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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
; . :J;K- r: - : v THtf OREGOH ' SUNDAY ' JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNWO, 6EPTEMBER4M04 4 (1. A.- - 4 X:' FLAMES SMOKE ? . Forest Fires Break Oat .' and Pungent Odors of sail Nostrils of .1 A fores ara ta raging fioreelr naar Holbrook, about It stiles ortheeat r ... ? Portland. A ekum of thwlnd yeeter- Ay day brought tbe hmU toward this city. ) and the .ala wu very tMoK teat night. . V ,' V the eo.oke being aecempaaled by P '.; j gas odor f bunting wood. The Sre Is ' . ' I In green Unbw, and thia BtkN tha ' 4- smoke and odors much atronger than has1 ' d bMtt apparent aa result of previous ; fires. The Helbroow re. with tha addl ' tloa of the lira on the river front and a C- "i number of smell Umber fires that have ; f, iprvnc us la tha aarroundlng- eouatry alnoo tha wont ralne, otmM4 to aeefte i -t tha smoke In Portland lat night thicker . '- t than It haa boon at any tlmo alaea tha . ... ,? beginning of this season' foraat oree. ' V t The Ore nana Holbrook started Wd- I needay night. It 1a roportod In that neighborhood that It originated from '.ff tha burning of slashings by a ranoher P 'named Hogg, who formerly kapt a mmat ' -- 5 market oa Russell strset. In Portland. f Tha flra spread rapidly to heavy timber .. aboat ft wile' below Holbrook and half 1 a mil book from tha -rive. Tha 4ia- ber oonalata of t.000 acree, recently pur f chaaod by a oomaany ompoaad of ftad- aon Sraltft and rtaiatea sroinera. timber aaen from Breckenrtdie, Hlnu. They had fuat brua locgln ope ratio oe a. Uto wood a. Tho lira raa up a dVep Jzjrbman: succumbs ; 76 posov's effect 1 , - - - r- i ' William WoAlltaKer. drtvw oC th chemical angina at Hons No. 1, ata . i aausaga for dinner last flight and waa ' stricken with ptomatno poisoning. Tho ' asslatanos of a physlolan wag necessary to isf lo htm on his Taturn; from tha """'flra oa tho rlror front. Though par " tlaJly onoonecious and sufterlhg eovera : ' sain, ho Temalned on duty until ha - drove hi team hack to tha flra atatlon Mr All later rasponasd to toe. -alarm. Shortly after ha returned from dinner. where ho had eaten sanaageg that were purchased at, a butahar ahop Psarhp. Ha MINING MAN POLICE WEIRQ STORY I. P. lohnaon, a mining man i California, attempted, to. enlist the aa- ' altanc of the polios yeeterday n an : effort to and bis l-yar-old aon who. he says, waa kidnaped at ia and Washington atreets laat Suoday. H eompUined that tha chief attaches aenaU Importsnr to hla story. W He Mated that ha took hhr two Ohtl- "TT- m ixtH cc::ce res 0. mm - "t After delfberatlng over th problem . for two or three days, tha Viard bf county oonuBtaslonora hag concluded to give J. M. Courtney, superintendent of the poor farm, a chance to resign. If ha fa lie to do so, he will be dlacharged. This actios wni probably ha takea neat week. Tha statement M made on tho au thority of one of tha commissioners. 1 When the Question of discharging Correcting Vision for v : GLASSESi , , Dcmainda xperienc ' and clow attention to ' detaiU. , Our . optical . . . department ia conduct , d oa these lines, so that tha. public will realisa that good, tint - , .. class work will cost no ,:" mors than the inferior r , kind, and at th aaroa ...V tima reliers all fears - 7 of anxiety and trouble ' to impaired sight, v - LENSES ground on premises In sures .. perfectioa . to corraction. ieftCFELDl Cor. M mhI Waghlispoa Jewelers , ... Silvermmhhs RAGE. AGAIN HIDES SUN at .Holbrook and Sylvan Earning Wood. As- v PortlandersT ' ; ravine, on Datr oreek. and la oHmblna tho hllla oa both aides.. Tho Joaaere re sard effort! to atop' It aa useless, and they have not rot boaun arty oraajilaed etterta to dght it Lest night reporter were to tha effect that about a half mlia atreuh