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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1004.' t tunltlan than "Captain IltarhUlr." . e&ioUm M It do OertOUn eituatlona uk the llgntaat oomady. Mlaa Qoun I' tin ippmn a Fmujiy Haddn, whll Captain Iettarblalr hlmealf give to Mr. : Baume an admirable - role. Donald Bowlea, lata of tba Nelll foroea, la tba leading 'Juvenile. Ha bide fair to kt ft matinee Idol after hla flrat appeaxanoe ' aa Plncknay, a youna; aoldler and Lettac blalr'a devotes friend. ' Tha light oom odiaa la George Bloomqueet, another THBSTA VaaMaaAhta S;ra. NEW Bill OPENS Ik... Three Kelcey Sisters Paaer Ouaturtt Vnrt Daac-- Joktm Tbc An Ctovar, .Dan and Bessie Kelly a fanllaff Owatty. "IsWra atntMrMa." i tka Taafela la Wkidl Tbay lUaa to WINIFRED LAMAR R. Q. WELCH Lessee and Manager 1 1 ., ' I - :- V n t CHARLOTT DIAKB , Aa 91ortaM to "L Toeeo," at tha Bake , Theatre. ceerult from tha Malll foroea, who haa aa agreeable part aa Jorklna, Lettar- . Blalr'a faithful eerrent, , ,, William Dtlla, one-of tha ableet char acter aotara that haa arar appaarad In Portland, baa brtek comedy roto Dean Ainbroae. Oppoelte Mr. Dllla will . ha aeon Mlaa Roaa Sytlnga, ona of tha moat brlUUnt woman on tha American Ptago;. Boot! Baton wlH ba tfce friend of tha family and guardian of fanny Haddea; and Mlaa Loulao Brandt, who won recog nition aa nombar of rweral aaatara ,.atock companlaa, will appear . as ,tha gweetheart of Plncknajr. Opens Today, Sunday Matinee, 2 p. m. ; I ; I4tii and Washington Streets ' . ,v K . ; ; 0 ..V: ., .: - .1 v.'..' - V- " THE SAFEST THEATRE IN THE WORLfi, TWENTY-SIX EJOTS ' Uj.: T .UIaL ' T? XT C4-VkA4-M9ei nM je tha Kill JVf '. t s .f" ... Vap tain Lettarblair IE H Sothem's great success, is the bill for ' ;V'tlw' tot'wilc The very highest class stock company procurable in America will appear. , . '.':;.' ' Cathrine; Gountiss is leading woman, 1 l?dgar Baume, leading man. iThk is the firstTweek of a stbcseasolastingoityTwee ... fi . . ' None but the highest 'class plays will be presented. r We ; tiffetfr'ltbe most ' beautiful and comfortable :. theatre on' the Pacific coast We ask : you '-) to come and . see us - once. We 7 know t: you will ;l'i"v'want-to ?come v;V-:. "v-:vv '- : i-v:-;;;v:-''A '..'v-i.' - ' , .V" i - - .' ! fP. ' Wwl Srairinv ISa, tSo. SOo and a fow at Tfo, IfUns Ito, le and ta - I..,,. ---p: . 1 , ".;, .,v; ,.- . j ; ; , .; aaata may bo raaarvad for anHro aaaaan at box oflloa, or at Rowo - ;r '.: " , - 'V' - ' - ,-.,' ri-"-"' - ri ?""v. ' .MrU, drua atora. Sixth and Waahlnrton. Pay for roar aaata aaoh - f . -; ' - .r .- J -t .v waak aa yov got than. Oancallatloa prlvUaaa allowod at any tlaa . ' ' s. i:-''--V.'.