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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
IS : THE'" i THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORN! NO, SEPTEMBER 4. 1904. (Coktteued from were th ttiidaots, A wending supper h served X(r tii mmbmbv Engagements Mr. and lira. XX Stein nnUUBS th 4MeraMt of thtr stater. Miss Oil Rnualhal ta Ado Ink KUfaU At hnna to their friend from I to o'clock 'this afternoon, at tMr raaldenoe, 4 41 ' . Fourth WML . t-: The aggmnt of Mm Elian Oraveo , Thonu an Char- Plummtr Parkins hu Juet bMo anneunoed, tb I marrlaa to take nlac fa October. Mm - Thomaa la the daughter of Judg John-' James Graves, of Baltimore, Nd. M baa mad baa hora for tha pa two 1" years In Portland, whin she ha beu vary popular In social circles. She ; live formerly la Eugene, received L her education there In too University of Oregon. Captain Perkins, who ban been ' connected with tha Concord, la wall known to Portland. 7. Musical Notes T lflaa Ethel Lytta, soprano soloist of ? Cka rirat Baptist ehuroh, baa returned ' " front a oamplng trip Max ML Boon. ' '- Tha Weetern Academy wf Must, Elo ' eutloa. Oratory and Dramatic Art will ' awn tomorrow -with many change. A Urn inoraaea In attandaaoa la eapecta - and tha faculty baa baan oorreepond- tagty tacreased. Ruthlya Turner, for " mar violin teacher at Oregon Agrnrut' tural college, and Mordaunt oooanouga, ' pianist ara two addition In tha musical ; department Maae, J. K Baoar baa ao ; ecptad tha ebair of niodarn lansuacaa. i ; Mr. Bmni E. Caraov woo baa atudlad ta Boa tan. 91. Loulo and Maw York, com from tha laac plaoa to aattdnct V tha art dapartmant., a. Laator Paul. , tat of tha Oaldwall School of Actio In San rrmnelaao, wUl ba with tha dranatlo dapartmant Thran draraatie doba wUl bo orvnnlaad for publle parfonnaneaa ' ( dartns tho raar. Tha nualoal dapart mant hopaa to racltal araxy two MaateaS Trie will ba an t ' tha rtrat UnlUrlan church today at 11 ' o'rtoak, Tha Quarlat oooalata at Mm, Albart WiaWnn, aoprano and d tract or; Mra, rrank Malay. -oontrmUo; W. Ora ham Hodaon, tanor; Parla I. Paokan. barttona; Ralph W. Hoyt, ananlaL Tha followin la tha nuaksal provram: Prlara offortolra, Paul Bovrad; ant ham, . "Pralaa T tha Lard," Gounod; Gloria, Howa; roapona. Mandalaaohn; antham. XMib of God." Koackat: Nond Dlnaltta, .'Bambyj Triumphal March, Sootaom '" Clark. iv 't Mra. 'Waltar B. Raad tttnraal BuirfayH nia-ht from bar Alaakan trip. 0h da- elaraa that to hr mind nothtn oanj axoal thla trip for grandour of aoanarr and for raatfolnaaa, na waa on tha ataamar Btoa day, and durtny that traa f- anoountarad no rouh waathar. ha baa raturnad thonouchly raatad and ' raady to taka up bar wlntar work. To , day aha will alns In Marao'a maaa at t St. Marya Cathedral. Sh will ooottnua thar as eontraito aoIoUL - - " ' a W. Glffort Naah will ratunt to rort- . MM to tab a bis worn aptmir za t . Mkm Mtnta Caraoa baa rata mod from " an outlnff at Wblta Salmon sad Hoad . , ' -.-f- Mtaa Amy May, aaalatant plan tn ' at motor with Charlaa IHarka. M rial tin ' Mlas XI da Ooldamlth ta Bfegaoa, "J- '.y Outing Visitors' v.' : . - "fr1- ' - Ona of th most alaborato affairs of i th aaaaon at Camp Walch was a raep - tton givan oy tho mamboro of Camp portlasd. juat Mfor thatr raturn to tha ltr. An asMllant prosTam was pra- oantad and was followad by refraah- ntanta. A buks bonflr waa built la a I eantral ptoeo and tha cuasM atarad i abowt M. 1 - i Thoaa praaaot wars Mr. sad Mrs. W. o, Cathay. Mr. L4nnla ani and family, t Mn Jaackal and son. W. O. Jasckai. Mr. jaoksoa, Mlaaaa Philips- and Moor. -. Maaara. Jaekoon. Andarson, Gana and I JaaokaL Mr. FUln and danghtor, Mrs. Manslnftr, Mrs. John Conlay and son, W. A. MaoKaiul and Mlaa Anns M. Moaa, and tha following: mambara of Camp 'Portland:" Mlaa cnaiaoim, Mlaaas Bhtotb, Mlas Kaiser, Mr. Kalsar, 4 Meaara, Jaaman, K-pohs and Sen loth. Tha rround ara rapidly thwialar t and It will ba but a fw day until th k aampars will hara raturnad to tbalr J many homes. Soma of th pantlaa who ihavo bn eomlns to thla plaoa yearly have built for themselves firaall abantlea of epttt cedar, in wlrlch to store their ... camplna; furnnure and eooklne; utenslla. f Tha laat ona under oourse of construe- 1 tloa ta by Charlie Merrill Sr. of r Ores ham Hla famtly haa been eojourn f Ing at thla plaoa for icTeral weaka, and f sa a result Mr. MrriH'e health is much Improved. They will retaru t Ahatt noma om Monday next Mrs. J. It. ijlckaon and sona of Pew . dleton left-for home on Tuesday mom- 2 Ina; after a pleasant summer at Loos I Baaob. Mrs. 1 K. Juston and Misg Justoa re I turned this weak from a five week's stay i at Saaatde. f Mr. and Mra, Marco Vlelsehner and r their dsufbtar. Flora, returned Tuesday from a six weeks' star at Seaside, f Mra. W. WhlaThata has raturned from tlng Baaakv Mr. Oaorgs Lansford and dauahtara, Mlaaas Lulu and Carrie Holmaa and Mi. Rosa Plummar have returned from a i month at Lonr Beach. -I Mra. A. WUllamaon of SuBnyatd bss I awturnad from an outlne; at Oooao Park. Mlaa Carrya Clarke, who has been trveilns 1 Callfornta h past -three - niontha, raturned to Portland on th - Xldar thla week. , MY. and Mrs. S, S, Glltaspl and Mr. --- Ollloaple'a brother, W. P. Wlleon, ra- ' turned Thursday evenlhf from an en- ' lorabls month's attus at Seaalde.. Mrs. Sarah Bvana of tha Woman' " club haa returned from an ouUnc at Seaslds and Gaarbart Park. j. mA Mm turn Wklta aiwt lra '- Aphei have returned from their eot tave at lonaj Beach, whsr thay peaeed ''. th aommer. Dr. Msur F. Hill has raturned from V tile wsoaUoa and wUl oaettpy Sis pulpit today. . Seaside Notes ' Tha waathar eonthtuas delleiitfal Laat Sunday S Utile mist, enough, td dampen the bats and spirits of th mrarlalonlat. fell, but th re at of the weak haa bean pleasant, enough to ton for ft Many of th suns mar reatdenta have already gone home, and -rtura. "Th hotels sr doing's ruh-1 .. 