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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
TITS! OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND,' SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 4, 1904. ' LD GIEST : . ' AT W&'Ml SAKSCE.SCIOCO EAEIY rTATCES M :tST SELLERS miiwii.ij u i-K Jm the special prize, a 3375 piano, to be a warded for the nearest .6ABB 9W TMXm 9, BAJgrTB AMAIWWt correct estimate received before September 15th? Also an equal tlUUM 9, PBOOB Art chance at 5,000 additional prizes. 5 ' mtt. ;4 SBIND IIS YOUR EdTIMATB AT ONCl V .: i 4' ' f i WHO :- - . . - l TIOIFItT OP ABBBsCABl Tiua wmMmaxMa m mam wa . tn at meraui o n 9wm wmm yaimi 9 niaXld , . - t . . i ' ' c' :';A . .v-. Ull TIBXB Bp UMB TXAB FOB WMWWMA TBAJadV BVT PBXOB BP BWOVBalBTXdunPB TO hTBaT VaTB Binonuioft ' -r'. . ' 1 I' ' Vancouver. Wirt., InL I. Yesterday wltaaaead the completion of tha taking Of testimony IB a bard fought eonteat am before tha local land ofllo Mr lasting moat all week. The ease i tlmt of Fred W. pamlts aa contestant against William J. Flood, contests O . E. Hamikir, Ps JC1I, Wash, represented the contestants and . F. S. Vaughan, ' Vinrnuvar lh nnliln Sttfrfei sMm sert they have won and each attorney la " equally poatttvn that tic haa mad the ' beat aaowinf for the register and re- . eeiver. Tha tract of land tn mntrovarar 1 ' known aa) Homestead entry No. 1I1M, r tuada on November t, IMS, for tha northeast auarter, section No. SO t. 14. ' n. of r. w. W. M. Flood la tha home- ,; ataadar. and It la charred by Damlta that ha baa fmilad to comply with th Uw to establishing a bona Ada raaldonoa - on tha claim. Besides hlaMolf. Demits had aa wltneesss tha Hoian and Kalsek . families, -each of whom testified port lively that Flood and hta family bad never eetxbllshod a resldsaoe on th - tract of laud ha lays claim to as a bom ataad: that ha haa mad no Improve ' menta Of any value whatavar and that ,E there la nothing whatever to show that ha aa attempted to, establish, a, real - : aonoe on too dais. - - - No only tola, theee witneeeee tnetud- (. -lag tha oontoatant hlmaelf awora poel (" - lively that thara wae not an aer of tU . labia land on tha astir oouthaaat quer .' tar of aoetlon 10, 14, weet; nor an aera that oaa b useful for farming land al- tar uw unuw aa cisoren away. . ( v ' - BBfaecs BltoimiBbn.' In refutation of these etatomenta. Flood, In addition to hta own poelilve - statements and tboaa of hie wife, pro duced teotlmonr to ahow- that ho t lived continuously on hla homaataad, or Bom member of hla family hu; at leant. that - haa been hla- homa oontlnuoualy alnc locating tha claim, and that ha haa " beea abaant only at short durations of tim on bualnaaa. ' Not only ara th sta'tamcnta of tha wltnfor tha roapactlvo partlaa to thla uaua dlamotrtcally - opooalta and aqually poaltlva ragardlnt: tho roaldenca of Flood and hla family, upon tha olalm tn oontroveray, but moat omphatloally ao mm racarda tha nature of tha around , for agricultural purpoaan. - Thla dontrovorsy will arantually, R M Bald, narrow Itaalf down to which aide la In tho right and which ao of wlt- naasea ro truthful and whloh ara not worthy of belief. Thla particular phase of the ojoeatlon, 1 la a id. will be alao oulte embarraaalng for tha regtater and receiver to dtrmln.c Both eldea have Eroduced photographa of th eame prem a and ellrd lmprovsmenta, and In and about the houee erooted on tha elalm In particular. From th picture of the eontflatant tha 'only Idea that oan be gained la that the atatemeala of the oon teataaf a wltaeaeaa must be eorreot. and that there la