS.M: allied. -wl "v':: v .t.-: IIOPB lsos. Moauoal, BJOMe tor ebaleai at 26He tor prlBM; contract. 1S04, Btesfte.' wwiHoaiui. v a Ha, aoaraa t manaav UallAc: too. Its: B) KEPfl&INs' 8ha rlag, lOCBOat abaft waat, It 30c: toadlum weeL aOattOaz loos WeaL 6Uw100 each. Tlllow PrlaaV par to, eaYsai av S sad graato, WHjc, . 0H1TT1M BAkK Ba pat B1 beytog arlee. BWa Drr bldea. No, 1, tt Iba Sod op, UHQlte aw it; dr? kip, Ha. X. B ta U tt, laiic; dr ea!f. M. 1. sader tba. lftUt; try aaltad bnlla. and ataga. 1-1 laaa taaa dry Int; at I tad bldea, ataoa. aooad. SO lba ar ar. Ttoaei 60 to 0 lba. te; aaow 80 Bka and eowa, tOlc; aUsa aad.belto. aaaodt b: kip, 15 to 96 Vm. THoj aoaod. 10 to 14 lba. Bat ealf, aooad, aadar 1 lba, gUc; irao (aa altad) Is par lb taaa; entla, lc par tb Moat boraa Udta, aaltad, aoca, ii.B0ai.7f: dry, each, ll.OOfll.BO; rolta7 bldea. rarb. B&aMl goal klna, eaoiinaa, aacb. loauat' Aagom,. stUh wool aa, each. BtcOlt-Oa -- . Bataaa, Km sad Mary, v-' , ' BJ-TTTtR PAT-Sweat, Bar; BirTTKB Cltj eraanary, 937 He; eetclda, feacy, Jftc; ordinary, Sue: atora, 12t4e. sBrtOS Ito. 1 freak 6refoa, MwSfet aa fjuJW. 2aH03e: bakata, i3c. CHEEflB WeaN-hucraaTTrWlB,- ! lie: Youuk .BMrim. nWoilu POULTflT rtiicawa. telxri llttellfJ! ear ra,' aid, ne per lb; Ciang. 11' rare, lit lb; brolleri, 13e per lb; ouria,, m, ise par torkaya, XT par to; dwiaad. lac par lb. ' . VnMe and Tatifcaie.i - POTATO Ed Hew Ore ana. ll.eDtot.s wt; aajam' arlcaa,;. aweett, 01101-aral, W.TI; CkBerala, 1.1 X00, aarllc, lOe per to. rBKAH rSUITB Apelea. faarr Oregea, tLtJ a 10 per box; cheap trade. xtQ70a per boi; oraagea, Meillterraiiaa awaeta. n.00 I. 93 bar ao; Uta Valeaetoe, a SSS.6a prr box; aamaaa. Da per lb: lamnoa. obolee. II. on s-r boat raacy. 18.Ma3.TB par box; Um-a, Uaslcaa, 8a par WO; plaaapplea, 84.60; aloiaa.' Burbanka. fioaoOe box: -aaeh 6 tome, eotteoe boat pracbea, ardtaary, 40r jx; faaey, waaoe par box; paara, 5Octjfl.0O par nox; grapee, ai.uo aj i.a par box: black flga. 'i par box; Marfc- aerrlea, II. S6 par crate; waterawlona, California. TBOWc par cwt; crated, ll oo, 0rfci, fOrtjI 1 00; Baekmehaaa. SBccfllM per dot; cantaloup, California, Tie; Orego. TtfetXSl.OO per rrate; eaaabaa, X,00a2.18 dna; aectariiwe. Wa0e per box; hnAieberriea 10c pr lb; erabapplea, tt pec lb. 'orrAJLiea-rle. $l.a per aaokf ar eata, 1. per aaek; Veeta, tl.lD par sack; Oregoa radtabra. lfie par doe: cabbage. Oragoa. Be per lb; lettaea. kead. llafev doa: arera prppera, JOe pet box: celery. Tic per aa) -it a (, Cregoa. loaiOe bos: paraolpa, TDcO ri al; graea paea. Oe par to: iwi etilene. 2 we per doa; local greaa eara, ll.Oooi.X par aaek: pie pUat 2Q3t par B; atrlng beaaa, 4e; raeaaibere. 80c per aack : Betbooaa, UHe ar do; aaaiinewer. si.Botji.a aat aaa Batter; pumpklna, lUc par to. DRIED PBllTB Aprlaa. evapeaatod. tOe per lb; aprteota, 9V(nc per lb; aaes ear to ton: aeaeaaa. Halle sar lb: paara. id; aaeaa, hc per lb; araiiea, Itallaa, SHw4ta par lb; rreeem, IHQH per to: Sga. Qaiuarato Mark a. KiflXke aer toi ia wattee. per tot plume, pitted, - per lb) pelden, Ue par lb; tarda. 