11 il waUO th Sundax. os4 Peg Fifteen.) 1 osrsisns are nor, "but th mMdte. of the week find tham uuleu School 1 about to basin . and many families must go Soma to prepare for the winter's work. ' Campers begin to fear foul weather ahead and so ara folding their tent. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. flelachner and daughter and. Mlaa Meyer, who have spent th summer at Maroelwold. cot lag, have returned to Portland. Mrs. Harvey Ptttenger gave a din ner at her camp near Loeksley hall laat Sunday. Those preaent worst Mr. and Mra. RomnaL -Charley North, Junle North, Clyde Packer and Mlaa Inni Meyur of Portland and PbUlp North of Alaska. , During the week a party of young- man from th Moor mad a trip over the breaks r s in th life boat. Wonderful Improvement . in th ladlea' and children s saimmlng classes during tha paat week. The olaes la gymnaetios ta charge of Professor Killer gav an entertain meat last Thursday evening. The nrosTram was sa excel 1 ant one. Motel Moor will remain open dur ing tha winter season. Th Seaalde. house wUl os fa few weeks, Charles Cleveland and family; Mr. and Mra. Kinney, Mrs. T. J. Howttt and daughter Mlaa Lucy Lamps and Hop Anderson of Greeham, and Jamas Kelly of Portland have returned to their bom. . Mrs. -Pa eld llenshaw, Mia. Mkthtows, rm. mimm an Mra Wlafrffiuta, p-va returned bom from their outing OO Hemlock bllL Thomas Dodson gav a musical re- oital last Friday evaalng a StosliH Mrs, Mlddleton and daughtors, Mrs, Kiln and Mrs. Bona, toft ta Ida inn after a delightful stay. Larry Sulltvaa and family hav r tumed to their home to Portland. Mr. Churchill. a prominent lumbering man from Boston, Is at Looksley ball. Laat Prlday evening was a soene of anxiety at Locksley baB. Th sale of a quilt for tha bane fit of th local min ister wad 4hawxeue for the merry gathering. Mr. Spark, who has been studying muala to Burope for some time, entertained with several of hie best ss lscUons. Mrs. Max S hillock sang sev eral of bar most charming song. , - The Walla Walla party who ara spending the summer at Loekaley hall 'have atno to Cannon beach. A Jolly party of sporting man want for a hunt up Elk ereek. They report th trip wU worth making. Thay were i successful in nagging soma large game. among which was a fins deer, shot by Charles Cleveland. In th party war Captain Gsdsby, Rev. A. A. Morrison, Mr, Freeman and Charlaa Cleveland. Mr. Prank Klernan and her family. Mrs, Henessey and her daughter ra turned to their homse tost Wednesday. Larry Mordy and bis family hat re turned to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Milton of Linn ton hav gone home. - Mrs. Olendening and -her son. Weber, have returned to their Portland bom. Mrs. O race Metsger and hav daugh ter. Helen, have returned to- their home to Graaham, . , , d dr - ' . Seasld Inn-D. p; Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McKanale, Goldendala. Waah.rU N. Richard, at Hhlh and family, w. ft Armstrong, Mr. and Mra. S J. La. Franca, C F. Bunds, Harry Balaam, D. W. . Smith. ?H. W. Cade, Charles B. Frasar, R. Rdsd, Mrs. W. M. Howes, Mr. W. M. Howes, Florence Howes, Jobs J, Pope, Portland; Leonard Kirk wood. Forest Grove; Anna Lewis, Fairfax: Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Dais. Miss Jessie Croao. Wlnlock and Olll WUIsoo, TiiiamooK; c r. walch and IX C, Poby oarpus, Astoria; Iaaaa N. Mark, Waah lngton; Karl Mark. Henry MUton, JLalao, Wash. . :. - ... . . ' - - it - MoGulrVs betel C Stephenaon, Mr. B. X. Blab, Edgar Fowler, Blanch ML Bernard, L Farrettl, Kathryn Caywood. F. M, Kelly, M. J. Relsner. B F. Honey- man, Mrs. C H. Dillingham and so a. Mrs. B. C Tripp, Portland; R. S. Shane. Bo lee; Mrs W. J. Hoag,- Garner'a: A, Werner, Oregon City; J. N. Brobaut, San Franclaoo, H. Herbert, BeUwood; J. C Pierce, Ethel York, Nehalem; George Straw. Portland; P. D. Davison, Lincoln, Neb.; T. J. Lawson, San' Franclaoo; Vinos Circle and family, Mrs. Peterson snd family. Toe Dallea; H. S. Simons, J. Hlldetb, W. & Jaokson, A. a Hoggatt, William M. Grsln. L W. Amos, L. A. Blank, Mrs. DaUon and family, Mr. and Mra. Hill. Mary Ellsworth, Dana, Fame worth and A. Bad. Portland; W. H, BlckeL Thomas UlnvlUei H. B. Cherry; Harry Cherry C Mj Cuthbert, Astoria; J. X Llttto, Antelope; J. Redaway, Ore gon City; L. W. R let her, & Hawkins. John MoCsnts, Thorns P. DIUon, Ctoorgs WUltamsoa L Rudd. A. B. Lewis, Kay Leigh. Nellie Bogu. Mrs C Clarke, PorUand; Charlaa Da via, Hammond; IL Rathbon. Warren ton; R. W. McClellen, Hammond; M. W. Adama, Geora Acker man, Astoria; Bdgar Fowler, Wal ter Hunter, Thomas Hunter, Emma Hunter. Bell Link, Mary Fowler, Gobi; L. N. BUI. Blk Creek. . Moore hotel Grant Man, The Dallas: J. M, Week. A. R. Week, J. A, Week, Stephen's Point. 