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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
'V if H f-yV- : ' THg : ORROOW SUNDAY' JOURNAL," PORTlANP,T SUNDAY1 4-: TKORNING, " SEPTEMBER - 4, 1904. aft Rose 5Eytinrfc TclLi of Edwin Columbia TkeatreY New Stock , . Company and Some of Its Members :VC 5; ' BootkSome Coming Attractions Fm meet Ross Rylingel NeT Ton have Mlmi a great ad wbo . . hi RnM KvttBS M oae of the realty charming women C th American etage. am known biw to receive, what to mt mod aw to aaytt. Only eke will petal la geg te bad st 'cloek, which reader It matter (oit cast with hr. DUBcult because In the Uytlne. whoa rt tout teaching; lot of amateur en the east side how to act ah is waiting tor cue at (ho Olomhl d Jooklne how or tho lonath mt tn rhaaiL But ItoM Ertiar. through Um ooot ter of tfc aUa dlnetor, ran short 4iataao wy frow wHmwI r mr and Bar Tha Jomrnal a oudgvt of - remain auttar VM aona -m pasa. ' ' "Lat na a !bto tha bow. whora wa will wot bo tatarruptoa," aha aala. Iadtn tto war from tk atawa. ikrou-h a dark. ' thtefc-earpotaa aaaaaca, aaa polntlns out Um 4anero of tha ouraar aa only a yfrw from haoln4 tha aoana ea14 do in daylicht. " . Rom SrUa a4Jatad bar bat. which tha ToJTot ewrtaln bao nalad to a da area, aad aat dowa ta ana of tha hie. eomfortablo ohalra that Manaar Wolch baa ao ttyng,t"uT pcwirMaA for bia pal fo if. . Now. whai to IK row aM bora m "Booth bot Booth whan M you - moot him. and bowr Tha rlattor trom- blad a Uttla at tha thourht that hnallr ' b ww taialaw a a dlatlngafhaa bet row t 1 anotbor sonotrntkm. . - "Do rou moaa Bdwtn Booth? aba aakad. bar faataroa lpdleatnc tha plm wrm with which ah racalrod th proa poot, ( "It will aot tafea tone to tall row -aU I know about Bdwtn Booth. Mr ae qoatntaao with him eowttaaad vatU hla doath, aad thor Uvad aolthor man aor woama who oooid oomprabaod att Kho . rood qnallUaa of that croat maa la eo abort a tlm Ua wm aa braaa aa good "" -ao bla-1 -Tba Irat ttan f mot him waa bo- twont tb jraara ll aad Itw thoaa , datoa ara ao alaalT whoa William i WboaUor oraanlMfl a atock eompanr tot . NlMo'a cardow la How York, and Mr. """Booth oama thor to alar atarrlna a raaomoat. Tb play waa to b Victor , HttfO'l 1 Rot CAnuw' (th anuaaoMat of a kiBC). whleh waa aroaarad for to Franca- ataca orlclaaUr and rewrltton for Amarloa and Bosland by Tom Tar ter, wndor tha tltl of "Th Fool-a Ro-Tonr- Mr. Booth plrl tha part of - - Daluotk and I hla daushtan FlerdUlaa. S rod apoak Franchr,. , .. TWo, mw.-m." - ' ' ' " - ; -Nalthor do t"bu I hnow how to pall thoa nama. - Wall, l thoa dar th manaraoMnt of tha thoatr or- - amalawl th atoofc company for tb n tlr iminn. and that company wa ut 'a Ukair to play wlthoat a tar aa with ana, It waa a bl oront, than, aa row or Imactna, whoa Bdwte Booth'aaama paoarod at tha hoad of tha oast. Pr- . BonBllr. I waa axpoBtajrtaaoltoa. I rommbr wall with what detail 1 aoutht w) obtain tha proper oostuat. I waa than a yowaa' hotraaa. wnknowa silk to Mew York and to Bdwln Booth. Th asomant m part waa dealroated I bacan to devote mpaolf to .that ooatnni and BmaJiy x ran across a famous pelntlna of an Italian drt of tbo period 1 wantad - th afteenth jientury, 1 thlnh end Bad mr oaotomor nak aa xeot ropro duotloa of th area In that pietura. Thar wore aatlaa and paarla and dl apbaaoo tblnsa about tt that lalmplr Piled mo with delta-ox I oonfaaa that - when-1 ooasultoa mr mirror I was mot than tttT-il I pot th eoetume on the ttiaht of th drees rehear! and want to tha greea room yea. we had area rooav In tboa days and shorUr Mr. Booth entered. Contrary to my fond hop, hla axpraaatoa waa aot on af admiration. It. rather tadloatod eon sternaUon, Conlna; loa to m. h said: w Mt Im'I vrtu think vau hava aftad this daaghtar of mine xtrmlr aroa- JAM U. ferd i Tfr- lt-l la tha eonwat ooetvas. Mr. Booth,1 I eternal area. - "Ar. eorroet as to ported,' b r plwd. lait db yoa not realise that I aas . ft aiul Mir Akimllv llMMI Were Bsodwatalp la (oot that 1 am poor manr , "1 brohe dowa sad wope.