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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
f. ; ; - ) . V THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, , SEPTEMBER" 4, 1901 rf"T SOCIETY- HOVERING STILL TOWN AND COUNTRY TWIXT ' EPTEMBEK haa tta advantages ge ud almost every on ecsm glad a, J to welcome It evea though. It may be a farewell to .vaoatlon.' The churches throughout ths city uk up the fall work today, introducing weir w choir or continuing thtr old. Btudeata .IN preparing U TMUm their school work and many are arranging (hair departure to college about the. atate 'and oountry. The opening of the Nuoa at Mm Ce fumbta theatre ta looked forward to with ' aome intereat. Opea night Friday called ' out a number at Interested visitors era war shown about th building. Rlngling Bros.' oirea the A rat ot 'tha - week waa a usual tba occasion for . - much merriment among tha fartri folk ' aa wall aa tba children. A aumber of small parties attended. - lira, rraaeaa ' Plans supplemented a dinner 'ueeday evening with an automobile rMa and a circus party. - Tuesday evening tha Comnarolal stub raoaptloa In honor of Becretary Bhaw 'waa waU attended. Tha music waa a .feature of th sventng'e program. Tha I smokers Tweoday and Wadnaadap evea- In as for tha Msdleal aaaoelattoa -war 'wall attended by tha physicians. ' A. lunbir of laterestlng weddings hava been solemnised daring tha -week. Tats west Mis Bllaabath Warrtnara msirtea to John X. Petsra in terest.' ' ' - .- . Tha various literary and aoelsl aluba that prospered last winter ar talking of rears nuts Lion. Borne popnlar ' onea. among them tha ft. B.R. S. alnbv hare disbanded permanently Events cf -the Weekf ' '-n trLtl- ' i k-1.. aSmam a M Win. "' 'teenth Infantry at Vaneouvar gave aa '. Informal hop. Friday evening at Poat . " hlU Several Portland guaata attended. ' - V , Mrs. .Frank dray entertained bar young Portland frtenda delightfully - n. Wednesday evening at her summer home . In Oswego. The evening waa pent In v' playing "run aheap, run," among She .trees and about the fields of her home. and a huge bond re ana rerreeomeaie ' ' Mien Telta Wataon gava a Motion shower 'yesterday afternooa ad her borne. Ml West Madison street, in honor of Miss Bllaabath Wsrrhier, 'whose mr ralgs W1U tak Pace vVedneaday. ,. Mrg." Wlen Oraree-Thomas has ra- ; .turned from a lalt In BaatUa. Whllt thars- aha waa entertained at a number of luncheons and raoeptlona flTfBja, br -.."fconpr. .j.. j ... . ' T Mra, Joaepb A. Boyca was hostess- at ; a shower given Wednesday afternoon at ; her home In Irvlngton. lb honor of Mlaa Ethel QrenfeU. The company deviated ' allghtly from tha usual plan by oombln ' lag la giving her a baAdaomsjoldew-oak ""-""fcedeetal and bust. - About St yourfg woman In pretty light dresses gathered on Mrs. Boyoe'a lawn, which waa made attractive with palms and draped . ftshneta. Th gam ot b carta parried out th Mea. of tha eo " caslon. Mra. J. C. Kdwarda secured first prise, and Mlaa Howena Allan th -' consolation. Dainty refreshments were N nerved at tha oard-tsblea, Mra. ft, W. r 7 lralCa aaalatlnn- the hoateen. -' w ' ' Mr."lrvtng H. Pratt, a former Port . " Und. girl now living in Saattla; gave a -'v" charming red and white luncheon at bar , ': horn on Queen Anna Hilt Tuesday . In honor of Mra. Robert Jamea Little. .; Covers were laid for eight and red a'nd white oarnatlona mnda a pretty aolor i "i lect. . . i" ' -.r. . ' "" ' Portland lodga of Modern Tweeters held Ito annual monthly open meeting '"' last Monday evening la Auditorium hall. A short nroaram waa aiven. after which -S ' the riAAe waa elaared for danclnn. Re- '; freehments were served by tha amuse- nent oommlttae .; , j, ', way