111.; Mrs, T. A. Brlns- ham. Mlas K. Mason, Vancouver, Wash.; N. Talttnger and family, Pendleton; 8. a Stevens snd wife, Mrs. N. K. Hob sob, J. C, SpechVOeorg M. Allen, CecU H. Bauar, Mrs. Rose B loch-Bauer; M. R. Colby, William M. Ossan, Mr. and Mrs. H, Ooddard, L. C Mover, Portland; M. B. Hay and famUy, Wllber; James Chlpman, Bait Laks City; Judith S. Bernstein. B. Bernateto, Portland; Judith Soil Cohen. Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. B. Palmburg, Mr. and Mrs. U Blank. Astoria; Mrs. J. M. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. M. Chambsrs, Mr. snd Mrs, C B. TaCTt, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Xueltner, Mrs, Lcnah Hats. Master Vernon Tucker, Astoria; H. Hamblet and family. Miss Bva Saldern, Mlaa Ad Packer, T. S. Green, H. L. Keats and family, G. C Mason; Miss Nell Hollbrook, H. B. ran ten, Portland: A. L. Arnold. Mrs, f L. Arnold, Mis Lewlsos, Qulnoy; a . ooreorsn, n Franclaoo; Dr. J, F. Goray, B. H. Wlekeraham, F. J. Payne, W. Van Schuyler, Portland; Mra Rocbllnc, Mrs. F. M, Brand, Mia A. Scbeatoigar, Thomas Hern, Milwaukee; L. Buck, a Teller, N. C. Zaa, A. T. Bald win, Mr. and Mra. Alex Bernstein. Mas tor Leon Bcrnatetn, Charles Lock wood, Portland;Mr. and Mrs. John A, Brstton, San Franclaoo; Miss Brltton, Mrs. Hattle, Thompeon Kellogg, Oakland; Robert Waahdahl, Mrs. C. Heltbron, Astoria; B. & Henderson, Miss C Hen derson, Cal J, Jackson and wife, Mrs. Bbarpson, B. J. Brows, Cheater Marphy, D. U Honeymaa. Mrs. a. M. Cornwall, Mlas Alios Cornwall, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker; F. K. Arnold, Portland; Mr, g. a Oelber. R1dgeneld C. M. Sharpaten. Mrs. C. M. Bhareetaa, B. H. WaaaUy, Tha Dalle: R. J. Kukley, A, B. Jenkins; B. L. MeCabe. W. L Harris, Lucy Ben nett, W.B. Honey man. H. L. Beekworth. H. J. Gaylord, A. J. Hunter, Kirk Shel don; A. W. Hoyt, L. C MoadV, Katherln S- Arnold, Portland; Peter Grant, Mra. F. Grant, Astoria; Mr. and Mra, J. R. Harrtoon, H. HamMet. San Franc I see; Mrs. H. B. Getaa, Hlllsbor: Mra. R H- MrBrlala Dverevllle. Iowa; Mra. A, L. Layton, Rene, Nevada: H. C Cad St Helen, Lea Herring ton, OUv awrtof. ton, Wlnleok, Wash, tf 111 lam It Maffet and aon, Latourett Falls i Mr. ana mra. H. JL Mitchell. U. S. Al a C PUlsburg, X A. Cook. Walla Walla; Mr. ana mis. Henry Swats, Clatskanle; L. N. Cros ness. Waaoo; J. J. Budlong, Aurora, lit; H. B. Mooka, Astoria; Mr. ana mm. a. ft Herts, Astoria; Mrs. H. U Keats and baby MUdred, Portland; wiiiiam a, nat ion. A. A Cunnlnanam. Salem; Bertln H. Armstrong. Chicago; W. H. Plrrell. Mr. and Mm. il. P. Pearl Mr. and Mrs. P. A. atokaa. Peter Luratl, Charley Lurmtt C W. Pulton, Mrs. Fulton, Mlas Susie StolL Fred C. Fulton, A. ruuon, Harr Oaorsie. Aatorlai - Mmv- Frank Leak. Portland: Mlas LoWls Friday, Spokane; Henry MlUer. Isaac Mark, Earl Mark, Kelso, Wash. . , ,. . Lockalev Ball Tom Sawyer, J. A. Cram, Iran Caakey. Mr. C. R. Oaakey, Mlaa Haaal BrundelL ML O. Gardner, 8. Charlaa Sparks, BllsabeU Nlohola, Mr. M. J. Scott, Mra. M. Scott, Ieeiie Hamilton. Loto Hamilton, L. .". Wood ward, Mlaa Mary Conyero, Mlas Laura Cloaland, C. WKltebouaa, Mlsa Whlta- houae, Ada Sawyer La C. Stues, J. V. Carson. M. Strickland, H. a. wade, Portland; H. 11 Cburchia -Boston; An drew Craau Menominee, Mlch.i Paul Whttsbouse, Lulu Paul, Klla Hungate. Mra. J. J. Cropp, HaUls Cropp, Winnie Offner, Geneva Gardner, Walla Walla; C. J. Trenhaxa, Astoria; Gertrude Long street. Grace 3. McHean, Duluth; Bertloe Armstrong. Chicago; Mrs. I. M. Grsy. Walter Monroe, Vanoeuver; Mr. and Mra. Charlea Pope, Oregon City; Mlaa K. I Watklns. MX F. Carvell. W. Fran els, B. Farnally. F. C. Maves, Portland; C. D. Lalonwtte, Oregon City; D. T. Lew la, Kdlth a. Toung, Huldah Arm strong. Harriet a Sladea, Alma Francis, B. F. Connell. M. M. WUeon, L. N. Wilson. Portland; F. J. Sullivan, Th Dalle; Mr. and Mrs. Latomette Or, won City; Mr,. L. K. Wrgasrd and chil dren. Mexico City; w. J. rranca. wan Franclsoo; Mrs, w. C. Frs.nct, Atmna; Mra. W. H. BlessL Denver; R. C Pinor. Maraaret Burke. Montana. Mrs. Frank Aldrlch and family. Goldendala Lawrence Barrlnston. Hamilton; Bus aeU. Mrs. A. J. Coproh, Pearl MePnsr- Btsa. M. Sasv Portland. - - , ! ... r aaalda House Jeha Hawktna, W. M Diamond. Wast Superior. Wis: H. B. Loe wen berg, Portland; Mr. B. Eppstain. Mis F. R. BpMteln. San Francisco; Mrs. C K Wilson. Mrs. F. W. Arlss, Portland; Mrs.. Fay D. Toung, Boise; Melvln A. Bell. Pendleton; R. B. Wade. Portland; Kdwln Neustsdtsr, Central la; Mlsa Com Manx. Pasco, Mlas.; C. Bpp tela, Mr. snd Mm. I. Lang. H. Ham blet and family. M. Morrison, Josephine Smith. Norman Pease. Frank J. Seadow Portland: Harrw Olds. Spokane; Marx MeKlimoa J. J. Van Neat. Portland; Francis B. Bwan. Pasadena. Cat; Mra. w. Lrd. The Dallea: Mrs. 8. S. Munson, Skyssnow; Mra, Lulu D. Crandell, Th Dalle; Herman C. Smith; Mr. ana Mrs. l. Walklev. Portland! George w. Peagur, Fargo, M..D. i -4. ,.,,.