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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1904)
.I- w Bishop Potter's Tavern - iyH In Various Patrons. Undoubtedly th TMtMt evil that " 'v l awukf come from m rouoaina- t. .imm aurb aa th Subw .1 Vk tovera would b th xtonBln of th drink habit among women. A in sn I loon tutu generally, wow-m k T 4 th fur mnM Whet W WlMI i ltauor la served the.- There ara also J ' ..'' ktamerous ber ball and gartlen. these t-V aaoatir to Oermsn and Huagarian aoigh ' ' borhooda, which woman patronise freely. . - - itavtnlU th 'irat named, tha back 1 roomajruia doubtful If many iMpMtablt '-,v womm ara la tha habit f frequenting them. At least it la fair to aeaume that :. those who no ara mora or laaa anralssa '.-'-mt their reputations, sines reepertable ' womn So not deliberately rub aibowa v wltb tha othar kind- A toxg number of rv'iprfctly raputabla women do go to tha v back door with tin palls. Than1 va t end young hl)dren and i it la no in- . .7 . -. , aMararlalne youogetsr to ssrv a beer-carrier for half a dosen famlllee in a tanotnamt This atato of affairs, tt la wall known, oariats tot only to tha lower part of taw but te all quarter wharo th .working classes and tha moderatsry poor llv. The Harlem back door la a boot aa wail patronised by woman and ehlldrea as . those oa tha vast sld. - Thara tk Httla queetion as to tha r- itablllty of tha womea wan go u kw haiia. Thare the compear hardly mora mixed than at tha vr- -Broadway. restaurant. noway, nan ara not afMa soan la boar halls wnad. - Thar aa with wow-aus-aa wltb tbatr man friends. . th.. .uutki Aaua la thai -TmaAmV ahloon lie to tha opening of opporta nltleo ta drink alone, exlateo sow only lis back rooms, wboro tha bsttsr elaas of worklaa; woman do not shoosa ta as. Tha aalooa ffara tba prlvUeges of tha Eae Jlah pablls bona. How far tha unhappy ondltloa of tba English lowar-claaa aromaa to to bo attiibutad to tha public house is, of oouraa, aot tajb wcidd ff Baend. , It moat b admitted that trh ubwy Invsrn doss aot so lax appear a serious airnara as far a womaa ere concerned. The only alcoholic drink ssrTOd them to Boer, and oovparatlTely few calls for that mild, beverage ara sand la tba Bourse of the day. - Considerable misapprehension eaaosrn fmc tha woman's room In tha tavern atill axiats. oaaplta tha publicity tha place baa basa slvaa. Tba room la a email one tannins directly oa Bleecker street. It onnsots with a oafs by awlnains doors, sukd oontalnsv besides tha soda-fountain, with its usual row of atoola half a doom amall tables and tba elsar aountars of the aatabilshmsnt. The windows are -uaaoreened and the doors stand wide smea, so that whoever an tars la la ktela wiow from lbs Street. - Tw hours of an afternoon, from watU 4t, and one hour In the evemlac Trom t to It, were spent la tha room on Monday. Durin the afternoon the soda ' -watar fountain did a ltraly bustnasa, tha arrant majority of tha patrons aelna Shea. In the two hours tl womaa aams In. Of -these seven bought beer. The rest drank Ice-cream sods. Of tba bear i drlnkers,Toor wore esoortet by man, ap ' naronUy their husbanda. Oas elderly .: Jrishwomaa. unesoortad, draaft bear. fjooa after sbo loft twa warnan of ajulta smother elaas entered. -They wora tysa . al Bowery woman, tba younajar one na aueetlonahly a womaa of tha atrsata. Tba other was old 'and apparently In temperate. They bssltatsd at tha door , sued wandered rather helplessly around T tha room before they decided that the beer was purchasahlo at the soda-water , fountain. They drank oaa class apleoe. : amlllnaly oonaratulatad each ether oa ' tba ooallty, and departed. These woman wars tha oaly doubtful characters to aa ' year. Tba rest ware of a aood olass. ' neatly drmsid and perfectly wall bo " " haved. Not one asked for a saaond alsaa f beer. ..,-. From S:M to hundreds atf worklna; women factory girla. "aboa girla and v wthara paaaart tha tavern oa tbatr way aastwaid to their homes. They drifted tn onae ta a while and eonsumea lea araao soda. Many looked tired and iworn, but aot sir refreshed herself inithbser, Th wnMkrltv Af the soda-waiar foun i taui haa not dlmlnUhed since tba tsv ara was opened, la that part ot town tha soda-water Is apt to be poor, with ' . manufactured extracts Instead of fresh . fruit syrups. At tha tavern tha beet 1 materials ara used, and tha fountain Is v kept as Immaculate aa la tba best va L y town astabllshmanta. It m tha bops of tha maaacemeat to create ouch a llklnc for soda that men as wall as -woman wlU prefer It to stronger drmk. One day tha manaaor ot tha tavern, with that j laudable object In Tiaw, sdvertieed a baxsala sals of soda at two iasnas for f eents. The Hebrew population of the -stalahboThood end beyond tt osjna In ., crowds. Many drank two to four . ajlassas before leaving ' By f 0eloek te r the evealna the fountain was asfbausted. That - tha nelrhborhosd appreelates '- ejood beer and whisky also la evident. , Aooordtng to Joseph Johnson, Jr a ea ' loon la the aext block, where notorlooa 'i ly bad llouor was sold, was dbllgad to y doss Its doors within three weeks after tha tavern opened. From theAomt of view of the backers oi ine eawrpnee. t this la an immediate vietory. 