1.80 eer It BA rtlNl Baidad. fa err 1 -to eartoa park a yea te eaae. "HO 7 He akg: aeeded. 11-oa rartona, HdJiaaCi loeee MoaraU. 60-lb beiea.4 & He, ait, )4s, got adnata ever Beeei oar tone. yiOS-sja 1-to earreaa, rbetoe araad. Me; 10 l ib eartona, faaey brand. tl.OO; 18 1-to arletaa. B-erowm. Tfe; 18 l ib brieka, arrears, tee- w H lb brieka, par boa. 11.00; brieba, t) to eaae. 11.00: 5-row layera. per lO-to bos, TOer toeaa, no-lb boxea. per lb, tHe. Canarme aa atx-erowm. IP-lb eartona, per box, tS-OOj B-rfewa, 10-n eartooa, per baa, at-la; l0-a eattoas, par beau iYn. Veto. Ito. ' gTTOARV-aark baele Cabe. S.eo: ajawaerea. RIB; milt grimUted. 88.18; dry maaUted. IB; beet graoaUted. jaOB; extra GTlA.t8; Cldee C, is U: bblaTlOt; H bbla, Ptoi boxea, ? adeaaea o aack beato, leea ato swt to eaah, U Oaraj aaapU, M18e pet BV Coma -Oreea alorba. tftta; Java, taeep. Ba2e; JaTa. food. VSaV: Java, erdlaary. UOlOe; Ooato ilea, toecr. laatOe; Oeato Klca. good. 18ai": CMta Riea. orlaary, lllit per re: park a a eorree. fia.TOO!4 Tft. t tradea. Vtteae: ava- aewaar, nonsnt: BBgiu rerent traVa. llUaMBV: h aghab areakfaat, dlf- ploeriiiB. aaeaasrea Jape. waiBei graea Japes (eery Seer). 88 Slip eer lb 8AXT rtoe BeJea. to. ta. aa. to. 18a, fll 1.60: table, dalrr. Sua. Mmtlil.BO: ion m 10 -: baported UrarpoeL 60a. 118.00 18 lOOa. 814.TSO1C00: iuaosjil extra an, bhia. to, ta, aa. 10a, 84.08; aato. BSD ft. ti iff: a'arlra. SDe. tBe. 8 A LT Cearae H i If groaod. lAOt, par toe, IT SOtfSSO; ona, per to. IB OBOT 00 eeepeol jAa? tort r Jrsz to Bart u done . OR ATM MA0-VMtto, aaTaartes per MS Roa Imperial Japea. Ma. 1. 8e It, i. 4ei Hew Orleeae aaad, 4M1t; 'dVdJaaa. fir; Cveota. 4Utole. ... IUKa-aaMl) whtto, dtlHet aire, wlilta. I'Ae; piafe. hayes, a4 Kotoaa 44fibl " reda, 84. . MrTT Pee ewta, THe; yetobet, ttta par Ibt raw, ttJlOe per lb fat raaeted: eaeeeaats, 889 Or per doe; warn eta. 14atStc per to; pine attta. inejiXHe pee w. biraory aaa, ma par to; efferent a. eeatera. W81" per to: Braatt eM, lie per lb; liberta. 10118 pat lb; faaey paeaaa. Waist per tot alaieada, lldjlsa pas a. PkaKB MBUT8 laawactad aaa art, to ear to: flam. tOBWe aer lb: 4IW eer Ik, laraba 4rreee4. BOe pat to. rKssn aiBATB rroat atraatneer. 4Hie par jb; pgrfc, bloob. 7Tie pa ar to; -ir POULTRY AND EGGS PLAYED SEE-SAW. par tot veal, extra. TflTH par Tb; ardtnary. 82He par lb) poor, lade; mshsv AaiOBto iW BAOOlt, BTC. rtalUad paeft Oeeal aeni 10 to 14 toa. I4e,per lb; lite 18 lba. le par tot IB to lba. le par lb; eottag He par lb; break feat bacon. uaiSc per to; ptealea, lie par to; refaUr abort eleara aaemokad, lOe pertb aiooke, lie amok ad! lOe'per lb; Jeka botta, 1 tPll Ibe! anaoMked, Be per - lt; aaaoked. 8 per Tb; elear belllea. saaaMked, 11 Ha aer to; eaanhed. 11H per Ibt eaetera haste. 14t braakiaat saeoa, . lee. IXXJAL uasu finTJe Mar. 10a. ioe par Ik! Be, 10He per to; B8-to rlaa. per Yb ataaaa rmderad. 