nothing but a oabln la the wooda that ean b termad Improvements. From tha photographa of th eontealee. Flood, the aentlmeot la admittedly that there haa been much labor and: valuable Jmprovemeata made on the aame apot of ground that tho- eoateetant, Damlta, pbotographe ahow no Improvementa. . ' There were quite a few aenaatfoaal ahargea and eounter ehargan made by the varlona and respective wltoeeaaa tending to ahow a great deal of animaa- ity, and for a while It looked aa though the lnd eonteat eaae waa in reality go ing to terminate Into a dlapute whereby much family linen, ao to apeak, would be aired; but that offlclala of tha land office aoon put a atop to thla part of tha controversy, evidently believing It Irrelevant to tha leaue and that tgey had not time to weete on segregating the facte of the eaae to be decided from neighborhood quarrele, A decision in tbfc eaae n anxiously awaited by both the partlee to th oon troveray and their wltneeaee, and It w stated emphatically that the losing aide will appeal the eaae: eo that th matter may hang lire for n long tlma before a Anal deelalon la rendered. - - - LANE COUNTY WHEAT ' CROP AND MARKET T - htm del Mspatfe at Tea lew X) Kugene, Or., Sept. t. Lane county wheat farmarg are receiving a higher 5. rice than any other portion of the va ey. In Albany tha valley wheat la j Quoted at about 79 cents, while tha Ijen county farmers are receiving 10 oenta a, buabeli . Coneidertnar other piece, tha Lana oounty famera are 1 dolna well. . Tha Quality W 'wheat produced this rear la the beat ye and th mlllmen are happy, MUlmenUo not think that tha crop la very ahorf, and, oonaidarlng . , the price for tho whatvee no oauaa for complaint on the pert of the farm- era. Tha mlllmen art afraid that they ... will have to buy eastern Oregon wheaC , .became tho fanners ara shipping much j' . to other places. j - ' . TWELVE TEAMS TO V TRANSFER RECORDS - m k ' , . i " (loeriel Mamtttf w The umael ,-'- tAOrand. Or., Sept. t. The LaOrande 'county seat executive committee will " go to Union, IS miles from the city Sun v 'day morning for the purpose of bringing the county reearda to LaOranda, having hired II teams for that purpose, The iwooraa will be depealted In the vaults af " the now court hauas being ereotad la LaOranda, ' Th decision. of Jadgs Smuw n tha ' trial, at Union yesterday wherein the i eitleene tried to get a restraining order to- prevent th removal of the aounty , , seat, removes all trouble that has bere ' j tofore arisen and after Sunday, Septem , bar , ell records will be safely deposited ;; la LaOrand for future uaa. LATTER DAY SAINTS . MEET AT LA GRANDE $ i ' 1 '" , fSaedeV tneMtok ts The JneraaL) ' LaOrandaj Or., Sept. (.The Latter Cay Saints sf the Union take, whloh ri bvtludee all eastern Oregon and some parts of Idaho are holding their racular quarterly conference in LaOranda Hundreds .of members of th church are camped on the grounds near the meeting bouse. A poet la Clawson of the Mormon church In lalt Lake City la In V attendance and the meeting has every 4 eppvmaoce ot being a successful ana, (seelal BWteh h TM JoaraaU Albany, lept. a.