has been burned, through the areen tlmoev. --- It was aleo reported hurt night that a lira had broken out near sylvan, wrticn a week ago waa tha scene of one af the worst flres af iha season. This timber la -only, a few mllea west of Portland. and tho amoko dflfta directly ovr the ally. Tha telephone wires through tho ylvaa district oaaaod working at o'clock last night, presumably broken by falling trees, and no definite nawa oould bo obtained from the wood a. A repreeeoUtlve of the Alr lagging oompanr who aamo up from tho Colum bia last night, reports that there are many small Area springing up tn the a is- re la bolng done, although muoh amoko la aent up from tha burning; enaa and, dobria. Hollla AJr aaid latt ftlvhtr ( Troar roporU that I hava rooalvad from the woods X think tha Area, al- j thourh cnecked -try the ratn, are -tm burnlne- In many nlaoea, -but 1 ao not know of any damage being dona anp-where."- The smoke la from tha old timber that has boon partly burned. -. - oomplalnod af feeling 111. but mounted hte engine aa eooa as the alarm sounded, Hs remained ta charge of the team until tho flra waa extinguished and tha de partment was reoalled.' Oa' tha return of his taanvta the atattoe ha waa re moved to his Quarters and Dr. Card well ww summoned.- VntU tha physician's arrival. It waa thought that ha waa suf fering with erampa. Tha doctor pro nounced it ptomaine poisoning thai had resulted from tha patient's eating sausagaa. Theorems la now out of danger. - TELLS ' : . " 1 dreg to th thaatrg mat Sunday ereatag and that whoa tha boy left hla for a few minute he! jrag kidnaped br two men who hare . shadowed thpmf for mohtba, H eulma ta be -in poseeasioa of a valuable document that tho two aten ha ra. vainly triad t otoUla and that hla boy waa taken for tha purpose af forcing; him to yield tho document. - f Hl'w ' " Ooartnay earn ap It ms a greed hy Judge Webstar . and Commissioners Barnee and Ligbtnor that he must go. Even though tha. board desired to retain htm. after an that haa happen exf, It waa realised that luph a course would aub jeoi th body entlcum. Tn aext matter , mecuaseu waa whether or not he should be allowed to resign or should be dlsoHargsd. One of tho. eommlaolonora aald Courtney told him some time ago ha would not resign. Another aald Courtney had Intimated re cently that If dt waa definitely decided ho must g ho would like to bo apprised of tho fact Ha had taken this to mean that Courtney waa willing to resign. It was concluded to notify, him df tho la tentlaa to make a ahaOga and- permit him to realgn. Tha aaxt question oonsldered waa who should bo hla auooossor. Though a number of applioatlona were laid before tho board serious oonaldatatlna was given only that of XX IX Jackaoa, tho format eouatr la Her. It wd praotw-J ally decided that ho shall be tha neat poor farm aupeftatondont. Mr. Jdckaon waa ont for by a member of tho board yesterday and a lengthy conference held with him relatlv ta th oonduot of af fair at tho farm. , . V UNSETTLED ESTATES INTEREST THIS JUDGE Affair la tha eownty court ohaped themaelvaa yesterday to the entire sat- 'Isfactioai of Judge Webstar. After working hard for weak, being at his oflw early hi tha morning and lata ui th afternoon, ha bad hla daft pfac Uoslly cleared. Not single eaaa la now held under "advisement. During tha weak Judge Webster signed about 7t orders relative ta estateu and other eourt afmlra. The Jadge 4a glv4g hla paraomd at tention to aneettled oetateo. Ha haa dicuted aumbor of personal fatter t lawyers and administrators Inform ing them that raspootlv estates must be eloeod aa soon as possible. H haa plainly notified several administrators who bars eharg af acta tee remaining unsettled far year that If they do not attend, to their datlsa ho will roaaava them and appoint others who wllL "RED HOT" DEMOCRAT TO STUMP