- bwt aeon Mr. Booth jwmi over to i end. ntroklna bt hair la tha m fatharlr 'toener. oontlnnodL 'Never mind, sir lie. never mind. Th reauU I uiIhIv aBtiefeDtanr that WO will have to forflve nordlllam ai bar a travaaana. - "There 1 a fair axampto of tha amlabUltp of Bdwln Booth. And that wa only on of hla mimborl admir able tralta." Ram KvtlnM naaaed for a few ttiO- ni vpiIIa aba lea't -aa terribly eentlmeatal tt waa no trtefc to dietln ruiah the auoarlty with whleh ah poke, nor was it lmpoeolble to dla oever a augwaetlon of old-tablond Bor row In her volo when ana rasumea: -Ed win Booth was ana of tn eweer- timm Miuiii i that nr lived, and at tha earn tint of th oat nnfonaaata," Why. ar - ' '- iupii a the tkrmt alaAa. ha waa th son of yaaloa Brutus Booth, a maa of --the moat axtraoralnery ana aomo- Umaa rtetoos haMt HM was ooat pelled to travel about the country with his father, who waa without oueettoa la am na and poeeeeeed of a Wild tamper. and aot infraauantiy m ii-yeeooo hav wu flu uion tha etare at a mo- Mfit'a notice to.pUy hie fathar'a part. "in the- aeooadr place, aa marnea very early la Ufa. 1 Hts brtda he adored and undoubtedly ah adored him. ana died under th moat d tetracaine; olrmim stancos not- 'Ifin after. And thla was followed by h muroer ox anranam Llncola br John Wtlkea. Ma brother, th black eat crime of enter! e. And ao on. the whole life of Bdwln Booth earned mora or tons ailed with domaatu ened- Bat they never clouded th aunahla of hla nature. I ah all never tire of ax tolllna; th virtues of Bdwln Booth."- The Booth enloay bains oloaad. It wee anssafltod to Mlaa Bytlnc .that aba any eomethtnr bout herself. -There la nothlns; to shy Sh ra plled, with SMdaatyV that la oartalnly charaetarlatlo. i "But there uu . What part did ywu play flret of all" 'It waa Melanla. la aa old piece oallad Th Old OuardV that worthy beta a gntlman of Napoleon's time, ebout P0 year of a. ' I waa th arenddauchtev. The play was la on aofmodascuaa me, there's my cue. Juat a moment, Mr. Bernard, I'M be with you. Good-bye." Borne day I shall try to persuade Rose KrUas to Inlab that atory. , -. . ww-' The only talkative child wa failed to oxelM. muttarlnca 4U dleaaal in tha m die of a performance waa In -attend nee at Cordray's a few eveatmsa aso. Bha bad Joe a-oldoa rlnfleU. a pair of bis blue eye that aha mad tb alehim, aa pretty a eupld'a bow In nor upper Up aa vr man beheld, ' and a complexion that would mak you forgot all the flowers that grew la Portland's gar dene, oh wa thro years old; am aha aald her name was Bvelya, This Kvelya watched tha performanoa Of Mexloan Rom nee'' with the keen- eat lateroat and with oontorehanalon that betokened wladom graatop than a treeroi of owls. She disliked th villain from the moment- b appeared n th stag. and waa not backward In xpethr opinion, which tboee In th oeigbborlns seats raaarded with considerable con cern. She was etrong for .th badly used Mexloan girl until tha latter fired a pistol, and she loved tha hero up to the time b quarreled with th pretty In genue. Thereupon Xrlyx decided to pan up both f thera. Bach time either of bar former favorite appearao. xrom than on, th HtU wlaeaer hid her head hn th lap of tb woman wh had wasted XBAPT I at pjrdiny'a , flraaaira, ,;,;. tui' j. ,-. 