-Mre. I. F. Richard son of CorvalUe earn over from that eJty yeetordvy noog on a search for a man wba aba saya appropriatad to hla own uaa a large quantity of chltOm bark belonging to her, and ta stop the shipment at tha bark Which had been sold. aire. Richardson last aprlna hired a air. Berry in. Portland fo go to her limber elalm In tha Alaaa country and peel her chit Urn treea during the eeason. he saya ha peeled about 7h worth of bark while ta her employ. Then, aha aaaorte, ha aold the bark to an Albany ' ff fot 9am aTMea. Ooonty Clerk B. U. Payne yesterday nrterwm reoeived so. leather toga from Btte Qento and Foreetry Warden J W. K. Baker of Cottage Omve, ta he furnlahed to banters who aoatre to kill derr and selly the hldee to tanaera These tag oan be secured from the clerk after an affidavit ts nlad by as hunter se- cnrteig them, showing that ha will not klU more thaa tha maximum number of deer allowed to one man In one year. and after securing the tags he must at tach one to each hide, Any deer hide found without toe prescribed tag oan he confiscated and sold and tha tonner hav ing them In hla possession ts subject to a heavy poo If the hides are aot propciy tagged. . The tags are stamped with a number and a record la kept of every tag issued, so that they can always be traced. . Five. M tha maximum allowed to any one hunter, aa that w th aum bar ef deer one man. oan kill la Oregon la any on year. -; , Hv : ota aha Mla-rtata. . o i Whan the Knights Templar- ftata from Portland to San Fraacleoo passed through thla city thla svenlng several nf th members ef Tempts Cfemmanderv No. J ot Albany Joined tha BUgrlme tgt a ooupM af weeks' stay la tha Oolden Gate city. Mr. and- Mrs. IX P. Mason and 4 . R. -wyatt tooa toe train acre wltk tha gratu) oommandary of tula state. ' Among those that have gone ahead are Caputs and Mrs. 3. B. Winn and A.. B. Weataorford. aTewe Prom Fire wkrarlata. B. L. OUbert of Laoomb, ana of tho owners sf thq shingle mill recently de stroyed and which Are extended to the woods causing considerable of a scare I and aome damage, waa In the city yes terday and lf.t on tho afternoon train for homa He reports that the arm loet 7S.000 shlnglea. but Its mill waa not a total loss, aa a good portion of the ma chinery, was saved. It will i investigate oondltlona and If It Is found that the cedar timber has not suffered much from the ft re, It will rebuild the mill and resume operations. John Davenport, who resides near tha Cameron mill in the mountains, waa also In tho city yesterday and toid of tjsvf Bant nude against the fire ha that sec tion. The Cameron mill waa la great danger and nothing but the heroic work of th are flrfaterv saved It from destruc tion. They had warning of the approach of th firs and plaoad barrela of water on tho roof of tha mill and when tha Ara drew nrar kept the roof wet to pre vent the blase from oaten hta- Aside from ths mills homed tha reports show that ths losses are light, few sections of tha green forest having suffered, as moat of the fires were In tha old deaden- inas. Similar reports are coming from all sections of the county and from throughout, tho valley. OREGON PIONEERS MEET AT OLALLA r lUTglOaT OP OU eTOatKS OP fJOVVat- PAB OP nTATa TO OP sTOwl lATOm ffKlMBBVXAB TO BP&aJE 1 -v - c -1 . -. j r 1 ' " " 11 ' " , ; v i '.' . (Seeelsl snapateh Tee leersaL) ' Boaoburg, Or., Sept. .A reunion of tho pioneers of southern Oregon will be held at Olalla on September I. T and 1 All manner of wpor to eonaeetloa with ieeont spaaklog W hex tha order af the dky. - - . For several successive years ta tna paat s reunion haa been held there, but tha one thla fail la expected to be the greatest of them- alL f ' ' Amang tha sports will bo foot racing, bicycle racing, horse raoea, baseball end a tug-of-war every day. The feature of ths athletic feats will be a foot race by th pioneers, who have used their fteetnesa ln early dare ta save ustr scalps. On September I Hon. Oeorge at Brown of Roaeburg will deliver tho annual ad dress. - Chief among ths sther speakers scheduled are Hon. , t. H. Mitchell, United States