1 If tha torm might be made ppllcablB In matters literary. It to decidedly "be tween grass snd hay,' In ths book world. Ths shelve ot th dealer begin to look absotutsly lonesome and deserted; ths last summer loiterer have bought most th rsssalning Mock of vacation books, ar of th kind th dealer would U -vara tlon storlea." and 'light read ing meet of tt being ee extrenMlr light and frivolous It to told on th shelvee of deserted cabin. - for next surnamCa tjuMta, ar tumbled out ef tb hsmmoHi to beooma a prey to th wee ther, with tisvwr a thought of giving tt a permanent hoses In th library sf th town house. nh mrmuT la that the oa Der' covered book which had such vogue a few years ago should -not hav naa a mora onnur . hig plaoe, owing to then low price, but avldently th publishers have known 1 . how to esrer to thto taste, and have met , It with aach gorgsously bound books. ' With such fetching designs, that the 1 ?:' summer boy and girt hav not been , He to resist their stirs at lows aad yeeHy great snnw of asonoy at ta '. vested tn thto unprofitable sly is af Md- lag matter. . " Th publlahlng house. however, like .. ; th milliner and th haberdasher, have their fssbtons and seasons, and with V the ftomlns; Of longer wventnge and Cooler day and che retr to th bu- of life, the publ labors ar endlng out sdvanoe notice of very mash Im proved and high trad book. Katur - ally torg prontag ar on topic r coining to th far aast. particularly -a and Kuaeta. Soma aosltont ti .1 tome 1 One olass of drinks hi barred from tha Bodefoaateta aa rlaoroualy aa gin or whlaky. and that Is the patent "bra oar." It la the opinion of the nwnagament that these drinks are positively eMetarwas, la which they are backed up by tha tes timony of reputable pbysJciasa. Mr. Johnson ' formerly lived to a southern prohibition elty, ta which one of the hest-kaowa of these stimulating- deeoo tlons emanated, and where It la con sumed by the gallon- There practical ly ovary one In town has tha habit. Clerks and office men are hardly able to go ta tbelr work until they have had four or five glasses, according to report and tha laboring population Is ahnoet as bad. It would be Interesting- to gather medioai statistics af this oeeomunltr. - The evening boors at tha tavern -ara naturally tba liveliest. There were per haps M woman there la the oourss Af ah hour. Frantically all were properly es corted One woman who la said to bo a regular patron brought her satire fam ily of amen children one in a baby-car- jiaga. She sat down at one of the ta bles, ordered a glass of beer for hereon and soda-water for tha children, and sat for half aa hour, apparently an laying the leisure of It, The children looked nancy: - A groat many out-of-town visiter drift la. and many uptown man bring their mothers and slatsra-awwa ta sae the place; The mother usually heel la tee outside tha door, and muea persuaeloa Is aoasssary to Indues her ta enter even the annex to V saloon. Finally ah makes hold ta enter, and alps bar soda water silting- oa .the edge of bar abalr. Bar sua opens a eraok of the door lead ing to the tavern and Invites tha woman to look. After mush misgiving they sol emnly peer in, the mother anaking bar bead dubiously at the sight. The group of aast-stde youths and maldeoe at th next table find thin sort of thing vary dlvsrtln-T-oae of tha attractions of the tavern, la fact. It bAppeasd ssvsrsi tlmoo la tha oouras of aa bouit It la proposed to serve only sods at tha fountain after the rathabellsr la the basement 1 opened, although, this has not bean fully decided upon. Women will .probably not bo admitted ta tba rathskeller without mala escorts, al though this rule will aot be altogether Inflexible. Th management is deter mined to hasp the alsos thoroughly quiet and orderly. Nrw York Foot, , mm . ,;. gchools Ars Better Witfa Woman on Board. - In aa address oh "School Menaces- at, New Tark, reeently Inspeo- toy James l Hugnee or Toronto maoa a strong plea for women oa school boards. Hs urged the appointment la every com munity af two or mora womaa of leisure and sultlvatlo who would be willing to ri present the women of their city in public educational work. "women," said Mr. Hughes, "hew a right to direct representation at arery step la tha training af children. They have aa la- atlnotlv Idea af what - m proper in education. It ahouM be possible to find tw or three such woman la every city. School boards and school ar infinitely better oft with women on tha board.