10a, per lb: Be, Be py lb; BOB, BHc par lb; coin poo od tlereea, 8 He pat to; niba, opir lb; 60a. 8e pee to wAtTfcB.V LAkD 10a, lOe; Be, 10, aoa, "cjtNrtkO 8AUI0K OotaeaMe rreer. l- tan. 81.88; 1-tb talla, 11 60; taaey l ib lata, t 00; H-lb taaevaata,- f 1 XS : faaey I-lb oral, ft TB. Aaaka tatbl. plato KSjpOe, red, ii.H; batoiaal to, tall. 82. QB. rTBH Roek eed. Or sar lb; aaaadara. If rer lb: ballbot. Be per lb; ere be. i par do; atrpad baaa, 1041114 par tb? eatftab, 7e per lb: aalavon. chlnnok. Be aer lb: ataetoaeda. 7e per tb; blBebacka. Be per lb; barring. Be per lb; eolee, o- per tb; ahtimpa, lOe per to; b4. HC par B; pereo, w lb; .ba fee. 18 roe nna. ne par n: one cod. Ac par Tb: alrrer amelt. 8e per lb: lobatero. UHe: freak toaefeerel. la, erawftak, to, par 0TrrBR9 ewatr bay,, per' gel. ttllti par eara. en 10 nei; viympia. par ear an BB. CLAM-na4 then, per bosT 81.00, raaar atmaa, 1. per baa, Mats, Oasl Otto, Ole, . : 1 8JWPa-Par kisaito, 11 He; ataadard. ifA,t COAL OYL-Teert or AatraV-Oaeaa, UHe ear gal; water white, Ima bbla lot per gal. woodea par gal; headlight, 170-es7 teaaa SaHe per Vlro ebla 17c per gat LrSSKBO OU-Pare raw. ta bUa Me per pal. nee 8Be par gal; geaalne kettle eelleeVaaeea par too. QAJIOLIWa 88 das, aoaaa Ito went JWLnrg-sadag. eat toe par gal; "tore, bbla lie aer raL bbaj toe per gal; ava. aaeea altoa per gal. BENZINE l-das. eaai PAJN (KtRaw. bbbj 1st par sab lc per gal; bolied, caeea 0c par taL e BBc dot sal: be TTJaPlNTIKB u eaaea 8Be aer eaL bbla. lie .par gal, in bbla TSe par gal, 10-to WHITE UUUV-to lets. Te pat toto Be par to, leea Iota BHe par AT . WIMkAIIAV-Preaent Saea at , atoaaft Ibar Prtoaa. Per Per M IX Per III M IX leaatoi alaaa Xxl re 11x11. 83 ft.. I A 8U.88 "t.8t t.80 aeofb, aiaaaealae rate la laee to 12x11, Se-aO ft... levh. dteaeneicae laaalea S.B8 alaaa to 1111. 4f48 ft... 1X88 Bot'Kb, dleneioQa rear lar alaaa to 12x11, BO-80 ft... Uw88 eer eaca aaatiieeau m lacwee to width add , U88 ' 8.S8 ASS and fnettoeal aw eewng earaeai aran - te 411 add ASd AOS A88 Oatotooe raegk soar, ret . - v jUr alaaa to It to. w?da ' ' '-.- to At fL, toe., aasartod leagtaa B 11.88 1 SpeetSed laagfaa f bear J.0 pat at aaat SodltioBaL -f 4 - - A NEf DECLINE OF - THREE AND A HALF - ; v- .- . . .v. ( C related by OevtOwek, Starr Oneka Oa.1 rraaeiee, Sept. A B. P. II at to A Oa, aay: Tba wheat market eloaae for tba week, ebowtog a aet aeenae of IHe from tba hlgbeet Rlot. There baa bee no tsenge la eondl oa. Thee haa bees leea oat aide aapport tbaa tba preetoaa week. Many eeean waiting for a fair decline to eater tba market. The milling demand for wheat appears good with aa Inereealoc tendency while reeelpta ar Ufbt and eeexa to be tending leea. Vndoabtedly the marhet la ahaping to meet the gorerniaent re port. I ear oplntoa. mo matter what enaiM ttona enow wheat eatae will ao higher. Barley baa bees somewhat tornned te weet aeea daring the peat two or three dare. Wrm what we tea aee thoaa wbe ara holding large Hna ara sot dlepoalog ef aay and appear a barera aa all weak apoto. Today'a effleUl 11 A a. aa. atortet: ' - Opa. fteea. Wbaat, paeewber. 11.4H il 4, Barley, Peeember.. ..,....,1.88 . 