-:-'V-,-,,r-'4-a ,i f " . . i: '') :r, ; . ' i 1 ' t ';' : . ' '' ' -" m ' - " .. , ,-.,. v., " ' , v ..'V ; ,: "i ".t i ; i ; i .; -; - I. k 1 .i-, MBTA " M AB0KV At tha Bmpira Tbaatr. foxoallent Ml action aa ataco dlraetor I will bo oaat aa rranala Marlvala, tba ' TUIaht, and hla appaaranoa will ' bo aagerly waloomad by Portland thaatr Soara. Frank King, tha wall knewv deanlo artiat, haa bean nsajrad by lfanar Welch, and tha aaraa acanary will navar ba me, twloa at thl houao. A aparlal faatura of tha Columbia will ba tha orchaatra of 10 placaa nndor tha dltao tlOtt of aai Drtaooll. 1 ' &A tOwOA" A T Tooca" will ba tha attraction at tha Bakar thla wk, atartlnf with tha Biattaea thla af tarnoon. Tha Sardou traady will ba mountd alaboratalr. and Malbounio MaoDow.H'a 'oonpany haa Vfcaatrtoal maka-ap. Bona and Mayor a pacta lUaa, aTaaaa patnta, powdara and croama woodard. Clark A.Co oornar Fawtk andWaihhigtan atraatavr . gaaaaaaoaaaatf tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttOta rnpnp aystheate or 9 1 M? SUNDAY, SEPT. 4 XXiftJ?? SPECIAL LABOR DAY flATINEB, MONDAY or , '- ., .. ' -- i TTv : I A M H : K A 1S1 1- co.w s ,.tn iPiiifi i itm tir.r Hinrif 3 "UK. JCM LL, AWU wiK. jl I ul 2 PLAY OT WIERD AND THRILLINa INTEREST START 2 , r. UNO EFrc&TS HWKVCunjs vninuc . . . . ; i KBA1NB IN A ,'. DUALi J ROLE .V TuiTbcnAV CDinAV C ATI TDHAV Matinee andxEvening 2 o SuTHC HinH r A V M AM" - . i ww v-m. a ii a a. i w av - cm. w-ha- Ws and AOa. AlodKslal RdMrvM j gltttai OUg maiTinayap a-l-asjaaas avw anu aow;' -. Na4 Attraction "On the Brldire at Midnight? I EMPIRE THEATRE v I .' a p.. S ' Tbos. F. WMMmiDtt, umm an fluugw -Mb irru lun1 vnnPTfinN RT5L ' PHONIC MAIN 117. TSb SUNDAY MATINEE, SEPT. 4th Spvciwl MatiftH Utor Day. MMly, Scatoihwr S v; I THE WIEDEMANN STOCK CO. n ah ay IN DION BOOCICAULrS SIX-ACT ; SOUTHERN ROHANCB THE OCTOROON! a) of -i f 'V - oi ,,. 3 of a A Beautiful Story of the South ' . 1 . 1 ' - j OCC ValMBlav Maaaaa am taw MTHiilppt BMb Tha :Arr; Xalfa Swal, a4 Oiiartattar Wtak tho Moo .1 I Bawattfml Tuart iranlia Mm Brat la Tow II II 11 l J 2 MATTNTtlCS SUNDAY. WEDNESDAY AND" SATURDAY T ". - - NIGHT PRICES ific, 15c nd 25c; MATINKKa 10c and 15c S GET THE EMPIRE HABIT itiimiMmwwwMMmwwmwnwmmti 1 I boon wall eaat for dho thrtlllnt drawa In tho rola of Lo Baron Scarpla, Mr. MaoDowaU baa aohtarad a dUlinct tri umph. Althonak ardott ' haa . aivoa many graat drama to tho taa, la so othar ona haa ha ln)ootad aneh a powerful In taraat a "La Toaoa." Tho harolaa la an Itallaa girU who deaply lovaa Mario Chvadoaal, a yoonc pain tar. Mario don oaal a youna- ravoluttonlat In-hla aoun try "houaa and lm-Toaoa auapaota that tba atranffar la a worn a. Bha unwltMna--ly laada tha pal lea to tha villa la tho auhurba and dlaaovara oa bar arrival thara that aha haa awda a nataha. In attanptum to fatara to tba alty, both Mario and La Tooea ara amotad. Tha offloora torturo Mario In full vhw and haaiina af tha girl until at laat,V atop hla pain, aha tall whar