enp ' . - The hotne of Capt. J. P. Whltoomh. Xaet ftprlng street, waa tha aosne of a happy gathering Thursday In honor of " Miss Winnie Hansen's thirteenth blrth '; day. There were many pretty praaenta V given the little maid. An elaborate .birthday dinner wan served, durln whloh Mra. JCUe Jnnee presided at the piano. After dinner the following program waa ' carried out Informally: Duet. "Playing Tag. Mlasea Bmma and Rueele Bwart; plan aolo, "Alpine - Hut," Minnie Starbuek: piano aolo, - Haset Blossoms." Winnie Hansen; vocal . aolo, -Resignation." Mlaa Bdltb Stout; " piano aolo, "Meditation," Bdna Btaut. Thoae present were Mra. Ella Jones, Mra. X P.' Whltcomb, Mr. and Mra. A C. Swart, M. J. Stout. Mlasea Bdfth and , Rna fttont, Mrs. U W. Starbuok. Fred - Kwart. Luetic Hanaon, Bessie Bradley, Krma and Ruaaia Bwart, Minnie Star--. buck. - - , - A prafty wadding waa that of Edward J. Craig of Cananea, Mexico, and Miss Emily Burns Cauthera at o'clock Mon day evening at the home of tha bride's parents. Dr. and Mra, Csuthom, H4 East Ash atreet. Rev. C B. Olne performed the Mi-emony. There were no card. Tha home waa prettily decorated for tha occasion. The hall and lrvlng-room war banked all about the walla with palms and ferns and flowers. Baskets hung on th wall held awaeibeaa, rosea, golden rod and hydrangea. Tha win dowed aloove was banked with palm and ferns, and a green tMMkground waa formed of Oregon grape, tmilax and olemaUe. Mr. and Mrs, Bdwtn Jonea played tba wadding march la a violin and piano duet. The bride entered on the groom's arm with Miss JC ether Purdy aa bridesmaid and Maurice Good man groomsman. The bride waa beau tifully gowned hi cream net lac with panel effect, over oklffon and taffeta. She carried a shower of Bride roses, and her only ornament waa a white roe In bar black hair. The bridesmaid wore blue silk argmndla and carried aream oarnatlona. - Mrs. Cau thorn received tba gueeta and presented them to Mr. and Mra. Craig he wore a rich brown net over silk trimmed with toque de roche velvet to ombr effect. She waa assisted by Mrs. a. T. Jaffrlaa at Nome. Alaska, who wore black grenadine and 1st. In th dhlng-4- room at a table decorated with amllax and red. sweetpeaa Miss Artaina Page and Mra. Henry a Buckley aerved punch. Mlaa Page wore a black and white net effect, and Mra. Buckley, Hue BMuaeallna da sole. Tne ainlng-tablc waa beautiful with a border f amllax, aooentuated wUh a bunch of white awaetpeaa . every foot. Tba center piece waa ot -r huge - white-, magnollaa massed In white sweetpeaa and lit with out glaaa and antique silver oandalabra. Mra, R ft, Pague In black point d' eeprit With Jet, and Mra. Arthur U. Devere In Ivory net and burnt orange velvet pre sided at th table and were assisted by Miss Goodman In handsome laoe em broidered with pearla and gold beada. and Mlaa Chinook in rose coloaed - mull. Mr. and Mra. Craig left on - the steamer Monday night for California polnta, where they will visit before go ing to their home In Mexioov Tha guests at tha wedding were Dr. and Mra. A. W. Moore, Dr. and Mra. Henry m. Co. Mrh and Mra. Reuben Weeks, Mr. and Mra. O. B. aina, Mr. and Mra, R ft. Pague, Master Donald Pague. Mr. and Mra. A. M. Brown, Lisle Brown. Mr. and Mra. Alfred Cauthornj Mlaa Beulah Cau thorn, Mr, and Mra. A. H. Devers, Mr.