1.08 BTOwaakee tret Bbwkt, ' atlrwankee. Sept. 1-Ctoee: Wheat Septeto hevji 11.04 ifc; old, lim Bxamtaai; Deeeeaber. 11.S8H tad; May. 8100. . J ' 8A, teene) drato Btorbat. St Imto, Kept, A Cloee: Wheat seat.,- bar, BJ.OTi Daeaoabtr, Bl OPHi May, lUUH aTiaaas OHy Srato aTaeteM. KaaaOi Olty, Sept. Cloee 1 wbmlSep. teaiber, P4e; Daratohar, SB He aeked; May, CHiniM BARK BOOGBM A COi will pay the highest Brlce for . aay aaaoant of CHIT TIM iABK. . trood demand for Oragoa Bijankg, ' IN piawd aHrseai ANOTHER LOSS IN WHEAT OPTIONS ooiinioii effOBTef, W MM OA II AS) mmm owr i out. TOMTf WlTEAX BtAkXET, Cloee Cloee Loaa f - Tudar.. New AeptBtbar.,i.l4k Old Beptambar.... l.or N Sept. A Today. ii.uoH - i .01 . . vm A , ' .o Ueeembet , l.Wt May il. 1.08 at , rntoard by Ovarbeek. Starr A Oeafce Oo.) ' ' Cblcapo, Sept. A Loaa a a Bryan advice: la wheat, eaaler eablaa and better weatk to tba nortbweat wet tha depraaatng taduenceo. It waa a unlet market with a II til arattrad -HqtHdattaa and a noticeable buying: The eat- eee tor ue eoaune week orabtlaet sepenOB a 'great deal aa tba weather la the, aorta-, weat. Even' with the recent uafaTorabla weather ue reeelpta la that qearter hat beea equal to mat rear a With good weather they aboaM locceeee. There to a good milling demand to moat all the morfceta for goad milltog wheat. There la Bu thine I tba ad Tloaa from weahlng retora to modify prertons aetlmataa at tba loea. DooseeUc ooadltiona ar likely to eoa trol prices. There baa baas emit a general hqnHatioa ef In teres ta oa both Bldea ef the market. Wa da net feel bearlab oa tb ani mate outcome. The market baa a 1-cent break. On any further dec Hoe tb Bret of tba week, wa ara hwllned to thlak wheat Bay ba bweght for a aaoderata rally at toaat, . Is ear. It la a sealplng atatket wttk so proDoaaeed teedeney to prlcea either way. The trowing crop estlmatee and the weather for It are by all dda th axoot laaportont factor. The ontcome of a the crop n adll la donbt. With favorable Wee t her It may reealt to a eery urge crop. Lb fa Tor a hie weather nay reasjtt to a moderate crop ef poor anality. The caeh altaaUo eoatlnnes a aormal ana ana while not acnte anougb to bring aboat say material' adraaee ta Btlll health enough to preveat say material derttna. If tb crop to eeevred la goad abapa. May eora to probably tilgk eooaga, Oato Market Setot. Oato waa a aaiet aurket with sotblaf la the epeeulettv operatloaa of Intereet. Tba liberal reeelpta and the acvamvlatlnt; ataeka tn dlffereat noaltloaa kee tb seneral tea a little alow and a little heavy. There la aothlag bvi the apeealatlva eperatioaa at the moment to attraet sot ice, , Pre la toe tranaeetioas are small aad rearare b. reaetdertag the fact that the September liquidation la Bractleally ever and that the market haa had a long eoatlnaed decline. Ita feller to react hi a rathar dtoeaeragtng la di es t ion. la far wa are unable to aee tar iat provemeat to the ehararter ar tb verama of speculative baying. A tittle better export de mand for lard to tba aeual thing at tola aeo aoa and eoaeeqeeatly la not M ef s aUma laat to apecnlatlvt ennadeaee, , . Today'B efflclal axarkei: . ' ' WHEAT, ' 'Ope. High. . tew, . Com. , rtewept.i l.oft i 1.0BU 1.04 $ 1.04 Old Sept, l.'iT. 1.07 H 1.07 -1.07 H Mey.l... 1-OWH 1-' 1.08 I.0PA i - oikS. Sep,.,. tn..,,- lj .63 Dee...,. .81 . ' .82 Mar..... ' .4& 1 .60 OA1 Bept.... -M .81 Dec.f... ,J3ff H-M bUy.,..4,J6ft j dept...,. 