senator, Hon. Blnejor Her mann and Judge J. W. Hamilton. For the young people and tha old ones I ho have tested the fountain of youth incee will be held every aignt In' tha grand pavilion. Tho presiding" Officers of this Bast ing are CoL J. O. Day. CoL W. U. Tay lor and S. B. Bolslngsr, CHINESE PHEASANTS ARE VERY SCARCE :.X,, fayistil Dlese tch Tea Jeered. Roeeburg, Or Sept I. The open sea son en Chinese pheasants waa bom on September 1 to several of tho mora an- land counties, moludlng Douglas. Aa a result all of tho bird hunters who warn able ta get away from their roand of weary duties, betook themselves, dogs and guns Into tha open Aaids only to And the birds very sea roe and tn many oases far from the empty pockets of tha hunt Ins ebnts at ths dose of the day's traenp. IMpaelBl Dtepetv t TeeJssrael) Itoeebuu, Or.. Sept a. A big Ara M reported between hers and Oakland, though little real damage la being dona, aa tha timber la sparse. There Is soma danger af homes but It ta thought that they will bo easily protected unless ths Inmatee are away. BBAatBXAB PATAUT BV, ' " (Spatial Mseatah The erel.) Hope, Ida., Sept. . Rrakeman Lilly, on a Northern Pacific freight train, waa probably fatally Injured last night by being atruok oq the heed by a mall orans, . . ''.''' ' (apeetal Mayawk ts tb learaaL) Ores ham, OrM Sept. J. There are a few fax mere la eastern Multnomah county wbd ara aomlng to the opinion that It la mora profitable to raise early varieties of potntoea than those of later maturing. For aeveral yea re past the reisers of potatoes tn this section have been, of the opinion that potatoes plant ed about May 1 were the auraat prtoe gettare, but thla haa bceo changed, and Bd Barker, a farmer who Uvea near Rock wood, has proven that tha early po tatoes are batter sellers. . . - , t . Pvtee to MtoV Mr. Bkrkar sold several leads of sarlf potatooa recently, and they netted him II per sack. Had ha planted hla entire farm to soma early variety ha would have had a full crop and they would be marketed at a splendid price, when he now has a medium crop af lets po tatooa. Neither Is ha atone in thla lat ter condition. The general yield Is less than fot several years, but the prloe will be nearly enough higher to meet tha deficiency. Tha Burbank fa among: tha early va rlsties. but doss not yield so wall after tha third year on the same ground, and It haa been found much better to bow grain on potato ground the following year and then aeed to soma kind of grass with1 which to make a go meadow. Clover has given the best sat isfaction In thla Beotloe and It doee a great deal to enrich tha soil. Oats are somewhat lighter thla year than for several see eons. The yield is about M bushels per acre on -a general average. PIONEER OF OREGON . EXPIRES AT. ALBANY (Special lhapetea la The JeanuM Albany. Or, Sept. I. Virgil Parker, a pioneer and native of Oregon, horn In Clackamaa county fen 116 S. died at bis home Ih Albany today, from a oompii oatloa of diseases, Hs waa . the sob of Mr. and Mrs. aV A. Parker, pioneer Orer gohlans and moved to Albany In lt74. He served for many yea re as dark af tho school board and was at ana tlma k member of tha city council. He en gaged tn business hers and waa one of th prominent grocerymen of the otty. and was closely Identified with public work, 1 A widow and. soar children sur vive hiss. - He waa a member of Laurel lodge. No, 7tC, Safety lodge. No. It, A. O. U. W.. Oroenleaf, Mo.. No. It, Degree of Honor, and., the Method lat Episcopal church. Tha funeral will be held Mon day from the church, under the auspices of the Degree of Honor and