THE STATE P. A. Cochrsn of Wooghurh who says he It th "hottest Democrat west of the Rocky mountains," waa hi thia oHy dur ing tha past week. Ho cam dowa to hear Secretary Shaw speak. Mr. Cochran states that ha will start out October 1 to stump the stats for Parker and Davlg. Ho fools eure of the aucceeu of-the iaadara of tho Lemoeratto party. The other vn1ng whU addressing a crowd of voters at hta home town, ao muoh enthusiasm waa worked up that Mr. Cochran stated that the founder of the town threatened to arrest th entire gathering far disturbing the peace. He aaya be haa bet all his money oa Parker and Darts and that bo la now ready to hot 14 acres of Jand la Florida oa tha result of tha oempelgn. p, , . ' Prom the Chicago Newa CupJd was about to attack th heart af ft Boston -girl. -And will you ttad- aft arrow r ah verrured. '- - "Of eewrear not,- reeponded th UtUe god. TH uao aa loe-plck." And then ho slipped os A fur -tipped ooat and sail led forth. SAYS THAT FOSTERS Members of City Council Know That Old Games r Are Ronning People Operating Slot Ma-. . chm'cs Pay Somebody" $ya Quarter. . Scores of gambliag gunw ftra run ning In this elty la open deflanoa ta tho law, and tha oOocrs are maklaa ft tempts to alooo them, although Chief Hunt has been ordered to do ao by Mayor WlUlama. PoUowlwj lft tha waks of tola violation oomoa tho aocu aatlon by a prominent dtlaen and mess be re of tho ofty oounctl that moooy a being received by tho oAoera aa ft re ward for sJiowlna gamblera ta run their games. This la especially trad la toward to th lot machines. Thomaa Oulneaa ha ao heatltaaey lft ataUng that graft ing la being don by th officers of this city. H visited tha city auditor's of fice yesterday morning' and made tho statement that ovary one of th alot machine 1a this elty, othof than tha small merchandise machines, waa being d laved for money and that soafeone la for allowlnaithem to run. He Inquired of Auditor Devlin If thia money was being collected for tho city and Auditor DovUb told him that be know nothing of any uob tag and tnat if anyone waa collecting II a Quarter from tho Owners of th machine It was without tho authority of tho elty ooun- cll and aleo that no aueh money waa being received by th elty. Mr. Ouln- ean stated yeexeroay inax ao mmm iwir Invastlgatod tho matter. "A saloon keeper told mu Tm aald, "that th owners of th machine were paying $1 par quarter for .aaoh ma chine and that It waa gorng Into tho city treasury. I laveetlgated further and found that 'tha money waa being paid.' I thought It strange that this money waa being collected by the city, so this morning I wont to Auditor Dv lla and found that bo money collected for those machines waa being turned into the city, offers, nettner aau any such ool lection boon authorised. 'In my mind ft IP a plats pioposltKm of graft by thoae who are eoueoting from tha ownero or me nicmnw. manor is turned over to the eollootora aa a bribe to pa allowed to rua the in chwea." '- 9m Hoaay. lTet ealpa, lfr. Oulneaa further slated that the ehtpa wan from tho machine are turned In at the ctvnlers of the aatoona for money. Ha also stated that In one saloon In this olty there are BBecalrto running and have tees running all the time. They an located in tha rear of tha building and if a person detres. to play them he 1 told to retire to the "woodshed." Mr. Outoeea aaya ft 6aa substantiate hla atateraentA U. rim mamma, prestdsnt of the oily council, w even more open In hur d au nolatlona ot tho ohtof of polloo d Ms mea thaa k) Mr. Oulnoan. He avows that thar la nearly aa much gambling going on lft tho olty today, aa there waa befor'th crusade agaiast tho gammers waa started. "Not only are alot machines nmntag m open defls nee of the law, but there are also- poker games -In mapy- of the sa loon and In the a) u brooms of many of the elver-Stores." aald