tho rarolnUon tat la hid. Tha offloara, howovar, find that tho rafuaaa baa kill ad almaalf. Mario la aantanead to daath for at Umptinv to aid tho fuaitlva, but La BaroQ - aoarpta proailaa to offact tha lovor'a oaoapo provldlnc La Toaoa will aurrandor haraatf to tho villain. Bha alvaa a ntock oonaant and La Bare aara ha will havp tho flrln aquad ahoot blank eartrldgaa at Mario Inataad of bullata. Lo Baron Boarptav howovar, do ealvaa tho alrl and Inatruot tha Poldlora to kill Maria, im La Toaoa nsoa to "' ' - v: aa.. a...i v lv -7 TTU1 AllIllUU CdUUAUUn mmm m m . . a m a y I a AV II v ' af - OREGON BLUE RIBBON 0- n 9 - MM mm Salem; bept .12 to A Magnificent Exposition and live Stock Show. ; The Greatest Ever Attempted on -the Pacific "Coast 000 in Premuihis .'."i..--(JlIVlVlllV , , ltlVIItVJk. IVIVIItV REDUCED RATES QN ALL ; RAILROADS A aoabratta ta Bnrwt. anawal aad a CharaUtm Imy. OASTON & HARVEY prMmtlav a Hlh-Cl OpntW At. Worth f aaaUnai JTraa tha Mat CHU- eai. OILLEN 6t GILLEN naaUaa Clato Ply Whlhi Taa BavattT ArtUU Bo M Um Bofda. WILL C. HOYT Tba Bwt Mntw at Ithutnta aoaga That a . PROJECTOSCOPE Droit IsTratlna, Haa Mavtag PW tsm That 8 tart to and Ahum. CONTINUOUS BILL TODAY wajfedar ahJrmt!'MT'JO, ffM ta 10:80 a. BL General Admission 10 Cta the BAKER THEATRE Otogaa Thaatia Oa, (1m), laoaga X. Bahac, BXaaacoa, Second Week, Starting Sunday Matinee; Sept 4 - A1X WBBK AND MATtNBB SATURDAY : iMcial taker Bay Math. Maw4ayt Saaf. 3 Opinio mf Critic Who Arm Paid fa Knom: Ir. WUtaar Of Tka SaOp raaraal art! "Tb eMtllMt ppaUr prind now aa tb Oaaat fur Vlfopatra' M prMatd hr -boora hTacDovull and Char- lotta Daaaa to a aUaUad Jr a. Kalla af tka am "Maar Sna ba rlva w tka paat oa tba - Bakar tif. bat larAra'a gvmt 81 7, Cl"opatra,' Uck opna H mm at tbU boaar 7terdar la tar aipartar to all tbvra." Mr. viaaaa af tba Iteataf Oraiaa- ku aaja: "A tnaindaaatjr dna arnoartkta at 0opatra' BMrt4 tb opaalnc tka Bak taatra rteraar kad.tifa e pafltr anilaMa atUatad tbaw appradafloa." Mr, Batbud af tba aakta aal Taatat aarat -J"pfc. H'a aatoana Inc. all r((M. It to worth anr : tw'i wnlla to attona. Tbr la ' an OMbt tkat MlM Cbarlotto Vtnnm aa Claopatra dm 4 lha kit af lk baar, and drora brnoa aa bapartant ataka ta af caraar.'1 Mr. Melbourne Mac Dowell The CTeatewt Uvinff exponent of the ' Sardotl repertoire, supported by a splendid company, preventing La Tosca Intense And faednating. - Scenery sod entire prodoction cottiplete ,in every detail. Praise Is uni . "v versaL . Evening Prices 15, 25, 35 and 50c Matinees 10, 15 and 25c NaatWoak. MaaVoajrwa Mi St flardoa'o Poworfml Drama OISMONDA toll bar tovar of tho plaa of oaoapo aha aaoa btra axaoutad by tbo flrtns aquad. In daoparatloa aba aalaeo a dacirar and ataba Soarplo. rranilad and baif craaad. aha ruahoa baforo tho aoldlara and oonfaaaad bar erlana. For tbl aba ta parfnratod