Workman, ; , . ,, , ., , .. j, ROAD f ROM EUGENE : ; IP THE M'KENZIE BpMtal tHapateh ts Tee feeraaL) Bugeoe, Or- Sept, 1. A few of the business man of Bugene who hare pro moted -the work of building a better road up tha McKenale for Bugene'e bene fit went ap to that place oa a tour of In spection, and are more than satisfied with the work done. Bo far the road haa been completed for a distance of five miles, and a large fore oProen and teams ara hard at work trying to com plete tha read before the Call rains begin. - ; The road, when completed, will give Bugene merohanta a bettor chance to enlarge their business, and will bo the means of bringing practically all of the mining trade to thla city. - BOY JS ANXIOUS TO BE REFORMED AGAIN ' (SeeeUl taaaata ta Jae Inarml.i V Koaeburg, Sept. S. Guy Hamilton, an II-year-old boy of thla place, committed hlmaalf to- ths reform school yesterday. Ho first wrote to tha superintendent, but as hs received aa answer be then telephoned for the superintendent to some and take him to the school. Hamilton waa sent to the. reform school from Oakland several years ago for being unruly, but earned his way out more than a year ago. Sines then ha has gone to School and worked more or lees, but apparently falling to And a position which suited bis taste he decided to try to be re formed again, though ha seemed to be very gentlemanly la hla behavior the paat year. GUN WOUND CAUSES AMPUTATION OF FOOT 1 -'-.v (Saeclal Mapateh aa TtoVeerael) 1 CarvaJlla, Or., Sept. I. Matt Oeorge had his right foot attipatated this morn ing. Dra. Farm and Pe mot of this city performed the operation. ' Mr. Oeorge had been engaged to act aa night wateh- anan at the Beach hop houao, lust across ths Willamette from Oorvallla, and last algtU he went on duty, taking a shot run with him. Tha weapon he stood against the wait and turned to walk across tho floor, when tha gua fan and waa discharged. Tha load took effect tn Mr. Oeorge foot, mangling It la ouch a manner that amputation waa the only course left, , OOBTAUXS. (Breda! Ptsaatcq a Tee Jesraei) -' CnrvalllaJ Or., Sept. . There waa a Ara a few miles north of Corvailta laat night, la whloh tho sssldsnoo of Andrew Richard waa burned, together with all tha contents. Tha property waa owned by A. N. Lock of this eity. There Is n suspicion that tha Ara waa started by. an Incendiary. OSS' TO - (Saeetal Btapatea a The amraaU v CoTvallla. Or, Sept. I. Major Hardin, who has been military commandant at tho agricultural college for the past two years, left yesterday with his family for San Francisco. After a month's stay la that any the family gone to th Philip, pin Islands,- where Major Hard la Joins his regiment , ' (BfwHal Mmatm ts Tee fearaetl v Oakeedale. Wash., Sept I. Thomas Kelly, a nqtlva of New Yorkv agd tt Miri and a ntoneer of IfTB. died at Ma ranch etr Pine oreeh last, night He leaves a wwoar ana saugntcr. $ Cist IT VprifhtM, 10 Klaiabary , Upricfata, awssls s4 toraataad my ' " ' " ' ' '"' ' ' Tbs Csbis Cv, CWett. - ' 30 Apollo Waao Ptoysrs, snads aad gairsitMd Bp Ths Mali yiUa Caarat PJanjo Co., Checaya. TS AUVIets smarss, mass aad f aer as teed y MaltHass aad Ptfrn Co., BarwsMp tea. Wis. JS New fioyel Sawtag Macblses, maSe aad gsjsrastssd hy UU- Tbo Csbls-C, Cltksfw. 'y' '' ,. ,', .': V . .f i-. t, , .., W,- Pws tao Baaroat Correct Bsttsaato -Oae Wlatca toaxtag car. IBM model. This automaton, with Its twentr horse-sower atotor, Is conceded to be the swat perfect far gvnpral bn nafiuracturvd; vaiua. f3,W0. For Boeoad Nearoet Correet B-tfl. Bte-Oo Haeoe Hamlin, snwia ptaae. 