be. "Paro gamss are also running. Nearly ovary gambling house la now running that waa running before an attempt waa made to eloeo CHICAGO JUDGE: TABOOS "USERS" -J MUI faTA naxsxow oa WATS) op msjoioxvo Txoirs mn satsu' ' The) action of Judge Chytraus of Chi cago u granting an Injunction to pro rent official of the Chicago board af trade from enforcing the organisation's rules In regard to th ooverlng of tho sborta, who wore naught la the sense tlonai oats corner in that elty several year ago, la received with much (aver by broker In general. ' ' Th general opinion I that the ooraor waa not ft legitimate one. Inasmuch aa the prlos on tha various option were forced to Agorae much higher tha what oash oata were aoUlag for.- - - There Is a general tendency among the board of trade broken to prevent "cor ners" whenever they oan ae they aay that It Injures legitimate trading ta the market In regard to thia O. flL Over beck, ft local member of the Chloago board of trade aaya: The deeleion of tho eourt la aor ta Inly reoeired with Joy by all epoeu lators. The corner which the Judge de- -elered II legit Ism to wee affected several years ago and no one that I know In this elty was caught in th net. "Tho effect of tha decision will be far reaching and will make trading at the various stock exchangee more safe and will vary likely result In move bust sees. I myself am very Utterly opposed to eomera." ...... - GREET THE VISITORS ( Con tl sued from Pag One.) emblems of the Knlghta Templar m eolora. ".' The Pari of Boston, grand mnater of th groat priory of England and Wales, and the membera ed his party have been th rortplente of much attention today. They are quartered at the Palaoe hotel The aamo hostelry servos aa headquar ters for the visiting ladle and for tha grand encampment of the United States. The rotunda and parlors of tho hotel have been converted Into a veritable fairyland by the use of tens of thou sand a of potted plant and blossoms, which serve to show whet California oap produce In tho way of floriculture. Another center of Interest la the Me tfhanlce pavilion which serves ss ra eeotlen headquartera for the California oommanderloa. Immense tab! stretch through e large portion of tho great hall loaded with eatables, while ettendanta dispense California Wince from enor mous decantera. 4 - . . The different hotel where the targe eommandsrlea are making their hesd quarter hare been Jammed to the doors, sob aommandoryla keeping open houoe, end a- eonstsnt stream of, humanity in black and gold regalia had been pouring ta and out sine early mOmlng. A great feature of the gathering thm year I the number of visitors who are atteadlaff almply a spectators. : The GRAFT GAMBLING i 1.. them, with tha excopUoa of the Portland fllHhv - , v ' Tag,- ft Jpooam aMh Chief Hunt aaya there la no gambling going oa. The wool may be pulled over soma people's eyre, but not all. Sam eae Is getting In his graft. It la not one man aaly, but there are doe of them. "Do you uonk Cohn, tha owner, of the auMhleva, would haul them openly through the street and distribute them and then lavtte the pooplo to play them without first having permission It looks very strange to me that gambling oaa ho oariied on ae openly and the ohlef of polios not know It. Everybody known (Ha: iha alot nucjim ar btlug played for money. They should be stopped, for they are only thieving machines. They should he aotuwoated and broken to piecce." .- - rolled gllew Ti ''..-.--:' Mr." fclmmorman stated that an attempt would bo made to atop all tha alot ma chines lft the tlty from Tunning, includ ing the merchandise machlnea used lft tha dgar-atorea. Another councilman waa Interviewed laamidlna; the gambling and he aald: "No effort la being made by TJhlef 6fT Police Hunt to stop gambling, which everyone about the arrests knoem la be ing carried on. Tho only effort Chief Hunt Is making Im to "pull the wool over Mayor Williams' eyes, and h la 0 talnly doing IL" Councilman Fred Merrill haa also stated that So knows that machlnea are running la open violation of the law. Laat Monday he visited the mayor had told him there were IM In operation. Mayor Wllllama evinced much surprise " 2? 