- Jndg O. W. Powers and ths Road Club Incidsnt. - ... Ji Jfl a erave and serious matter to ha v the women of thl city attacked and their hospitality called Into question before so repree ehtttlv a body of peo ple aa th American MinlneT Congreee. It Is mora than a matter of local impor- taaaa, for 1U effects will be far-raacb-laat . The word dropped by Judg Pow erd af Salt Lake City worn Ilk stones dropped Into a placid stream; they aulas hod and oast us a rtiey spray, put a they sank tba ways and rings cir cled outward and will eventually reach th horn af rry mas who -participated ta th oavantloa or wherever its pro- osedlaga ara shronicled. It may be touched at; tt may be derided and be littled br those who wish to make light of Its stgnlfloanoe, or attribute it to th "venerebliity af Judg Power whlcn received auch frequent mention from oertala sou roes during th oonvention. but the fact ramalna that th hospital ity and good fast of at least a part of tha womaa of Portland was sailed Into question by guost of th olty. It Is a serious chars, a w nave sau, ana made doubly rtoua osmiT frpm a man like Jadgo Powers. Ontsid of Portland wa have never beard th jodgWg as atarad op against him. Tru it Is, h is a longer youta fuL bat ho has aot tha weight of years whloh preclude a lar Tlsloa or a Just understanding. ' It must als b tnksa lata aoastdara- tlpa that H U not as much ths snows of zhany winters that have whitened his hair as th a! moat single-handed battle ha has fought for years la the state of his adoption that th horn might be kept lavtombt aad womaa raised to the blgh dignity of wlfs and mother lor whloh God Intended her. Through th heat and burden of th day Jadge Pow er fought Mormonlsm to a finish, and if not entirely breaking Its backbone. crippling it to such aa extent that It will never again rear Its hydra bead to tha ersrmstlna dishonor of -womanhood. This is not meant to justify what Judg Pwrs aald: we would aot. If we oould. attempt to held the eoalee aad pronounce 3 - of travel ar promised and a araat! amount than ever aeror ov enuaiwa tuvtk. n. 4ha rail anil rhrtattnaa SrsdS ar announced. House seem to be vic ing with sack other to produo ad se cure the best loventls matter, which to promising sign, for- tb uiy creations that war gotten up a few year ago for children, and were hardly food for Idlota. ar vanishing, and ta raal nourishment to taking their pises. Aaaoag hl totter ela to th book promised by tas Mscmlllsns by Jacob A. Rita, whs baa been spending; the um mar tn Copenhagen and has Just flnlsbsd otorreotlne; th proof of hi new book, "Is There Santa Clausr Som children wrot t aak him that question, aad th book to his ipiy. ' Ttoetor Tam" Is another booh prom ised by th MscmUlan to the antuma. It to by Dr. John W. Street w. author of "Th Fat of th Land,' which to bow ta Its fifth edition, and thto last work of D Street er to said to be quit tb anal, tf not ths superior or ta urn. - Th Century will tosua aa unusually lam number of book for box ad girt thto fall. Among them will be a new Brownie book by Palmer Con, tell ing of th Adventure of tb Brownies la h Philippine; "Klbun Dalsen, or from Shark-Boy to Merchant Prince." by a Japeaeeo writer: Xocy and Their Matosttea." In whfcch Madams Tossands wan-works figure, by U. U Fartoon, and aaaay othar by uJly s good a-rthor nrh Watchera of th Trsfl; a Book of? Animal Lif mt Charts rj. D. Rohm. Mmneroua hf biBba, by i V s.1' HAW, FRESIDHNT "TfATIONALj ABSOOIATION. judainsBt and gay who wsa; right or wrong, but It la said beeauaa wa kaow that Judg Fowora 1 neither sao1dsrd aanlla nor aaosatlonali that; bis words oarry weight aad toflusaoo and whea they ar used to condemn th acts of women they will resound through more eta tee than Oregon and Utah. They will be accepted without tb provocation being questioned. , Mors Is ths pity and mor th necessity for a careful watch over our every action When we ar en tertaining strangers ths coming year, many of whom of necessity will be comv parattve strangers to us. Ws will be unable to meaeuro th extent of tbelr influence abroad as,- for saampl. tb most unfortunate feature of this whols occurrence la that- th reproach should hav fallen from th lips of Judge Pow ers. v Oa th other hand, the women of Portland have Just- cause for feeling ag grieved, and reseat the singling- out of women la naming tha Rosefolub, which la mad up of fully as many men aa woman, and It 1 only fair to supposs that m distributing rases ta public men or oa public oocaslons, where the thing have ta be delicately and tact fully doaet tt Is by ooneent and vote af the body. ' Few organisations wish to tend for Individual acta la tba sya af tbo public Agtdn, If ths women of the Ross club alone were responsible for the act that offended Judge Powers, tha' motlvs and not th aot ahould have been discovered, for th woman who are members of thla most commendable and beautiful organ isation ars many of tbem, like Judge Powers, past life's meridian, and not apt to be carried away with pyrotech aiosl oratory, good look or a magnetic yolc. If In a moment of overwrought ntbusiasm thsy were betrayed into lav lehlng flowers upon tha "upper dog," there could have been no oontemplated Insult to Utah, when Its foremost rep reecatattve had don so much for tha emus of