'One Oeacver a pteno, epselal ma anas a r eat Bearcat HetlaaatM Two Oonerer cabinet grand apriaht plansei Special mafeoganr ease: value. 00p eaeh. . For Two heat Neareat Bstlsaatoa -Tw canevr aaMaet gran4 aprlcbt rliaasi aPKUl Buhoaar saae; vale IMO eaoa. Par TWeaT llearoat ettaaato One Ooncver aablnet grand aprlsht Plspei special BnlebedpMhomnr case: value. fSOO For Two Peat nearoet Bstlmatea Twe Apelle eoaoert araad piano plereief special uanotaay oases; valM 1500 eaoK For Kent Weavser Batlamataw One CoBtmr oaelBet grand aprlrat apertal aotraj)7 T Bohraat mates Two Apollo eoaoert grand piano plav WtSiw flsaafi One KlBgebunr Vprif ht ptaae; eplaj rtsh wafrittt double venter) case; value, ken. arr Two Soxt Seareet Bstfaaatoa Two Apolle eroboatral grand piano plarami nclal mahocaar oe; value. J0q eaoh. 'or Meat Nearest Sauaate One Klnreburr aprlahiplaae) rleh milliliter veoeeredT case : value, gfTB. For Neat Pearoet BWHmateM For two Bant aw-tes "Toe Apollo orekestral (rand plane One KlnysbuM' plase; For Two Best Beewaat Bart males Tsu Klntvbury aprtght plsasii eak WKn Baaraat Bstt. mates Two Apollo waster pUuw playera, Bits speotal dejlgaai swaegaay asmi veJae, TB ef h For Poa Bant Boarasf BwH. mates rear Apollo master ptanopleyers ta nhgaai ttf-fj Hrer Two Seat Bearoet svtmataa Two Chloage oottace oraeat. beaatirally Salibed, bUok walnut eaae: valve. jMOeacS. HTor Two Beat Nearoaf Betl-Bm-wokaage awaaga ersasai walaati nroi? Poor Boat Boaroat sWrl matos Pour Chleage astaaga ersans; walaati 2,Xt- Boat Bemraw atott. BMles-Foer Chleage eetlaga ersane; eaki "Pwa?- Bt Bawraed Bat miss Pour CMeaso aMIsge onsanst walaati VTwi Beat Boar Mm. mates-Two eatra beavv solid gold iea'f -For"' Twoi-trrlrr! rkearoat H s tOChlcaffoCot- tagaOrcaaa, sands sad guar SBtatod Br f G BsBVal BWatoOt MwBb4N9 Ce.( Cbleage. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL PRIZES FOR EARLY ESTIMATES correct sat lames an a arbor nwptambca L aad befers Bap- (. - fw aeaimt eerreet astkmato am ar aftor Biplamlim la, i tw nUagasary irprae ptaa IMPORTANT STATISTICS POPB SB OTBBB TBnJaV'' Tke TOTAL POPVXeiB TOTS far if- era am ef at BJ nor eaa was.. s.ew,is..i mm res., a.. 11 .Uereaee ef 13 M per eea laoreaes icpwoaat percen was.. 10.944 .SW.. aerease of I Of per i w..ll.W.Bw-. aoreaee of IB S0per waa..!f.0f Ml., ncraaes of f.Mperi was..! St. lW.. aerease ef It OS per ww.iLstosal.I JkBcri etai cent cbn sub yioi.nss. The tetalnepetetlea ef tht TTyfwd dteeee net eluding TetTltorUa, the Distriot of Oolanbla, ewalL tha rklUpalaee. aad Alaska) ta ths X.vv.;rrruc-.". " ;Bp: 4 fvar First frig-Wtatoa Toeirtag ' aanaa atotor Cerrw4P Co., Cli Use a, oarte. cc".:m:s of this cheat contest. " Taife mmmtmm la taseel eai tha total wate to Va aaat for the etflee f Preetdesit ef tha Cmlted Btrntea, attoaavta. aaawr Tth. ISO. The eifftelaa flamrea f tae sjovwrwaaM toraalne the VMatlt, a. ad the iium will bo nvrnrdael by a oemsalttea dtatntereeted IneUrae. Bstlsmntars will reeetvw sv oertlfteaite tor Mb etttwate. aallhiM will awUtla tke Blders ta ewefc arlaas mm they sany wla. Whoa the eemteet to deetded eaeh swttaaatoa will re eatve Hau4 list af tha saaessfml esthaatsn. . i f K3W TO M ESTIMATE. tt aasts pan methtwgr to Ve entitled to parti etpnte. tea nap anty the realmr prloe ef the paper aa ra BJt free a eiaiee to wla eate or saove wt the SOOS hnadeem sm mlnnhl prises. Yew are enti tled to one emeee fee esek rwosttr-ftv oente peud mm saheerlpttoa aa .waiat prwvldeel resalttsaee) aaat snbserlptlaa ara forwarded te Cthor, bat aa est Im ale will be altowed mm a sessittaaee sX lass ast asm daUaa i r . - CISTRISUTISM OF PRIZES, v " Thaa aVaoe prtoea, valweel a SSrw aaw all tha