1M'JSJL hl given Chief Hunt strict order to ar- "L?: maohlnee, oonflseato the maohloe and break them to piece. ' I will not allow gambling to run in this oltr, said he. It must be stopped. and I will apeak to th ohief again about it. . . fttagesfu Si iiia Blaregasftsg, ., v Prom the statements of those Inter viewed yeeterday 'the order of the mayor to the chief ot police have had but little -effect, for there are more poker games and slot machines running now thaa there were then, and more alot machines are being put out every day. It la eetimated that there are now 104 In operation and nearly all of them are said to be played for money. It la aald that faro game In the Gem club la in full operation. The member of-the elty oouncil have become aroused at tho utter laxity with. which Chief Hunt Is aotlag la the ft-at-l Aianoat - evarv one Interviewed. L. hints a grafting In eoaneotloa-wrthr tho gamea which are running, xney ro sotvad to put a stop to the whole thing, and on Wednesday, It la said, an ordi nance will be introduced to prohibit all alot maohlnee.;. jnerchandle machine used la -elger atores Included, from running ra thia elty. Tho ordinance la belna pre pared by- Councilman FlegaL and It la underotood that them Is ft ma jority Is favor of It. One of the eoun ollmon stated yesterday that he expected ther would have a hard fight on thglr bande, hut that they would win. lew railroad rata and th opportunity offered to View the beauties of the Tellowatone national park and the scenic wonder of th far west have at tracted thoueand af pooplo from the east. All train are late from on- to two hour, and ft glance at the hotel reglete ra ahow that there 1 aearesly a place df any Importance throughout the entire country that -It not represented among the visitors. - . Throughout the elty th holiday aplrtt reign supreme. Before, the auo was fairly up this morning strain of araek) were heard In the streets aa residents oommanderloa moved towerd the depots to meet and escort esrly arrivals. y noon so many bands wer out that the air waa full of music, and an oould not go more than ft block or twtv, down town without meeting too. marching knlghta with flying- banners. While the formal opening of tbe eon elave le aet for Tuesday, the first function of the gathering waa hold to night, whoa ft reception waa tendered visiting knlghta by Golden Oat eotn mandery No, 1C, v, Win Witness team si lag, " - The launching of the new orutser Mil waukee, definitely aet for September le, at 11:1S a. m., promisee to attract more attention than any similar event since tbe battleship Ohio took her maiden dip In the presence of the late President McKlnley. The launching will be th final day feature of the Knlghta Templar oonctav and an arrort will be made to have the knights from the Badger state attend and participate hi the ceremonies, alias Janet Mitchell, the If-yoar-old daughter of the late Senator Mitchell of Wisconsin, will ebrteten th vessel, and Mies Lily Jeffrey, daughter of the vlce preeldent , of the Union Iron works, where tlnr new fighting ahlp waa built, will cut the eord thet will permit It to slip down the wayd and Into tho water. The Milwaukee Is one of three slater ships, which ar fhe largest protected cruisers ! th Ualtsd States navy, the other two being the St. Louis and Charleston. They are what hi known aa protected cruisers and carry no armor, their protection consisting solely of a protective, deflective deck and shields for some of her guns. The con tract for