- ji Coming Events An event of some Importance fn ao- etal and musical circles will be the re eeptloo given by J. Adrian Spplng and W. M. RaamUS to th new faculty of tbe Weetam Academy of Music. Klo- icutlon. vratory an uraawuv fMonday evening. September It An In formal program will be given, and after ward tboss present will hav an oppor tunity to meet the new faculty. Among those who ar stranger to Portland, but wall knoww artists la their line, ar Mr. Mordaunt A. Goodnougb, pianist; Mr. Ruthvn Turner, violinist: Vlr. G. Lester PauL dramatic reader; Invitations may ba obtained at the office of the schooL ' r. Personal Mr, and Mr. H, L. Chapln and daughter, Ins, leav tomorrow for an ex tended eaaterri trip. They wUl vmtt Mr. Chapln' relatives In St Louis, Mich and later tbe fair at St Loula, Mo. - William N. KIlHngaworth. the real estate man, will leav during th weak for visit to th St Louis exposition. Mlas Kate Shannon m the guest of her aunt Mrs. C. C Caplea, of Portland. Mlaa - Emma WunderU returned Wednesday from Newport, where she had been spending the summer. ' - Mrs. C. B. N el aon and daughter Irtna hav been th guts of Mr. L. M. Dun can In MoMlnnvlll. Herbert C. Kaatland, a senior thl year In th University of Oregon, passed a few day ta PorUand laat week, an his way to Bugene from Idaho, wher he has been passing tha summer. Mr. end Mrs. Robert M. Simons and grandchild of Denver visited Cot and Mra. D. M. Dunne during the week. They left for San Francisco on the Elder. Friday evening. Mr. Simons to prelate. Colorado commandery No. 1. Samoa! Elmore, prominent man to the Snanclal and social circles of As toria, visited Portland during; th week. Mrs, Mary Brooks snd dsughter, Clara, of SaernsneaMo, who attended tbe Craig Cauthorn wedding, ar vial ting friends In Portland. Mis Mamie Cauthorn f Corrallla to Visiting rotative to Portlsnd. Mrs. Hsrry A. Holland, who ha been passing six weeks with bar mother, Mrs, M. Beum, left for Spoken Thursday. Mr. and Mr. A S. Benson, who bar bean keeping house through th sum mer, will occupy their rooms at us Portland after September IS. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holmaa Will leave Monday for as astern trip. ' Thay .til visit tha world' fair at St Louil and return to Portland about October 1. Mra. Ella Jon, after a monta va- catioa, ass returned to th our, , Mr. B. H. Bole of Taqulna City to to St Vincent' hospital, and-to tst re covering from an operation. Alfred Stone left oy no aosaay night for a Ban Francisco visit - Mis Mary Butnertana or in irregvo a-(,iiWi mllcaa at Corral IIS. at tended the wedding of Mlas BUa Wills la Portland during tha week. Mr. B. A Cathey snd daugnrsra, Marie and Evelyn, of Corvalila ar Fort land guests. Mrs. Carl Abraham ana nsr asugnier sr vnltlng Mrs. Abraham' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A- Prater la Albany. Mies Cork Sutton, who has spending her vacation with her mother at Eiderbrook farm, returned to Port land tha first of th week to eontlau her nurse's training eourae at th North ern paolflo Sanatorium. Mr. and Mr. Bruce Canr have gon w Tuacon, Aria, for Mr. Carr health. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Ransom of 7i Pettlgrov street, attended th Knight Temnlar conclave In Ban Francisoo. They will remain for a Week' visit Miss Bather Purdy of Cor vain a, wno attended tbe wedding ef her ooualn, Mr. Emily Cauthorn. IS th gueat of Mr. and Mrs- Edwin Jones. 11 Hancock street. Mrs. S. F. Jeffrie of Nome, Alaska, who attended th Cralg-Cuthora nup tial, will remain for two week with Dr. snd Mrs. Cauthorn at M Bast Ash street. Mrs, A. H. Dever left Tneeday for Blaenaah, Germany, to Join her daughter, who la studying muale and modern lan guage there. Mr. Dover will Join them la January and they will so to Berlin. Mrs. Daver will be absent about sight months. Mies Blbra Hayes of Pendleton kt th guest of ber sister, Mrs. C H- Levis, Hsyt street Mr. C. D- Gell ef Ferllsnd to visiting Mra. B. B Cooper of Salem. Mlas Ague Brow and- Misg Bvelyk ' " Bvoritt of Bo burs; are guests of Mlas Brown's Bister. Mrs. F. M. Lrnu. Mlaa - Lena Molntyr of the I Journal Is vlslHnar Portland friends Mrfc and Mrs. Jsp Hills of ugwa are visit lna- in Portland. The Mlasea Hortena and Boa Orlffoa ara the gueata of Mr. and Mrs, C. C Hogue of Albany. -x Mra, J ' p. Nuttlna- and 'daughter. Mtoa Florence, ar visiting Pontland friends. Mr. snd Mra. J. JL Wlnstanley ar to Buaea vlsltlns: St th horn of Mr. Wlnstanley parents. Dr. and Mrs. C B, Loomta. Mr Wlnstanley expects to set- cle permanently la Eugene. Mlas Nellie Ollfry of Meier d) Frank Co., Is visiting Mlsa Ada Hendrtaks la Mrs. Kate MeBrtd of Albany to vis iting her aon, Walter MeBrtd. Mr. L Ward and daughter. Miss Iota of The Dalle ar Portland guests. , , Jouraar Course in Atk How to Improve Public Scnool Gymnastics ' (By Thaaaaa B. Weod,) ' ' (Ctoartlgnt ISiM, by W. B. Bearst.) -' HB condition which will Insure Improvement In th gymnastic , of tha public schools axe related IP practlc, of oourse. to change to matter and method of gymnastta ln- st ruction Those who discuss this Ques tion would Snd It ss difficult perhaps to agree with reference to modification. School gymnastics anould. If the term may be used In this way, b mora phy logenltl In character and progression than they r at preaent t s they should correspond more closely to the motor activities which enabled our an- -ceetors amphibious and otherwise, from th mors remote times to the more re oent to live successfully. Th study of organic