Maes a rheflr Bfad ta ho obtalaed ta the market, aad their ejaaltty to anaavaateed by tha well kmowa flraaa frra whleh they were peurahased. They will he distributed to the wtaaera aa tho ahaaOnte merit mt their -flsaatoa by the Central Preea Assaeiattoa of ChlsaaTB. Ia aaee ef a tie far any ladlvidaal prtoa It wtU ba awarded Jolatly. Parrlel Ckttoa ta thto ewateet to ast warlaed to war rasidava. ae rata asateet helaaT advertised la a aamber af other pahlleatioBua, tho oaa. serlbers to all af wklh hava aa aaal apgjaataaity to seuara la) tha dtotrl batten of the prlsoe. . . . ... t v. , S9 Nlffh Oreoe Beltd Oeld BOeld Pilled 100 Moors's BWa's sad Waa sa's Wetcbe. i Aaaaclcaui Psb ; ; THE - PRIZB -UI ST. mate-Oae Bwtas repeater; atom wind, seven- I arteea nTket Beart rolaM vanw. eaok. teea Jewelei geatlenea'a wateh; eeea taoeul rmr- Tea Bext Bearoet Eatl Ivtn jtw aami strikes bear aad ssarUri 1 matas-Taa kslaniatoe steel ranawrT abelt TVw. Be Beawotnl WmtU BMtas-Two Cleage eetmga arses!) walaati tT. Bt kearoot BtoH. nuues-Tea New BoaJ parlor esMaot sewing nww&ewoa. mt. ' mates ' Ten Colombia gmpbAphoaest hlaalr Bnlabed aaaaogaar oablaet: vaJat. Pes few Bent jtewrewt Bsti- mans Tea New Boral eeving aMteiBes aiinaUedop bead leMnl ; vr Bj t ataiee Twe Chleaa oettaga ersaasi walaau For Two Boat Beaswaf stotl. mates Plve Al-Vtsta eanwras for eooiblaa "iGP TwitoaViBMeet0 TaWtt mans Two extra beavr solid sold ladles' matee Tweotj Al-Vista panoramSi mmsfea. fcTrre-lach ftaw: TalaaTfiw eaeT Par roar Beat nearest BtV ZZZ&m Pe Ponv Bant Boaroat atotU matea Pour Pdwia ruitare: solid rosewood i KeTTtiLdrvar-.W1 For Pear Next neareat jaatis Pow "Adler vtattaa." Bwedlvariaei rronr innuninsv; sow; vajua. senaeoa. raw Tea Bext Beeurest Bstt mates Tan bee1 Setla'fil jver plated tea seta; gyarant value, seleack. . f For Fear wont BTsai BMtee-rpur Utk galtami sond VI FarTea Weart Woo root Btlmstes Ta Oohuaaia graphephonss; olaboraes eojt, unl herai ejob mates Pour Sdwia rnltarf, eonoert stset S55Toa Treet- ttotl- BMtes-Ten Oraad fUutea ballbearing sso tlonal bookoases; solid DMhosuy; leaded TrCtt' BearS-wtl. States Ten g.alameape steel rangw, with aistt sloset reservoir, for soft eosi. bard eoaL aoke. ar wood ; there Is ao better stove xtada than the Kalantaaoo, and the manufacturer will refund the value Cf tbseWV U BSt i S trBowt Boa mates Pour Amatl atodel 'YMmbacli'' via rtenfom?v3mi rio?teE Bsttosavoa -Ola Bdwia aewdeilae, MaaseUtea aeeaeli WAhw Sam , . .1ft sas Bnanbarp Tjprlg Ptosa, ralas THE JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION RATE f lit Portland and other atttos where pa per la deilrered by aarrtort Dally and Sunday, 1 year ...... ..IT to Dally and Sunday. m on tha S-TJ Dally and Sunday, t meatba I M Dally (not Including Sunday I, 1 yr. let Dally (not Including Sun.), moa... S.TI Daily (not Including Bun.), t moa. . , tM ::,vM;.'i,-ai;;;-: : vr Dally and Bundsy. 1 yosr,,.....a.T.M Dally and Sunday, t months..... a. 71 Dally and Sunday. I months...,,,, Dally (not Including Sua.), t yr... (00 Dally (not Including Sun.), moa... a.7t Dally (not taoladlng Sua.), I smb.. 1.4 Sunday only, 1 year .. 1-frt Sunday only, months ........... l.t Semi-Weekly. 1 year ............. Weakly. 1 year. , VSS Car, Modal 1904, aafacturad t. i. ' , . ..