woman. ' Ther in, however, a Wsson.ln It for th woman of th stats and elty. For ths year to cams we wlU stand la ths relative position to tb reet of th world aa hostess and guest. Thar Is aothlhd In stats, city or individual that so per fectly distinguish th "thoroughbred" as the art. of entertaining. There Is nothlna that eon be painted ta o many bus and eotorj, snd yet may blend so beaut If ill ty as hospitality. If ws paint in ay th word Impllea It is not great, oetentatloue splaehe; It 1 aot the striv ing for great things, and much Isss the neglect of th little- onea It 1 simply th art of making others nappy, and In the doing It leave no hurt to ourselves or otltsrs benino it. Where ther Is but on guest to asrva, t requirements ar not aa sxactlng: but In th houseful our ewa personal feelings often beds us about and make Our duties doubly onerous. This will be ths case wltb tba many convent ions that are coming to us next yssr. They will come out to supposedly neutral ground to discuss, perchance fight out, their various tssuss. In our own bom W would asvsr "take sides" la a con GOS5IP OF this aatbor, hav proVeh Mr. 'Roberts not Only a graceful and easy writer, out n flatretlng tory-asller, far beyond tha a varan. Booka of fiction may be, and often ara, eucceeafully written with out th author having personal spa rleno with th aubtoot mattor, but urh book a Mr: Roberto writes contain valuable fart, interesting bits f wood craft, stories snd the resinous odors of mountain, valley, stream and forest that oaa only b galnsd by personal sontaot with Such surroundings. It mean nlghta spent in th prime rat forests, r long tramps through underbrush, along ths banks Off turbulent streams or by quiet, patient watching In sun or shad ow, but beyond sll sis tb auooossful writer, on ulject of animal Ufa, must possewa aa Inborn love for th ubsots of his stostcs. and sa nnliaritsd pftr ereranc In Its etudy. and an spprscuv tie and understanding af th solemnaty and grandeur of nature. All the es sentials Mr. Roberts posseeee to a high oea-ree. and therein f lie th harat f his stories. . - Thla uw hank. "Tha WstchOra fit th Trtl." to oa of tb most Interesting h has ver written,, and one or in hsndsomest nreaeMLed tb past year. Ita evqulslt dslioscy, it wealth of in formation and beautiful feohnVque can not fail to delight both old and young and will Interest J msn ar woman, as It must fesclnats a boy or girl from tha first to th 1st. f tha M stories tained within Its cover. - 'The Freedom of the Rlsok-facsd Rsm." would lnsurs to Itsslf thb aucceas af th beak. A pretty atory to i aad h. y - WOMAN'S SUFFRAOB troversy between twa InvlUd guest, neither should w as a elty. It will b our put ta greet each an with th same kindness, and during their stay to glvs tbem equal honors and do aa tha aooompllsbad hoe ease always sue ossds la doing sending tbem away with tha impression -that thsy individually were th - moat weloome and distin guished gueete la th. party. In thla way other stones may be dropped whose wsves may In time outride those created by an altogether unpleasant and unfor tunate incident. - v..-, : ' If : Barbaric Ceremonies Christening Russian Heir. - If anything- wag needed to emphasiss ths semi-barbaric eondltlon of Russia, tt would be th aomp and pageantry, tha superstition and mummery, Incident to the christening Of little Romanoff. , Xt would only take a darkey "mammy" bout two minutes to solve an of th problems, or gtv on reason, at (east, why the bod lee of the poor llttl roy alties ar puny and nsrvo-mclKd, We ar told a proceeeioa of alidad coaches accompanied tha nrinc from Alexandra villa to . the ehuroa. Tha child waa carried by Princess Oalatsin, mistress of th emprees' household. In a gilded etate oarrias, drawa by alaht white aotsas. Following th coach was aa ascort of Cossacks armed with lances. At the church the esar and ths dowager em press led tba procession, followed by other member of the imperial Xamlly. Th ohrletMlnaT party gathered at th font, tb Infant parried by Prtncsss Oal atsin and tb cushion upon which It wss born being sua parted by general Rlchter and Prince Dolgorouiki. aid de-camp to the esar. Ths metropolitan anointed tha child's hands, brssst and forehand with holy oil and th infant was then lmmrS la tb water at fa font, Such a eereraony, tf nothlna- mora, to against tha rules ot nature, Inoonslstsnt wltb healthful methods la th oars of children, and sonduclv to Just such diseases ar peculiar to many of th royal families of Europe nervous de- Mllty and weakened vitality. ' Could any sensIM aeotaer lamaina a mora trrlnar ordeal than to have her baby taken from bar, whea ska waa yet unable to leave her bed. and put through such pace as th heir to tba thren af Russia was eubleote to mm wa. Th first thing to atamp th whole thing belonging to a past ag was th atter dlsrogsrd paid 4 any elsira the mothr might Av la determining the welfare af th child, or pleasure she mlaht take tn Its glory and honor. - civ lllsed