wlU bullata, but diao da flantly. Thla atronaT drama win aadoobtadlr prova ono of tho sreataat attraottona aoaa ta Portland during tha anaulng tha atrloal aaaaon. Thara wlU bo tb tumal paauaao Saturday. ommt; - Tbo aow proajraaa at tbo areado tha atra which opona oa Monday aftornoon la haadad hj tha fuanr firm or Statala and Hyaa. Roaa IfalrUla. who orlalaatad all tha Sla Hopktoa aata which. ro aow cofna - throuch - tha country, navar thought of anything fanirtar In thla Una than that given by Mattla Hyde, while her partner. Qua ItHnla, doaa tha moat laua-habla Oenaaa dialect ktuata. , euoeaUo D ArrlUo tg a uolquo aaaa Prof. M. M. Ringer's 0 'Physical Culture School I Opeas for the Sevea Sept 5 : Clssses and individual work Id all branches of physical training for men. women and ' Grace' moreroenta. Health gymnaetica, curattre and cor rective exercises for curva ture, weak cheat, round ghouldera, underdevelopment, poor circulation. Indigestion., t ' Short people made teller by the tareoua CARTILAGE SYSTEM ... '.-; 8psdsl department . of ' dancing, equipment firat-class ' sAptrienced instructors. . ; Gymnasium and exercia mg parlors. , - ; - 309 Alder St. . ; MBAJt SIXTH ( V 9awwwM Vvwawal M(sg fftat loan f a av S) I a. . Consultation rree Parttaaaro Pleaaar VaaaavBle Tbaatra. at SgfaJUM. NEW BILL STARTS MONDAY t STEINLE 6l HYDE m ovwi ittNiiMtM amree a kUHUU aa Ski Bepalaa. Petronelle D'Arvllle Perwiaal Baaaty and DanHag WaMraba Make Taia Woedarfal TkUlakU Anraetlva IXOYD SPENCER A aaomHan Vkoaa Wit aad Hot Bw Make Hiai Vaaay. Ba waaia a 7 THE LAKOLAS daaarlaaa Jane WW garpaaj tba la PaaU af Jaaalary. V KATE COYLE . Bleb OoatrahV Tcrtea. a Pratty Paaj Up-to-Date lUaatratad ioaan. AMERICAN BIOSCOPE Thrilllnc Hartag PMtarM of a JboaaoM Attaafc.Upoa the Baaalaa OetpoaU. CONTINUOUS BILL rODAV tan p. w' We- IZ t: Admit sion to Any Scat 10c LYRIC THEATRE ' kvm m r&ooxs Beating Capaetty 14. WEEK OF MONDAY, SEPT. 3 ovxarrax bt ltbxo eaosKSTBAi SAMPSON & ZACHO ta a Wwld'k Wander Peat at Ufttow a PUm With tto Teeth and Other Mao - Take Peate., ; TEDMcKENNA Aad Hta WeaoWfal Dag. Dareat Preai Sm Orpaaam, OlrcaJt. TINT WELCH THOMAS RAY eg tSaawaaad Saaga FIELDS & YVHALEN THE VITASCOPE ' Witt WwW' MejVtataff afewTtaVaasV Thla ad. and lOo will admit two b any aaatlnaa, aaoapUns SuBday and holiday- ADMI3SION We NO MIQHER B aa Oi Sits ana flli for a Vnlqno woman. Swan wardrobe, paraonal beauty and mualoal taaant all combine to aak Mr V playing ono oC tha gaoet atr nga of tha aaaaon. Lnvd t a aoaaedlan who weara Oreaa .a bo ha mak ing people laun and ouea It aa wail thla war aa thou-n ba wore a purple wig awl pink whiaM.a. Annarv- japa ara tba Lakolaa. white Bijou THEATRE WEEK OF SEPT. 5th Oparatta YENUS; by IWa aVaaawap 4-PRECIAD0S--4 aataruiaara MafWaaa. Gilmore&tx' ':yr. z .. Saw Pntafoj Oa Sm nrr io r .uoA oa rag Wghte. 1 - w