evolution end of th life his tory and motor nabtta of anlmala and men at different atages f development, wUl ktv toe clew to th type and the seoueno of movement and -exercise which ar beet .adapted to tbe different atage of tbe development of tha child. Closetr related to this ar change that may advantageously com to th subjective attitude and eonsctous Inter est to tha, minds of th pupa townro these forms of neuro-mueeular activity. Thl attitude of mind cannot usually be mad a fundamental aa th movement Involved, for obvious reasons; but there may ba a certain natural Interest to th efforts mods, s there le nt present ta nthar line of Instruction. The interest and eathualaam (mora particularly to th lower grade of school). In the stuoy of nature, of history and of primitive Ufa are of Immense value ta elementary education. ' The gymnastic work may na to a considerable extent, and very benaflclanv ocreiated win th otner ubot where modern and vital methods are used. 1 - ,. -1 - Again, It to desirable that tha pupils should have explained to them the pur pose of gymnastics and the beneficial rasulta which are souxht in order that j thay-jnay co-operate la all possible ways in th proeeaaes of their own oeveiop menu Thar to to gymnastlo work and to tho general pars leal education of tha pupil a spienara c nance tor mi w"ir ment of Individual initiative eeiE-aon-troi, leadership and other social and moral qualities for the exercise of which the school too often gives little oppor tunltr of a definite kind. Toes may b provided through th fullest poeelble narticiimlion bv th pupil of different ages In the selection and organisation of exercise and games ana in arami plan of asstotano to th conduct of else. .... Tha olav of recess periods and tn oos- door exercise anould be Improved for the moat part by th wise suggestion ox materials and how thay may ba used without laaaenlnsT In any way, but rather Increasing tha Joy In th enthuair aam for spontanaoua activity. - . . It I desirable for th oorrectiv ana antidotal effect of gymnastic la tha school room which should not only coun teract nnhvelenle tendencies, but im prove th quality of all school work and make for a better ecenomy of time and aner y. that a few Tlgorou setting up exercise with deep breathing move mata should be aiven several times a day between class period and eepeolally after- work which .haa requirea eioea sustained attention, musonlar InasUon and cramped poattlons of tho body. ' Move Important even for th improve ment ef gymnastics la th school are th better preparation and training of tho general and apectal teacher who giv In Instruction ta this line. It to essential that tha general trad teacher who must giv most of th gymnastlo Instruction In th elementary schools should understand th larger aspects and relatione of physical educa tion and have a background of general and solentln education, which to so Im portant; tha tochBlsal training ano exserlenos which to of course essontlsl and a devotion to th professional work and tha human service aocompiisneo through It which will Inspire their stu dents and the teacher under wetr supervision to do all which wladom and ) adamant Indicate as worth th doing. It Is desirsni nnaiiy, u sue w phyalcal education I to be effective and 1 to hav th recognition, dignity and influence which It should possess, that tnia arnnfiaatto training should be made a faator to a largor department of edu cation which shall b eoneerned with all the health Interest of school life. Ws can sail thla larger field physical education And school hygiene, , and It should include th investigation of th physical condition and needs of th child, th uperv1lon of th active and passive environment of ecbool which so vitally a Recta health, the direction of the motor act I villa involved In phyalcal education ami tho Instruction In health and hygiene, Siberian cltie ar in straits on ao oount of th war and th Interrupted Import of commodities. Ntkolalevsk, at th mouth of tbe Amoor rlsbr, to out of oil, and tallow, and pretty nearly out of coat. Other and smaller towns ar to similar extremity, with the outlook for their replenishing not so promising sa It might b. Nttjht In tho town and region lasts all winter when t eats to, and lack of oil would be situation not to be thought of with anything like composure. What Httl buainsss to ba ton don In war risks to Japanese ports shows no advance to ratea.'the situation to that country aa to pro via Ion Ing being comparatively favorable In fact, about as good aa It to en an average, - , A Fsufiawi Bias an ' A prisoner tried before a pertain emi nent Judg for larceny bad admitted hi guilt when apprehended, but st th trial waa defended with, groat obstinacy by his counsel. - "Qentlemen." said th Judge, sarcas tically, to the Jury, "th prisoner ssy he Is guilty. His counsel says ha 1 sot Too must decide between them." Then, after peuee, hs sddedl There to )ut ons thing to tometw ber. aentleman. The prisoner was there ni hla aottnaal wasn't- t t AT THE (Continued from "2 skinned performer 'who rival any oriental In- their daring Jugglery and feats of equilibrium- Kate Coyle has found a new and beautiful Uluatrated song which aha will'' sing to her ridhi among other thrilling scenes, an attack by Japan upon th Russian outposts. OOTOMOOM sf At thlssitsrnoon'g Empire matinee the Weldmann- stock oompany which haa scored a sueoeas with It first week to this. city, will present a magnificent revival of Dion Bouclcault' greatest , , , . -,:, . . 