nations have oeroe to rssognls a mother's nroprtetsry right la ner cniio. up to oertala ags at toast, and its oosi lnss and solns or subtoct to her com mas u, and never under any clrcum Unoes should be t Ue dlctatee of cus tom or state, neither of which could accurately determine whether a ahild of 1 days was physical ly abls to stand ths strain whloh Is tmpossa or tas eus SOME CURRENT BOOKS entirely now In ooaceptlo -from most animal itorles that snd with a tragedy. "Th Alton of th Wile," and "Tha Return to the Trail" ar charming torles. intending to show that domestio lire anflta ths wild animal for hi re turn to hie native haunts, and likewise th tb wild llf unfit tb domestic animal for ivlllaatlOB, There srs 41 full page Illustrations by Charle Livingston Bull, and many smaller ana scattered throughout the book. '-.. Every detail af th book to oarfeet and consistent, and any on might con sider himself fortunate to b able to add It to hi library, where It won Id be a valuable acquisition to a ollecsioa of work on natural hlitory. I C. Page CoBostoa. Plies, ti.r0,, Irteh Literature Thto ' lt-vnlume anthology, of Wbloh JTuatln McCarthy to editor ta chief, is to be published by John D. Mom a Co. of Fhllsdelphla and alms, in Mb McCarthy words. o glva to the, reading world a ompr henelve. if only a rapid, glaao at the whole development of literary art In oross and nostrv. front th opening af JreJand's history.' Tha managing editor la Mr. vnane Welsh, whs supplies two of tbo special article. "A Brief Olanc at -Irtoh His tory," "Th -Fairy and Folk Tla of Ireland." while Mr. W. B- Tat treete of "Mndrrn lrih Poetry." Dougi Ryds of Sarly Irish Llterafniw," Mor ris Franel ICgsa of "Irish Novels, D. i. 0Dontghu of tr1h Wit and Hu Ssepha Oywaa sff "i msa tones of Russia at tba ohriatsnlng of an hair to th throne. It I to bo euppoeed that empresses ar obnstructd of th same human ale merits ss all other mothers, and tha strain, tha anxiety aad tha loaaina- to make one af the party to thla national ceremony of which th son, to whom sh ha sivan birth and for whoat sake ha dawn into tha "valleif ml ths shadow f deeth." is th ntr, would be eaough to wraea tn gamnn os me WHI wOt ' PsBawsfrawaV ' " Ther has been no ertemy of th esmr- Im mm. Mnvalantlna.' Bona a bitter OS hmiM aa tka dowaas amnr. whea only girls came ta th hem of ths esar, and that she. wha has mad th bed ridden mother's life unbearable ax ume. should be th high functotum oa this occasion border cloeely onto tb hea then customs of China and recall tha ancient Individual who instigated ths boxer massacres, ' ' Wa ara further told, the Russian Kid survived th holy anointment suffl elsntly to b. "Invested wltnsth tnslgnla of th order of St Andrew." but tt prob ably remained for tha motbar alone to kaow bow mueh gooe grease sad satsup It inmtm ta hrlnar him around to a normal condition again, and free bis llttl lung from holy inoenss ana soui - st n St , r What Rhode Island ' :vN' Club Women are Doing.' - - tk nAPt vram Rhode IilaBd re vealed several novel features. Bald Mr Johnson, president of th federation: Aoooraing to our oonstivutHm club la th atate 'federation Is repre ssntsd oa th executive board by a dh wnlnatM hv the Club. tttUB giv ing each club direct representation, and aoo, director si expected te ssport to her club th deliberations of tbo meeting. Our present club membership la twenty- en. xr. vv atandlnsT committee en arts n m Jtivii Mrvlce reform. dub catlon, reciprocity, and traveling libra- rlaa. We also nave a jinenoe who duty It la to apporuoa to yeany Inoom. ' Th oomtnltte a ducatIon. wttb to halp of the cluh which the chairman rep- k. aMtirMl the naaafese of a bill authorising the tverd of education to msh nrovlMoa for me inairwuun, their borne, of th adult blind residents of this stata. In February we oeUbrated oat tntn anniversary, when ws bad ths honor of !.. mm mt nut ur genesai feder ation president. Mrs. Denniaon, As sn outcome ot Wis meeiins; nnyo tk himAr of ranortlnaT a hegtanlns of what wa hopa Aad pwl will be an sooorapiianmsni vmn other stats ass reported. In planning for this anniversary B tnm th nsotosity for a elubhouaa was so forcibly demonstrated and Us ad dress given at this meeting by tha presl dsnt i the Worowiter. Woman's Crub Hons oorporatloa ss srouaed th en thusiasm of tha club women that the stat executive beard appoint a com mittee to take all. Msaiinr oP" to ward ta forming of cluhhous or poratioB. So much tnteresv has been ahown amce th project began to take definite form as to surprts n th most sana-uln of tie promoter. A lerg "mount ot stock scribed for by mors than twa hundred aad fifty women. ' - The elubhouaa win a oaHed Church Ill Houaa. thus perpetuating the name of one early identified with club InUreeta tothVstotoTEllsabeth K. ChurchUL ths founder f our td.,la, th. ho Inland Woman' lub. - ' . W hope t th neat biennial to report th oompletie of atoto tadaraUoa olubhou. - ' f oV ts ' vv" Arhama That OUTS a Anneal to Club Women, i '' From theBoefon TtansertpTs wb column hi token this Interacting aeeount of th freak sir undertaking of th Mother snd Fathers club of Boston. Xt has been aa ambition of th elub dur ing th three years of Ita sxistsne to bav a farm to which children of the poor might be cent every summer, wher they might not only improve In health, but gather a store of information which could never com to thus in their own cramped neighborhoods. This summer the ambition baa been realised far tbo first urns, and at a pretty country borne at Eesdlng- kf being earned sa a dsilght ful experiment in aoclal work. Mm, Rle. 