the construction of the Milwaukee wes signed April 17, 101, at n prion of M, lll.aao for hull and mschlnery. and her heel waa mid Jury la, IMt. , ' Oread Stse and ftpssd. ' The prleclpal feature of the Milwau kee are her great else and high apeed. She will have a dlspmcement of ,7 tone with her normal coal supply, but with a full load her dioplaoameat will exceed 11. MO ton. ' . She will be really larger than many hattleahlpa, such aa the Oregon, Oho ts IA feet long, with ft feet beam and tl feet t Inches mean draft. Mar speed Is to be II knota. For battery th Milwaukee will carry 14 a-lnoh, 11 t-lhoh and I 1-pounder rapid-fire guaa: II -pounder semi-automatic. 4 1-pounder automatic and 1 machine guns end 4 field pieces. Her orew will ooneaH of 411 mea and about af officers. Prom tho Chloago News. -"How tn tho world did yon ever salt that paper any poetry?" asked the' tall pen-pusher. "Why, the editor Is s woman," re sponded the ehort scribe. . "What of thatt Sh refueed my aaat- sar st (V per column.' -Tree, but I offered my manuscript at $4.11 par column," Ah. Yes! 2 see, this is wbert you (st thoss t lswses that ars so deucettty piopsr- doot chew know NICE .PLACE - THIS, TOO ' Oregon Optical Co. 173 Fourth Street Y. Ms C. A. ; ; Bid. ' Msh boms you VM STAR RCDTE ALASKA'S REAL LIKE AM ' moiMom or : OwtnrvsT Several carload of material will paea through Portland this week destined for the Council City Solomon River rail road, known aa tha "North Star route," aw name? hullt oa the Seward penm- Conatrucuon wora on ae . . -- um Brill etAt l-bout The Wh Tof this month, on which date about at mllea of the, ro4 will have ltb"oonTpUtod. Tha ftrat division of thia, the moot northerly American railway Una, begins at Dickson, whore tho Solomon river dle nhmrvri into the ocean. It follows that rlver-to the Ruby crook country, thenoe Tin tha Caaadepaga and NMukluM val la rs to Council City, the latter pleoe aeina the dutributiag point for- tbe whole Interior country. Th road pease through the moot Important mining dis tricts, nick son Was ohoeen aa the ocean terminal rather than' Nome, IB Biles westward, for the reason that ships oan net approach within two ftrtloa of Homo, while soundings have proven that ves sels oaa lie within half ft atUo of the Dickson beach. ' A Una haa boon surveyed from Norn to ft Junction with the main Una lft the Caoadpaga Valley, and will bo buUt next season. - Tha road 4s standard gauge the first to be built in Alaeka. It now has two locomotives ana ia oars J engaged m the oopstwUOft -wartv haa employed between 109 and lot men throughout the preesnt season, on two shifts, there being softUnuouft day In that Utltude, ; -. ; A subatantlal hrldga has bean buUt aoroas tha lacooa at Dickson, and ma- ohlne shops well equipped with moderai machinery are loeated at tnio peanx. During the last month Of tho eaaann of 1IU the road carried l.aog paid paaae gera oa its construe Uoa treiaa, and there has hesa a largo Increase of such travel thia season. The mining district through which the . rood runs la aald to produoe one-half of ail the gold and silver an nually taken out of the entire territory, and as yet tho eoftatry haa been merely scratched and only th richest strikes have been worked. - Owing to the enormous) aspens of packing supplies Into tho oountry, tha minora have beea .tumble to work any but the extremely rtoh deposits at a profit, and the edvent of tho railroad la expected to cause an unparalleled boom la mining operations oa the penin sula. Besides tho gold deposits, the oonl, oil, copper and lumbar supplies of Alaska are practically Inexhaustible. It haa been predicted by Captain Healy. who waa a resident of Montana 14 years, and of Alaska 17 years, that In the next 10 year Alaska wlH produoe mora mineral wealth -than the whole United States ha produced In tho 10 yeara lust