-and Mra, Tost Held, Mr. and Mrs. Bdwla Jonea Mrs.. W. J. Parlay, Mra Albtna Page. Mlaa Pag. Mra. Mary Brook and Mlaa Clar Brook. Sacra mento; Mra. - ft, T. Jeffries, Nome, Alaska: Mra. I Orenler, Mis Adalle Orenler, Mra. Henry C. Bwfeley, Master Raymond Buckley, Mlaa Esther Purdy, Mlaa Mamie Cauthorn. Mtsa Chinook. Mlsaoa Bdna and Floy Breymen. Miss Leach. Mlaa Tea Roee Ooodman. Mlaa Iva Welch. Maurice M. Ooodman, Prank Rowa and Master Napoleon Macailn. - ww ' . A wedding of much Interest this past week was " that Of Mlaa tans Blogan and John Pal Blackburn, U. R N., solemnised at Monday even ing t the home l of tba bride's parents. Mr. and Mra. K. J. Blan,-4I3 Market street I Lev. J. Whltcomb Brougher read tba ting ceremony, The rooms were beautifully decorated with vinee and flowers. In tha ball vine maple waa wound about the staircase. The drawing room waa a bower of green and white. The bay window where tha bridal party stood, had for a background a delicate tracery of huckleberry vines against white. A huge cluster of flow ers waa euapended from the middle. White mollne waa draped generoualy In thla arbor and waa' carried over to tha mantle, where It lost Itself- In lovers knots bidden la a bank of roses. Palms outlined l he bay window and vine maple, touched with autumn coloring, extended a canopy to tba aeater of the room. Tha mantle la the reception room waa banked with pink lilies and aspara gus fern. Zn one corner, under a canopy of Interlaced fern, fruit waa aerved. Hanging baskets full at rosea, aweet peaa and hydrangea war arranged about the walls. Tha dining room waa In pink and green. Vine maple and Oregon grape hid the walla and were hank-til up an tha buffet. Pink mollne waa draped about tha chandeliers and windows. A hug bowl of La Franoe ,. i i , n.i 1 ' n epi I v 'W roses ta the canter of tha table spread far out on the sides. Parsons' oreheetra--played the lohen grin wedding msrek and promptly on the hour th ushers. Masters Henry and Prank Blagen. stretched white satin rib bons for the Ifrldal aisle and th party entered, preceded, by th ring bearer, little Celeete Virginia, Rlagen. flh wore a dainty white frock trimmed with laoe and Insertion and carried th ring on a white satin pillow with prays of maiden hair fern. The bride e slater. Miss Florence Blagen. attended bar and Lieut. John Lawrence Bond, V. ft. N., waa the groomsman. Tba bridesmaid's drees waa of sheer organdie, trimmed with allk'CQdbig and an allovsr laoe yoke, a he berried ahower bouquet of pink aweet peas. The bride wore a handsome prince sa gown of cream net Sver white chiffon and taffeta. It waa ilald with Imported laoe and point medallions, with a deep yoke of lac. Roeea of net were dotted about tha skirt and clusters of three were need for fastenings, Th veil, which has been worn by four preceding brhles, waa ee cured by ft elmpla spray of jssmls. A shower bouquet af Bride roeea and maiden hair fern showed long trallea of asparagu fern. An Informal reception followed tha ceremony, Mlaa Anna Stuart and Mine Maud Oilman aerved fruol In th reoep tlon room. Mra, Walter Halnea and Mra. O. B. Braere presided In the dining toon. Mra. Blagen received the guests, about 71 In number. Parsons' orchestra played throughout tha evening. Mr. and Mra. Blackburn left on tha night train for a abort hoaajaaoon. Mrs. Blackburn will travel with her hue band for some time and will have her home at his neat station. He waa )uat recently detached at Bremerton -from the ship, with which he had bean con nected two years, and his neat appoint ment baa. not pat been reoelved. , , w w Mlaa Daisy Agnes Bleete and Ralph L. Wilson were married with a simple home wedding at o'clock Wednesday evening at tha horn of tha bride's par ents. Mr. and Mra. Joseph H. Kieele, ! Q rand avenue. Rev. ft. C. Lapham per.. formed tha ceremony. Green and white waa tha-oolor scheme In the. front room with an arch of green vlnea where the ceremony waa performed. Oreen and white ribbons were festooned about the room. Mlsa Minnie Bleele1 aa brtdee- Vfnald wore whit ellk and carried whit earnatlona. The bride's gown waa whft crepe de chin and aha carried Bride roses. - Raymond Laftlen attended th groom. During the oeremony Mra, Per rlsh aang "O. Promts Me." After th oeremony ; refreshments were served. The dining room waa decorated In red and green ,nd festooned with . green garlands and red crepe paper. Mre, Layfield and Mra. K. J. Bleele easts Led la serving. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wnaon win leave today on their honeymoon trip to' fteaMla and eound polata. They will be at home after three weeks at IB Grand avenue. . " Eugene T. Preeeott of La Center, Wash., and Mlaa Bmtly Purvlna, daugh ter of Mr. and Mra. A. 1. Purvlna of Spring Valley, were married Wednes day, at the Purvtn residence, by. Rev. H. A. Xatchuaa, D. f, of ftalem, - - The wedding of Mlaa Miriam Belt Huelat of Salem and William Fred Morris of Portland, Thursday evening, waa an event In Salem society. The oarecnony waa performed by Rev. J. B. H. impaon of Portland. In Sf Paul's Bptocopal church of Salem. Palm and flowers decked th room, whit and green being tha prevailing colore. At I o'clock the eervtoc opened with a aolo by the brtdfa brother-in-law, J. H. Blokford. "Thou Art Like Unto a Lovely Flower." Following thla ,tfte Lohengrin bridal ohoroa waa suns? by a auartet, consisting of Mra. W. Carle ton Smith. Mra. W. P. Babcook, Ray Chapter and Ralph Xereher, acompanled by H. B. Thlelaen. Mlaa, El ma Weller then played the wedding march, Trau merel," by Schumann. Th bride waa accompanied by Mlaa George Giltnor and Mies Lucy Williams of Portland aa bridesmaids, and her sis ter. Mra. Louis BtchfordV aa matron of honor They war met at. the ehanoel by th groom and his beat man, Fkttbber Oaddls of Portland. Following the oeremony at th church a reception waa given at the home of the brides uncle, Hon. George H- Burnett, which waa largely attended. Judge Bur nett's home waa handsomely decorated with flowers and greens, the Stanford university color, red, being la evidence aa were also the national colore. - Re freshment, were . served during , the atoning, , ' Th bride was attired In becoming gown of white lanedowaa, with pearl lace applique and carried a bouquet of Bride roses. Missr Williams wore a gown of, white net trimmed with Val enciennes laow and blue ribbons and oar. rled a bandeoene bunch of white oarna tlona. Mlaa Glltaer waa dressed in blii crepe de chin with too trimmings and carried white oarnatlona Mra. BJekford's dress was' of flowered net over white silk, and her bouquet waa pink rosea Too bride la th granddaughter of the htta Dr. A M. Belt and daughter of Mra R A Buelot of Salem and haa a host of frtenda. The groom la a son of John Morris, who has been a pros perous farmer m Polk oounty far some year and who now live In Salem, Me la a graduate of Stanford university and haa been instructor of Latin hi tba Portland high school for th past two years. Mr. add Mra. Morris left Thurs day night on a short honeymoon. ' On September I they will leave for Cam bridge, Mass., wberaMr. Morris will take a two years' poet-graduat eouraa at Harvard. v . .- .,-" - ' A the residence at Mr. and Mr. 3. L Miller in Mansfield addition, Montavllla. their daughter, Mlaa MUlteent M. Miller, was married -to William H. Heustls.' Wedneeday evening. Rev. W. H. Sell eok of tha Sunny side M. B. church of ficiated. The families of the bride: and groom witnessed tha oeremony. At Its conclusion a -wedding supper was served. Mr. Heustls is connected with the elty-janglneerlng department. They wll be at home later In their new home on Bast Tblrtp-fiftb atreet, Sunnyalde. -William H.-Case and Mlsa Edna M. McNeill war married at : Wednee day evening at the home of Mra, Harriet A. Williams. 