'president of tb aiuh, to spending th entire season at th farm, and with her for period of a week or longer club member ars giving their time and sympathy to th Work of mothering th llttl city Ylritor. Bays the Transcript: "On ths farm the children work, pulling weeda eartag for the vegetable garden, picking berries for a few hours each day, so that they may hav a llttl of th ootnfortabl feeling that nso after one has bees useful. Indoors they assist wltb th houeewonk. Msny ot them hav never known f a family table, hav never beard of a napkin, and can't eee what forke ware ever Invented for when a knife serves so msny purposes. But as a part f their outing, and not as a Mt tralnlns. ther aoaulrs habits and manner that will stay by tbem forever. Thsatro," to, Brtf. blograpblc! skstchrs of each author whose works r sxempllfled will accompany ths extract. Portraits and photographic scenery will constitute the illustrations, in sddltlon to facstmlls of illuminated MBS. old prints and th Ilka Th tenth vol ume to given up to tb Cvltl language and to Isrgely bilingual, th t ran elation facing the text. Ths total showing will be to manr leaders a veritable sxpan sloa sf Irslsnd. so msny great name ars involved for whloh Bnglsnd oom monly gets the glory. . "Bdlnbargh and It atry" Mr. OH phant Smesrons' book, just published by th MscmUlan company. Is illustrated very much a was Mr. Thomas Okey'i "Vesica and It Story," whloh appeared last fall. - Famous portraits of Edin burgh' a Worthies and other panting sr reproduced Hehly tn color;- and tber ar many fin drawing by Mr. Herbert Rail ton. Mr. Smeaton has much to say Of th re law of Marf and the ether Stuarts; but most sf hi space Is given to description of th boautl, snd, sttractlons of tb preerA-dsy town. In all, the book contain ill illustra tions. : ' ; Madam for Septsmber contain a new fend Unique feature, A "Legal Depart ment" to Introduced, conducted by Harry A. Btoeaat. a reognlsed au thority. Thie department to sonduoted tn to mtereet of tb reader of Madam, wh ar invited to consult tt on any le gal pdnto. Ho charge j whatover to mad far soaaultaUea, aad aU ustloaa if they oontlnu to b among th farm's annual visitors fos a few years. ... Juat as quietly and unobtrusively as th ladls at th farm Instruct ths children In table meaner do they, through thou reading aad talks, impart deep moral tossons that must la ataay tagtoaoai fall on good ground." Wa am mwiutlA KMUIIM to HT thai OlS- gen is la such dire need for borne where children oaa at aa auung ana nan taught to da useful things, aad get soma Instruction la ' deep moral tosson' aa well as tools manners. To those who hav worked among th poor ot tb city, or oom closely to touch with tb shelter ing homes tor children, however. It will be nothing nsw to learn that ther ar many children In Portland to whom such aa outing a that given by tb Father mi Uft. ftiuk nf Baaton. would mean a winter of health and happiness, and a start along the road to better morais aau In On Italy bettor manners. To b sure children1 d not hav to languish for open wood and rresu sir m rortiauo, iw tbey can have tbem for th going after. It Is aot a radical change, and In a ftw hour tbey must return, saeay of tbem, to squalor, stench and flies. Impossible 4 mmmit UUI ItuM kM AhlldreU. rlSht ta Oregon, waa' don't know the use Of knife or fork, and hav never gaxnsrvu around tool to eat a meaL Fortunately, while tt sometime token a feneration to create refinement. It doss not take lng- to Implant, tn a child, a disgust for hrutalisad llvtaa and a few r,Amw mm1 IbAiuBM mutht b a day of regenerating grao ta ths lives of hundreds of Oregon children. At Clear- hart para were suu nww r that waa built tn laU for a Chautauqua m.6 whloh lata !. for B StB- son. oooverted hi to summer school building, both of which enterprises failed, ww. K..4t ia hi . fair atata of s reser vation. Ideally located and oould be mad over, at little expense, into a eomrsrui horn for thirty or forty children, leav m mmii tar ltvlna DUTDoae such as kitchen, dining-room. te. Ths Oregon Federation of women nuw au bee working- rather imleaaly sino It first - accomplished several laaislaUv bllla Why might It not give om at tention to thla auggeaUoar Th building hi ther. th children certainly ar ready, and-AlL thM to rr " Henry Ward Beecher oao said. Is to "bring on your tanauo la tacut.tbework. - , Mrs. Rebecca