7 T"'j,:'.; V i-- 1 . -. - I I H.... ...Jli CATkRIKB COCKTInd, most f bar etrengtb la a rala effort to ft nertel ghrelyn's oboervatlona. Tb performaaoe was no longer of Intereet to a amaU radlua of patrona. mvaryaooy waa wrapped up m arveiyn. - rtaaiiv. '-iii ta aoataln hla admira tion any longer, tb kindly disponed old gentlemen in trout leanee yar oaon. -"Bxouafe .m. madajae," aald ha to Mim'a auardlaa. "hat 1 oanaot realet telling you that yoa bav tb brightest. moat beautirui little oaugntor inai h has rvr been my pleasure to see." The wnmaa aaet on wltbarlna alana dt th admirer, raised bar yee acorn fully t th top of u prosoenium. ana re pi led i "Don'd yoa b a amy mlt m. 1 lu aura i- , , t - -i ww ' ' This la the day th Columbia Stock aompany benina Its eeaeo. William Bernard, th amUAio stag manager af tKa heuea. haa worked namewhat after the etyl of th proverbial Trojaa to mak tha production of "Captain Lt tarblalr" a euoceee, while th box office nd of It has beea promoted with most promising results by Manager Welch. Between th two Portland may m aa vkimm aonaratuiata Iteeir. to ijour tleeea, th Baumea, th aMlncaa, don't row oa treee. and if, arwr tn eirona of th Columbia managemont, tha oom- pany should not be warmly supported nartah tha thou eh 1 1 then Portland has lost it aenee of eppreelation. ; Over at the Baker.- wher bardou to ahowing pUy-lovere bow mub b knows bout womankind, while stag mwnan tarn Is reaching, in axalUtlon la a tern peat, patronage ha been nil that could be desired. Thla means full house. The nroducttoa of 'deoDatra" was a stupendous undertaking for a newly or ganised stoex company, ana -now weu they "got away with It m a matter of history. MacDowell has played . Mar iMm aa ha elwav did In tha BDlrlt Berdou ooncelved and Mlaa Dean, who task being new waa greateet, baa stead ily Improved sine the opening; a weak ago. Today that energetic young wo men has another heavy role on bar banda "L Tooa." It as hop mat en will b aecorded n lees bandaom fa- W VeeM ai Cordrava aoema t n something of a stickler for Hveratlllty"1 that gnaltty sa frequently and disas trously abused. Ha started on nia eea eo with the horrible oonooit of Marl 0rUl "Th VendetUt amaWT. - ' " bw . v . r ' ' ' '' r - ? fc , .', 3 . . LEADINd WOMAK t COLUMBIA TKBATER BTOClC COMPANT. "Tabi Romant, M and after four night of th bury-blm-allva ' affair awung easily Into a thraa-aot oomodydrania that la. la spots, really charming. Tb young star suffered but lltu la tb transition. It new remains for hint to exhibit a power moat rare la . tha premutation of one of Mansfield's great oreaUona, "Dr.. Jakyll and Mr, Hyde." with which ha begin hla eeoond and final week ta Portland, , . Mr, Pangle of tb Marquam Grand haa received definite word that tha opening; bill f th big nouee en Bep tomber It will b th familiar but never tiresome "A Texas Steer." It hi won derful that a fare should live eo long; yet who oould consign it to a shelf while It boars th name of Charles HoytT "A Texas Steer" netted more money for the lamented author than any two of hla later works, and In "recent yea re Harry Bmery and hla wife, jUtl Putnam, have had tha fait Via It longevity that Im pel them to ellng on tenaolouely. noon after tb vlalt of th Steer, th Marquam will give a Kyrt Bellow, whoet gsgmnt will be one of tha aotable event of