2S Beach atreet. Rev. William ft Gilbert performed tb oer moay. ' About It guests were present. WW- - ". Wallace R. . Tlndall and Mlsa Ethel Dannie, both of University Park, were married at $ o'clock Monday evening at lhCalwx. Presbyterian manse. Rev. William 8. Gilbert officiating: Mr. and Mrs. Tlndall will. live, at ortemouth. 4r Stanley A. Starr and Mlaa Emily Florence Turner were flMirled at I o'clock Thursday evening at First Cum berland "Presbyterian church. Rev. B. Nelson 'Alien officiating. Tha .church wea decorated with Oregon grape and rosea, green and white . being tb only colors used. ' Mlaa Kennedy played the Lobengrrri bridal march, and aa Mlaa Lin Llnehaa sang "O, Promise Me," the bridal party waa ushered In by Clarence Steele, Harvey Miller. Clifford and Harry Moore. The bride waa at tended by Miss Ethel Starr, who waa gowned in pink organdie over ellk and carried pink oamatlons. Tha bride wore cream voile over ellk .and carried' Bride roses. , The groom waa attended .br Clifford Walker. ' A -reception waa given In honor of Mr. and Mra. Starr by Dr. and Mra. A. W. Moor at their- - residence, 11 Bast Twelfth street The deoorstlons la pink, greea and white were af Oregon grape, fern and pink roses. Th hostess was see 1st ed In eervtng refreshments by Mra. Fred Blahop and Mra. Johnaon. - Mr. and Mra. Stsrr left for a honey moon trip around the sound. They will return the first of tha week. Mr. Starr, who la In business on th eound, ex pecta to make bis home ta Portland ' -'- : A veiV pretty wedding tank place at th reeldenoa of Mr. and Mra. William WlekMne, at Beat Yamhill atreet. last Wednesday evening, when their bob, Oliver S. Wiokllne, waa married to Mlaa Sarah B. Wealthy by Rev. J. A. Lena, pastor of St. James' English Lutheran church. Lohengrln'e wedding march waa rendered by Mlea Grace Gelaler of Sunnyalde. The' decora t Ions were sim ple yet 'beautiful, especially conspicuous being the large wedding bell Id green, underneath which the nrmal party stood. Mlea Louise WIckllne. sister of the groom, waa bridesmaid, while Emmet Bamter attended the groom. The little Mtseee Dalslcl and Clute were flower girls. The bride waa beautifully gowned In white ' organdie over taffeta silk trimmed fa Aleen lace, and carried Bride hJm Mlaa Wlekline wore whit or gandie over blue, and carried pink rosea.. The couple were tn recipients or woanr beautiful gifts of silver, cut glssa and ohlna. The bride haa been a resident of thla city only a few yeere and has gath ered s round. her a large circle of friend a. Mr. Wtckline la well known, this olty and la a member of St, Jeenee' choir. Misa Vesta B. Twnseud and Davie i. Wllllama were married at high noon. Thursday, at the First Congregational church. The pulpit and rostrum were beautiful wltb richly colored autumn leave and palms. Preceding the oere mony Mlaa Cornelia Barker aang "a Promise Me." Miss Fisher then played th wedding . march, accompanied by Mis Barker en the violin. The bridal party entered preceded by the ushers, Mr. MacNaughton. Louis Rice, Fred Nelson and Charles Stsver. Mlea lone Towneend attended her slater and Bwllym Jonea waa groomsman. The bride waa charmingly gowned ta pearl gray Imported laoe voile and carried a shower of Bride rosea. Her slater wort white ellk and earned robe geranium folia with aeparagu fern trailer. Her picture hat waa of white and sreea. The SpHsner's Orchestra echool for pro fess lonais, students ana amateur on wi Instruments. Modern end classical com positions studied. Instructive lectures on harmony, phrasing and Interpretstlon. The orchestra will bear an educational and eoclal character. Recttle during season. For membership apply to B. O. Spltaner, vtolta teacher and conductor, Marquem building, or