Buffura ' f" Sprinff. Rernar kabst Weian.r , On Juns U a very remarkable woman celebrated her 114 birthday. Mrs. Spring hi an active member f tha U Angstos Friday Morning club, and Ua member gav her a beautiful reception at their olub'homa, Th feature of the even ing was a play written by Mrs. Spring's daughter. Mrs. Jennie PeL It wss In one act and proved very entertain! ng Mrs. Spring he reel, took, the title role of Queen Rebslls, and looked imposing In her velvet robes. Sh to fully squsi to rind dramatlo eftort, as tbo real ised who heard her rcit 'The Feet of th Toung Men." Another episode of th evening waa th reading of a birth day poem by Its author,. Mtoa. Thoodora Ta,fjal lea f Rebecca Buffum wa bora tn and tn ltt married Mr. Mareua Spring, the ene of th merchant princes of New York. They want eeveral time to Kurope, loving tb enrichments sf na tufa and-heart that travel brings. One while la Sweden Mrs, Spring dined wltk Queen Marte, tb widow f Chrlrttan VII. wh mad known to th world tb ealus of Hens Christian Andeiwen. Sh was also present ot tha last oourt hall at the Tuuieries to tha reign af Louis PThrnnamsd W;of and Mr, flprina wa ideal I jr happy oaring the 40 yesrs tbey were together. After his death she removed to Los Angela, with her daughter and four grandehtMren. Her home priously had been tw Fsrth Amboy. N. J., where th large Spflng ee tats was situated. , Reared tn th Quakor faHh, Mrs. Spring; sever attended a theatre until after her marriage. Sh ta a grott f vortto and has a hopeful, happy tem l trm in t Hsr stors of remlnlsoenoes to Insxhauatlhl aad aha hag known many of th greet man and women of her tlm. She to vary activs and goes everywhere unattended,- aeornlns; tha Id that she cannot trnfr ear and dtooovar tooalltlsa aa weU a bar e- -T- to a ernma. to admlr and raver. Hsr dauntless course, her in spiring cheerfulness, ner aeon " humor, her aordml ympethy wUh the lot ere ta of others hr brllltont mind nnd her foundation of common senee snd weetneM, make her an xampls foe th world to follow. The yeere oanoot d a turb hsr fountain of perennial youth, and she to on mor vldenc of th power of th mind over th body. i Tbo Oregon women Who visited Lea Angels st tha tlm of tbo biennial and renrmbr Mr. Sprlna ss ooof th centml flgnrs st that-aasmably, win b glad to hoar of bar continued good hMlth. and echo their oongrstuUtlon upon th fact that sh has passsd th sd milestone and rmai Just aa tasr remember her. ar promptly snswered In the order f- aatvarf BhniUil a naraonal VenlT b d- Blred, a dlrot answer will be sent at th sarltsst poasibla momsut. Thto to only one f th many dtoUaot faatarsa whioa Madam offers. , . , Hrht Krolutlon of a Chump Th power of oharacter, of fixed and de termined devotion to aa Meal, to win th reward e of th world, even tov Itsslf. is ffectlvly shown In a -- story by Charles Fleming Bmbree, tolled "Th Chump' In September MoClurCa Th hero, lowly born, a "chump" la all that outwardly bespeaks the man, boss hto Immediate duty and doe It, fixes hto syv en hto high destr and moves un waveringly to tt. Ths story roues th slnosr sympathy and. totrab of th reader who follow Martin Hods through path low and high with keen est spprsclatlon, and rejoice with Blm tn hto final triumph over hto environ ment, over himself. Th evolution of -Th Chnaap," hto rtoe to gauin araa-Seur,- to a atory full of human nature and told In simplicity and stranyth. It Is thoroughly, Amerlsaa. a tru refl tloa of an Intereetlng phaa of llf tn the middle west, -buolua Hltoaoook, faT nishs th exoellent Ulustrgla . ' "The Amsrlean Novel In TBnf1eh4" If anything war wanting to oontrovert th statement oft refected tn both ng laad aad hsr. that Amrloaa fiction to being soUly received In Bnalsnd. it might b found la ths following quota tion In a review of Rom SV Toung a novel ot Mission Ui,-0ail Of MJasourl," inaum iiasoina ot , - ewis and Clark Party. v.t "Nothing rusoseds Ilk uocos has been verified again ta th matter of th ' statu to SeoajawOBM tha heroin of toe lwto aad Clark ssaadttioa. .. la a little gathering of tha Oregon history clsa of th Woman'a club, at th home of on f th members, Mrs. Uv aTrnsry Tr th author of that . wonderful book. "Th Cenqueat," was , present. In dlseasstng tba book tha at tention of thoas pressnt was' called to th fact that tba auto had proposed a statu to Sasajawe and laatoatly ' oams tbo susaeeUoa from the auther herself: "Why not erect tt a a memorial for tb Lewis and Clark fairr The seed did aot fail upon barren around, and Inside of a mantlt a r ganisatloai was farmed with that object In Ttow. Day, weeks and month tbsss few women hav atruggled. to bring tha mattor before th puMla, tried t make them see that sha, Sas4ws, th llttl Shoehone Indian woman, (ad tbo wy, snd It would be th playing of Hamlet with . Hamlet left out to oom- -mssnorato th ewntonntol of tb xpdt tlon aad oeord bar a rveosnltkm. 