ended. The president of the Alaska Geograph ical society, writing of that country In the National magaalne, says: 'There Is more eoel In Alaska than ' UNTIL SEPTEMBER 10 th ana made to order fop am net earn am k see wmmSBS ftftot wkeS wftwA w Qor business grows of druf selling on s common sense bssis-therVs no "Hugger Muggef, st our prescription eountoy v physicUn and patient sHke sre Invited to utspect every festuro of our butiness-wo sell drugs ss wo : do every other lino in our store st s modorsto price o price which will slwsys enable us to fo you tiio beet of everything. A large force of skilled salesmen and saleswomen t a complete tele phone exchange with tour trunk lines the only store on this coast ylth this service; a messenger se flee kept, up to the highest stand' ard a sales system which Involves no long waits for your purchase or your change ; r . NOTE If you will win lend feoyoux oddresi or your prescriptiotw IUl,! end return the medicine promptly and rnaks no d- , : ditionsi oirge toe tbst msssenger oewfcev ' p 4 r ; J WdodardWlalrki & Company 4th und Washington Sts Established 4& , '''V Years ':-' r there te tn rsnnsylThnts. ft ts certain to become a groat agrtcuIturaT country, and will noma day produoe more grain and of ft hotter quality than any state In the union. The fact that thousands of acree of the finest grasses from four to oix foot high cover the river valleys Is evidence of 'its adaptability aa a stoekralalng country. CatU can be wintered In southern Alaska with far lees dtfnoulty and expense Thaa la Mon tana." Tho United States government hag for some years had -experts at work making oaraful examination of the resources and cllmaUe. oendltlons there, and. makes public an estimate that there are at leeat lOO.OM equare mile In Alaska ad mirably adapted to agriculture. Th oil mate In summer la much like that of Pennsylvania, New York and New Eng land. The winter, while cold In the north, la extremely mild In thd south, tho mean winter temperature at Sitka being erimllar to that of Washington, D. C. Tho same Japan current that tempers tho climate of Oregon and Washington influences tlm ellmato of southern Alaska, - - ,1 ,1, r ....... A little help to worth a lot of holler. ning: Ope Reduced ii Ladies', or Gentlemen's Swell $35.00 SUITS ' Made especially to your order ' for only A fuu ftssortment of tbe) latest nu xaonca to encose frora - With our iarge, commodJou room, latest im-f proved electric roacbinds and best of toen tailors Welti make this Fortland's Best, WORKMANSHIP, STYLE AND TO" j , . G0ARANTEED WITHOUT 4 EQUAL 4N .The adjoining is one of the 250 Newest Fall Creatkn which we are making for Portlands best ilresserij PORTLAND v&Z&t 386 Washington St Sellin-HirKh Builds ci voodard Clarke & s . '.1 bocsuso wo ttsst tho nutter . iJrrr inu J. et ... 1 ii -tie 1 . phono us, Exchangejll. we 4 T7" fi.7 UNFORTUNATE PAIR i -; . RETURNS TO SALEM ' 1 ' ' ' V - : That the authorities do not totead ta press tbe .charge ot larceny, against day Larkins, who was arrested Thurs day night by City Detective Carpenter and Rleslng. charged wlthr the thaft of towel a, bedding and other portable arti cles from lodging housed, la shown by his being raieaaed front the ity prison and permitted U return to Sale, Th Larkins left here for Salem oa tho Albany express Friday evening and got ng at th fair ground a. going to the resldenee of Judge B. f . Bonham, father of Mrs, Larkins.' They ware ao oompanlod by lrklnV father. Their marriage took place at Salem Monday night and they tame at onoa to this elty. Larklna, it is alleged, wfts ponallaas and reoorted to" pilfering articles from rooms he and his wife ooeupled M order to obtain money with which tn meet expensee. He despoiled thro Teems be fore hla arrest, - A ' Foremost l eUiori: anop1!; JIC Wll J v. ; c: s Company Days at Prices! n