11.08 Oct. 11.18 Jan..... 1X00 Sept.,,'., f.0 ocl jia...., TIB Bept,.... 7TTH Octi.4.. T to Jaa,..,,, 8.83H TtTH T.41i7 ObTIOASO 0ASM WatXAl, , i . . Bid. Ask. H. red, sew M,il.oH No, I n-d. new.... 1.08 1.10 Ne. I hard winter 1.04 1.08 Na 8 bard winter .80 ' . 1.08 Ne. 1 anrthera seeing 1.18 . ... No. I aerthera apriag 1.08 1.14 Ne. I apriag ..".7 iJOB ' Uvarpaot, Sept. A Brooojaall aredlett ' tb emrld'a ablpBaenra ef whrat oa Tneeday aext will amount to about 8,800,008 bxbeu, ar abovt the Berne aa met Week, Euro taking about A 80.000 baahehl St? tba total. I " ". ! ' ' Parai drota MdrbeA Plrta. kept. A Wheat ateady, wttk apa eenllme ap; fat area. H eeatlm ap. rioer aleody, with spot and totsraa -eaaagad from yaaterday'a cloee. ' Bwlapeat Srato Mtrkat. ' BksaaeeA Aaat. I fTtoaai Bfaeeu aMiam 'to lawidas, kept. . A Wheel higher, PMeaaa,. arwat. 4 aaTTTm . tUBxss - aAATX) , . msnrna . wiATKAA H .11 H .81 11.00 ih.m si." U.llli v ll-no 11.10 LARD. " . T.00 ' r.88 T.OB T.11H 1.07 - T.10 - Vi'i- T.17H MTH ' T.41H ,. T.19 A82H aoa , ; abb IMrtland TJnloa Stokyards, fttopt- I. p. m. On of the features of th llv atock market during tha past week waa the unusual strength being shows by cattle. By livestock man in general It la -believed thai tb low price oa oattla was reached soma . tlm ago and that hereafter tha market will show aa 1m provoment In price as well aa la tono on every occasion. . This week tba da rn and waa much greater and the Quota tions ar advanced lea. f waa la mat ajMMa Tbora was a vary wash feeling tn nogs most of tba tlm and prloea aro about 'Ito lower, with tb demand at tha cloee of th week vary smalL Tba receipts this week were not aa largo as during tb pro needing period, but aa all th retail butchers ere wall stocked there la but a small ealL ' The sheep market was quits acttvd splt th fact that tho receipts shewed a naaterhU Increase over tha foraasr week. - n8 etf rw yrssba. - v ' Tha racsiptg show: This Weak. Last Week. Hogs C7 1,817 Cattle ..a.e4.. 888 . V V 880 Sheep-.,.... t7BB 1.414 Official ruling prloea at tb oloso of the week: Oattio east easrerv Ovogoa steers, tl.00tyl.ll; boat valley stsora, llVMd) 1.08; medium ataera, $1.78; oowa.l,M OAB8; nulls, ll.TI; stag, tl.88.. Hogs Bast heavy, 16.160a.iA; block, tt.OOto All; China fata, $A08; atookars and feedors. M Sheep- -Beet grain-fad wthrs and tambs. 12.00 !.!; mixed abaap, LIi Bymfli. . .a,,, . - --; ; XAtnaut xo btaadt to armoss.. Oweags, ,Stpt, BWAsvirtntk reeelptst 7- Uoea. Cattle, etoeeo. Chi reg ............ Aooo - , 400. , AOOO Kaneaa 01t.. 08 ik 800 .. Omaha AOOO 800 1.000 Horn opened ateady to atriag With A00P iaft aver from yeeterda. Recaapta a year ago wee 10.000. .Ruling hog artcea; Mix ad aadf botch- St.feleSS&Si,,l:-i ." u Cattle Ateady. ,- t S , ' FINAL GUESSES ON r ; COTTON YERY GOOD (By 1. Aaktaa PbaUa.) New Arlee ua. kept. A In the wide rang that opinio had take the Baal guttata were, remarkably good a tha gov ar eat trap re port. oe gueae bit th nail egaare oa tba beaA When the ngurea war read prlcea tumbled only a dollar. Had the temper ef the trad beear leea acettrauty dtoaouatad a receaaloa at a Cent a pound would have Mr prieed nobody. Tha the immediate effect ef the eandltloa Bguree 84.1 pet cent waa ay many potato taaa that f many peteat liiRneoeaa Is the reseat paet. Overnight th 'ntoa that bull eonteatwoa had overreached marks gained and tba oraelea got busy re adj natlng theh' gaaaaea. 1 Teeterdar, aa tb boor advanced, toe raaga narrowed. J aet be for not. New Orleaoa time. New Tort trajart pinned then- faith to 84 per aaat Bad when the alaah eaaaa aahody waa saboraeA The atarhet Meadled at the dec Una, knowing the heavy recces! ona of tba day tad the oarveaaniae Sturally engendered of th three daya' holl y to coma, the price level rasgee ware above tba 10-cent Una and tbto, toe, to tba face of a condition agbras that stay be regarded aa dletlDctly . bearlab rather than aa laaa bulHah than expected. Agon the weather may waa good and tha Beld news bed. The New Orleans cot toa exebaage recorded apot aala t 80 bale at a loaa of a-ito, lie roe mwmiinga. xa aaa t aaitod aniet sad eaay. . .. was fAverpeet, Sept. g Oettoa etoeed wttk astd- drlnga 18 points down, faturaf d tt 10 patott tower taaa yaaterday'a etna. , AUGUST DETER1ARATI0N WAS NOT EXPECTED .. IPumlahed bp Ovarbeek. Ptarr A Cask 0a.) - Bew Orleaoa. Sept. 1 The long looked tor and mack dutrataed trap report te published by the United St a tea government yesterday, aed contrary to (eeeral ex pacta tloaa abowed a deter lore ttoa during August ef TH potnta, geoeraj average Baurlog 84.1 par cent compared with 81.8 leaf awnth, 83.1 set cent mat year, and a 10-year average of Ti l per cent, and while If la abewrd to Sgara aa the anal oat look ef crap at aa early a date ta the Beacon awing te turertalaty atraadlng weather -vekipaaeat during th fall ef the year, each aa aaai aaiiailili eaadlttona a ocenrred the third week af Mat October, arias t promteea are Indicative of a crap of about acreage and eoodlUeoa tabs Into eooa Mr ra tion to fempartoo with the aeeee of 180T, wbe weather eoadl ttona were aa mask alike to what waa experienced the paet aammer. Baaed apoe last year's 10,000.000 bale, bow ever, nroepectfl have been reduced aotaewhat, prnbobly 000.000 balee tomemted. tb yield Do ing aboat 11,400,000. Thete ara aay aamber at ware to arrive at tb probable prediction, not each aaedltloa are pat to anaM othere by weather devetopteeabi, tb kog dHtaae fnraeaat of which ta unreliable. TbU year we have two great power at war, we have proe- B-rte for a full crop, we have and will me nu to have larger receipts which cam only ranee an aeeaaiulatloa of Bteek at dlstti boring patois and paaelbly a towat rang ef ntoas. " wew Tort. Sept. l.navre and Ramhure eoffe H point