th season. ---r - . Jr Can tern per ry manegor bav mamV feeted a deep Intereet la . ' dotage" at th Bmpir sine a week ago. With out the leaet deeir t dlecredlt tb judgment of any an of thorn. It I a truth that they all shook their bead when Mr. Weldemaon threw open th house for Ptoek melodrama and feared It was "too far out." And In thv beginning th opinion waa threatened with verifi cation. Suddenly things changed. Peo ple who went to see "Th Inside Track" began to talk about It; about th corn pen y. and they wondered bow Welde mann could do it at th price flmed. Others went to aa th show. They told their friends, and la counting th week's receipts last bight It must hare been gratifying to th amnaawment to obeerve that, patronage baa steadily increased throughout th week. ' Thr 1 but on sign that of proeperlty areund tha Bmpir. - , ' - ' w w Th vaudeville bouse annM la with th asm aid report crowded houee Bight after night and day after day. That Id of th Btjou'e, alternating the ordinary vaudeville program with a reel operetta. I about th proper oaper. Tha. presentation of Professor Zlnn'g elever onglmnefatloa of wtt 'A. Mghi la Turkey at 1s - L. -. V V tracted hundreds of peopl wh had never before, perhape, looked In Id th houee.' Th Idea was good and cleverly executed. It hj plraatng, to note a de mand along tk coast for the aet - Th Lyrl wn In lln with Its tflvvor performera. Including an unusually good balancing; specialty by DeCoa. Th Star held out th novelty of a Ctrl nee ma gician, and th Arcade patron were mightily pleased with Alio Alva' mu sical aot and th female Impersonator, Dodaon. - f ,' . , Ao-' - v. Th young Mr. Keen, now plxylng at Cordray's, gathered a group of news paper men around him at th Portland Friday night and during tha progreas of a Dutch lunob unburdened hlmaalt of a few stories, not tb least Interest ing of them concerning th noted Kesf tuckr editor. Henry Watterson. Uf. -Kesae's father and Colonel Wat terson. tt eeetne, were Intimate frtvnd. tne day, during a fit of temporary In sanity, th young man decided he would become a Journalist. H applied to Watterson for a position on the Loulav vlllo Courier-Journal., and an hla fata er's account waa given a plaoe. . SaUsfled thst b could writ matter that would est th world oa fire. Keaoe went forth and returned early with a batch of Mas. that he should have mad two trine for. Moreover, he insisted on reading It to Colonel Watterson. Th aatute Xentuoklaa waa somewhat tonlehed at th young; man' nerve, but again th friendship for hts fnthar banished temper and the boy proceeded. He gave to the reading sll th dramatla fore of his personality and at th oon oluslon proudly deposited the manu script on th greet 'editor's desk. - Wattareoa. . wheeling; la hla ehahr. merely picked up the copy, and. tsarina it In fragments, placed It carefully away In the waste-be bet. Keene'e oere beltum shrunk two I none na th col onel remarked: "Bead, recite, act that will be your vocation, but In th nam of providence,.. don't try. to b a newe paper man!" - - . - . , , Keen became ha aetor. , J k w And now. out of tha- east, eotnee a new Mcherd Mansfield etory. - It concerns an nthulstie. woman admirer wh oaltod en htm. ngagfd ta plenty of "gitah over hi grstns end eooed about hi ff active work 1 hrola and ometlmea vtclou role. "1 snppoa, slr' h mumurtd, that whoa ta th spirit f tho great har acter you forgot yourself for days." "Aye, madam, and for aighta. , It ta then I do thoaa dreadful thing trample on tha upturned feature of my leading lady