-1. .' ' ? i mad vHll ! at mJatotarSit, Me- int wiu ae- J00 Piacaa Haarj - SUvwr Plato, ' ' - " Prasi AJatortcaa SUvsr Co, , i , Hoo-I aaltsMs CO.f BsstOSV I VZ tr TVa,re5aFCe5rt Baaraot Battaaatee Ta dra&d RasMs ballbesrlaav asotlonsl bookoasee t sol Id maaoeaay. wrt b leaded rer.xTBeartr. Ten heavy auadreple plate Ave piece tea eFoV'Venr aatt Paur Wagner eonoert soloist vtollost n niiamlasi. ana toast wit towt value. eTS'eroatr Bent Bearead anavJ- BBitas Toeiii Al-nsta- paaorewiie oamerasi TarlS SSwt Satee-Twentr Oolumbea gTmprwphpoeei abore,te oablasti twenty -two Cms born; value, avqaacn. ret ro ar Baxt Beareei Bstft. Ctea Poer S. B. Stew ait benlos; eleven ob; thirty Tironh ota; seat Begwe head; -VMwrt Baa -tn Ornad aaBide ball laearlng seoUonal aai foar saotloaa; ewkoaeee: oak: leaded giasai raiue. ell eon rev Tea Bei rext Bearaat ntottmmatoa Ten Kalarnaaoo steel raagau T ehaU aad nrSrrerB. awh Sates Three gentlemen's weh- erreo. rTrTkrraiV, Tea Oraad naplda ballbeartng. seotloaal beoaoaeM. solid atkonuL value, fm , Cata- For Fear next nearest mates Pour oeacert violins: a mat so powerful tone; with bow; value. tM aaol For roar Bext Boaroat Bi modelt on. tetl matee Poar "Sterttar baaloa; eleven mcki tweatr-taur svmcaeta; heavy Inlaid; vain. nros twearrdrha Bant Boa root Bstlnates-TwontTjdveatl'VbMa saaemmla eK ut -Two wenae's solid sold ebatelalDe watpaaaj'mZ Tea Oraad Rapids bJlbjrin eeotisaal iw.rjfwB Sis PMnatoa women's welcbw. Itweled rrw.; lewStBwrt amtes-Twontr oolaxibta rrapaopamm; em mrmll:!mUfZmt.m Tea Orand Rapid tea bailbeeuriac e vniur no eeea 9i aim Poar Sawln waMadollasiJ ftsJlaaod al; aahoranr aaeki ebony anger board; vajne. laOjaob, . . Par Foar Boat Bearaat Btottm Pear Benrt B mane wast ttwmend;, c bar f 9lmm ItoOvasaashisse. swats at ii 0 by WQBQ&GJmm 6t SUBSCRIPTION BLANK - ; SMI MUS Sat and ftll tn sarsfaOy.) w u B tamr am wnStatyshis B MSa msillliaBbre (Btoto whether Dajly, Sttnday, Weakly or Baml-Wssklj4 . MaaMMi a4 Haas Ha Oraad. Oraad, aaaam nasi searaataael h tP ...'.V;.:.-v;;.-A: Tba CaMa Cav, CUcaco. . i 0 RsBraa and Stovss, saad , . ftaraatood by Tha Kamiaaias 60 GrmBa Rsmlsls BaJt-Bearing Sate tkMaJrtooJtCaaaa, snsrta and yaaraa- by Was, Tesh B ISO Oem Sawty aassri.gestae caaej ary tarpesram Farnltara Ca. Oraad Rapida aAleau . S Oem Cattery. ., New Yer WmO- It act aates Pour excellent InStatloae of a refl ST vWlm. aSlav Hleeosmrn I awl I VStSe, Iw Va Two Boat Bearaat BtetJauatea Two wemea's wmtthes; tea yea enseal iVtr'Seit1 ItoarBwta. tancy efeatelnlne auhea; eight jewel i value, tOB. 'PTr Bast B males Ptva PMngtoa men's eeJn- x'iwfn: Slr5pvw,B awtee-Plve wooen'e ten year ease wotskaai h:arV.xV'Tfi-r -totl-; TBwat Brwat StotW Pwr Twenty Bext Beaweot Bwtt- mates-Twent7 CMnmbla svosoesi eak watee Twenty atzteon swt.jruaietfjiK ver plat, carving sets; nv7ortdrn' AmerToaa snvWootnpanyi valae. eto eaok. , Par Ptva Boat Boaroat BstU awtes five men's watckej :JhHss jawvwasatl, 1V313 matwaw MS Moore's liaproved iMproved BejeMieroeiaBk as: it aami U aold point ; wJue. I m Next Beavroot Batlau sew ion wm van irawt wioraat Bis 1 1 ass las f vnjae, a.wwsa. d by, a-asrinsa BUver eamseayi veJae, jB lwr IMS Boat Baaraot BwtW of 'Tneodore njoeeveM,- r toned la JethT valaa. , PorlOO Bext Beenroot nWtlwatss . tto ant senee kaavvauadruple aUvw plaM sold pal forks. " Vorld Brand." Marna Sel filasrlrsa BUver company" value, 1r-rJOw Bant Bearsst WmU awtea-1.0M eoiptee ot 'Bedawon s Low Coat Jtrnerlfon Bon bouad la oloth. ooatsJn- PltSxtT lne1- hh.Mi ntx ounoa beavv auadraple etl- vw Plate sumr shells, '"World Brand." par. aateed by Amortcna suvw nTow Boat aiatee-t.OM ooplea of "Btepbea O. mXtTii WmHmmtmm- fStta-crsorr par BOO Bext Bearcat attsaatoa Spip1iii& w3ueeai lmL.Qmm U-fc "r1 T t , A My enthnetot of Twrwa s be emta wsv. a, ISM, par we asses m ninisi w w -M I ViinV f Iters Csw. yslssasyso, MIcb. " aa Maeissl lastra smsats, gasraateed leea I snuas 1.000 copies by Cbirtagta. vr i "i ' v