4' ' -.. I- . a THRBB XELCET SISTERS of all American play. The Octoroon. Th drama teams V with thrilling situa tions, ennobling sentiments and beau tlful romance. It require th beat ef fort of tho best oscnpsnles to give It proper effect, but the Empire organisa tion la equal t It to ovary respect ' Th revival has been made after long preparation and special eoenery and ef fecta hav been secured for th occasion. Among th beautiful and snssslonl aoene to the production will be th burning of tho Mississippi river steam boat, th planter' manaLou, th Louis iana cane-brake and th terrible bowie- knife duet Everyone should see th great scenes, th ant bell am darkle, th beautiful southern belle and the haughty alavemaatera. It will b an education for young- peopl and a rare treat for their alders. . - Th Empire under th management of Mr. Weldemana has already become the theatre of the1 peopl and th natronag of th past WMk prove that th line upon which the new playhouse ta con ducted suit th Cheetrvgoer. It ta family theatre wher th patrons are made to feel at horns. Every perform ance hag ahowa a decided Increase to tha sis of the audience and th week to 00m 1 bound to emoted alt previous records. . It required th melancholy gentna of Robert Losto Stevenson to create th weird story of "Dr. Jekyll snd Mr. Hyde, to a dramatisation of which Mr. James Keane and hla company will ap pear at Cordray's theatre thl aftvrnoon, matinee and tonight Mr. Keen cam to hi company made such a nit last week In their two plays that they were in duced to extend their engagement for thl additional week, , Many dramatic author have at tempted to put to acting form thta atory of wonderful interest but th version of fered by Mr. Keane has been nfonounoed by orlttea aa th best offered to the pub lic - : Wherever Mr. Keen hag played "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" tbe critic have been lavish to pre Is of .hi work. In full view of th audience, he makes the complete chan from th haodeome and Jolly Dr. Jekyll to the hideous and re- nulstve Mr. Hyde. Mr. Keane ba a oompany of rare excellence ta hi sup port, but his work to this play is of a dominating character. Ha presents a powerful picture of th good and evil Inherent to th human . breast each struggling for th aaaatery. 1 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HyueT will o continued Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday evening. On Thursday eva- A. F. Collins In Nsw York Herald. A now -method of - producing anaas- theela by th electrification of th hu man brala has. Just been successfully demonstrated by Dr. Stephen Ledue, an eminent Pariama physician of th Bool du Medoeln. - This xtrscrdlnary pTroeedure for the artificial IndacUon of steep will, H to thought by many, supplant gas, other, chloroform and similar toxlo produots. the great value of which was first shown by Dr. Horace Walls, of Hartford, Conn, , Th first untoward result attending th us of electricity In Inducing snsee- theel war finally overcome by Dr. Le due, who resorted to th very simple x oedlent of placing la th circuit a re sistance, so that th operator eould In crease th strength of th current very gradually, bringing It up to the required Intensity to from three to five minute. When tb pressure of th current waa thus gently stepped up xo me proper degree the- rabbit without a movement of defense or of night, without tno slightest Indication f pain and without any chang in th movement of respi ration Or heart action, passed from th waklnaT. state Into a quiet and regular sleep, with absolute anaesthesia. In an experiment with a dog at th end of the first minute after th current was applied th animal bowed It bead as tf sleepy, then sat down, next lay aown on Its aid and eventually went to sleep as naturally as you please. Dr. Ledue pursued his researches on the ahaeethettc us and value ef an electric current and extended them to th human subject. Following the d mlrabl conduct of Dr. Horse Well ta bis first teats with gas, th Parisian physician had the necessary xperiaients performed upon, himself. xne eiecirie press ore was 1111 laasuu from It volts, which had been used for anlmala, to M volts for- his own cava. Tho current was Introduced through cot ton electrode molatened In salt water; THEATRES Psg Seventeen.) Ing' th Mil win ba changed and th company will appear In "The Highway for the remainder of tho weak. , "Wanna" win ba at th BMo ' thin vaak. oommenotne: with th asatlnee to morrow afternoon. - Sinn's Broadway burlesoue hav this new operetta as their larent vehicle. .It la character' Ised by songS that haven't neon heard before, slri that can dance and sing as well, eoatumao that ar gorgeous, and stunning- effects everywhere. The 00m papy to fully oapabl of handling the j r 1-. , t t .- . , r V. - -. --, . . .;?