and hurl tanderlatml at waiters. ' j - ' - "And rou -do aot know of It ab allT1 "Not a solitary thing-, madam, until I read tha papers next day. This etory of our greateet actor la supposed to have originated at the Lambs oluh. . Doubtless MaasfleM 1" enjoy tt, when ha reads It . , Heary W. ' Savage's press agent get off a good thing now and the,. -This week he claims that Jeee Dandy, th Man Wagner of "Th Prince ot Pil es a." returned t New Terk last, week from a small town, where he had be come th confidant of tho local theat rical manager. Th latter wa dlacuea- ln hla prospect and hi preparation tor th future. "I gua I'v got about vrythlnr back oa tha stag that I aaed, ' he said, "except som htder." Htdrr repeated , th astonishd Dandy. "Ts. Them thhngs oa th aid of th stag th actor hid behind; whoa tby pin t working. ' ' . RACK WHTTNXT. ; People VrnirtMH waka for Th Prtaaa of Plleen" la London aownds sooa. Francis Maelejnnaa. tenor, ana waiter Rothwell. oonduetor, will b ooanooted with Savage's big; production of "Par sifal.", which Portland xpota to wit ness. - .1 i . Hsael haiPsa. a nleoo of 0naral Chaffee. - baa "lelned out -with "The Tanks ConauL" Sir Charles Wyndham will make a feature at "David Oarrlok" during hla American tour. . Pnlitina has entered th etas door. A lot of vaudeville peopl are featuring a march called "Hooeeveu ana mr- Two new plays bav just neir copy righted under th lucid, alluring titles of "Ie It Ralnlngr and "An Oyster." Frederick Ward and Kathrya Kidder hav produced "nalambo" under th di rection of Wsgrataal dt Kemper, r Richard Folden will be presented by Savage this year la a new comedy-drama by Charm Doty eaUed. "Common na Bracket Thomas Q. Sabrnok hag bn deelg naied as th seasoa's star tn Tb BU- llonalra- Tim Murphy haa two new play. They ar Frederick Paulding's '"Two Man and Olrl," and A. C Bishop's opmody. -When d Man- Marrtaa.- Mr. Bishop la a San Franctsoo man.' Tomorrow evenlnx Prttat Scherf will be lntroduoad at Cbleago aa a musical comedy tar la a plo n titled Th Two Lincoln Carter has oom to th front with hla weakly melo-drama. "To Proud to Bag." v -. ' Mr. Jemas-Brewn Potter haa sign a oop treat for a long aeaaoa la vaude ville under Praetor's management, and la on her way from Boron. Kyrl Bel lew began, hla gsaaaa la "ReiS"' at Denver last Monday night Bob Fltssimmon at playlag Hal Reld melo-drama entitled "A Fight for Lova." Hta wife, Julia May .Qlffntd. is. lla tb oast More to B pitted Than Scorned. M la th name of New Tork'a latest malo- dramatl aeautaltlon. It la ttld that dar llttl Maud Fealy, ane of Denver, will be leading woman with Sir Henry Irving thla a- Th draroatlaatiox af MoCutehon's Bled Center earloatura baa been BU oassfally ptwsented In Chicago. - Th pw Plxley and Luawrg musical oomedy, -Woodland,1 will b prpduoad at Chieagw tomorrow vh!ag. More polttioa -Henry Lee, th Imper- onator of celebrated character, haa added Alton B. Parker to hla repertoire. May Rebooa ha gon Into vaudeville with a sketch known aa Cheekere," but n relation to th play of that name. In th ToUtot play. Then Shalt Mot tUCUO XtHTlNO A PIANO ST htin. filled to overflowing wkh sense- " tkrns, they run in a loop-th-loop exhlbl tlon. Tbus does the drama pro are, - Aha! . Marie Wainwrlght has proas agent She was mlstabwa for Mrs. May- ' brick aa aha atapped off a boat la Mow , York, The oau of th mlatakx waa br veil. This similarity la veil lg bcmJns; a popular evil. e'en! DaAngali la to have a new pro duction this year, entitled "Fantaoa." ' Adl Hitch!, Julia Sanderson