oWa. katelpta. klo. baga: Ban too, 80,000 bega. Cmblm were about ea expecteA A further decline la prtom Will probably tan st sat apoenlatlvo bybto. Khnsid Oroto Mirhit. TAverpoei. Bept. A Tloae: Wheat: TB BHA 4 kwr Berteaaber. Cera eVpteatber, to f HA d sar, -ee, a tower. atorlia Srala BMrnaA ttorrla, aba. A Ctoae; , W New Tor. Sept. A Porelga exebaage: Raa- burg. tatNBH: rrk-BiaHkOlflH; Antwerp, BiTHOaiiH; fnrtcB. iiHr Staelm, AA88; AsbTtordam, 40-11; vtonna. 88.81. .7. COTTON EXCHANGES "CLOSED TILL TUESDAY 1 Tb Kaw Tork oettoa, aa wall the stock oxohaage, was elosed 4 today and will not reopen On til d Tuesday morning. The govern--d msnt report-, is sauting much beerfan foaling la oottoa. while eentlment ta stocks Is strong, Tber waa no aeostoa la Boston 1 ton d) To or ta Baa aTrenoisoo mining eatewan, a (BOeotal Dtopatek bp Laaaed Ware to Ta eWaalV San Pranolsoo, Sept. 1. Tb local market opened a fraction lower today ' for Ieombr dollvary. but reoovarod ani woxm iu aw aue aa arraoavy. An , . , tn oasa marawi tner waa on aaay zoei Int? at Bomlnaliy unchanged prlo, . Very little buslnaaa waa tranotd Tha reoelpta wsra only 167 cental, j Conalderabla Oregoa 'Wheat la vheadlna ' thla way, -. December Barley followed tba oourso . of wheat, opened weaker and closed tb saxaa aa oa th prooedlas day. Tb ran ooipts war 4.448 osotais. Tha eaah markot waa unohangad and easy. - Other ooreala and bay showed no quotable . ohangws, Tb reoelpta at hay amounted' to 1,111 tons. . th nuarKax oa xiour was, w i ueutit anr Bw f aaturo, prices being unohaxigwd ail round, vfMIMg -jTaammakaiS" ' While easterners have ragardsd Call . fornlans aa somewhat given to boasting ' of tb big things ta this state, they hava . found on Investigation that our olalroa' bar as a ruto been 4iult modest. Vis ' Itora strolling along Washington Btst ' yatraay bad their atteation drawn to a pOavoard on which waa written, Hpran wondara.' Tba "wonders wra bMa atlarmelOnA on ptk averaging some 80 pounds apleoe, and ona melon turned the seals at 71 pounds. There may : have boon larger mina produosd la -tha statex but thoaa mentioned war largo anougb la prlo to satisfy tho av ; erag oonoumsr. Tho waathor waa vary favorabla, and waUrmelons, oantaloapeo - and nuUnsg melons of fin qua ttt moved act well. - - - Tber promtaea to bo a surfeit bre . of wta grapao thla sea on. aa th orop will ba extra large and tho winwnmkors bava determined oh paying, haw prloea. Table Bvapee of ail loading varieties bav ba la abondaixo and now ara aat an attractive - appeaumnca, Piioegi arvwlthi in reach of all. c j Borrtss reailsad batter prloos aa auruol on Saturday, and tba market gnrallt waa mora active, for la addition to the required supplies for tba Sunday trad Monday will bo a boMday and tha ooen r Leal on bouses will ratnala opea only a abort time on that day. Figs bav been oomlng In very freely, and prices take a arid rang, according to quality and otyie of packag. , , ,f ; .. .... - Meotarines have bad and Arab now dropped from' th Hat. Qulnoaa hAvo boo ens a little saor