- "... ' AT THE STAR. THEATER. pleoe, which hag been spsctalry arrangsd for It Spanish magiotan and entertainer In tbe shape of th four preclado will also 0 on the bllL For Illusions and tricks that are marvelous the magicians take tha palm. They haven't conquered the English language, but they have con quered th art of mystic illusions. Preclado hold n empty hat to th audience; He then' unwind v yards of ribbon from Its interior, and finally lifts a pretty little oh lid from the mass of ribbon on th floor. GUmoro and L riooon on ne nwr. uuwi ana Moyn have delightful comedy sketch. The vltasoop produce picture of Wil liam Tall sarsry afternoon and svanisg. Th big act 00 the psQgram at th Star theatre, next week, baglnto on Moriday aftarnoon, will bef th th Keloev alsters. All that la good to fancy contortion work I combined ta this turn? It to also funny and presents sosa atover dancing and tuneful - singing. Dan and Basel Kelly ar to appear to a little comedy entitled Tsaoga g Strat agem,' whtcn ia very magna Die. A soubrett 'in scarlet to Winifred Lamar, who sings prettily, dances nicely and then does some clever contortion work. Gsoto and Harvey will present another sf those high etoas operatic acta which hav given tons to so many of th Star programs and which are worthy of production on any stag. A whirling mas of flash in clubs to what the net of Gilton and GUleo looks like.- and the novelty artist may be depended on to aroua Interest. Will C Hoyt Will slag s new Illustrated song, and tho pTOjectooeono will does , the XTBirrs Mfi juujs. Next week at th Lyrto th greateet of all bUla, headed by th world's won ders, Sampson and Zaeho, will bo pre sented. Th top liner perform feats of lifting that to nothing short of marvel ous. , Tsd McKeuna and hi dog both direct, from the Orpheura circuit; Tint Welah, th acrobatic comedian; Thomaa Ray, lngr of Illustrated songs; Plaids and Whalen, singing and dancing 00m- edy sketch artiste, and the vltasoop In nev moving picture complete the bill. Friday night of each week llf to gold ta given away, st each performance. Laat week bill dssw full houses at each performsnc and will elooe tonight. - - BaJkOB) BAT I At th Baker tomorrow afternoon Melbourne McDowell and chn excellent supporting- company will give a special "La Toeca" matinee. Seata are now on sals at th regular matinee prioea. forehead and th opposite on was placed over hi kidney Thl was done so that the spinal column would like wise become a rr acted, sine It to con nected directly with the brain. " Tb highest pressure of tho current was reached gradually, tha operation re quiring five minute. . Th first sensa tion th doctor experienced was when be found ha could not speak, and then th rest of the motor system waa in hibited and th senses on after an other suocujBbed to the Influence. The heart, onllka th fearful and dangorou depression to whldTlt to subjected by the action of chloroform, sras entirely unaffected, hut tbe breathing was some whaA, difficult probably due, th doc tor iiggeeta, to the exoes of current passing through tho neck and thereby contracting the muscle. This may ba easily diminished. On breaking the Currant th awaken ing to Instantaneous, and tha feeling which follows is ons of tovlgoratlon. All danger to llf may be easily avoided by switching off th current aa soon as there to any indication sf difficult breathing. .. J Id summarising th facts known on oarnlng tb action of electric currents upon th trams a brain It may he stated that th brain to th beat conductor In tb human body, being about l.dOv times more conducting than rnuscl A 'Con tinuous current from the back of tho head to the front appears to be innocu ous, and sveo beneflclat If not too strong. i From ta Philadelphia Ledger. " Lsst week a b trapping negro woman was up- before a megletrete. charged with unmercifully heating her boy. 1 don't understand how yon can have th heart to treat your own child so cruelly," said th magistrate. "Jed, has yow been a parent of a wufleas yalien boy Ilk dat ar eub ef miner- "Never no, never!" (with great -vh-ajenre, and getting red In th face.) "Den don't talk; yo don't know auSIn about sf ... , ' f . v Caall54I-t S (Br L ONDOM. Aug. It NeveT hay I , felt o damp, dismal and de pressed. After the sham waa over I could hav sobbed unlntev . notedly for half an hour. Llf eeemed heavy and Hstleae; there waa blue on the face of tha moon; a great opaque blot stamped Itself on my spirits. Some . problem playf you will ssy. Some Ibsen Imitation, reflecting frail humanity at a frail moment for I been (like th pho tographer), when he snapshot human ity, aaye, "Now, try and look frail. - No. H was nothing of thla sort Th London season, moreover, hs turned up ,; Hs toe to th daisies, and 1 n more. . I waa to th province yesterday, and X want to th Birmingham Empire Palace to' see "th world-renowned comedian, ' Daa Leno. Mr. Leu of lata ba ailed far from the public gas. Dally' bultatlne -. kept tha anxious public of London and the provinces posted aa to hla condition. Met sinoe King Bnward VII poatponed hla coronation and underwent aa opera- tlon has so mush interest In one solitary Individual' health been manifested. Bu , drivers, cabmen, hotel porters. Flunkey . Jesjaes, Boots, Sarah Jen snd Mary Ann had but one topi of enveraatlost . "Ow'g Daa today" Known as- "Th King's Jester" Mr. Leno goto ' a colossal salary as "head- liner" In the provincial vaudeville aeuaea. th other feature of th show 4 bains; ehaapsssd 4o- "make things bal- ansa. And so I went to ins uirming- Wham Bntptre Palace to see If. by book or , by crook. I could get a tougn. 