1 Whr people outaid of tha Stat ware reached th idea took fir at one, and tha press scat and south were lend la. their praise of this nsw found heroine; th demand for 'The Cenqueat." where tb whole story oould ha found, was doubled and over and over as la th association- was "Bongrtulatd upon ro)lng Oregon to th privilege f eon- -trtbutlng to the statu But lethargy seemed to envelop the state. Hera and ther a woman would -arouse herself. r snd her town would respond, "bur tha mild inter, th men felt was madden ing, until lot up front tb south cam th governor ef California and at a banquet, before th most dletlnguiahed msa of- both stats, poured forth a Sow ' of oratory of which , Bacajawss her herotom snd her service ta tb expedi tion wa th central thought. Beauti fully he drew ths picture of this India a -maiden, leading tba way for the heata. of civilisation to follow, and In author! tattv tone said ths fair would not bo cSmplt tf her statu waa aot ther facing th river, with her am oat (sTretcnecl, pointing; th way from Or gon to th orient. Three day aororo thto th actottn bad. with fear and trembling, drawn a aheek for tt. and eent it to Miss Alios Cooper, th artist af Chicago, tailing her to "go forward" and $J0Q par month would bo sent be until th statu waa completed, srhlle they knew that their assets were con noeed almost wholly of unbounded faith. ' Thsy had an unknown heroine to honor with a IT, 09 statue, and a de pleted bank account, but their flrat pay- -roent wa scarcely -mad when thsy woks up to find tbelr heroine famous, and th moat representative man In tw states paying honor to hf memory.-. and ready to pay substantial tlibut la tostlmony of their Interest Th people of th stat should hav an Interest In thla statu. Jt sboulS be. ; and ha beea planned, to belong to the ' stats. Th women of tbo association, whlls argins; th outside towns to con trlbute, hav aa yet not naked Snythlng of th city, but ths tlm W spproohlng whsn th Interest that ha been, a, roused among th men of th city will make 1 necessary to ask .their oo-oporaUon In th work. It Is eonfldently heiteved thai when thla begins ths contribution, will ba so generous and that the whols matter will speedily be brought to a oloss. Th town outside of Portland hav see offered aa prises ths honor of unvsillng th statu and unfurling tha flag whloh will drop from It. Indepand eac ha won tb but by sending its J proportion flrst. and up to the pressnt Coqullle ha won th first by havlny t ant Sv tint th amount shed. Th publlsbsr of "Th. ConquMf-V MeClurg a Oo. fft Cbloago not gen erously donated' lit ooplea, which ar being given a prlsss for very l aent th association. Several town and schools hav taken ad van tags of thla offer to procur oa ar mor copies of this great story of th Lewis snd Clark expedition for their publlo libraries. Thto arte wilt be g1vn ajiUl'tb la volumes ar axhaustod. t v.,, . ( ,. st st. ') Reciprocity WUl . - r v - Benefit all Woman's Clubs.' - Th 'following letter baa been ami . to all th elub of th Stat Federation ' of Woman' club, and It to th earnest deetre of th reciprocity committee that many response win be mads. The reciprocity hraneh of atoto federation work la on of th moat important, and thus far ha rsootvid th toaat atten tlon, but It t aow hoped that thla will give It a new Impetus, and an lntorsst will be created In It at Baker dtyt Mount Tabor, Or.. Aug. U. The dab women of th Federated Chib ef Ore gon ar cordially Invited to partake of . th privilege of reciprocity. Bach elub 1 hereby earnestly requested to send to mo any paper of special merit, th value aad usefulness of thsm. to be passed upon by th "Reciprocity fiureuM and ths on deemed bsst to ba read at tha coming oonvention. - , . CARRIE & SHRBVB, ' Chairman of th Oregon Federated Reci procity Committee. front th Lltorary World of Ixmdan. "In- Sally sf Missouri' w hav ene mor proof that th art, of writing fic tion to flourishing well in America. I to aasy to find good qualities In this freeh.and convincing story a it to to flisu atone In cherrle.' OAS OOA. From th Hew Tork World.- When buslnesa ws don and tt was " tlm for sverrbody In the Tombs polio ' oourt to go homo yesterday afternoon, Charlsa An the, n of- th clerks, reached for hto coat, 1 Ha found It had ' fallen to the floor, and that th offto , oat bad token possession of It for a bed. Tb oat seemed indisposed to surrender , it . Anthes isvestlsmted and found th cat had twa raaaona for refualng-two tiny bitten. 'Well, I'll b darned r said th clerk. ' Just then the telephone bell rang and Anthes answered it. Whan b got baHt and triad again to get possslon of hi ' raiment be found th oat reinforced with three mor reasons, and .tba kitten sum be red flv. . ' Keep th old oat tjienl" said th' clerk to th eat, and borrowing on from a friend he toft her fa posseaaloa. r "When hotild a girl marry f asked tha elderly femal who was ddrlng the Blewldaughmo club. ' - -' "Wba sa get a ohaaoer rapltod s volos la tha audleae. . And th portaatou llne that fol lowed sesmad to Indteats that th santl ' msat was aoAnlmousl' tndord.