F. Selberllng. Ill Will Isms avenue, Portland. Or. Mr 'Nina Larowe win be at home from t to t and T ie to 9 a. nv every day during thla week, except Thursday, to receive applications for adult be ginners' classes, private lessons and children's el Call or 'pboae. Goad reterancea must be given." . The' Webber Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar atudlo, sew open, U Was Park. MRS. ELLEN GRAVES THOMAS AND CAPT. CHARLES PLTJMMXR PERKINS, WHOSB ENGAGEMENT TB AH- - , 4 . - NOUNCBD. double ring oeremony waa beautiful and impressive aa prooouaceo . oy Kev. L L. House. . An elaborate reception waa held ta the church psriora downstairs. The rooms' were lavishly decorated with autumn leaves, palma and feme. Mr. and Mra Williams received congratulations under a canopy of ferns Interlaced In fishnets. suss Jessie ueorge. Mis Jfssle Farretl and Miss Ada DoWrnbecher aerved punch In one corner of the, room, loss and cakes were served at another table pre sided over by the bride's slater, Mra. F. 1. Bell, and ateter-ln-law. Mrs. Corwln WESTERN ACADEMY OF MUSIC ELOCUTION, ORATORY AND DRAMATIC ART BmssamBaamnsawammnsBBmaw 'ft L' ; ' ft, AORZABJ RwrtVw, 4 VMaeipaV. . Vocal:.Department . X. aSlUS Mlaa Petronella Connolly. - r Mlss Ma Breella. ...... '..74 fOS.Ov LANGUAGES French, Oennkn, ItsJian, Spankth, Enfsb to 1 "t: Shakegpearw Anlyaia. ' Terms, $2 to $9 pep month. Violin Oept Advantages Given to Pupils of the Academy In Addition to What They Pay For VOOAB) BBPAMTwZBBV Weakly sigM-otnglng leg. 1 eon free 1 memharahl ta Olee Club rre men aerahlp In th Academy Choral Club free -aa average ot twenty lies on par month - yon ' pay for eight. ruflO PatnFWikl7 kweana ta thery . and harmony fro. Why not get the beat, natratiofi far yoor motmfT Why not fet the moat your money? Why pey more then yoo cen get the beet fcnetniction far? W.y ferior todtfuction when e attle more ghree you the beet? fob rmm ... . i i . I, - -- . . - Townsend. ' Ten oP her latlmato girl friends eerved among the guaata. - After a wedding breakfast at th bride's home, M Third street, Mr. and Mrs. 'Williams went to' the sound on their wedding trip. They will be at home after October l at 711 Claxkamfcs street. . ,. i - it ' Thomas B. Zlaber was married to MHsj Lottie Ground on Wednesday evening, at the ome of th brjde's parenta, Mr. and Mra. L. Grouad, ta Monnteuth. Mr. Zleber Is studying to enter the medical profeeaton and haa finished two years' Mulkey Block, Second and Morrison Streets Oregon Law School Terms $60 per Season . ; ' Lectures hy"-; proniinent 'tittorneys V and jurists 7 Art Department PatnUneT ta Water Colon and Oil. Charcoal and Free- L Hand Drawing. Sketcalng, :r.r : . ." BO) Bl.vw B . mlOB lllllWsT( wBwBhVannwB Piano Department Wiaanlfa, wsJeae and Baaja. anam. jl m. vzubt. WhhwwB1.00 Miss Mae Rosa. BJaB...TBa TO Me and pupil free. .weaav si raaaewhi ngurea. ... ARGUMENT afpxt a boIcwoa. arudy at the medical eolleg of WlUam- ett aniversity. Th bride la a gradu ate f the Monmouth normal school, and Is proficient In music They will flMk. their future home In Portland. - Herbert A. Burke and Mlaa Gertrod H. Clssaea were married Tuesday even ing at ah bride's bom In Vancouver, Wash. Rv. William F. HU read tha oeremony. : Tha rosea were -taatafully decorated wtth viaea and flower. Mum Ethel Durgaat and Henry- H, (Continued on Pag Eighteen.) Elocution. Oratory and ' Dramatic Art - VEUIAM B O. Dester Paul, ' Mra. Louise Godard, ' aw ...TBa TO B.a0 Foretgncf, KDfHsh Uteratm, MMJL Je H. BAUKR. , DANCING Children s asocial Class. BflanV a I fUPa , r . vTXUUAM M. MARaaVB, '. WAaswjnnuWMklT erOteetral playing f AMPMJtrp Meatkly goeml hep ta . furnish etagera for ehnreh ehoara OAVA&eeirm.