1 waa pining for one. To be our.' to New York w didn't llk-Bw Lena, when ' Hammereteln brought him over. But I 7 wa willing to forgive and forget Per- hap It was th el I mate. Nearly every thing can be Climate, Climate to really , awfully useful. , . - Tbe Birmingham Beaptre FalsoS to a horrible place to roaoh. Too go down a alum street by the old of th general poetoffloe. snd you plough your war through an Inconceivable mass of filth snd squalor. Terrible looking 'errl and errieta with a baby to arms, and even at apron string, dog your path. Roughs snd toughs and slop re end -toper leer fiendishly from the gandy sarrlah gto palsoe with which th Loot ' oughtor to lined,- It makes you feel ; quite unlike as evening- entertainment. i ha Kaan fool enouaii to don the article last are so Inelegantly called . -glad rag" welt yon aserv your fate. If you ever reach the Empire Iil- . a toneullled. and minus a blot upon , your escutcheon or shirt front, you can deem yourself lucky, . L.. Th Palace, which to hug " w t thr Moss Empire waa packed to the very walla. Crowd were turned away, won but holders of booked seats war per mitted t enter. Standing room was st ; a premium. Th dark, gloomy, badly . , lighted hall Waa Slssllng With bUUMRlty. lDan Leno, th king jester, "tna worm-. noed comedian,'' had attracts! th t After a program of seven feature--that could hvsbeen bettered at a Coney I stand liquor saloon- Alec Hurley al'me. exeepted thr was a bush, and little My- Lno cam forth dtagutaed a perfect lady. My spirits, refreshed by a snort nap, do to th early nrt of th program, arose. I was primed fee a merry tough. I flatter myself that to , osm moods t ona even enjoy Idiocy though 1 don't tasks a point of admltUnS -that on B occasion. At any rat,. thereto no bum. being of my aoquaintano who oan laugn a readily as yours obediently, st times. I , honestly think that last sight I cmtld have smiled st Jlmmte Powers and B--brooke, a couple of gentlemen who usu ally make mo think that llf Is real, llf to earnest and all that Sort Of thing, dontcherknow. At the dee of Mr. Dsn Leno first f offering, with It accompanying patter, a horrid, grawsom seneatlon oppressed aaa. Not smite; not th ghoat of a I Ar? ll snigger. Nothing. Not sn amusing worn . did he utter, and be uttered thousand?-.: . Dressed ss a woman, be made a fw. :v tiH.Mia to snrtera and underwear that mad th peopl In th It-cent part of u tha house smile rlbaldly. Otherwise. If '. . Mr Dsn Leno bad been called Mr. John , Smith, X should hav got up and said . to-ia. It waa. to fact, about th limit , f hamn endurance. , - Next h earn 0 as an Italian, With guitar in which he kept his handker chief. That. 1 prasums, was meant to- . be funny. Ha talked about B barrelful . of aimless, pointless, toneless, toughlMl twaddle. Interrupting himself, rambling from on theme to another, abnormally and Irretrievably tragin A tear kt. eertod itself and atole unbidden down my chsek. Th King's Jester!" . To gods! -' - - Prom had to worse, and front worse to worse, he went st a bound. To eke , out hi salary hs cam on a sain In buff coat as a "hormry" man. but by thta . time tragedy had et Is. It wti 1m- l posslMs to concentrate one' thoughts on thta Jiunbte of absolutely primitive . chatter. perhan Noah, in his srk might hav emlled at Leno, as an eecaoe fmn ttts flood. I say. perhaps. Hal . I been Nook, under Buehtelrcumteswa I should have plunged) into th water. Just for 0 moment, before be de nartad. did thl over advernae. meian oholyperoon redeem himself. H did TlZL i .Hence, H Is atlll sn agll bdancer, and as hs wss not called upon to be ruruiy wnm wm hi hit wss perchance due VI an whaloing sense of relief, ottr Leno! I don't like to rub H to, ss ft were. But -t. autaidar nossibly a rank outsider I oan but record the fact ef thl much- - .4 hMnrlaC noon BIT own anally laughter-moved aelf. Nor did he eeerrt to faro very tofleh better with th . greater part of th audience. -In feet the coined tan was travel tot on hie name which to lwey futil ehen the substance that bee made th nam ha vanishes in y ( I hav smiled at Dsn Leno. Last night V as I said, when th show was -ever, I Si eould hav sobbed for half an hour un- interruptedly. Without th ' hnnto I ; eould not hav picked out the 'ilN from th row of measre-aalarted no-v bodies that preceded him. ; ; . f V Boed for Turtles a Mtit1 From th Hongkong Pre. Tho Chinee have a peculiar ustom with regard to turtle, which they con- .... stder aa very good Jos Almost any day on oan so these creatures, some of them of hugs aise, being carried en , board th river steamer, not to ho .: taken to Canton for culinary purpose. but to he dumped into th sea and re stored to liberty and freedom. Good luck to thought to follow. ' Ttoto A TeraEont Berry Pateh. From St Johnabury Republican. 1 Earl W. Peterson ol Eaat BerkshlrO hs a patch of strawberries (Brandy- ; wine) 111 feet by ft from Which he ha picked 14 or If buahal On morning) k gathered. IT baskets, the patch th day before being picked clean. A to th Bis of th berrlee, a few measured I Inchae in ctregmfsrsn and M berrtas ailed a haakaC . . . - V