piaotiful. but tba trad ao far haa not given much, attention ta them. A few small lota of pomegranates bava been rooelved, not enough to warrant a standing quo tatloto Plums And prunes Are dropping ' off and -demand haa booom light, Paavjy Oravenstoln apples eontlbuo firm at tl.B for four-tier boxwA nd best , BeUflowara saU up to f 1.1A , 'atokltteB avwB bntaau i '-V.'X Crab apple have BtweUoaliy dlaap peered from market Pin Bartlett neara ar now la limited supply and) firm. Moat other paara ooaie under tho head -of cooking. Pin quality pemobs were In mod rat supply, aside from ar rivals from Oregon, and freer prloea were obtained. Ordinary Muirs and) Bailways la opea boxes were plentiful and weak. Potatoes and onkma wsra steady tn price. The demand waa moderst and receipts light. Orsati peaa were soeroor . and higher. Por other artietoe the Boar- ket remained aboat aa previous!? quotx od, with liberal auppllaa. The market for butter. whOo net quotably lower, had A generally easier - appsaranoe, .and the. outside quotations Ware net aa readily obtainable. Aside from a few brands of Humboldt OMaxa- ary. and which usually command a pre- mlum, tb markot might be said A b rather weak tbaa othaa-wise. . ' . agaw atotfdty tniBB. ' Bgga oould hardly bo said to bo firm, ' van for tho best quality raacbr ond, . most dealers - gave the tons aa top- . heavy. Cheese waa dragging at very . Poultry waa quiet and easy, with bat Itttl unsold stock oar rted over. During the week five oarloada of Meter ware i put on tho aaarkot. poBTuaro cxjuajvvjDira Bjcpok. The revert ef tba Pertbwd sar ta paat wees waai Clerla. . Bauneoa. Monday d.l'IST i i20f ,-. Tueeday , W.4Sn.M -liltOPftf Wednee4y.,....u.... 8Wt.T12.48 '. 8.6S 01 Thuraday T.0MI.8 ' S&.lU.aj Priday - BOB.40n.7B 41.to0.Ti Baturday 487,asAO J T0.18l-Bi Tatola far wk.-,.t.i8.41B.lOB to) A4a.0Oa.18 ' Total yos age..., AI88.B8AB0 AlAawfr,! t . I SAB IXABOBOO lOOAX BTO0PJ, Baa trap ikiaa, -Beet. A-Sass, 10:88 to tov laneal ateeka: Coatra Coeta WJter ka ,' flutas TaUer Water Sen fraaHeco Oaa A Btoetrta. Olaat Powder 8" Hawaiian C ramarrlel Honok ionokee Baatar 18 'ntrhlneoa Sugar, .,..... 10 A "" aar ....... ..,,., . 71 . a i - at ak await Rngar ::::::: S .5' Onemea Sugar Honeke angar Sugar ..v 17 H 80 . Bug at r.. ,M 16 f( . raaeaea VBw T0AZ BAjrv: KrAraaTXBT Hew Tork, kept. A Th toeaed today anowai Rnaarva, decrenee. ... AsTAOM geeervo, laaa D. AHTB.27I Imn a lft.186.4AQ Specie -X AH4.000 Legala , 1.1 it TO IVpnalta ......, 8.781.2(10 Ctrcolatto iM0,eUS tori tog. laamaoaa ' '''1 Hew Teril, Sept. A Demand eteetlnt: Taee day. aWT.MQ4e-T.xf); Wed need ay, 4B7.10Q487 JB. . V Cim4Iii Prlflc &coiri&! p Bepteenbev i, and V ara th dates, Portland - to St. XaOUls and rater n. ' - 147.60, Portland to Chicago and r- -( turd, iTf.BO. Portland to Baltimore and ' return, MB. 76. Tickets good fag stop overs going and returning. If you went a ecmsbrtsbl trip take tho Caaadiari ' Parlflo, Por deacrlptlva matter . and full particulars oall on or addrrea P. R. JooAeWey 141 Third otrvet, poxtiand, OA' . V 4 '