and K -tl Barry, the last named th original V Fl-Fi a -A Chinee Honeymoon." wlU b In hl eompaay. "Jack UtUe SurpHse, tn which Ar thnr Byron Is to star, was very favora- . bly received la w York durlaff th week. . - Charlotte Daaa waa- the vtotlm off on of tho painful, exaspefattnc stag ao- 14 ekdents that will happen. Thursday , morning-, ta th scene where ah 1 , brought tn wrapped to the point of smothers tlon in a eanvaa aheet and thereaf ter revealed to th andlenoe.' eh , arose with her greet blond wig of C1- opetraa yellow heir" oa yoet an aid 1 of her hud. Tha suapena wa terri ble for th moment, but Miss Dean read ily oorrooted. th dlplamnt and with- ' out loslns a cu. f t Tha Manhattan Stock company, which " I to support Mm, risk durliaT th ea- v Mr eaeon la a eertee of produotlon ; and revlvala, 1 now ooraplet. It la- cludea John Maaoa. - Oeorg Artlsa, KJhsji: Cartwrtght Rohart T.rgu tr son, William B. Meek, Henry J. Madfleld. Stanley Rlgnold, Frank I. Mclntyr. W.iL Ik-Brnoomb. Itoyde Brlynne. Lud- , wig Lidrr, H. Chapman For. Charl T. Terry, Keil Grey, A. K. Drake. Jamog -Hdlam, Otto Meyer, John C Dtndemera, Walter Kendrlx, Robert Wurater, WU- Ihun .A. Sheehy, Oeorg H. Htehfnga, Laura MoOllvray. Kat Fletcher, C- - cilia Radclyfl. Bmlly Btvne, Lacy flpenoer. Anne Orgory Allen, Msnr Mad- tv. ' i dem. Mabel Paxa. Franoes Wlted.- Gertrude a. Vultee, kat Oglebay, Daln tjr Tatea, Mabel Slough ton and Maud Robinson. , . . v - .. "-! "... vsT" T 'V-ii-r -'.4. -SV- t. IVI innlS'irf'iia X Ta a delightful comedy, tb Columbia ; Thoatr oompany makes Its how to - Portland audience' this afternoon. Tho opening; of thm beautiful ptaybooa Is and It haa bosa looked forward to with, " sore than nrdlnarv Intereet br Port Is ad society. The advance sal Is proof po- Hive that th Columbia thoatr will b . ) thronged with tb large and faahtonabte . : audlencea. whll th friends of Mlaa Counties ar gtvlruf vry evidence of - th 4ct that tliey ar delighted to wel- .; oom thla telotd aotrees - homo to . Portland. Mr.- .Baume, who' makes hi V" first appaarane befor a Portland' ah- ' dleno. la a star of th flft rank whom New York andlenoe bar- been wont to ' favor and of whom th Portland th- ' -atregoer ar xpectlng very much. - ; -) Th oomedy drama la In four- not and was written eepeclaJiy for K. H." m. Sothern. Tb atory daaia with the up :- and down of Captain Lattarblair Lit- ... ton, young officer la th Irish fuall- -lere. Lttarblalr Lb in love with fanny Haddea. aa helreas, and Fanny with him, , a b 4s working, off a4 ed -db In curred ny a la latner, wna aexoro ni -death had oaused tha ruin of th Oraw- ford bank. - ' 1 --v , .) Fanny know th story and bequeath eh -bulk---f --hr--tertwf unkaewn- eo LettarbUlr, to him. Tha latter contain ing th news Is stolen with 4 draft of . 10,0ox pounds by Franda Merlvala, alo a suitor, for JTanny's hand, and when' Fanny appear upon th scene, thinking; that Lattarblair had received th news. :v and la rejected, ah ta at loss to under- stand 'hla conduct and th complice r Uons begin, LetUrblatr roslgn hi commies loe and determine to start. for Artaona to go eatu ranchlnff. At tha hour of bis depart ur war to declared and hla regiment ordered to V th front H re-enliate a a private soldier and sails with his old comrades. During hi absence Mr. Seton discover . MeHvale's treachery! and when Letter blalr returns tells hlto th truth, where- , upon he declares hi lov for Fanny j; and all nds happily, -'. . ' Few plays offer mora brilliant oppor- t BUR TKBTR AT TllM. LYRIC 't. -- jew) ilt and.